We Adopted a Dog From a Hoarding Situation - This is What Happened | Pablo's Adoption Story

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hello anybody in there Mateo say hola Mateo and I want to make a big announcement and he wanted to introduce you to his new Amigo and that is Pablo [Music] Pablo is very sleepy [Music] are you guys Brothers you say hi to the people of YouTube they might be long lost brothers are you falling asleep your first time on camera until it came up he's very sleepy it is true brand new little brother we adopted Pablo about a month ago and we've been giving him time to kind of settle in letting him and Mateo Bond and just let him explore his brand new life now Pablo's adoption story is a whole Saga there's a whole bunch going on with this little guy and we're gonna tell you all about it but first let's just do a little Montage of the last month together [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you and now the real big announcement is over the last month Mateo Pablo and I have been able to discuss some business strategies and we decided we are going to be opening up a Mezcal and Tequila company called Dos Hermanos agave and it will obviously be Mateo and Pablo on the cover we're still working out the details and sourcing from Mexico but um time will time will tell Pablo and Mateo's tequila company dos hermanitos oh my goodness okay maybe not so Mateo is an extremely social dog he loves other dogs and we've known that about him since the day that we adopted him we have friends that have dogs but we only see them periodically and other than that we really don't have a lot of dogs in our life and we noticed that when we would camp with friends he would run around with all the dogs and then once it came time to leave Mateo would get really sad he'd get really lonely and kind of down for a few days and it would just break our hearts and that's kind of what sparked our thought that Mateo might like to have a little companion just a friend who would always be there and wouldn't be coming and going like all our friends dogs he's asleep again I swear this guy has buttons in his paws that when you pick him up he goes to sleep he does he definitely just goes on a good thing I'm good I think he feels safe Mateo is about four and a half and we adopted him when he was one we didn't want to wait too long to get a second dog because it can be difficult to introduce a new dog to your current dog if they're older very comfortable set in their ways so we wanted to make sure we did it when Mateo was still young enough to accept a little friend into the bus initially we thought that we would wait to get a second dog we have a very big project coming up later this summer and we kind of put the second dog thing on the back burner but then I was just conveniently casually scrolling Pet Finder and I saw this picture of Pablo just look at this adoption photo this right here is Mateo's adoption photo and this is Pablos I absolutely could not pass up going to look at Pablo he just stole my heart those desperate little eyes he was adorable and it was impossible for us to not go meet him so I called the number that was on his profile they said we could come meet him the next day and that we should bring Mateo to meet him as well that's when we learned that Pablo was in the county jail he's a criminal he was literally in human jail but the cool part about it is that Pablo was part of a program where inmates will rehabilitate animals that had been seized by the Sheriff's Office the sheriff's office is involved in cases of animal abuse neglect hoarding dog fighting and any time that they seize animals from a situation like that they created a program where they could bring them back to the jail and then inmates would rehabilitate socialize and train the animals so that they could then be more well-rounded animals and they can be placed in homes that means if you don't behave you're going back to jail you better mind your p's and q's around here bud unless you're going back to the clinic so yeah we literally literally showed up at jail and we brought Mateo with us here he is waiting to meet his new best friend we actually met several dogs from this program but as soon as Mateo met Pablo it was over they bonded instantly they even took Pablo away at one point so that we could better interact with the other dogs and Mateo just went over to the door and whined until they brought Pablo back out it was like no other dogs existed once Pablo came out they were just playing and running around the room together so I truly think that Mateo chose Pablo I think Pablo basically knew uh it was one shot to go to jail maybe not as one shot but he seemed like he knew like I gotta go home with these people he was just jumping into your arms he all but climbed up my leg into my arms just like this he wanted to be held he wanted to be cuddled he wanted to play with Mateo it was like he knew that we were his family and he was not taking no for an answer this is where we learned that Pablo was a part of a hoarding situation with a 150 animals that were seized by the Sheriff's Office our vet thinks that he is about eight months to a year old and he'd been at the jail for about six months so if you do the math we kind of think that he was born into this hoarding situation so he's just a young little guy and most of his life that he's known thus far was inside the jail we actually got to meet the inmate that rehabilitated him so that she could say goodbye and it was really cool to see the program that they have there and how it's benefiting not only the animals but also the inmates because Pablo is such a sweet sweet dog and he probably wouldn't have had a second chance at life if it wasn't for that program so we made it official and we broke Pablo out of jail bust you out of the Clank we did we got you as soon as we got him out of the jail he just loved riding in the car we rolled down the window for him and he sat next to me Mateo looking out the window it was really heartwarming to see the two of them together and see Pablo's first moments of Freedom yeah he's definitely taking to riding in the cab right away he's pretty typical dog wants to stick his head out the window and smell everything and pretty much immediately we just went into our new daily life with Pablo and Matteo Pablo loves cuddling Mateo taught him how to sleep under the covers and Pablo pretty much just wants to snuggle he's definitely a lap dog if he's not playing with Mateo he wants to be on your lap cuddling and of course we just want to give him all the love we have to give he's had a bit of a rough start to life so we just want to make his life all that it can be and he seems to be settling in really well you can tell he's pretty young and doesn't have a lot of experience like walking on a leash obviously they were taking him out at the jail on the sidewalk so he seems pretty comfortable Baltimore in a city walking on the sidewalk but we got him onto like a dirt Trail he seemed a little bit uh hesitant to really walk on the leash I think maybe just because he was only walking out on the sidewalk when they were taking him for a walk so he's getting used to it now dogs from hoarding situations can have a lot of very specific ish but like like born there he he's so young when he was rescued most of what he's known has been that program at the jail so we haven't been seeing any of those typical behavioral issues so far he's been really great and I think just wants to be loved we anticipated a few tough moments with having Mateo and Pablo both in the same space just the two of them getting used to each other but we were actually really pleasantly surprised I think because Mateo picked Pablo out at the shelter he was just really comfortable with him Pablo slept in our bed with us the first night they eat together they sleep together they get the Zoomies around Camp they nap they even started cuddling together in the last few weeks it's been really really heartwarming to see Pablo open up and if you've ever rescued a dog you know that it takes a little bit of time for them to open up get comfortable gain confidence and kind of see their little personality he brings the perfect amount of energy to Mateo so that Mateo's not bored and he always has a friend to play with it is just play time 24 7 and then it's nap time and then we just rinse and repeat just play time nap time Play Time nap time can be a little bit intense with both of them in here especially in the morning when still trying to sleep and they decide to wrestle on top of me it's like dude go use the couch or the floor or the cab but nope just throwing their bodies all over you it's like go away they play exactly the same way so it's actually really entertaining to watch how they play and they sneeze at each other and Chase each other around but yeah the Playtime nap time cycle just never ends because of the circumstances that Pablo was born into and then kind of living most of his life at the jail we think that there was a lot of a typical dog things that he never learned how to do like he wouldn't lift his leg to pee he had no idea what the chewy toothbrush treats were he just could not comprehend them and every time we gave him even a little training treat he would take it and stash it away somewhere there was just a bunch of these things over time that weren't big behavioral issues but were just kind of quirky little things that he would do and we then noticed that Pablo would always be watching Mateo and then he would copy what Mateo did so he learned a lot in those first few weeks just from from watching and copying Mateo and a lot of those strange little things that we noticed at first kind of worked themselves out I think just because Pablo had a little role model so not only did Mateo need a friend but Pablo needed a big brother too I think they kind of needed each other we made Pablo officially part of the family when we got him his own little name tag and orange harness that matches Matteo's it is so cute to see them together one's blue one's orange they look like little go-karts racing around out there you're official now you're officially part of the fam all right guys that wraps it up just a fun little update of what we've been up to this guy moving in now I got another roommate it's getting a little crazy but it's uh it's working and they're getting along so we're gonna see what kind of Adventures they can get into this Begins the adventures Dos Hermanos Pablo your videos he's got a whole new chance at life say hello to Pablo in the comments section welcome him to YouTube with his very first video and we'll see you guys next time bye say bye hasta luego bye we see you next time
Channel: Our Way To Roam
Views: 3,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shuttle bus, bus build, buslife, skoolie, bus conversion, skoolie conversion, skoolie build, vanlife, van conversion, van build, unicell, box van, box truck build, box, conversion, diy
Id: 0u3T5pptwGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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