We ADOPTED Baby Dragons In Minecraft!

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me and my friends is off of baby dragons in Minecraft now we get to raise them from babies to big dragons and when they're big they have amazing powers we can play with we even take them to fight the biggest baddest dragon in Minecraft Oh will raising these baby dragons be a an high duel with fishing nothing I'm so glad you're having such a good day whatever a cooler if you could just like.how knows right a dragon and just like fire the lake and make the lake screaming is it it's a charge wait to fight it are we gonna be oh wait you know I could hold it in one hand I could just make a little circle if I keep track your pets that bow I'll keep track of what I want all right so look this this here is cinnamon okay oh I love cinnamon cinnamon a little adorable okay but look Olivia I have something really cool to show you guys and if you haven't seen already okay go turn your head that way wait what let me back get there this is my Dragon's nest all right and look at all these dragon hey are we gonna dress that this is so close to the to the houses are you guys ready for some dragons tiny dragon dragon would never hurt you okay would never hurt you won't hurt you funny mama okay all right we'll do that later don't worry so these are all the dragon eggs right and so what we're gonna do is I'm gonna show you them really quick all right so are you gonna do is you gotta join click them to see and they start punching well you're hatching all of them right now like a few hours for them to have started yeah no no no no no your girl got some time to live but in the meantime I have some speedy eggs okay and the speedy eggs I'm gonna give you theirs yeah because okay it's not gonna be fair if I have all these dragons to myself and you guys have nothing to defend yourself okay exactly so while those eggs are hatching the violation chefs she's dragged and she will be okay all right all right so over here over here inside of this chest I have some eggs here okay thanks you guys can do one you know what I'm gonna go with the ice dragon I'm gonna pick the ice dragon these are the speedy eggs and they take a little bit faster than the other one so what you want to do is you want it here here here let's move this over here actually I want you guys to really love your egg okay so put your egg down and read a bedtime story okay this is not dangerous hey it's a ho oh my god all right so tell a bedtime story your babies make entertaining chuck job oh what's about a time I gave his own home and everything was right in the world the end once upon a time the world was plunged into darkness oh it's already working okay cool great video actually pretty fast Oh into the fire immediately Oh baby where'd your son baby go baby honey wait where - bike Bell all right and you go see if you can find him I'm not sure I take my tie so you got to feed some meat when you find it okay all right I got my baby okay high fat Derek here now do I do a right-click them so that way you can hold them on your shoulder my baby go oh my god did you lose yours to sunny sunny hanging out to you can you dig this out of the way I can't can't get in there oh my god on it doles I will destroy all of you hey guys door opens my baby [Music] here I'll destroy your house for you oh my god okay take a little while to grow up again these are speedy I'll look at might look at this little tail go like that oh my god crouched yeah their eggs are getting close Oh in the meantime we gotta wait for our babies to grow up okay so it may take a little while but that's perfect if you right-click it you shift right click you'll get a menu all right and you can do sit okay and they will sit oh there it is okay so in the comments let me know what your favorite dragon is back in my chest of Wonders I have some amulet all right so here's an amulet for you and amulet for you also weird cinnamon go I'm gonna win somewhere you're gonna be the name of cinnamon you're gonna be named ginger I like ginger even though cinnamon is gonna scare me something I know she's gonna pop out all right so this is uh this is ginger ginger doesn't make any sense but you know what I like no you're garlic like garlic names garden makes even less sense it's a nice trick you know it looks like garlic a little bit all right so you can use these shears to get some Dragon Scale I know look at that you can make dragon armor alright [Music] alright so let's keep harvesting dragon skills all right oh my I made a sword I made a stored what else do I get oh my god for colour yeah things for a sword hey I need wood I have some you got it you give me something in exchange I'll give you something a mine exchange to maybe something nice [Applause] I don't know okay all right we I got ice I don't know what ice does but it seems pretty cool I got sunlight oh yeah I made you something would you maybe I made you a dragon hope oh thank you I feel so much I can oh my god so much better thank you a sword I'll make you a sword okay now it okay make me a sword make me a story oh my god okay alright it's time it's time boys look watch this watch this look get a saddle all right just get one saddle oh my god and look at this watch this watch this [Music] [Applause] are you ready for the big day just got you out of the game bleed it out of existence I don't want that dragon breath what's your dragon breath we'll be careful we'll be careful we'll be careful oh all right what does your do and what is your dude I'm does fire oh my god oh my god oh don't open the door don't put the door because they get really cheeky when they want to get out oh my god they're so cute [Music] still made it back - all right guys guys we we need to grow up all these dragons and see what they can do all right we must make that less to die all right let's get our team and stuff ready let's do it that's gonna be a lot of dragon ice water we got it we got it we got it oh my god Oh a lot of dragons what are we what are we doing here we're the dragon tamers guys all right we got this you got this so what will you do we need to test all these dragons all right so so what we're gonna do is you need to go to your dragon all right you need to get any dragon dragon I'm going cinnamon I got stomach and you're gonna go and we're gonna see what they do all right I want to see what this dragon does I'm gonna get on Gerald the wither dragon oh my god dragon Zeke the zombie drag I got cinnamon the cinnamon dragon she's actually oh my god oh my god don't hit the Dragons oh my god let's just a minute let's go down let's go down okay all right let's go do from the other dragons okay all right yeah like what good old Gerald the wither drag it does I want to see what they do show me show me show you ready right zombie zombie breath grows I what are you you are fancy you're a midnight dragon don't Gerald let's fight although with dragon ice and get some ice in there naive skeleton dragon let's scale this longer I'm putting them all back in this in the ambulance just so you know I let see some boat ride where's where's the bone breath I wanna see it actually you know what as turns out it's hard for a skeleton to have breath trying something new every day Oh water water water water breath ah whoa whoa what happens if you can find the water with dirt over there let's go putting out the water yeah just think about messing with water your log oh my god guys it actually works if you set something on fire the water dragon and I put it out I know let's put it out with the fire Oh [Music] hey oh my god Lilly's dragon dragon dragon dragon oh hey I got on this dragon I guess another water dragon this is the forest yeah guys don't worry all right guys let's be dragons cuz I have an idea right come here so what if we take these dragons ender dragon down take out the thingies we're also getting a dragon bump that's weird I noticed that yeah power of a dragon nearby Wow oh my god I don't know if I'm hitting the right dragon I can't tell oh my god going on there we go there we go oh no that's ready Drake it's very upset with me barian pony oh no oh my god oh yeah you poisoned me with the zombie dragon I think I don't I think we gotta get some more dragons if you know what I mean more dragons oh my 10 German guys I control the ender dragon does that mean wait a minute [Music] No what are you doing you got it guys I think we're breaking the serve it did not like that I think even with the Dragons we're not really killing the ender dragon we're killing no but you know what for having fun with dragons that's right oh my god we dragon dream Oh dragon deeper dragons and your ambulance please I'll try but fast oh my god oh my god guys just shoot me dragons guys I think he killed the service I think it's killed I think it's all dead but at least this dragons are alive yeah [Music] I died I can't believe you guys keep fall off your dragons so long oh honey oh no guys I think we made the ender world more powerful it's scary I don't think we're gonna anyone is gonna win this one Oh
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 14,022,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft baby dragons, baby dragons aphmau, raising baby dragons in minecraft, baby dragon mod in minecraft, dragons, training pet dragons, pet dragons, pet dragons aphmau, breeding dragons, ice dragon, fire dragon, dragon mod minecraft, how to train your minecraft dragon, dragon mod showcase, ender dragon minecraft, fighting the ender dragon in minecraft, dragon eggs, riding dragons, minecraft ender dragon aphmau, minecraft no swears, minecraft funny moments
Id: Nql4SVtxpvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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