WC3 - W3C S6 Finals - Ro16: [ORC] Spiral vs. Soin [ORC]

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next round of 16 the fifth round of 16 match we got in this tournament so far happy law light in the semifinals who's going to join them we have in the bottom part of the bracket spiral versus so it is our first match followed up by the juggernauts infy versus fly excellent vs insubin foggy vs neutron later lots of mirror matches spiral is playing orc and the first match is kicking off right away it's germany versus korea and there was a certain wgtl qualifier a long long time ago almost a year ago spyro was already wreaking havoc there on the asian scene only in the qualifier unfortunately but let's see maybe he can do it again i had a pretty good shot here let's go let's go indeed going on rick the dick how are you doing bucko yo what's going on carson the carson oh yeah what's up dude call it call me the hamburglars oh yeah the car's in the hamburglar yeah he's gonna steal your meat better find a place so he can't find it uh yeah so uh spiral playing i'm excited about that spiral playing orc as well uh i wonder if sowen is going to go farsier headhunters he does that all the time he's been doing that lately i wonder if he does it in orcmir or your head under a mirror wreck it already is yeah oh my god we're getting it we're getting it there we go it's the double whammy what if we become orc friends what if we turned into where is the blade master where are the melee units that is what we're known for ranged units intelligence heroes come on orc friends but uh you know i love both these players i love sewing and i love spiral um they're two very nice guys two great players um some of my favorite two of my favorite players in the whole world carson i got a question for you yeah both foresters are gonna come across for some harassment do they stop and actually just go for the farseer or do you just keep going to the main base how can she slap generally actually it's known as how could she not be sir it's generally known as a bad idea to go for instant harass in orcmeer um you should try to creep level 3 if you can if you go for straight harass normally not good anymore that used to be the the common knowledge to go for that harassment immediately but no longer with the farce here i'd expect to see both farseers come out go for the small green murloc and then the big murloc for level two immediately by that point they'll have three head hunters then they can go for their expansions respectively and get that level three then we will see an exchange in the middle over the shop over the marketplace with the uh the headhunters when they're close to their torrent chieftains that's what i expect to see we'll see if i'm entirely correct or not we'll see how smart i am rick all right so far going for the big murloc and let's see if they do go lock in that level two uh but yeah my headhunters being queued up spiral already queued up two more in the racks he's not messing around here and yeah this could be creeping and then just a giant i mean this is gonna be like uh a bit of a show right when we get into an actual fight like just yeah headhunters getting moved back headhunters getting moved forward so this is uh yeah yeah and honestly we see recently a transition into grunts which might not be a bad idea after six headhunters for either of these players this isn't something i have a lot of experience in um you know i played blademaster north mirror but uh you know far see your head in our mirror i'm wondering if there'll be some sort of transition into melee units or if they'll just stick to just farsier headhunter shaman with a torn chieftain if there's any anything crazy a transition into grunts transitioning to torrance is possible but a differing creep route now person as he comes across the map to try to creep jack spiral but i do like uh spiral's position being the one creeping because he's gonna be quicker to level three farts here yeah this is good so in trying to put on the aggressiveness at level two right now and spiral just continuing to pump out headhunters and i don't know how long someone can actually stay here puts up a century ward though so he'll be able to see uh maybe an expo timing with the peon coming across as a good spot for a sentry ward and someone's actually getting some damage this might be a picked off headhunter with the chain lightning does pick off a unit nice play from sowen yeah could cancel a shop as well head on are still in range yep and there could be troll regeneration on tier two so don't forget that these players couldn't heal up these headers if they don't have shops those gloves of haste were stolen away from that green camp maybe spiral could have grabbed those but he wanted to continue the pressure there's one more chain lightning almost so perhaps yep chain lightning used to spiral someone has one now so he could get a second kill but it's a one for one trade so even so far but spiral has a slight experience advantage and i would say kind of the map control now he can be more proactive in the next camp that he takes now that uh so-and-so is so low it's got to go back home this might even allow uh spiral to take one of the middle camps ricky oh the wolf in the main base does pick off that headhunter from sewing as well so so in spyro picking up two headhunters now now going for a third there's chain lightning here oh spiral about to lose one as well okay nice deny and could get the party with the yeah chain lighting because someone needs to be careful here under attack all right definitely i think you're slightly ahead though i think you're absolutely right about the map control and spiral could go for something big like do you go for like the expo here or something or just mid of the map like what do you go for i mean ideally you'd love to take the shop at the marketplace the marketplace is a little bit trickier to creep especially with headhunters but uh fire lord second for spiral he's not messing around he would love of course to get level three farsi here before he goes for some sort of pressure the tuscar camp could be a nice steal but sowen is masterful at buying time he's in the back with the wolves on the attack going for the fire lord himself but the burro is exposed this could be a decent timing spiral behind this is not building tier two yet okay both going for a torn totem but this is really good pressure spiral i think he's honestly in a very good position now with that burrow kill oh sewing and trouble chain lighting as well the first year still very low and can't get to the shop in time might have to force the tpk not going to have to oh but he's definitely out of the fight this is uh yeah this is not good for sowing all the headers seem to be falling for spiral although the farsi is very low the peon poles like stones keeping some units alive and spiral's losing a lot of head on ours but the heroes are really all you need as both players kind of trade everything out what is there one headhunter for spiral remaining one headhunter for sewing remaining or two rather now that another one comes out but it's really just heroes so are we at an even game we this might be just an even game ricky yeah someone has like kind of lost everything but oh spiral the block is there chain lightning up there lightning ricky oh he just flashes it too right as the tp goes off nice tp from sewan he's gonna be able to get back home and spyro is gonna now take the expansion this could be good summon some wolves no just leave all right dead even supply um the burrow kill is of course big but you can make up for it if you're sewing by of course being able to creep first now we're in the position where spiral has to go back and heal and someone can immediately start creeping he's going to take his test target scrolls of the beast which is great and where are the walkers where's the tier 3 tech neither player looking to go for that quite yet but headhunter walker does look pretty juicy on tier three with the berserker with the master training for the walkers with potentially torns in the future sometimes even a third hero which wouldn't be a bad choice now they're both on firelords are we going into the late game with firelord second ricky uh yeah i feel like so in might be a little bit farther behind though than spiral he did pull like seven peons to hold that and we're starting to see the loss of wood now i mean yes he gets the b straight up but he only has 100 wood whereas you know spiral's got his his tech productions kicking and he's got like 400 wood behind us so this would might be a problem in the late uh later game unless uh someone actually goes for a shredder right which i mean he's crept out the lab you could potentially invest in one this pilot just seems to be slightly ahead on experience the entire game but uh one more a spiral i've said i don't know and but someone's about to get level three three from the shop and with that he can get the the heel scroll which is gonna come in handy especially against that chain lightning and with these units they are very squishy but it seems as though spirals coming for the creep check he's got double spirit walker and someone doesn't seem to quite have that luxury quite yet so this is a stronger force for the german and he gets the creep jack maybe gonna be able to snag the knoll overseer with this creep jack a very solid timing from spiral who by the way pendant of energy and juan amanda's ceiling now gonna get level three firelord and gonna get the heel scrolls is there a time of the fight as the peons come across the map sobe mask as well for the first year this is so far so good for spiral i gotta say his composure this game has been pretty good playing one of the best that is sewing and like you said a melee transition from sewing as he starts to pump out some grunts so your question was answered unleashed on so inside but this is a fight and yep spirit link could come in and be a factor in this fight yeah the heel scroll is going to help that spirit link as well on top it's going to be a very big deal and this is why i was kind of questioning that grunt choice not sure if it was the proper choice or not someone seems to believe so but the grunts they on paper do well against the headers but they have to get in range and we see this first front about to follow already the wolves coming on spirit link on everything could be a juicy disenchant on the spirit link and the lava spawns where are the wolves it seems as though they are dealt with the incinerate also is coming into play no soul burn for either player school the beast is going to help out quite a bit plus six on the head utters ricky this is a lot of damage but there seems to be more yellow orc than red orc right now finally a huge disenchant with that new uh spirit walker that came out of the uh of the touring totem but yeah so spiral so far seems to be in a commanding lead and now with ensnare pick up one of the spirit walkers it's a huge pick off and spiral still pushing along these peons could actually build towers if you want to keep the siege going and there's just units behind another raider another headhunter what does so-and-do someone's trying to heal up but he's got nothing 38 supply spyro's at 50 carson and this is gonna be borough cancels now spyro's actually just diving into the base and someone needs to make a decision here there is a town portal for spiral so he doesn't have to worry too much about over committing but of course he wants to stay in this fight level four on the far side plenty of chain lightnings in the future too because of that soviet mask you mentioned before and someone seems to be running dry on units is spiral going up one 0 against so in this would be a uh you know i don't want to call it an upset necessarily spiral's a great player but certainly an upset i'm you know i'm going to say it and yeah 1 0 this is going to be one o there's the gg there's a farcier falling and uh spiral does it in game one clap clap he's just he's just upsetting people for one and a half years now straight sometimes he disappears for two or three months but once he's back spiral is just a really really good gamer cool plan cool execution seeing oh i got a little bit of an adventure in the early game let's punish this with the with the fire lord let's not go into this normal game let's play something crazy let's throw a little curveball and so and for pretty much the majority of the game wasn't able to follow him it fails he never really got back after losing that burrow as it seems he took a little bit extra damage on the far side it was just little edges right like they both traded a lot of headhunters early they were down to one apiece but a little bit extra damage on the farseer if so and early a little bit extra creeping from spiral that burrow kill bit extra lumber to get the earlier walkers earlier i think he had earlier raider but of course the reinforcements were earlier for so and so he had to ensnare first but just slight edge and that's all it takes in like a true mirror matchup of farseer headers i'm wondering if we're going to see maybe a switch to blade from so in but i would expect to see spiral in game 2 continue with the farseer headrunners and depends a little on the map i guess we got concealed hill and turtle rock remaining both can be both good exactly yeah absolutely i think you're correct that both both great farcier maps and someone calls for tr and this could just be another firelord game that's so weird to see it's worth noting as well you can't really go into the late game with tauren's against firelord with incinerate because the resurrect doesn't work with the incinerate so you kind of have to stick to walker berserker it's very strange matchup alright guys i wish you lots of fun and great action on map number two we're loading into this right here first time spyro vs sohan the former vice champion of germany facing the top six player of the asian regional finals in asia and so far it's looking good for the german have fun okay cross spawn tr it looks like a spiral is going to be in the bottom right sewing in the top left okay carson i mean yeah probably just going to see farsi or headhunters again on this map tr is one of those interesting maps where it's hard to creep you know you can go for the turtle and the orange and the shop is normally the route and these two are gonna share a shop actually so this can get uh pretty interesting right off the bat yeah it's interesting if it is the battle over the shop of course those of you that aren't familiar with turtle rock hasn't been in the pool consistently for a while but there are watch rewards at the shop permanent vision at the shop if you're able to creep but of course the red camps as well you can get uh some some heel things i forget what they're called but they heal your whole army yeah a little bit of an interesting map difficult to creep on but we will see as infy almost lags out twice in fee no okay if he's fine but uh i think it'll be a blade master from sewan and it will be farseer headhunters from spiral god i'm good at this ricky i still got it yeah someone's switching it up to blade and obviously he'll know how to how to counter this so this is going to be it's going to be a bit of a mix up in game two on uh turtle rock i think the spiral just keep the same thing going i honestly think he does um i feel like he'll he'll go for fire alert again and try to hit that timing and against the blade maybe he can actually find more damage yeah you can go for shamans against the blade master more so than if it's just a farsi or headhunter mirror you do typically see shamans a little bit more with the torin chieftain second is also common but of course if you do damage early on for spiral expect to see that fire lord for sewing i'm wondering he has adapted and i'm gonna call it this and i might sound like a fanboy but he has adapted the hitman style against criplord pretty often with the blademaster has he adapted the hitman's style against farseer with the blade master which is essentially pure grunt shaman and you tech tier three off pure grunt shaman in the bloodlust with a pit lord third i'm wondering if we're gonna see that or will he go for raider walker which has been more common in the past as we're gonna have to ask enfie to leave none of the admins gonna say anything i'll say something uh yeah we might have to i don't want to be that guy but uh what's up what are they telling me to leave yeah one of the admins needs to i'm not i'm not bird of the bridge with infie yeah i already did it with happy [Laughter] yeah yeah someone doesn't care at all he doesn't give a i want him go out yeah i know absolutely if you can't even read the chat he's lying so hard envy everybody take a break take a nice sip of water uh check your posture don't hurt your back for sitting down stand up stretch your legs you know we gotta pause here i'm gonna have a nice sip of water you know do a couple push-ups you know do a couple push-ups if they're you struggle with them you can do push-ups from your knees so that you have you know a little bit more um leeway a little more leverage a little less leverage i suppose you know try it out a couple jumping jacks you know ricky you ever do jumping jacks yeah i used to yeah i actually like jumping jacks are probably good for your back right like you really get a good stretch in get a good stretch and get a nice sip of water guys you know we got a long day just because there's a couple delays is much less than yesterday but we got a lot of games coming up guys this is just the beginning and note neither player has seen each other's strategies yet um i had this discussion with thor's and if you do have to go for a regain because there's you know because enfie isn't leaving um you know do you watch the replay do you watch the replay and see your opponent's strategy oh that would be so that'd be so that's got to be frowned upon right moral it's a moral question ricky do you watch the replay um i want to say you do zabbie66 gifting to nica samothrace with the six months you definitely shouldn't cheat is that what you're saying uh unless it's trivia you could do that but uh also thanks to farts here okay there we go i'm assuming um somebody got in contact with infie thank you okay and we're back to the action blademaster gonna be creeping up the turtles and uh we'll both players creeping out the turtles and yeah nobody scouted yet wolf going to the uh what is that called diagonal what is that called when it's like an x across you know the cross spot cross position uh yeah so like like there's crossing diagonals yeah what is a that's that's only a that's only a turtle rock term what do we call that diagonal yeah the diagonal spawn right the cross spawn yeah exactly that's a tf2 term there's a call out on a map whether you call it diag any tf2 players in the chat we got the demo man with us today so in gauntlets circlet tanky getting gloves would love another circlet on that bad boy but this is a great blademaster map because you can go for these items right away um yeah i agree yeah you can really just farm items the whole time so it's early game the creeping's very good with the blademaster right but later on the headhunters are really gonna reign supreme because they can gobble up the whole middle of the map which is very important is there dust no dust on the farseer but chain lightning someone's got to be a little bit careful [Music] spiral definitely wants to contest the shot maybe and go for it he's at level two uh maybe you want to go to the orange or or you want to creep something but the blade being so annoying looks like spiral does want to go to the orange but the blade is still here right clicks on the headhunters so annoying if your spiral you just pulled the camp you can't really commit to it because this blademaster is going to kill all your stuff nice pick off by the way apparently enfie was playing in another client and the admins swiftly got a hold of him and contacted him on wechat solved the issue enfie was not even tabbed into the game so good stuff everybody so that wasn't idfy like not leaving and that wasn't like the admins not contacting you so he like just joined everyone and then played like a netty's game or something yeah he was playing happy or something like that so uh that's pretty funny quickly quickly swiftly professionally resolved beautifully done everybody um but the farseer trying to get level three oh we only got a couple pauses left ricky boom i just did 50 of a push-up laying on the ground now says kevin well you know 50 more than insup managed to do true true many spikes yeah you don't need to do push-ups or anything you guys can just loaf it man make some make some lunch make some all dinner i guess is uh looming right now for for the europeans but breakfast over here breakfast breakfast love breakfast dude i don't eat breakfast enough i feel like it's everyone says it's most important meal today but i i don't eat breakfast enough you eat breakfast all the you eat breakfast for dinner or something like you'll have yeah breakfast foods i uh eat oatmeal every morning and then on occasion for lunch i'll make like a proper breakfast with eggs and bacon and hash browns and all that i love hash browns like the patties or um like tots or what i've been doing recently uh you get a cheese grater and you use the big side of the cheese grater and you grate the potatoes and you grate onion in it and then you drain the water out of it so that's ihop ihop hash browns yeah yeah like the mesh it's like a mesh of um yeah it's like uh yeah i know what you're saying yeah and then you can crack two eggs on top and throw it in the oven with uh without one of the plastic handle pans and then you can throw up i've done pulled pork on top you could do bacon on top it's killer it's a killer recipe i like doing that for like lunch but normally first thing when i wake up i'll have some oatmeal and i won't worry about cooking for an hour when i wake up you know just get it just get it in you get it in you it is good it is good i'm just talking about uh just waiting for the spikes to possibly go down for sewing or they're talking about uh well you know it isn't too late in the game that if the regame needed to happen it would be a real problem one headhunter's fallen i think spiral's fine with his position though really one headhunter is is pretty standard against blademaster go down two or three even as well so i don't think there's a a big advantage if there does need to be a rehost just everybody's talking it out of course admins have been uh pretty good but pretty good this tournament man they've been they've been killing it everyone's very very active and you know the mods in the chat have been very active too we appreciate you guys we see you we see you see you mods in the chat we appreciate you guys yeah if we need to change servers uh i'm sure the admins would allow that but so-and-so says go so it looks like maybe we'll have a changed server for game two or they made some arrangement but looks like we're finally ready to go and spyro really wants this orange camp and someone actually pulling the grunts over as well despite the fact that he's tier two so the shadow one are coming out but someone wants the grunts with him might actually send them back to the shadow oh and it is the hitman style rick he's going for the spirit lodge he's going for grunts no beastiary quite yet from so-and-so you know he does honestly although this may be you know hitman may get it from someone although he claims to have come up with these things someone does really play commonly to hitman with the master um okay so this is kind of kind of cool he's gonna be super aggressive carson shadowhunter coming over and this is gonna be like hex and just go for units early um that was a big steal by the way for the blademaster hit level two yeah there's not much shot for the blademaster to steal a ton from the shop if spiral just sort of brute forces it eventually spiral's going to get this shot but someone tries to delay tries to make him pay for it and that is the best he could do there's no wind walks ricky oh no the blade masters surrounded can he fight his way out there's two grunts oh the header can he replace it i think oh that's three headers going down the shadowhunter comes in shadowhunter of course can go heal wave first and that may be able to help oh this is beautifully micro so far there's the heel wave first not the most efficient no bounces of course but what's that four headhunters now and i think so in has certainly done enough damage playing it close to the edge like you have to with the blademaster nicely done wow yeah that was a really heads-up play from sewen as well not skilling hex right off the start uh obviously choosing to go heelwave later on as he saw the blade was in trouble so really uh confident uh composed play from from so and but now sparrow's coming across with his own shadowhunter and still wants this shop although ogre might get surrounded by so in and might get stolen although spiral's got chain lightning oh and he's going for the shadow hunter so in a bit of trouble might lose the shadow the heel wave oh my god so close there's a salve there though there's another hex there's a purge though oh but there's no speed scroll couple one more hit oh my god he'll wave he saves the shadow on her and then the first year gets surrounded are you kidding me someone is playing out of his mind he's not lagging anymore ladies and gentlemen that was ridiculous how does he do both those at the same time that's crazy yeah i don't know just a quick heel wave and then surrounds uh four point with the farce here that's crazy spiral kinda lost everything there's only got four head unders now there's more grunts than there are head owners carson no no last hit it did go to the shadow hunter there and the crystal ball is gonna go to sewing as well as the ward that was not likely to happen one ground gonna go down but i'm sure son is happy with the trade so far ricky jesus yeah that was crazy and spyro is still trying to chase this farce uh the shadowhunter blademaster might get two headhunters on the way will the shadowhunter live this time might need to hit that shadowhunter spiral just to get his mana yeah he's totally fine right now someone's chasing in the main base does it out he has a wind walk as well so if he gets these two headhunters he could definitely just win walk out one crit and there's two pick-offs huge there's dust war mill block yep there's the war mill dust of appearance the blade master might be it might fall here because remember he's got to break wind walk to kill the warm mill yeah that's a dead blade master nice little pick off from spiral so in didn't see that coming and what do you know there it goes bang boom level two blademaster down is it enough to get back into this game possibly if spiral can power creep now behind this dead blade master hard to power creep with uh three headhunters he's actually getting the berserker upgrade as well so it doesn't have that many units pumping out the third hero tc as well but yeah he's gonna still try to go for a big camp and the turtle camp is relatively big uh as well shadowhunter hitting level two for so-and-so now that the blade's gone i mean now i can just power creep my shadowhunter as well but yeah this might be the perfect time for for spiral to actually get a footing in on this game level three level two taking a big camp this is a big consumable as well and headers despite there being very few of them are going to creep faster than the grunts but of course as you point out correctly like i don't think so in minds too much as blademasters dead as he tavers it back guess i'm wrong on that but because he can just power creep the shadowhunter up to level three but he wants to get 3-3 i'm sure on both of his heroes the standard creeper out would be good to go to that red camp for some but it seems he's coming across the map did he go tier three himself no just bestiary and tier two only whereas tier three tech is finished for the german so he's gotta buy time right now oh level three off this turtle and someone comes in says yoink gets the free level three and he's just trying to be so aggressive right now the blademaster taking a lot of damage stomp on the blade okay nice heel wave is gonna negate that i don't think the blade's gonna be in too much trouble but there's so many grunts here yeah the grunt purge seems to be the viable option for sewing to pick up some units here there's purges as well you could lock in some of these units there we go one more berserker going down like a purge pretty much guarantees a kill as well yeah there's plenty of them as well no a master of course on the shamans but they are fine i believe that's a little bit out of position hacks remember no wind walk but he's a very tanky boy there's also no heel waves but he's happy to get the blade out of there now the shadow hunter out of nowhere is there a purge there is a purge for the chain lightning and now the shamans are out of position how does spiral keep finding these edge when it seems as though there's no way to win these fights he finds the out and now he's capitalizing on the tier three tech advantage you know the longer this game goes he's getting further ahead with the tier three attack and now he's killing two shamans yeah second shaman on the way is someone just getting a little bit too overconfident there with that positioning that's a lot of nuke man with the heck stomp chain lightning full mana shadow hunter as well this is almost level three shadow if he moves the heroes away but i assume he's just going to try to power creep with all three a wolf doesn't cancel the sounds he's purged here three now halfway done would expect to see someone go for a pit lord as well as bloodlust and then try to get that upgraded code with a couple of raiders to even out that 50 food you can get a kodo and then the pit lord or he can get a a raider than a pit lord but either way i expect to see a third hero for sowen as well he's going for the red camp now and he is getting some nice valuable camps once he has that first raider he can start to creep a little bit easier by dragging stuff out but he's going to do so with the hex now a spyro in the meantime he's creeping up three heroes and if this torn chieftain gets up to three with that shadowhunter second as well this is gonna be some scary try hero action yeah unholy aura for so in that's a great item to pick off at that red camp and now he's gonna creep out the rest of this there's still the issue with spiral not being able to actually counter the purge so i think um as long as someone still has a lot of units this is still gonna be a viable option um losing the two shamans did suck because that's a big bulk of your your purging obviously but um still gonna be an option because this army compensation for spiral is just gonna be uh berserkers and kodo's players yeah for sure and you know the blade master now is going to be delaying any sort of transition of course from spiral because he's going to be in the beyond line probably for the whole are you oh okay i was like wait what okay i don't know yeah he just wasn't paying attention because i think the blademaster in the main base putting on too much pressure with the blade and actually spyro's losing peons in the main he's totally discombobulated carson that's a huge mistake he's just feeling the pressure from sewing and now someone's actually going he's like wait why wait why why is that altar flashing yeah oh no not gonna get that tc out either you're gonna have to go to the uh the alt uh the tab yeah that's huge man and spiral you know you don't know when you put on this harass with the blade what can come out of that but spiral is definitely a little confused there and then a little overwhelmed and someone wants to take a fight for sure for sure he wants to take a fight now that's one of those mistakes that like even if spiral was looking very very good in this series he was looking good in this game that's one of those mistakes that can just put you on tilt and really like end it even if it was the best of five that's one of those things that can really just end it for you and i hate to say that if you know spiral doesn't capitalize on the advantage that he once had in this game it might be very rough going into game three but for now it's just a dead level two torn chieftain he's got 42 supply of course there's the pit lord 51 supply person who is now taking a big lead using a lot of bloodlust creeping i gotta say but um 51 supply two maybe a couple mistakes for oh he's gonna kill that peon though okay he'll be fine okay yeah bloodlust is in i mean uh sohan's got his army composition now still waiting for this uh tc to come out as the altar gets rebuilt but uh big camp going in the way of spiral for now but there's still there's no there's no tp there's no involves on these heroes just a heel scroll and so in could be on the aggressive right now this is what he was looking for right he's waiting for the the bloodlust he's got it waiting for the pit lord he's got it waiting for the lightning orb got it so now he's got everything he needs here we go yeah if he keeps all the shamans alive he'll be fine yeah i mean oh yeah focus on the faster what do you what can you really do you could run there's heal wave though maybe a little bit too much of a commitment a raider and a grunt gets eaten ricky and there's no damage on these codes quite yet the shamans are out of position they're being focused fired down so far spirals microing very very well the grunts are trying to get surface area the blade masters of course gonna kill whatever unit he wants when he focuses it down torn chieftain 50 percent done there's a grunt the whole time in the p on line of spiral killing everything ricky oh my god and although spiral is actually winning this fight at the end of the day the grunt is going to make sure that the economic edge is going to the korean but somehow spiral is always finding the advantage in these situations that seem like they should be game-winning situations for sowing yeah no more reinforcements for spiral until he starts to get a bit more gold i gotta say so in yeah a little bit indecisive they're going for the farseer and losing a bit of unity i mean he's still in the process of losing a lot of units right but uh just this economic damage that he has been doing is is so good finally the tc comes back out but look at the blademaster just solo the burrow and he might get some peons as well do you just go does spiral just go all in here this is he's got to go like he's got to force the blademaster back by saying i'm going to push and try to win the game right now and that's what he's going for there's a town portal though and nice around but there is a town portal going to be forced immediately but now he can maybe continue the pressure of the pit lord oh like he could have just killed the pit lord there with the chain lightning was there a greater heel still okay there was still a greater deal but now the burrow exposed spider-man mining again before yeah here's the blade again goes for the shadow hunter but hacks right on the blade right away and dust as well heel wave comes in but the blade still in trouble and as well as the pit lord especially with that stop going for the first but the pillar goes down is the parser gonna end up dying surely oh there's an involved in the tc but it's not able to be passed ricky and now there's not very many units left for sowen but the blade master could almost kill this whole army on his own honestly look at the crits there's gonna be a shop for mana potions as well the pit lord's going to be soon out once he has the gold sewing the spiral can he break through he's still only mining with four back at home trying to hit some of these purges man i i gotta admit someone's not really been hitting any purges at all and this is kind of allowing spiral to be able to actually micro some of these units back farseer being rebuilt now and spiral's still just being super aggressive and despite the fact that uh sparrow's been so behind his unit composition is still very strong i mean the code wasn't eating yeah i mean the one koto ate a grundy i mean he can eat again nobody wants just one carson nobody wants just one can't just have one whole box of donuts for for dick dick bidet as we were calling it yesterday were you guys really calling me that yesterday yeah we were talking about nicknames for each other yeah that's uh well that's this that's disrespectful um alters gotta be defended and the what's the gold difference 3300 oh my god this is about a 1500 gold difference not to mention the amount of peons that have gone down about probably nine at this point for spiral so the harass is really the only thing saving so and maybe a base block would have been decent for spiral but of course it's not standard nowadays but the farseer will come back 39 against 45 supply but the supply advantage did not grant sowen a fight victory previously maybe level 5 blademaster will because there's a lot of creeps left on the map actually surprisingly yeah that whole left side is pretty much unprepped as well as the red outside of spa spirals base just really waiting for that farsi i don't think you can really fight without it shadowhunter gonna pick up uh a speed scroll i guess the tc's got an involve first you're naked as well and this is still just a very wonky place to be in when all your heroes are so naked especially against purge hacks could get a little dicey and right now someone's taking advantage of that opportunity and just creeping up the whole map and he if he takes this whole left side carson that could be an expo the red camp uh the orange camp uh ogres yeah a lot of this is definitely a level three pit lord it's gonna be pc3 as well though and you know definitely tc level three you could say is better than level three pit lord but bloodlusted level two cleave is not too bad either on headhunters but still the hero levels are going to be completely out of control and if there's a good stomp on the shamans for spinal to start the fight you get rid of those early and then there's level three wolves on top of this which is waiting in the wings for this farseer of spiral it's going to be tough for so and still because time and time again i've thought okay so and certainly in a good position to win this game now certainly he'll win this fight and then somehow this army these heroes are so strong for spiral so i think another way around has to be the way to victory for so and then taking a direct fight because of course also the gold advantage now for spiral going forward he's gonna have a thousand extra gold 1500 extra gold even his main base and someone's about to be out he's gonna have to tiny if he wants to continue mining yeah it's it's crazy to think like spyro's so economically behind but he's just been able to trade so efficiently i mean he is so far behind but you can't really see it um in terms of like army size or anything like that so double kodo's uh for spiral he can still eat berserkers plus one attack and the blademaster in the main base is just so annoying i mean someone's look at the peon pickups and these are expensive carson yeah like you can barely even rebuild them there's gonna come a point when if spiral hits level five he's gonna have to sit in his base and just continuously send wolves to deny if there is an expansion of so and that's gonna be half of what he has to do but for now he's gotta defend the shop goes down no way to save the heroes other than a single involvement we're probably gonna see hero focus on the farsi right away nice positioning though by spiral the torn chieftain going around this stump is gonna be massive ricky but level five blade master oh hex oh my god imagine if that stomp would landed ricky but it's not gonna land what a beautiful hex oh so and just barely gets out of the dutch there and i think all nice double hex on the tc he's not wasting uh not taking any chances at all blademaster could purge some of these units and then back okay does get look at this blood luster blade look at this you can almost solo this whole army and pick off everything shades of what hitman does against undead sometimes when uh he's falling behind 20 supply i mean this uh blademaster level five with bloodlust could just pick up everything right now and spiral needs to turn around and start to at least stomp hex okay there we go starts to go for the blade now could stomp just for more damage but does he have dust okay dust still on the shadow hunter no spiral is the one mining now so in out of gold oog as you may say this is it what he has but there's gonna be 2 000 gold for the german over commitment into the main base perhaps the pit lord is going to have insane cleaves look at it ricky oh my god the blade master is not going anywhere either look at the pit lord damage that's insane spiral you can't be here bro you're in the wrong house you're trespassing the shadow under critter ridiculous there's one more heal wave the stomp is big the blade master is low okay level five are the shamans dealt with no there's four shamans left a spiral i don't think you need to fight here bro there's the level three wolves but they're gonna be dealt with swiftly because of the purge there's actually not any purge left there's barely anything like that playmaster just deletes the shadowhunter from the game you're sent to the shadow realm there's no items then we talked about the naked heroes there's nothing to protect them he can even go for the tc if he wants and he does the purge hits on the tc a billion times that's just all the heroes dead gg wow oh man crazy game wow what was that like custom game seven blade masters it definitely looked like it rah-rah-rah crit level three amazing add that on top of a pretty strong pit lord indeed so despite some issues starting into this game wonderful wonderful match between the two cool back and forth good fighting sp uh fighting spirit by spyro there have been games where he tapped out after a tc loss like this but not today not here at w3 champions yeah i cannot believe at that high level that you get overwhelmed by something as a simple blade harassing the in the gold line um but yeah he was totally distracted trying trying to be cute and micro peons and totally disregarding the fact that he was creeping a red camp tanking with a level one tc uh yeah bit of a blunder there that was level two tc i think in fact that that's definitely going to get at him hopefully spiral can bounce back from that spiral is sometimes an emotional player who this can affect i hope this is not gonna hold him back on the last and final map this is something i feel like we're seeing more and more in org whether it be wolves or blademaster just to pee on her ass running into the back annoying the peons either killing them or forcing them off of mining is there not much consideration in the meta right now in orgmara to just wall off the base to protect those peons yeah that's been pretty well of course common in the past when it was just blade master mirror every time the issue was blocking the base fully nowadays in this meta is if you do get farsi or fire lord tower rushed and you have a full wall off and your burrows aren't always ideally positioned and of course you can't always guarantee demolishers can get into the back if you fully wall off it can be rough against that but if you know you're going to go into these late game situations yeah i think walling off isn't a bad idea especially in that game that would have certainly been a great idea if spiral could have done so all right looks like they didn't uh they didn't change the server for game three either um so someone must be fine but uh yeah neo we have uh game three yeah true have fun thank you i love you spiral in the top right of concealed hill in the bottom hamburgers and hot dogs too i want to have a barbecue all right game three wreck you know that song yes i do i like that song i didn't think you were gonna pull that out oh you got me in a bit of a quandary man maybe i made a bit of a conjuring um oh yeah we could see uh-oh i don't see a barracks oh sewing sewing okay so someone's gonna stick with the blade style but spiral looks like he's gonna do uh first your head unders again on concealed hill and conceal the hill carson one of those maps that has the you know the taverns close to each base first your head owners could yes exactly yes very good my boy that's what you're putting down i'm picking it up picking it up right off the ground five second rule 10 second rule don't care you worked the subway probably applied that rule a couple of times but yeah the fire lord could come out could see a tower rush and um if you're eating subway sandwiches off the floor what's better to go with that then a tower rush a lot of pressure from a german orc rick yep i'm excited for this very very excited farseer versus blade again and uh yeah i mean on this map do you go straight across or do you try to creep out it looks like you know what what do you think that you try to do as far as your head on our player on this map level three farseer all the way typically on this map this is one of the few maps and orcmare you can actually if there is a blade master mirror go for level three blade very early on unharassed if you both happen to go to one side of the map like say you go to your own shop and then your opponent goes to his shop there's not really much chance of you guys crossing paths so there's a chance on this map where someone creeps level three blade and then spiral gets level three farseer level three farsi you're going into the base with headhunters you can kill all the burrows it's very difficult to hold for the blademaster player but i expect someone knows that and he's probably gonna work a creeper out in it's going to allow him to intercept the farseer of spyro okay blademaster buys the circular at the shop starts to creep this high priest out and begin the process tier two tech on the way for uh sewing as well right now and yeah i mean the goal for spiral does seem to just be creeping peon going to scout what the blades doing and here we go interesting interesting creep bro the shop first does give uh level two to the blade master which is nice and it does disallow the farseer from coming down to steal it as well if it was a blade master you can typically have exchanges in the shop pride versus hitman recently comes to mind when the game only lasts as long as that shot creep because there was a big exchange at the shop for both blade masters so a nice creeper out but at the end of the day spirals looking like he may be able to get level 3 farseer uncontested and then look to see the pressure start to mount rick oh it doesn't want to get his cells canceled by a peon all right i don't think he's going to let that happen sewing a little too a little too strong for that mike getting canceled from a creep actually wind walks to make sure that he can get a little bit more healing but uh yeah now that you have head hunters carson could you go for something crazy like the the red camp later on after uh yeah you can't go with five you can do it fire it up with five head hunters yeah you can take all the red camps so we've seen that from kiwicocky in the past here we go looks like he's going to go for it this is a big camp too the blademaster's not even going to be close uh not even close to here as well and actually i i don't even think that someone scouted at all this game it's really just been the yellow peon coming across the map right for for spiral so sewing completely in the dark of where the sparse year is and actually going for the expansion of so and so this is just a really big shake and bake ricky bobby style and no first or last like to go fast yeah exactly yeah so he's not gonna be able to like generally what you want to tie this pressure into is you want to go get level three and then go into the orcs base we're seeing the timing's gonna line up so the tier two will just be finishing for well both players in fact but a little bit earlier for so and so the tier two could be cancelled the burrows can be killed before the shadowhunters queued up if you're fast enough not gonna be able to hit that time in this game but i would love to see spiral going to the main base right now and just burn the teepee to kill a burro and to potentially cancel the tier two i think that'd be a great play for him but he's playing it safe he wants to heal up he doesn't know where the blade is but he can assume in my opinion he can assume the blade master is on the other side of the map right now certainly yeah i'm playmaster on his way back shadowhunter coming out in the wolves being so annoying in the the gold line for sewing this time someone getting a little taste of his own medicine but spear lodge coming up but i don't think the wolves are actually attacking anything right now okay now they finally do but the blade might get fed a bit here oh yeah nice double pick off on the wolves and that's a big chunk of xp for that blade yeah two quick ones you might say right there rick yeah two quick ones already getting there on the perfect line love it three peons being pulled oh is this what we're seeing this is what we're seeing spike barricades hit me with it spiral spike barricades he's got the plus one attack filer coming out spike barricades should be researched of course it it does work on buildings being constructed so against the blademaster against the grunts if they try to cancel your towers which is very important for these sorts of all ins and orcmer to cancel the towers repeatedly that'd be very good give me the spike spiral give me the spikes give me the blood eli he's not doing it yet i'm not doing it give him the spikes this is this forward burrow is not meant for this world not longed look out of position so in a level three blade he's gonna get back in time and the items on the blademaster are absolutely ridiculous but the burrow's gonna fall and that's before the first shaman comes out oh my god i don't know if you could hold this timing this is going to be extremely difficult hex first hero focus i think is the way out of this for sewing spiral has a huge push here three towers on top the boot just needs to worry about these heroes because yeah someone is just gunning them down right now but it might lose a grunt in the process owen might lose a lot in the process keeping a few of the wolves and the summons back to defend these towers but not doing a great job i think all three are getting canceled here which is so far so good for sewing off of yeah this is really hard to hold the burrow in the back is going to take a long time to be built so that means no reinforcements from sewin unless you lose a bunch of stuff which right now he kind of is these plus one attack head owners doing so much damage to the grunts playmaster finally comes in where are the heroes for spiral okay finally they're back this is everything spiral kind of this is kind of sick because he knows he forced hex first on the shadow hunter i i can't see i assume he did so yeah there's the hex so there's no heel wave so he just plays around the hex he's gonna be forced to tp now but he kills all the grunts and now he's going for the next burrow in the main base oh no beauty hacks there and that's a dead faster with the teepee yeah i'm not gonna have enough yet only one tower this blade could probably just solo everything at this point level two shadowhunter yeah well held from sewing and and this was a supply blocked no shaman like the timing couldn't have been better for spyro but i think the lack of heroes not being around because he told all the blocks in the shot owner but okay hex on the on the uh fire lord that's the dead for fire lord yeah nice hold yeah very nicely done from so and he played patiently he lost the grunts yeah but he forced the heroes back i think spiral even just sacrificing the fire lord there would have been decent to the hex like leading with the fire lord saying hex be hex me do it now do it now hex me i think kill me kill me do it yeah dude i think that would have been good and then the parsier would have would have been um alive longer behind that but like leading with the farseer and then you know the more prioritized hero of course is gonna be the farsi when it comes to hacks and now you ain't got nothing left and it seems like such a strong push honestly i can't believe so and held that like that like that's there was so much stuff there was so much stuff for spiral uh wind wall could actually secure this last headhunter okay yeah he's gonna win walking get that everything's getting picked off spiral down to 24 supply you're basically restarting at the start of the game with three headhunters and both heroes are dead gonna hide spirals he's still committing yeah with the three towers being hit well two so far three there we go there's number three i think this is the only play he has he's gonna get the heroes back he's gonna have three towers up and then he's gonna snake the towers forward if they are not scouted oh my god zoen no the grunt was going that direction it's going that angle oh my god this is the game right here does he see oh my god all canceled gg yeah that's the game right there and well played to someone a nice try to spiral honestly very close series could have gone either way both games at the end now damn spyro putting on a good fight but the tower rushes are not really his he tried that qualifying for dreamhack and failed he tried that qualifying for the quarterfinal and fails maybe leave the tower pushes to take her and uh try with a straight up fight but it was a super fun and entertaining series with which is what you oftentimes get when it's either a spyro game or so in game so someone continues he's in the quarterfinal aland who's his opponent though that's the question for the next match the next round of 16 the next best of three it's two guys called in fee and fly have you heard of these guys remove i have indeed legendary players and gracing also the war three champions tournament the first time they've been playing on what three champions for quite a while now and of course this being international we do have chinese representation 15 sway on the first day didn't get too far but infj and fly now to world champions colliding fly is going to play orc infi is going to play random and the winner to be moving up against sowen another best of three which is going to be wonderful and i'm really hyped for this one uh hype for all the support we're getting the zombie thank you for gifting us up fart seer wonderful nick thank you for the sub mouse mouse mouse 47 month burro rush with 100 bits less than three beetu and sai sonic with 500 bits back to naruto neo is naruto main character remo is sasuke lady is love carson is shikkamaru theory slash strategy mido is choji self-explanatory that is the most weeb message we've ever gotten dude holy holy congrats i sonic you get the me weeb number one emote award excuse me award and uh yeah i never watched naruto so i i i got no idea but um thank you does anyone know why is it self-explanatory he's a chubby dude he's probably like the clown of the group all right i'll be taking a break i'm doing my naruto run right now and we'll be right back in four minutes with infie versus fly hype you
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 1,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warcraft 3, tournament, Wc3, War3, Wc 3, warcraft III, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft, esports, rts, real time strategy, Back 2 Warcraft, Back to warcraft, Back2Warcraft, B2W, Back, Back2, B2Warcraft, back to warcraft, Neo, Remodemo, Remo, 2021, Reforged, Warcraft3 Reforged
Id: ekXoHvDMcBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 38sec (3338 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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