Making Moonshine Using Apples Instead of Corn

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you want to wash and rinse five pounds of apples you want to slice your apples up make sure you take the seeds and stems out all right we got a brew bag get you one of these off eBay or from your brew store or the [ __ ] we put our apples in that bag then we're gonna put them in there with five gallons of spring water five pounds of sugar we're gonna heat it up till the sugar dissolves it's got a false bottom in it also this is still it's all in one you get ferment in it and brewing it now we're going to add five pounds of sugar let it dissolve we got a propane tank ran to it we're gonna heat it up all right once your water starts to heat up you want to add your sugar five pounds of sugar we want to stir it in we want to keep it stirred we cut the heat off at about going about 45 minutes add heat on low you don't really have to do this we just do it extra step we want to break those shivers out of that apples make it easier for the yeast to work and get that flavor in there [ __ ] your mama [ __ ] all right cool down now you want to add the yeast at about between 10 and 20 grams tens up the minimum amount say it's about good right there the sea east we use now you want to seal it and let it sit for about 14 days and then we're going to distill it we're going to stir it up of course you wanna stir it up don't let it sit for at least 14 days once our Apple's ferment for about two weeks about 14 days we're gonna distill them you need to know how to set up a still I got another video check out my check my channel out you'll find it on how to set the steel up well you got heads coming out you want to get rid of the first 250 to 300 milliliters what it smells like apples apple liqueur alright we got our first jar of hearts free to pull it off and put another one on there we're gonna see how we're going to see what the proof is is this coming up about a hundred proof [Music] all right I ended up with three three quarts out of that pot the five gallon pot and I quit running it after it got down to fifty first one was a hundred proof second one was eighty proof third one was fifty proof and then I cut it off but you can make moonshine out of anything you don't have to use corn people always use corn because it's so cheap you can use apples to use anything any type of sugary fruit anything that produces sugar you can do it with just sugar called sugar shine I'll do a video on it but let's taste this [ __ ] place like regular moonshine you might get a little hit on the Apple afterwards they don't get it right at first that's good that's good [ __ ] might use apples more often check out our other videos [ __ ]
Channel: PhilBilly Moonshine
Views: 101,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: moonshine made with apples, apple moonshine, making moonshine, philbillymoonshine, apple liquor
Id: x8JxeRqkyTU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 25sec (325 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 24 2019
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