Restoration Blog: August 2022 | Jay Leno's Garage

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2022 🗫︎ replies

The poor Dobel. Such a cool and amazing automobile.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/WanderingPickles 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2022 🗫︎ replies
one episode of jaylon's garage restoration blog something very special today uh uh two days ago literally two days ago a policeman we know in the neighborhood came by and said hey old guy up the street died he's kind of a hoarder I think he has a car in his garage I said let's go take a look at it about a mile a little more than a mile up the street the house looked like it had been abandoned it looked like a hoarder lived there overgrown paper newspapers in the wind in the windows that kind of stuff we opened the garage door here's the picture here's what it looked like as you see this guy was a hoarder just stuffed with everything water heaters saved everything who saves old water here it's everything blankets he says there's a car under there I don't know what it is all right let's start to peel a lot of well it started to peel away and here's what we found under the water heaters 1963 Jaguar XKE not just any Jaguar XKE this car has 17 100 and something like 87 miles on it this is just as we pulled it out of the garage we haven't taken the dirt off we're going to clean this up over the next couple of months and get it running it hasn't run in 50 something years it was parked in the garage in the 70s the guy bought it new it's a one owner car being under all the blankets and the water heaters really protected it because there's no body rod on it there's no corrosion the interior looks brand new let's open the hood up I'll show you something interesting everything is exactly as it should be it was just put away wet I guess you'd say and sat for 50 years it is a not brand new but pretty close to brand new it's about original Jaguars you're going to find here's something that really makes it original come around here I'll show you you see it says right there under the wing 5936 that was put on by the factory those are the chalk marks they put on the same marks around here and you see them in other parts which means this thing never got wet enough or quote enough for those things just to wear off the interior well I'm gonna this door is a little Frozen on the trunk all the original books you have the original Jaguar tool kit this is the tool kit you got with it when you bought the car brand new I mean all the little bits and pieces are here this guy bought this car drove it and then just parked it most people even know what this is this came with every Jag and the tool kit this is Dunlap disc brake it's a a bleeder hose to bleed the brakes this is part of the kit you got when you bought the car the original Jack is in here if you go on eBay and you see what they're asking for XKE Jaguar Jacks it's crazy crazy money uh it's it's pretty amazing this color is unusual using all of our products that we've you may have seen the last restoration part we're going to try and bring this paint back the first thing you want to do is cosmetically clean this car and see how good we can get I think this is going to be a preservation car we're not going to turn into a show car we're not going to repaint it because it is so original that's what makes it really exciting this might be the lowest original mileage XKE around I certainly haven't seen what lower I'm sure in England that the factory or there's some of the XKE club that has one but just to find something like this you know that's the fun thing about living here Lockheed Martin aircraft was right across the way and there were so many engineers and airplane guys that live in this area that all these garages around here just have some interesting stuff Amelia Earhart lived right down the street her Franklin was there I bought a 1927 Duesenberg out of a garage 15 years ago that was parked in 1945 and the garage had not been opened since then and this is the same thing this was parked either in the late 60s or early 70s I mean I passed that house every day almost on my way to work I never thought or knew what was in there but this is what was in there all the original pieces are here come around let me show you the interior the interior is probably the most amazing part all right take a look at the dashboard take a look at the steering wheel the door panels they look if not brand new pretty close there's a little bit of tear here in the stitching but that's it this leather is still pretty Supple they covered it in plastic and the whole thing was just covered in blankets and uh even that aluminum tray that changed in late 63 early 64 to a leather piece I always like that piece of aluminum and most of these you see it's all scratched and cut up because of Watches or Rings or people put things on there it still looks almost brand new it's an amazing car there's no there's no rust the the doors don't sag look at that because they they've been shut for 50 years I think this paint will come back I think this is going to be a pretty color once we once we get it you know most of these are white or red I mean this is an unusual color it was ordered in this color with the tan interior really something kind of different uh this is going to be a pretty exciting honor but those are the original tires when when we dragged it out it had four flat tires we put some air and they hold air obviously we're going to change the tires at some point the original radiator those unusual thinned radiators like that most have some Modern aluminum unit but that's as it was from the factory so it would be a shame to Resto mod this car or or even restore it this is a case of preservation especially anybody who has a Jag and they want to know well how is it done at the factory what kind of fittings did they use well you could look at this car as your guide you see all these little hose clamps and everything here that's what makes it pretty amazing I'm sure it's going to need a new brake master cylinder clutch master cylinder and some other pieces like that but I think this is going to be a really exciting project well here's where we are now about a month or so later we saw I'm not taking the original dirt off the car or cleaned the original top how many cars from 1963 still have the original top you know the fun thing about finding something like this it's perfectly preserved you know a lot of times when I see Jags at a show and they're all beautifully restored they just have the wires going directly to the plugs but they forgot about this piece this is an original piece that when the cars are built it's called the ignition wire conduit uh it's a fiber-like material that is extremely brittle and usually breaks and most people just leave it off there's no reason to have it I well I suppose there is that's why I was on the first place but most people just ignore it and you know I have the wires or some other kind of loom to hold it so you just have an original piece like that this is one of the few pieces where you place this overflow tank up top here because this thing was just driven the garage one day and shut off you know I wasn't drained wasn't pickled as they say so these tent well you can see all the rest so we've got a new tank on there so we're just replacing as necessary but trying to keep it as original as possible you know my friend miles Collier wrote a book called The archaeological automobile and it's about preserving cars you know back in the oh 80s I guess when I really got into this kind of stuff 70s and 80s the idea was to make it look brand new look better than new you know Pebble Beach and people have tweezers and they're pulling Blades of grass out from between the Treads so the car looks perfect uh the idea I think nowadays is to just sort of preserve it as it was because like they say it's only original once and it's fun to drive a car like this exactly as it left the factory you know a lot of times people put way too much horsepower in them and change everything and I'm I'm as guilty as that as anybody but you realize mono cars are so fast it's not going to be faster so why not put it back to the way it was originally the one change I am going to make is a little while a little wider wire wheel to get a better Tire on it just to make it handle a bit better right now we're pulling the brakes out uh obviously we replace pads and and Brake cylinders and uh you know the brake hoses and stuff in the interest of safety in fact you look at these bugs in the radiator these are all 50 years old and this is the way the radiator was done at the factory back in the day I'm not even sure you can get these anymore everything else here will be cleaned the gold cylinder head that's the way they came this of course is a 3.8 liter engine with the Moss four-speed gearbox no sink growing first you know once you drive this you realize 1963 was a long time ago but look even the headers here are not all cracked and from heat Distortion or anything what usually happens is water comes in the uh through the vents in the top and you know just kind of well just cracks everything it just it's you're pouring water on a hot engine but since it doesn't rain that much in Southern California we don't have that problem um come on around here to the back I'll show you the rear end we just pulled out as you can see we pulled the rear end out of the car just to go through everything opened up the differential what a pleasant surprise almost brand new know where marks nothing I mean it was 17 000 pretty easy miles and not like the guy racist thing we're not going to paint anything here we're just cleaning it up as you can see but look at this everything is nicely done there's no chunks out of it there's no nobody's beating this with a hammer you know so just clean it up replace gaskets where necessary obviously change the fluids and then put it back in again the idea is to get it back on the road as good as it was the day it drove into the garage back in 68 so that's pretty much where we are but the wonderful thing about this is there's no rust at all here the only rust was that as I said in that water tank because obviously it's filled with water but look how clean it is in here original paint look at that important disconnect battery before removing cover there you go right there even the gas tank looks pretty good we did have a problem with this door but now it's fine this door wouldn't open it was just frozen but uh taking it apart and a lot of WD-40 and now it seems to be fine the Interiors I said looks not brand new but boy it looks pretty new it doesn't it looks like it's probably five or six years old as opposed to 50 year old uh that's pretty much where we are with this we'll keep you updated this is going to take this is going to take a while because we've got a lot of other projects uh of course our it's right next to our Detroit electric right here uh we're hoping to have this done and well about another three or four months uh I think I've showed you the yeah we haven't moved a whole lot since the last one we've had other projects we've been working on come on let's show you some more stuff this is the 57 Cadillac last time we saw it on the restoration block I think it's probably in the paint booth a while back I got a check to see uh as you can see the paint has turned out beautiful uh Interiors in the only variation from stock under the hood is obviously a modern Optima battery because they don't leak and they don't you know they don't the gases don't rust out the hood or ruin the pattern like that and a modern air conditioning system that is a vintage Air we use them almost exclusively here and everything because they fit in any any car we have we get a vintage Air unit in there to keep it cool and it really makes it a pleasurable car to drive because it saves the interior the windows aren't open all the time and dirt blowing in so that works pretty good we're going to do a road test on this and very very soon we finally got it running uh took it on an initial road test yesterday brakes aren't gripping the way they should we got a problem there a couple of misfires in the engine but something I want to show you that's really great okay this is probably the biggest problem when you have an older car especially from the late 50s or early 60s the dash so many times I go to car shows and I see the cars beautiful but the dash has got some kind of matching duct tape over the crack from the Sun you know the cracks it and all that or they're just sort of warped from sitting outside whatever it might be and where do you find one of those I got just the solution the place down the street being called just stashes it's amazing we bought the 442 in there because the 442 was beautiful everything was great on it except the dash was it just kind of cracked and it just didn't look good but what do you find a dash for a 66 Oldsmobile 442 well you can get a brand new one here take a look hey everyone how are you hi Jay Jason how you doing I'll tell you why I love this place see I like people who specialize in stuff like my favorite hamburger place is in and out because all they sell are hamburgers no burritos no chicken sandwiches no nothing you guys are just dashes you've got a dashboard they can figure because that's probably one of the most frustrating things about restoring a car you can do all the mechanical work and the body work but a dashboard is almost Beyond anybody certainly a home person working out of their garage it's almost beyond their capability so so let's start the this is a typical Dash right here that comes in this is a 1973 Trans Am Firebird okay that looks pretty bad now is that just was that a car sitting under just out in the sun outside what's the store you don't know oh any given Dash we're not really sure the entire story a lot of them are family projects right A lot of them could be Concourse Restorations whatever it is we're able to well you might remember on my website where I had a 66442 car was beautiful everything was done except the dash didn't fit right and had some cracks and nothing we could do about it other than putting black tape or trying to fill it in or you know just I'm not gonna see that's exactly you guys love that yeah that's right that's right and I brought it to you guys and it's it looks like a factory piece yeah I mean it's as good as a factory so where do we start how does the process work do I I call you up I tell you what I have and can you make just about any dashboard just about anything between 60 and 2000. oh okay cool cool yeah so would I pack it up I send it to you most of our clients will either bring it into US ship it into us we try to keep that process as simple as possible as long as you can get it here we'll take care of it and what part of the original Dash do you use just just the metal pieces and everything else is replaced how does it work a lot of these dashes will have some sort of plastic or metal substructure to it right what we're going to be doing is stripping off a lot of the old ratty material and restructuring that with brand new foam but the first process is to make sure that the structure of it is sound now how does that work you have molds for like Trans Am Camaro Mustang or is each one pretty much just start from scratch everything is hand built so we use very very few molds here everything is hand structured so our Craftsmen really know what they're doing oh okay yeah all right so so where do we go here let's say did you just unpack this this came from somebody this has been sitting around for a little while but we try to get to things in a timely manner so but uh yeah this is essentially how it came out of the box we have not touched this thing yet and it really doesn't make any difference whether it's just a little crack of where the whole thing is shot because you have to do the whole thing anyway right yeah it's all one piece so exactly it's not like one that's totally crashed is going to be the same price really as one that's there's some variations but for the most part we've seen pretty much anything and everything right and as long as the structure itself is good the the skeleton or whatever what do you call it another substructure substructure yeah as long as that's in pretty good shape you're okay yeah pretty much all right so now where does it go from here can you show us the next step yeah so what we'll do is kind of specifically for these we get a lot of these we have about 20 30 of these in the building right now and what we're basically going to be doing is putting blockouts to rebuild the radio areas really common that the these were cut out for single DIN radios right right over the years go down to ednell's Auto Sound yeah so we 3D we have 3D printed parts for radio areas steering column areas and you know we can pretty much replace any anything on this one because it is so common and how much of it is one piece I mean that whole except for it's all one piece it's all one piece okay it's all one piece under there I see so sometimes these will come in someone doesn't brace this thing it comes completely obliterated right and you know costs a little bit more but we can do the structurals and you have replacement substructures as well I imagine yeah we really totaled situations will suggest just replacing what's the easiest one to do 67 67 Camaro yeah it's just a little thin pad right at the top of the dashboard right and there's not much to it uh a 70s Dodge Dart yeah it's just thin and it comes down on the sides the more complicated ones would be like a 59 Cadillac right okay you gotta that's a lot of chrome and all right right yeah do you do the Chrome piece as well or just the we specialize in the foam shaping and thermal vacuum forming aspects of it rechroming metal leave that to The Experts and what's the most common problem that's been sitting in the sun and the foam dries out and because a lot of times they're not torn they're just warped I guess yeah right yeah so over time it dries out and part of the drying out process is the foam degrading underneath and it just starts chipping away so you can right kind of just snap it like plastic so you probably recommend keep one of those reflectors in the yeah she live in California or don't because it's good for business or don't yeah yeah don't be too protective over it you want people to see your brand new Dash but uh you know my dad has always said keep it clean yes yeah best thing you can it's a great business because I talked to guys back east and you guys are the only people in the country that really do this from what I can see which is great uh so what what's the next step okay you you get a guy from New Jersey sends you his dashboard what do you start turning it apart is that the next thing yeah so after the substructure supports we take it over to film shaping and this is over here yep instructional thing so after we've torn down the old foam uh what we do is we restructure it with a high density two-part foam oh okay is that similar to what they use back in the day or is it different no this is a bit of a different process what they used to do is injection foam molding okay so they'd have these big casts that they'd be able to plug in all these different tubes into and then you get this this spongyish spongier type of foam that which degrades and right and we went to a closed cell foam few decades ago yes yeah well you started the business right right so what year did you start 1981 oh 81 okay yeah people think you're crazy at the time like how many people need a dashboard you know I mean did it seem unusual to people well that's how I started the business I had a Datsun uh 240Z right with a crack Dash and they all had credit and uh nobody knew how to fix it and it went around all over Southern California looking for someone that could repair my Dash I couldn't find anyone so uh that's when I thought hey this is a business I can live with I was always a car Enthusiast you're like the guys so I liked it so much I want the company and you're right there was nobody else doing it right yeah well that's cool all right so okay now you got the formal what's the next step so after we've laid down the the new foam uh it's from there it's all grinding and shaping and getting back to that original Factory shape again and how long does it take to to form a dashboard and do the whole deal uh it depends on the the type of Dash but it could go anywhere from eight hours to 40 hours okay so it's pretty labor intensive yes very much so okay so it's actually so there's no mold you're actually shaping it yep it's all it's all hand shaped work so uh we have people who've been with us for 30 years and they just sort of no way osmosis I guess just yeah we have a lot of samples we have a lot of schematics to go off of um and we have a lot of skilled people doing it you still have that dancer uh yeah it's out in the parking lots another one oh okay very good you put in a dash in that one too no it's got an original wow one of the reasons I bought the car right oh okay cool cool all right very good okay so what's our next step so after we've done all the structural repairs to it we get a nice thinnest sheet of aesthetic foam okay and that will give us a nice cushion okay okay let's see what that looks like we're gonna go for that over here right over here okay so what do we have here so this is another Trans Am Dash where we're just in the final phases of putting a very thin sheet of aesthetic foam so it'll have a nice cushion okay when it's when it's it goes over this part here yeah it's really just there to kind of smooth out some surfaces and give us that spongy feeling at the end of the job are almost all dashes black I guess they are we can make them whatever color you need they can do colors oh yeah yeah we can make them whatever color you need we need them to be and yeah what color you want okay they all seem to be black but then again I've seen older Cadillacs have a blue or right and sometimes they have like a metallic flake in it right right we can we can do all oh that's pretty cool okay yeah all right so this one is a matter of laying and how does that go on is it it's not it's because not as one piece uh yeah right behind you is oh here it is oh here yeah okay okay it goes in you can see so it does have a little bit of a yep so we should yeah we'll take we'll take a lot of that off so we get this thing as possible so you put it on in like sort of strips or uh yeah I mean it's not it's not one piece it's cut to fit most of it's one piece yeah we use heating and stretching to get it on in one piece okay all right very good now where do we go from here uh from here after foam shaping we'll check out the vacuum former let's check out the vacuum former okay how's this work what do we do so with vacuum forming it's really important that the material itself gets to a nice even hot temperature right so this is going to back up into the oven here and after it gets hot it comes out here the Trans Am Dash is going to come up through the vinyl and then it's going to get drawn out oh now where did this machine come from did you guys have this purpose built or it just didn't exist and you bought it how does it how'd that work did you design it uh no it was made by a company that specializes in vacuum forming machines and they built it to our specifications oh I see okay so you built it obviously just for dashboards they were very confusing with the request so the vinyl is going under the uh in the oven in the oven so it'll take a take about 10 15 minutes for it to heat up and then we'll pull out the drawer maybe next year we could and how old is this process of vacuum for me oh uh since uh we had an old machine okay the first machine right that um we used uh that was built in 1947. oh okay so you know how old the process was yeah that's about how old back and forming processes [Music] oh literally sucks that wow that's cool oh yeah oh that's great now the water is just to cool it right to cool it down real fast there it is all right dumb question it's just regular water it's not too it doesn't need to be distilled or anything like just regular water I don't know yeah no no like foreign cars use empty on a period LA's finest yeah wow and now it looks like a dashboard yeah we're 99 there right right okay just a little bit more and that's great it looks I mean looks well that's the way they do it the factory isn't it right yeah right very good now what happened to you let that cool for a little bit Yeah it needs another minute to cool and then it'll go into trimming and repairs and is that the final step final step will be the paint department oh paint okay yeah unless they want a different color right yeah even with black dashes we'll give it a little dusting because you'll see that there's a little bit of a Sheen to it oh I see so so you actually paint it's not you don't use a different sort of material that's a color no all of my all the vinyls black all the vinyl paint it yeah is it hard to paint I mean they get a light blue color on on black is that tricky a few more coats a few more coats okay yeah that vinyl is designed to be painted right and uh at the factory which I was at the factory uh years ago they paint every piece of vinyl that comes out of there even if it is black right because it has this gloss too right gotcha gotcha wow that looks incredible it's now just a matter of trimming and kind of shaping it a little bit that's very cool yeah so what's the next step trimming trimming yeah we're going to trim the excess vinyl from around the perimeter of the dash and fit all of the openings the vents the vessels Wow Let's go there check it out oh now the high-tech part yeah they sell that a lot of hand labor stuff more than I thought actually but this is the high-tech 3D printer look at that yeah we're starting to see these parts coming in worse and worse shape and we're kind of preparing for the inevitability that we start running out of them and when you start making our own right so are you making the substructure here is that what we do we're going to be able to do a lot of different things substructures full Dash pads um coupled with the thermal vacuum flooring process we can make just about anything with this well I can't thank you guys enough you know people have their own shop like I do we say we restore a car we we're still as much as we can then we rely on guys like you guys to really give it that that really factory look and you know you can't make your own dash at home you just can't do it and thank you so much for having this business because you really save it I mean this is something that probably isn't crazy when you started it you go how many people want a new dashboard but are you surprised at how big the business has gotten I am yeah and I'm surprised that of the longevity yeah did you ever think oh I might have to get a real job someday many times no I think it's going to be around a long time because it really is it really is great to be able to be able to give something that factory finished right off the showroom floor kind of look that that you can't duplicate them you can polish and wax and paint but can't do that and that's what's really good so thank you thank you really appreciate it really appreciate it you need a dashboard it's a place to go you know we inquire cars interesting ways a lot of times people have a car they love but the engine's blown or it's in sad shape they don't know what to do with it so they called me and asked me if I wanted that was the case with this uh 1974 TR6 Triumph the body's all there pretty nice shape not too bad but it's just needed everything valves were bent the cam was worn out yeah so we pulled the engine went through the whole thing putting it back to stock uh it did a slight touch up under the hood here with matching paint so it's going to be a great it's going to be a great Runner great cutter just take out in the hills and drive around or run some errands with it's not going to be like a you know 100 Point restoration like that but it'll all be stock and uh well it's running now we just got a a few more things to do with this and we'll do a full uh you know road test and everything this and when it's done we'll feature it under the light box and do all that so I'm just showing it to you now is it's sad for about two years when I got it it just seemed overwhelm me had so many other broken projects so we finally got around to it we're ready to go come on let's move on to the next thing well this is the front clip to the 63 XKE we just looked at uh we took it over here because he wanted to try and see if we could bring this paint back notice it's still got all the 50 area the time using some of the products we developed here at the garage The General Car Care stuff um trying to bring back this color this is called opalescent sand this is primer under here I guess he scraped it or something or somebody did in the garage but I think this can come back you see it looks okay it looks nice there it looks nice so uh we're just doing one little area just trying to see if it is salvageable and it appears to be obviously when we're done we'll probably still have that scrape there but that's okay because this is going to look like a five-year-old excuse from 1968 you know and then that's kind of what we wanted to do I just want to keep it as original as possible which can be a real challenge because when you can buy stuff like that water tank the you know I I'm replacing that because there's so much rust inside it'll just eventually work its way into the engine you know we're so fortunate that that the 63 Jag was here in Southern California because it didn't rust at all it was that overflow water tank uh this this all looks good I'm thinking we can bring this paint back so that's what we're hoping we're just doing one little section at a time uh you know it's fun when you develop your own products because you know exactly how much damage they'll do or how little damage they'll do and so when we know what's in the product then we feel safe to use it on the vehicle and that's what we're doing here just you know preservation is almost in some ways harder than a restoration a restoration you just replace it you know so many parts available now but it's fun to be able to keep it as it was in 63. now another project that's been down for oh man three four years now is a double steam car let me tell you what happened there uh adrobel runs on uh a much higher pressure than other steam cars Stanley's can run at uh 250 degrees 300 degrees a double it would be about 750 800 Degrees it runs on superheated Steam which you need an oil that can take that kind of temperature I advertise a guy called me oh yeah I make that oil okay he gave it to me it wasn't it was just regular steam oil it wasn't the high temp steam oil at all but it really launched the whole motor because everything just scored the cylinders and so we had to make all new internal parts of the double I'll show you how that's going come on okay these are the internals of our double steam car engine um you know as much as we like 3D printing and and it's great it's it's like a boon it saved the hobby you can't beat a skilled machinist someone who can really just make anything out of metal you know the fun thing about handmade things is hands haven't changed so you can still make them again it just takes a lot of skill it makes you realize how talented these Craftsmen were for example these are the Pistons from adobo steam car this is the high pressure piston this is the low pressure piston and you have four yeah well it's a four-cylinder engine okay here you go now what happened was I mentioned the steamwork all these parts to score because it wasn't lubricating it was burning off and it ruined so we have to make all these new pieces here's a blank that Bernard has already started on as you can see he hasn't cut the grooves this is such a complex engine the easier valves to let your steam in okay Bernard made these the whole face the whole piece he hit wow should I hear the original do you see the originals as it came from the factory it looks like some kind of bad Tootsie pop or something but as you can see it's all it just scored and there are piston rings that go in here you got to get the piston rings have the Pistons ring made and there's a lot of piston rings in this thing if you count all the pieces probably about 84 or something like that here are the brand new ones Bernard made right here as you can see and you can see up here it's cracked and broken from from Distortion and heat and not having the right lubricant but this is really The Machinist art it's amazing that Bernard is able to do this these are the cylinders here we will get this thing back together here is another piston in process okay but like that's pretty much where we are we've got a lot more work to do here oh okay here are piston rings I had those made in England right here well it goes around the valves of Pistons everywhere you know a steam engine is different than internal combustion engine turtle combustion engine you want to get the heat out a steam engine you want to keep the heat in and he plays heat it escaping you want to block that up if using piston rings or insulation or something because the more heat you can have the more power you make so it and they run at a much much higher temperatures than uh than internal combustion engine because uh obviously the reason of keeping all the heat in so anyway but that's pretty much where we are um we're just making every piece yeah it's a nightmare but it's it's when we're going to wake up from and be fine so that's pretty cool all right well I'll give you some idea what's going on here uh we haven't done a restoration blog in a while so we thought we'd bring you up to date uh anyway we'll see you guys again next week and I hope you enjoyed this look at the shop and what we got going on here we keep as you can see we keep pretty busy see you guys next week [Music]
Channel: Jay Leno's Garage
Views: 2,528,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Restoration, 1963 Jaguar XKE, barn find, restomod, car enthusiast, gearhead, wrench, fabrication, built not bought, Triumph TR6, Cadillac Coupe de Ville, Detroit Electric, preservation, classic cars, rare cars, luxury cars, custom cars, Vintage Air
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 25sec (2305 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 22 2022
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