Grubby | WC3 | Happy (ORC) vs XlorD (UD)

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and there we are happy against exlord on northern isles you know i just i just see him against an orc and i'm like anything will do it doesn't matter against who it is but it always happens to be not a random joke last time i was like oh yeah let's just watch against any elf and see how to carefully deconstruct with his style and it was in fee like with undead against elf um like okay that's this doesn't work his opponents are too good but this is great great for a replay cast so let's jump into this this is sick it's happy versus ex-lord happy of course he got a request to play a number of games now my russian is a little rusty but if i'm not mistaken 28 katak [Music] no it's cyrillic it sounds nothing like that and it it is nothing like that they use uh strange lettuce strange letters caveman lettuce uh but yeah i think that probably means played 28 games of warcraft 3. i was requested by sasha 26 his biggest supporter and contributor it's bo his boss basically so he's playing more orc which is great for all of us and he is against undead here okay and against exlord so the two best undeads in europe are happy and ex-lord at one point we thought it's super close between them but i think there is still a bit of a gap quite a bit of a gap right like happy is more perfect than ex-lord is at executing with undead but now he's orc because of this challenge request thing okay so that's gonna be sick so how does happy treat this match up let's let's rewind a bit and talk about how these the strategy that he's playing came to be there have always been people that play certain strats if moon comes up with a strategy to build chimera and he uses it to win a big tournament that is moon's build it's not jimmy joe dark schneider on ladder 66 who always played mascara but he can only barely break gold too right it's not because he made it that therefore he invented it thinking of something and executing it at a high level that's what mostly people credit as the invention however if you have more insider information you know that no man is an island there's inspirations from many different places and there's help from many different places sometimes intentional sometimes not and so we know that when lin pioneers a strategy on twisted meadows where he uses his barracks to block the rock golem and a peon or a wind walked blademaster to block and he glitches a rock golem level six and he creeps it at level one lin showed it for the first time at the big stage so it's lin's build but perhaps he has sana's little helper or a friend or an opponent or a ladder dude that is able to execute that found that trick but he took it to the big stage and he used it to beat a light what have you so who really is the inventor of anything basically blizzard is the inventor of the headhunter they made that unit everyone else is just a copycat or pretending but so there are there have been many headhunter strategy users kiwikake has long been a proponent of it and his influence should be mentioned when it comes to the recent trend of head hunters and when i say recent i'm talking about maybe the last what two years kiwi cocky's been playing it for many years right and he is very good he's one of the best canadian players and that makes him one of the better western players as well and i've tried to copy him sometimes because i think it's cool to try many different things but it hasn't resulted in any kind of success for me for me for me to copy his builds he for himself has had respectable results as well but it's nothing groundbreaking in terms of big names that he has taken now we're looking at how did this build come to be how did happy come to play it it's actually because of my strategy but it's not really my strategy it's safe orchestra's strategy who is a maths professor who has requested repeatedly for me to experiment with headhunter builds and this has led me to use them in a number of matchups even when i was competing again in the last year or two in tournaments and that has led to some big victories against happy against ex-lord against vortex and others and it has taken a time for it to develop and spread across different matchups orc versus undead or versus human orc versus elf orc versus orc nowadays most ladder players and even many of the top orc players use head hunters and it's because of blizzard designing the unit it's because of save orcas requesting it to me and it's because of me being able to perform it at a high level against certain high-level opponents beating happy a number of games with it and many others and it has taken the time for people to adapt because the scene is a little smaller and people ha are entrenched in the styles that they are entrenched in and part of that is uh you know you look at people like hitman and happy they really believe in their own styles and hitman in particular repeats the same build a lot and gets really really good with it like a level of execution that i have never been able to uh reach i would say uh with like the the repetition i don't think it really suits me too i like to like kind of see warcraft 3 as an art canvas you've got the executors you've got the people that try to surprise all the time that's a little bit me but his execution with orc is second to very few maybe lynn but even he finally after a year or two has started to play headhunters and now that happy is playing this build as well and i think i can actually turn on the game sound a bit sorry for missing that so far happy is now also playing head hunters it's the strategy that he has chosen to use for his requested undead games and that does pretty much mean i missed the first uh five minutes of the game consciously consciously but i i can remember he lost a number of headhunters and didn't kill much so it's just fantastic that there has been this big meta shift over the last years that i am now able to watch an undead player who i used to write off as so inflexible and he's flexibly playing four different races and flexibly adapting to new strategies he is adapted save orcas says i'd say most of the credits should go to grubby and kiwi as they were the biggest influences of this build and in the end execution uh matters but i couldn't have done it without you wouldn't have probably so it's uh it's a lovely cooperation lynn expanded on the build as well everyone by now has found his own variation on it right do you go early headhunters late headhunters tech first head hunter first do you make a lot do you make a few do you go four hundred to six eight do you switch into grunts yes or no tier three yes or no expand yes or no and this is how happy plays it against undead and hitman by the way hitman by the way does a lot of heads on tears a lot of attack upgrades delayed bestiary straight tier three quick shadow hunter a very late beast theory a late kodo and yeah just a lot of head hunter upgrades both endemic barracks upgrades for the head hunter as well as the warm mill attack upgrades we can see that happy is playing it more as he remembers me beating him with it which is a quicker bestiary quicker raiders and quicker kodo and fewer war mill upgrades uh at least i've done various variations but in this game he has fewer war mill upgrades doesn't prioritize them as heavily he's now making the shadow runner with this final fight food thank you so much for the sub email glimo chevy kaikatsu and m mech compost keep in mind that with this build when you're creeping you want to tank as much as possible with headhunters as headhunters have free troll regeneration raiders kodos heroes they need healing selves but headhunters are great to tank with that level of efficiency he is tanking a lot with one doesn't seem like happy quite has that yet and of course he was also distracted uh with the death knight there dust of appearance very nice and early he knows the importance of it if you ever are engaged in a skirmish with fiends you don't have a dust of appearance you can't kill more than one the one you ensnare the one you stomp and then the rest burrows away headhunters are still zero zero upgrades i think he just started a ranged attack upgrade and a shadowhunter comes out i'll be curious to see does he pick up healing self clarity speed scroll the trinity of items or a lightning bolt a lightning orb there's the pit lord and it's gonna be a lightning orb and his first skill is is it heal or is it hex hex is the aggressive one here is the defensive one i tend to go healing first these days when i have a very very late shadowhunter like this uh just kind of like the icing on the cake hex is good utility you prevent coils you can even prevent how of terror sometimes or you activate berserker upgrades on your headhunters to do bonus attack speed and then you quickly hex the lich so that you cannot immediately follow up with a lich nova to reduce the damage fun fact shadow three shadow one does not attack faster than power sear three but the shadow two starts to attack fast so there's actually no point to put all the items on the shadow like this um it's better to keep it on first here for now but it's okay to switch over already because the moment he levels up he becomes a better auto attacker than fires here because his agility starts to ramp up great positioning on the pit lord there against the head hunters it's a huge howl of terror there's the nova after happy turns on the activation on the headlines he gets a quick devourer one fiend goes down as well but the kodo is in such a compromised position that it goes down practically instantly the orb is helping to focus the destroyer the kodo finally goes down another one or two fiends go down and one destroyer is getting focused again can he get another orb block from that shadowhunter up there we go there's another op rock and he's still focusing beans as well destroyer takes a coil it's getting good focus fire by the head hunters nice little spread by happy where he has headhunters in various layers of the fight so that they don't all get cleaved or know that there's going to be another stomp he has dust to focus that fiend again and it's really been just trading everything out here that shadow hunter drops low and is coil no vowel ball but he has the invulnerability potion on the shadowhunter he now gives the potion of replenishment to the shadow who must run away utilize it and make sure it doesn't get cancelled and this is successful a war storm completely in africa doesn't really hit anything at all but you know a lot of things going on we're still worried about his shadow there is plenty of mana on the destroyer still um wouldn't be too bad for happy if that turns into a uh destroyer as he was focusing the uh statue oh i think he still has an ensnare right he can but there's also there's also frost armor still on the lich so i don't think that bitlord is going to die anytime soon i believe that was an ensnare that was dodged by bro with the fiend nice job and he's running out of health and mana he's going on in the fight longer than most orcs would want to go on because he doesn't have statue but exlord does however because he does have more damage dealt on the dk nice courtesy of the focus fire by the lich by the shadowhunter in the first year he manages to flush the dk out focus it with the threat of a hex coming in again and with his micro his food supply is still pretty good after all this he's gonna definitely pick up dust info again there we go he has uh two invulnerability potions and a dust of appearance and he's not creeping the expected camp and i think this is something that he will not be commentating on right like he doesn't talk about these things but uh he's not doing the expected top left and somehow exlord same thing like both of them see bottom right as a bigger victory and here's why top left only had the magnetar camp left and with happy being there with his orcish army that would be the obvious spot to creep the reason he didn't is twofold the most likely to get creep jacked right it was the most likely to get creep jack because that's the last known location when he forced xlr to tp the second reason is if he creeps the magnetar he practically gives the other magnetar camp to exlord and the laboratory and that's a two for one for the bottom right player so he wanted to get the bottom right he wanted x-lord to come and creep track him here in this corner and then he would have the double camp instead of the single ex-lord wanted the exact same thing he wanted that camp and the laboratory and he wasn't interested in in the creep jack because for him maybe it was like a 50-50 either he gets it or he doesn't the creep jack but if he gets it okay cool they fight over it but if he just doesn't go for it he has a better potential gain because he gets the other two camps at the end of the day happy was not ready to fight again he's doing a lot of banking no troll regeneration by the way that's a yellow card for happy but uh happy not ready to fight so he sends his army somewhere else that that's okay you know what that means 50 food for ex-lord he's camping on 50 food and he kept the two extra units here to make sure that the rally point units don't get caught so we now know that export probably has a bank of about 800 to a thousand i would imagine and we don't know this for sure but just kind of a judgment call it might be less he did have to buy a tp didn't buy invulnerability potion of course because happy got it first he's chasing he's ready i i wonder what item he picked up in the bottom right i don't see any uh aura effect per se uh very high mana litch two destroyers he's just putting his tc there as a damn breaker like a a blockade no silence so he gets three stomps whenever he wants and he's gonna tp out he's gonna lose one hat hunter before raider drops low he kills maybe a ghoul or two not too big of any impact pit lord got the endurance ara okay okay i was looking at many different things there thanks for the extra perception endurance our sick attack speed and movement speed this looks good for xlr to be honest uh i'm very curious to see the micro coming up exlord looks like he pushed straight to 60 pop with bonus units as well as the destroyer morph and that means he's most likely not expanding which means he's gonna attack and happy's kind of ready for it he's got his shadow hunter level three that's three destroyers there funny micro did you see his perspective his camera there's a big speed scroll headhunter use their attack uh good double head under pullback they use their attack speed upgrade he's just focusing everything on the destroyers but his head hunters are falling fairly rapidly he's got another good stop in him if he puts it in a nice position looks like he's too busy focusing destroyers to think about his hero stump right now uh he did kill all the destroyers very quickly now his wolves are actually getting good value there's still a lot of kodos around he has hex still quickly you know he felt that coming no man on the dk he had to involve on the lich to keep it alive this honestly this is an excellent fight by happy and i can imagine myself doing a worse fight here into this fairly big attack from uh from from exlord sorry the names sometimes are messing me up because happy is the undead player so and i've been casting a lot of happy so i have to think for a second yeah why did happy do so well here is one very aggressive micro he did a little bit of defensive micro but he really just focused on doing stomp and taking those destroyers out as quickly as possible which would give him wolf value so that they don't get devoured and the second reason is uh he pumped quickly to 59 61 food and the third one is been creeping well got his shadow level three right before the fight that's good creeping feng shui it's good flow had he not had shadow three that would have hurt quite a bit those heal waves are barely even worth the mana sometimes but with that it's pretty great a little bit of lack of wolf scouting just making sure that there is no expansion that kind of thing is pretty good it was good heel scroll timing he's still devouring which means that ex-lord knows where he is via the belly of those kodos and he keeps checking it how long do you still know where i am how long do you still know and it's funny that he's creeping his uh farcier with that fiend all the expeditionary fires here as he's nearly at the next tipping point of level ups that varsity is nearly level five and he wants it is he gonna go for wolves or chain lightning i don't know i think it's going to be wolves the strategy for happy is going to be focus destroyers as quickly as possible and then okay why did he just pass the circle it over twice focus the destroyers as quickly as possible and then use wolves level three basically to do a lot of bonus damage on anything what i don't think is gonna happen is that happy will just focus fire ex lord's death knight with war stomp hex and snare it's possible but i think it's unlikely and he's checking a lot are you expanding are you expanding and exert is not expanding he doesn't get a lot of info he didn't but he's checking the crypts is your crypt lighting up yes or no and it's not if the crypt is not lighting up and the player is inactive in their base it means they have neither got an expansion nor are they over 50. if he was pumping up for a timing attack soon the crit would be lighting up if he was standing somewhere else on the map he may have been getting army behind it and if he was guarding an expansion or distracting you he might have an expansion still crypt not lighting up these are the signs we look for it's still not lighting up which means ex-lord probably has a bank of 1200 or more and he's waiting to do a singular 65-70 food push happy has his expansion he's now mining more even if he goes to low upkeep he will still have an income of 140 percent of what happy of what ex-lord is having right now so even going over upkeep now forty percent more income harry summon he didn't want to give the xp nice job a wind rider as well interesting and the wind rider is as good as long as there's no whip after that it's not so useful it's good bonus focus fire on destroyers in particular when they're ensnared they have a hard time catching up to units when they're whipped still not producing you you see he's only looking at the crypt he's not looking at unit composition fiend production determines the timing of attack the longer this goes on the more that extort is at 1600 gold 1700 1800 right and that means that you can know what kind of size army is coming and it you know it takes experience you don't know that on your 10th game of warcraft 3 ever but most likely exlord is at 50 over 50 under 80. 50 under 70 or 50 under 80. and he's gonna wait till the gold mine runs out at this point it doesn't really make sense for him to come earlier even if he's scouted happy having an expansion now he still wouldn't make okay there we go frostworm so what that means is that there may have been a misjudgment on my part i don't know what happy is thinking the crypt lighting up was not the only identifier there was a secret boneyard that we didn't know about that means there's probably a shade right here as well and that boneyard meant crypt production was never the indicator of the incoming timing attack happy does not have another five minutes for ex-lord to produce and then finally attack in the last ditch effort this is a frostworm destroyer bloom that is coming is it one worm two or three i'm not sure but i think it's gonna be like three to four destroyers maybe and two worms but where's the army oh he's coming from the flank there it is two worms four destroyers and it's just gonna try to blow up the worms the deliverance as quickly as possible but he's taking so much damage in return from the head hunters as well the shadowhunter dropping real low the shadow on her does he have involved of course he does hex on the dk where's the next war stomp war stomp there it is war stump on the dk but he just got a coil off and venom spears is finished as well second destroyer falls one worm is down as well he's focusing the pit lord that stomp not too good but another worm goes down 58 food for happy he's still getting orp of venom uh or uh and venom spears wind rider damage and the the lich is out of mana the lich is out of mana happy has done it he got shocked from a side attack from a flank and he was totally ready for it like he just quickly adapted focused the air got his tc in position very importantly didn't lose his uh his uh oh they have another one maybe we can cast that next didn't lose his shadowhunter to the focus fire and managed to win that fight with a very well-timed expansion he kept scouting oh yeah boneyard no longer requires sacrificial bit that's true so there may not be a shade as it stands though nice little tech switch but of course we're still talking about mass heavy air against raider heads ontario and wyvern strategy reliant on surprise and a bit of maybe miss micro happy did it very well he won the previous fight in his base so he had a small lead and he expanded at the right time and that's why it wasn't that close that final fight but very well managed by happy now he's beating x-lord like holy crap [Music] you
Channel: FollowGrubby
Views: 30,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Grubby, FollowGrubby, Heroes of The Storm, Warcraft, Warcraft 3, Starcraft, Starcraft2, Blizzard, Blizzard Moba, Games, Strategy Games, Multiplayer Games, E-Sports, Esports, Streamers, Pro Gaming, Best, Top, Epic, Family, Friendly, Funny, Fail, happy, russian, orc, off race, ud, xlord
Id: _Q6_c7VTL2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 36sec (1476 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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