Water in Video Games

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water a transparent odorless tasteless substance  that covers over 70 percent of our planet's   surface a compound that acts as the foundational  liquid for all known forms of life but as basic   as it appears to be water is a versatile  liquid it can be a serene peaceful thing   or an unstoppable and destructive force  bruce lee famously said water can flow   or it can crash be water my friend and i would  really say the entire human experience has been   shaped over thousands and thousands of years by  water our proximity to it in intrinsic biological   dependence on it has given water immeasurable  deep-rooted significance in our collective human   dna from agriculture transportation and medicine  to art entertainment religion myth to say water is   important is downright goofy it's redundant  because we are water so then it's no surprise   that many forms of human expression explore use  represent feature or comment on water itself   books paintings plays movies poetry and much much  more recently video games oh yeah baby now this   may sound obvious to you like yeah alright there's  water everywhere and in anything who cares what's   special about some virtual water well video games  in my humble opinion at least have the potential   to be the pinnacle of human creativity key word  there is potential nearly every art form known to   man rolled up into one virtual world an immersive  and interactive experience for you to see   hear and explore so naturally water here too can  be a little bit special mostly because it can be   so many different things look so many different  ways and have a multitude of functions or   levels of interactivity in some games water has a  starring role in the story or themes and in others   it is simply scenery pretty refreshing and cool  but water also can be wielded as a tool of horror   and action perhaps used as a weapon itself or  ingredient to craft other items and potions within   a specific game you truly can think of water as  like one of those foundational lumps of world   building clay the game designer is the artist  and it is up to them to morph and utilize it in   any way they see fit but before we go any further  with what i'm talking about here i want to know   right now in the comments what's the first thing  that came to mind for you when you saw the title   of this here video was it a specific game a zone a  song character item maybe an absolute booty cheeks   level well regardless of what it was i want to  welcome you personally to this video about water   and video games and i'm very excited to share my  psychotic ramblings with you on this subject okay   lastly before we get started i want to thank  all of my incredible patrons for supporting me   away from youtube it really really does help me  out a ton personally so thank you each one of   you i am ghost your host as always and without  any further ado let's quite literally dive in well for me personally the very first thing that  comes to mind when i think of water in video games   is graphics graphical fidelity has long been one  of the constant tracks of innovation in the video   game industry i would say it has historically  maybe been number one for most game companies   a way to always be wowing the public with how real  their new game looks on modern hardware and dating   back to the earliest days of gaming to now water  has always been one of the main tools of flexing   the newest tech and this gives you an example of  the overwhelming performance of playstation 3.   and this really makes a ton of sense when you  think about it making convincing looking video   game water could theoretically require any  combination of animation lighting textures   physics color and whatever other tricks you employ  to try to make the stuff look good some out there   are particularly passionate about their water  looking as photorealistic as possible like this   guy right here he is a total legend on the wii  u little social network honestly i'm kind of on   board with the movement i understand the appeal i  remember the first time i tried to mod minecraft   really hard to make the water look very sexy it  was a strange confusing and beautiful experience   that took far too many hours away from me  and ended up crashing my game irreparably   great times but of course over the years we have  seen a sliding scale of water quality very early   on all we are really talking about is blue you  gotta look at that and use your imagination but   just a few years later motion started becoming  more of a possibility and using just a little bit   of color and basic animation the eye could pretty  easily be tricked to at least on a surface level   by that this is indeed h2o soon enough developers  were throwing in more effects like screen wavering   air bubbles richer blue hues in the background  like check out the donkey kong country series man   you have some incredible 2d magic with really only  a handful of things at work i think especially in   some of these early underwater levels like in the  snes era there is gorgeous and timeless stuff that   looks ethereal and honestly perfect even now  but when the 3d era arrived a host of issues   presented themselves for video game water so many  resources were going to the character models the   effects the 3d level assets it was very difficult  to get something challenging like a liquid also   up to snuff thus more complex and creative methods  were being devised constantly nearly every single   developer of the era had to really hit the drawing  board hard here games like duke nukem and quake   definitely paved the way with their rather flat  but generously animated surfaces swirling around   they added in these sort of lens tints in the  water and distance fog to really give the sense   that you are in a different space and substance  you know they say pressure breaks pipes but it   also makes diamonds baby and all the hurdles of  early 3d graphics led to honestly a golden age   of progress the late 90s overall saw massive and  rapid innovation look no further than a game like   wave race 64. it utilized a very simple system of  a small grid of triangles a grid that acted as a   physical surface that could be shaken by generated  waves off the track with a really nice water   animated texture sitting on top of that but very  cleverly it only loaded the water directly around   the player to save on system load with the rest  of the track completely flat until you arrive this   really gave the world possibly the most convincing  and pretty 3d water to date way back in 1996 with   all those realistic feeling bumps and waves but as  3d graphics continued to evolve reflections more   dynamic waves and lighting were all being improved  and added into the equation constantly echo the   dolphin defender of the future was another  landmark game with water graphics but under   a decade later games like crisis were coming out  and really pushing the envelope making honestly   photo realistic graphics today back in 2008 i mean  i can't illustrate enough to some of my younger   viewers how much this [ __ ] just blew people's  minds back then but those decades of crazy fast   advancement have had a trickle-down effect so the  knowledge and hardware readily available now leads   to a hefty majority of modern video game water  to look pretty damn juicy if i do say so myself   so much so that when a big time title comes out  and it's got some shitty water that's front page   news in the industry man that's embarrassing but  i gotta say my personal favorite video game water   graphically to date is absolutely in sea of  thieves my god i know i'm not alone in this it   just feels incredibly heavy and powerful and deep  but still catches light at the tips of each wave   it is gorgeous it's realistic it's stylized and i  would say it's perfect but did you know that most   of the water textures that exist in games period  are often just a very simple illusion using normal   maps normal mapping if you don't know is a method  of texture mapping that gives something totally   and utterly flat the illusion of depth scratches  grooves nicks in wood rocks on a path it's just a   way to up the detail and fidelity without adding  any geometry to the game whatsoever so for water   it really can be as simple as taking two normal  maps and scrolling them in opposite directions   making the surface look as if it is swishing  around but that really is literally just the   surface because another huge key here is caustics  the lighting effect that occurs when you are   actually looking into the water or in the water  giving that all-important crystally atmospheric   vibe that we all know and love and then there's  [ __ ] like vertex displacement so you can have   big ass waves that really feel real i mean there  is a ton that goes into this stuff if you want a   more comprehensive video on the tech involved i'm  gonna link a few down below that i like because   lord knows i'm not a technical expert in anything  on earth but especially not video game development   and to further hammer home the importance of  water graphics just have a little look at the   modding community of your favorite moddable game  chances are close to the top you will see various   improvements to the water i really think it is  deeply in our little human monkey brains to just   enjoy looking at water right just as people flock  to beaches and waterfronts to think and appreciate   natural beauty it seems they attempt the very same  thing in virtual spaces with virtual beauty so i   think we can all agree that it is a known fact of  human existence that water is pretty it's calming   and cleansing a crystalline liquid that evokes  life peace and serenity and while the stuff itself   is surely sparkly and blue i think when it comes  to a video game specifically really building an   atmosphere a true sense of place and feel i  think music does a majority of the heavy lifting   you could have a busted up ass game visually but  hey man if the jams are transporting i'm there   baby i'm all in video game music really has always  been fascinating to me especially when it comes   to different biomes climates you may visit  within one game in the desert it might be like in the forest some little woods sounding hollow  the volcanoes are always kind of bombastic and then there is the water oh my god the way that game composers can  capture the sound of an environment and then   blend it up with the vibe the pace of the  game and the graphical style i mean it is   incredible to me amazing and it's absolutely no  secret no debate whatsoever that water levels   in areas have the best music now unfortunately  the copyright vultures of youtube are constantly   circling hating on your boy and demonetizing my  videos so i'm not going to play you anything too   risky here but i do want to try to squeeze  in a couple snippets of my water music hall   of fame and i hope these are a little bit  safer to play than any like nintendo stuff but so much of this stuff even without knowing the  context within the specific game or location in   which it plays has a certain aquatic and watery  sound to it so much so you could pick it out of   a lineup as the water song so what is going on  here well game composers for years have been using   various mixing and instrumentation techniques to  make these pieces have a certain soft and muffled   quality to them i have always believed this is  to mimic what the human ear can actually make out   when we ourselves are underwater more mid and  low timbers without all of the fine details this   leads to a very round and soft sound also  of course when we are swimming things feel   slow and smooth low gravity if you will so  slowing down the tempo of the piece overall   along with that already subdued energy can give  a really wavy pulsating watery effect but beyond   just that technical stuff steel drums marimbas  flutes and drones are all sounds that we as a   species associate with beaches tropical places  bodies of water and the sun i would even say   most of this stuff has strong links to native  oceanic and caribbean people and their cultures   it seems over the years global popular media has  linked these things permanently so when anyone   hears those tones the connection is automatic  and immediate there's probably also legit   some roots in exoticism where the far away and  more colorful corners of the world have always   been more attractive to us bums stuck in the  northern hemisphere but as i alluded to at the   very top of the video i never want to forget  about the other side of the water coin either   the potential darkness the isolation the mystery  the danger because just as effectively the music   and visuals can combine to create horrifyingly  dark aquatic spaces haunting tones and songs   that are reminiscent of lovecrafty and deep  sea creatures or other ancient horrors i really   believe that fear is an underrated aspect of video  game water that's just not discussed nearly enough   listen i'm no betting man but i would put  down a hefty hunk of coin on the majority   of all of you thinking about water levels when you  saw the video topic today and oh boy you knew it   was coming i am talking about areas within games  that are either covered or completely submerged   in water and i would say there are few things more  frustrating more despised debated and poured over   in the landscape of video game design in the past  30 or so years sadly they have a rather stinky   reputation when it comes specifically to gameplay  which really is let's be honest the most important   aspect to any video game experience that is  because this environment of course can uh change   things quite drastically for the player especially  in action games or platformers because those are   genres defined by player movement and it is not  uncommon for these levels and areas to in some   way or another slow you down big time i would say  overall game flow is something that is severely   underrated when it comes to designing a cohesive  experience you know when you really want to replay   a game that you love a lot and then you remember  that part well i think in many cases those more   loathsome sections are just points where the flow  got messed up by one thing or another it could be   grinding gameplay long boring story sections  or very possibly a really poopy water level take for example the very first sonic on  the sega genesis a game literally built   around nothing but going extremely fast  blazing through levels collecting rings   and kicking eggman's ass it's a great game  and an all-time classic for good reason but   a little over halfway through the experience you  will encounter the absolutely horrendous smelly   labyrinth zone my god i hate it so much it takes  the primary thing you've been doing and says no   now you move slow you jump slow you die slow and  everything is going to be a horrible sickly green   tint it pretty much turns the game into a low  gravity frustration simulator and it is frankly   unbearable or another great example that i  think is underrated in its poopiness is found in   skies of arcadia a classic turn-based jrpg  that really beautifully captures the spirit   of adventure i love this thing man but games in  the genre are already known to at times being slow   and grindy especially when they feature random  encounters so when i hit the mount kazai area here   in game things somehow took a turn for the even  slower walking around underwater in this game just   feels like [ __ ] you are so slow and because  your speed is going down the encounter rate   seems to double triple quadruple based on how  much ground you're actually covering add in way   too many puzzles and other water themed stuff it's  old the moment you walk in and it can be a total   slog and that relates in a way to possibly  the most infamous water level that there is   on the earth the water temple in the ocarina of  time a gimmicky horror house of hydration in an   otherwise masterpiece of a game this dungeon  consists of raising and lowering water levels but then you gotta throw on the big iron boots to  sink to the bottom take them off to float back up   the whole time you are moving at a snail's pace  my god but in all fairness there are some saving   graces you don't have a breath mechanic because  you get the blue t-shirt that lets you breathe   underwater the environment is pretty cool i don't  hate how it looks and you get to fight dark links   so i'll take those three things but overall i  mean this is by far the most hated section and   possibly the most beloved game of all time and  i think that says something then don't even get   me started on some of the older retro games that  have water levels teenage mutant ninja turtles i   am looking at you buddy but i think beyond those  like physical pacing issues that water levels can   create often just comes down to bad controls right  frustrating unnatural clunky awkward or floaty no   pun intended some games try to make swimming this  constant flowing thing and in others it's just   a jittery nightmare and then how do you want to  have your players swim below the surface do i hold   a button down or do i swing the stick forward or  something oh my god i will say though my personal   least favorite water level or area ever is vasture  in world of warcraft just absolutely abysmal   experience through and through every second though  it is quite pretty i'll give it that and i fully   support anyone who enjoys it but for me it is  literally like my claustrophobic nightmare where   you can pull mobs on all sides without realizing  it the [ __ ] seahorse it just sucks but wait hold   hold on a goddamn second hit the brakes here  on the negativity not all water levels are bad   in fact i would say some of my most favorite areas  in certain games are water themed and furthermore   i would argue that their reputation  has been poisoned by a few bad apples   okay way more than a few but when things are  handled properly these can be some of the most   enchanting and enjoyable environments across all  video games when the developers can just keep the   controls and the gimmicks reigned in to be more in  line with the rest of the game's design and flow   very very special things can surely happen i think  the most obvious success for me in this regard   is found in the donkey kong country series as i  mentioned before literally every single game here   has in my opinion the best 2d water level gameplay  and feel by well a country mile oh brother this   guy stinks these games just don't miss from the  early days of the series it was the atmosphere   music fluidity that was just perfection also  getting a ride a big-ass swordfish is cool but   in the more recent entries like tropical freeze  my god man it's the only game i think i've ever   played where i actively cannot wait to get back  into the water at times it feels better and more   responsive than the dry sections which are also  fantastic and that is just because of how quick   and smooth the gameplay here becomes donkey kong  my beautiful son does exactly what i want him to   do without fail no funky gravity no sluggishness  whatsoever it is just perfectly designed   or by nintendo extension the famous jolly roger  bay in mario 64. so here you are a bit slower and   the game flow could theoretically be disrupted  but along with the rest of the majesty that is   this game it works so wonderfully a sense  of space and freedom exploration but also   some of that darkness and mystery if anything  it stands out as one of the strongest worlds   it seems to me nintendo has a much higher  success rate with water levels than pretty   much every other company out there but i also want  to highlight a pretty underrated water level that   i never see people talk about on the internet and  it is from the platformer alice madness returns   this itself is a great game and i highly recommend  it to pretty much everyone but there's an area   known as the diluted depths just incredible  atmosphere implementation of the aquatic life   and themes married in with like the alice in  wonderland psychedelic stuff great gameplay   it's fantastic and maybe my favorite individual  water level ever is in shadow of the colossus   the seventh colossus a giant sea serpent-like  beast that acts pretty much as the entire level   itself you are in and out of the water finding its  weak point on its back just the sense of movement   scale and danger is all thanks in my opinion to  the water and this life that it harbors it's damn   near perfect but right there with it is also the  fishing hamlet in bloodborne some people hate it   but i think it's just because they stink at the  game and they can't beat the big street sharks   wonderful and specific atmosphere is captured  here everything feels waterlogged barnacled over   and moist you know it's funny i think a lot of  the games that seem to get these levels or areas   right they just allow water to be a complement to  the gameplay a new lens for you to see the world   through and the underwater sections that work  best use the water to liberate you instead of   slowing you down or restricting gameplay in any  way and there are tons others sonic colors rayman   legends twilight princess banjo-kazooie shovel  knight bayonetta honestly now that it comes to   it i think of more that i love than any i hate  hey listen i totally recognize i've mostly been   talking about platformers here but water levels  are literally everywhere rts fps rpg racing games   like i mentioned wave race or even hydro thunder  mario kart diddy kong racing puzzle games point   and click you name it there is likely a water  level area or stage of some kind and i think as   long as video games are being produced for  us to play they will always be hit or miss   dreadful or pleasant it seems more like a coin  flip than any spectrum of quality to me anyway   but those my friends are simply the water levels  what about entire video games that take place   in or around the water where the narratives  from simple to complex can be tied to it in   the natural world now this is a whole other beast  altogether but i would say that these experiences   do not suffer from the same pitfalls as individual  stages or dungeons and i find some of the best use   of video game water is in this category so  honestly the game that made me want to make   this entire video is final fantasy 10. though  it doesn't take place like fully in the ocean   it just feels like water the video game to me and  i think millions of other people back in the ps2   era this game was an absolute visual treat but  for me especially the cutscenes man the water   in them just made me incredibly thirsty as a kid  it looks so clear and crystally and the caustics   are really enchanting and then in game those  themes are expanded everything feels so open   clean and refreshing no spoilers of course but  water also plays a bit of a role as far as the   main antagonist the story activities on the side  and whatnot legends say during development they   gave three key words to every single person  working on the project high and low to live   and create by time family and water and you  can really feel how that affected every cell of   development those aquatic themes and associations  are so so strong i really think for so many people   video games act as their sole method of escapism  a way to forget daily life and stress to relax   and go on a little adventure and there really  is something just so inherently calming about   the water i don't know about you but i find much  more peace in something like chronocross than i do   a game set in a more craggy or kind of hostile  region and there's also this weird magical effect   that i can't describe that nostalgia for these  wet ass games just also kind of hits different   for some reason maybe it depends on where you grew  up and what you find attachment to and on the note   of nostalgia how can i not mention a game like  legend of zelda the wind waker which features a   flooded land of hyrule the kingdom sealed away  and preserved from evil it is extremely tied to   the ocean in the exact same way you feel it across  every single aspect of the game you get to boat   around ride the wind explore tropical islands  port towns and make friends with pirates oh man   pirates the inhabitants of so many games that take  place around the water furthering those themes of   freedom and opportunity on an unending horizon  i mean dude the water themed games list could be   super long mario sunshine assassin's creed black  flag star tropics contact there are dozens if not   hundreds more but maybe the most interesting of  them are the ones that actually take place almost   completely below the surface a recent release  that stood out big time for me is subnautica as   it combines survival action gameplay with like  exploration on this alien planet's ocean and   offers a [ __ ] ton of gameplay variation at times  it's relaxing and peaceful and then others you're   absolutely filling your diaper in fear it's great  obzu the endless ocean games aquaria everblue all   of those titles take the challenge head on as far  as like swimming and movement being the base of   the entire experience and they are all proof that  when you simplify that [ __ ] the gameplay and   environment and exploration can really shine  but then oh my god what about the games that   take place underwater but in a structure of some  sort soma barotrauma bioshock these titles really   utilize the claustrophobia and oppressive fear  that water can bring i'm talking true isolation on   the sea floor miles from sunlight open air or any  help this my friends is the perfect setting for   horror and if not horror danger at least because  although it is pretty the ocean and even lakes   and rivers can be absolute minefields of deadly  marine life waiting in the depths for a snack   that is conveniently human shaped man i could go  on listing random ass games but it's honestly not   really the point of this video so let's move on  to a few more i guess you could say specific uses   so i want to know what can water do in a more  targeted way how can it be used for a singular   function now this of course could mean a  few things but i think maybe the most common   is water being a boundary and i think there's no  feeling worse than seeing a body of water in a   video game and thinking to yourself sweet let's  see if i can swim and then you can't but hey   you gotta admit that water is possibly the most  effective way to block off areas to players or   give a more natural feeling to the edge  of the game map so you avoid any sort of   invisible wall [ __ ] and in this same vein  it can also act as a legit hazard alligator   infested or otherwise dangerous an obstacle  meant to instantly end your character's life   upon contact some instances it might as well be  lava you're falling into more of these characters   need to take some damn swimming lessons man but  boundaries in some cases are meant to be broken   and there are instances of water being  something that you can traverse once   you acquire a certain item or power and this i  like it's a really nice way to give the player   a feeling of unlocking a new aspect to the  world and expanding their range of exploration   as they progress but there are also various  tools of the aquatic nature things we can harness   and use for gameplay purposes now i know it's  never explicitly called water but the system of   mana has always been closely tied to it linked to  the themes of life power and energy so many games   use systems of magic and elements different sorts  of damage status effects and spells now remember   again the very wise words of bruce lee and there  are plenty of times in video game history you can   dip into your well of weaponry and grab some high  quality h2o strap something like the elementalist   class in guild wars 2 or even characters in like  league of legends or other mobas absolutely use   water to kill people but the one that really comes  to mind here for me honestly is pokemon an entire   type dedicated to water with dozens and dozens  of water themed creatures and moves a few of   those moves are utility based but surprisingly the  majority are simply meant to destroy your opponent   hydro pump is probably one of the most famous and  most powerful moves in the history of the series   and pokemon has done a vast amount of exploration  of sea life and its design of these little buggers   over the years sharks fish eels starfish [ __ ]  spongebob then there are the strengths and   weaknesses in game it's most effective against  rock fire and ground which all makes sense to me   i accept but it gets slapped hard by electric and  grass now electric i'll give it to you but grass   that always kind of was a head scratcher to me  as a kid like don't you need me to live mr plant   don't bite the hand that feeds you i can kill you  if i decide to cut you off and all those elemental   weaknesses and strengths definitely bleed over to  dozens of other games then you get the countless   number of sandboxy games that allow water to  be like this object of experimentation and fun   this is most often where it is explored as far as  physics interactivity and even science i mean god   damn man i got completely overwhelmed while making  this video realizing just how many different ways   you could both thematically and practically  use the damn stuff staggering all right so now   i just want to chill out a little bit and talk  about a few leftover examples that didn't totally   fit into any of the other sections just some  more video game water that i think is cool and   the first is in amnesia dark descent actually a  classic horror game at this point that has you   bumbling around this dark castle losing your  damn mind trying to solve puzzles and regain your   memory while these monsters are chasing you down  to kick your ass well at a certain point you reach   the cellar archive section sounds spooky enough  already but the rooms and hallways are flooded   and you are encouraged to kind of hop on  these floating boxes and pieces of debris   to make your way through that is of course when  the monster appears but completely invisible all you have to go off is these trudging  splashing footsteps through the water let   me tell you firsthand it is a great way to build  dread and tension complete silence being broken   by quickening soggy steps behind you is absolutely  enough to make you pee-pee your pants cool water   now next isn't a particular game but another  form of water all together that we haven't   talked about yet rain weather at large is a  wonderful tool for furthering that atmosphere   and mood and over the years there have been  some utterly fantastic rain systems put in place   batman arkham knight really stands out for me  but so does red dead redemption 2 and shocker   cyberpunk 2077 actually has some phenomenal rain  i'll give you your flower cd project red but an   absolute shocker as far as the top tier in  this regard is homefront the revolution i   know what is that it's a pretty average  to shitty game to be honest but the rain   is unmatched in the way that it speckles  the ground really slowly before turning the   entire surface wet this was probably an obscene  amount of extra work that no one needed to do   no one was expecting this but it is awesome and  this game is nearly seven years old cool water   another thing i have neglected to mention to this  point is sports games i guess more specifically   water sports so we mentioned racing but i'm also  talking about fishing surfing swimming or water   skiing this subgenre definitely has had a little  bit of time in the sun as well and there are a few   gems definitely buried in there kelly slater's pro  surfer made by the people who made the original   tony hawk games is actually a really really  good time especially if you enjoy surfing but i   would say overall these are often used as little  mini games or side activities in larger things   fishing and mmos mario party mini games you get  the idea cool water but you know i'm feeling like   i want to get really really negative again really  quick to balance things out here so how about   possibly the most atrocious video game i have ever  played in my entire life to completion full stop   aquaman on the gamecube i legitimately would  not wish this experience on my worst enemy it is   oh man somehow everything is bad controls level  design combat hell they even [ __ ] up the music   which is inexcusable it's the worst water game  worst water world worst water worst water man   worst everything throw it in the bin and burn  the house down then put the fire out with some   better video game water really really [ __ ] water  okay i'm calm i'm good and i think overall i have   made my point with this video you can see how many  different ways water has been used in the industry   over the years and please do remember that i  am only ever scratching the surface contrary   to what many people seem to think i'm not a video  game library i'm in fact just one single dude and   i'm most often just drawing from my own experience  when it comes to videos like this but if there is   a takeaway a lesson i think it's that water has a  ton of power in our virtual spaces it can enchant   us with its beauty take us on wild thrill rides  heal our wounds frustrate us with its sluggishness   and then make us fall back in love all over  again with its ethereal and dreamy musical themes   water is so closely tied to our human experience  that eventually it becomes an afterthought a   given of these games and worlds but i do think  it serves us well to slow down every now and   again to try to appreciate not only the crazy  amount of work that goes into these things but   also the vast array of implementations across the  history of this creative medium so now i really   really want to hear from all of you guys what are  some of your favorite water graphics levels games   songs and atmospheres what are some cool unique  uses for video game water that i missed how   many times did i say water in this entire video  let me know down below you know i usually wrap   up with sort of a poetic conclusion that weaves  everything really neatly together but this time   i think we should all just chill right  here a while until next time everyone peace
Channel: Ghostcharm
Views: 330,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: water, ghostcharm, ghost charm
Id: 6TNkHz5p-sw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 17sec (2057 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 12 2022
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