Ways the World Could End Soon

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[Music] since the start of this world everything has been constantly moving forward as human beings we have as a whole created many advancements and will continue to make many more in the future one day however all of us may come to an end one of you on Twitter recently requested that it discussed some of the topics talked about on a website called exit Monday en el that goes into detail what the many ways the road could end I figured I'd go over a few of the ways the world could end at any given moment and see how you guys like this and this is well received then maybe I'll make more video discussing things from the websites so admittedly this first scenario wouldn't cause the end of the entire world but it would do a significant amount of damage to the US near the African shore as an island called La Palma on this island is a volcano known as the Cumbre Vieja as volcano is still active but as an erupted since 1971 due to previous eruption to this volcano if it erupts at some other point in the future it may cause a colossal chunk of the island to break off and fall into the Atlantic Ocean this occurrence would cause a massive tsunami around 650 meters or 2,000 feet tall and it would move at a speed of over 700 kilometers or 400 miles per hour straight toward the US East Coast everyone on the East Coast we hear news of what is going on and I'll scramble to evacuate before being destroyed by the tsunami they would have about eight hours before the tsunami reaches the coast after those eight hours the water at the shore would begin to recede revealing the ocean floor for hundreds of feet ahead then the wave would finally reach the u.s. towering hundreds of feet high and crashing into the land destroying everything in its path finally all the water from the wave forget sucked back into the ocean pulling everything it destroyed with it the whole East Coast would be devastated everything that a scenario like that is impossible then think again because stuff like this actually has happened before several times in history two million years ago a rock ten times as big as Mount Everest broke off Hawaii and created a tsunami hundreds of feet high eighty thousand years ago a big chunk of Cape Verde island broke off and created a massive tsunami the wiped out the west coast of Africa in only 4,000 years ago their reunion island in the Indian Ocean snapped in half and created a mega tsunami has slammed into the coast of Australia hours later the scenario I just described here actually almost happened in 1949 the Cumbre Vieja volcano erupted in the weaker half of the lipoma island dropped down four meters but then stopped if it didn't stop then a mega tsunami would have taken out the East Coast then if for some reason the island can't withstand the next eruption then the East Coast could be in a lot of trouble [Music] every day somewhere out in the universe a massive explosion is caused by a gamma-ray burst a gamma-ray burst is caused by a star being devoured by a black hole from within what follows in the Stars final moments are the black hole shooting at a massive amount of energy at near light speed these are called a gamma bursts in the amount of energy emitted from them in the same amount of energy that the Sun body met in its entire lifetime fortunately these explosions haven't occurred in our galaxy for a really really long time but that doesn't mean that it can't happen there's a star in our galaxy known as ATSA Carinae and it's their potential to go through the process described and result in a gamma-ray burst at any time luckily this gamma ray won't actually harm us because the stars pointed away from us however someday we might encounter a star just like this that's pointed at us if this were to happen to us a massive amount of gamma and x-rays would hit the earth burning raphe of the atmosphere setting fire to forests boiling bodies of water and totally wiping out everything on the side of the earth that was facing the blast as for the side of the earth facing away from the blast it would suffer just as terrible of a fate a gigantic shock wave would travel across the earth as a huge wall of fire annihilates everything in its path most if not all life on earth would be gone although the chances of an event like this occurring soon may not seem very likely we really don't know when a gamma bursts could hit us it could happen any day really the only star that has ever been observed in our solar system is the Sun however every once in a while another star will pass through our solar system if one of these stars happens to be a dead star then that would become a black hole the scary thing about this happening is that we would have no idea if it was approaching because we wouldn't really be able to see it the only evidence of the black hole approaching would be the orbits of the planets changing and other things in our solar system acting strangely once the black hole finally reaches us the earth would be pulled away from its orbit and sucked right into the black hole within a second the earth would be stretched out into a fight of zero thickness and the atoms that everyone is made of would be torn to pieces as a black hole sucks everything into nothingness we'd all be gone instantly although a lot of these scenarios seem pretty unlikely it's still a bit unnerving knowing that any of these could happen any day now so what do you guys think of this should I discuss more scenarios like this from exit Monday NL or should I leave it at this thank you for watching and I'll see you on the flip side [Music]
Channel: ScareTheater
Views: 236,052
Rating: 4.8747334 out of 5
Keywords: ScareTheater, Scare, Theater, Theatre, ScareTheatre, ways, the, world, could, end, soon, scenarios, exit, mundi, exitmundi, megatsunami, mega, tsunami, GRB, gamma, ray, burst, bursts, black, hole
Id: V65maYBKqzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 22sec (382 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2017
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