We Appraised JAY LENO's Car Collection (185 cars!)

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we are back with the VIN Wiki appraisal panel but I am not in Atlanta I am here in Miami with John at curated we just shot some content for his channel it was the right time to pass 50 000 miles on my manual LP 640 Coupe and so a good time for a road trip but today our video is brought to you by Auto Tempest Auto Tempest is the way that I shop for cars every single day they allow you to search all the major listing sites at the same time they've been a huge supporter of Vin Wiki now for years car trek as well so please check Auto Tempest out at the link in the description below to shop for your next car and thank them for their support of then Wiki now the most requested subject of our appraisal panel has absolutely been Jay Leno of course there's not a easy to find list of Jay Leno's cars but over the last couple of months with a lot of research we have assembled what we believe is the most complete list that exists with 185 cars he's got an unbelievable collection of a huge variety and so we've got the list and we'll put a link to the full list in the description however we obviously can't talk about 185 cars today so just like we did with Ralph Lauren's car collection we are going to each pick five and we'll all appraise each of those five and then we'll tell you how much we think all 185 cars are worth as always I'm joined by John tamerian and John fakara of pakara classic thank you guys for being with us as always thank you for having us as always and it's an honor to have you at our showroom today so I wish I was there instead of soggy California you guys are in sunny Florida come on man you got to come out that's it so I will start with my five and the first one that I really really like it's a car that we've talked about a lot on Vin Wiki is the Corvette Pratt and Miller c6rs it's a 2006 car they only made seven of these four of them actually are black Jays is black as well they were about three hundred and thirty thousand dollars new they used an 8.2 liter k-tec naturally aspirated 600 horsepower version of the ls and I think this one's worth about 250 Grand I think it's such a cool car I think there was one of them bringing trailer recently there was um and and it's funny we've talked about it in in sort of discussions with our team of like what is the next generation of collector cars and future cars and this is definitely one of them I mean Pratt Miller with their racing history this is a street car it's it's like sort of all the stars align on this car I'm gonna say it's it's got to be worth at least MSRP uh so you know three hundred thousand dollars plus uh just because they think they have a big future there you go anytime that a real race team touches a car that means something it's kind of freaking like over eight liter engine in it and I would pay just for those sweet Fender vents that it has on it it is it it's an extraordinary car it is so customized looks like a Corvette it's it's so much more underneath I put it at least at three hundred thousand dollars super cool next up is something that I have heard Jay considers to be his favorite car his 1963 Chrysler turbine car turbine if you're Steve lato we've had him on the channel and talk about the cars and how so many of them had to be destroyed almost all of them were destroyed there were 55 cars built they were never made to be Consumer Legal so they were forced to destroy all of them that couldn't kind of wind up in museums nine are left five run Chrysler has two the St Louis museum has one and the Stahl museum has one so he's really the only private owner of one of these cars now in many ways they're absolutely Priceless they're super cool his is the orange almost all of them were orange they idle at 22 000 RPM and it runs on anything that will explode and it's just one of the coolest things now it was not economical to build these things obviously but Jay tells a story about how he saw when he was 12 years old at the 1964 World air and just said I've got to have them so I mean they don't change hands obviously one did change hands recently but in a very quiet way I think the one that went to the stall Museum but okay they've always been thought that they're like three four five six million bucks I mean I think his as a running car you could find somebody to pay you ten I I listen I have to agree I think there's this that generation cars like the World's Fair Cars and Cars like these you know exotic Geneva show cars manufacturers were doing just so many special special things we don't see that today I I don't think as much I mean we see like you know these show cars that were running and usable I think that was just such a special period in time I I can't disagree with you Ed maybe I'm gonna say eight million bucks just for the hell of it but I think that's probably what it's worth who knows yeah when you have such a rare car that never changes hands who knows what they're worth I mean if you've ever heard one of these turbine cars run I heard one of the turbine race cars from the 60s run it's an amazing sound and when they showed it around the world they ran it on like Chanel number five in one country and they did all kinds of crazy stuff with them it's a Once in a Lifetime purchase I don't think it's worth 10 million I don't know if the generation around is who wanted to buy something like that because it doesn't look it looks like a regular car it doesn't have like a a real show car look to it so I would probably put it around five at auction it might go for more but I don't know if it would pull 10 these days one of the race cars that Jay has is a 1935 Dela hay 135 s this was a road legal Grand Prix level car and you know it's something that he actually gets out and drives it's gorgeous Emil delahey made some incredible racing cars throughout his career and they won a ton of races in cars like this I don't think this particular chassis was a hugely winning car but it uses a pretty reliable 3.2 liter engine out of a truck it has a way you can add oil while you're driving it I watched Jay's video about it I just think it's it's so so special I think it's worth about 1.4 million I I'm not going to disagree with that I I don't know much about you know these pre-work cars I think they're stunning I mean I'm not going to get in an argument with fakara about this um so I'm just gonna agree with whatever your fakara says fair enough yeah the Del Hayes are stunning this one doesn't have a whole lot of great history behind it but doesn't need to it's a delahaye it is certainly a car you want in a real good collection and of course he has one um I've got it at 1.6 there you go now he has six duesenbergs uh but the coolest one is the jaywalker Coupe so this has a much more aerodynamic body it was built at their Indianapolis facility for a local pharmaceutical Tycoon the the body is gorgeous the way that the car is coach built obviously and it was the most expensive Duesenberg ever built five thousand more than the next one twenty five thousand dollars new in 1934. so super duper cool car at its peak I mean duesenbergs are probably on their are way down like a lot of cars of that era but I think it would have been worth four maybe five million at one point today I put it at three and a quarter I do see it younger collectors bidding on some of these cars you know these pre-work cars at some of the auctions but I think the excitement around these cars is changing you know you see a Countach or an F40 you know come up on The Auction Block at RM and there's bids like machine gun fire uh where it it feels like these pre-work cars are getting harder to sell over time I'm going to go back about five hundred thousand dollars less than you just to be Uber conservative the Duesenberg Market's a little soft right now I mean they're always they'll always be one of the Great Cars this car is if you've ever seen it is intimidating to look at I mean it was definitely something you want to drive to scare the pores back in the day but now you know I'm actually gonna go under you Ed I'm going to say 3 million is probably a number for it um but I don't see them sinking a whole lot more than they have I think they've kind of settled out that generation a great generation that really would pay five is kind of going out of the way but the never descend this will never be a hundred thousand dollar car that's for sure the last one on my list is one that I'm sure would have been on all of our lists his McLaren F1 a car that he actually drives a good bit a black car with the red accent Doug demuro reviewed the car at one point it's chassis 15. so a fairly early car and I think he's put about 13 000 miles absolutely wonderful he's done a lot of the servicing in-house obviously he's got an amazing team there at the shop and so I put it at 16 million I don't think it is a top tier McLaren F1 not that there really have to be tears of a car that there's so few of but of the 106 cars I think it's a great driver and I think he paid a million or a million five I mean he bought it in period when it was you know kind of stale new inventory and uh so I think 16 is the number so I don't know if this is true or not but I heard a rumor that he had actually gone to Herb Chambers to go see a mirror SV and they positioned the McLaren F1 in a way I don't know if the story is true but I heard that he said and saw the McLaren F1 they were trying to sell it because at the time they were very difficult to sell correct but looking back I mean look what they've done I actually would say that I believe your light on that number you know I think McLaren f1s have a huge future I I said it in a previous video I think it's the next 250 GTO they're rare they have incredible you know race history and it's considered one of the greatest cars of all time I'm gonna say it's probably 18 to 19 million today um and I I will say that Jay Leno's provenance probably helps the card too he's owned it for you know years and years and years and the spec is incredible yeah I mean there's no arguing with an F1 there's no argument with Jay's F1 I'm gonna split the two of you and I'm gonna put it at 17 million so the first car on the list that I chose is a car that for years I had been saying was undervalued now today they've moved a lot in price and that's the 2004 Porsche Carrera GT Jay's talked about it as being an incredible car to drive it's one of I think one of the most radical supercars ever made it's the end of an era of analog cars they're not the most rare cars I mean I think there's six 700 cars in the US that were built for the US market his is not the it's the probably the most iconic color the silver on terracotta so it's not one of the painted sample colors or or you know one of the more rare colors like black yellow or red but I still think regardless it's got to be worth at least 1.6 million uh it's around probably something like 10 000 miles but it was Jay Leno's Carrera GT and you can always say that you know it being his ads real value here we try to talk about what the actual car is worth I am a little bit bearish on Curry GTS and in general I mean they certainly over the last 18 months have exploded in value but I said 1.4 just because I think that that's about where these cars are going to settle in to a million for a weak car a million five for a premium car on the real long-term time frame yeah I agree with you Ed on this one um there's four of them coming up for sale later this month at the auctions so we'll really find out what they're at um but I would say a solid car like his is about 1.5 million so the next car I think this is what makes Jay so special as a collector is he has such a diversity and it's the Mercedes 300 SL go Wing that he has which I think is just so so cool because it has original paint and I know sometimes I get you know some people give me a hard time saying a Survivor car it has patina but their only original once and there's something that speaks to me every time that I get in a car with an original paint original interior and it's like it tells a whole different story than a fully restored car I love fully restored cars we sell fully restored cars I restore cars but they're only original ones his car is red I guess Jay found it basically rotting in a trailer in the desert somewhere I'm gonna say you know 300 so Goldwing prices for a little bit came down um they were like a million to a million four the past year has been wild for 300 SLS both roadsters and goings I think the numbers matching going today uh with this type of patina has got to be a two million dollar car I agree it's it's such a great story the way they resurrected this car in-house and did so much to it and there are so many cars like that in Jay's collection where he has found a car identified a car and been able to take the story all the way to completion I don't know that it's quite 2 million because I think that is probably reserved for these like you know totally top-tier Ultra unique color combinations things like that so I said one eight but still tons the idea of any car being original um if you ever can touch one of these original unrestored cars or something really special about them because it only original once once restored you've washed all that stuff away and this one's just a perfect example of an original car and I love it and I think to Marion we're going to agree on a price here and we're gonna suppose say 2 million so there is no denying that Jay is a massive Lamborghini fan and and I think he's always talked about loving Lamborghini more than Ferrari I don't even think he owns Ferrari at this point uh so so and he's always been a huge Lamborghini mura fan in this next car is such a great story because it sort of describes just exactly how the car collector Community was at one point and Jay actually got this car for free and the cartel's such a special story it was a Lamborghini Miura P400 uh that was purchased new from the Bob Estes Lamborghini distributor in California by the one and only Dino Dean Martin of of the Rat Pack and fame and it was actually purchased for his his son who would drive the car to high school so incredible incredible story uh I don't know the exacts of the story but he apparently was hot rodding a little bit uh cracked the oil pan or the transaxle and the cars sat around in disrepair Jay was buying a bunch of cars out of a collection or something like that and the guy he asked the guy what's under that cover and basically said something here and he goes hey if you want it you can take it um so we got the car for free uh it's a original yellow with blue car so very very rare incredible color Jay obviously fixed it and drives it and enjoy it and that's another thing about Jay is he's actually a mechanic himself so really really commend him but he loves his murals we'll talk about another Murray he has as well I'm gonna put this car all day at one seven to one eight um I I'm personally getting excited about it because it's like Dean Martin Jay Leno I mean the history is phenomenal but but let's call it one eight a lot of old Lamborghinis have great celebrity ties everything like that but it doesn't get any cooler than Dean Martin's mirror that transacted for no money at one point I think the story adds a solid 20 to the value so I'm going to say 2 million but if you were gonna own one that wasn't an SV how do you not want this above everything else I'm a huge fan of the Rat Pack I always have been and if I had to have a mirror I would kill to have this thing and yeah I agree with you Ed if the Dean Martin story for me I would pay an extra 20 all day long two million dollars and the next car is his Mira s and it's talking about the Rat Pack I'm a huge fan as well fakara so Mr Frank Sinatra also was a well-known mirror owner he actually had an s with shag orange carpet um that car traded a few years ago incredible car orange car just like the orange s of Jay Leno and listen s's were are very rare when you compare them to the p400s P400 Mira were the I would say a little bit more crude they were sort of developed over time a lot of the cars had you know roll-up Windows they didn't have chrome trim where the S got the chrome trim it got the electric windows they got AC vented disc brakes as production went on uh so s's historically bring more than a P400 less than an SV but I I think this is a phenomenal car it's a late s so it's a 69 car and I'm gonna put this car at probably 1.95 1.9 million that makes perfect sense and certainly you're the guy to speak to that if I'm buying a car I'm going to buy it for the story rather than it being a fundamentally slightly better 1960s car so I'm going to put it 20 percent back of where I had the Dean Martin car and say one six so my 20 just drops it back to what it should be so I think they're both worth two million dollars but the 20 bump was for Dean Martin on the on the yellow one and then the last car is the blastoline special now this is a complete Oddball it's a famous part of Jay's collection it was built in 2001 by a famous hot rod uh in sort of metal crafter Randy grub it's got a tank powered engine a Greyhound bus Allison Transmission absolutely insane this is only something Jay Leno or somebody like that would build uh I think it looks incredible as well I mean it's so masculine it's so cool it's really hard to Value this if you take out Jay Leno's name how do you put a value on this I think one day if Jay were to ever sell which I doubt would happen you know this car is synonymous with his character as well so you have to add you know his name to this car so in my opinion it could be a 700 000 to a million dollar car a lot of these really really special hot rods can demand that type of Premium depending upon who the Builder is uh but but for argument's sake let's say eight hundred thousand dollars exactly I think there's there's no more Jay Leno car than it's gigantic it makes all the crazy noises in the world I I said 500 Grand generally when you spend a ton of money building a hot rod or modifying a car customizing a car you're talking Pennies on the dollar coming back and I never get it back exactly I can't imagine what was spent to build a thing uh Limitless but I think if it was really going to sell apart from Jay's provenance I think it's half a million bucks yeah I've had the privilege of actually seeing and sitting in I never got to drive some of the other blastoline cars um they they are handmade cars but it's beyond like just building a car they are artists and they put so much thought into every bolt head and everywhere everything is on it there are extraordinary works of art to begin with then you've got it's a tank engine car that drives on the street and you got Jay Leno and there's only one of them and there will always be one of them Vaseline builds one car and they move on to a whole different concept I think that this ever changed hands in a heartbeat some Maniac would drop a million dollars on it without breathing hard there you go you're probably right all right what were your five fakara Jay's collection to me is is really about how eclectic it is how he covers all the weird little niche corners of the car collecting uh uh market and but I'm going to start with a very very conservative one I'm gonna start off with his type 51 Bugatti I did a video on Leon duray he drove a Miller 91 in Indy the connection between those is that the Miller 91 he sold three of them two Bugatti when he was out in Europe and Bugatti took that engine the amazing straight eight supercharged dual overhead cam engine from the Miller 91 and they reverse engineered it and built the Bugatti type 51. now the 51 came after the 35 and there's a lot of numbers flying around here but 35 was a really successful race car by the time the 51 came along the state-sponsored cars of Alfa Romeo defeat needed it and then the states the state-sponsored cars from Mercedes the auto unions and the Mercedes-Benz uh the German cars they crushed everybody so Bugatti's days as a great race car were over doesn't mean this car is anything less than being amazing it is a Cornerstone of any collection to have one of these Bugattis to drive one they're small and Nimble and light and powerful and they're fantastic um I I just I just love it I love that that can sit next to something like a Volkswagen bug in his collection but I put this car at 3.2 million dollars there you go that's I mean it's definitely special I love your story about DeRay or whatever his real name was but uh that I put 275 on this one I'm gonna agree with that I'm gonna say I you know two seven so coming up next we're gonna go the other end of the value scale another car I love of his is his Corvair Yanko Stinger by Chevrolet of course the Corvair was the car that was you know unsafe at any speed and and Nader went after it and General Motors built those for more years than they should have just to prove that it was a good car Don Yanko got a hold of him he was kind of the Carol Shelby of General Motors and he built his first cars were corvairs who eventually moved into Camaros and trick them out giant engines this Yanko Stinger is a stage two they built one two three and four stages they were all built as to be race cars you know scca type stuff uh they were you know 200 horsepower or even more they had the great air-cooled flat six a lot of people call them the American Porsche but it really isn't I think one of the most the prettiest cars that General Motors built in the 60s was that second generation Corvair this car regular corvair's 10 15 grand for a nice sorted car I think this one it sits at about 85 000 if it were a stage three or four it'd probably be breaking six figures I figured you know it has to be a hundred grand just because it has such a great story it's such a unique thing they are so rare there's got to be somebody out there that will write a six-figure check for it I agree with you it's it's interesting fakari I always learn something from you I did not know that Yenko started building corvairs there he's in my eyes he was always known for Camaros and so incredible history I'm gonna say a hundred thousand dollars as well all right my next car is and I'm gonna do a Lamborghini and then we did muras and you guys are into kind of Diablos and things like that but of course I'm into the weird Lamborghinis uh this is a car that I wanted desperately as a kid and I I could have bought one for ten thousand dollars when I was in college and I couldn't afford it or work on the V12 and that's the four-seater front engine V12 Espada they were designed by gandini who designed the mura and the the Countach this was his take on a uh four-seat GT car people either love them or hate them I love it I think this one is a series two which I think is The Sweet Spot in between with a 4 liter V12 up front room for literally I fit in it you can fit four guys my size inside of it although it doesn't look that way they're really cool I think I think they you know it's unfortunate they're not worth more but I guess it's fortunate they are not worth more because I want to buy one someday his was restored uh cosmetically and mechanically so it's probably one of the nicest out there it's his car uh he drives it and uh I know I'm pushing up a spot of prices by saying this but I think that his car would probably sell for about 175 000. the Espada is such a cool car I mean it was such a statement from Lamborghini when it first came out the original prototype was the marzal and the doors came up but it actually had a glass roof I mean it was just completely insane and that's sort of the special Factor this this unique factor of Lamborghini is always pushing the boundaries of everything um I love espada's I think they're great I don't buy them because you could restore one for more than what the car is actually worth so if if you restore in a spotty you have to be a very very passionate individual you have to really love the car because you could spend two three hundred thousand and that's what the car is worth uh a series two is probably one of the more desirable series one series two series three series three have these horrible you know bumperettes the interior is different I love this series one in series twos maybe one day I'll get one I don't know it's just so cool I agree with you John they're they're they're awesome I'm gonna say it's probably worth a little more if it's been fully restored I recently saw a a junk sell for like 130 140. so it feels like the Espada Market is heating up um even if it's not much but but I'm gonna say 200 000 uh for a series to fully resport Espada my gut was 150 but I think your logic is entirely sound it mean it you know it's other than a Gallardo it's probably the cheapest Lamborghini that you could actually buy and it's one that you could take anywhere and guys like us just go nuts over and so you know you can't go wrong but I'll stick to my 150 to all right my next car is another one of his Oddball cars and probably one if you drove into a Cars and Coffee nobody would ever have seen one in their lives it's the Monte Verde High Speed 375s nowadays a hybrid is a combustion engine and an electric motor back then a hybrid was a European car and they would get these beautiful bodies made by touring or Bertone and they put them on a chassis but they couldn't afford to build their own engines like Ferrari could so they would just come to the United States they'd pick up a Chrysler 440 and just plunk it in there and they'd have 375 horsepower that's the reason this is called a 375s and it's a beautiful body so I think it's a really attractive car it's a it's a super car you could then work on at the local garage I mean literally the whole drive train is American so there's nothing terribly expensive about working on that you just have these gorgeous bodies and a really affordable and huge grunt from a big American V8 they didn't make many of these and uh they're all handmade so I put this at 275 000. this is a car I had no real knowledge up I certainly looked at it it is gorgeous I said 250 000. it's gorgeous I think you know they're so cool Monteverde built so many interesting wacky cars I think they even built an SUV uh at one point I will say I would feel that if if I was buying that car it would be very difficult to resell you would have to find an Impulse buyer someone that really loved it uh I'm gonna be a little bit more modest and say two hundred thousand dollars the reason I think this is worth a little bit more it was one of four that was built with a manual transmission oh wow okay cool well there you go anything manual transmission is worth double or more all right my final car uh and I and I had to do one of these because I love the fact that Jay's into steam like it is his steam cars are so cool and he's got a wide selection of them and back in the day most people forget that cars didn't make that much power in the turn of the century and you know a a car with 5 10 15 20 horsepower that's what cars had and these steam cars were putting out 20 25 30 horsepower which was phenomenal kind of speed back in the day so I picked his 1906 Stanley Steemer the Vanderbilt Cup car and uh this was technically a steam race car the Vanderbilt cup was held out on Long Island New York and it was the race in the United States it was the premier car race back in the day before Indy came along and took it over this is what you went and did and they bring drivers over from France and uh and it was a huge International affair Stanley built this car if you should take a good look at it it's actually really cool looking and Jay went in of course he's a Hot rodder and Hot rodded a steam car he put in a bigger boiler it goes faster I mean this is something this is a steam car from a hundred years ago over 100 years ago that can do freeway speeds in California how to put a value on these they don't exchange hands all that much it is an ancient technology would require a very special person to own it but uh you know if I were wealthy and I could get hands of not Vanderbilt Cup car I easily dropped 250 300 000 just to fire up that boiler and drive down the road puff and steam just amazing I love that Jay has become really the modern champion of these steam cars I I love it anytime somebody finds a car like that that resonates so much with them that they really take it upon themselves to evangelize their love for it and so he has certainly done that with his steam cars you know look who's going to use the thing it's it's a museum style thing but it's super cool that you could I said 150 Grand I agree I I think I again I I you have to appreciate Jay's Ingenuity and his passion for this sort of all these little eccentric uh you know pieces of Automotive History it's is this wide spectrum of cars and it's just so so so cool and I think that's the beauty of car collecting and we could go on and on and on is the passion that you you know if you see a cool bike or you see anything you know we're gear heads so we appreciate it all um that being said I think again it's it's probably something that's worth 150 000. so those are the 15 cars that we chose to focus on like I said there are 185 cars that we've identified as part of his collection you know to Value it is is honestly going to be a pretty shocking thing I think to most of our audience because totaling it all up these were most of the really really big cars in the collection and so my total was only 83 million I think you're maybe a touch light but I agree with you you know uh he's got this wide array of stuff that that is very very unique um but I think you know if if he ever did decide to sell the collection I'm sure that there's someone that would pay a hundred million to say they got Jay Leno's collection as a whole and I actually heard that rumor years ago that someone was interested in buying buying his complete collection as a whole you could create a museum you could create a business from that I don't know if it's worth really 100 million but there is something to say about his collection as old I mean they make Hot Wheels models now and toys there's a TV show there's I think it's more than a collection it's it's it's a it's it's a brand icon uh so I'm going to say a hundred million dollars this collection is eclectic but there's also a lot of cars like you know there's a Volga in there it's like there's a lot of ten thousand dollar cars in there uh I think collectively street value the collection's probably around 90 million dollars but uh I think you're right John I think if this was Jay's collection these are Jay's cars uh you know 100 million dollars isn't out of the question and they're all you know a lot of these cars are still going up in value um so just that collection alone would be a wise buy but the Jay Leno collection at least for the next 30 40 50 years why people remember who he is 100 million dollars is not out of the question and the only reason I say only 83 million is that when we looked at a 600 million dollar value on Ralph Lauren's collection a lot of people were like no way is that the most valuable collection in the U.S because certainly Jay Leno's is more and that's one of the most impressive things about it is you know who he is as an Enthusiast and who he is as a brand has become so iconic so significant and honest I think he probably only has 10 to 15 million dollars in purchase price in the cars because they've gone up in value so so very much and so that's what I love is that every car's got a story and he is the man so we'll be back soon with another installation of the VIN Wiki appraisal panel thank you both of the Johns for joining me as always and thank you to Auto Tempest for supporting this series check them out now at the link in the description below and we'll be back soon foreign
Channel: VINwiki
Views: 892,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vinwiki, car stories, automotive, car enthusiast, storytelling, car trek, ed bolian, vehicle history, carfax, car guy, automotive adventure, exotic cars, supercars, jay leno, car collection, appraisal, john ficarra, john temerian
Id: kiz-UTDo9BA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 3sec (1983 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 17 2023
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