WC3 - Lyn vs. Moon - Group A - DH 2020 Regional Championship - Asia

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what's guys lynn vs moon it doesn't really get any better than this here to get all day started and orc versus night elf coming up and i'm gonna be joined yet again but the fantastic carson how are you doing i am great and i'm so excited for this match oh my god both these players two owing in fee yesterday like you know if you're gonna 2-0 someone in the world probably most proud to be in fee what do you think about their performance yesterday yeah they played amazing both of them but like neo said one of them has to lose now i mean they could have they could have a draw technically but then they'd have to replay that game and yeah arc against night elf i'm going to rely on your expertise a lot here in this one we see moon opening with a fairly standard keeper first and on the other side blend master as you will always see there from lynn do you feel like last refuge favorizes any of them here or is it one of the more even maps and that's why we're seeing it first i think it's a pretty balanced map of the three that we have in this best of three we have the last refuge concealed hill northern isles i think those are the three most balanced it's kind of a cool matchup that in best of threes having two vetoes each per player you can both veto the maps that are not really favoring you and then you end up with this really nice balanced map pool and last refuge is definitely one of the more balanced ones of the three it seems like across multiple matchups we see it's maybe the most out of any map we see it quite a bit i think you've been in there a while like obviously it's not a perfect map by all means uh those creeps sometimes you know they grew a little too easily it feels like but at this level that those guys are playing let's see if the keeper he gets the steal oh my god i was so unfortunate for lynn that creep must have had like i don't know very few hit points left after the hit from the grunt and the blademaster so a very good start now for moon getting level two right off the bat yeah that is incredible for moon now he doesn't have to risk anything to try to get level two up another creep he can go into the base he can probably even cancel the second burrow if he wanted to but the blade master is on his tail so he's got to be a little bit careful but now lynn he's got to keep that grunt back he's got to keep the blade on the keeper of the grove and there's an expansion coming up as soon as moon pressures lin off of his side of the map he just immediately puts up that expansion this is so far beautifully done by moon yeah do you think that was the plan all along or was that an adaptation to the way things went down i think regardless moon could have ran across the map and cancelled that second burrow so lin has to respect that so i think the plan was to get lin close to his base and put up that expansion oh the plan for lin was to not lose this grunt though and one more entangle will probably secure that kill the question is will lynn be able to deny it let's see is getting back in position with the blade master is going to try and damage the keeper first getting in position to try and get the denial and he gets it very nicely done here preventing further experience from being gained on the keeper of the grove tech always going to be a little bit faster here i guess with the way things went down and already going into hunts getting blocked by sheep yeah that's never fun yeah the critter a little bit unfortunate ultravision coming out first huntresses on the way a very early expansion is now going to be scouted once that illusion gets to the tree of life and lin is in for a rude awakening and he can't really cancel it at this point already lost that grunt doesn't even have a staff of teleportation it looks like he's going up there to try to do something about it pulls the creeps onto the tree of life does this work i've never seen someone do this they're actually damaging the tree of life does he have enough dps he's going to pull the murloc camp as well can lin do this this would be incredible it would be insane if he managed to pull this off but moon cannot saw this coming he saw the illusion headed up there so he moved back into his with his army but now he was fighting the warlocks to prevent them from attacking that tree and lynn can he get the snipe on this entangle on the blademaster he's the only damage dealer the the real actual damage dealer that's up there and he's actually gonna move back he was afraid to die for a second he's gonna re-engage oh my god that tree is so close to dying there is nearby and he forces to cancel wow i did not think that was gonna be possible at all and you know we talked about last refuge and i said one of the flaws is the scripts are growing a little too easily sometimes i think you're getting a prime example of what is up with that but yeah that was lynn using the illusion to its forces full effect here and one of the best items on this map just because of that yeah that was a perfect use of that one of illusion and that's why we saw lin go for those priests first to grab that item he went for both of them and got both consumables so uh not too much luck on his side he got both priests and he canceled that expansion even if the blade died getting that tree life cancel would have still totally been worth it for len all he wants to do is keep this night elf keep moon on one base economy as long as possible now the shadowhunter is going to be on the way pretty soon it's just going to be popping now the shamans are going to be on the way out he actually pulls the mercenary camp with that last charge of wand of illusion so far he's gotten so much value from this item todd that must be the best value i've ever seen out of one of illusion here really kind of actually well he sent that into the red so maybe now he can send it towards the main base to see exactly like where uh where the tank is at what buildings he sees starting if any but yeah with shadow hunter being out now he goes healing way first so usually against night elf you always get serpent ward is the question of whether you go healing wave or hex you know in a very aggressive game sometimes you're gonna open up hex but yeah here i expect him to go a separate word second and usually to max that a lot of the time right yeah and he would be able to creep a lot faster with wards but i i guess because the blademaster had already started off that mercenary camp then he just sort of went for heel wave first but yeah once he's on level five with those level three serpent awards the hundreds are no longer gonna be viable if moon does stay on this archer huntress uh army and the expansion is exposed again where's the keeper nowhere near to go for an entangle but the four huntresses are going to fend off that blade master keeper going down has a single entangle but that shadow priest is so good for lynn now he can save all of his grunts the blademaster went to the other side of the map without a staff of teleportation i think that's because he has so much mana saved up typically the best orcs in the world the lens focus and flies they don't really waste any matter ever if they use a wind walk they get the max value out of it and this is being shown here yet again with that plane master being a little bit pesky on the other side of the map moon forced to leave unit studies expo that's to prevent a cancel from happening there yeah this is really good from lynn so far and if he does in the future get that staff of teleportation then he can threaten the gold mine cancels on the tree of life and if the shadowhunter just camps in the back of lin's base he cancels the gold mine over and over again lim's happy with that and as soon as moon goes back to defend this gold mine from being cancelled um he's just gonna go creep the shadowhunter to level three but we see moon very nicely splitting off those three huntresses and he's doing two things at the same time he's stopping the blade master from denying that uh that gold mine from entangling and he's stopping the shadowhunter from creeping that robe of magi a very big item to have on the shadowhunter because you get an extra mana to work with you see a 420 mana pool here on this bad boy and now he's looking to pull the merchants very very close to level three actually which is one of the biggest power spikes in this matchup i feel is when you finally hit that shadow into level three yeah for sure and then with that lin will be able to hit a timing on moon's expansion the question is how prepared will moon be by the time the shadow hunter gets level three because it's inevitable at this point there's three serpent wards down soon to be a fourth you can't really stop this creek there's the level three how prepared is moon 41 supply he's getting the range upgrade for the archers plus one attack he's getting plus two now actually waiting in the wing so will moon be prepared for this level three shadowhunter timing against this expansion that hasn't mined yet where is this magic going yeah what's up with the creeps i guess we'll get no item in this game we have four grunts now this berserker is really nice oh my god he gets a greater banner the best item he could have hoped for here he can combo that with dropping the circuit or the robe of magi and gain extra mana back once he will have empty uh empty mana pool moon is gonna need some serious detonations here to have a chance to to hold this attack that's coming yeah and he's got mercenary access now and he has the 60 supply moon well so he can break above but he doesn't have much gold to get the ogre mauler or anything yet i think he just picked up a troll berserker yeah he did but is that enough lin is definitely ready for the fight he even got a heel scroll from moon shop earlier he's still away from him so yeah lynn is definitely very well prepared he could even pull peon's but we see in the bottom right instead he's going for a counter expansion with a tower in the front in case there's any chance to uh to harass that expansion attempt all right it engages into moon two of the serpent wards are in range here to shoot those units down but yeah those ground is pretty tanky here at the front shadow hunter is gonna run on mana very quickly though if you keep some spamming the serpent words like this i'm surprised he didn't put the serpent was in range of the expansion maybe he's a little bit worried to get too close because then the wisps start coming in and if they land with big detonations that can be the best chance for moon to actually hold he's trying to snipe the tree yeah i just want to have enough yeah there's so much to repair and like you you pointed out correctly the the wisp detonates are so prepared we see as soon as lin extends in for a huntress to whisper being pulled but the shamans are being split and these are detonated on at least the shadowhunter who's going to have to use that potion of greater mana if he wants to stay in this fight lightning shield on the blademaster he doesn't have an inbound entangle is he going to go down the heel scrolls popped the blademaster might fall heelway with the last second and lynn saves his black blade bathroom on the nick of time and now he's about to win this fight it looks like and archer purge out of position another huntress goes down level four on the shadow hunter just from this timing what a fight so far from lynn but it seems like the tables may be slightly turning in moon's favor yeah i think he's out of mana on all of the shamans here so trance in a tangle can be really dangerous but so is the keeper he's kind of running low on mana right now alchemist needs to be careful you can't be losing that there is no stuff of preservation here just yet lynn speed scrolling in he's smelling blood in the weather here since this army of only archers he's got healthy grunts getting on top of everything now he's trying to close this game out keep her almost surrounded tom paul might be forced in a second maybe he can approve the enchanter fall to try and retreat but moon he's in big trouble here against this bush yeah there's not a heal wave for the shadowhunter currently so the blade master is as damaged as he will be for the remainder of the fight level three pop could maybe go for mirror image to save him from a potential entangle kill but there's just so many units and the expansion is about to be mining for lynn it's about 90 percent done but maybe lynn has to go back he's done definitely enough damage and the economy is going to be equal and the hero levels are looking beautiful 4.5 on that shadowhunter yeah against keeper three and half and alchemy is two and a half like if he gets level five and then as you said gets serpent wars level three and attacks it's gonna be so hard for moon to hold on you're supposed to have a supply lead here if you're the night elves like you're messing those huntresses those archers but lynn has been so effective the entire game a match up which not very long ago we saw the orcs really struggling with the test touch on that and then fly kind of started showing the way and doing really well like himself and now lynn in this game right now is looking very convincing so far yeah this has pretty much been a perfect game from lin from that initial creep out he got that last hit stolen maybe you could argue that was a mistake but i think that was just beautiful really from moon timing wise and then he gets the illusions cancels the expansion perfect creep out on the shadow hunter into a perfect timing with some lucky drops as well and the follow-up is beautiful too he's gonna get level five shadow hunter his expansion's mining getting a bc area once it is mining and like you pointed out even supply and lin is definitely ready to fight again he just needs a little bit more mana on his shadow hunter moon is probably going to break upkeep as soon as he can and he's getting a lot of upgrades second ancient war huntresses first armor upgrade on those huntresses so if moon has a couple more minutes maybe there's a position he can win a fight but the shadowhunter man is about to creep the red yeah one of the wind picked up but that can easily be purged and disabled here in the in the fight we have so much at stake here between both of these guys wore some battle drums but i thought he was gonna he was about to add a kodo maybe but he's going for a raider so i guess maybe he can skip that entirely but yeah rank one against rank three in the lifetime earnings on walker three taking one on one another in a group where they're both 2-0 right now that first place so important you make it straight to the semi-finals if you take that first place and it could be decided right there like obviously they will have to win more matches but whoever wins here will be three and zero in this very strong group and they've already played infield yeah this is pretty much guaranteeing the first seat of this group and guaranteeing a slot in the semi-finals if you can win here this is a very very important match because like you said you have the biggest roadblocks already out of their way if they're able to defeat each other here in fee they've already defeated infe and now they're going to defeat the other strong but the sappers to the expansion i think that was a two-sapper investment even and the expansion may be not going to fall but the huntress blame attack and deal with the peons they're trying to repair moon is this your way back into the game is he gonna get the kill he could just teleport it out after but the repair has been pretty good a couple of hunches are gonna fall but moon's actually gonna get the expansion he does get it perfectly calculated what a beautiful surgical strike for moon there deja vu from anaheim where yeah kept on playing this style here with the keeper and i said oh these archers oh no that's level five shadow about to be reached here you can just leave the ground here oh okay so that actually expires before that can that snipe can take place and now lynn feels like he has to counter attack great double and shuttle for the expansion right in front of that obviously he went for nature's blessing a while back so these ancient forces are gonna have seven or more but behind this moon i think he was trying to re-attack the expo to get a cancel because he knows he was gonna restart but instead now he's headed towards the main base oh my god and he has two archers then he left down there to snipe the expansion he's leaving in the future he anticipated perfectly what was going to happen here these archers are going to get the cancel this is so sick for moon there are two raiders for limbs so a base trade will be in his favor but not if he loses that stronghold moon is playing out of his mind in this late mid game here but then will he be able to get back home no town portal for lin so this might be an expansion for a main base trade it certainly will be pillages being upgraded is linda going for the trade here's the shadowhunter back with the surf awards but he's gonna get the main base moon you mad man it's so hard to repair against moon glaives the bouncing attacks from the huntresses keeps hitting all of the pianos that are repairing moon stops both bases of lin and all of a sudden he's still mining inside of his main base he's a little bit ahead in supply and he knows that lynn might be desperate and come to attacking to him here in a second and he's fighting only a fraction of the army of lynn right now this could be terrible for lynn if he gets these units caught out the shadowhunter is level five has a potion of mana and has that rope of the magi still so there's a world in which lin can win this fight and win the game but he's got the time against him moon is mining lin is not i don't even think he's rebuilding his great hall i think this is all in for lynn this is it yeah you may not have had the gold here he's moving in there get some right on top of this army who might need to pull back here for a second get behind his buildings so that they can help out he's standing in the wisps if he can take away all of the mana pool all this shadow under ends the shamans then entangle might be able to wear down the ore player who's still moving in furiously this is his timing he has to win this game right here right now or he's going to drop that first map here oh the alchemist though potion and involved already invested he wasn't close enough to the moon wells and now lin is just storming forward all the wisps have been detonated the lightning shield is really good i don't think moon has enough to hold he made it so close after such a bad early game but it's just all lin now he's going to kill every remaining unit he's going to get the main base is there another play for moon no there is not that's one 0 for lynn moon made it so close after he was it felt like he was so far behind that was like the one way he gave himself a chance to come back but i think lena identified the urgency of things here and immediately went for a timing instead of moon space knowing that he had to win the game right here and right now yeah what a intense game perfectly played from lin and then moon always finding a way back into games i think that's really his best characteristic as a player he always finds a way to come back when he's behind and it's no different in that game but lynn also such beautiful play knowing that moon is very weak just has a couple of huntresses knows he just forced him to town portal so he just says i'm gonna all into your base and you have to defend because you're not on my side of the map and that's just just so nice what a high level game there yeah i feel like if you're lynn like you're happy about the wind but you're definitely like taken aback almost to like what moon just did and thinking okay well that was like too close for comfort after the initial start which as you said was as close to perfect as it gets like you know as a game like the the correct that he went for obviously the greater matter helped a ton and he had some nice drops but very nicely done that cancel on the tree too that was so huge yes yeah that illusion is very very good on last refuge you you know a lot of people would say century awards is probably the best but having those illusions if you know how to use them yeah lynn of course did cancel that expansion and then using it to pull that mercenary camp if you use them in the proper way then they're just such a beautiful drop okay so map two is gonna be concealed hell this is a pretty known to be a very long sort of drawn out style map in this matchup we've seen a lot of half an hour 40-minute work against night elves on this map what do you think we're going to see on concealed hill i think maybe more of the same like i expect a keeper and moon to play a similar style the thing is any spot where you know i put down your tree of life is really really well known and we saw last game like that tree was on the white like 60 percent when lynn started showing interest towards cancelling it it was really though only because of the health of the crips that he was able to get it on concealed hill that shouldn't happen but he can definitely get on top of it earlier with this blademaster maybe grunt and uh try and get a cancel on that there's also a chance moon does something like the protector attack the engine protector that we see a lot of the time on this map which now has become very well known like everybody knows the timing when to look for it and get to cancel on that to make sure you don't take any damage early on yeah i think that's a really good point and the fact that moon didn't show that in the first game it may be some sort of a mind game he says oh you know you didn't even have to scout for it if you did lin because i never put the ancient protector up he didn't even have many aggressive wisps so maybe if he does it in game two or even in game three if it goes that long it may come as a surprise to lynn if moon saves it for the later part of this series that could be a good play and there is a couple more spots on concealed hill for that hidden ancient protector than there is on last refuge especially since lin didn't creep that green camp which is typically where you'll put it up as a night elf yeah actually there's a couple spots but it's also like you have to put it kinda close so it just kind of narrows it down for the orc if you look for it at the right time but obviously there's always a lot happening like you need to be on the other side of the map that's the whole mind game you know to look for that tree to get get the cancel on it and if you're not if you're just sitting near your base looking for that ap then you might not just go up and then you fall behind because the tree of life completes on the other side so lots of scouting required from both sides in particular lens to make sure he knows exactly what's happening and he counters moon perfectly as he did last game for sure there'll be a lot of options for moon on the table that lin has to be ready for and um yeah we'll have to wait and see if moon changes it up will lin change it up you know or definitely the reactionary race in this matchup so i think the cards are on the table for moon to change it up and i think we're going to uh jump into the game pretty quickly here on concealed hill for game two look at them the legends in the flesh yeah they both look very serious todd very very serious as they should be i would be terrified to be playing either of them well there's a cheeky 55 grand on the line so yeah i'd be pretty serious as well yeah if i was participating in this all right here we go game two on concealed hill moon against lynn will moon tie it up where's lin going to get a second 2-0 against one of the favorites in the entire tournament yeah that would be very big here for lintu to win that again trying to play for that first place finish in this very strong group and lena has had a bit of an off here last year right like he was not performing as well as usually would expect him to like this there's always been lynn flying focus at the top of your game in asia but it felt like last year lynn was struggling a lot more than usual and it was small the other orcs having really strong results and kind of showing the way for the first time in a very long time yeah for sure i think it was fly really picking it up against night elf recently of course too but last year as well and then lin you know he was very strong when the sort of meta shifted to this grunt shaman if you remember against human when lin figured out that double kodo style against human that's really when he was in his prime of this current patch but then yeah he fell off a little bit but he seems to be getting his form back as does you know moon's always a consistent legend and a consistent really really top competitor so yeah i wonder actually all of these guys seem pretty solid against sunday actually i like to see them you can send that quite a bit and uh our force match today is gonna be focused against hero i think that's gonna be sick that's gonna be a good match yeah and yeah speaking of orc against night elf our second match actually on the mainstream is also gonna be that matchup with fly versus slow lights it seems like every round that we have i just look at the batches i'm like yeah these are all dream matches in this tournament yes somehow we've ended up with just like i said even yesterday infie versus moon what more could you hope for lin vs moon for me as an orc player this is like a dream matchup to watch and then the light against fly is probably as neal pointed out in the pre-game the highest level work against night off you can find because fly is just such a beast in this matchup and then the light probably the best night elf in the world right now overtaking moon yeah he was for some time but so far these tournaments moon is reminding us how great he is with the 2-0 score as lola it is 0-2 and never would have expected that all right let's look at this game circlit claus already on the blademaster looking pretty good gets sentry words as much as uh on last refuge the uh one of illusion was amazing i think on this map century words is really good but you need to make sure you don't put it down in front of the opponent's hero because our units because then they'll know where it is and he can just dust and get rid of these so lynn kind of has to save this for a while and then use it later down the line in an ideal position then that shop is under a lot of pressure yeah that shop's definitely not in the ideal position and the treons are gonna pressure that even forcing to pull two peons off his lin but he does have an extra peon that was scouting we see it there at the bottom being attacked by the archer but just clearing for no expansion that 11 supply great hall is coming in handy yeah the wards are very good on this map as well because on concealed hill there's really only two major lanes you can walk through the middle but you always have to go to these two lanes on the left and right sides so one watch award can cover essentially half the map if you're in lin shoes here but the treants are gonna get another grunt is ling gonna lose another grunt early this game it looks like he might here keep her doing enough damage is there a deny yes of course there is it's lynn of course there would be the knight that laymaster hits really hard already with the circulating cross and from there like we see moon with no attempt whatsoever to go for any kind of engine protector pressure like i mean lynn was near his base he was fully ready so if somebody's too ready for something just don't go for it go for something else that's usually the way to counter that yeah this is getting straight off the world yeah i was just going to say this is double lords is this mass dryads probably going to see a demon 100 second he's getting ancient wonders too which makes me think mountain giants of course but you know knowing moon he does enjoy his triads so here's the curveball we were talking a little bit about this is what he's throwing lynn's way it's so early it feels like to get that plus one it's like yeah before it it will really any effects any of these units that he's going to make that this is going to benefit very interesting here but yeah shadow in two seconds is pretty much the only choice nowadays it feels like with how good it is we rarely see a town chieftain second against uh night elf anymore if you're sure that the opener is gonna go talents maybe but even then you can make shadow into work with serpent ward demon to second here what do you make of this full moon yeah really good for that mana burn but on concealed hill you know demon hunter second you always need to get at level three as early as you can but there's not a lot to creep you gotta move that ancient war up to probably the mercenary camp nice last hit and he gets the slippers the blade is such a beast and he's gonna need it when these dryads start pumping away plus 10 damage already on that guy you know what i really like about orcs is that they finally started using uh critical strike or maxing out critical strike more and more they've realized that you don't always need to win walk necessarily so occasionally you know in a game like this if you get played level three and you know there is like a lot of fighting about to happen you'll just go critical strike level two on level five we see so much critical strike level three as well and it can be deadly with all that extra damage from the crits yeah for sure and people scouting is so good nowadays lin especially his scouting is amazing you don't always need that wind walk if your opponent's doing something that's very telegraphed but this game i'm sure lin wishes he scouted better because he's in for a rude awakening when he sees these drives coming out i don't think lin has any idea quite yet yeah he scouted everything near his base he scouted everything at the bottom for a trip the one place he didn't scout was moon's main base he's headed there now with the blades he wants to see what's going on in there and then he's going to be able to step back home to help out his army if need be so yeah he sees the double lord he sees the tier 2 and yeah he saw that there was an upgrade happening in the huntress all which has actually there is already one one for dryers yeah it's barely any drier there's no dryers on the field yet the first two are about to come out and they're already gonna enter the field with one in one upgrades yeah that that's so sick for moody's yeah his pop that armor upgrade pops he's got one one dry heads and he's gonna you know he's gonna have a bunch of strikes getting abolished magic i guess this is how you play mass giants everyone you get one one before your tier two then you get abolish after that second drive the shot maybe gonna fall preservation has already been purchased on that demon hunter but level three given oh my god is that an ancient war blocking the way is this gonna be a dead blade master he's gotta staff a teleportation now but if he gets entangled he will not be able to escape cancels the ancient war and lynn is gonna make it out just in the nick of time no dust of appearance of course because the ancient wonders died earlier a very small play from lynn to make sure that the the cage was open and he could get out if moon had reclosed that he might have been able to force uh a staff out but even then it wouldn't be worth it i guess i guess if he dusted and attacked the blade but then the blade probably could kill whatever building was in there oh yeah now trying to get on top of one of these grunts reacting a little bit late i think you might not have realized that this fight was taking place and he did go win walk level two which is perfectly understandable with everything that's been happening steals the tone this is mine the sacred tanks do not get left behind when the best orc is playing yeah blademaster is getting more and more stack drives on the way ancient wonders being rebuilt the question is what's moon's follow-up because lynn knows he just needs to adapt to the strategy we see him getting a warm mill getting another burrow he's going to go into raiders as well but the question is what is moon's next plan is he going to get an expansion is he going to go tier 3 or is he just going to pressure for the rest of the game because the moment he's not creeping he's not fighting he's not doing much of anything but here comes the aggression with the dryads it feels like is it that durable a style to go for a lot of drives like this don't you think that if you're the orc you're just gonna wanna like hold on until you get 50 supply and then you have a much better shot at facing this yeah i think so especially if lin's able to get level 3 shadow hunter before this demon hunter as i spoke about earlier you need to get level 3 on this demon here but still level 1 though i think if lin holds on gets level three shadowhunter gets a couple of raiders out and moon hasn't transitioned into maybe tier three mountain giants would be the most standard transition this is definitely a one fight for that forces are under attack all right let's see keeping tabs on that elf army moon really kind of roaming right outside the the base of lynn here he's waiting for him to move out so he can engage he's sharking around carson yeah he's so good at that too he's always good at finding openings and lim's not giving him any currently but maybe he's going to give away his expansion nice dust of appearance going to reveal that blademaster mana burn and tangle putting a little bit of damage but here comes the army of lin to defend what's rightfully his this expansion camp a demolisher that's a little bit wacky but i respect it lynn i think that's a good choice yeah against this many triads uh they don't do a lot of damage to the militias either whereas the other the other way around is perfectly true yeah rushers can wreck dryads let's see he's just gonna disengage he finds a talisman of invasion so if uh immolation i always think that is like so silly like nobody would ever go in relation maybe one day if it get if it gets buffed yeah it might be pretty good with the drives because you got these heroes in the front line it might be good with talons actually too if you have one of those abilities because you're so dependent on your hero's dps with something like towns and maybe immolation could find its way into the meta mirror image has in this match-up but um immolation not really too common i'm sure you've lost quite a few peasants to immolation recently though thanks man yeah it happens sometimes you know like you know i feel like you're not really supposed to wall off against the elf anymore and then like so you stop doing it and then once in a while you get a monitor with emulation in your presence you're like okay i still got a wall off maybe like i'm not sure about this one yeah like i like that moon shocked around for as long as he could and then when he realized he was like okay well there's enough army here from lynn at this point i just have to go back and start creeping myself like the decision making it doesn't always appear very clear when you watch those games but if you realize everything that's happening like you can understand how these guys are like so great and so smart with the way they play yeah and just realizing the amount of information that they have i mean they have very good scouting but they can't see the entire map like us and just the fact that all their decisions are so perfect despite having limited information at any given time it's so impressive red camp's gonna be traded the moon is getting the medallion of courage which is gonna be great on that demon hunter but level three is of course gonna be even better question is what's lin going to get bone chimes probably the best here but again any of the auras is going to be great the the true shot's going to be great for the demolisher as well if he gets that do you think he's going to keep the medallion for me that would be a cell i think i'll keep it on the demon hunter maybe or even the keeper it'd be good on yeah this is trent and intel yeah whereas demon is an agility hero so you like gaining a little bit of extra mana and hit points can be nice but look we already broke up keep i'm a little bit surprised by this i thought he would pay a visit to the shop first because he definitely has to sell that talisman of evasion in my opinion and if you sell after you've broken up it then you get taxed a whole bunch yeah nobody wants that yeah not worth selling anymore maybe yeah maybe would have been i definitely think there's a debate to be had whether that item is worth keeping and it does give you a lot of gold okay here comes the timing peons are being pulled will there be towers and will moon defend it looks like he's going to defend and of course sometimes just chooses to hit and run okay this is some 2005 day fly stuff going on here look at this he's got true shots by the way yeah this is great units gonna do a lot of damage here first when well's gonna go down instantly that my supply block uh moon actually 63 out of 16 now he cannot make any more units for a while developer being targeted at the front is there one more instead yes it's on time he cannot stop demonic might go down and he goes down before moon has time to use staff for preservation the worst way to start this fight here first giants is all on the field second one as well but cheer three is not finished yet so those giants they're not gonna have upgrades yet riots still going strong but towers are about to finish carson oh my god we're talking about how good their map awareness is and this timing was perfect the mountain giants pop out but not before the demon hunter has fallen if there was a taunt if there was these front lines before maybe moon could hold but the towers are getting up the demolisher's putting in work paired with the ensnare there's still a supply advantage for moon however if moon can hold on if he can pick up some of these units would be great but the three towers are completed one two three they're up and there's still peons as well as a shop can moon hold this and make no mistake about it this is not just a timing where i was like oh i'm in a good position i'm going to tower rush no this is an anti-mountain giant timing here by lynn we're on conceal hill mountain giants are very popular he saw a bunch of dryers he saw that there was loads he's like okay well i know where this is going it goes for what looked like a very good timing but right now moon is putting in work demonstrating targeted again there is no end snare so he's gonna be able to stop this time survives mountain giant at the front being ensnared and taking a lot of damage blademaster has to use the involved shadowhunter with a perma clarity being activated on it with that shot perfectly placed behind the towers and serpent ward still helping a ton there is one single demolition left though maybe should send that to the left and tuck it in i'll tuck it behind those towers so it will be safer yeah i think that'd be a great decision to put the demolisher there because that's really your win condition if you can't fight outside the range of the towers eventually the demolisher can just kill all the moon wells and that's why we see moon going for that demolisher but he can't stick around for too long because those three towers are so strong the raider being focused no more in snare but the keeper of the grove goes down out of nowhere level four the blademaster and now i don't think moon has enough steam to hold this push anymore and the atari is already low as well demonstrator being targeted now there's only one single lens there that was already used to try to get out he's gonna try and step out of there he's gonna go down before that can happen and then this is looking like he might be able to win 2-0 here against moon who i thought had done pretty well in this game up to this point a perfectly timed power rush altar now down the only chance for moon to remake his hero with an instant revive but does he really have the gold at this point this is just absolutely ridiculous you can't teach this stuff oh my god gg lim 2 and 0 against moon that is just not something you can
Channel: ESL Archives
Views: 3,101
Rating: 4.8400002 out of 5
Keywords: ESL, DH, Dreamhack, Esl Pro Tour, summer, esports, gaming, competitive, esport, wc3, wc, warcraft3, live, Live Stream, warcraft
Id: 2zu_aHcfbCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 1sec (2101 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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