We’re back - Season 3 filming starts

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that's a cut going again reset one take that's it we're probably not gonna do another what am i kidding we're probably most definitely gonna do another anyway hey there we're your chosen insiders chris and chris and week one of season three filming was amazing we got to hang out with actors we met before so good to see them again we met brand new actors got to see all the crew again and we got to watch some amazing scenes that were incredibly emotional and heartfelt that just shows us season three is going to be something incredibly special so come hang out with us for filming of week one [Applause] [Music] we have arrived yes the sun is barely up over there is the set that's where all the magic is going to happen even excited for the cove test that's how excited i am for today we are living right now thousands and thousands of other people's dream to be able to work to be able to do movies and shows especially this show and there's literally tens and tens of millions of people we're gonna watch the work that you guys do so let's be grateful i'm so grateful that you're here you're all here for a reason because you're gonna make the show better so thank you very much we are now officially a three-season show that's something only four more to go after this one okay folks just getting quiet please first first we're gonna ask adam if we can take a peek in real quick oh boy it's getting really busy in here i don't know it is getting really busy can it peek in or no yeah well just for two seconds [Applause] you guys are the stand-ins yeah oh they're standing in it is so smoky beautiful okay let's get out we made it he made it so stand-ins are other actors who kind of stand in or sit in on behalf of the actors while we're waiting just to make sure the lighting is right so they were in there and it's all smoky so they got a smoke machine of some sort in there that was what it's like right before they start filming how does it feel to be back with the chosen family again it's just an incredible family you know from day one the moment you walk in there's love there's talent but this has been a real treat for me to come back it's special i mean as soon as i got on the the flight to get out of la i was happy to come to a quiet town i've been here before to shoot do you have do you feel like a special connection with paris when you see him is he kind of like oh our second son i do you do i absolutely do yeah we bought i think this is the first time you guys really worked together yeah um but we had a scene the first season paris and i worked together and we stayed in touch so so to be able to come back and do the kind of work that we did yesterday and today yeah i have a real like affinity and affection for him i got about i got three half hours yeah tossed and turned [Music] how meaningful do you think these scenes are going to be for the fans to witness them after watching matthew's journey you're going to see him being challenged by his parents they're just going to love him even more you know because it's so real it's emotional it's endearing and i think they're going to love it oh matthew's parent i'm pretty happy [Music] the very first shot is happening right now hey lee speed so we just finished the first take the first shot this scene with matthew and alphys is incredibly emotional but it also impresses me that they opened with this take this early in the morning and the first thing they shot for the whole show and they got right into it had you even had your coffee yet i mean how do you how do you get in that place that early in the morning and the first thing you're shooting to do a scene like that i've experienced life i have you know a kid and i've been through a lot of the experiences that are coming through the script the writing is uh just comes off the page so it's easy to you know bring the words to life as an actor i respond to the writing it's all about that you just need actors that can act to to put it through this is a pretty impactful scene that we've been filming all morning long with matthew and his parents uh what is the impact that you're really hoping the fans are going to get out of this the ripples that the sermon had um the unintended consequences the scene that's a long time coming it ties together story lines from season one season two finally see some resolution every take i've heard has just been more powerful than the last so i'm excited so while they are finishing filming up that scene kristen and i took a walk and found ourselves in the parking lot where we ran into the animal wrangler and a very happy surprise we're gonna go see the animals i'm really excited about this animals we got sheep and a dog right is this matthew's dog we're gonna meet matthew's dog i gotta get his autograph which i'm sure it's just a paw print probably just a paw print hello matthew's dog what's his name pepper well hello pepper how are you hi matthew's dog she understands three languages and hand singles so i can be talking to you and directing the dog oh wow this is lick you so i can do figure rates or loops or come to me or whatever so cool you know with big hand signals watch bang bang bang how do you do a casting call for a dog dallas was in between sets so i had her do a figure eight around him and stop and he walked over to see if he could distract her no because she was watching my hand and touched her and see she's not flinching she's watching what's going on yeah and then he sat down beside her and she hadn't even looked at him and she leaned over i wish i had had it on video and gave him a lick on the cheek and then ran off and the lady said that's who you're interviewing with that i walked the last 10 feet and went suck up laughing and he just told her look this is the dog he can command this dog like that done and after having just spent some time with matthew's dog and the trainer before like it was really cool now we get to actually see that it's like working with an animal on set okay all right that's day one folks that's a wrap on day one great work everybody [Music] we're in rehearsal right now and one of the weirdest things about rehearsal is seeing the actors in their like everyday clothes sunglasses starbucks got like oh i see jesus were you drinking starbucks back then okay here's the coolest thing ever over there jesus is filming a scene i don't know what it is and guess what's back he was wearing the backpack it's like a character on its own it is and he's back the backpack is back off camera we had the chance to meet him for the first time it was so hilarious because we're at lunch and we just happen to be sitting with mary mother likes christmas jesus jonathan rooney he's like where are you he finally gets it he finally gets it and then his mother is like oh you guys want to meet him i'm his mom i can hook you up he comes over and he's so sweet and so personable oh yeah and he hugs me jesus just like me we're about to shoot a scene i think we're gonna have jesus walking through the streets lots of extras here and then i just saw the steadicam go down the road and around the corner that was intense there's a guy behind him making sure he didn't fall down the stairs as he was walking backwards well we're beginning day five and i feel like kind of the cool thing is we're starting with uh dun dun dun dun dun one take that's it we're probably not gonna do another what am i kidding we're probably most definitely gonna do another anyway it's gonna be fun to go check it out and see exactly what it is they're filming down there just like the rest of the characters on the show he's got his own backstory so we're gonna go find out right now what that is so we're filming some scenes with jude so we filmed a couple scenes with judas today but it's funny because like standing back in there which is like the tightest fit ever just looking at the monitor and this scene that they're doing like the lighting the camera placement is so unbelievably good what they're doing and what are you doing there with your hand like what are you messing with this is the focus wheel that keeps all the people in focus wireless focus unit got my monitor here and there's judas that's awesome i'm mick from the second second a.d uh welcome to the chest one of the most often overlooked parts is the background actors without background actors you just have jesus in an empty street the background actors are filling in that background and making everything alive and kristin and i really had a great time getting to know them you were in every episode of the chosen season i was featured on season two episode four uh with simon zee we're doing the stage in the mirror scene he had a knife on my neck i've been here i'm here a lot i've been in all three seasons already you have this like interesting little rotation like you walk past the camera at a certain little path you stand in line on one side or the other and then you wait and then you go back through again but i've never seen you guys practice this so how do you guys get that set up so we have a routine called abc okay always be crossing and we have points that the director gives us and we have to walk to those points we can walk with a partner sometimes we can hold props we can do everything and change it up always be crossing we're always moving we're just back here hanging out with the extras and finding out what they do when they're waiting to be called [Music] so we found the synagogue but we also discovered something really interesting like you watch scenes like this and it looks like oh yeah there's a good amount of people in there but there's always like twice the amount of people in there that you actually see on screen so we go in there and it's hot and it's humid and they have this like little fog in there yeah yeah it has that smell it's hard to breathe really hard to breathe and so like and everywhere i tried to stay i was like i want to watch this take it's like oh my gosh am i in somebody's way like it's just interesting to see them setting up a synagogue scene and then seeing like how full that room is it's unbelievable and it was the first time that we saw like some of our core disciples together in a scene yes that actually was cool for me i liked watching like there's like james and john and their dad and like some of the others that we're so familiar with from the chosen so i thought that was super to see them cool together what's the highlight of the week dallas highlight of the week is finishing week one of season three um yeah i mean i've talked about this before it's really hard for me during the process to be too excited about something because there's just so much more to do so even this week i'm still rewriting scenes i'm still fixing certain things we have to do dealing with the fact that our schedule is changing because of construction issues and actor issues you know when they can arrive and when they can't and so i never get a chance to actually just relax and go oh i'm really enjoying this uh this is going really well so that said week one has gone really well so there's nothing the gauge of it is when you when you go to bed at night is there something that's still bothering you i feel like we didn't quite get that right that doesn't that doesn't usually happen and that's that hasn't happened this week for sure when you were doing the shepherd all those years ago did you ever imagine you'd be here today on season three of the chosen uh that's like that's not even close it's extraordinary i mean when i was doing the shepherd is when i came up with the idea for the show and i thought this would be a great show like whoever does this show will be smart but no one will probably do this show and i probably won't get the chance to do it but boy that would be really cool and uh yeah now that i'm standing right here wrapping up week one of season three knowing how far we've come from so many years ago it's extraordinary we've seen some really surprising twists and turns as we've been watching um everything play out still not really knowing what's going on but for you in your opinion what are you hoping the impact is going to look like for the fans with some of these surprising turns that you're taking yeah what's interesting is we don't do surprises just for the sake of being shocking you guys saw something yesterday that we can't talk too much about where a character you've seen before has changed and i know it really bothered you it did yeah i kept it inside yeah but yeah and a few people were like oh that's that person from before and now they're doing this thing oh no the viewer is watching and going oh i'm shocked by that oh my goodness but then also thinking huh i can see why that happened i can see why they experienced this why they felt the way that they did i might have felt the same way then that's what the show is about so this season has a lot of that a lot of really intense moments a lot of setups for future seasons a lot of payoffs for previous seasons yes this is a real hinge point of the season for sure we are going to be on this set the entire time they're thinking so in the comments right now what else would you like to see who else would you like us to talk to and as long as it's not a spoiler we can absolutely get that done so just let us know right there in the comments why you're doing that hit that subscribe button and hit the bell so you'll be notified every time we drop a weekly update of what is going on here on set this it's so fun for you guys to be doing this yeah have a good week
Channel: The Chosen
Views: 358,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the chosen, the chosen tv series, bingeJesus, GetUsedtoDifferent, Faith-based, Bible show, Bible study, Christianity, church, Jesus show, what to watch, tv show, filmmaking
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Sun May 08 2022
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