Way of the Cross - Passion Of Jesus in English - Friday - 4 March 2022

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[Applause] now let us take the hymn father forgive them age [Music] know 26 what they do father forgive them they know not what they do [Music] the way of the cross is one of the ways in which we participate in the spiritual journey along with jesus as we prepare to walk along with jesus on this way of the cross let us sign ourselves in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen oh jesus our adorable savior we now contemplate your sacred passion help us to understand that the sufferings of our life are the continuation of your passion we asked for strength of our souls to go through our passion in the spirit with which you went through yours amen the frustration jesus is condemned to death we adore your christ and we bless you because by the holy cross leaving the house of caiaphas where he had been blasphemed and the house of herod where he had been mocked jesus is dragged before pilate his back tone with scourges his head crowned with thorns and he who on the last day will judge the living and the dead is himself condemned to a disgraceful death it is for us that you did suffer o blessed jesus it was for our sins that you were condemned to die oh grant that we may detest our sins from the bottom of our hearts and obtain your mercy and pardon by repentance have mercy on us o lord lord lord have mercy on us the second station jesus is laden with the cross we adore you o christ and we bless you because by a holy cross you have redeemed the world a heavy cross is laid upon the bruised soldiers of jesus he receives it with meekness and with a sense of commitment for it is the instrument with which he is to redeem the world and to accomplish the mission for which his heavenly father has sent him oh jesus grant us by the virtue of your cross to embrace with meekness and cheerful submission the difficulties of our life to be ever ready to take up our cross and follow you have mercy on us o lord lord have mercy on us the third station jesus falls for the first time we adore your christ and we bless you because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world bowed down under the weight of the cross jesus slowly sets forth on the way to calvary amidst the mockeries and insults of the crowd his agony in the garden has exhausted his body he is lacerated with blows and wounds his strength fails him he falls to the ground under his cross o jesus who for our sins did bear the heavy burden of the cross and did fall under its weight may the thoughts of your suffering make us watchful over ourselves and save us from any grievous fall into sin have mercy on us o lord lord have mercy on us [Music] [Music] [Music] eyes [Music] [Music] the fourth station jesus meets his beloved mother we adore your christ and we bless you because because by holy cross you have redeemed the world still burdened with his cross and wounded yet more by his fall jesus proceeds on his way he is met by his loving mother what a meeting must have that been what a sword of anguish must have pierced the heart of the mother what must have been the compassion of that son for his holy mother o jesus by the compassion which you did feel for your mother have compassion on us and give us a share in her intercession or mother most afflicted mother intercede for us that through the sufferings of your son we may be delivered from eternal death have mercy on us oh lord lord have mercy on us the fifth station simon of cyrene helps jesus to carry the cross we adore your christ and we bless you because by holy cross as the strength of jesus fails and he is unable to proceed the executioners seize and compel simon of cyrene to carry his cross the grace of that cross changes the cyrenians heart and from the compulsory task it becomes one of privilege and joy oh lord jesus may it be our privilege to bear our cross may be glory in nothing else by the cross may the world be crucified unto us and we unto the world may we never shrink from the suffering but rather rejoice if we should be counted worthy to suffer for your name's sake have mercy on us o lord lord have mercy on us the sixth station veronica wipes the face of jesus we adore your christ and we bless you because by the holy cross you have redeemed the world as jesus proceeds along the way covered with sweat of blood a woman moved with compassion makes her way through the crowd and wipes his face with a handkerchief as a reward for her piety the impression of his sacred continents is miraculously imprinted upon the handkerchief oh jesus may the contemplation of your suffering move us with deep compassion make us hate our sins and kindle in our hearts more fervent love for you may your image be graven on our minds until we are transformed into your likeness you have mercy on us oh lord have mercy on us the seventh station jesus falls beneath his cross a second time we adore your christ and we bless you because by a holy cross you have redeemed the world the pain of his wounds and the loss of blood increasing at every step of his way weakens him and jesus falls to the ground for the second time oh jesus who did fall a second time beneath the lord of our sins and of your suffering for our sins how often have we grieved you by our repeated false into sin or may we rather die than ever offend you have mercy on us o lord r mercy on us [Music] [Music] the eighth station jesus consoles the women of jerusalem we adore your christ and we bless you because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world at the sight of the sufferings of jesus some holy women in the crowd were so touched with sympathy that they openly bevailed and lamented for him jesus knowing the things that would befall jerusalem because of its rejection of him turned to them and said daughters of jerusalem weep for yourselves and for your children o jesus we mourn and will always mourn for you and for ourselves for your sufferings and for our sins which cause them or teach us to mourn so that we may repent and be saved from the the dreadful end to those who reject or neglect you their god and their all have mercy on us o lord lord have mercy on us the ninth station jesus falls beneath his cross a third time we adore your christ and we bless you because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world jesus has almost arrived at the summit of calvary but before he reaches the spot where he is to be crucified his strength fails him again and he falls to the ground the third time oh jesus we entreat you by the merits of this your third and most painful fall to pardon our frequent relapses and our long continuance in sin may the thought of your sufferings make us hate our sins more and more have mercy on us o lord have mercy on us the 10th station jesus is stripped of his garments we adore your christ and we bless you because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world jesus at last arrives at golgotha and they prepare to crucify him they strip him of his garments and they mock him oh jesus strip us of all false conceit and pride and make us humble like you in this life so that we share your glory with you in the life to come have mercy on us o lord [Music] [Music] sufferings make me weak they simply washed your hands and i'm lived [Music] [Music] the 11th station jesus is nailed to the cross we adore you christ and we bless you because by a holy cross you are redeeming the world the cross is laid upon the ground and jesus is stretched upon his bed of death with divine dignity and forgiveness he lets himself be nailed to the cross the blows are struck and the blood gushes forth oh jesus nail to the cross fasten our hearts to the cross so that we may be reunited with you until we yield up our soul to you have mercy on us lord have mercy on us the 12th station jesus dies on the cross we adore your christ and we bless you because my holy cross let us kneel for a short while for three hours jesus has hung upon his pierced hands his blood has run in streams down his body and onto the ground in the midst of excruciating suffering he has pardoned his murderers given heaven to the good thief and committed his blessed mother to his beloved disciples care his mission of love has been accomplished he bows his head and gives up his spirit to god oh jesus we devote devoutly embrace your saving cross on which you died so that we may have eternal life we hail your cross and lovingly accept our own have mercy on us o lord lord have mercy on us the 13th station jesus is taken down from the cross we adore your christ and we bless you because by holy cross you have redeemed the world the multitudes have left the hill of calvary there is no one except the beloved disciple of jesus and the holy women with mary the mother of jesus joseph of aramatia and nicodemus take down the body of jesus from the cross and place him in the hands of his afflicted mother o mary mother of jesus your grief was so great being a helpless witness to the savage way your son was put to death by his death and resurrection we have become your children in jesus help us by your intercession to be like your son jesus have mercy on us oh lord lord have mercy on us the 14th station jesus is laid in the holy sepulchre we adore your christ and we bless you because the disciples take the body of a beloved son jesus from his mother and place it in the tomb the tomb is closed and in it the lifeless body remains until the hour of its glorious resurrection lord your suffering is over you have triumphed though in the eyes of men you may seem to have failed sin death and hell have been conquered the world is yours i am yours be the king of my heart i surrender myself to your holy will may your kingdom come have mercy on us o lord [Music] we know lord what we do father forgive us we know not what [Music] concluding prayer heavenly father we have contemplated your son jesus on his way of the cross in spirit which you have gifted to us we accept our way of the cross we know it will lead us to where it led him to our resurrection with him we thank you for the joy of this vision of faith for the intention of the holy father let us pray our father who art in heaven thy that will be kingdom on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation glory be to the father into the son and with the holy spirit as it was in the beginning as now and it shall be without in our men let us also pray for each and every one of us that during this lengthened season we too may have the grace from god so that we too may reflect on our lives and walk with him on this spiritual journey our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us to sustain our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us but deliver us hail mary full of praise the lord blessed are you amongst women and blessed is the fruit of your home jesus holy mary mother of god pray for our sinners glory be to the father and to the son and to the holy spirit as it was in the beginning [Music] will steal the same indifferent as me fall and it dies each day in our hearts glee oh fargo teachers how do you father forgive us we know lord what we do father forgive us we know not what we do [Music]
Channel: St Francis Xavier - SPRING of FAITH
Views: 3,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gospel reflection today, catholic, mass, daily gospel reflection, homily for today, #societyofjesus, #jesus, daily reflections, gospel, gospel reflections, church, christ, Jesus, Christianity, Mathew, parables, healing, compassion, cross, follow, life, faith, love, serve, little ones, forgiveness, mercy, greatest commandment, love of god, neighbour, second coming, way of the cross, passion of Christ, Lent
Id: 27XoivQIRZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 56sec (1256 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 03 2022
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