WC3 - WGL:S Tiebreaker - G3: [ORC] Fly100% vs. Fortitude [HU]

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but the third game in this tiebreaker fortitude is one map away from making it into wgl fly has to save rogue warriors players to save himself with the 2-0 he also has to save t8 with that one or uh with that 2-0 because if 42 just wins one map t8 is out as well and fly and th both have to go through the wild card qualifier man this is feels kind of insane that we are one map away from having two former wgl winners not participating showed us i guess how stacked this year's tournament is gonna be absolutely once again we start on northern isles this seems to be like the standard thing nowadays yeah fly in the bottom left i've got fortitude in the upper right is it the deciding map already let's see in it fly with an ultra fast attack no barracks no sharp just alter borrow tech wonder if this is a reaction to the build that forty was playing earlier against th what fortude showed was he creeps the green camp first and then swerves around the side close to the natural going for the next green camp but the bigger green camp after and he protects the main just with peasants but then again couldn't the farseer also pressure this like this was pretty nice for 42 earlier getting a fast level 2 which can always be always be a problem on this map and we see it here again am gets the camp and then moves over to the bigger murloc camp oh and fly did not see the game no i guess he did farseer is returning again doesn't want to allow the level up for the am here too easily all right wolves on the main already going for the arcane tower fly of course can't give these wolves away too easily as th did so he re-summons them the nice dxp efficiently fortitude can he play his game now on northern ireland can he be the one pressuring with footman in the orc base he's creeping at the same time and that's his level two fly was chasing after these footies way too long yeah right like these plays are obviously just distraction and you can't even kill them and the am now gets the green the farsi could have been up here could have summoned more wolves could have found some kills maybe some last hit steals but he didn't and that's level two again pretty easily for fortitude the tech however is super delayed compared to flies it's almost a two minute lead here for the orc however grunt numbers are gonna be rather low as he skipped the barracks for so long and the farsier the am excuse me is still far away from level three all right i think so okay boots now to run away from everything that threatens them t2 tech almost done so this was an arcane tower investment and boots that's pretty much it for fortitude certainly wasn't really expensive he also has like three footmen yeah especially for his standards not too much but you don't need it later anyway so maybe we're going to see a more defensive fortitude mid game because he has no level three he has only three footmen yeah he's considering right now can he dive the base how good of an idea would that be and i think without level two elementals and with only three footies i can't see that doing much at all neither actually has two more over there okay so it's a total of five footies well that makes things a little better but he knows the tc's to be out any second and he can absolutely go stomp first thank you saron for the sub okay he is going for this place trying to cancel some heel cells always nice to just burn a little bit of gold for the opponent without much effort without much risk very controlled game here nobody daring to do too much nobody daring to put himself at a big disadvantage for example if you dive into an orc base you don't film any canceling you lose five footies for it that is a big disadvantage dc is out didn't decide whether aura or stomp first should be stomped with this i guess and it is but no chain lightning hero focus is gonna be dangerous man i kind of missed today like the how many times will fly lose the blademaster game that's the bad thing about the faster opening for me yeah we um pretty sure won't be seeing blade master here at all today no matter how many tie breakers we're going to have mk rifles arcane sanctum this seems set in stone for fortitude not experimenting with the build without rifles yeah fly with the classic lin build here it seemed ah okay i thought it was gonna be two grunts two shaman two kodo's but now he goes windrider yeah more creeping i think he needs that with all the distraction in the early game he needs some damage he needs to pick up uh speed for this tc fortitude again moving very aggressively across the map imagining that he's gonna be finding creep jack over here at the natural but uh no he's not there however gets to place a sentry ward so he's gonna know perfectly when the tc is actually coming in and sees him swerving around the corner a player's forces all right but flies creeping patiently just the small camps first and once you have like two maybe three shaman and a wind rider and level two then it's really hard for the human to find a strong creep jack good information by fly shouldn't result in the kill really once this does got a little too early all right fortitude now coming in for the creep jack but again i i don't see this really doing much the tc took a bit too much damage from creeping but okay and we go purge watch the metal gone right away oh and the am getting purged getting stomped and probably getting forced to tp yeah purge stomp ready in a second and that did not do much also footman dying without getting the shaman in the end okay slowly but steady fly is claiming a tiny bit of a lead here expo up this is where it all comes down to level three tc helps a ton i think this was a mistake by 42 i think you should have just placed the sentry see okay he's not creeping early then after the scorpions fall back to the lamp and through the mk level 3 but losing that tp especially is dangerous and of course as so often early map control goes to the orc and with that sharp control and that should be easy heal scroll plus info and of energy 100 extra mana for the mountain king and in this case it's really really really good shop control is set heel scroll involved and i really like that parry up on the tc maybe you should even consider buying it late game yeah definitely helps so do the rune braces okay wow he's really tanky now scorpions for fortitude ring also good for that tank here another ring but here's the creep jack good mana on these summon and chain lightning available it doesn't look like forge who's ready to fight man no three rifles three priests no level three on the mk tc marching forward he's waiting to dodge the storm balls here with the evil i can feel it oh he runs into the red cam and the am is trapped there's no tv hit him another purge coming in there's more purges left but the air may even be making it out dude but the creeps they're destroying these rifles in the back and the am falls to the chain lightning a complete disaster for fortitude the one map he needs he's not going to get a northern ireland absolutely not 42 is shocked literally and backstabbed and this is how you end up with only 40 supply and dropping the cc is having the time of his life even the ice storm ball thingy ends up on the mountain king yeah taste your poison my friend it's another storm but also another storm no shaman anymore but man this is a slaughter now to be completely fair flying did lose a lot of units there as well but x didn't lose a hero and it's gonna have the expansion up in just a second's time there's also a footman still in the stomach these peasants are all dying tc almost level four yeah the bars are getting close to three fly now says okay there's no expansion here not too much to fear and if suddenly the am should be back from the tavern or something you still got the tp which you may need to use but very easy to predict this mk's mana there's no mana pots there's no aura running you can see exactly how much danger there is yeah there's this nothing really that can surprise him i like that good micro of course as well sending the grunts back thinking the kodo back or even trying to munch that didn't work wolf's chasing this all the peasants died i think in the end and on the way home we can take a look at what the merchant has yes okay now needs a heel scroll i think and a second involved this makes life for the ultimate so hard yeah steals it away he really didn't need the involve as the tc already had one for far sir you don't really ever need involved but stealing it away is a big deal good saves by fly overall heal selves on pretty much everything more shaman and what can fortitude still do with this army now that the tc is on level four and rising what's his plan he has a workshop but it's coming out of that workshop a players forces are under attack nothing yet hmm that seems like he's with absolute certainty expecting zeppelin drops but uh such an attempt has not yet been launched all that stumped though oh baby not too much follow-up still looks nice however and gets the pre-skill on the left-hand side unpreventable archmage is back okay clap of course rocks we have a mana position that cc and silly heal scroll he's going full hero focus once again man the kill count today is incredibly high health stone consumed militia getting uh welcomed by the stormhold what now that was the last stomp speedster is going to run out as well 42 might be able to turn this around now with the next clap that's too cool it's going down oh my god is he doing it again just like the last time on this map tc surround almost surrounded gets another lightning shield and has the tp chain lightning that's a lot of kills for the two shocked again doing a good job one two three dakota's also going to go down he's got a stone ball that's level four mk oh double level four oh wow tc survives to the right hand side that's fine wolves attacked this rifleman's level two stronghold oh oh that fossia needs the involve asap gets it chain lightening again for one more kill what a crazy game what crazy games today the fact that fortune is holding in so holding on so well here is remarkable he was supposed to be kind of out of this game after the top left fiasco at the red camp but he's hanging in there by no means is it a very great situation by fortitude but it's still a level four mk with a pendant of energy maybe if he finds another one fly was filthy rich though can replenish this army once again double mana potion maybe that is a picture that we should get used to hurry up the fatality for the mountain king super tanky archmage again with a blizzard build and also no tp fly a little hesitant to go in though his front line is not that big he's got the tc and only two grunts some illusions are gonna create a false front line oh and a rifleman getting intercepted these are valuable units that fortitude cannot so easily replace being only on one base another storm bought another hero focus but hard to reach like trying to turn it around oh is it that hard to reach there was a tp ready illusion soak up a lot of damage again stomp is good it will pose in the mountain king too grey good micro but then sends it back into the fight and sacrificed this one oh dorchester man is this reminiscent of the last game we had on northern isles chain lightning countered by a heal scroll not without losses though and again the rally point wrong another donation to fly did fortitude earlier sell his pendant of energy i don't see it anymore true it's gone is that the age we live in nowadays mana potion more storm bolts this tc has a greatly extended mana pool another stop but he's dead yep goes for the mk bye bye little dwarf and i guess there's another target that's the archmage and he stomps him to the ground level five level four gg this is not how fortitude qualifies not on northern isles almost fought his way back with claws and tear but not quite that was uh too painful what happened there in the top left and that early mid game move the am over extending so much into the creep jack costing in the tp that was the beginning of the end there and you know what i'm starting to feel like we were all kind of worried that this might be the crypt lord meta i think this is the mana potion meta yeah right this kind of looks like it yeah the normal metapods from the shop of course everybody can afford them but on mk and tc especially they're pretty good pretty good all right fly with the wind on northern ielts the map pick for fortitude then should be [Music] refuge um the other one is ch wait what what was the first map another nice that was the first map yeah um yeah concealed or lr lr i could see go either way yeah right kind of hard to say and conceal as well i think they're both like actually like lr for the human because of the whole shadow priest thing so i would imagine okay all right this this thing is great it's just one match up but the variety we had in like five matches already is really really cool and has so much hero focus if we go to a second tie breaker is th going to off race again he shouldn't is he going to offer as undead playing with [ __ ] is he gonna off race as night elf that would be a badass move that would be rough though i mean with th everything is possible right we shouldn't out rule anything he could play random of all things he actually could yeah map two coming up it's concealed all right human pig concealed for fortitude well then let's go fly was utterly destroyed here earlier by th d8 had a very strong early game with a potent creep route quickly leading to level three which included a lab creep first seems to becoming more and more popular it's by no means a totally new thing that is revolutionary these last few weeks we've seen a few lap creeps sprinkled in here and there over the last at least three four months i'd say already maybe even longer than that but not necessarily all the time the footman movement will tell us a lot and footman is not going to the rock column so i guess no lab creep here for fortitude yeah by the way once again since i saw it in chat if you have any feedback towards this new stream design anything really please put it in discord if you put in twitch chat it just goes away in a blink of an eye and we won't read it so the discord things stay we can read them after the cast would be nice thank you guys protection to start things for the archmage fly is moving across with the grunt this time not skipping the barracks at all shop of course a little bit later to still have a fast attack uh yeah and once again the fire serious drop early game always prevent level 2 am as much as you can but it's not always that easy to print level two or even level three the green camp outside the main will certainly be used for militia creeping soon but it's gonna be a little while still first has to be the tech could be starting now for forty two there it is and it's a little bit behind the orcs but not by too much is he really pushing into the orc base already that would be such a fortitude thing to do almost getting us around here at the forest but i don't think he has necessary damage blocks are good to force heal selves early but so far everything is under control for both players yeah fly canceled that shot right away even before the am did damage to it i think that was a little bit too early if he lets that take a bit of damage maybe he can return some damage but whatever he's still gonna get the shop up i imagine but fortitude is prioritizing being annoying and cancelling this or canceling the borough and with the militia across the map now he does have level two that's the aura canceling the burrow would not prevent the tc but the next grunt and that would slow down the tc in the process so that was good that's a big deal that means not three grunts when the tc comes out pretty poor borrow attack micro no experience for the farseer at all here minor thing but yeah no third grunt that means tc cannot creep the gold mine right away unless the farseer wants to take part but that would be a lot of experience being soaked up where you don't really want it fortitude moving away healing up a little wolves are scouting for some movement sees it now but farcia sees the footman in the north okay spirit lodge tc are under attack still waiting for that borough still waiting for that grunt on the other side to get a shot nope ah i was about to say no blacksmith yet but it's in the corner so we're gonna see rifles again for 42. one map all he needs is this one map he doesn't even need to get the win and then the tiebreaker would end would be lifted thank you wonder brown with the 11 month reserve noise how reminiscent this would be of the january warcraft gold finals when fortitude killed rogue warriors in their clan war for like thirty thousand dollars or something didn't look too hot in the wgtl but today he's really prepared okay second obviously does have the third ground now somehow actually the tc but going for the smaller cab first does not wanna attempt the big expo creep just yet yeah so that is a cool delay close to level three now again a b story this time with an earlier warm-up so it could be kodo's first oh the am so close twelve 8 experience away one single skeleton but time is ticking more and more shaman are coming out and once there's like three shaman it's pretty or easy for the orc on tier 2 to hold early pushes from the human it's also very hard for the archmage to find a skeleton in this matchup and on this map but maybe you can steal something too late so far yeah just too late purge there goes one trying for the deny oh nicely done if this was dota 2 he would be getting experience from this from these denies and he would be level 3. yeah that is maybe something we shouldn't uh implement into our game otherwise you can feed yourself experience just stand in base kill your own units necro strat op oh boy oh boy imagine you could dispel your own stuff oh yeah summon skeletons dispel with a destroyer boom level five that's the next robbie level 10 10 10 video on youtube oh purge on the am storm follow up with a chain lightning he might be dead but there is not still level one would have survived it anyways i guess but again losing the tp rather easily rather in a wasted manner and with how hero focus heavy this entire day is he shouldn't do that he will need it later in the big fights [Music] thank you zero yaiba for the four month threes up always fun to watch your streams thank you thank you thank you finally level 3 am boy oh boy that took a while that's unusual creepy to see this early in the mid game going for the red camp even investing a stomp with a pendant that's a little easier of a decision to go for and that is level three level up awesome battle drums okay doesn't need kodo's for this then i guess oh wait it did stack on the ptr right does it still stack it did stack on the ptr i read that on reddit but it doesn't anymore it certainly doesn't here otherwise it could be it would be the command aura but dude i still remember a game on turtle rock where i saw an orc playing against undead mass headhunters he had upgraded kodo aura of course he had the warsong battle drums when they still stack and he had the hilarious flute berserkers had like 50 000 damage no exaggeration thank you smooth moves for the three month reset and zero yabba with the four months thank you as well says always fun to watch your streams i think you already said that um stumbled uh stomps around mk trapped in the corner but he has the involved so fly has to open it up does he oh stomp again last second we we've seen this multiple times today this is so clutch games could be decided in a blink of an eye fly about to lose seven supply here chain lightning he wants this mk dead big heel potion though all that damage invested for nothing yeah big over extension koda falls as well this is not looking too good for fly certainly he needs mana pots on this tc right away thank you rabbit tails for the 4137 this expansion yes so cancelled and again just like louis ck wow a 2018 joke out of nowhere he still canceled two dude this is gonna be problematic for fly he has had great comebacks before so let's not exclude a rubber band side effect mana potion again dependent on the faster by the way maybe you just use the clarity i wanted to be more efficient shaman about to fall creep spot not finished hero focus time again but that cc could change everything lightning shield is good there's an involved and the town portal on this archmage down to 50 dispels everywhere storm wants more not on the heroes for once well on the mountain king but there's no focus on that this vibrant is still up against all these rifles that's almost a miracle in what potion used fly is burning through his mother that was the last storm for a while yeah this fight is all over the place hard to tell who it's going better for at the moment on both sides that's another stomp in a second and what's left for fly 41 supply a lot of these blue units are just militia it's got one priest and two heroes right here footage guys but almost mk4 two kodo's archmage in trouble once again there's no chain lightning here but in a bit this rrtp out freaking nail biter games today yeah this is a good one expo has fallen which is usually very bad for the orc oftentimes the death sentence but he's got a supply lead he's got a hero level lead he forced the enemy tp he can get more creeps at the fountain and free healing how amazing by the way is the century ward for fortitude on a scale from one to two flies back in this game man creeping red spot mountain king close to level four can he do something hatch mage is playing with fire man checking the lap not opened yet so no zeppelin plays for him well can't get lucky everything we got him here fortitude as well the healing big involved big mana all really good let's go the beast also good i would say if he gets too high rifle numbers again it's good oh this time no blizzard build it's 2-2 now did the century see the peon going over there by the way he saw the expansion players forces are under attack yeah yeah yeah for sure dude why dude i feel like he's playing pretty risky here a moment ago he had like one priest two rifles a creep that could have been real painful and the archmage was at 150 hp or something medal of honor for these priests and now flies these are damn all that good stuff is gone so this was definitely a risk but worth it so far the tc is getting dangerously close to five 42 century there was also really nice saw the orcs approach and falls back in time very smart defensive century centuries is all over the freaking place you think they're still uh too strong yes that's wouldn't surprise me if suddenly hitman shows up in chat sanctuaries are stupid oh my big big big level ups around the corner for fly how can he get it this is exactly what fortitude prevented so he has to get the level five for in the fights he doesn't have these spells to engage there we go there was a quick one he doesn't have a mana oh he does have a mana potion plus the pendant this is a lot of war storm and remo you need to change your catchphrase now five seconds done on a seven second cooldown the first time i can officially say it it's still really good but tc once again was pressured hard too low hp to re-engage with the mk being so strong and the chase now with the boots with a strong ball it should be an easy kodokill he's holding the mana though following all the way to the fountain is that the greatest idea especially against kodos ntc and grunts we'll see about that fly just one of the hero levels here perch on the other h once again one grand turn and the tc comes in oh dodges again with the involve fortitude is so good with that stumble tc out of that fight for now everything else still green oh my second hero battle stumble clap right click but it's not enough stun for five seconds can he escape is he surrounded same lightning no items on him fortitude a little bit of healing here tries to clap his way through but there is no way out and the carry hero falls chain lightning and now it's time to clean this up next stomp only hits two targets but those it hits hard moving forward no enough slow here to keep everything controlled and without an mk this human army has been neutralized and now decimated as well as the am will fall gg is called that's the 204 fly and we go into overtime dude remo we tie the tie breaker fly saves not only himself but also his rogue warrior ally t-8 unbelievable it's a 202020 i did not expect that just like mathematically out of all the results that we could have had how low is this probability it must be super low but every now and then it happens and all right 1 out of 12 right uh oh no it's more uh all the map scores and everything i don't know um like it's four possibilities for every match 20211202 yeah true get my math on point um all right then let's reset everything and let's do this again yeah let's reshuffle this deck let's uh take a break for a little i'm sure the players need it and let's do this one more time do you think the chinese care if they need a break or not but they haven't started immediately yet so maybe they're giving them a bit of a breather all right we take a breather as well five minutes and then we're back if you have feedback for our overlay we can go through all the scenes once again please let us know in discord on twitter on facebook everywhere but twitch chat please so this is the starting scene this is the break screen bugged at the moment but this will be fixed this is oh yeah the solo streams we haven't seen them before hi solo solo there as well remos back here with the all the matches we have in between the sets we got this one we also got a bracket screen which looks pretty dope i would say but i mean not trying to influence you in any way the player information with uh pictures for the players we got pictures from the map selection as well as the tail of the tape yeah if you guys have any feedback let us know we throw you into a little break and then we're back
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 4,634
Rating: 4.9130435 out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warcraft 3, tournament, Wc3, War3, Wc 3, warcraft III, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft, esports, rts, real time strategy, Back 2 Warcraft, Back to warcraft, Back2Warcraft, B2W, Back, Back2, B2Warcraft, back to warcraft, Neo, Remodemo, Remo, 2019
Id: 71hGwPFmWtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 5sec (2165 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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