Waylon Jennings Interview! (Down Home Down Under Show #2)

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hi everybody welcome to the Emery's memories channel I'm your announcer Gary Beatty this channel was created to feature interviews by Ralph Emery there are over 125 interviews by Ralph for you to enjoy on this channel this channel has also become a collection point for rare and in some cases never-before-seen shows and interviews what you're about to see is one of 14 classic interviews hosted by the Lagarde twins from Sydney Australia it's part of a TV series they created and it's called down-home Down Under now these interviews have remained of their private collection and they've never aired on radio or television until now and here's their interview with the outlaw Waylon Jennings now he's my brother Tom to tell you about our very special guest his controversy allottee is a rebel in a Telecaster outlaw echoed around the world in the 70s and the news media loved it so did his fans he became the topic of conversation like it or not as the song sings he did things his own way you can't sense the truth and truth and his music is what he is all about that's right Tom you know he revolutionized and revitalized country music with his own unique style and brand of hard crust over music which sold millions of records around the world after 100 singles and over 65 albums TV and movies he's still performing with the same Drive enthusiasm heart or soul so courting a brand new album for CBS Records yes he's one of a kind our special guest Waylon Jennings welcome to the show Waylon break you today well have you on the program well it's good to be here good to see you all again thank you been a long time hasn't it as I was trying to think well ago when we first met but you guys came to town not long after I did that's right I remember one time at the the CMA Convention and the Muniz Municipal Auditorium was packed and we walked out and you were leaning against the post and I walked over and I said what are you doing there and he said I just a bit you said it's a bit boring in there and I don't think you wanted to play the politics hey well and we know you that you're really excited about your new project for CBS records could you share some of the highlights with us yeah we're just finishing it up you know we're finishing up in the album the first album for CBS you and what I did is the guys that I'm working with or Bob Montgomery and Richie Albright and Richie Albright was my drummer for 20 years and he produced a lot of things me and him did together on on rc8 when I was over there that I've always been crazy album and several others you know the music man anyway it's good to be back working with him got him in there especially to get the excitement back then you know and make sure we get and then Bob Montgomery is an old Lubbock Texas boy you know yeah originally you know it was Buddy Bob and Larry Buddy Holly Larry will burn and Bob Montgomery are you writing most of the songs wait a no no I wrote some of them no end but you've written a couple of them me and Troy seals did and me and Roger Murrow wrote one for it but I'm really having a good time excited about it right after 100 singles and 65 albums what do you do to regenerate the same enthusiasm and drive and everything you find the songs you know it's country music more than any other music in the world it's in the song you know cuz I don't care how good you sing mm-hm if you don't have that song you still have it didn't Shakespeare once write that he said the plays the thing that's it Waylon how would you assist today country music today and and how where would you like to see it in the 21st century you know the only thing seen I'm 50 years old you know then and oh man oh yeah well you know if I say anything negative they say well he's old mitr but I'm not you know I mean I'm still attorney I'm a big fan of country music the only thing that worries me is like with the videos which I think are great it's a great vehicle for new artists as the videos and they're fun to watch but you know we're born but you know I think more than any other musicians you know and the entertainers the country music singers are born and it sounds corny but you know they're born with a song in their heart and I in a style yeah the thing you do is you the worries me is are they giving up the song for show business you know it seems yeah there's a lot of dancing going on when it don't even fit the music in other words what you're saying there should be more reflection in the lyrics and the total artistry of think perform I believe that yeah I mean it's it's great to have you know to have you know an act and do that but the thing is the song comes first in our music and it should be regarded as first throughout our music well what has been the the best and the worst of the 80s for Waylon Jennings the hard part might be finding the best to know I think 80s you know I mean we go back to the song I don't think there was a song and very many people's heart in the 80s the 80s were a little bit scattered for me and I had a lot of health problems I did a lot of adjusting my life and everything it was good for me you know there's a lot of us good for me and then but I'm kind of glad they're over hey when do you have a year a secret recipe for for you and Jesse's longevity and your marriage yeah my secret recipe is Jesse those you know she kept it together when it was you know it was falling bad you know I mean it I mean just an amazing lady you really women did you think pretty wild you know I mean you know I never was bad you see yeah you know most people know I had a drug problem but I never was mean but I just never was there Aaron maybe the secret to how we kept our marriage together because if I ever come homes you might have run me off what advice Waylon would you give to some of the young and upcoming singers regarding that regarding marriage no regarding you know the drug problem and oh just uh you don't need that you know the thing is is you need to you need just to depend on your own your own strength you know a lot of times you know you can you can blame a lot of people for things but I don't blame anybody for my drug problem you accept myself because I was just too dumb to know any different when you're lying in hospital there I know you had you know open heart surgery when you laying there and they had to bend in times when you were by yourself thinking what we what were your thoughts well you know what the main thing they said I was a good patient and that I didn't complain but I had no right to complain because everything that was wrong with me I caused you know and that was the thing you know if I had taken care of myself we're brought into this world and we're born into this world we have everything right to eat and we have you know there's here we go what we do is I got to looking at these doctors and I got to thinking here we come into the world and everything is right if we eat the right foods if we would rest we're supposed to would be healthy people but what do we do well I would eat the wrong foods and we prepare it wrong and we smoke and we do things like that and then we send people to colleges all over the country and let them become doctors to help us get by with it so we don't get by with it now you know there there are no super human beings right Waylon guard do you think sometimes that we entertainers think that we're kind of indestructible I think all people know you know what you know Marty Robbins was was you know after his open-heart surgery we were having breakfast with him one morning in Billings Montana and he was having bacon and eggs and I said to him Marty I said you know the doctor said to keep away from those eggs bacon and I think a lot has to do with with with your diet do you watch your diet now I watch my diet very much you know I'll tell you one thing too is like if people would start young doing exercise just doing 20 minutes every other day they could get by with a lot more because you know I got to thinking well my grandfather and my grandmother they every day of their life they had eggs every morning and sausage and all this stuff but they worked hard every day out on the fields out in the fields and they worked at a lot of that you know didn't just sit there you know my mammy and Johnny Cash laugh about our big exercise before our heart surgery and everything was from the couch to the bed and back well do you think that television has affected the lifestyles of of today's society and that could be responsible for some of the problems we have well no you know we're we're we're responsible because you know we know better than to do the things we do you know you know what every time you know like when I was sitting around and I was smoking all the time you know and I mean I've smoked six and seven packs of cigarettes a day so I smoked all time but I knew I was doing wrong you know you instinctively know why did you keep doing it now you know what I didn't think I could ever quit I didn't think I could quit it was like a habit right that would very big habit in fact I think cigarettes maybe the worst habit there is because it's a hardest to break we're gonna take a break right now we're talking with Waylon Jennings don't go away we'll be right back welcome back to lagarde twins down-home Down Under we're talking with our special guest Waylon Jennings hey Waylon we believe that you're a great fan of Margaret Thatcher the Prime Minister of England could you could you accept a lady president oh I think I think it'd be great to have a lady president you know especially in America let me tell you brought it up you know why they were dug I've known some of the presidents of the United States and they're just men you know and I think a woman president would be great for one of the big reasons that she would be great would be because of what she don't have and that is a may illegal yeah you to stop thing you think about a man getting up in the morning that he's president of the United States uh-huh he's got to meet with Congress sir you know and he's fixin have to give ground and he's fixing to lose a battle and he knows it now the first thing he thinks is well what is my family gonna think one of my children gonna think of me if I lose this or but a woman's gonna think of me one of men gonna think of me what is America gonna think of me now if you had the same situation with a woman she wakes up in the morning she's President of the United States and she's fixing to lose a battle you know she going in the bathroom and she puts that makeup on and she really don't care what anybody so she's one of the battle right exactly so you wouldn't mind having a woman as a boss is Jessie bossy do you know what Jessie is much smarter than I am and I know that you know but the good part is she don't know you know what all the people around me you know that run my officers I have Mary Lou Hyatt and Beth you know I mean like and that's the best situation if you look in these big buildings all around there are a lot more women in there working than there are men that's right and you know what they come in just like I do I go into the office and I stay mellow what's going on cuz I don't have the faintest idea one thing about about you and they said never ask Waylon Jennings a question unless you want the truth and that's that's great but good because on the opening remarks we mention that truth and your music is what you're all about heroes have always been Cowboys have always been you know something that you followed all your line up and would you like to see your son shoot a following in his daddy's footsteps you know I I'm like any other dad you know I would give me a lot of pride but when I could sit right down and think about it I think there's more to him than that you know he'll think you know he's ten years old and we'd go back to the smart and not smart you know and shooter is very smart he's much smarter than I ever was you know he learns a little much quicker in fact I just went back and got my high school education for a GED and shooter who helped me learn fractions how long did it take you to do that well it well it just took some studying for a while you know took me seven hours to take the test but I got it and I got my high school diploma what you're proud of but yes and he's proud too and he helped me do it Waymon don't you think that kids are our business and that education is the key to success that's a you know the thing is there's a I was been watching you know like television I've seen on the news where they took this survey and that we're way behind as far as the world you know influence education you know I think it was it we're missing it a lot you know what there's two people in the world who are inspired they have to be inspired and they have to really love what they're doing to do it and that's nurses and schoolteachers you know and we don't pay either one of them enough to really it doesn't make sense a people into it we should know it doesn't you know because you know what that's all we have to give the world is our children you know that's where that's where the groundwork is you know it's later that's school why is there one thing they Tom they deserve more money as you said they're they carefully do now your priority I know is first your wife and your children now is this something that you you learned a principal at you learn from your mom and dad growing up in Texas oh yeah that's you know in fact I've I always said this is a joke but it's a lot of it's true you see my dad he taught us you know we were four boys no girls you know where do you come in the family I'm the oldest you know best looking but the old money show business ya know I have another brother it's in the show business Tommy yeah Oh Tommy that's right he's very ugly my name is Tommy twosie you know how it is to live with me right yes I told you know somebody out I told him I said you know what Tommy I said they asked you know like ask him one time you know what's it like to be married ever to be busy a brother of Wayland Jennings he says well I'll tell you he says my dad and I'll tell you I was almost whaling myself he said my dad called us in when was about four years old says okay which one wants to be whaling and which one wants to be Tommy Jace Wayland raised his hand first are we get along great yeah bright like cats and dogs I guess yeah brothers should get along you know brothers can't get along there's no hope for the world right right were you were you were you a tough kid to discipline when you were growing up did you dad have to whip you my dad was with us through covers this thick I don't remember ever give you spanking that ever heard from my dad now mom mama and I cotton stopped and that tree Liam you know go cut your own tree limb and then bring it back and let her whip you with what you've been taught and if you brought one this little sheep said your back and get our whole limb hey I just happen to think of something that I read about and I just can't remember where I read it but you were back stage at the Grand Ole Opry one time with Loretta Lynn and you overheard a couple of young fellas talkin young artists young artists talking and and they had finished one show and one fella said the other one he says hey listen if they want me to do another show they're gonna have to pay me double and you looked at Loretta Lynn and she looked at you that's the way the story went and you just shook your head in other words man they came out of college or whatever and straight into a $3,000 bus but Waylon Jennings and $300,000 Buster's hey you three hundred thousand on the bus but you had to really beat the bushes when you started didn't you yeah you know what I some of them are just natural talent so they're really great but they just and they I think a big part of our business you know a big part of our music as it is in the blues music you really need to pay dues to understand what it's all about but they've done all right without it so I don't know you know but how long will they be around though yeah we're they gonna be when they run out you know every step that you take going up you usually have to take coming back down you know what are some of the contributing factors then in say building a career of longevity like yourself did you envisage seeing Waylon Jennings where you are today when you first started I uh you know I never had a goal you know I always just wanted to be able to sing and make a living but you know as far as you never people have asked me said well when you made it what did you feel like you know what's funny is it was a never a time where it went tonight to turn to do your there you know it just never happens that way but I'll tell you what it is it's like hard work and my advice to someone who's trying to get started in any in any business really but any music business you come to towns in Asheville and that's the worst thing to do because see you can't make them look at you you know you can't do that you know because it just don't work that way what you do is go somewhere sit down go to work and start doing your music doing your music and build your following until make enough noise in that place like I did in Phoenix years ago I made so much racket there and everything and and people we were doing good till they noticed me what was the name of the club JD's JD riverbottom it wasn't a dumb Bowman and he was my buddy made him used to best way the quick shortcut way to to a musical career its songwriting you know I mean when you start writing songs the first thing you know they're gonna want you to sing them to so Don Bowman came back to Nashville and said hey there's a guy out there by the name of Waylon Jennings and Marty Robbins came out there he came back bragging about you and that's all how it all happened wasn't it that's it they made make him notice you you know because I've been running across the country playing these clubs here in the club here and nobody knew I was in it this is a beautiful tale if the story is right and correct me if it is wrong or right but you came to Nashville with your group arrived here in Chet Atkins for telling the story and this six foot - you're about six foot two inches six foot two handsome guy hair slicked back walked in and was just leaning against the door and Chet Atkins turned around and said holy moley who's that and this is Waylon Jennings and then didn't you expect them to record you with your bein when you first came here yeah well we did part of them yeah we used part of them but the other thing is Chet Chet signed me and didn't know what I look like I said I was the only artist he ever signed without knowing what they look like you know but they wanted to use the studio musicians yeah there was a they use and so I went ahead and asked him I don't know exactly who I'll use the harmonica player and I think the drummer over first and they weren't really happy about that because in those days there was kind of a clique you know and so finally you know it the they kept moving it around and I and then Chet quit producing where me to people and they kept wanting me to use the studio musician which are great you know but then I finally just stole my foot down and said no it's not gonna happen that way we've been talking with our very special guest Waylon Jennings don't go away we'll be right back with more down-home down under welcome back to Lagaan twins down-home Down Under we're talking with our very special guest Waylon Jennings hey Waylon how did you get tagged with the label rebel Telecaster outlaw butts let's start with the rebel first well you should have started with some of them they call me before that I don't call it a little bit everything you know when I came here and I came here I didn't quite fit in any mold it's like I still don't you know it's and so well you say yeah they felt like yeah they felt like that they had to put some kind of label on you and I've really always not like labels you know I thought well why not just you know I think when you finally make it it's when people start referring to your music as the Wayland Jennings music or the Willie Nelson music or the sound you know and that's what I always strive for you know and not for a particular type of music and then when I thought I had it all made they come along with this outlaw Mickey Mouse you know and I thought that was about the dumbest thing I've ever heard you know outlaw music what he's out long ago but I argued whether my said I don't want that they want to call that album The Outlaws innocent so but looking back on it in thinking about it since then if I had it to do over I'd probably argue til I got that close to changing their minds mhm and then I'd stop because you know what it worked pretty good that's why it was the first I think it was the first country album ever to go platinum wasn't it yes it was yes and one of what a good merchandising tool it was - I mean the merchandising I mean there's you get with with Tom Paul glacier and and willing to them when we tell you about yeah you know where they were some were Willy was probably drunk in Austin Tom Paul was drunk here and I was in a studio that music those songs some of them were 10 years old those tapes and I went in there and redid it myself and did engineered it and everything you know I'm it worked at it and sang harmony with them and sweetened what you call sweeten them up you know put more guitars on them and tried to make him where they were you know up-to-date commercial yeah I mean Jesse worked in there for the late hours I'd go in about two or three o'clock morning where nobody knew who I was doing it never did Willie and Tom wanna send you a thank-you note and say thank you Bobby told me they'd kill me if I ever told it Waylon but you did it because you loved that didn't you oh yeah that's great you know it was fun to do that because those were old tapes of Willie's now Tom Paul's was a modern stuff it was new stuff that he had done we had the idea for the album the idea was Jerry Bradley's and and he came up with the album cover but I was the one who put that thing together and produced all that stuff and redid it you know cuz Jesse had been on RCA and Willie had been on RCA and now I'll tell it because of one heard anything anyway but I made Willie come in and resync some of that stuff which was against the law they said hey you know and Jesse did the same thing and she but that time was with Capitol we had none you can do about it now too long it's stuck in limitations right we had a break we had a gentleman Jim Halsey on the program oh yeah and is he doing a good job for you Jim Halsey is wonderful with him now well I'll tell you I was here long yeah not counting tomorrow no I'll tell you what I went to you know when he had the Halsey agency the thing about it is I've known Jim for years and years very knowledgeable man of the business and you know in this business an agent someone who works as an agent they don't have a real great reputation except Jim Halsey does you know and the thing about it he did everything he did he did with class so now he's my manager yeah and so I'm really looking forward to a long we're we're great friends to begin with avian minutia you know they say two of the greatest things in life Whelan is friendship and remembrance and they say a friend is a person that walks in when the whole world walks out and friendship is so very important do you think that they're like people around the world have a preconceived idea of what Waylon Jennings is really like yeah it's fun too they think you know like when I first met John Lennon you know one time John mininum were cut enough and he was the one the funniest people I ever met and we got to be good friends you know and I said to him I said hmm I said you don't want reading things about you I didn't think you anything like you are and he says me he says folks in the England you know he said I think that you shoot people you know so that's it you know I'm you know the image and everything that I had you know because I you know scouring all time well I think one of the funniest things that ever happened because you know our law and the mean guy thing there was a picture on the cover of a magazine one time of me and I had the meanest look on my face that you ever saw and everybody said boy he looks mean they didn't know there was a microphone right there in front of me too and I'm doing like that well I'm looking mean what had just happened is I touched my nose to that microphone almost knocked me down and I'm back it up and I'm mad yeah electrical shock that was it you know and that's why that's why I'm the bad look and you know they just thought I was looking mean all but when you have a lot of people out there that love you well and I know there are people across the country that in various states have the number plates the whelen number place which is great waylynn you've never been to Australia and we're hoping that you have plans to visit I'm sorry to work it out now you know if we're we can come over there and we're looking forward to it because it's summer our summer your winter that's right would you come down there with your whole group or would you come down there as a one-man show that right I think the first thing we're gonna do is the one-man show and where it's a show that I do and I talk about my life and my friends and tell stories on them you know and ain't a thing they can do about it you know I'm just I sing songs I know you know what I can yeah same songs I sing all the hit records and things and but I do it with tracks you know I think it's just like the records you know and the thing is always like you know I tell stories about when me and Willie started out and me and Johnny Cash and you know I could probably own Willie Nelson right now you know pure black male Johnny Cash's house I get that with no payment down something can you get Johnny if you have that much influence with Johnny can you get him on this show for us I bet I can yeah you can you want to shake on it oh I'll do I'll call him tell them come do it it's gonna be a wild form we don't know y'all gonna be doing this well we will be doing it for quite a while all right you know what they say him do it Coach's Corner you know what we got him until the end of March okay our mom used to say now i promise keep all night you sleep and a promise break all night you wake did your mother drink a lot no she was a teetotaler I'm oh so old-fashioned bet so I know what you're trying to lock me in that's right well we're talking about Willie and Kris Kristofferson in cash I myself on a brand new video now in other words people think that he is Waylon Willie and Kris and Johnny Cash they all get together and have one big party but putting the video together you do the individual parts separately don't you yeah Chris and I were out there and did them together the same day you know and I don't know when John did his when did he do his well I was living CB s are really excited about the video the highwayman and aren't you doing a - all together at Waylon yeah we're starting to - or March the 3rd and we're gonna be doing a tour it's a lot of fun you know because most of the stuff we've done has been accidental anyway you know and for the first time we're gonna rehearse well that's what you might be which might be the end of the world as far as rehearsal is concerned I'm the worst and second worst is Willie Nelson will you will you take your band and just have the one band for everybody I want what we do is take the band we recorded the album with which is a Reggie Young and a bunch of guys wonderful the first both albums that we have done you know that's been our band and we've all worked with them some it's going to be fun that way because if we took our own bands you know everybody would say well now I want to take part of mine and after a while it would sound like Mickey Mouse and his rubber band if we took one from one and one from another now what about the style billing who's gets top billing who gets the top billing yeah probably June Carter in Jessi Colter's you know Ben Crosby would always take second billing because he said if it failed then the guy carrying the top place had to carry the weight you know well you know we're gonna be out there all time together by the way all of the high women although William John me and Chris we start we're gonna do it like an hour and a half or two hour show and we never leave the stage that's when we what we Sin City do appreciate you you're coming down to do the show and wish you and Jesse a continued success and happiness which you you deserve you're an asset to the business you've contributed a lot to country music and hopefully it won't be too long before the people in Australia will be able to get to see Waylon live and the hide we go down there and we'll talk about the people America Down Under beautiful thank you Waylon thank you what a great classic one-on-one interview with Ted and Tom the lagarde twins I want to tell you about their book the lagarde twins showbiz hustlers let me take you back to the beginning these twin boys walk 15 miles across the Bush lands of Australia to attempt with a dirt floor and folding chairs as the projector started up the movie appeared in black and white on the screen and there for the first time they saw Hopalong Cassidy they ran almost all the way home and told their mom we're gonna become cowboy singers let me read the introduction to showbiz hustlers being raised in the bush lands of Australia in the 1930s and 40s was a rough and hard life we didn't think about it back then because that's how life was you have to live the hard life to understand it we also made a picture in our minds of the kind of life we wanted to lead and it became a beacon that has guided us on our long journey in show business we hope and pray that our book falls into the hands of our fellow strugglers and dreamers to give them unfailing encouragement to pursue their hopes and dreams above all else we will to give God all the praise and glory for our long lives and for His mercy and grace and dealing with us throughout the years so grab the reins and write over 1 million miles with us from the bush lands of Australia across seven continents through 23 countries and 45 of the 50 states in America let's ride Ted and Tom Lagarde they appeared in Vegas movies and TV shows and for you Trekkies out there get this this book is packed with pictures and stories and is a must read we'll put a link below the video so you can get your copy of the lagarde twins show business hustlers the lagarde twins showbiz hustlers makes a great gift this book is about twin brothers from Australia who had a dream and it came true this is Gary Beatty and as Ted and Tom Lagarde would say g'day mate
Channel: emerysmemories
Views: 104,078
Rating: 4.8689895 out of 5
Keywords: Waylon, Waylon Jennings, Country Music, Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash, Dukes of Hazzard, Tammy Wynette, Charlie Pride, Freddy Fender
Id: h5Ljteobwpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 25sec (1945 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 12 2018
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