We asked to see your JANKIEST PC setups... and you DIDN'T disappoint!

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all right guys it's that time of the month again well not my time of the month my time of the month is all month that's why i'm grumpy all the time but i digress today is time of our time of the month for talking about your jankiest diy homebrew whatever the crap it is you guys sent me setups i don't know why i do this to myself nzxt's build is a quick and easy way to get a new gaming computer and right now they're proud to announce expansion and availability to australia the netherlands france and italy build a gaming pc on your budget using the built-in configurator and see exactly how your favorite games will perform want to build your own pc but still have the nzxt peace of mind warranty then the new bld build it yourself kit has what you want buy it and build it yourself and nzxt has you covered to get started configuring or building your next gaming pc visit the build link in the description below so before we go ahead and get into your guys's jankiest diy home route setups and stuff i'm going to show you how you can add to your own jinkiness of your setup and that being with the j's two cents being mouse mat so i'm gonna go ahead and put this underneath uh my computer here just like you guys should and you guys can pick up your very own we still have a few left from our initial run of gaming mats they're pretty big they're 35 inches by 17 inches i don't know what that is in the other part of the world you all can convert it yourself because i use janky units here anyway moving on let's go and start it off with ben berninator 386. drunk door oh god voice correct puberty hit again i'm currently working on building a completely custom wooden case out of walnut but until it's ready this janky mdf which is multi multi-density fiberboard uh or medium density fiberboard dimensional fiber well there is multiple densities there's medium density high density is uh prototype is what i have my parts mounted i actually kind of like this it's not really all that jank if you think about it but i like the fact that he's using this skill as measurements and stuff i want to know what these little these little plastic tabs are that he's using the memphis fans because i have a feeling those would come in handy so he's got be quiet fans he's got a 3070 ti in there he's got an evga is that a 850 g2 looks like it oh i just now realized his velcro down [Music] red led green led and like random clicker buttons are they labeled reset and restart in power are you gonna know which ones which anyway this is kind of neat though i like the fact that he's framing it up with mdf that way he kind of has a template already so he's not wasting the walnut when he starts cutting the more expensive harder to get wood i like it this one falls under more of a diy rather than a jank but uh it was actually the burninator 386 you know compu 386 it's a spectacle and graphics and sound all right this next one comes to us from uh ak-90 90 90 ak-90 uh he says he used an old fountain pump and an old evaporative core to water cool a cpu once can't remember what cpu it was sadly i liked this one because this truly truly goes back to when water cooling look all you whipper snappers today just don't understand the struggle of trying to water cool or liquid cool something in the past before all this fan-dangled off-the-shelf crap existed now you guys have choice before it was like what could we take a part in salvage it's literally like watching an episode of like mythbusters or savage builds or something where they're literally just like what can we just completely mangle and rip apart to make work in a way it's like kit bashing together a water cooling setup so he used an evaporative core right here typically what we use in the past would be some sort of a heater core from a car because they're smaller people all the time are like here's a radiator from a car i mean it's huge i mean that's way bigger than you need it to be but a heater core from a car a transmission cooler an oil cooler or something like that usually much smaller works perfectly um he's using uh what he said was a a fountain pump and that's typically what we'd use this looks like a non-submersible but pond pumps uh aquarium pump anything that moved fluid would work pretty well this is his outgoing his cpu which he had said what he was using for a cpu block it looks like a xalman yeah it's a zalman block so he used to not the shelf block where it really started to get hard when the true jank came into play was trying to find something to flow fluid through that could touch the cpu to absorb the heat and carry it away that stuff again wasn't really mainstream back then so ak-90 took me down memory lane here with this one which is why i thought it was perfect and it's just the fact that it's clearly in a shop like this is clearly a workshop of some sort just made it feel so much more industrial king david says okay this is a super old picture of 2009 my laptop shell was badly damaged and i couldn't afford to replace it so he busted out the old hot and ready like i say every single time that's also what i call my saturday nights [Laughter] well you get to choose cheese pepperoni or sausage cheese is if i haven't showered after the gym dude sausage is wet hold on or just what i call myself the ultimate supreme ooh the three meat treat okay back to the bill i i've sat around here a million times i want to do a cardboard box build i've never gotten around to it but i just love how he has the antennas taped up high right he's got the ribbon cable and everything there for his monitor um he's just he's just using like backstrap material from like home depot to make a hinge for the box uh yeah he's got his his drive down there and he's got his wait why does he even have a fan right there the mouse is in the box that's what's funny i mean the little my little pony toy right here in the corner that's awesome probably time to sweep the floor honestly king david um granted this was 12 13 years ago i hope it's swept by now but anyway yeah i mean you ha it's the obligatory cardboard box build if you don't show it then you ain't truly going down the path of jank moving on this is uh longest name on youtube history 30 years of globe believe in huey lewis in the news he says for your consideration project jenkenstein two dell psus one to power the mobo and one to power the drives geez i just realized how like kind of jank the wiring is going up to the cpu up there and oh it's i guess it's just twisted wire okay it looks it looked like exposed for a second this isn't that jank honestly this is i mean the jankiest thing is the fact that you're using either of these two crappy power supplies both of them either one of them individually are a risk to your system let alone running both of them but i can't say it's not something i haven't done in the past because back in the past when we had our the water cooling stuff like i was showing you with ak-90 uh we needed a way to power it up and off the time it was out of the case and so we'd come up with some sort of a power supply or take the throwaway one that always came with every single atx case came with a cheap like 100 watt power supply 150 watt power supply or whatever it was and then we would just use that with molex and we would have to remember to turn that on separately because it wasn't wired in the system so you turn on your system and suddenly it's shutting down like oh i forgot to turn on the water pump and turn that on and then the system runs but you have not that many hard drives here sir so if your power supply that you have can't power those hard drives it might be time to actually upgrade that power supply all right josh bell says my build is less about how janky it is and more of how janky and scary what it's sitting on this appears to be a writing desk from 1947. oh maybe he's referring to the gamer's nexus mouse pad hey is that the same watt meter we do down there what so it's a glass top wooden writing desk phil and i were looking at this photo and i mean this is i think this is honestly like a fairly average like typical type setup and people will often just put their computer on whatever they can set it on but we were a little more impressed over here with his nostalgic gaming collection he's got an n64 he's got an snes he's got an nes somewhere he's got all these nes games right here we can't find the nes he's got a game boy but it's obvious now that he's got a lot of retro gaming stuff here um he's also running an x470 orris with a ryzen cpu so good setup but i don't find that desk to actually be all that janky the only thing i find kind of janky is where your power supply is or your power strip is sitting which is literally where your feet go and anytime i've done that in the past i guarantee my big fat toe is going to hit that reset button or trick the toggle switch itself and shut the whole system down not that janky but probably relatable and then the chair my god i think i've had that exact chair it's like a 70 maybe a 50 chair from like office depot i have busted the frame on that chair so many times and just gone flying out of it because it just suddenly fully like lays back then just roll out of it i because i think it's what happens is the arm breaks right here and then when that breaks it's just plastic and then the whole thing just goes and i'm a bigger i'm a bigger gentleman therefore that tends to happen replace your chair though it literally looks like you've been chewing on it all right so this one's a little this one's not jank at all this is we found this to be a pretty impressive diy this is a star rims well you put a system spec an i5 3570 gtx 1060 six gigabyte nothing special 860 evo 250 gigabyte kingston 240 gigabyte um and it's totally mine he says but it is a frame chassis built out of pvc pipe that's all painted black i mean it looks like a d frame but we're calling it the p frame i'm not sure what he's using as the motherboard tray back there maybe a piece of wood that's painted or something you see it's screwed right into the piping but it actually looks pretty good i'm surprised like this it's an example of you know not all things that are janky have to look janky it's initially i thought that this was some sort of a a like a chassis that you could buy and i realized like oh it's just pvc pipe 90 degrees and t fittings and a bunch of screws uh star rooms i think it looks good the hardware itself is nothing really to write home about but would be really awesome now is if you put like a high-end build in this then you'll get people that are gonna be triggered all right unhinged systems just brought me back well it's funny i would say brought me back to my childhood but not really because in 2001 i was an adult but uh he says this is his old setup circa 2001 two gaming pcs one windows server 2000 a ps2 a logitech wheel for gran turismo and this was the game room very jank it's uh it just reminds me of of like i had a setup similar to this when i was a kid i had my crt monitors although you have two pcs and a server but i had my my crt monitors and i had my chair i had my commodore 64 and i had my nintendo to the left hooked up to a a a tv that had to use the turn to channel 3 and then the antenna adapter because literally is sending an rf antenna into the signal into the antenna feed and then it would pop up on the screen i might like i said my nintendo system there my commodore 64. um i had a like really crazy looking boombox thing that was like really really old at the time and that was hooked up to my computer for sound because it used the regular audio jack and this just reminds me of that setup although this is like 10 years newer than that setup was but again i just love the fact that even in 2001 well i guess in 2001 flat screens were still not very easily affordable i mean i remember the first flat screen i saw once uh the camera was stored it was but it was 20 thousand dollars for a flat screen tv but what i love is the wooden dining room table chair i think we've all set on a wooden dining room table chair at some point for our setup all right mr sausage roll sends us what is now like the natural progression of the cardboard build so you already saw the hot and ready build the laptop box right he says i'm still rocking this h-510 side panel mod featuring a tape window that i need to remove to access the single bolt that releases this plywood wonder got the blueprint if someone is interested you just need a kitchen knife and the back of someone's wardrobe you use what's at your disposal man so as if the h510 couldn't have you know bad enough airflow as it is he obviously improved it by adding fans and the tape window so if we look at the side right here you can see this is clearly like that plywood backing on like a like a thin like eighth inch thick fly maybe 16 inch thick plywood backing that would come with like a piece of ikea furniture or something but this is like more robust than that uh i like how he has a be quiet fan up here on the top right and then he's got another one i like his little little flip down kind of a handle thing he's got going there but yeah he's got to remove the tape to reach in there to remove the one bolt that's like holding it all together why someone would actually go through this level of effort is kind of beyond me i mean i get it the h510 is terrible when it comes to case airflow and i'm sure it's a lot better now with these two side fans blowing air directly on the components and you obviously have two noctua fans in there and an octua cooler can you respond to this and tell me why you did this it's got to just be for the lulls right i mean you don't really have blueprints for this and if you do have blueprints i want to see them so justin bogman bachmann justin says from back when i was just getting into it [Laughter] all right uh as someone that was in i.t i am just appalled that anyone getting into it would ever let anything ever look like this the amount of cables that are sitting here most of them are not from this computer they're from whatever else you have going on on your desk i mean these are like power cables these are like monitor cables you've got some sort of an eq or something happening right there i get it i had a phantom case no they are not very easy to mount a radiator in although some of them if you remove these two top uh i think they're 180 millimeter fans there was 140 mounts and you could mount it up top but i just don't know what to say to this that's like you go to the guy whose car is falling apart and there's oil leaks everywhere on the ground and smoking and he goes i'm a mechanic and you're like sure you can work on my car all right so nikki mogginson milkinson says code second wave software developer still didn't have a sit stand desk or a dedicated office for that matter first of all i think that's a dog butt that looks like a dog butt not so much a cat butt maybe a dog butt i don't know what the hell is all over your chair i don't know if that's dog poo i don't know if that's stains rips is that like a bare skin rug underneath your desk okay moving on he clearly has like an ikea one of those uh it's like the the particle board desks that have the legs that mount to them not like the hodgepodge like build your own type stuff that we've done with the hard tables like this it's like the thin like hollow wood type tables which he's using a plastic bin with a shelf on top of it to raise up the height of his monitor and his keyboard and well his monitor is sitting on the bin directly the keyboard and mouse is sitting on the shelf with an rgb mouse pad that's hanging off the side and a plastic footstool for his second monitor fun fact my daughter had that same stool when she was learning how to get in the bathtub not entirely sure why we have a plushy reindeer like rudolph sitting on here i do like his playstation wheel like way off to the left in his pedals down there and then his like super duper tall alex drawers here no i mean if if there were ever the definition of the word jank nikki you're on your way there and who is blurred out like and why are you taking a photo while on a zoom call all right nikki i've ripped you enough um i asked for jank you delivered okay i chose this photo simply because of the fact that he's using like it's an example of what i was saying when i when i said we have to figure out how to make something work as a block so i didn't even notice and i didn't even read the comment or the caption until like right now i saw the photo i was like okay this works because look he's got this like home brew nut and bolt kind of a bracket just sitting diagonal with only two screws holding the block against the the gpu die i have no idea what this little block is from it clearly was not not designed for this purpose it could have been from something industrial remember water cooling has been around for a long time in electronics before pcs uh avia avionics equipment was actually water cooled in airplanes and such and they had special glycols and stuff that wouldn't freeze at high altitude way back in the day because you have to keep the stuff uh it gets really hot the avionics equipment so they have to keep it cool and people would actually take stuff out of there with dismantling airplanes and cessnas and stuff and make them work in pcs but i just noticed his little stick on uh heat sinks and stuff which are like a quarter of the size of the chokes which is kind of funny um but anyway he's got another picture here he says slap it with an aquarium pump like i said we use aquarium pumps all the time and at 240. the temp went from 7 70-ish celsius to 50. um tried crypto mining with it and another old 580. um now it has earned itself a proper water block and a fancier reservoir awesome but yeah see it's it's a submerged pump because a lot of aquarium pumps are designed to run inside water and that's what he has right here he's got a basically a piece of tupperware filled with water with a pump sitting in it circulating water through a bike ski radiator and some noctua fans and it gets the job done so this is like a modern version of the hodgepodge we would have to do like back in the day and i love seeing this kind of stuff because i i've said a bunch of times i'm gonna do a video about uh putting together a system like we did 20 30 years ago where it was just like this is what we had that's what we did it the problem is a lot of stuff we used back then doesn't really exist anymore unless i really go digging through like junkyards and stuff pretty much because of the fact that everything's become so mainstream now it's hard to find the old school stuff but i need to do that i think at some point just for my own my own fun even though the video would probably perform like crap i i think it'd be fun just because it's the way we did it back then and then this last one here is from stealthy mosquito clearly he's a truck driver he says i built and ran this when i was driving a tractor trailer 32 inch tv it squeezed down on top of the upper bed rails worked well and made downtime much better now if you guys aren't aware if you're completely ignorant to truck drivers do especially in the united states d.o.t regulations that can only drive for a certain amount of time per period and then they have to take down time it's you'll see them usually napping on the side of the road or they'll be in a truck stop for a few hours um eating resting doing laundry all that sort of stuff that's in the required downtime they can't just drive as long as they want to their logs indicate they have to stop at a certain hour if they've been driving for so long so having a setup in your tractor trailer would be a big deal if you're a gamer of any sort so you can see he's got his xbox bungee corded to like this kind of a plywood thing that he has made here what plywood and two by fours it's actually fairly well cable managed which is which is nice to see i have no idea how big this tractor trailer is clearly it's a sleeper cab what you're seeing here is that box behind the windows that goes kind of sideways that's where all this is put you can see his monitor which is 32 inch tv is hanging down um so it's up out of the way that way he's technically kind of sleeping under it hope nothing gives way when you're sleeping although he said when he was a truck driver so maybe he's not anymore and then you can see i don't think that he had a gaming tower in here looks like he's just xbox yeah but i mean people have done this very same thing and sent me videos and pictures of their their tractor trailer setups we'll have like an itx rig or something up there which is something he could absolutely do on that shelf right there it just i just love the fact that it's all wooden and clearly it's held together because those cabs can get kind of bouncy and remember the cabin themselves on like air shock so they're kind of moving around a bunch and nothing's come falling down i just love to see these types of home home built hodgepodge type setups especially with something as like what could be as boring as being a long-haul truck driver but anyway that's it for this month's uh jay what do you think this was our janky edition if you have any suggestions for what we should do for future editions make sure you guys comment down below i'm sure you know who you are this came specifically from a request i was like jay why don't you do janky edition so here it is all right guys thanks for watching make sure you follow on twitter if you want to be a part of this sort of stuff we get these photos and stuff directly from twitter and then don't forget to add the ultimate jank to your setup by getting a js2 cents gaming mat absolutely shamelessly plugging right now because we still have some in stock and i want them gone
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 666,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pc setups, bad pc setups, janky pc setups, janky pcs, janky pc, computer, gaming, gaming pc, gaming computer, computer desk, computer tower, pc 2022, how to build a pc in 2022
Id: xCCohzANOUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 02 2022
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