Warcraft 3 Reforged - Infection Attack Walkthrough

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hello everyone in this video I'm going to be playing an infection attack expert difficulty for herb actually I guess is called hard I mean the objective here is to have multiple bases that are connected to the center of the map so we'll have to see how it goes just due to the dimensions of or rather the tree placements of the center here we're going to have to make the base a little bit longer than what I've done in my previous strategies right away so perhaps something about like this probably mess of the trees forgone so I'm going to put the wall a little lower and now we can start creating our hole so mmm it's because you top left I'm not a huge fan of this placement but my it's a little bit cramped space wise we'll just have to work with us my friend we will have access to multiple trees we have two trees here and I think it'd actually be pretty safe to harvest at these trees as well because the trees might block monsters from getting through is my a tree so at the start of the game make sure you gather up ten wood which we will then be using to build a house the house can be used to train train harvesters so that's why it's really important to build as soon as possible then you also need to build a granary to boost your food supply the house will only give you a total of one food so you have to build the granary pretty much immediately afterwards getting that first gatherer is incredibly important is that'll double your wood income and eventually we won't need to gather wood with our main builder at all zombies spawn at the 55 minute mark so it's important to have one tower up by then the granary we can put that in looks about right we put it in the bottom left the granary shouldn't draw too much aggro since it can't this hack so as long as it just isn't outside of the walls it should be more or less fine and with that you can now start training more gatherers the house can only train three gatherers before it implodes so once this house as you've been used to the limit we're going to destroy it and start creating a new one you can also make multiple houses which can be used in the later game to create several advanced harvesters at the same time if you're going for a wood based strategy that can be pretty important for the most part since I only focus on one tree it's not really worth making more than perhaps with one additional house yes my friend yes my friend and yeah so now that we have maxed out our regular gatherers supply we're going to start saving up 500 wood so that we can get an advance Hall is my the advanced Hall will give us access to the big house and the big house can be used to create more peasants so we can go from five to ten which of course will once again double our wind income and the big house also can create an unlimited amount of units so you could make 10 advanced gatherers and it wouldn't be a problem at all and the concept of the advanced gatherer relative to the regular gatherer is that they use more supply and they cost gold instead of wood but you can make unlimited this is limit 0 really that means limit unlighted is my aid required we could start creating a granary now if we wanted to be a bit proactive so I think I'm going to go ahead and do that right away the extra granary supply will of course be used immediately in additional gatherers yes the 56 minute mark which means we do need to start getting at our pretty soon so yeah we can either start making a tower right now which means it will finish right before the enemies will spawn we don't have four bases surrounding us which means it might not be required but I think I'm going to go ahead and build a tower anyway let's go one down and one more so this looks like a pretty good spot I think I will place the tower right here as you wish as far as income goes this will set me back a bit we could have started to make a new dance hall right now but that's fine yeah it looks like Goong is a little bit ahead of me in terms of income he sees a tower and the advanced hall which means it's about 70 wood ahead you'd be a bit more required every 10 minutes in this game a boss will spawn from the center of the map so it's very important that you have your boss walls up before the boss starts my friend the advanced Hall is now in progress and once that is done we are immediately going to destroy our regular house place an advanced house and then use an ability to finish the hallway instantly that ability can only be used every few minutes so I recommend saving it for the big house because it has an extremely high build time the watchtowers take about a minute but I think the big house is like three so it's just most effective to use it on the big house we now create a pig farm which will give us an additional five food supply and now that we're capped we can start to create the walls in the middle of the map it seems like I misremembered the time perhaps zombie spawn at the 53 minute mark which means we could have been a little bit more defensive or greedy for our income minor mistake there no no no I was right the thumbies did spawn at 55 minute mark they just didn't reach me didn't switch the mini-map to colored mode which will make it a little bit simpler to see the enemies that'll make all a lie steal and all enemies read and yeah all enemies in this game are two by two so if you of a 1x1 gap enemies cannot get through a NASA Lux is here is the creator of this game so we are actually playing this map with the original creator this version isn't one that he specifically made I don't think because the later versions were just updated by other users over time ok Research Center is going to be need to be completed pretty soon here I think I might just place it right here it kind of takes the tower slot but don't have that much space to work with actually this looks good that'll give us the ability to walk around so three minutes till the first boss if we want to be extremely defensive we should have one additional or perhaps two additional towers up in time and then we also will need another granary pretty soon yeah we do have spare food supply for the moment at this point we can also start placing gold mines to give us two gold every minute you get gold at the somewhere in the realm of the 7 to 13 second mark so if you are going for gold mines make sure you have him placed before then and at our wall here oh actually this requires gold I was thinking this just would so can't do anything just yet of course that'll get us ain't gold and we can cancel these structures to get money back okay that's clever instead of so they did an enjoy may he's made a little bonus space near the bottom to squeeze at our here's some advantage to that which is that if your wall plus fall here you have a fallback base ultimately I think that's a little bit inferior to having the tower in your main base because we don't have well towers are expensive and take a long time to build as your insta main reason why okay first advanced gatherers coming up you can start that wall upgrade and then we can start creating a new tower towers gain range as you upgrade them Julia so right now there's 700 which should be enough to attack most of this but eventually I think they get 50 range per upgrade so that will reach a thousand three towers should be sufficient but we will upgrade them to the superior versions such as the guard tower and the harpoon tower yeah a single tower upgrade doubles its DPS because it gives us +10 and it's just +10 every level so next steps harpoon which is the equivalent of three watchtowers does use an extra food supply though so keep that in mind if you're running well in our first advance gather is just about to complete why tonight go ahead and start the second one one minute till the boss in terms of would income we probably won't have quite enough to get three our pin cannons but we should pretty easily be able to get that harpoon cannon and two guard towers once the screener is done I'm going to start creating the next two venous catheter and it's also time to upgrade these two walls in the middle because they are the most likely to get attacked upgrading the wall from level 1 to level 2 will give it an additional some additional HP we'll find out in a moment yeah so that'll give it a little over double HP be precise it looks like 750 and it also gives it an additional 5 armor so it's a solid upgrade for the price especially when you compare it to the wall HP upgrade which is two gold and 250 and then only increases the walls health by a little bit so the first boss is up and it looks like he is attacking green unfortunately blue did not seal off the bottom so the boss is able to run out it will but we should still get some synergy here yeah like we have two bases attacking instead one that's not bad I can go help repair you can actually build your walls inside of this zone but of course then you run the risk of the boss could just literally spawn within your walls so I would not advise that it first bosses down pretty easy when you have the bases working together seems like one of the bases on the outside of the map is falling as you wish time to get a pig farm and where's my at polka cat areas pig farm in a barn that'll boost our food supply by ten once you're both complete which I guess it's time to give multi-shot on the harpoon cannons multi-shot does not lose two towers DPS but it does allow it to attack three targets at once so if you're beginning to get overwhelmed that's quite important no okay wait a minute did he lose his base I thought he was doing just fine guess I should have paid closer attention I am your servant yeah completing the walls will give you the ability to upgrade so it is useful to complete them squeeze into another goldmine here before the income cycle will pay close attention to see you in the time buries ten nine eight seven six okay ernõ the seven second mark yeah yeah this wall I guess we'll just have to build it on the outside of the base let's move the gatherers so that I can walk by building on the outside we shouldn't do that risky matched you can do okay great so he sealed off the bottom which will prevent the boss from getting out cancel the wall between a basis if your builder does get attacked he has a decent amount of HP regen so it's not a huge deal yet now would be a good time to start using extra houses to get multiple advanced gatherers at once eat 50 probably one more wall HP upgrade of course have to go in through the top right away that is a good time to actually complete one of these gold mines and then upgrade it into a superior mind all regular mines can be upgraded to a gold mine for 350 wood which will give it five income instead of two so it is actually slightly less cost effective because you get you're paying five fifty four five gold actually we know that's exactly it's cost-effective Oh more or less I guess it's like a fifty would premium time to start one more shower but first the hall or the house we have plenty of time to prepare for the next boss there's no danger one trick that I advise is double layering you're gatherers in the tree it's a little bit tricky but if you land it you could get twice as many gatherers which is quite helpful alternatively just go for a two tree base and that's nice as well take a look at everyone's wall HP so I have two upgrades they have one one two two is about what you want you can even go for three if you're being really defensive and it looks like I need to this towers low priority so I'm gonna go ahead and start to complete this wall otherwise they could sneak in through the left well hundred so we maxed out our wood supply earned on our wits by our food supply and we can't get any more food until we get the next level of building which means we want to complete some gold mines and upgrade them so that we can get more food more towers and so let me get back in the base and start completing a mind yeah the pathing on my builder is really bad at checking for existing unit obstructions it's a bit of a pain so this gold mine was definitely upgraded and I guess we can upgrade the talk as well probably going to miss the cycle so I'm just going to place a few little spam gold mines here for some extra income quickly and we don't cancel like all of these okay now we have enough and we can start getting the new technology Center one big advantage to the new Technology Center is that your filter is becomes mechanical which means your other units can repair him yeah once the new Tech's understand will immediately start the power generator which will give us 50 food which they do take a minute to build so you're in a pinch you need to plan a little bit ahead I should have placed one more level one tower first now I'll have to immediately go to electro actually I guess that's not bad it's it's fine either way I think I'll put up a charger right here this charger can repair our interior walls and it will also be useful for repairing our towers and a little bit so we no longer have access to the house so if you did want to use that strategy you needed to have it prepared by now okay let's upgrade that wall it seems to be getting hit a lot and we'll do one more generic wall HP upgrade as well which will get us to three upgrades which is more than enough the charger is a AOE auto repair structure but not a Lee it's just a ranged auto repair structure so we can set it to auto repair and then anything that's damaged it'll just heal it stuff looks like our our plants can't even click them but it looks like they're almost done there we go just finished we now have a hundred fifty food supply it is possible to boost the food supply above this point but it is quite difficult but while that difficult it's just time consuming you have to build the SU which will boost your food supply from 150 to 300 but to build the SU gift to have a couple more upgrades and then it also takes like three minutes to build nice so a thousand eight hundred range is actually enough to repair my whole base go ahead and start that next hour and you also convert this into a deeper goldmine which will give us significantly more volt could cancel the electric our to get more gold but I don't think doesn't need for that start training some more gatherers I think this house is one or two slots remaining helpers can also just build in general so I'm going to use this help where to create the wall over here this will also provide some good evidence on if the zombies can get through in a tank does not seem like they can so we can start just putting a couple of gatherers out here if we want to probably not the best idea because range units will prioritize those guys it one more deeper gold mine is under construction our goal here is to get about two hundred and eighty gold so that we can get access to the laser technology he's saying zombies are strong I guess because he's a few zombies tanking him oh we can move the helper back into the base Oh Andie's oh that's fog of war may be hard to believe we'd have a fog Robin that does seem to be the case we send my repairmen over here probably best not to have the technician go in between but boss doesn't seem to mind and this boss is a piece of cake and yeah as expected the range will be enough to attack anything in there with a few more tower upgrades go ahead and start the fusion technology upgrade now that one will give us access to laser towers which will be very important hit limbs to my repairmen back to my base now this gatherer weird am I going to fit in then I guess yeah we'll do the possibly very stupid outside of the base tree oh no I can definitely feel like two more in the bottom there we go mega charger is done once again set that to auto repair and once my fusion technology research is complete I'm going to just noticing these deeper gold mines have different textures for some reason oh okay maybe print extras because they're different mines this is is the one gold per few seconds when I guess when gold every five seconds yeah that's not what it meant to build but it's not bad it's pretty comparable actually for that beat so two gold per ten times six so twelve gold per minute instead of 15 and since I'm usually not in a point where two gold is going to make or break something I prefer the slight efficiency but it is distilling the whisper that we can train gives us 20 wood every five seconds so if you're going to stockpile a lot of wood that is excellent to build yeah my house is now useless so I'm going to get rid of that go 250 gold is the target so one more gold mine can be upgraded and then we should have enough to get that in one or two income cycles rebuilder we definitely want to start that now rebuilder on top of just having the repair the single target repaired as a health aura which I don't know how much it gives but yeah mechanical units will gradually gain health over time in Oakley units for structures yes we could test it out by having our tower attack another tower like one time the laser upgrade costs a thousand woods we'll want to save up for the end of the moment pin health okay so we don't need to actually test that ten health per second - ten at one minute to go and the reason why the tower HP upgrade is important as the tower will be creating damages itself wants it attacks enemy units so if you don't have the tower HP upgraded you could end up losing the tower which is a significant amount of time that you lose and this tower will be done in a moment is really solid damage not sure what wall we came there oh okay I thought my harvester on the outside died that I just remembered I moved him inside okay looks like this is timing out nicely with three deep / gold mines this should be just enough gold to get the laser upgrade started yeah just enough buy one [Music] once that upgrades done it usually means you have defenses in the bag so that will take 30 second sight sight we have one tower that's all set so it should be good I think one tower did just get destroyed here so hopefully Green has his defences covered and yeah lasers are done so we'll get one more tower HP and then we could and we can upgrade at the barriers I don't think that's super essential but if I did one I might evolve you both the technician also has arranged repair okay it looks like the right side is falling which means I need to seal my base up so I'm going to put a wall right here keep out any incoming units see this one and this is how it was creator we should now have enough income that we can convert the goldmine into a bank the bank will allow us to invest gold and then get gold every ten seconds in return hundred gold yeah we can make a whisps now let's do that next send it to this tree if I can click it it's a really hard tree to click maybe that'll work better nope well precise alright I guess I'll just have to do that manually in a little bit time for another laser tower this time will this create a new one and let's see one more while HP I guess for good measure how do our walls to you a little bit over 3,000 oh thanks buddy yeah getting a fusion in their base is a little bit of an investment put on my helpers died they do die pretty easily so it's not too much of shock hey let me do a build it on a tower right here which would be a fusion accidentally just wasted repair it so that's it so when you send these two helpers to the far ranks and then gradually upgrade this to a fusion Tower this tower is probably going down I mean no risk so I don't mind getting set back by an irrelevant amount I have to get out of here though [Music] where are my repairmen going to commit suicide they could just seal right here if they wanted to okay the wisp should be alive there he is and he reached the tree not likely hope if we can do is send them in through the bottom go up around the top so I can move these two gatherers out you want move the wisp end you do actually have to be a little bit careful because wisp can almost get one shot if you want actually I forgot the helpers get access to the houses so in regards to what I said earlier if you do want to get multiple houses you could use helpers for that 380 for gold I should probably start investing into the bank instead of stockpiling it but first I will buy 1000 wood and now we are doing that next boss is the Beatles The Beatles will give a few auras that can be a little problematic but nothing that a few fusion towers can't handle those should finish just about in time for the new wave and we can also buy 1000 wood ok beetles spawned a little early we'll start repairing prioritize the armored aura after that that other beetles with I really quickly which means we can start getting another level of interest that will boost our interest up to three percent right now we have nothing invested so this is just investment from the future now there's no cost at all for switching between so if you invest I found 100 gold into a thousand wood and you decide you'd rather go back it's the exact same I really would like to help Orange out with the fusion Tower but it takes a solid 60 seconds to build my build it off cooldown it is could put it over here I guess this this should do actually I'll put the tower here then immediately convert it into a fusion Tower and I also put up a wall maybe looks like you got it hey fusions beginning so we just need to protect this for a little bit he is a fusion tower or yeah never mind I thought it was fusion but it's not okay I can only take a few hits with the technician so I'm gonna back it up and yeah fusions up now so it should take out these guys pretty quick one more fusion when we started momentarily I can handle that let's get another wisp I'm all geared up Odin Green died hopefully he has a resurrection left otherwise he's gone for good let's get a level of tower damage tower damage is really pricey upgrade allies town is under siege yeah means gone well you can still use his income so it's not terrible oh okay yeah since he's a new technology Center he can still get helpers bilder is almost off cooldown and yeah now we can start adding money to the bank the bank was nerfed in version one point eight I think from gold every 10 seconds to every 20 let me check that if there is a patch note yeah nothing listed alright well it does pay you at some interval next tower will be up in a moment they want me to upgrade the wall let's keep an eye on so I get one gold every five seconds for you deeper babe mine I should get about six gold every some interval from the bank let's convert mm wood into gold yeah then we can start upgrading my final tower at the moment into a fusion I will squeeze a bit a few more towers in there eventually is under Steve we shouldn't steal a wisp instead max that out solid income from the gun that he sent over we can put this charger right here pretty central bring my repair bots over new Technology Center should really be building helpers all the time yeah I'm good just deposit them here yes with the help of three helpers that tell you it's building it like double the rate doesn't seem like triple a charter is done to go ahead and upgrade that and then we can send all of my builders back to the left the final boss spawns at the 13 minute mark so we still have plenty of time to prepare Howry T I think we have enough so let's go for tower damage and it seems that my whisk got stuck Oh some hydras are in here let me send my builder over and all of my helpers and we can get some fusion towers done yeah there is a risk that the game will crash so just keep in mind that even if we make it to the final boss we unfortunately might not get to watch our victory well with the extra wood from Goong I might as well just go all in on the helpers to speed up construction I think I might have placed that on the wrong oh well this commit to the inefficiency for now power damage there's five levels of tower damage so you're fusions will max out at 125 which is in total a 25% damage boots which isn't bad pretty pricey though Oh a multiple rebuild Edoras don't stack so keep that line or at least I doubt that they would since generally need to or as if they have a title will not work together but the independent repairs will stack just fine okay we can do a little bit more money in the bank since our gold costs really aren't that high it's not necessary oh he's still in the have three whole purpose of it is dying when they walk over for they trap several of these harvesters are doing Oh yeah the big house it is insane if you don't use your building multiple minutes on a single structure just always feels absurd [Music] picnics boss is up it is the infected minion he does a fair amount of damage but when you have a few fusions nothing that they can't handle based on our current design we can't even move these walls down or just make another tower section where Goong is currently and that's probably the way to go [Music] bring out these guys get him now there we go I guess it's because there was two tech categories of units have a level of tower damage and it'll be the last one where's my builder did he die not impossible now there is research complete yeah if I killed the advance gatherers I can free up a ton of supply yeah and the SU is also insanely expensive five thousand would not the best use of money now since I've sealed this I might as well just keep filling it in upgrade complete and for good measure I will get the final level of wall HP once you have that you're not really at any risk of the boss killing the walls all systems go with that I will have to start killing gatherers pretty soon here job's done then help her with one shot hopefully he had more than one you start making a charger he's got it in the exact spot as converts and gold into wood all right time to kill our first gather that is on my team I did kill some of greens gatherers earlier I guess I didn't kill him out final boss is about three minutes away okay let me let me just kill separately you know when you kill them make sure you target the advance gatherers because they could take up more food supply for the same harvesting rate [Music] good okay time to kill a few more in convert a bit more okay think the final boss is about three minutes away just thinking if anything else should be done good put a charger in this little gap probably be more trouble than it's worth though kill few more gatherers here we go it should maximize the builder e and yeah the fusion towers have a thousand range so it's trivial for all of these towers to attack at once it's for the final one we could put them in my base yeah I guess I'll send some repair bots back we don't want any of the walls to die okay so with our remaining money we can either build a few more towers pretty tricky though or we just run but film will fill in these not all this fill in the one Oh complete then we'll get some troop health which will boost the HP of our primary builder just to reduce the likelihood of them dying upgrade complete if hopefully the game doesn't crash move two minutes till the moment of truth every builder hmm could use a rebuild her up here it just replaced a goldmine and one two and then I have one two yeah he can make a third me these guys cannot be set to auto repair as well the battle armor was trained from the SU by pink pretty solid unit 200 damage with a fast attack speed in 10000 health which yeah without the sport of Towers is still not that useful but if in conjunction with your towers that can work as a mobile wall especially with 75% damage reduction which is quite a bit better than the walls maybe he forgot that the final boss is next allies town is under siege yeah because they've had fusion towers up by the Beatles they died really quickly okay final boss is just about to spawn we'll see if the game crashes but either way we'll know in our heart that we would have won the game yeah but I would greatly prefer if it doesn't crash look at these Babel armies can't even fit through think that must be like a three by three units we'd have to destroy a lot to get those in there Oh green leaves the game hopefully he had no ball he had several walls oh no we have a few seconds to get walls up yeah quite the last-second twist here okay final boss is up and yeah did not have time to prepare for that but it looks like the boss is a growing and irrelevant unit so we should be fine bye ena and I met wall let me destroy this one let in the big battle armors pipe repair bots are running around so that they can fight the boss as well yeah we're gonna absolutely race the boss you have to kill the boss twice within 11 minutes and we've already killed him almost once in 20 or 30 seconds yeah it almost feels like with these battle arm receiver like we're bullying the boss like he's stuck in a corner getting beat up and attacked by 50 towers alright life one down Oh is a piercing effective against the boss as opposed to the fusions Oh big lag spike here for some reason don't know why it's just fine before Oh see see if I can get it focused back on the action yeah would cause this almost able to click on the mini-map and seems like the game is crashing well that's a shame but we did absolutely destroy the boss in 30 seconds we would have been just fine let's see if the game on legs oh oh something happened here did we just what happened I can't tell did we win here punching oh no no the boss is on the right now okay is that half HP hours are still tacky strange that audio seemingly is working just fine at point 6 FPS okay boss is at 1/4 life this will be the world's slowest well this lowest framerate kill of this boss chat messages can't even make it through but the audio played I think once the boss dies the lag should go away so we'll get a victory screen I guess I can try typing in almost yes so we can hear the bruisers but we can't hear the towers and boss is almost at his health just went down again I think it's closer to 0.1 FPS oh there we go we got it three all right so pretty unsatisfying ending there with the FPS drops seems like this game could still use some optimizations for reforged but yeah there we go after the boss died and whatever he was doing the cause lag wrapped up the game got back up to 30 ish FPS and my units are all now gathering in hyper speed Nansha pretty fun game infection attack you haven't seen my previous video I'm a big fan of it this time we played through it on hard instead of ink we did normal last time yeah if you guys like my videos don't forget to Like and subscribe and if you're interested in playing some games with me I do live streams every Saturday to make sure you have your notification sets all to be notified for exactly when that begins and I'll see you guys next time
Channel: ZeusesCloud
Views: 45,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, fun, entertaining, skilled, amusing, good player, heroes, Warcraft 3, Custom Game, WC3, Blizzard, battle.net, strategy, adventure, gaming, custom map
Id: 1ftD3Q1aZgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 4sec (3244 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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