"We Are Measured By God's Pattern" Anthony Mangun BOTT 2008

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[Applause] Revelation chapter 11 Revelation chapter 11 Thank You general board our sponsors our guests got a lot of friends here tonight a lot of named Mike so glad they're all here with me to my family I've been carrying this one for a few weeks I've been a little strange knit gent and perkiness message revelation 11 1 & 2 and there was given me a reed like into a rod and the angel stood saying rise measure the temple of God measure the altar measure them that worship therein three things there but the court which is without the temple leave out measured not for it is given unto the Gentiles and the Holy City shall they tread under foot forty in two days and God said rise and measure the temple of God the author and for me those that worship there my subject tonight is we are measured by God's pattern there is no need to worry about any other pattern we are only measured by God's pattern you may be seated the Lord gives John a measuring rod he said measure the temple measure the altar of God and measure the workers worshipers therein we're all smart enough to know through school that to measure something means to determine the dimensions of something but when you look at it from the Word of God it is something much more than that because God measures to determine conformity to his pattern and his will and his purpose and we know that revelation 11 1 and 2 it has to do with the tribulation temple it was to see if it measured up to God's pattern and it didn't the reconstructed temple in Jerusalem is based on a covenant that was made with Israel with a godless dictator he said that new author that's in that place he said it's an insulted Jesus Christ who now once in the end of the world sacrificed himself to put away a sin forever he said and then the worshippers in the temple though professing to honor God they have rejected him therefore all have come short when the measuring rod of God's will and purpose was applied and if you will study the Word of God that marks the beginning of Israel's greatest suffering now if God sent John to measure the simulation temple if God sent John to measure the altar if God sent John to measure the worshipers therein to deform the conformity to his will if God had an architect for Noah's Ark with a specific plan with specific measurements for the building of the Ark if God gave Moses the pattern for the Tabernacle in the wilderness with specific measurements of the tent the furniture the curtains the color even down to the lip of the tent pegs and then he looks Moses face to face he said you see to it it is your job that you make all things according to the pattern that I showed you in the mountain if God gave a specific plan and message for all those are other dispensations why could we possibly think that we could get to the church age and he'll not have a specific plan and pattern and message for redemption this is the greatest dispensation of them all this is the church dispensation this is God trying to get him abroad this is the book of Acts it is the specific plan it is the particular pattern and it is the message of redemption for the church it is a measuring rod by which all of us will be determined the conformity of the 21st century Apostolic Church it must match up to the book of Acts I'm talking about the Church of the book of Acts that is built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets with Jesus Christ being the chief Cornerstone I'm talking about the church how about the church that is empowered and infused and baptized with Holy Ghost and fire I'm talking about the church when you look at that very first chapter of that colossal book of Acts and you follow it to the very last verse of the 28th chapter it is a continual story of his ministers and his message and his mission as we close the book of Acts that gospel message is the hottest issue on planet Earth the church is covering the world it's turning the world upside down they're running after humanity with everything they got because they are pattern their life and they are writing the book of Acts we are the church triumphant we are the seven golden candlesticks Church and God is walking in our midst it is still him that say I am he that liveth and was dead but behold I am alive forevermore and I have the keys of death hell in the drain I stand here tonight to tell you the message is still as powerful tonight as it was in 33 AD in Jerusalem it is just as powerful tonight as it was when Peter stood and said repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sin and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost for the promise is unto you and under your children and of you better fall as many as the Lord our God shall call and that same day they would hand it to the church three thousand souls and feel the guilt about that is the pattern this is a road it's what they used to measure within the Old Testament times each one of those are seven cubits I'll let them just put seven in it just because it's God's number it has no particular meaning meaning but when God stretches this out on us he's not doing it by something we don't have a pattern for he's not doing it by what I think he's not doing it but what you think when God measures me and notice I said God and not you when God measures me he does it according to the book of acts this message is not worn out acts 2:38 hadn't gone to pot act 2:38 in some week message only thing that's weak is maybe those preaching it but the messaging week this is the 21st century Church this is an Apostolic Church we didn't get here pilling around we got here the book of Acts church we're not a matthew church without a loop church we're not an or Church I believe in all that but the church didn't start to the book of I we are booked anak Church class how do you measure up tonight Anthony how do you measure up to the book of Acts how is your message how is your mission how do you measure to the book of Acts Ezra chapter 8 Ezra has a words on the Lord and he's getting ready to go home and he takes fifty thousand people out to that River and it's going home time in andra starts get nods measuring-rod el and God said okay we're ready to go now if you don't mind I want you just to look at the people so ever gets to the river and it's time to go home and he looked at these people and he said I saw everything else but I saw none of the sons of Levi so he got ready to go home and there were not of the sons of Levi so I begin to study myself what the Levites were let me tell you why my study has taken me may be your study may take you somewhere else but let me tell you what I found out I found out that they are one of the twelve sons of Jacob X powerful in it then I found out in Joshua 21 that God sovereignly set aside 48 cities with the tribe of Levi and he scattered them throughout the nation they were to be places and sinners of worship and sinners of witness and outreach that was teaching the world that was witnessing and modeling and worshiping the plan of God the Levites always count the closest to the tabernacle they literally surrounded the tabernacle as it moved through the wilderness they had the responsibility of carrying the Ark of the Covenant which was the promise of God it was their place of responsibility Joshua 3 3 and 4 and the commands of people when they see the Ark and the kind of Lord your God in the priests and the Levites bearing it then you move it was the Levites who stood all day in the bed of Jordan the Levites were in charge of maintaining the tabernacle there to take care of the cords that take care of the curtains there to take care of the covering it was the Levites they have the responsibility of the sacred furniture of the tabernacle all the vessels of the tabernacle was handed to the Levites they had the poles and the boards and the bars everything to the mighty detail I've got all tabernacle badger skin 10 it was a Levites that took care of the sacred things of God they were the spiritual leader of the nation as a whole the Levites were responsible for teaching the law study Deuteronomy 33 9 through 10 they observed the word they kept the covenant they shall teach Jacob they shall teach Jacob the ordinances and Israel the law psychological 17 and 9 and they call in Judah it had the book of the law of the Lord with them and went about through all the cities of Judah and he taught the people these are vertical city scattered everywhere their job was to teach Scripture their job was to teach the laws of God their job was to teach the message of God their job was to be claimed the gospel of the Old Testament and then here we are getting ready to go home here we are getting ready to go to Jerusalem and we get to the river and there are no sons of Levi there are nobody that will proclaim there are nobody that will Carol we stop we have praisings we have architects we've got good growth principles we've got all the assembly we've got educational we're getting a theological degree we're getting our masters we're becoming too educated people but where are the sons of Levi where those keeping the Covenant where the hold that would take and say I don't care what anybody else says I'm being measured by the book of Acts so homo lay this thing out according to my life I'm not really trying to please anybody right now I've just got to get my life measured up to the Book of that Ezra said we ain't going no further timeout hold everything just a moment stop this thing where we are we're going to get Levites we cannot get with your singing we cannot get for just good music we cannot get with just good structure we cannot get with just good organization you can make it with your charisma you can get with your ability power that's gone idly by to have that powerful anointing and I'll just throw it out of there in a muscle so he said we fasted he said I tell you what I did I got hearing doctor going home time and when I didn't find he leave I said we're gonna pray and fast and we're going after him and the Bible says that he sent after them and they fasted and they prayed and they saw God because he knew that there were dangerous times ahead of them he knew that the church was standing at its greatest hour that the church has ever stood on he knew that God had positioned the Apostolic Church for the greatest revival that the Apostolic Church had ever seen but yet he said it's going to be dangerous times in the last days will be perilous they'll be right after every wind of doctrine pop doctrine will be running rampant there'll be checking to have a form of godliness but there's an eye the power there are he said I will have a look at you where I'll have to have people earnestly contending for the faith that was once delivered to the site he could get here Levi's he said now that I have you here I am going to weigh some things out to you that are very important he said and I'm going to wait after you read it it's in there verse by verse verse 25 I'm going to weigh out to you something very very important here my brother is silver and is gold it's precious please keep that here my brother is silver and gold please keep that it's something very precious it's something very dear it is the furniture and the things of the tabernacle it is the sacred vessels of God Wow call for what calling for what that's a big pride has been handed in my hand I think it means I still to me what was given to me what I felt on that call and God told me to preach this gospel why was handed to me and what something precious and it was something dare the garnet my sacred vessels guarded its valuable substance guarded his right 28 and 29 year holy under the Lord and the methyls are holy also and the silver and gold are free will offerings under the Lord God of your father's watch watch II and keep them until you weigh them in before the chief priests and the Levites chief of the fathers of Israel in other words what I gave you what I weighed out to you what I weighed out to all of you when the trumpet sounds you're going to be waiting for what I gave you you will be held responsible but what I gave you I didn't give you some little calling I didn't give you some little fly-by-night message I thanked everything on the last day church I might I might say all you young people and on you peak hair and on you have for selling me and I beg everything on you I knew that you would see something that was precious I knew that you would understand that you are in Babylon and in Bible and you got a protected and in Babylon you gotta hold it he said it so much you remember I'm not just waiting it read your Bible he said I'm numbering it I'm getting down to the exact detail that I weighed out to you verse 34 it will be measured and it will be numbered it must be the same weight it must be the same measurement it must be the same number as I wrote it down to you when I gave to you it wouldn't be the same wait it's going to be the same numbers on it what I wait out to you Anthony Mangan you are going to be responsible I don't care who you are I don't care how big the POA is I don't care how good then people can see you're not here to please them when you get to heaven you're going to have to weigh in what I weighed out to you and Paul said a dispensation on the gospel has been weighed out to me it's the same gospel that Peter preached in acts 2 it's the same gospel that he preached in acts intent it's the same gospel that you said earnestly contend for it's the same gospel that was preached in Ephesus it's the same gospel that was preaching into our country of Asia that's the same gospel I preached in every city it's the same gospel and don't you are an angel from heaven preach any other gospel let him be accursed when you hear me I'm a pretty cutting-edge preacher and I really don't care how you preach it I had my style your younger gentleman I am now your peers you preach it any way you want to preach it some people I've told the stuff I don't you will get tables out you want to have a syllabus design for them have no problem I have no problem with whatever you want to do my problem is what are you saying when you open your life yes I may not be mine maybe you got your style but what I want to know is are you saying what was laid out to you when God spoken to you he didn't do what you want to do it but are you speaking what was spoken out hold on at the destination of the gospel it's something so urgent he said woe is me if I don't preach it he said you are all cursed he said Anthony Megan you're cursed and when God curses something is cursed he said you're cursed if you don't preach it he said you don't have nothing else you don't have any other option you don't have any other way out I'm not going to get here at the last day and start messing with acts 2:38 and start messing with a plan of salvation and so I'm messing with what God's given us there's something wait asking he said he said it's only sand it's driving me so hard he set up the suede man I could say in my farewell address when I looked out he said wherefore I sent you to record this day I am free from the blood of all four I have son I've got Shaun declaring to you the whole gospel of Christ verse 31 by the space of three years I ceased not to warn every night and every day with tears he can look at him and say goodbye so long see you later what John about to see you later wow I'm free way to breathe how preached it I've taught it we did search for truth Bible studies I kept it at the forefront I didn't condemn women I just Wednesday pasta women reach the world when I say that preached he was given with a message and he was driven by a mission it was his palette light thank you for global impact thank you for global impact it is our message by that and let me tell you it's more than being able to define it it's more than being able to debate it it's more than shouting when somebody preaches on he said if you are that sold out to it you will proclaim it around the world I'm going to tell you it scares me brother brother foreign mission Doral used to be his name for the house you told me doing our mission conference how many of our churches or so are we glad to have everyone that's not a member of the United Pentecostal church here could we welcome Apostolic Church isn't it so glad how many churches didn't give the mission do you remember over seven over 700 of our churches didn't give up any the foreign mission I mean they didn't get their name on the list I mean you're going to send in the battle to get your name on the list the corn was a little upset up there with y'all Fanning a little bit Thank You Jerry Thank You Jerry and Jerry got real tight in here cuz we got on giving a little bit I mention Donnelly greater that is better than imagine better gospel okay sit around and shout about it we got to go we got a spread think your 318 when I say is a wicked now just really die and they'll give us him that warning for speakers to warn the wicked from the wicked way to save his life the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity but his blood will I require at my hand go ahead and condemn him for not having it I'm going to preach it with you were shouting with me well ago but he said if they die without me telling them he said the Bloods gonna be on my hands and on your hand but one day it's all going to be weighed in and there has to be a measurement from God and God has given us that measurement apostolic preachers it takes passion it takes passion for truth and it takes passion to spread truth you sweet young people in the middle row 200 P K's register could we give our pk's in the staff anything we're just a phenom peace a stamp and proudly look at that PK oh my god so young people that's true acts 2:38 is truth and brother Mangan changes got a cursory it's still truth if everybody in this building changes young people truth don't change what everybody you don't matter what everybody's doing everybody can quit screw the truth I have nobody support everybody say that's the measurement it's truth and spread Benny said go measure the altar back the month of May I've been on a journey in my life thank you brother Arnold for such a powerful message last year you changed my life and it changed the life of this church and I was on a journey to know God such that I'm going to take my boy and every day I can I'm going to put him with this man and I want this man to speak into his life so we started meeting let me tell you what proceeded I got ahead of myself just a minute I was sitting here on a Sunday morning and let me get a little personal here just a moment everybody got a minute tonight can I have just a minute okay because I wouldn't plan on telling all this and I was trying to be done give me okay so that he said more little boys running or something like that when he has to go out he didn't say nothing to me me walk down this aisle and I looked he was walking over that this whole church he was waving his hand and it came all the way to this aisle and he came down and he got in front of this pulpit and it was almost like a Catholic bishop a priest he just started waving all right well he came back of me by then I was weeping a felony shoulder because I said my lord was that the last walk he'll be 89 this coming March so I said I got to get my boy with him every chance I'd get my boy with so I brought the filming crew and I said I want y'all to film everything my dad says to my boy so Jimmy he started telling Gentry so jittery I want to talk to you today about the tabernacle plan he said most Pentecostals only know the tabernacle plan to show the plan of salvation and teach search for truth he said with Gentry since I was a boy your age I pray the tabernacle plan is one of the most fascinating DVDs and it is available out front out of all the one including the documentary at all if you leave with a tape from this meeting take what happened the Sunday night after my dad did this with us he preached here it was powerful but he said Gentry the very first thing you came to was the brazen altar he said everything Gentry he got a measured by that he said every piece of furniture could fit inside the brazen altar we all want big arcs Gentry but the Ark of the Covenant could fit inside the brazen otter and the reason why we don't have bigger arks Gentry is because we don't have bigger altars so he said Gentry Oh buddy he said I spend 45 minutes a day repeating well folks I just fall over this is one of those godly men that's ever walked in shoe leather and if he spends 45 days repenting that's 22 hours for me I don't have a chance he said Gentry I get to that Ark that altar and I start praying repentance in my life I start praying for Lane I think of a good 30 minutes I have to agree with you there [Applause] he said but let me tell you what you do Gentry it's from that author that you measured out that they get the fire and the fire that all we'd like to do at the incense of praise Gentry it is lit by the fire from the altar of repentance and if you don't have much altering going on you may have a lot of pray but it ain't doing much in sincerity then it won't be sounding brass antiques exemple is that victory it's from the answer that we get our fire it's from the order that we get our anointing it from the our death let me get a hunk ssin yes the fire from the altar so we can get the fire and the rest of the tabernacle purpose a bandage no your altars but what's going on in our churches if we're dead dragged down no gets an asterick no tongues no interpretations no prophecies what is going on all right but I've heard from the Lord somebody say an angel we want to walk about fire or pray for God to baptize us with the demonstration of the Holy Ghost and fire that we would have a reminder like never before we need a demonstration we need Pentecost for me Pentecost we need Apostolic Palace when you get to revelation 11 in 3 he said I'll get power unto my two witnesses they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred threescore days clothed in cycle God's plan is for us to accomplish the work through his anointing we can't do it through human swing we are all going to collapse under the call if we don't get back to Apostolic under wedding but this myth stand-up back here with you but it's me it stand up back there from kyndra would you stand please he better get to man you may be seated where are the man that walk in our church service we saw the whole God don't look over me but man whoo he may have a word for me whoa what's happening to us is it time to go home and we not have apostolic anointing is it time to go home and we're not going to have altars that are full of fire that when we come to our churches there will be quite time there will be time where we teach it where we disciple there'll be time we won't feel like a ant can do the blessing there will be those kind of services and we have it at the POA but you better have those services where it comes along for it knocked the breath out of the life the preacher may not even get to preach it might be what we use the crowd I'll run away turn it and our preaching in foreign language tonight where am i preaching at somebody that hungry Veronica bus now it's available in Columbus Ohio by people heard about sorry because I've always taken her body where the chance I apologize to you the Duggars I can't do anything about it now I'm sorry I apologize but where is the ministry and the prophet of gods among us that walked into cancer and say die in the name of Jesus I'm sorry man I'm not seeing it like I want to see it that's the problem I'm desperate tonight I'm tired of just coming to be OTT and here but are no preacher masterpiece or brother Williams about somebody massage I am Keegan Oh God Hey hatred measured by the book of Acts man brother banging I got so many giving me trouble I do too I got too many people I can't get angry I get people here don't want to usher caused people to do what doctors tell them to do I printed I said God give us a book of Acts Fianna ninth ins fire later good having you here tonight later I want to tell you one good and Ison's fire service good outpouring of Holy Ghost maybe it would take care of a lot of my problems man hunger for the gifts men pleat and women please let the gift of tongues interpretation and prophecy loose in our congregation it is the book of Acts God gave us a way to control it in the book of Corinthians but if somebody misusing it don't stop using it because it is you my god nor do food I'm about done okay thank you he says I got one more I want you to measure he said I want you to measure my witnesses my dad has changed my life in the last few months by teaching me I said dad how you feeling he said well I'm getting older he said and everybody talked about my age a lot about one I guess going on he said I just decided I was going to quit worrying about getting the heaven and start bringing heaven down here so my measure the man that I truth to measure my life said every day I worked to get to the Holy of Holies he said I started out at that heart and I pray the prayer prety he said I won that holy place I said God let me be the seven golden candlesticks which I total mast night dad taught me in Jeffrey said it's Hollow whatever you pour him one it didn't fill up until it feel the base they filled everything else that's the seven churches of Asia so if you will know what Paul preaching all the other churches find out what he preached in acts 19 you'll know what he preached in the other six he said I want to be like same thing that hit him when he came here dad won't have a tetany Church board told him he couldn't take the piano out of the church dad said that's fine I won't take the pen out of church I'll just pray them fast so he walked in a business establishment where there was one of the finest wealthiest but ungodly sinners in this town in 1951 his name was Ford long my dad walked in that office on a seven day fast and that man fell back in his chair he said my god man I see a halo over your head that was that light of the seven golden candlesticks he's praying through he said now that you come to this church I've been willing to have a 10 table they won't let me have a piano outside the church he said good I'll buy us one so put the tent up I'll buy the piano dad said good I'll put the tent up Floyd bought the piano they prayed 60 something people through put him on the membership roll call the business meeting voted to board out that's not the truth he loved all those men and changed [Applause] that's my measure brother many there's five other men appear on this platform that I talked to every week then I'll let measure my life because you have and I have a lot of other people they want to measure us and me and you for one reason or another but that man is my measure and every therapy case I can't read something can hear me you better have that kind of man or woman in your life and you're going to have four or five men at this age when you hungry and you'll do anything God gives you to do and you'll go anywhere he tells you to go you better bill you some influence around your life that speak truth to you I'm going to tell you what you heard a non alcoholic I would just say something about non Apostolic okay hold on I don't have my right there in fact time now let's stop the amen don't let me scare you here I know I've said that before no a man's no hand-clapping from this point on place not even up here thank you I have learned great growth principles from people that are non Apostolic I read their books and I read their books okay you don't to admit it because you're that's us right somebody might measure you but I don't let any of them tell me the plan of salvation I'm going to measure that by men that I trust when my thinking gets wild I'm not going to establish myself with peers that they believe what I want to believe I want to find in my elder that's been in my life for a long long and five men that I know that will look Anthony in the eye and say it ain't right I've been to this man for a number of things and anything that I've changed this church maybe he didn't do sixty or thirty years ago for I made any changes in this church with my family or with this church I ran it by my measure somebody that I trusted somebody that when I was getting confused somebody when I was having two visions because of the size of his church and the arm bands that were coming to me and Mickey I had to have somebody I could keep me balanced and I could keep me focused he taught me how to pray I said measure me sir measure me check me out daddy you always tell me to have separation that keep me strength it's my mind gets out of thinking that if their standards that I took dad I trust you speak into my wife by man on the platform sneak into my there is nobody that doesn't need that nobody say anything there's nobody that didn't need my three disciplines out of the church this generation won't answers the and with it we should be afraid to download with what is calculus and where we are and what we believe and what separated with us when I can't we break it down and dialogue young men donors that's me and you okay here are my unified young men there will be some things that may not all be done it eyes and cross teeth and in the name of Jesus Christ with a pathetic man and I you better listen second Thessalonians 2 in 15 therefore brethren stand fast oh that's addictions whether you find it in the world or whether it by my epistle I gave it to you there's something you miss that you looked at to me that may not be exactly luckily word that is ad crosspiece and standards of churches will different but the basic core is the faith taught by work or by tradition be careful when you start messing with your traditions no I'm going to do bartering I will never get stopped but I've been eyeing back but his kids never get my dad taught me said Anthony first Corinthians 11 is powerful he said mannered have short hair and ladies are to have long Anthony yours laughs ladies carry most of the standards that's right seems that way but the church is a bride and the church is always referred to in the she gender is unbearable error but he said there's five reasons there don't ever forget it is your power did your boy because angels then watch over the mercy seat and because there is power he said in Anthony if you can't explain it any other way remember anything God calls a che yeah I don't want to participate he taught me he taught me about - - parents taught me good there was bad one separation she told me your parents that didn't work and we should where he taught me in Ezekiel 16 that God tried it once he said I won't be dumb and I hung earrings on him in that and a big diamond thing in their fire but he said it wouldn't really get wouldn't but a few days they were after homes and love and other things wouldn't after me I can't just me that and I'm not measured by anything else I measured by this word and by that man pastor Terry taught a lesson in this church he said obedience is not determined summation is not and out when you agree with something he said obedience and Submission is when you disagree with something and you can still submit we have how we're going to tell them by that for the but until we baptize but let's hear the other side of the PLA okay let me tell you the other side of the PLA it has never been easier to evangelize but it has never been harder to disciple in the lifetime of this church well but Mangan we we're at a very crossroads it's change in time tell that to them they're called Mormons had a show of hands in the last two weeks of the Mormons it's in this church we didn't have a one does anybody in this church know of Mormon I know they're big three or four here if I know you got a bunch of Mormons in your church would you raise your hand there's one there's two Oh out of twenty eight hundred and fifty registrants we got two that's got enormous you know why I read this book it's mama do I have to serve a mission when she's pregnant she starts teaching her baby you're going to be something special you're going to be something that is fantastic you're going to be something that's wonderful you're going to be something of God may I know what I started teaching mine and did my best to teach them truth but I wouldn't this it gets to the point in there where he said why do I have to wear a tie why'd I have to wear a white shirt why why you can't get on they got on maybe we should spend more time defiling as well as evangelizing oh why but on all the commentaries get all this all of our separation issues why aren't all in all the commentaries that's not what they say and that's not what they say no they don't and they don't say what acts 2:38 says either and they don't say what one God says either I'm not being measured by commentaries I'm not being measured by you I'm being measured by my measure my pastor that's taught me things by tradition and has taught me things by word and I'm going to be measured by God and but preachers that you said you've left me and I have affected your life by preaching to you it's going on it's whatever thing that can be shaken is going to be shaken think twice before you change things in your life mother Teddy another one not allowed to measure me he said you better never move a fence until you know who built the fence and I think twice if I were you before I'd start getting in wandering and studying you know what that youth camp offer you didn't feel that way you know what that kept needing service you didn't feel that way you didn't really care you'd preach it you'd say you were anointed of God the more we study and the more we learned and the more we get in to our questions I would think a long time before I move things in my life because there is a scripture that I have not preached because the times in my life that God has given me for closing to my furious for by one man's disobedience and obedience for by as one man's disobedience many were made sinners and by one man's obedience shall many be made righteous for God brothers measure it the last time I read this book it scares me but settled brother maybe it scares me bit is more scary I'll study this wait that's right make is not me I was not supposed to be me I'm speaking for God and he said don't add to it and don't get away from and we're real quick to measure somebody who is taken from but we get sometimes a little slow when somebody's adding to right left north-south-east-west conservative-liberal up and down over and out good buddy when you step in here my disobedience hide and real could be made to send the mail get it out what I preach what I do is go to be away my god preachers party you want to preach it please you get fresh hair go in laughter you wanna go but you remember God's gonna judge you okay harm you land down you're going to be held accountable whether it's hard or whether it's easy he won't just work and when you walk in there and better not be a peer group push you better not be somebody that says you don't have to do this or do that that causes you to say I don't have to do anymore you better know that what I do is going to affect a whole bunch of deeper understanding before God for as one man's disobedience cleanse yourself second Corinthians 7:1 cleanse yourself of all filthiness and preachers good with women accountable for the things and a blast it was enough spit walk humbly before you give your marriage run they'll become an holy preaching holy don't becomes an righteous printing righteous eyes open your heart up is they created me and cleaner see renewing their rights to it glad myself and all the Builder nice because one day what was handed out to me at the river when I started with you 55 minutes ago what was handed you at the river the house if you can just help me for me to lose yourself as if this was the judgments of God you don't know what I handed you you just know you trusted me would you walk there and put it on that scales that I told you to number would you add there I don't know what it's going to do but what was given to you as a kid weighed and found wanting a little off put your pretty clothes good job what the hell next in line for the corner come measure that's close morale good job Anthony come way hmm Anthony you got a problem away something out to you Hawaii something precious and beer it was numbered it was white but Anthony it's not the weight that gave you you have substituted something there and you have changed that shekel of the temple for another shekel Anthony just ain't weighing out right gentlemen this is a sacred spot you're not going to be weighed by the manual you're not going to be weighed by the affirmation statement no gentlemen and ladies we're going to be weighed by the Word of God and by the traditions of what you've been taught by people that you have loved and people you have trusted that has brought us to a dimension in cost that has blessed life so in the name of Jesus I am closing with a call of repentance not of just flesh that's the only standards we hear preach sometimes is dealing with the flesh and I am calling for repentance first of acts 2:38 and the importance of it and the distribution of it and the next thing I'm calling for is repentance for us separating under God with a Mangan you must not be fighting all you kidding me I've got people that have throw their hands up they don't their left don't even go there but if God will help it ah look at the house love it you look at the automobile I Drive into that he built it I built it yeah you great man of God you built it would we get you choir at the church will we get you and just say nothing really matters okay I can't explain everything to you young people I'll never bring everything down young men I'll never be able to cross say 40 is not every but I'm going to tell you this man and Nick and I have attempted to build an apostolic church here and that's all God requires in the name of Jesus I pray a touch of your life that you would take this and go till and lost world I pray God will ease faith in this place and we'll get drunk on the Holy Ghost when we get a new encounter with God thank you I'll see people come to the altar and people getting on their face I haven't even closed yet and that's fine with me that's good Hayden you can be a generational hitter that's good I'm bless you buddy come on god bless you come on brother come on that's good god bless you and you know preachers and you go young man we start in the morning at nine o'clock I love you thank you for being so respectful I have given you what I feel like the Lord has given me you [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] remember [Music] Sanwa ray Kassar in day chaos Sycamore Oracle in the media chicapu area Dorinda ear cata sawara Kiba Subhan wanna lock Shibata Cheetara Kumu a delicacy to yell havana aqui há Shibata shahe Torito LaRocca Miroslav Assata Shakur in the locker door ill samoa yo Rita Chicana Tomoko D Arabic neva Sega beetle Abu Yasser Abu Shabazz knee area [Applause] Kesava territory Sabbath tanga in salta police beret taka ha Sambhaji raha chakra versatile Hagel has been--and with a glorified prejudice place for you I hope it you go forward I do repeat you to do why am I going to my favorite to speak with a target power I am NOT an idealist I will here I'll click a certain accord with the Royal College report and do my command where will you meet some new people top of the world another subotica so what I am chatted with God in a secret place there in his presence beholding his face gaining new power to run this race oh I love to be shut in with bored or shot in with God in a Sikh crud place there in his presence beholding his face gaining new power to run in this race oh I love to be shut in with just reach for the wholeness of God right now mr. H for the wholeness of gondry me they let the wholeness of jihad with a docile instance that does hoping Swiss somebody from the depths of your soul at an unction in a river begin to roll out of you right now go ahead and turn something loose [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I know if God can call it the sanctification right now now I'm not talking about standards or holiness I'm telling my prayer right now I wonder if we could commit to prayer right I want you while you're there to ask God to speak to you about hours a day that you can shut away with God in prayer could we raise our hands and ask for prayer right now in the name of Jesus ask God to touch our churches and give our churches a burden for prayer the heavily I said any level of that yeah I'll go ahead on behind they second hit hubba-hubba wait a second he doubled yeah hello go ahead I bought yeah no poverty hello hello we can start chain of prayer and fasting from here with this one [Music] well [Music] when anybody leave unless you have to I'm walk-in here with the Lord just a minute [Music] I feel out of the Lord - we can't watch feet tonight I'm not sure you can get to somebody maybe you can bend down to the person that's beside you one at a time tell them to go first and just pray over somebody's feet right now would you do that just reach next to you and pray over somebody's feet [Music] [Music] I said pray over your hand by our grandchild for your children pray over it pray over it [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] brother Lian and Ezell has a word of the Lord where do keep praying that's okay just a moment ago I saw the Spirit of the Lord released the spirit of counsel when he released it he showed me Isaiah chapter 11 when that release came over us he said in the multitude of counselors their safety and when the safety came over us sicknesses left problems deficiencies and weaknesses of the flesh that some of you didn't have it when the spirit of counsel blanketed us God said I'm creating a safety net around you you could possibly lift your hands and receive what the Lord is imparted in this house Oh
Channel: Because of the Times
Views: 17,372
Rating: 4.8888888 out of 5
Keywords: Because of the Times, BOTT, Anthony Mangun
Id: U6niNaFWfq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 53sec (5873 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2017
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