E-mails from the Dead

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[Music] the death of a loved one is something we will all go through at some point or another in coping with that death may be difficult while coping with this you may wonder if some type of afterlife exists and even hope for some type of sign from beyond the grave in 2011 a group of people received an email from their friend who had recently died and to this day no one is entirely sure of how exactly that happened in June of 2011 a man named Jack Felice died unexpectedly of an arrhythmia at the age of 32 his friends and family were devastated by this but little did they know they were soon hear from him again about five months after Jack's death one of his close friends Tim heart received an email from him the email was titled I'm watching and thread did you hear me I'm at your house clean your effing attic he believes his emails referring to a time a few months before Jack's death when they were in Tim's attic and Jack told him to clean the dust supposedly no one else knew about this event before this Tim tried to reply to the email they never got a response the next person to receive an email from Jack was his cousin Jimmy McGraw after Jack died Dimmie ended up breaking his ankle and not long after he got an email that read hey Jim are you doing I knew you're going to break your ankle tried to warn you gotta be careful those are the only two emails that were sent so these emails obviously caused a lot of confusion to the people involved here well this truly Jack Feliz trained the community from the dead order another explanation there are a couple of theories behind what could have happened here one is that these emails actually were sent by Jack from the dead the second that someone had access to Jack's account and I was messing with people and the third and that Jack signed up for some type of dead man's switch service before dying so let's take a look at each of these more in-depth so first we have the theory that Jack was communicating with them from beyond the grave although this is probably the least likely explanation there's part of me that really wants us to be true if the guys have seen some of my older videos you'll know that dying scares me I really wanted to be some type of strong proof of an afterlife but I'll try not to let that bias get in the way of things here there's no way to really prove or disprove this but I will say it would have been helpful if Jack said something of greater significance in these emails the proof you was actually communicating from the dead I also find it strange that he never sent an email to his mother and that's all I can really say regarding this our next theory and as someone got access to Jack's account and so they're messing with people none of Jack's friend thought anyone had the password to Jack's account and there weren't any signs of his account being hacked furthermore the email at Tim received made a reference to a conversation that Jack and Tim had that supposedly no one else knew about if that's true then I don't see how another person would have been able to send that email which means either Tim would have had to be the one perpetrating the hoax or everyone collectively decided to play along with this there are a few motives for why this could have happened and one could be publicity this did make the news so I guess it worked I really hope that is not the case though because it would be kind of messed up to exploit a dead family member or friend for attention but it is possible I finally we have the theory that jack for we signed up for some type of dead man's switch service before dying if you aren't familiar with what a Deadman switch is it works like this you create an account on a website and if the account is inactive for a set amount of time it will assume you are dead and send out messages that you previously wrote out to the people of your choice I think it's very unlikely that Jack did this for a few reasons for one his death was very unexpected so I don't know why he would have made a Deadman switch in the first place second the email is sent to his cousin mention his broken ankle but his cousin broke his ankle after Jack died so there's no way he could have forced him that happening for that reason I think this theory is pretty much thrown out the window to this day no one is entirely sure how these messages were sent out if it was a hoax then no one has confessed to it yet but according to the people involved in this I help them find closure and move on so as long as it didn't do any harm I guess it isn't really an issue if somebody's messing around I don't care because I take it whatever way I want you know they made people happy upset some people but to me that's keeping people talking about him what do you guys think was Jack fries actually communicating from the dead or is it just a hoax thank you for watching and I'll see you on the flipside [Music] you [Music]
Channel: ScareTheater
Views: 463,737
Rating: 4.9495988 out of 5
Keywords: ScareTheater, email, e-mail, emails, e-mails, from, the, dead, beyond, grave, man, mans, man's, switch, ScareTheatre, Scare, Theater, Theatre, creepy, weird, paranormal, afterlife, after, life, eviden
Id: qTr52-uKiIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 29sec (329 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 10 2017
Reddit Comments

Possibility #4: it's all attention seeking made-up bullshit.

There's nothing to debunk here. Only a claim was made, with no evidence to back it up, so now what?

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/lumidaub 📅︎︎ Jan 21 2018 🗫︎ replies

Hmm what is more probable... The first time in human history someone communicates from the dead or someone hoaxing family members or family members making up some bs...

Our evidence is weak, let's see some email headers of both pre-death and post death Jack. I really hope they don't change the MIME types in afterlife email too much I really like the client k use now.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Segphalt 📅︎︎ Jan 21 2018 🗫︎ replies
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