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oh my gosh so despite me creating this video and uploading it explaining why i don't do watering videos anymore you guys are still highly requesting another watching my tarantulas video i already told you it's not going to be as exciting as the previous one but i mean since you guys still want one let's do that right now okay before we start my table is made of wood so water is not a good thing for wood it's going to expand the wood and spoil it now who is the star of our watering videos usually miss thailand black am i right or am i right yep okay so as you can see miss thailand black is over there and usually in previous watering videos when we take out the water she will be right there attacking the water dish like defending it right however you see i haven't even opened the thing and she's already gone in so i mean yeah it's not gonna be exciting but since you guys want a watering video that's what we're gonna be doing today so previously i take water dishes out with tongs now i just take it out with my hand toss all the dirt into the sink give it a nice scrub with my finger lock the water dish back at its corner and your water asmr it's it's nothing much anymore because the water dish is super small okay so next up same thing here is my gramostola pulcra it is right at the back there just molted i mean not exactly it molted quite a while back i just didn't take out the mold i mean you can even hardly hear the water you guys this is my pamphlet bts species mascara i have no idea where it is oh it's right there perfectly camouflaged there it is over there this over here is my pumpkin patch she actually had a bad mold and now has like seven legs but she's doing fine okay so down here we have death nugget also known as the or what you call it no no it is the theraphosa sturmy also known as death nugget there he is i'll try my best to make the water sound as loud as i can but it's still not loud okay in here i don't really remember what i put in here but it has pretty much dug out everything and just piled all of the dirt over there which i'm not very happy about but it's okay okay so over here is another one that used to be super defensive during watering videos this is my killer brackets king kachan the dark earth tiger which is pretty much just living in here right now she never comes out so yeah we're not gonna be seeing this one as well you know what since we have a lot of tarantulas even on this side i think we will just do the ones that are out like for example my chuck goldeny over here because for the most part all of them are in their heights underground and just not gonna come out and be defensive i'll try to make this video as exciting but it's not gonna be as exciting as what we did previously but i'll try my best to make it as exciting and choose the enclosures that the tarantulas are out and hopefully they have a reaction for you guys today but no promises okay guys no promises because if i were to go through every single enclosure it's going to be pretty boring because for one it's going to be super long because usually feeding videos when i feed all of the customer enclosures it takes about an hour however feeding videos are way better because the tarantulas are coming out to eat but watering videos they're not coming out since they're in their boroughs so yeah an hour long video no reactions it's gonna be super boring so let's choose the ones that have tarantulas out in the open and the other ones i will just water them off camera all right so over here i we have a curly hair tarantula and it's probably not gonna come after me again you see i mean yeah they're not gonna come after you the tarantulas that usually came after me back in the days were all the defensive ones and all of them are pretty much in their burrow in their height right now so yeah all right next up we have my acanthus courage and nicolada the brazilian whitening over here let's see what she does nothing at all yes for this one i'm going to be using tongs because i don't trust her although she's not whoa whoa whoa see what i mean if my finger was there that would have been the end but yeah that's pretty much what you're gonna get for a watering video nowadays oh okay okay i take my words back i take my words back oh my gosh all right all right i mean these guys are generally very very hungry species so that's what you're gonna get okay we've got my lassidora para haibana over here not a very big one but yep and you see just runs away i'm not too worried about this one so i can use my finger okay who else is out who else is out we've got my other acanthus courier geniculata let's see what this one does since it's far away you see all right here is another acanthus courier geniculata i think this one's gonna give us something more exciting are you gonna actually no and i'm able to take this out with my hand now no issues whatsoever but definitely not for putting this back oh my gosh okay okay yep i think the geniculatas are the only ones that are going to give us something today go in calm down man it's been a while since we've heard that word calm down okay bad news for you guys we are done with all my three geniculadas now over here on this side of the enclosures no one is out so we're gonna have to move to that side i really hope you guys are enjoying the video so far because i am like i don't know because really it's not really exciting for me but if you guys are enjoying it then i will do another one in the future okay this one is considered out i guess there she is so this is my nandu trypappy goodbye okay this is the lassio doras triadipis also known as the baja gray bird eater no reaction whatsoever okay so no one else over here is out on this side we have my thrixo pelma or kerdi which is over here it's probably not gonna do anything i mean just look at that i'll just leave her like that and yeah that's how she's just gonna be and not a single limb was moved still at the same spot okay next up you guys also want an update on my arizona blonde over here and well the update on her is that she has not eaten for almost five months i have no idea why i guess arizona blondes just like to go on fasting mode but i guess it's fine since they are prone to do that this one i'm not even worried to even use my hand like seriously but yeah a lot of people actually contact me saying their tarantulas have not been eating for a month and they get worried don't worry as long as the tarantula's abdomen is fat like this then you are good to go as long as they have access to clean water they'll be fine okay that one is done now who else is out oh yeah forgot my charcoal golden knee and of course you run away here you go i'm not even worried of this one even okay so this is the bahia scarlet lesiodora cloogy she's just gonna stay there as well [Music] see you later okay so this is my grandma stola porteri common rose hair not worried about this one at all okay out of all the tarantulas today i think this one is the one that i'm most nervous of this is my pamphlets platyoma and this one will most likely run at me so i will be needing my tongs oh okay you are well behaved today i'm surprised this guy is very well behaved today cause let me show you i've got a leaf over here and i'll show you guys what happens when he senses just a slight leaf movement you see if that was the water dish that'll not be fun pam forbid yes very very aggressive species oh my gosh i'm so sorry okay i'm not sure if this one's gonna come after me this is my lassodora para habana a very very big girl indeed and even you are not moving here you go whoa okay chill chill and she did literally nothing she just moved a little bit of limbs and yep that's it okay so this is my photopalma c money i'm showing you two people and you're running away okay all right we've got another aggressive species over here this is the green bottle blue from outer palma cyano pew basins and she didn't even do anything so yeah that is pretty much the watering video live now totally different than what we had before huh but hey like i mentioned you guys have been requesting for another one so let's do it okay guys so this is the last one that is out of its borough i mean it's in its borough but invisible state this is my form octopus species green are also known as the dominican republic green bird eater oh my gosh and then goes to water asmr which barely lasted two seconds all right guys so i guess that will be it for today's watering video i don't even remember this watering video part 7.8 i don't know i can't remember but yeah regardless of the tarantulas and how they are kind of reacting or should i say no reaction at all to this video i hope you enjoyed it make sure you thumbs up if you liked it thumbs it down if you didn't now i'm gonna have to refill all of the other tarantulas enclosure water dishes because they got a drink too even if they're hiding oh yeah one more i forgot i'll just give you guys another one since this one is out this is my a phonopalma candyseps see nothing so yeah guys if you're new to this channel make sure to subscribe and turn on that notification bell and also comment down below if you would like another watching video because i've already done one after like explaining why i'm not doing any more but yeah for you guys all for you guys still let me know in the comments below if you would still goodbye if you would still like a watering video regardless so yeah i'll see you guys in the next video take care and as always have a good one peace you know what just for you guys since you guys really love the water asmr yep these are the deli cups just for you guys you better like this video
Channel: Exotics Lair
Views: 1,337,453
Rating: 4.9281192 out of 5
Keywords: animal, animals, arachnid, arachnids, spider, spiders, tarantula, tarantulas, watering, wateringMyTarantulas, feeding, tarantulafeeding, tarantulafeedingvideo, watering my tarantulas, tarantula feeding video, exotic, exotics, pet, pets, exoticpet, exoticpets, exoticslair, exotics_lair, exotics lair, nature, wildlife, educational, entertainment, ASMR, arachnophobia, arachnophobic, OBT, pet spiders
Id: S_kVVZNS3vw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2020
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