Make DARK SPICED RUM Better Than Captain Morgan!

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what shall we do what shall we do with the drunken say the [ __ ] all right so dark spiced rum this is going to be a three stage process so let's get started with the dark part of the dark aged spiced rum first things first you need some rum now i'm using the pineapple rum that i made in a previous video link right up here if you haven't seen it and uh this stuff is right now 56 percent abv nice pineappley spicy flavor because we had some chilies in there lots of good stuff going on in here but you know it's still a white rum it could use something the other thing you need is some back set from that first distillation when you made the rum the back set or stillage needs to be clean so collect some from the boiler after it cools down and just to be clear we're using fresh uninfected stillage not infected dunder that's for another video so this stuff smells like soy sauce and it's really bitter so it's kind of hard imagining that adding this to your rum is going to make it taste good but chemistry is amazing and when you add this to ethanol you get this really rich molasses flavor and it just kind of explodes it's really cool so now that you have your back set it's a good idea to let it sit for about a week so that it drops clear and then siphon that cleared back set off of anything that drops out any sediment if this is your first time working with back set i recommend that you make an essence out of the back set this is just a hundred mils of the back set and 100 ml of rum and mix those together simple and it's a lot easier to use this to flavor your main batch to really kind of dial those flavors in than it is to add this straight because the last thing you want to do is add too much of this and ruin a completely good batch of white rum so make some essence and then once you have your essence you do about 30 mils of this for every 750 mls of rum to get a gold rum so 30 to 750 for gold and then about 60 mils of your essence to every 750 mls of rum to make a dark rum fairly dark not super dark full disclosure this idea comes from a post on the forum by buccaneer bob he posted this thing years ago so this is all him thanks bob this stuff really works and if you want a whole lot more granular detail on how to do this go ahead and check out jesse's video up here he did a like a three video series on the buccaneer bob's rum but after i got everything mixed together i really didn't think that i got enough flavor and enough color using just the essence so i tried adding a little bit more it didn't boost the color or the flavor very much so being the tinkerer that i am i added some straight back set to my rum if you try to add straight back set to your rum i recommend that you do it in 5 and 10 milliliter increments just go slow because you can go bitter really fast and you know you can always add a little bit more but you can't take it out so keep that in mind now if you've ever had kraken rum this stuff that was originally in this cool bottle that stuff is black and i have no idea how they got that color because i can't imagine adding more back set to get the color that they get in that rum without adversely affecting the flavor so if you guys have theories on that go ahead and post them in the comments down below because i'd love to try it and see what i can do so once you get the the molasses and rummy character into that into your rum you got to age it you got to get some of that wood character in there too so you can add some wood and slow age it for months if you have the time that's always going to give you a much better flavor than trying quick aging but i needed to get this video out so i cheated and i did some quick aging you could do hot and cold cycles by taking the lid off and sticking it in the microwave until you get it to about 120 degrees it's usually like a minute a minute and a half for jars this size then put the lid back on stick it in the freezer it's going to cause that spirit to push in and squeeze out of the wood over that heat and cold cycle the other thing you could do is run it through an ultrasonic cleaner and because i like to fiddle with [ __ ] i did both of those things as far as the wood that you're going to use you can either use charred american white oak brand new stuff or you can take that wood and soak it in some bourbon and then use it or if you have some charred american oak that's been sitting in bourbon and aging bourbon for months that's going to give you something that's closer to what you'll actually find in a jamaican rum because that stuff is usually aged in used whiskey barrels so it's going to have some of that bourbon or whiskey character to it along with the oaking but the amount of color and the amount of flavor that you get takes a lot longer to get there so i actually split the difference i had some charred american oak that had been sitting in bourbon for four months and then i had a brand new piece of charred american white oak and i did both of them for my quick aging cycles and that came out pretty darn good i got a nice dark color got some smoke got some uh some of the tannins got some of the vanilla that barrel candy and that combination actually did really well i'm happy with that but uh feel free to try out different stuff do whatever you want play around with it so now that we have our dark rum that has been aged we gotta spice it and to spice it i'm using a teaspoon of vanilla extract not vanilla flavoring or if you have vanilla beans you can use a two inch long piece of vanilla bean a chunk of fresh ginger a few strips of orange peel and make sure you just have the orange part not the white part three allspice berries one whole clove an eighth teaspoon of ground pepper an eighth teaspoon of ground cardamom half of a cinnamon stick and 1 8 teaspoon of nutmeg don't worry i'm gonna put all this in the video description down below so you don't have to try and memorize it to get a little bit more flavor i'm going to toast my spices you take a dry saute pan on medium heat toss your spices in and toast them just until they get aromatic and that's a critical point if you ever toast spices you want to go just until they get nice and fragrant any more than that and they'll start to burn and if they burn they get bitter it just takes like between 30 seconds and a couple of minutes once you get that nice flush of aroma in your face it's a good idea to just dump the spices out onto a paper plate or something so they don't continue to cook in that hot pan once you get that done just throw everything together in a jar with your other flavorings and your rum and you want to check on it about every 12 hours because the spices and the orange peel and everything man it can get overpowering really fast so every 12 hours you need to go and take your jar pop it open have a little sniff have a little taste and see if it's where you want it you may end up letting it go for two or three days but check it every 12 hours so that you know how it's going if you think it's got enough orange peel but you want some of the other flavors just take the orange peel out but it's completely subjective i can't tell you it it takes exactly 48 hours or whatever because you know it's exactly the same as seasoning your own food i can't tell you how much salt you're gonna want on your steak you've got to figure that out for yourself check on it taste it smell it and once it hits the the spot it's just right for you all you got to do is strain it and i just used a bandana and strained it through that but if you have some cheesecloth or whatever you just want to strain those spices strain all that solid particulate out of your rum and the last thing you can do this is completely optional i'm probably going to catch some crap for this but you can actually take a tablespoon or two of molasses and add that to your rum just to get a little bit sweeter flavor personally i like that but i have friends that think that's disgusting that would never want to do that they they just want the the flavor of the rum they don't want any sweetness to it and i completely understand that so again very optional one to two tablespoons if you want it between the spices the possible molasses and the back set you may end up with a really cloudy product i did and if you do don't freak out about it don't worry about it because you can strain it through coffee filters five or six times and that'll get most of that stuff out that'll really clear it up a lot but if you're patient it'll just drop out on its own so this has been filtered five times i think through coffee filters and it was pretty good after that filtering but then it sat for a couple of weeks and it got really clear on its own i don't know if you could see the particulate down in the bottom of that bottle and if you want to you can then siphon this off into a new clean vessel so that you don't have any chance of that mixing around when you pour it so don't freak out it'll clear up eventually before we get to the tasting i just want to thank my patreon supporters you guys are absolutely amazing thanks so much for sticking with me for all the the new patreons that i've gotten over the last couple of weeks thank you guys so much for joining the team i really appreciate it and if you'd like to consider supporting my channel through patreon i'll put a link in the video description down below all right you ready i am there's so many spices going around in there but i'm able to pick out the nutmeg and the cardamom and the cinnamon and the vanilla and the orange i'm not picking up the pepper or the clove that is good you get a little bit of sharpness from the from the back set it's almost buttery it's not like super slick on the tongue it doesn't coat your mouth damn that's good and this is still 56 you know 56 55 something like that i'm definitely getting some oak but it's not too strong the sweetness from the molasses is really just kind of the tip of the tongue barely get it that orange gives a nice crisp kind of zing going through there too wow that is really good you know a lot of people use spiced rum for uh for mixing put it in a rum and coke or put it in other cocktails um this stuff it is a cocktail there's so much flavor going on i i don't i don't know that i would mix this with anything i don't usually pour tasting samples that large and then drink the whole thing on camera but then that was really tasty but what i just made is so much better than captain morgan wait a second i think i have some captain morgan hang on a second i had to borrow this i didn't have any but uh so here's captain morgan spiced rum and honestly it smells so candy sweet compared to what i made but mine has straight molasses in it it's very vanilla it says spiced rum i'm not really picking up a whole lot of spices birthday cakey this is 35 abv mine is 55 abv and it's almost as smooth as this i know captain morgan spiced rum is not like the benchmark for great rum but it is a commercial standard and uh they sell a lot of it so you know they're doing something right but as far as the depth of flavor that you're gonna get when you spice your own rum is astronomically greater than buying stuff off the shelf because you can custom tailor the spices that you use how long you use them all that you have so many factors that you can you know adjust when you're making this there's almost no comparison between what i made and what this is because this doesn't resemble what is now in my head as being spiced rum yeah makes by strong you will you will not regret it and here's the thing if this is what you love and you just want to recreate this then just use vanilla bean you know don't add anything else just take your rum get it to the darkness and in the age level that you like and then add vanilla bean and nothing else you can tailor your spices exactly the way you want what was your opinion of the captain morgan it smells like frosting it smells like frosting birthday cake vanilla frosting yeah what uh what was your impression of the stuff i made alcoholic alcoholic [Laughter] that's spicy orangey spicy orangey sweet wait nothing nothing like that be prepared to get punched in the face with flavor all right so if you enjoyed this video if you learned anything do me a favor hit the like button because it really helps out the channel if you want to see what kind of weird stuff i'm gonna do next time hit the subscribe button down over here and the little bell icon right next to it so you can get notified when i post new content if you have any questions comments theories on how they make crack and rum so dark looking post those down in the comments section thanks for watching talk at you later [Music]
Channel: Bearded & Bored
Views: 53,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bearded and Bored, how to make rum, how to make dark rum, how to make spiced rum, how to make black rum, spiced rum, dark rum, how to make captain morgan spiced rum, how to make kraken spiced rum, how to distill rum, pineapple rum, rum backset, rum dunder, how to make dark spiced rum, buccaneer bob's, buccaneer bobs rum recipe, spiced rum better than captain morgan
Id: IfSW-VjVw4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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