(LIVE) 40-Day Lenten Deliverance Retreat (4 March 2022) Divine UK

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[Music] say [Music] [Music] me [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] my goodness jesus christ [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] see [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh is [Music] [Music] ones is may know [Music] oh [Music] so much better [Music] [Music] arms [Music] jesus [Music] christ [Music] oh [Music] [Music] trees [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is with jesus [Music] oh [Music] is oh [Music] me [Music] [Music] we are very special [Music] us [Music] as [Music] you [Music] this surprises please [Music] tbc [Music] is [Music] secret love [Music] oh [Music] glory of god [Music] be [Music] sacred [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] as i saw [Music] say [Music] scriptures [Music] all the trees [Music] we could portray [Music] [Music] i just [Music] remember ah [Music] is [Music] help us [Music] help us [Music] [Music] may the golden [Music] again [Music] help us [Music] ladies [Music] jesus master a half brothers and sisters you're must welcome to the divine recent ramsgate uk for this daily live streaming we are here for these 40 days of land and deliverance retreat and the lord has brought us together once again on this day today being the friday in the london season we will start with the stations of the cross and we will also pray for the whole world and pray for your intentions as well and pray for russia ukraine and the war that is going on especially the people who are suffering the people who are in fear let's pray for them in a special way as we pray for them as we pray together the stations of the cross now we are in the presence of god jesus said wherever two or three are gathered together in my name i am there in their midst and jesus is in our midst let's worship together bowing down in front of the blessed sacrament and pray all sacraments most holy o sacraments divine all praise and our thanksgiving be every moment thine all sacrament most holy o sacrament divine all praise and all thanksgiving be every mom and dine both sacraments most holy all sacrament divine all praise in our thanksgiving every moment my dear brothers and sisters today in a special way let us also pray in us for to overcome fear overcome the spirit of fear there are different varieties of fear that affects us we all are influenced by this kind of fear especially in this modern world we have so many varieties of fear that is affecting life let us pray for the deliverance from fear and today's prayer will be concentrated focused on that and we will be praying for the deliverance from fear there are different varieties of your fear of death fear of fear of insects animals fear of darkness and fear of facing people and fear of loneliness there are so many types of fear we will deal with one by one everything and then we will pray together and repeat the word of god to get out of this fear and this fear in in fact affects many people and influences the daily life of so many children youth adults and everyone needs to get out of this fear therefore the lord is going to bless you in a special way and take away every fear from your heart let it all those who are suffering from this kind of fear let us pray in a special way during these stations of the cross or for your fear what kind of fear that you have you offer it on this altar and pray the lord is delivering you let's all pray together these stations of the cross [Music] we coming to your presence or lord accepting your invitation to take up our daily cross and follow you the path of our life has been strewn with moments of pain and sin you were sent by the heavenly father to take aboard yourself this burden of our earthly sir john carrying the heavy burden you have gone ahead and carrying the little burdens of our life we want to follow you in the past we gave into selfie and gave up all together on hope and slipped into dark despair in such moments your face was not visible to us we thought we were alone with this way of the cross we remember you you will never leave us alone as we follow your footsteps we want to offer to you every form of grief that burdens our mind every sickness that cripples our body every bit of sin that enslaves our soul we have the confidence of faith that when we offer these burdens of our life to you our cross will share the glory of the calvary cross mother mary as you walked in the footsteps of your son to calvary walk with us teaching us to pray your prayer here am i your servant let it be done to me according to your word on the road to calvary jesus let me walk with thee for in thy cross in my glory the first station jesus is condemned to death we adore thee o christ and we bless thee because by thy holy cross thou has redeemed the world let's all pray together along with me you can also pray together pilate the roman governor is pressurized into pronouncing the most cruel and unjust judgment against jesus the savior stands lonely condemned and helpless before the secular and religious powers of the time jesus son of god an ocean of mercy you came to save us from the just condemnation of death yet here you stand at the mercy of the merciless and these are of your greatest need even your own disciples the ones you chose and nurtured have abandoned you you look around and you realize that the whole world has turned against you you are surrounded by those who are determined to eliminate you my jesus there were so many moments in my life when the pain of loneliness burnt into my heart and the pressure of hatred and ill will intimidated me i too was slaughtered against even the best of my intentions were misinterpreted all those who had something against me got together and there was no one to speak up for me no one to even offer me their understanding i turned to many people and places but found no refuge this unbearable mental anguish that has clouded the various moments of my life i offer to you though pilate content you did not condone him for it was not from his mouth that you heard your condemnation but you accepted this moment as willed by your father in his great love and wisdom for you to accomplish your mission to save us we offer every moment of our abandonment and condemnation that your plan of holiness for us may be fulfilled [Music] lord jesus crucified [Music] is [Music] second station a heavy cross is placed on the shoulder of jesus we adore thee your christ and we bless thee because by thy holy cross allah has redeemed the world [Music] the cross jesus carried on his shoulders was the burden of the people's pain and sin this very burden weighs me down as well there are heavy responsibilities painful memories from the past uncertainties of the future financial burdens their day-to-day take tasks of life unfinished responsibilities laid on my shoulders fatigued and overwhelmed i find the burden of this life far too heavy for me i am disillusioned by those who share my journey and i find faults with them i curse my own destiny and i am pushed deeper into the pit of hopelessness there is no ray of light often i wonder how far i will be able to carry on oh lord i bow down before you and with open hands i pray give me the grace at every step of the journey to offer the burdens of my life with your holy cross then i know i shall also receive from your hands the grace to accept the salvation that comes from the cross you accepted the cross not from the soldiers but from the hands of your heavenly father by praying not my will but let yours be done on the way of my cross let me never blame anyone or slip into despair as i see you take up the cross for love of me all i seek is to pursue the path you took placing my feet firmly on this way of your cross the way or to salvation as i walk in your shadow i know i shall shine in the joy of your glory lord jesus crucified have mercy on us [Music] jesus [Music] third station jesus falls the first time we adore thee o christ and we bless thee because by the holy cross thou has received the world already fatigued by the physical torture inflicted on him with the scourging of the pillar and the mental anguish of the trial and the continuation jesus falls the first time the weight of the cross is crushing the way ahead seems impossible [Music] lord when i look back i see the many painful moments in my past when i gave up on the mission of life it seemed that failure was the final word in all my pressures and divorce i had given my best then there was nothing left thoughts of despair and selfie overwhelmed me i languished in the prison of hatred and despair i then imagined the whole only way out was to walk away from my commitments relationships and the challenges of my responsibilities i offer to you lord every such moment of defeat looking at you staggering to rise up again with the cross on your shoulder i take courage to follow your footsteps to pick up that cross of my life and know that you are there ahead of me to show me the way [Music] lord jesus crucified [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] fourth station jesus meets his mother we adore thee o christ and we bless thee because by the holy cross thou hast let no mother ever see a son in such a state despised as the worst criminal and condemned to be eliminated by the most cruel death as simeon had prophesied a sword pierced through the heart of this mother as her eyes met those of her beloved son the intensity of pain and of love was so great that everything else ceased to exist the pulse of the moment and the sigh of the mother was cut sharply by the angry shroud of the soldier the whip cracked the sun was pushed forward his heart was torn with him the mother was left behind in an agony beyond what senses could hold mother mary from the moment you accepted your son into your womb you were solely led by your commitment to god here i am your handmaid let it be done to me according to your word you did not understand much and yet you did not wait to understand you were ready to accompany your son as the father had directed him mother when the path of our cross and the pain of incomprehension become too unbearable for us we pray come by this torturous path and comfort us with your motherly presence and loving intercession all we want is for our hearts to love him as generously and to follow in his footsteps as faithfully as you did lord jesus crucified [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] fifth station simon of cyrene helps jesus to carry the cross we adore thee o christ and we bless thee because by the holy cross thou has withdreamed the world [Music] simon a lone pilgrim from syrian who came to celebrate the pastoral festival in jerusalem was passing by curiously watching the drama but the soldiers seeing the miserable condition of lord and scared they would they would not be able to crucify him alive now compel the cyrene to carry the cross of jesus lord jesus you saw that simon of cyrene unaware of any divine plan grudgingly took the cross cursing his circumstances he came to jerusalem for the blessed experience of the first festival instead what he got on his shoulder was the curse of the cross of a criminal truly lord it had always been your glorious plan to give simon the blessed role of sharing with you the eternal glory in carrying the cross of salvation that the heavenly father had destined for you how blessed indeed was simon to assist his savior in fulfilling his mission when our plans fail and tragic sufferings unexpected accidents come our we have complained about bad luck and even of abandonment we pray oh god give us the grace to discern your will that every form of pain is a share we are given in holding up your cross to save the world open our eyes oh lord to see the glory hidden in the trials of our life then shall we rejoice in our crosses and our faith shall be victorious lord jesus crucified jesus is [Music] [Music] sixth station where he avoids the face of jesus we adore thee o [Music] in the midst of the ocean of contemptuous remarks atrocious accusations and cruel sufferings a touch of compassion comes from a caring woman of jerusalem bodily veronica comes forward refusing to count the cost or weigh the consequences with an act of mercy lord it is an indifferent world that we are living in everyone is busy trying to climb higher even when it means trembling on others lives no one has the time to bind up the wounds of others or even to consider or care for the suffering humanity that is all around us everyone in tears every empty stomach crying for food every distrust is all waiting for a touch of comfort is you my suffering savior waiting to be consoled when we dare to forget our own preoccupations and take the time out to care for the other the magnificent love in your face will be imprinted on our hearts whenever we did it to the last list of our brethren it is you who is clothed fed and comforted we offer to you lord all the interference and arrogance in our hearts that turned us away from those in need it was from you that we turned our face away we pray o lord may we never miss the grace of the moment offered in the suffering brother and sister who comes away may every person encountering me be drawn to long for your compassionate face lord jesus crucified have mercy on us [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] seventh station second fall of jesus we adore thee o christ and we bless thee because by the holy cross thou has redeemed [Music] the weight of the cross trashes the shoulders of jesus and the path is tony and impossible his strength fails him and his feet gives way jesus fell again under the heavy cross and began to crown like a worm in the dust of the road the cry from the heart of the mother did not melt the hardness of the heart of the soldiers with the swords pushed under the cross they dragged him out that he may take up the cross again lord jesus when i look back to my past i see the many times my will failed me and i fell in sin repeatedly failures crushed me i was jeered at even mine by my near and dear ones for the wrong decisions i made and rash steps i had taken it was the good of those around that had prompted me then yet even those whom i lived for did not care to utter a word of understanding i was crushed by shame selfity and despair the loneliness of my human existence hit me hard as your face is pushed to the dust the stones of the hard earth jab into your wounds as you crawl on the ground under the weight of the cross i come to you o my god praying for strength for those moments when the struggle was beyond my strength give me a glimpse of the sure glory of heaven when the sand of the earth darkens my vision lord jesus crucified have mercy on us [Music] jesus [Music] eighth station jesus meets the women of jerusalem we are do the o christ and we bless thee because by the holy cross [Music] the women of jerusalem came weeping by the way of the crows they had seen many criminals carrying the crows and they were happy that society was being rid of those unwanted elements but now they were shocked and grieved that this should happen to jesus whom they had seen proclaiming the season of the favor of the lord forgiving the sinner healing the sick and comforting the afflicted great though his pain was at that moment greater was his concern for their consolation and salvation lord the reward for the good deeds that i do for others is ultimately to be found in you even those who benefit from my generosity might turn against me for their own reasons but you see my heart and you will be and you will be there with your faithful and generous love to console me even a glass of water given for the sake of the kingdom of god you promised will be rewarded i can be sure there will be kind-hearted people ready to understand and take my side in the moments of my pain when i'm unjustly treated as i stand firm in the confidence of your love i shall receive the grace to rise above my pain and pray for everyone that they may turn to you and be saved [Music] lord jesus crucified [Music] [Music] [Music] ninth station jesus falls the third time we are do the o christ [Music] the savior is pushed to the hardest and most painful fall with the unbearable burden of our obstinate option for sin every time we clang unto clung on to sin the consequences in all its intensity was felt by the lord jesus my make and humble lord i come before you with my arrogant and adamant options for sin right through my life confidently justifying that nothing happened in the past when i sinned and i took too many chances but the truth is there was a heavy cost and it was born by you lord the wages of sin is death indeed those close to me have suffered even by the most secret sins of mine which i imagined nobody knew and would ever know it is that power of death that fell heavily upon you my general jesus crushing you under the cross let me never slip into the casual attitude of the world in the moments of sin lead me lord to turn to you in repentance then you can take charge of my and assure into my heart the righteousness peace and joy of the holy spirit let my heart be rooted in the truth that those pleasures of sin that i reach out to and the habits of evil that i imagined i could draw some gain or joy from can never bring me the blessedness of life you took all the strength you could to rise up and walk on the way of your father i should know that no cost is too dear no effort is too much to turn to you for in you and in you alone shall i find life lord jesus crucified [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] 10th station jesus is stripped of his garments we adore thee your christ and we bless thee [Music] the procession reached golgotha the place of the skull where jesus was to be crucified the self-emptying of jesus is going to be completed in his ultimate sacrifice of the cross in bethlehem he emptied himself of his divine glory by taking the form of a helpless child in jordan before john the baptist his two diamond sinners for the baptism of repentance taking upon himself the sin of mankind nowadays he stripped off even his human dignity lord jesus to this most painful moment of your sacrifice i bring the many sorrowful moments of my past when i was stripped office of my rights my honor my good name those i trusted deceived me and stripped me of what was due to me those i loved rejected me and stripped me of the joy of my living those i counted on maligned me and stripped me of my good knee in a cold world i stood naked and lonely asking that painful question who is there for me but you have always been there covering me with your love giving me the honor of a child of god for this gift what you paid was your own dignity i also offered to you all the abandoned children all the oppressed and the poor in the world stripped of an honorable life may they know oh god in their moments of loss and abandonment that they need never they they'd never bow their heads in shame for you you have covered them with your glory lord jesus crucified [Music] [Music] jesus remember [Music] [Music] levin station jesus is kneel to the cross we adore thee o christ and we bless thee nails were driven into his arms and he was stuck to the wood of the cross the legs that went about searching for the sick and the broken are now breathing in pain unable to move the hands that reached out to heal comfort and bless are now stretched across the wood submitting to the most extreme pain the powers of darkness seem to have taken hold of the entire situation my crucified savior and lord there have been sorrowful moments in my life when i felt defeated by those who turned against me even my own passions and desires have worked against me trapping me in evil habits making me a slave to my unfaithfulness the guilt made me feel wretched and i saw no hope for myself at these moments i cried out who will deliver me from this slavery looking at your cross i understand you were nailed inextricably to the cross that i may be set free to live in the freedom of love and continue your work of the kingdom in my life situations as i stand at the foot of your cross i consecrate my hands and my feet and my every breath for your glory to shine through my life lord jesus crucified mercy on us [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] 12 station jesus dies on the cross we are do the o christ and we bless thee after hours of agony jesus breathes his lust offering his life in the hands of the heavenly father he entered this world declaring here i come to do your will and now leaves his bodily life by surrendering his spirit to god his sacrifice is complete salvation is achieved lord jesus i am sent to this world for a purpose and my style of living is to be molded by total obedience to you when my own passions and desires drag me away from your path i need to die to sin offering my life to you that your will may be done in me your death took away all the bitterness of death and makes the moment of my death a grand moment of love when you come to take me unto yourself it will not be an end of anything but the beginning of my glorious life with you in heaven i do not know when and where that moment will be or who will be there by my side at that moment but your death assures me that you will be there with your angels to take me to eternal bliss already now along with every living moment i offer the moment of my death into our outstretched hands that invite me to life [Music] lord jesus crucified have mercy on us [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] station the body of jesus is laid on the lap of the mother we adore thee your christ and we bless thee because by the holy cross thou has redeemed the world the mother longed to hold her son on the way of the cross her heart and her hands were reaching out to hold him close to her and give him a moment of comfort but there was no way the rough and cruel band of soldiers did not allow her anywhere close finally though when she did get to hold her son it was the lifeless body bleeding and mangled mother mary how final is your grief how did your tender heart take this cruel death blow when your beloved son lay dead in your arms covered with marks of the extreme torture he endured mother i look to you and i realize that beyond the greatest grief love shall frame o lord i bring those unanswered prayers that question my faith i remember those times i dared to nurse great hopes and turned intensely to pray and all i got in return were tragedies that i could not accept lord in those moments of blinding grief that have left a crying pain in my heart and in the moments that are yet to come i pray pour out on me the grace to believe as your mother and my mother did mother in my own grief i pray come and hold me as you held your son that my faith might rise to shine beyond the ashes of my expectations no matter what should happen may i always receive the lord with an open heart as you my gracious mother did [Music] lord jesus crucified have mercy on us [Music] jesus [Music] jesus is lead in the tomb we adore thee o christ and we bless thee because by thy holy cross thou has redeemed the world the body of jesus was buried in a hurry even without the usual preparations because the sabbath was at hand and also since a criminal's body was not to be unbombed for burial [Music] jesus had predicted it when mary of bethany had anointed him much before his death his self-emptying is now complete being buried in a borrowed tomb the authorities wanting to ensure a dark and final end secure the tomb by officially sealing it lord today i am alive walking on this earth actively involved in my daily life holding dreams for a prosperous future and striving towards it but there will be a morning when the sun will rise and i will not be there to see it because i will be buried under the earth it is a passing world that i am living in if i set my hopes and the meaning of my life only on the achievements of this earth along with my body everything will decay to the nothingness of the dark tomb but if i live for you i will reign with you forever give me the grace not to be tied down with the affairs of this dying world but to live for you and with you [Music] lord jesus crucified have mercy on us [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] closing prayer lord i have walked with you following your footsteps on the way to calvary but your journey did not end with the cross of calvary or at the dark tomb it proceeded to the glory of the resurrection the holy spirit anointed your body and raised you to life your resurrection was the first fruits and the promises for every one of us that we also will be raised to life how glorious indeed is the light of your resurrection we know that we are more than conquerors for in your love death morning and sin are defeated in every moment of grief and failure and sin we shall wait and pray for your holy spirit to move in to raise us to a new hope a hope that will finally be realized in our resurrection to a new life with you we remember the promise that if we die with him we shall also live with him let no failure lead us to grief let no sin lead us to destruction let no sickness lead to selfish and let no death be counted as the end in every such moment let us be able to look at your glorified body and find hope our one prayer is that the rays of your glorious resurrection shed light in the dark moments of our life leading us to your presence i mean let's pray for the intention of pope francis our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us do not let us fall into temptation but deliver us from evil amen hail mary full of grace the lord is with you blessed are your mouth women and bless this the fruit of your womb jesus holy mary mother of god pray for our sinners now at the hour of father amen glory be to the father and to the son and to the holy spirit shall be worldly act of concretion god a loving father we are exceedingly sorry for having offended you because you are infinitely good and deserve all our love and because sin displeases you through our sins we have defiled our souls lost heaven and deserve the fire of hell we humbly ask your pardon through the merits of jesus christ and be firmly resolved with the help of your divine grace to offend you no more to do penance for our sins and to avoid the occasions of sin i mean let's all close our eyes and remember all the sins we have committed against our lord many people the today we are reflecting about the spirit of fear we are praying for the deliverance from the spirit of fear many people have got fear because they feel they are away from god they feel there are some sins in them they feel some evil power is after them because they are not leading a good life therefore fear and sin goes together the moment you commit sin there is fear enters inside the moment you go away from god when you do something wrong the fear enters inside adam and eve when they were in the paradise they were enjoying the presence of god and they were so happy but one day when they committed sin by disobe obeying the command of god the fear entered in them that is why they started hiding they started hiding from god because they were afraid of being caught so mighty brothers and sisters this fear has something to do with sin if you have some kind of fear that means there is some kind of guilt feeling regarding the past sins are still holding you therefore it is time for us to repent and beg for forgiveness let's beg for forgiveness and pray and sing together and say god of mercy and compassion have mercy on us how must in all the people gather here today our mercy and our family the sin that our family has committed the sin that we have committed personally individually we have committed we surrender everything and beg for forgiveness lord we need your mercy we cry for your mercy let's all sing together joyfully at the same time with repenting heart let's cry out to god and say lord i must have mercy i'm sorry for all the sins i've committed i'm not worthy to receive your mercy i'm not worthy to stand in your presence i'm not worthy for any benefits and any blessings from you but lord i beg for mercy have mercy on me i must want my family i mercy on my every action i'm also in everything that i do have mercy lord i need your mercy let's all sing together the lord is having mercy upon each and every one of you lord jesus we thank you [Music] everybody together is me [Music] foreign is is [Music] jesus me [Music] see [Music] is [Music] jesus christ [Music] [Music] because you had a prayer life some years ago but you have fallen into many wrong things and even terrible things and you feel so guilty but the lord says come back to me return to me i will take you back do not worry go for a confession i accept you i forgive you unconditionally come back to me never repeat this the lord says is is [Music] thank you holy spirit is planning to register [Music] some people have [Music] thank you jesus somebody who is so angry and that was the reason you don't work for confession the lord is asking you to forgive us unconditionally so that you will also receive forgiveness let them all be set free now in jesus name we prayed [Music] [Laughter] my brothers and sisters there is natural fear which is very common for all of us when we are scared of some poisonous snakes it is natural that we get frightened when we stand in front of a huge height when is you see the depth of it you get naturals the scare the fear will be there it is quite natural there are so many natural fear that we have and we don't need to worry about it it is safe for us certain fear is permitted by god given by god it is part of human but life therefore we don't need to be afraid of fear but there are some unnatural fear fear of darkness yes when we are alone in a huge jungle you may have fear but that is natural but even for when the suddenly the electricity goes off and suddenly people get scared and fear to go to the next room fear to walk in in the house when there is darkness so there is some unnatural fear fear of all the insects fear of people facing people fear of standing in front of your authorities and fear fear there are different types of fear which are not natural which are not common for everyone which are affecting terribly the day-to-day lives of many people let us pray in a special way to get deliverance from these kinds of fear we read like the 2nd timothy chapter 1 verse 7. second timothy chapter 1 verse 7 we read like this the word of god says second timothy chapter one verse seven for god did not give us a spirit of covenants but rather a spirit of power and of love and self-discipline we don't need to be scared of anything recently some people called me and then they were so scared of third world war and they were so scared they worried and they were so disturbed frightened not able to sleep so these are unnatural fear because only when it comes we need to face it so we don't need to worry about all these things we need to pray for this we don't need to be afraid of these things but at the same time we should be cautious about it and pray for these intentions so there are so many things we have to see the difference between natural fear and unnatural fear unless the lord is telling us god did not give us a spirit of fear but rather a spirit of power and love and self-discipline we don't the fear comes when we are so worried about the future worried about what will happen to our future what will happen to us and our family that is why fear comes but god says don't worry i will take care of you your future is in my protection your future is in my hand whether you live or die in the world you are in front of me alive forever you will enjoy eternal life in my presence you will enter into the heavenly presence forever this life here on earth it may be for 10 more years or 15 years or 20 years or 50 50 years or 70 years and after that we all have to leave from this world we all will have to leave whether we like it or not whether we use all that all the sophisticated hospitals and medical colleges in this world still we have to live leave this world within 70 or 80 or 90 years of this life we cannot extend it more than 100 maybe rarely some cases 100 more than 100 but even then even they should be leaving this world therefore remember with all the money power and influence the richest people in the world they also could not cross more than 90 or over 80. they also died in the in the past we know they also dying even now even the presidents and prime ministers even the most famous people they all are dying from this world therefore there is no meaning in holding on to this world too much because this won't help us but there is someone who is beyond death he is supernatural is it is has eternal life he lives forever he has he has something to offer you something special to offer you and that is eternal life and that is why god says do not be scared do not be afraid god did not give us a spirit of covenants but rather a spirit of power and of love and of self-discipline the lord says all those who eat my body and drink my blood will live forever all those who come to me will enjoy eternal life that is his promise let's all lift up your right hand and say thank you jesus jesus praise you jesus jesus jesus i believe in you i love you i love you i have no fear i have no fear i reject and renounce every spirit of fear every spirit from my body from my body i'm no more worried about my future about what will happen to me lord you know me lord you know me and i know as i know you will take care of me you will say you are my protection you are my protector you are my refuge you are my refuge you are my fortress you are my fortress we believe i thank you jesus i praise you jesus jesus let's sing together i'm not worried or disturbed or afraid of any more because the lord is taking care of me my lord protects me my lord helps me my lord cares for me he is my refuge he is my fortress he is my everything he is my eternal life he is there for me let's all sing together joyously gloriously and thank him and so that let every spirit of fear be taken away driven out from our bodies and from our families if any one of you is in fear the lord is setting you feel free completely the lord is setting you free completely every kind of fear is leaving your body you are encouraged you are empowered you are filled with the mighty anointing let's all sing together lord is blessing you right now [Music] from [Music] [Music] um is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] through [Music] hello [Music] [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] [Music] me is oh hello [Music] you will help [Music] my me and sisters god is strengthening so many of you you can feel strengthened you feel strong now you feel courageous now you are filled with power he strengthens you each and every one of you do not worry he is healing you right now and he is delivering many of you right now you can feel the power the lord is empowering and encouraging and strengthening so many children who feel so lonely and rejected lord is blessing you right now let us thank the lord let us repeat this word of god first to john chapter 4 verse 18 first to john chapter 4 verse 18 read this word of god the word of god says there is no fear in love but perfect love cast out fear for fear has to do with punishment and whoever fears has not reached perfection in love bible says if you have love of god if you are in love with jesus you will have no fear no fear of death no fear of loneliness no fear of sickness no fear of future you will have courage and power perfect love cast out complete fear that is why god is perfect love and he has no fear since god has no fear god is not afraid of evil and that is why god does not destroy even devil god doesn't destroy anyone god doesn't destroy eliminate anything because he is not afraid of anyone we destroy we destroy somebody or kill someone when we are afraid of them and that is why many people say why there is evil even now why god cannot destroy them why is he not destroying them my dear brothers and sisters everything is in the world is created by god but we human beings started listening to the evils choices and then the evil existed in this world we not only we human beings but also even angels started listening to the wrong choices and then they became the power of evil and god doesn't want to destroy anyone god is giving us chances to repent all of us and therefore it is time for us to repent and always remember the fear is a sign there is something lacking a repentance is lacking fear is a sign that we are not in love of god we are not intimately connected to god therefore anyone who is connected to god intimately connected to god will be set free from fear praise the lord thank you jesus isaiah 41 10. let's repeat this word of god isaiah 41 10 the word of god says he will help us he will strengthen us he will he will deliver us we read like this isaiah 41 10 the word of god says [Music] do not fear for i am with you everybody repeat after me do not fear it for i am with you do not be afraid for i am your god i will strengthen you i will help you i will uphold you with my victorious right hand that's my victorious do not fear not fear for i am with you foreign do not be afraid for i am your god i will strengthen you i will help you i will uphold let's also repeat this word of god the word of god says matthew chapter 10 verse 31 matthew chapter 10 verse 31 we read like this the word of god says matthew 10 31 the lord he is telling us through this word of god [Music] so do not be afraid you are of more value than many sparrows do not be afraid you are of more value than many sparrows the lord says you are precious you are more valuable than any other being in this world therefore do not be afraid he will take care of you praise the lord thank you jesus jesus praise you jesus let's read psalm 56 verse 11 psalm 56 11 and read this word of god in god i trust i'm not afraid what can a mere mortal do to me this is what god says in god i trust in god i trust and i'm not afraid what can a mere mortal do to me praise the lord hallelujah thank you jesus let's repeat these prayers repeat this word of god therefore we can get out of these fear let's repeat after me genesis 15 was one genesis chapter 15 was one after these things after this thing the word of the lord came to abraham the word of the lord do not be abram do not be afraid abraham to not be afraid i am do not be afraid to not be afraid i am your shield i am your shield your reward shall be very great do not be afraid shall be very great your reward shall be very great the lord says do not be afraid i am your shield shield means every attack shield is the one which is shield is the one which blocks it shield takes all the attacks shield the lord says he's my shield the lord is my shield let's also repeat this word of god isaiah 44 44 was eight isaiah 44 was eight we read like this isaiah 44 8 repeat after me do not fear through your fear or be afraid to be afraid have i not told you from of old from our poor and declared it and declared it you are my witnesses you are my witnesses is there any god besides me is there any god there is no other rock there is no other rock i know i know not one no sword the lord is promising us the lord is telling us don't be scared don't be afraid there is no one besides me there is no other rock i am the only one therefore believe in me trust in me praise the lord thank you jesus jesus praise you jesus jesus my dear brothers and sisters we also read this word of god psalm chapter 5 verse 11. psalm chapter 5 verse 11 we read like this the word of god says but let all who take refuge in you rejoice let them ever sing for joy spread your protection over them so that those who love your name may exult in you the lord will spread his protection over you when you trust in him therefore do not be worried about anything do not be scared of anyone the lord is telling us let's sing together once again i'm no longer slave to fear but i'm a child of god i'm no longer slave to fear i'm a child of god let's worship god giving all glory and honor to our father son of the holy spirit and promise him lord i belong to you you will never abandon me i am your child i am there always protected by you lord you care for me you support me i thank you jesus let's all worship god sing together [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] okay [Music] this season is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] taken away from your death fear of body fear of loneliness everything is taken away from your heart right now you can feel the power a person called courage god is blessing you right now the blessing is coming to many people right now all glory to you our father [Music] is [Music] and someone who is planning to [Music] and someone who is planning to get married but you know there is something haunting you some guilty feeling in you the lord says be truthful in your marriage do not hide anything lord blessing is coming to every child of god called the name of jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus my brothers and sisters we are going to receive the blessing of the blessed sacrament before we receive the blessing of the blessed sacrament let me remind you two three things the first thing is tomorrow we are having a special day first saturday of the month and we are having a first saturday devotions online so from the same timing four o'clock to seven o'clock we will have special consecration prayers to our lady this is as per the instruction by mother mary in fatima when she appeared in fatima she asked us to start the first saturday devotion so that there won't be calamities and third world war and all those things and she has asked us to consecrate russia soviet union and john paul ii consecrated soviet union to the immaculate heart and we are supposed to consecrate russia to the immaculate heart of mary so that the leaders of the countries be guided by the holy spirit and no more calamities in this world mother mary had warned us much before during the fatima apparitions about what will happen in the future and that is why mother mary had asked us to start this first saturday devotions so let's make sure that we have this first saturday devotions there is some conditions to have the validity for the first saturday devotion we should be doing confession we should do confession before join wherever you are make sure that you go to your parish go to find a priest and make a good confession and make sure that you receive holy communion if possible if the churches are open and then make sure that you join for these saturday devotions if you could not do it tomorrow make sure that you promise to god you will do it at the earliest maybe on sunday so you will go for confession receive communion and make sure that he joined for the saturday devotion it's something that we are fulfilling which mother mary has asked us to do praise the lord and this will be an every first saturday of the month we will be having this saturday convention saturday devotion it is online not in person so you can join just like today you can continue joining and then we will also continue the london retreat through these and today we could not complete the whole aspect of the fear and the different types of fear and we will cast out the spirit of fear the different types of fear and after tomorrow's session so my dear brothers and sisters and please do remember these things and please inform all your friends and family members about the special devotion and also the lenten retreat that we are having inform send you up uh link the scene send the link to all your friends and family members and in between please do do penances and fasting and to avoid one meal or maybe one special dish and please do sacrifice and go penances and go fasting and pray for the success of this retreat therefore all those who attend this saturday convention i mean this london retreat will be blessed mightily delivered and will be healed praise the lord thank you jesus and all those who receive healings deliverance and mighty miracle that takes place in your life please inform us please send out your testimonies of blessing and healing to info at divine uk dot org so there is a email id that is given on the screen all your testimonies of blessing which you have received if you have not yet testified it if you have not yet sent it to us to testify it then please do write it down in detail way and then send it to info at divine uk dot org by testifying we are increasing the others faith please do do that praise the lord thank you jesus jesus praise you jesus jesus and we are also doing the mission 100 mission 100 is something that we do we are doing during these days so it within 100 days we are finishing reading the whole bible bible so tomorrow before you join please do read these chapters genesis chapters 36 37 38 39 and 40 psalms chapters 22 23 24 gospel matthew chapters 15 and 16. so please do read these bible passages before you join tomorrow so by doing so by doing this homework we will complete the whole reading of the whole bible in 100 days and that is called mission 100. praise the lord thank you jesus jesus praise you jesus thank you father praise your father thank you lord thank you lord praise you lord all glory to you father let's remember for this lenten retreat in konkani that is from 11 12 13 of march morning nine o'clock uk time so please do inform all your friends and family members about these three days of konkani retreat it will be a great blessing for you during this lenten season to join for this konkani retreat please do inform all your friends and family members about this retreat and share the link with all your friends and there will be great blessings for you praise the lord and we are having hindi retreat today was the first day and tomorrow morning the second day so please do inform all your friends and family members who knows only hindi so that they can join for this hindi retreat praise the lord now let's all kindly kneel down and receive the blessing of our lord [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] lord is blessing many people right now somebody who has god has some kind of growth in your vegetables right now [Music] someone who is bullied by your neighbors and lots of problem and the neighbors belong to another religion and they are torturing you in different ways and you're so scared and worried and tensed you want to sell this property and go away but the lord says start praying for them kneeling down and doing fasting and praying for them you will see the lord is offering a new dog for you the lord is blessing a person who are done in an interview these days the lord is giving you the positive result for you [Music] lord is calling many people to do evangelization ministry lord is inspiring a person who is discerning his vocation to priesthood the lord is blessing you the lord is helping you [Music] right right now [Music] [Music] [Music] god's blessing is coming to every child of god [Music] our gene god is blessing and healing you right now [Music] surely the lord is blessing and healing you [Music] someone who had deposited a huge amount and now it is lost and you're so worried the lord is bringing me back for you [Music] thank you jesus all glory and honor to your father [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] someone who feels that your whole family is affected by some evil affliction because everyone is having problem after problem and there is also sicknesses and there is some kind of supernatural experiences the lord is delivering your family from these problems right now and some people recently for the last some years only tragedies are taking place in your family and financial problems and blogs and you are doing ministry and you are so worried why these things happen the lord says don't worry the lord is allowing purification in your life continue praying continues increasing your prayers continue going through that struggles please do read the book of job during this crisis the lord will help you in communion with the holy father pope francis all the cardinals bishops priests religious all these people of god right now in the name of the father the son under the holy spirit [Music] is you rescue me [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] ministries heavenly father you have promised that your eyes will be open in your ears attentive to the prayer that is made in divine retreat center uk because now you have chosen and consecrated this retreat center so that your name may be there forever your eyes and your hearts will be there for all time keep the divine uk ministries and its priests from the evil one no weapon that is fashioned against your house shall prosper and you shall confuse every tongue that rises against your house in judgment this is the heritage of the servants of the lord and the vindication from you blessed be the god and father of our lord jesus christ who has blessed us in christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places through the divine uk ministries mother of our lord jesus pray for divine uk ministries saint joseph the protector of the church protect the divine uk ministries and his priest saint michael the archangel defend the divine uk ministries saint vincent pray for those who serve in divine uk ministries augustine of canterbury pray for us [Music] in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen the grace of our lord jesus christ and the love of god and the communion of the holy spirit to be with you all and with your spirit my brothers and sisters your most welcome to this holy eucharistic celebration the lord has brought us together to celebrate this holy mass on this in this holy mass let us pray in a special way for all the intentions we have let us also pray for ukraine and russia and all the people who are trapped there in that countries especially victims of war especially those who do not have electricity during this extreme cold weather and do not have enough food and water let's pray for them so that they all may be comforted consoled helped and right time let the help be brought to them let us pray for them in a special way especially the people of ukraine let's also pray for those people who have requested our prayers those who are celebrating their birthdays or or marriage anniversaries or any other anniversary all the departed souls from our families let us pray for them in a special way there are so many people who have requested prayers sent prayer requests to us individually to me and also to the whole divinity center so we offer all those people and their intentions here on this altar so that through the power and merit of the holy eucharist let them also be blessed and anointed and healed let's beg for forgiveness and pardon from the lord for all the sins we have committed i confess to almighty god and to you my brothers and sisters that i have greatly sinned in my thoughts and in my words in what i have done and in what i have failed to do through my fault through my fault through my most grievous fault therefore i ask blessed mary a perversion all the angels and saints and you my brothers and sisters to pray for me to the lord our god may almighty god have mercy on us forgive us our sins and bring us to everlasting life [Music] okay [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] let us pray show gracious favor o lord we pray to the works of penance we have begun that we may have strength to accomplish with sincerity the bodily observances we undertake through our lord jesus christ your son who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the holy spirit one god forever and ever amen please be satan a reading from the prophet isaiah thus says the lord shout for all you are worth raise your voice like a trumpet proclaim their faults to my people their sins to the house of jacob they seek me day after day they long to know my ways like a nation that wants to act with integrity and not ignore the laws of its god they ask me for laws that are just they long for god to door near why should we fast if you never see it why dependence if you never notice look you do business on your fast days you oppress all your workmen look you quarrel and squabble when you fast and strike the poor man with your fist fasting like yours today will never make your voice heard on high is that the sort of fast that pleases me a truly penitential day for men hanging your head like a reed lying down on sackcloth and ashes is that what you call fasting a day acceptable to the lord is not this the sort of fast that pleases me it is the lord who speaks to break unjust fetus and undo the thongs of the yolk to let the oppressed go free and break every yoke to share your bread with the hungry and shelter the homeless poor to clothe the men you see to be naked and not turn from your own kin then will your light shine like the dawn in your wound be quickly healed over your integrity will go before you and the glory of the lord behind you cry and the lord will answer call and he will say i am here the word of the lord thanks be to god the responsible some and your responses are humbled contrite heart to god you will not spun a humble contrite heart oh god you will not sperm have mercy on me god in your kindness in your compassion blot out my offense o wash me more and more from my guilt and cleanse me from my sin a humble contrite heart oh god you will not spurn my offenses truly i know them my sin is always before me against you you alone have i sinned what is evil in your sight i have done a humble contrite heart oh god you will not spurn for in sacrifice you take no delights burnt offering for me you will refuse my sacrifice a contrite spirit a humble contrite heart you will not spurn a humble contrite heart oh god you will not spun kindly stand praised is my soul is waiting for the lord i count on his word because with the lord there is mercy and fullness of redemption [Music] the lord be with you reading from the holy gospel according to matthew glory to you oh lord john's disciples came to jesus and said why is it that we and the pharisees fast but your disciples do not jesus replied surely the bridegroom's attendants would never think of mourning as long as the bridegroom is still with them but the time will come for the bridegroom to be taken away from them and then they will fast the gospel of the lord praise you lord jesus christ mary brothers and sisters let us read this passage gospel of matthew chapter 9 verse 15 jesus answer of confidence you know jesus with confidence he answers like these the wedding ghost cannot mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them can they the days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them then they will fast so jesus knew and jesus foresee and jesus with confidence he admit in front of his enemies that his disciples the future disciples the christians in the future will fast therefore we have no excuse from fasting any kind of fasting maybe some of you may be able to take up 40 days of fasting just like jesus did because you're so healthy and you're strong but many of you may not be able to do the same but at the same time we can do fasting in different ways i was explaining to you the other day about the different ways of fasting especially on the wednesday ash wednesday we were reflecting about it but there is something that we need to remember when you do fasting there are some conditions please do keep these conditions in your mind when you do fasting the first condition is we should have a right heart when we do fasting right intention when we do fasting we should do it for god we should do it as to humble ourselves we should do it as a sacrifice and we should do it to join with the pain of jesus passion of jesus so we should have a right intention when we do the fasting sometimes there are people who do fasting and abstinence with different intention maybe to become a slim beauty maybe to have six-pack maybe to keep their health all those things it is good i'm not saying it is bad or anything it is good but when you add the spirituality in it and and when you add a sacrifice a real sacrifice and meaning for it and then it becomes spiritual for example if you are a nurse if you are a carer and you are taking care of in your care homes remember you may get salary you may get money for your hard work therefore you may have a tendency to work hard for money so there your intention is to get money and salary but at the same time though anyway you are doing this work any way you are doing this nursing job and you are going to get the salary then why don't you do it as a spiritual action not just a monetary action or a material action but why don't you do it as a spiritual action how is it possible for us to do this as a spiritual action therefore please listen very carefully suppose if you are a nurse you are taking care of a patient you may be taking care of all aspects of that patient maybe washing him giving him bad cleaning him helping him to go to toilet so you can do this as a duty as a duty when you do it as a duty you will do it perfectly and at the end you will get salary but you may not get anything from heaven you may not get anything spiritual you will only get material blessing like money or salary but you can do the same work as a spiritual action how is it possible so when you take care of a patient as a nurse when you take care of a patient remember you're not just doing a duty you're doing a ministry look at not as a duty but as a ministry first of all secondly look at that patient not as a patient but see jesus in him or in her see jesus in him or in her and when you do these two things look at it not as a duty but as a ministry see the patient not as a patient but as jesus himself then your whole attitude towards this person and the actions that you do will be different there is a compassion and mercy and love is involved and very strongly felt not only for the patient but also for you and you will go out of the way and you may even sacrifice many of your pleasures to help this person and then remember you get double blessing double salary one is monetary salary the amount that you get as a salary the other one is you are storing pressure in heaven therefore remember this action can be done in two ways spiritual and at the same time material and therefore my dear brothers and sisters anyway we all do many work for our livelihood but why don't you take these works as a ministry and see the other person as him as jesus himself when you are serving jesus then you will receive double blessing double salary the same way you can do fasting not only for the body maintenance of body to have a proper body shape or whatever the health of our body but at the same time do it as a sincere sacrifice do it for a spiritual motives and do it for the glory of god and do it secretly and so that your your sacrifices will be stored in heaven and that is what the first condition that we need to keep in our mind therefore we should have a right intention and right motive when we do fasting the second condition that we need to keep in our mind when we do fasting is do not publicize your sacrifices do not publicize your sacrifices many people the woman london season start they put it in the facebook and everywhere what you are going to do for the last the coming 40 days how many food you are going to sacrifice and what all things that you are going to do and we are going to publicize it some people publicize it with a good intention some people publicize it in order to show their religiosity published so mighty brothers and sisters make sure we do not need to publicize all the sacrifices we do do it secretly the lord who sees the secrets will reward you that is what we heard in the other day in the word of god praise the lord thank you jesus praise you jesus thank you father and the third condition that we need to remember when we do fasting is when you do fasting you are saving money two things you are saving money and saving time normally if you happen to when you have the food you may spend maybe a half an hour some people even spend one hour only for food so just go on talking chatting and eating eating chatting eating so they spend lots of hours lots of time lots of you know hours in the in front of others in front of the food but when you do fasting you do save money as well as time this money should be given as a arms giving and time should be given to god only then this fasting has got meaning this fasting and abstinence will have power therefore the time should be given to god the money should be given to the poor arms giving and only then the sacrifice the fasting becomes meaningful and powerful praise the lord thank you jesus the fourth condition that we should have is fasting should not block your responsibilities just because you're fasting we should not take excuses from our responsibilities some people they say i'm fasting therefore i will not do any household work because i'm tired i'm weak i can't do any work therefore the other members have to take extra responsibility extra burden and take care of the house that won't help that will have adverse effect that will have negative effect for the fasting fasting will never become salty peak but fasting will become problematic and this fasting will even block your family life therefore your fasting should not block your responsibilities any kind of not only fasting even just because you are abstaining from any food maybe some people they abstain from meat and but they demand some other food mighty brothers and sisters when we abstain from certain food take whatever that befalls you take whatever food that is set in front of you we should not demand we should not demand and say i need this i need that because i'm fasting i'm abstaining from meat we should never do that if we do that the fasting has got no meaning the abstinence has got new no meaning and our land and observance will be wasted therefore this fourth one is very important fasting should not block your responsibilities especially your household responsibilities we should never take excuse from just because we are doing some fasting and abstinence and the fifth point that we need to remember condition that we need to remember when we do fasting or abstinence we should never take credit or sympathy some people they take credit or symbody for the fasting they say i'm fasting all these years then suddenly people say oh i'm so sorry i'm you are so tired you need some rest and people show their sympathy on you because you are explaining to them the pain of fasting that you are doing and trying to get attention and sympathy it will not help our fasting but it will take all the rewards you are supposed to get the reward from heaven but by getting the symbody from around you already got the reward and therefore there is no two rewards for one action for one action there is only one reward either you get it here on earth or you get it in heaven so if you have already got it in on earth then you won't get it in heaven praise the lord thank you jesus the sixth condition that we need to remember when we do fasting in abstinence fasting should accompany with repentance fasting should accompany with repentance just because just because you do fasting but at the same time you continue a proud life a rude life arrogant life angry life and unrepentant life this fasting has got no meaning this fasting will never bring anything goodness in your family therefore make sure this fasting should accompany repentance if you are doing fasting and you should be more lovable compassionate repenting and merciful towards your household members or your community members your family members you should be able to love them forgive them easily more than any other day more than any other time otherwise all these fastings are wasted therefore during this fasting time london season abstinence time when you are avoiding certain food items make sure that you avoid sinful tendencies arguments using bad words abusive language and if you have any addiction to smoking drinking or drugs get rid of all these things if you are too addicted to mobile phone whatsapp facebook instagram and any other social media platforms get rid of it and avoid it and by doing so you are saving your time you are storing wealth in heaven this is something that we need to remember praise the lord thank you jesus praise you jesus lift up your right hand and say thank you jesus praise you jesus our father we love you we praise you we worship you we give you glory all glory and honor to you and today we just heard the first reading in the first reading we read isaiah chapter 58 we read isaiah chapter 58 verse 1 onwards let us read this passage one to nine it is a very powerful word of god shout out do not hold back lift up your voice like a trumpet announce to my people their rebellion to the house of jacob their sins the lord says remind them tell the people what is their mistakes why where when they went wrong what are the sins that they have committed against me tell them correct them sometimes we are so afraid to correct to the people we are afraid of the reactions of the people therefore even if the people are doing something wrong we are afraid to tell them that won't help us if we are spiritual beings if we really want to grow spiritually we should be told what is right and wrong it is the duty of the spiritual fathers and priests and parish priests and deacons and and the bishops it is our it is their duty to correct the people and tell tell them their mistakes and that is why in our preachings we may tell certain things bluntly and please do forgive us for telling us telling you that the right thing in the right way and sometimes it may be difficult for us to digest but listen these are nothing but the word of god that is preached and we have only one choice to accept praise the lord let's read verse two we read like these the word of god says yet day after day they seek me delight to know my ways as if they were a nation that practiced righteousness and did not forsake the ordinance of their god they asked for being righteous judgments they delight to draw near to god the lord says tell these people what is right and wrong they think they are righteous people they think they go to church daily they think they are very prayerful they think their daily family prayer is sufficient for them they think the live streaming that they attend every day is sufficient for them they are going to get blessing after blessing the lord says tell them what is right and wrong what is their mistake and their sin yet day after day they seek me they are seeking me every day they are praying in front of me every day they are crying in front of me every day they think they are right they think they are righteous they think they are holy they are prayerful they attend the daily life streaming our prayers now the word of god says verse 3 verse 3 we read like these the lord says and why do we fast the lord says why do we fast why do you fast but you do not see we are fasting we are doing penances but we do not see many evil things that is done in our family we are fasting we tell our children to do fasting we tell a husband and wife to do fasting and penances but there is lots of injustice going on in the family there is lots of problem between husband and wife getting angry getting irritated fast and all these things and the lord says why do we fast but you do not see why humble ourselves but you do not notice there are so many people are oppressed we don't do justice to our laborers we don't do justice to our neighbors we don't do justice to our own husband and wife and we don't do our duties in front of our children so the lord says what is the meaning in humbling ourselves by by doing fasting look you serve your own interest on your own fast day you serve your own interest on your own fast day and oppress all your workers you are oppressing all your workers you are hurting them you are wounding them you are you are hating them and at the same time you are very religious my dear brothers and sisters i have seen many religious people religious very religious they have rosaries in the hand they have all the bible and crucifix and big pictures and everything hanging on the neck and with all these weapons they do gossip as soon as they finish the mass busy gossiping as soon as they finish the mass busy looking around and see who is absent and we see gossiping against them are good busy speaking against the neighbor we see speaking against the parish priests who celebrate the holy mass for them and gave the holy eucharist the lord says what is the point in having these kinds of spiritual life what is the point in having these kinds of fasting and penances and the lord says they think they are spiritual they think they are righteous but go and tell them what is right and wrong god is telling the prophets to go and preach the gospel to the israelites and and tell them what is right and wrong the lord says my brothers and sisters we all do one way or the other this injustice in our family in our personal life but at the same time we are all religious praise the lord let's read verse 4 we read like this look you fast only to quarrel and to fight you fast only to quarrel and fight and to strike with a wicked fist one husband is shouting at the wife don't you know that afternoon i was fasting and you have cooked this dirty food in the she evening is getting angry with the wife because he fasted in the afternoon my brothers and sisters the lord says you fast only to quarrel and to fight and to strike with a wicked fist such fasting as you do today will not make your voice heard on high if we do such kinds of fasting with crookedness wickedness anger irritation disturbance and demanding because we are fasting such fasting will not have no effect and if we do pray with this kind of fasting this voice will never be heard in high heard on high our prayers will never reach heaven and our fastings will be wasted praise the lord thank you jesus verse 5 we read like this in such the fast that i choose a day to humble oneself easy to bow down the head like a bullrush and to lie in sackcloth and ashes will you call this a fast a day acceptable to the lord the lord is telling us right now through all these words of god is are you humbling yourself through fasting or are you exalting yourself through fasting are you focused on god during the fasting or are you focused on your belly your stomach during the fasting this is time for us to examine our conscience let us read verse 6 we read like this we read is not this the fast that i choose the lord says the true fasting is not only abstinence from the food and other things but also to lose the bones of injustice if any injustice is taking place in your family against anybody in your family then break the bonds of injustice undo the things thongs of the oak if you have done any injustice in the past if you have if there is any debt that we have to pay off in the past if we are indebted to anyone but we have never helped those people who are in need it is time for us to rectify the mystics of the past the london season is a time of rectification we have to rectify the mistakes of the past and we have to let the operas to grow free we have to help the people to go free and to break every yoke we have to break every oak now my dear brothers and sisters it is our duty during this london season to pray for ukraine which is a victim of injustice from russia and we need to pray for them there may be many political reasons behind it but there is no justification for hurting and wounding innocent people and killing them and therefore us be a part of this dental season it is our duty to pray for the people especially those who are oppressed those are victims of injustice and those who are carrying the heavy yoke not because of any of their mistake but because of the mistakes of the leaders let us pray in a special way for them during this london season if we fail to pray for them then we are breaking these lantern observance we are failing in our lantern observance we need to pray anywhere if you happen to see anybody exhorting anyone to do prayer fasting we need to cooperate with them if there is any prayer meeting arranged in your parish to support and support and support people there in suffering in ukraine it is our duty to cooperate it is a duty to go there and join with the prayer don't keep yourself aloo from all these because we are not aliens we are not isolated islands we are all part of this congregation we are all part of this world and therefore it is our brothers and sisters who are suffering we need to pray for them we need to use these lenten observance in support of them mighty brothers and sisters and i'm so happy to see so many people in russia and speaking against the wrong choices of their regime wrong choices of their leadership and they're protesting in the roots in the streets of russia i'm really happy to see the humanity has all the right to stand still because there are so many good people though the leaders are wrong and therefore it is the duty of every christian in russia to stand against the evils and wickedness and injustice led by their own leaders and it is the duty of every christian to protest and stand against it because that is not the right way the right way it is not the right way to conquer or defeat another another property another country because it is not good for according to the word of god praise the lord therefore my dear brothers and sisters let us pray in a special way during this london season pray for those who are oppressed so that they may be set free let's pray for those who are victims of injustice so that they may be loosened the bones may be loosened and as we sing together the offer to him let's offer all these intentions and keep it on this altar and pray for those people who are suffering oppressed and those who are victims of injustice so that they may all be helped [Music] [Music] do [Music] my god [Music] true [Music] i [Music] come from [Music] oh [Music] oh [Laughter] [Music] pray brethren that my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable to god the almighty father may lord accept the sacrifice at your hands for the praise and glory of his name for our good and the good of all his holy church we offer our lord the sacrifice of our lantern observance praying that it may make our intentions acceptable to you and add to our powers of self-restraint through christ our lord the lord be with you and with your spirit let us give thanks to the lord our god it is right and just it is truly right and just our duty and our salvation always and everywhere to give you thanks lord holy father almighty and eternal god through christ our lord for by your gracious gift each year your faithful away to the sacred paschal feast with joy of minds made pure so that more eagerly intent on prayer and on the works of charity and participating in the mysteries by which they have been reborn they may be led to the fullness of grace that you bestow on your sons and daughters and so with angels and archangels with thrones and dominions and with all the hopes and powers of heaven we sing the hymn of your glory as we thought and we acclaimed holy holy holy lord god are full of your glory blessed is he who comes in the name of the [Music] you are indeed holy oh lord the fount of all holiness make holy therefore these gifts we pray by sending down your spirit upon them like the dewfall so that they may become for us the body and blood of our lord jesus christ at the time he was betrayed and entered willingly into his passion he took bread and giving thanks broke it and gave it to his disciples saying take this all of you and eat of it for this is my body which will be given up for you in a similar way when supper was entered he took the chalice and once more giving thanks he gave it to his disciples saying take this all of you and drink from it for this is the chalice of my blood the blood of the new and eternal covenant which will be poured out for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins do this in memory of me the mystery of faith we proclaim your death o lord and profess your resurrection until you come again therefore as we celebrate the memorial of his death and resurrection we offer you lord the bread of life and the chalice of salvation giving thanks that you have held us worthy to be in your presence and ministered to you humbly we pray that partaking of the body and blood of christ we may be gathered into one by the holy spirit remember lord your church spread throughout the world and bring her to the fullness of charity together with francis our pope john our bishop and all the clergy remember also our brothers and sisters who have fallen asleep in the hope of the resurrection and all who have died in your mercy welcome them into the light of your face have mercy on us all we pray that with the blessed virgin mary mother of god with blessed joseph her spouse with the blessed apostles and all the saints who are pleased you throughout the ages we may merit to be choice to eternal life and may praise and glorify you through your son jesus christ through him and with him and in him o god almighty father in the unity of the holy spirit all glory and honor is yours forever and ever at the savior's command and formed by divine teaching we dare to say give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us do not let us fall into temptation but deliver us from evil amen deliver us lord we pray from every evil graciously grant peace in our days that by the help of your mercy we may be always free from sin and safe from all distress as we await the blessed hope and the coming of our savior jesus christ lord jesus christ who set your apostles peace i leave you my peace i give you look not on our sins but on the faith of your church and graciously grant her peace and unity in accordance with your will who live and reign forever and ever the peace of the lord be with you always with your spirits let's offer each other the sign of peace of god you take away the sins of the world have mercy on us love of god you take away the sins of the world have mercy on it lamb of god you take away the sins of the world grant this peace behold to the lamb of god behold him who takes away the sins of the world blessed are those called to the supper of the lamb and my soul shall be healed may the body and blood of christ keep me safe for eternal life let us prepare ourselves for the act of spiritual communion my jesus i believe that you are present in the most holy sacrament i love you above all things and i desire to receive you into my soul since i cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally come at least spiritually into my heart i embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself holy to you never permit me to be separated from you amen [Music] so [Music] my [Music] is [Music] [Music] my is [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] let us pray we pray almighty god that through partaking of this mystery we may be cleansed of all our misdeeds and so be suited for the remedies of your compassion through christ our lord amen the lord be with you with your spirit almighty god bless you the father and the son and the holy spirit the masses and let's go in peace to serve the lord my dear brothers and sisters let us all uh receive the blessing of the blessed sacrament we are going to expose the blessed sacrament we would like to thank all of you for joining us for this daily live streaming in a special way for this day and please do remember to join tomorrow's first saturday devotions and also the evening the live streaming and all the services and the link is already available in the youtube please do share the link with all your friends and family members so that no one should miss this because this is only for one day in a month first saturday of the devotions so it is as per the instruction from mother mary and we are praying for russia and ukraine and consecrate russia to the immaculate heart of mary and pray for this and do please do fasting and penance and confession and also please do receive communion and in a special way and now let's all kindly kneel down and welcome jesus into our midst and receive the blessing [Music] [Music] sir [Music] [Music] [Music] lord jesus bless all these peoples [Music] family be blessed that everybody sings becomes all of these and all these people of god in the name of the father my [Music] is [Music] said my spirit [Music] let's pray for praise for jesus eternal priest keep your praise within the shelter of your heart where none may harm them keep and stay in the anointed hands which daily hold your sacred body keep holy their lips moisten with your precious blood keep holy and unearthly their hearts sail with the supply mark of your glorious priesthood let your love surround and shield them from the condition of this world they label us for the glory of god may be blessed with abundant fruits and may the ones whom they serve be the source of joy to them here on to proclaim your good news and to fight against the evil one lord give your church holy priest leaders jesus redeemer of the world holy mary queen of priests pray for the religion of england holy family the heavenly host by the power of god cast into hell satan and all the evil spirits who crawled through the world seeking through our souls amen reflected our protection our holy mother of god do not despise our petitions in our necessities but deliver us always from all dangers all glorious and blessed virgin amen glorious patriarch saint joseph whose power makes the impossible possible come to my aid in these times of anguish and difficulty take under your protection the serious and troubling situations that i commend to you that they may have a happy outcome my beloved father all my trust is in you let it not be said that involved you know and since you can do everything with jesus and mary show me that your goodness is as great as your power amen guardian of the redeemer spouse of the blessed virgin mary to you god entrusted his only son in you may replace her trust with you christ became man blessed joseph to us too show yourself a father and guide us in the path of life obtain for us grace mercy and courage and defend us from every evil amen who abide in the shadow of the almighty will say to the lord my refuge and my fortress my god in oh my trust for he will deliver you from the snare of the faller and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feelings and under his wings you will find refuge he is faithful this is a shield and buckler you will not fear the terror of the night or the arrow that flies by day or the pestilence that stalks in darkness about the distraction that wasted a thousand may fall at your side ten thousand at your right hand but it will not come near you you will only look with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked because you have made the lord your refuge the most high you are dwelling place no evil shall befall you no scourge come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard in all your ways on their hands they will bear you up so that you will not attach vote against the stone [Music] i will protect those who know my name when they call me i will answer them i will be with them in trouble i will rescue them and honor them with long life i will satisfy them and show them my salvation angel of god my guardian dear to whom god's love commits thanksgiving most holy oh sacrament divine all praise and all thanksgiving [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] foreign [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] no uh [Music] wow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] boom [Music] do [Music] um [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] uh do uh uh [Music] wow [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] oh oh [Music] do um [Music] do [Music] 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Channel: Divine UK
Views: 47,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Pl208afh7mk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 333min 31sec (20011 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 04 2022
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