Waylon Jennings Interviewed At Surf Ballroom

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I'm not sure if I don't know when they were booking this if this was it I don't know for sure what I would have said probably yes but I would stop for a minute and thought because I've kind of dodged all of that on their life you know I mean ever thinking too much about it it's not that I don't know I don't know how to explain it's just a mixed bunch of feelings for you you know you're never ready for someone dying and when you feel like you feel guilty about and everything you know you're thinking buying them trying to find reasons that you might a cause that you know and I didn't look I never even saw the picture of the plane crash until 15 years later I would look at it and I was in the house when they looking through a book and I was setting aside and I just looked at and I could pick out who was he but it's something I'll never ever I never week goes by that I don't think of something those guys not a halt of any kind of usually something good something I'll learn from no longer go out so ritchie valens sisters and the peasant we hung out with him a little bit but it was a good it was a good thing I learned that was that was a turning point you know right here in my life and that's probably why this place is the one I remember and I don't remember anything before like any ballroom or anything replayed I remember when in the Bucs freezin to death but I remember coming here and getting off the bus and going into a room what about the dressing room at all there were a lot of chairs lined up and that's what Big Bopper came over petia told me that he had charted the plane for me and him and Tommy Allsup and so that's where we had the Big Bopper cumulative had the flu feel bad or speeded terrible seats on that and he was a big man and the seats were about like that we were the converted bus school bus and he said I gotta get some rest he said would you let me have your seat only play nothing it's okay with buddy so gave it me I heard later the Tommy and Richard flip coins but I'm not I think the things every once a while think something laughs the window no that was just it was probably education for me to be so young what effective Buddy Holly have on your music your career in your lighting they had to choose buddy was what I call it up or even be laughing outside but he had another side to him too you mess with him he didn't know the rest wish them dead but I he I learned a lot musically from him I learned about rhythms and learned about grooves see I've seen some country records which is beveled in tempo they still do and they thought if you had agreed to it I've had a lot of things do that anyway they thought the arachnoid and you got to listen to much of the groove going there Buddy Holly and Don was our two guys that lived in the pocket when I called the pocket is where you get that rhythm in it don't stop you know go anywhere but right and I learned that about it not to compromise your music I learned about that and anybody tell you what to do say they have a terrible thing about your producers they can do this their record and he got he got a dosa national earlier who it that it was like they had a bluegrass band back in Buddy Holly singing rock and roll he wouldn't miss your home but and I learned you know that you can if it sounds different that's good because I'd write songs and with him and nobody that will sound like nobody stuff yeah and I finally realized he opened him that that question the dough sound like nobody else but you know what he was the only word and the reason that he is you know like writing the obvious but he only come along that didn't sound like Elvis and had his own style when he was the first to write his own songs a lot of great selling the surf farm as you remember I'm not in the delivery in this part of it but I looked out to see the stage I think the other side of the room where I was a other side of the of their behind stage because I remember of steps going up and I remember buddy tell me go get some hot dogs and I came back and we separated him laughing but he became bottom Cherry Lane gets the law God where you go upstairs and he'd laugh at manoa you on the plane what are your four years to plan for the fall in the winter no I hadn't worked this is first night I've worked in the hospital for about two mothers I enjoy me at all people know I love them do anything after I'm going to Australia with a highway and we're going to go to Australia Hong Kong and vidcom a Viet Cong Vietnam and we're going to little whole month over there Australia and we're also going to Singapore and I can't wait to get there and what's really get caned I know he gonna get change to not do nothing and when he looked at me funny I told him that about a week ago awesome he said you're looking forward to going Australia all those places that's the Allan will get to Singapore he says that's the one I wanna go to needs apply listen gonna watch them cane you we heard rumors that there are several country western stars that are going to read report some employees I've already been one myself they are I don't know who I was gonna do it's gonna be on Becca and I did the Mark Knopfler got us straight to his knee we were there get a solid render wasn't phase two song with a half of software I remember when Betty put it there I'm on the tape he said this is art he said just a finish but I got put drive around liberal for again so it was called running the game and your horse he's had it out there for music around it we got a real good records we heard of them and he said I said you do know the song my thanks to Martin authorship y'all know unless if you do know we're not gonna ride aboard oh sit yeah here at the Surf ballroom we have an annual tribute to Buddy Holly is a major nationwide event is designed to keep buddy's spirit and music alive how do you feel with every would you like to be invited or you ever feel like you'd like to participate now I probably would and you know sometimes yeah I'm sure I wouldn't sometimes you ever thought about what your career would have been like if you distain right well that is a big misconception if you know I was never rock'n'roll when it wasn't I was probably the worst rock and roll bass player at the town and you know I learned a lot from rock and roll good things you know a rock'n'roll like I say it rhythm somebody and that was never you know I probably would have been a two-minute overnight success Rock alone either talking with Maria Holly she has indicated that she thought if buddy hadn't passed away that he might have gone country he but he did we'll all right I love that record will all right us an artsy hillbilly I think Betty would have eventually been right in between Bob Seger and Niall are somewhere in there I don't think you know what he hated just like I've always hated to hate labels when people label somebody that puts him in that little categories where if you need him again you can go get Bay about on that level I love talking we might you know he would have done for everyone he probably got knowing with another country album he had the greatest idea that he was going to do he loved Ray Charles and he had this idea to do do write songs and Wallace can the rips that he did he the Ray Charles did he was going to do a challenge Arrangements over the TARDIS and I he if either heard what I say literally we really loved Ray Charles very much I think he was one of big Rinpoche's on me that in the autism as a NICU circle very strong first-rate surrogate are I still use them a lot wailing it's an honor and pleasure to have you here welcome back thank you looking for a great show I'm song so big not heavy talking here we've been doing all right thank you okay I'll get it
Channel: Waylon Jennings
Views: 243,596
Rating: 4.9256678 out of 5
Keywords: Waylon Jennings (Musical Artist), Surf Ballroom (Structure), Music (TV Genre), Interview, Country, Footage, Elvis, Country (Musical Genre), Cash, Exclusive, buddy holly, Elvis Presley (Celebrity), Interviews, waylon jennings youtube, waylon jennings youtube channel
Id: TPgC4Aiu5Gw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 10 2014
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