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hey guys welcome back to my youtube channel okay you guys so today i am here with friends what is up guys what is up guys huh huh oh no oh no stop stop you're not you're not no all right you are not doing this today so for this week's video i will be copying your brand for the entire day be sure to give this video a big thumbs up right now if you're excited and a big thank you to heinz test kitchen for sponsoring this video and without further ado let's get this video started let's go all right so first things first i guess i have to wear exactly what brent is wearing right now all right ready one two great all right so now that i have changed into brand signature attire i am going to guess what you do first thing in the morning what's that i think that you text piercing good morning and you know maybe you say like i don't think i've ever texted pierson good morning in my entire life so i'm gonna text pearson good morning i've never texted her good morning and i miss you so much what why would you say that because i'm being you for the day and i know that's what you do um so what do you do like first thing in the morning well um i'll go get coffee and then i'll start my day okay i actually really don't like coffee so all right you guys so we just arrived at the coffee place and bran i'll have whatever you're having all right here's our coffee here here goes nothing cheers all right lexi what do you think huh by the way i also tipped the barista in there a hundred dollars so do you know what that means i see so i have to go in there and tip the barista 100 you got that right okay so lexi just left to tip the barista little does she know that i only tipped five dollars uh sorry lexi and then my brother said he was just in here i need to do a hundred dollars so here's here's a hundred dollars because i'm copying him for the day wait what she has to copy everything he does for the day and he did sweat with a hundred dollars did he say he didn't get the barista a hundred dollars did you know he tricked me that's okay no keep it keep it yeah no definitely definitely yep definitely keep it all right brent do you care to explain why the barista told me that you didn't tip her a hundred dollars ah well dude but you know what it's all worth it they work really hard all right so brent has been driving and um i see i see some pies in the back there so um what's next on your agenda well uh today we're pranking jeremy i'm actually really down what exactly is the prank so we have three random people that are gonna be stationed everywhere throughout the city and throughout the day they're just gonna pie him in the face stop no let's prank jeremy all right mason so you're going to stay right here and we're going to put my friend and then i'm going to be me deluxing all right all right all right amazing get to work hi jeremy hello brent how are you doing i'm doing good how are you hey i have one request for you can you do it for all the viewers at home and and for me one time one time just one okay okay okay boom what's up guys welcome back to my youtube channel yeah what do you think do you want to go to hello dude no way [Music] sorry jeremy sorry about this prank man yeah i don't think we can be friends anymore okay so brent just sat down at the table so now i am sitting down at the table and now i'm going to put a blindfold on which means that you have to put a blindfold on oh god what's going on we have a little special surprise for you today so in front of us we have a chicken sandwich and some fries okay and we also have heinz crunch and heinz honey wrap jack okay so we're gonna try each thing with each one and we're gonna see how we like it okay so take your blindfold off stop no i'm not ready so the first thing we're gonna try is french okay all right i swear it is crash better pull this together because i haven't had chicken in seven years and i'm a little nervous grab your chicken sandwich all right and we are going to dip inside the crash oh this looks so good all right all right you so ready that's really good oh my gosh guys why i tell you this heinz crunch will change your life mm-hmm try it mm-hmm oh my gosh all right next we're gonna do the french fries okay so we're gonna get the french fry in the honey rachel because that's my preference okay oh my gosh that's really good um i really feel like i'm starting to become brand now that i am obsessed with this heinz crunch and heinz honey rocha okay so i think that we got our whole group hooked but i'm actually really happy that they combined two of like my favorite condiments together because i'm honestly not the biggest fan of like you know just chicken sandwiches in general yeah you know i i wouldn't have done that to you with the chicken but i was so confident in these new and unique flavors from time only heinz can create these unique new flavors from america's favorite condiments so thank you heinz and we will continue and we will continue to share the the passion and the share and the love of these two sauces so overall i think that heinz honey ratcha and heinz crunch makes like foods that you love or foods that you you know not not so love a lot better so i highly recommend that you guys try out heinz crunch and heinz honey ratcha i will put all their information down below what would you normally do right now i would normally prank you so so what does that mean i have to prank myself okay so let me get this straight you're gonna be pranking me and i'm gonna be pranking myself because you're lexie we're both friends so we all have to prank lexi and you're lexi you have to prank yourself guys this is backfiring all right so it's time to prank lexi by popping a balloon [Music] what all right so since i'm brent for the day it is now time to prank my little sister lexi oh my goodness look at this random box in the middle of the living room i wonder what could be in it i hope this isn't a prank on myself all right so we got some duct tape we're gonna be switching out the toilet paper for the duct tape [Music] no that was a good one though huh no it doesn't make any sense what are you talking about oh no no oh my gosh what could this be what you're gonna clean this up love brent did you do this i can't do that oh well then it must have been me oh that's the joke one two oh and what could this be who pranked me and put toilet paper in my pants i didn't do either of those things you're doing it to yourself oh stop you have to you have to reach that actually can't reach look that's not even funny but how is this funny so brent gets me hooked on heinz branch and heinz honey raja and then he puts it somewhere where i can't reach it sorry lexi stop obviously not you can't reach it i think you need a stool what are you lexi wow man is it hot in here it really is let's take our shirts off yeah good idea i wonder who else could take the shirt though guess she's not copying me anymore all right you guys that is it for this week's video i really hope that you guys enjoyed it and if you did be sure to give it a big thumbs up and also subscribe to my channel if you haven't already i will be linking bran's channel down below so you can subscribe to him as well and a big thank you to heinz test kitchen for sponsoring this video and yeah thank you guys so much for watching and i will see you guys next week bye you
Channel: Alexa Rivera
Views: 8,629,670
Rating: 4.9471898 out of 5
Id: krUK0l7zudk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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