Silent Cooling for Raspberry Pi 5. EDATEC

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I'm a big fan of Silent calling on a Raspberry Pi this is the Phineas case from Del Salvo systems which fits a Raspberry Pi 4 uh with this sort of case it has to be modeled for the exact model of Pi and we don't really have very many options on the Raspberry Pi 5 at this stage uh well until now so editech have sent me two different cases now there's four boxes here because each case is in Black black and silver but both of these are silently called options and they're both a little bit different so let's open up the boxes so we have an enclosed case and I'm going to open the black one of these oh that's the silver one and the open case I'm going to open the silver one which is that one so two different designs both with uh a base plate with little rubber feet on them as well but this one is designed to be more enclos so when the high is in it very little is exposed apart from things like the GPI opens uh the pcie so if you're going to add an mvme Drive uh the camera stroke display slots are open the ethernet port uh and this is just the bits that well aren't really Exposed on a p because these are the tops of the ethernet and the USB sockets but this one is more open so I'm guessing this in this is going to be more effective at cooling uh because it has uh a similar amount of aluminium involved in it but because the sides are all open uh it's I would imagine it's going to be more effective but I'm going to put both of them on together doing the same thing but first of all I'm going to compare this one to a pie that has no active cooling so I'm going to take off my 52 Pi ice tower cooler uh because what I want to compare is the two 8 gig Pi FS that I've got so let's take this off there we go it comes off pretty easily and the fan and there isn't much to it uh it's very very straightforward you can see there's already thermal pads in the right place uh we've got some Allen key bolts here and an allen key so let's pull that bit off this is just a bit packing for traveling a thermal pad big huge thermal pad on the base that it just sits on so it's going to be this way around I've still got an SD card in there there yeah so that obviously sits in nicely and if I try and pick that up oh yeah it comes up fine it's not sticky so I like that I like the fact that it's not going to stick to it and then we're just going to peel this one off and these are sticky and just place that on the top and then these four Allen key bolts and if you hold it down you can see you can squeeze it with the pads uh and then tighten it up and you can't overtighten because the case obviously stops it from going too tight and it just feels like a solid piece of equipment now it doesn't feel exposed at all doesn't feel like you would be able to break it very easily so if you're using this in an industrial environment uh or just somewhere very dusty or something like that then obviously most of the key components have got a lot of cover a lot of protection yeah I really like that but it also is very low profile as well we also have this little perspect window which I wonder what it was at first it's for the Wi-Fi because obviously uh aluminium is going to block the Wi-Fi uh quite badly and this little window is so that the Wi-Fi can still work but the SD card looks still accessible let's pop one in just to see how easy that yeah that go goes in fine and you can also still get it out with your thumbnail so that's no problem yeah it does I really like it really nice design and let's see what it weighs so 209 G compared to just the p on its own is 45 G so you can feel it's it's more than four times the weight and it just feels really solid so let's plug it in and switch on it's pretty discreet but you can make out the little LED light through the little window here now this was the OS from my VNC video yesterday actually what I wanted to do is boot it from SSD uh only because I'm going to run both operating systems on SSD and just do some comparisons so let's plug this one in and let's plug my bare pie in SSD drive and I'm going to need a mouse and keyboard and let's switch that one on as well and first of all I'm going to just start up P sensor on both of them and also start playing a video and just leave it for 20 minutes or so and just show what it does I've literally just switched them on and we've got 35° on the be pie and the one in the eect case is 26 de so already uh it's it's doing really well nice thing about P sensor is it tells you the max temperature it got up to so 28° and you can see here we've got 39° on the bear pie on its own the bear pie is is safe uh because what it will do is thermal throttle so when it gets too hot it will thermal throw so there's nothing to worry about um but obviously it's nicer to keep it cooler if you can so let's launch chromium at the same time so they're on exactly the same sort of test and that started very similarly let's go for YouTube on both of them so both are set to 10860 so let's play them at the same time and just leave them going for 20 minutes Alexa set a timer for 20 minutes good morning Lee 20 minutes starting now okay so it's just over a minute into the video and you can see we're at 67 68° uh on the pie with no calling at all and when we go to the one in the eect case 35° that is that's really impressive it is uh obviously making a huge difference and if I touch it yeah it feels have so slightly warm well I'm not going to touch that CU that's 70° [Music] now okay so it's all done let's have a look so on the be pie it did get to 85° in fact it's currently at 84° so not keeping itself very cool at all and on the ech we've got a maximum of 50° uh and it's currently at 49 50° that's very impressive so I think I'm going to put this pie in the other edch case let them cool down for half an hour and see which one keeps the coolest oh and I also realized they didn't put this button in which is the power button so I'm going to take this apart and put that button in so let's shut them all down so let's just pop the button in here there we go and pop the pie back in place and tighten it back up again yeah and it feels really nice nicer to use than the normal button because obviously it's uh on the outside here so they've gone for the same sort of design with the big thermal pad on the base and then obviously the pie is just going to sit on there and then pull this off and it's got some plastic spaces on on here so you can't tighten it too hard so we need to line this up with the display ports so if I sandwich it together just like the other one it finds its way in Okay so we've got a nice sort of serrated base on it again the rubber feet so it makes it nice and stable uh We've also got all these things exposed as well the SD card slot doesn't need anything and nor does the button because obviously they're all exposed to the outsides so it's all about cooling so it looks nice I still like the look of this I just I just really like the clean lines and everything of it but uh I understand why they've done this serrated to try and Aid the cooling so it'll be interesting to see which one fares the best let's weigh it 165 so quite a bit lighter but that's because it hasn't got all these enclosed bits and everything is exposed okay that should be long enough for them both to be at room temperature now so let's switch them both on okay so the open case is currently at 30° and you can see the maximum it's been is 30° the closed case is currently at 39° and that's the maximum temperature it's been so I'm going to leave him for 10 minutes and see what happens anyway so after more than 10 minutes the open case has been at a maximum of 43° and it's currently at 42 and the close case is currently at 47 and that's the highest it's been so let's run the test um but they're closer together now um but it'll be interesting to see what they're like under pressure so this time I'm going to run this test for an hour this is an hour and a half video an old FIFA one of mine and let's see what happens so it's only just started but the temperature's got to be very similar now so you can see 46 47° maximum of 49 4 49° maximum of 49 so at the moment they're very very similar uh and I'm not sure I didn't have the ethernet cable plugged into this one when I was leaving the Midel and I'm not sure if that would have made any difference I wouldn't have thought so but uh yeah they're a very similar temperature at the moment so I'm happy with that okay so it's an hour later and the open case has got to a maximum of 63° currently at 61 and the closed case has got to a maximum of 61° so it's uh and it's currently 6061 so same temperature but uh it's actually stayed cooler and if we have a look at the other temperature monitor so 58° on the other one below that's the max temperature and then on this one it's got the 61 so actually the closed case has ever so slightly fared better in this test now that could be down to this being my original pre-release p which definitely doesn't overclock as well but at stock temperatures I haven't really noticed any difference but it could be that it gets hotter it's not as effective uh as this one which was one that I bought but uh yeah both cases have actually been very good and I'm really impressed with them so silent calling is definitely good enough for a Raspberry Pi 5 I hope this helps thanks very much for watching please like And subscribe that
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Id: 3cJ_FOAaZ5M
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Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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