Watoto Church Evening Of Worship - 26.02.2021

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[Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] hey welcome welcome welcome to another evening of prayer we're gonna sing we're gonna shout and celebrate as we praise and worship god for what he has already done but also we're gonna pray and believe god to blow our minds away with answers to prayer so if you haven't already take a moment invite a friend a brother a sister let them know that the evening of prayer has begun this evening we're gonna have our theme around the god of miracles so rise up to your feet make some room let's join the team as we praise and worship god come on come on put your hands together let's celebrate jesus come on hey like this come on [Music] you won't find me running cause this is the hour but i am going deeper to places i've never been i believe for greater to see things i've never seen everybody [Applause] is [Music] deeper to places [Applause] [Applause] is no we'll never stop giving praise to you we'll let you up lord will lift you up you make all things [Music] no you is so keep the party [Music] hey come and give jesus a shout out praise wherever you are give him a shadow praise hallelujah put your hands together like this come [Music] on let's see the first verse together we see so many things [Music] [Music] i choose you no matter where and over again to follow jesus is [Music] and over again um [Music] you on the [Music] [Music] [Applause] together [Music] and over together about everything we choose you [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on put your hands together come on everybody like this hey [Music] when faith is lost my hope exhausted you will be my strength when my mind says i'm not good enough god you're enough for me [Music] give up on me [Music] is [Music] [Music] you keep repeating your promises to me now there's no stopping but you have started until it is when my mind says [Music] [Music] let it go [Music] when my mind says i'm not good enough god you're enough for me [Music] i've decided i'm not giving [Music] come on everybody [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] give jesus praise everybody he will never abandon us he will never leave us oh he loves oh he loves us thank you jesus [Music] you're so faithful lord and this evening we put our confidence in you jesus [Music] i look up to the mountains where does my help come from my help is from the lord the maker of the heavens and when fear surrounds me my faith abounds in him cause the one who fights my battle will never be defeated i'll remain confident i will see the goodness of the lord and this hope will never fail it will hold my soul within the tribe [Music] [Music] he has for me are forever always good [Music] is the goodness with this heart will jesus your heart [Music] give me faith to trust that you will take me right through it with [Music] for your will never fail me and i know you won't forsake me give me faith that you will take me right through it when the mountains [Music] foreign [Music] she's [Music] is if [Music] [Music] it will hold my soul let's think that again one more time i'll remain i'll remain [Music] is [Music] [Music] wow what a profound reminder i will remain confident that i will see the goodness of the lord the source of our confidence is from who god is when we look at the scriptures first thessalonians 5 18 the bible says be thankful in all circumstances for this is god's will for you who belong to jesus christ be thankful in all circumstances for this is the will of god for you who are in jesus christ thankfulness is an expression of gratitude it's the attitude of gratitude and this is the will of god concerning us you see sometimes we have shifted our thankfulness to come as a result of our circumstances but the scripture is very clear it says be thankful in all circumstances in good circumstances in bad circumstances our attitude ought to be one of gratitude where we express thankfulness to god what does that mean it means that god is not defined by our circumstances god is good in the good times god is good in the bad times god is present with us he is all present whether we feel him or we don't feel him god is all-powerful whether we believe it or we don't believe it our circumstances do not define who god is and therefore our attitude of gratitude depends on who god is job understood this when he lost everything he went on to say the lord gives and the lord takes blessed be the name of the lord when he had everything his attitude was one of gratitude when he lost everything his attitude remained one of gratitude and right now i want to encourage you right where you are you might be going through a difficult time god says be thankful give thanks to the lord you might be going through a good time maybe in the sweet spot of your life god says be thankful give thanks to god why because at the end of the day god has the final say concerning your life not the things around you not the people around you not your circumstance so right now i want to encourage you right where you are just start to express gratitude to god just that to give god thanks for who he is thank him for the life that you have thank him for the promises concerning your life thank him because tomorrow is in his hands he knows exactly what he's doing in your life go ahead take a moment and give thanks to god lord we give you thanks [Music] i am [Music] what if it was not for you any of us be lost battles identify [Music] thank you father in the mighty name of jesus we come before you right now as your children as those who have been saved and redeemed by you we thank you thank you for loving us unconditionally thank you for going ahead of us in ways that we cannot see in ways that we cannot understand thank you for fighting our battles lord we understand that if it was not for you or god many of us wouldn't have made it this far and so we stop and just say thank you even in the tough times we say thank you because we trust that you are working behind the scenes your word says that you or god will cause all things to work together for our good for those who are cold according to your purpose we are called according to your purpose and so we pray continue walking on our behalf lord father thank you because your thoughts concerning us are good your word tells us that you will perfect all things that concern us because you will not forsake the work of your hands you're a faithful god and so we trust you and we give you thanks for all that you have already done and are yet to do be glorified in the mighty name of jesus we pray and everybody says amen great is your faithfulness to me great is your faithfulness to me from the rising sun to the setting saying i will bless great is your faithfulness to be blessing that together great is your faithful [Music] to me from the rising sun to the city saying i will praise your name [Music] great is your faithfulness [Music] [Music] [Music] i put my hope in jesus my anchor to the [Music] faith in jesus [Music] [Music] is she oh is is your faithful to me great is your faithfulness to me from the rising sun to the settings saying i will praise your name great is your faithfulness to me you know what our thing is that he is a god of miracles our god is a god of miracles and there is nothing that is impossible with him god is able to do anything that you desire him to do for you hey you know what i want you to trust him today trust me because he is your father and he loves you very very very much at this very moment we are just going to present our needs before god i like what paul said in the bible in philippians chapter 4 verse 19 this is what paul said but my god shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by christ jesus now that god is not limited by anything god is able to supply your need according to his riches in glory god is not limited he loves each and every one of you he loves each and every one of us and he cares for us and he wants to give unto us and this is what he said in jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11. this is what god said i alone know the plans i have for you there are plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster plans to bring about the future that you hope for god wants the best for you he wants you to have joy because he loves and cares for you and what is your response what should be your response this is what the bible says in matthew chapter 7 verse 7 he says ask and it will be given to you seek and you will find knock and the door will be opened to you and says for everyone who asks receives and the one who seeks finds and to the one who knocks that door will be opened to that person what a lovely god that we serve he says ask and you shall receive he wants you to respond by asking why because he loves you very very much the bible says he says that until now you have not asked for anything in my name ask and you will receive and your joy will actually be complete god wants you to ask what is that need that you have ask the lord and god who loves you and is so passionate about you will bless you he will give unto you why because he loves you god loves each and every one of us he wants to bless you so hey go out of your way respond to him by asking seek seek him don't take things that are around us do not run after worldly pleasures and money and all of those things but seek him he wants to have a good relationship with you then he tells you to knock knock you don't just ask once keep asking keep seeking his face do not give up even when you don't see your answer at that very moment god has a great plan he says he has great plans for you and those plans are to bring you prosperity hey it might have taken some time uh that that you you might have taken uh some time hey to get married and you're saying oh maybe god has forgotten me and you may be saying hey you know what my hearing has taken quite a long time hey do not give up keep asking him and he will bless you he will he will give un to you hey do not give up the lord desires to see your joy full you know what wait this very moment we're going to take some time and pray we're going to pray what is that need that you have do you need healing do you need a job are you seeking god for you know financial prosperity are you seeking god for your business to grow what is that need that you have is it a relationship need is it a a a situation that is in your family go ahead and ask god god wants to hear you ask him and god will respond he's just been waiting for you hey come on let's just take some time right now begin to pray begin to ask him open up your mouth and begin to ask him and trust him believe that he is able to do it and god will be able to do it come on just just have that moment of faith and begin to ask him father we just want to thank you this very moment because we trust and know that you care for us right this very moment lord we ask your god to bless your children they are those that are seeking your face for financial breakthrough orga they need money lord we ask you to bless them with those finances that they need they are some of god who want to see their their businesses grow lord we ask you to just bless their businesses that they may grow you'll be praying that the broken stomachs will come and and they'll bring that man your god and they'll see their businesses flourish in the mighty name of jesus father we call unto you god that you'll continue to bless your children because you say that your plans are to prosper us so god lord we continue to pray for those people oh lord that are seeking you for jobs lord we pray that you will bless them with jobs but i pray that they will also become job creators in the mighty name of jesus those that are seeking you for promotions at their workplaces doing the mighty name of jesus we pray for those promotions to come their way as they serve you diligently at those workplaces and they don't give up and there they rise up early in the morning and seek your face and go out and walk lord i pray in the name of jesus that lord you will bless that faithfulness oh god because you are faithful your word says that even when we are faithless you remain faithful my precious father in heaven we call unto you continue to bless your children bless them oh god prosper them in the mighty name of jesus they are those of god that are seeking your god for children or god their parents have taken long without having children in their marriages lord i pray in the mighty name of jesus that you will bless them with those children in the mighty name of jesus lord i pray that lord that will conceive and lord that will go through the full time lord god of preakness and all have those bouncing children oh god come forth the god lord i thank you o god because you hear our prayer lord in the mighty name of jesus we thank you because you hear you hear our prayer at this very moment i just want to pray for those that are seeking god for for healing and you know the bible says in isaiah chapter 53 verse 5 the bible says but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement for our peace was upon him and by his stripes we are healed hey you know what it doesn't matter what the name of that disease is may be called covedon people are fearing covet it may be hiv god is able to heal any disease jesus is more powerful than any disease come on let's take some time and let us just rise up in prayer and ask him to heal you of that disease it might have taken a very long time on you ask him because he is going to heal you this very day in the mighty name of jesus father in the mighty name of jesus we pray for those individuals lord we ask you to heal them in the mighty name of jesus lord those who and the individuals that have got heart problems we ask you to heal them it might be pressure it might be a high blood pressure or diabetes lord heal them in the mighty name of jesus lord we thank you because you are a walker lord those people that are in hospitals sick of god we know in their homes lord we ask you to heal them in the mighty name of jesus may they come out of those hospital hospital doors or get off their beds and begin to walk and celebrate your goodness because there is nothing impossible for you lord we pray for those people that have got joint pains pain is in the back of god chronic pains in the back of their heads migraines lord we ask you to heal them in the mighty name of jesus may your spirit flow through their bodies in the mighty name of jesus oh god set those captives free we rebuke every spirit of wickedness and sickness we bind them and we cast them off the lives of the children of god devil you have lost the battle in the mighty name of jesus we have good health we have we reclaim that good health and we receive it in the mighty name of jesus [Music] amen [Music] spirit sound crushing wind fire of god for weaving holy ghost breathe on us we pray as we repent turn from sin revival amber smoldering breath of god find a sin to flame we need a fresh [Music] out [Music] [Applause] [Music] for hearts that band with holy fear purified in faith and deep refined strength [Music] we [Music] [Music] out [Music] eyes [Applause] [Music] is [Music] the spirit us little very deep [Music] [Music] upon says [Music] we can hear the wind we can hear [Music] where is out [Music] spirit out pour your spirit out a holy anointing the power of your presence [Music] yes lord would you pour out your spirit on us god we are hungry for you we are thirsty for you pour out your holy spirit holy spirit we welcome you would you lift your voice and just right now and and invite the holy spirit to fill you up yes lord [Music] we need your power holy spirit we are thirsty for more of you we are hungry for more of you holy spirit we need you we need you [Music] of the living god full of freshness we need your power lord i knowing just all that fresh we ask clothe us with power from on high friend i want you to know this as we celebrate the god of miracles one thing i know about the promises that god made was the promise of the holy spirit and jesus knew how critical the holy spirit is and that's why he told his disciples even after three years of working very closely with them he said wait until you are clothed with power from on high because it didn't matter what they learned from jesus it didn't even matter how close they were to him for the three years but one thing he said is wait to be clothed with the power from on high and yes the promise arrived on pentecost day but ever since the believers have been filled with the holy spirit and right now we're going to take some time and just pray that the holy spirit will fill us up i love what the scriptures say in acts chapter 2 verse 38 in fact the people who were gathered there they were wondering why the disciples were speaking in other tongues and there was confusion some of them thought that they were drunk but peter stood up and spoke very boldly in the power of the holy spirit and verse 38 says this peter replied repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ for the forgiveness of sins and you will receive the gift of the holy spirit you know friends it doesn't matter what kind of training we have it doesn't matter what experiences we have without the holy spirit we are nothing and all of us need him so i'm going to ask you right where you are to take some time and pray and you see for the holy spirit to baptize you for jesus to baptize you in the holy spirit all you need to do is be willing and ask in faith would you just right now wherever you are ask him to clothe you with power from on high that the presence of the holy spirit will be evident every single day of your life would you lift your voices right where you are right now and just say come holy spirit fill me up i am hungry for you i am thirsty for you i need you [Music] you see yes would you fill us up lord with power from on high we need you jesus we've allowed ourselves to be distracted by the experiences by the busyness of life and we've forgotten that we've been we've been equipped with power from on high to be able to be witnesses for you jesus we come before you realizing our need for you fill us up we pray fill us up we pray fill us up we pray we need you in our families lord i pray that the presence of jesus through the power of holy spirit will right now cause strained relationships to be mended [Music] but where the husband and wife can no longer talk and no longer sleep in the same room lord i pray that by the power of your holy spirit you will bring reconciliation but where children have been wounded by the reckless words spoken by parents i pray that you will bring healing lord where children have gone wild because they have allowed media to take them on and to lead them the wrong way i pray that the power of your holy spirit will remind them who they are in jesus and the height from which they've fallen so they will come back to you lord i pray that we will be sensitive to the prompting of your holy spirit and respond to our need for the savior on a daily basis in our workplaces lord we need you fill us afresh with the power of the holy spirit we need you jesus i pray that your holy spirit will give us power to overcome sin every single day of our lives that i'm praying right now for a husband a wife a child a young adult who has been called up in a habitual sin don't you encourage us to throw off everything that hinders us and to run with perseverance the race that you have marked out for us we can only do this through the power of the holy spirit we need you father i pray in the mighty name of jesus that you will pour out your holy spirit upon families upon your church but without the power of your holy spirit we've we've allowed your name jesus to be put to shame as believers and we repent lord we ask for forgiveness where we have not embraced the mandate that you gave us and we've thought that leading others to christ is the responsibility of someone else but we ask that you will forgive us we come to you yielding to the power of the holy spirit that we will be moved with compassion for the lost like jesus was and we will step out in that calling to bring the lost back to the savior lord i pray that your church will rise with power that people will be able to see the love that we have one for another and say there is a god in heaven i want to know him [Music] but we come before you and we ask that you will lead us that jesus will not just be a part of what we do but jesus will be at the center of everything and that can only happen when we are filled with your holy spirit so we need you we need you [Music] jesus said this that you earthly fathers who are evil who of you when your child asks for bread you will give them a stone and which of you would give them a snake if they asked for fish now if you earthly fathers who are evil are able to give good gifts why wouldn't your heavenly father give the holy spirit to those who ask father thank you for the holy spirit thank you for the holy spirit thank you for clothing us with power from on in jesus mighty name shall we continue in worship [Music] stand before me and my strength is fairly i will call on jesus and they'll be swept away [Music] when the storm and my is is shaken i will call on jesus who waves [Music] there is power in the name the name of jesus there is power in the name power in the name there is power in the name the name of jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] now let's sing together with my heart when my heart is broken [Music] and my peace is fading i will call jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] you have to the limitations no power can stand against you you're the great i am you're the great i am is [Music] there is [Music] is [Music] there is victory the name the name of jesus [Music] to change indeed there is victory in the name of jesus there is no name that is above the name of jesus there is no name that is more powerful than the name of jesus and even as you carry on in prayer this evening i want to pray for the nation of uganda our nation you see uganda is a very beautiful and lovely nation we are gifted with wealth of resources beautiful people lots of wonderful food to eat this is a beautiful country that god has placed us in the nation of uganda but i believe that just like you my heart gets burdened by the challenges that we're experiencing as a nation when i look around us and see the different issues that we are grappling with my heart gets burdened and i'm sure your heart too gets burdened issues that stem from unemployment issues that stem from economic hardships that families are experiencing radical tensions that we are seeing in our nation sexual perversion abuse of power by any of our leaders who have been given authority and power to lead us there are things that happen around us that break our hearts i know that sometimes as the body of christ we get discouraged we feel overwhelmed and think that is there hope for us as a nation this song reminds us that indeed there is power in the name of jesus we are not hopeless it is not a lost cause because of god there is hope for our nation we can have hope that indeed god can turn around the situation of our nation and so what we do is we come in in prayer we come and call on the name that is above every other name the name by which every mountain can come down the name by which indeed god can make a way where there seems to be no way i don't want to call on the name of god in prayer concerning this nation i'm reminded in the book of uh of psalm 93 uh and how it talks about the fact that that that you know as mighty as they you know the waves may be as mighty as the flats may be the name of god is mightier than all of these god is mightier than any flood any mountain before us and you know sometimes these issues may seem like insurmountable mountains before us but god is mightier than all these so what should we do we that are called by his name call on his name ask him to come into every realm of this nation every situation in this nation come and have his way because where the presence of the lord is there is liberty so you want to call on go to them and ask god will you come into our politics god will you come into our economy god will you come into our society god will you come into our families call on the name of god and ask him to come in his power to come in his might to come in his strength and bring to pass his good and pleasing and perfect will for our nation prayer concerning the specific community that you stay in ask god to come into that community ask god to come into the sector that you represent has got to come into the family that you are a part of has got to come into every area of this nation because we need the presence of god because where the praise of god is there is liberty there is fullness of joy so right now just raise awareness and call on the name of the lord ask god to come ask him to come into those areas father in the name of jesus we ask of you lord in this moment of prayer lord will you come because lord we know that when you come into any situation you are the god who can make a way where there seems to be no way you are the god who can move mountains before us oh god you are the god who can change situations for nothing is impossible for you so lord we ask of you come into our politics come into lord our economy calm lord into the issues that are grappling with as a nation king of glory come into our families oh god come and bring peace lord where there is tension king of glory will you come lord because when you come lord you set things in order king of glory so we ask of you lord will you come lord we need you oh lord as a nation we need your help oh lord my god all the issues that we're dealing with cannot be resolved by mere men and men's ideas king of glory it is you that we need a king of glory so we ask of you lord will you come o lord my god we need you as a people king of glory lord will you come and deal with witchcraft at the center king of glory of many issues that we are struggling with king of glory come and break the power of witchcraft over this nation king of glory come and break the power of sexual perversion king of glory my god a lord you will bring forth a stable society in the name of jesus oh lord we need you all king of glory we need you lord will you come in your might lord will you come in your strength lord will you come lord in your power and bring about a transformation of our nation king of glory we need a revive oh lord my god over this nation king of glory and revive over the leadership in this nation king of glory will you come lord because lord when you come things change when you come low things will get better when you come lord things will turn around for good so lord we ask of you will you come oh lord my god the other area like us to pray about concerning this nation is leadership the leadership of this nation the bible in first chronicles chapter 12 verse 32 talks about the men of isaka the tribe of the men of isaka who understood the signs of the times and knew what israel ought to do my friends our leaders of today are grappling with situations they need wisdom we need wisdom for our educational sector to see how it will be rebuilt our economy we need wisdom concerning the political affairs of this nation we need leaders who will reconcile the people together our leaders need wisdom wants us to lift up our leaders to god in prayer that they will receive from god an understanding of the times and seasons and know what we ought to do as a nation they will know how to lead us unto god's plans which are good for this nation right now raise the leaders in every sector raise the leaders to god in prayer ask god to release his anointing to grant them insight to grant them knowledge wisdom and revelation that they will know the decisions to take that will be for the better of this country raise the leaders in education the leaders in health concerning the coveted pandemic leaders in the political arena in parliament raise our leaders to god in prayer that need god will grant them understanding oh god we lift up to your leaders oh god will you release your wisdom upon them understanding king of glory insight and revelation that they will know how to lead us unto your purposes king of glory that they will know have an understanding of the times and the seasons that we are in and what we ought to do as a nation lord we ask of you that lord will you release your grace upon our leaders king of glory from the top leadership king of glory to leadership across all of society king of glory we ask of your release your grace and also wonder that god will raise leaders for such a time as this like joseph who will carry his wisdom and bring about change and solutions concerning the issues of our nation raise men and women who are anointed of god who seek him who have an understanding of his ways who will rise up this nation and lead us to where god desires for us to go pray that god will raise men like joseph women like esther in this nation people who will be used of him like nehemiah to bring about rebuilding of our nation right now raise and pray concerning that lord we ask of you lord raise men like joseph raise men in our time or god like women like esther king of glory men like nehemiah lord my god in every area of society who will bring about your change and the rebuilding of this nation the reconciliation of the people king of glory and the healing of this land so lord we stand before you as you people that are called by your name we humble ourselves acknowledging that lord my god you are our hope you are the solution to the challenges that we face as a nation lord you are the god who founded this nation upon its foundation's king of glory and lord we turn back to you the author and the creator of this nation lord will you come and bring healing come and bring restoration come and bring deliverance come and bring liberty in every area of this nation the lord we will realize the potential that you set in our foundation's king of glory and the lord in uganda will be all that you purposed for it to be because you are the answer lord to all that we desire so that we give thanks and praise to you and lord we wait with eager expectation for the wonderful things that you are going to do concerning this nation in jesus mighty name and all god saints say amen come on let's declare this wonderful voice [Music] may be together but it won't prosper when that darkness falls it won't breathe cause the goddess of knows only how [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a victory i'm gonna see a victory for the battle belongs to you lord [Music] see there's power there's power in the mighty name of jesus every war he wages him away no i'm not backing down from any giants [Music] i'm gonna see your victory [Music] [Applause] victory i'm victory [Music] [Music] [Music] you turn it for [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh you turn it on [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] and you turn foreign foreign [Applause] [Music] oh god is so good you defeat everything that stands against us we experience your victory every day so we come confidently lord yes lord we thank you friends i want to remind you that the church is a body the church is a family it's a global family connected by the powerful holy spirit of god and we have the tie to the blood of jesus you know we like your body if you knock your foot the brains know it if you if you touch fire with your finger the eyes see it in the same way when the church in brazil is affected the church in uganda not says it if the church in china or the church in in indonesia or the church in europe or anywhere we all are affected because we are family we are one body so we're going to take time to pray for the church of jesus christ this is what jesus told the church this is what he said in matthew 16 he said like this in verse 18 i will build my church and the gates of heads will not overcome it so no matter what's going on in the church the church is going to be victorious in verse 19 says and i will give you meaning you you you the church i will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatever you buy on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you lose on earth will be losing heaven and so you know what we are not asking in vain we know the victory is there so i'm going to ask you to pray one key area why not pray for the church to preach the message of love for the church to preach the message of salvation because that's what the gospel is about the other area is one of prayer that the church leaders will be protected by god god will protect every church leader a pastor a prophet will protect the administrators of the ministry protect the teachers of the world god will protect them and their family and their witness the church can only be protected by god and you know you do it like you're doing it for you because you are part of the body let's pray together jesus we thank you for trusting us with your gospel so we ask that may you give us the privilege may you continue to give us the awareness that you've given us that power that authority to preach your word whether it is convenient or not the word tells us in timothy that we should preach it in season and out of season lord i pray oh god that every christian will preach the word every believer will be a witness lord i pray of god that will know that you have given us authority to bind every wickedness on the world and when we bind we'll be bound in heaven lord we thank you so much now we also pray that you'll protect the church leaders from the attacks of the evil one i attack protect their families protect their marriages protect their children protect their weakness protect them and make they do the work of ministry may they dig deep into the word of god and may they teach honestly may they teach you this humility lord i pray for the leaders of the church lord that they will do your work with the glory of your name we thank you for every believer lord that there will be true witnesses wherever you post them they will preach your word oh god every christian so allah we ask that may this overcoming church the child that overcomes the gate of where of hell lord may that church be the church we know today we belong to today we thank you so much in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name one other area i want us to pray is we pray that the church will cling to the love of jesus there's no other thing to cling to but also ourselves we're told there are things god has given us to do especially in 2021 we have missions that we want to do but our major mission in relation one is going to be charging we want to pray that the launch will be successful we want to pray that it will continue to grow the church is already existing there in barack but we want it to grow the other bit is god asks us to reach out to the vulnerable we want to reach out to the vulnerable women out there in the community that every member of auto church will be connected to this vision one of us always want to pray that our microsites the cells that meet in celebration over the weekend in the communities will it thrive and those microsites will reach out to people and that's what we are for as well to the church jesus we thank you we thank you for the privilege you've given us as water church lord we ask our god that these things you've signed on us to do in 2021 lord may you help us to do them well as we look forward to launching bharara launching the church but the church is already existing lord we pray that that launch will go well give us the resources we need to have that church successful raise up the christians there we thank you for the pastor there uh graham and sheila and the team that is supporting him there lord we thank you now we also pray that here in kampala in gulu and in cuba will continue to reach out to the vulnerable women and their children lord give us the ability and the heart to do so we thank you lord we honor you and we worship you every time we engage with the community through the cells and and and through the community microsites over there we can celebrate in you lord may we attract other people to join the church to come to the salvation of our god that's the kind of church of gold has to be lord to reach to your people by the power of your holy spirit we thank you so much that these things will be done in jesus name amen and amen [Music] father of kindness you have poured out your grace you put me out of darkness you have filled me with peace lord i can't help but see [Music] faith [Music] forever all your promises are yesterday amen all your promises are yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] beautiful savior [Music] you [Music] lord i can't help [Applause] [Music] is [Music] i will rest in your promises my confidence is your faithfulness i i will rest in your promises my confidence is your faithfulness i [Music] my confidence is [Applause] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Applause] yes the promises of god are yes and amen and you know this loving god that we are singing about that we are worshiping we know personally and it is very very possible for you to get to know him you know what the bible says in ii peter chapter 3 verse 9 it says that god is not slow in bringing his promises actually that promise is about really the destruction of the wicked but he is patient not willing that anybody should perish but come to repentance and that is his will for those of you who do not know jesus i just want to pick up from a conversation that happened between jesus and one of the pharisees who went to see him at nine and that was in that is in john chapter three and verse 14 actually jesus was telling nicodemus that just as moses lifted up the snake in the desert in the desert then so the son of man must be lifted up that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him and so to help me understand what was he really talking about i went back to numbers chapter 21 from four to nine that's the story where the israelites when they were going to the promised land they were discouraged on the inside and then they began to speak badly of god and of moses and they said that with this we detest this miserable food of yours and they sinned against god and you know what god did he actually sent judgment and there were snakes that beat these young these israelites and many of them died but one thing happened they recognized that they had sinned against god and you know what did they did they actually asked moses to ask god to forgive them and moses prayed on their behalf and moses set up a bronze snake on a pole and these people were able to look at the pole and eventually they they found healing and so this snake bronze snake was representative of the judgment of god upon sin and jesus was telling him that god in a in a moment he was going to be crucified that everybody who would look up at him and realizing how much they've sinned against god and they would find forgiveness in the blood of jesus and so if you are there and you do not know jesus as your lord and savior you've enjoyed sin and you think that everything is okay well let me tell you our god is a holy god and he judges sin the punishment for sin is death but the good news is there is the gift of life through jesus christ so if you would just pray this prayer with me right now right where you are you can experience this hope that i experienced as an eight-year-old boy very many years ago let's pray together father i want to say thank you so much for everybody who is listening who is watching right now especially those you have prompted by your holy spirit to see their need for the savior i pray that right now you will save them would you pray these words with me loving father i recognize that i'm a sinner in need of a savior unable to save myself and i thank you that today you've shown me my true condition that i am lost without jesus and i am deciding to place my faith in him for the forgiveness of my sins thank you for renewing my heart thank you for cleansing me and thank you for making me a child of god holy spirit i invite you to give me the power to live every day of my life overcoming sin and giving glory to god the father in whose name i pray amen amen you're very very i want to just congratulate you if you made this decision for the very first time welcome to the family of god we love you and we know that great things are ahead we want to give you the next step but only we are requesting you to do is to write to us get in touch with us at connect water to church dot com and if you need counseling would you just call the numbers on the screen god bless you and have a fantastic evening [Music] will be promises forever you will be all your promises [Applause] [Music] is wow what an amazing time in the presence of god you know what friend i want to encourage you that prayer is not just an activity that we get involved in prayer is actually a lifestyle and i want to encourage you to stay connected to god through prayer as you go about life i also want to remind you that we're going to still have our services over the weekend happening on the social media platforms of the church i want to ask you to invite your friends to be a part of the services that are going to be happening at 10 a.m and also 12 p.m i want to say thank you for being a part of our evening of prayer it has been an amazing time just worshiping serving god stay connected to what is happening in the church by visiting and checking out our social media platforms but also tuning in to 104.1 power fm god richly bless you have a blessed time and we will connect again next time [Music] you
Channel: Watoto Church
Views: 5,588
Rating: 4.9740262 out of 5
Id: oN5ntNg746k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 54sec (5694 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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