Week 3 filming: Jesus at a carnival?

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is that a spoiler i don't know if that's a spoiler but i'm shocked right now did the spoiler cut it out we are your chosen insiders chris and chris and we are starting week three off with one of my favorite things a big party literally they have this huge carnival festival type set all put up down in this field and so we're gonna bust down to this field we're gonna figure out this festival and we're gonna party with all the background extras and everybody else who's there and later this week we're gonna explore some of the relationships and the developments of season three so you're gonna come with us let's have fun so this is the coolest thing first century carnival setup here what are we doing with shofars today we are blowing them like is this for the jewish festival that we're filming today yes let's let's see what you got okay you get it it's one of the weirdest things about being on set is we're doing this carnival 150 actors it's it's insane but it's dead silent every time they do a take i even see this one dude and he's walking by he's got the shofar looks like he's blowing it but there's no sound coming out so it's just crazy to think about they film it in complete silence to get the actor's audio and all of that and then later in post-production they add in all the other voices and sounds it's so weird to see it filmed so show me how you're going to pantomime what you're gonna do out there let's let's do a pantomime band thing turns out when you're filming outside in the middle of the field there are certain challenges to overcome i'm here with my friend allen on set dresser you're also a snake wrangler apparently today i was we just witnessed him wrangling snakes and throwing them back into the bush what kind of snake did you get today that was a copperhead a very poisonous snake unfortunately one of the background girls uh picked up a tray and there was two of them on the trailer underneath the tray but she was okay she was fine oh my god luckily she saw him so there's copperheads and other snakes and so when you guys see them you have this little handy thing oh this little guy what do you do with the snake how do you so i was able to grab him behind the neck with this little guy okay took him out to the woods oh my goodness shoot him on his way you've never been bitten oh i've been bitten oh okay you're still alive to tell us to talk about it we're playing a game called trigon which we'll get to see in the next scene our main character's playing trigon which is a fun little game where they toss them all so you get to see a lot of people doing that kids are playing racing games and running around we're gonna play trigon we got this ball there's three players and then you you basically toss with your right hand and then you're going to catch with your left hand okay let's do this [Music] dang it i'll get it i'll get it oh no oh boy all right honestly how's chris doing so he has trouble with he wants to throw like throw it like a baseball but other than that he's doing awesome we're going pro 150 extras we got some playing games like trigon we got others at booths so far we know that this festival is the jewish new year but to learn more we went straight to the source one of the three writers tyler himself some people call that rosh hashanah there may have been a different hebrew pronunciation at the time it's funny on the call sheet it said carnival jugglers i was like this is okay okay so you have these guys walking around and they're blowing the shofar what is the meaning behind them walking around and doing that blowing of the shofar in biblical times is a symbol of marking the beginning of something so they would blow so far at the beginning of uh any holiday but also use the shofar to like call people to war or anoint a king which is okay what part of what's going on in our situation a little bit like saying oh there's a new king or the king is coming said blow so far interesting is that a spoiler i don't know if that's a spoiler but i'm shocked right now so that's really interesting did the spoiler cut it out something else that we saw was this game and i got to play it a little bit how did you guys find out about this to include it in the script it's very difficult when you research like first century games it's kind of limited it's like foot races wrestling discus throwing and we're like he needs something people can play he's gonna make a comeback like because of the chosen i think so i mean trigon league you heard it here first did you heard it thank you tyler did it two thousand years ago do parents dance we finished the really big festival carnival scene and we moved back to capernaum village for some smaller scenes between actors and it was our last couple days in weatherford before we move to the new studio about an hour and a half away now we've been having quite a hot streak in texas so why we've been filming these scenes especially these indoor scenes and these small spaces i'm telling you it's pretty hot it's it's warm without any anybody in there but once we let our get candles of our bodies in there oh man it increases the heat even more i'm gonna see if we can just see what it's like in that room hearing how small crammed and hot it is let's go check this out there's like an extra layer of humidity in here how do you do it uh we just swept right through it it's great [Music] i just watched that whole scene this is so sweet the conversation that's happening between father and sons in the streets i thought it was really cool watching the steadicam and a walking talking scene and like all the people that stand behind the study camp to make sure they don't trip everything as they're walking completely backwards like getting out of the way as the guy with the boom mic comes right on through and then angle everything just right to go back up the stairs like little things you just don't think of like the tons of equipment that it takes to make that one little walking and talking scene plus that blue screen that's over there to you know make it look like the israeli landscape it's pretty slick spritzing spritzing i demand this for the actors every shot and she rolls her eyes every time but i i think i'm doing them a favor because this feels so good that is the best feeling sweat i've ever received yes oh my gosh embrace it oh my gosh it's wonderful you're back in the first century i'm back in the first century speak with your ex i speak with my accent back in the first century we had two scenes on the schedule today but we're setting up for a mysterious third how did we come to this decision to add a new scene today a big company move we're leaving this location going to another one that's like an hour away so that's company move you're taking the whole company and moving we are the company the 100 and 200 people that we got to run around here so that company is moving from here to another location across town about an hour and a half away okay so if we can shorten tomorrow even though we lengthen today a little bit we shorten tomorrow that makes tomorrow's move a little easier gotcha so the scene that we picked up it's a it's a fairly simple scene it's not a lot of dialogue or anything like that so the decision was made to hey let's add tomorrow's scene to make tomorrow shorter we are going to strip the street within a matter of hours to get out of the way for the next company to come in so it's going to happen pretty quick then right very cool so you guys are going to attack the town disassemble everything pack everything up in trucks and move it over to midlothian we are going to take this first century town that we've been shooting in for weeks and within about four to five hours we'll make it look like we're never here this is so bizarre we're in the middle of this company move where we're you know packing everything up all the props and bringing them to a new location but it doesn't feel like capernaum at all anymore everything's so naked the props are gone the decorations are gone it's actually really hard to believe that everything was brought in for just the chosen and now it's being stripped away and it looks completely bare almost like a totally different set you would never know that we were here and while they were quickly moving things out for the company move so poetic that we ended our time in weatherford with a simon and eden scene so we literally got to watch this really nice scene between simon and eden which is cool because it kind of feels like you remember season two the finale where we see them together again for the first time so it was kind of cool to see a pick up there but there's a little mystery still for me because like when they're outside the door i can hear some of their lines but then they go inside the house to film the scene and i can't hear anything anymore which is fine because i kind of like not knowing and can't wait to actually see it yeah and it was just so sweet to see some of the character development between the two of them and their marriage um and some of the others that were in some of these scenes and so just like the chosen loves to do they love to create amazing story lines so we're excited to see how everything plays out for season three while we made it to the end of another week this one was exceptionally hot very hot but it was worth it pain is temporary and film is forever next week's gonna be really hot and we're gonna be in a warehouse it's gonna be even hotter so we're going to see how they keep the continuity how they deal with the warmth and uh location like that it's going to be really pray for great air conditioning you need to hit that subscribe button and hit the bell by that subscribe button that way you're notified when we drop that video and bring you next week
Channel: The Chosen
Views: 126,731
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the chosen, the chosen tv series, bingeJesus, GetUsedtoDifferent, Faith-based, Bible show, Bible study, Christianity, church, Jesus show, what to watch, tv show, filmmaking, recap, season 3, vlog, chris and kris, chris durban, kristen lagore
Id: T-AJ2TAIykk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Sun May 22 2022
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