Water bore drilling tutorial

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[Music] in this video we're going to show you a little bit about what's interstate drone does and why they're the best in the business dan McMann is the owner and operator of center state drilling it's a job that he's been doing for 30 years let's take a look at a job Dan did recently to show you how easy it is to get fresh clean bore water when you know how so the first and most crucial step is finding the very best place to drill okay basically we're going to do here today is going to Devon where the water is and falling the location of two streams crossing one on top of the other so what I'll do is turn around with a wire I'm facing water and it dips that's the edge of a stream there and that's the middle of a stream yarn through there so now we want to find another one that's the edge of a string there that's the middle so they both kind of cross one over the top of the other right about here so that's really going to drill a hole and get lots and lots of water if you just roll over there on one strain that's all you're gonna get is one strain or over there etcetera etcetera but if you come in here you're going to get two streams from the one hole which is going to give you the best result I can drive a truck I swear [Music] [Music] now that we've worked out where the water is the first step is to drill down to a couple of things of topsail then down through what's called unconsolable over the sand gravel and clay [Music] next dan put some large-diameter casing down to create the support so that when he hits water it doesn't just wash out and collapse the ball then it's on to the real thing drilling down to your water for this we use a hammer drill to get through the rock [Music] for this job dan drilled through yellow sandstone which is pretty soft then at about 12 meters he hit blue mudstone [Music] most jobs are completed in a day this job took about four hours which is pretty typical but if we've got to go deeper it can obviously take longer we'll give you an estimate of the time when we come to give you a quote [Music] so at 18 meters that blue mudstone turned to blue sandstone which is a harder rock and where we get our water because the back in time when the earth here was pushed up by volcanic forces the harder rock was the one that fractured and it's these factions that allow the underground water to actually flow through so getting to that blue sandstone is the key to getting to your water [Music] the next step is to put really good quality casing in we slot the bottom length so that the water can get in along the whole length of the aquifer [Music] we put a seal about that to stop material falling down into the slot [Music] and we chased the ball all the way to the bottom we use Australian made casing which is obviously more expensive than the cheap stuff that comes out of China in India but it conforms to Australian standards its lead-free It's Made in Melbourne it's got a lifetime guarantee and it supports Australian jobs cheap casing is made of quite inferior materials it doesn't conform to Australian standards and it's very very brutal it's quite thin so in a lot of instances that can collapse under hydrostatic pressure if there's any movement in the ground they can I can crush it and then you pump stuck in the hole your ball is basically useless you've got to get somebody in to pull all the casing out if they can get about red rubber ball and then Ridge recast with decent casing so you've done you're down on the first hole which you thought you might have been getting cheap but it's not so true do it properly the first time or just don't do it now we run an air line down the hole and we blow compressed air down the hole to blow the water out which drags in any sediment and cuttings we continued blowing water out this way until the water runs clean if you don't do this dirty water would block and kill your tongue once the ball is clean we shut the rig down we pull the airline out we grout the surface and we've got a seal down below it so mother can give him them unblock the water off it's gonna be safe from contamination we've got a cap on top of the bore as I see it now it's all ready for the pump to be installed [Music] so basically when we arrived we've done the divining we found out with his two streams crossing one on top of the other that's the best place to drill because it was enough water on the top screen you stop there you don't have to gather and pick up the second stream but if there's not enough there you've got the option of going down to the second string in this case fortunately for the customer there was plenty of water on the top stream and that was at about 20 meters we got into a good flow of that and we ran it all the way down to the bottom of that stream which was 24 meters he's got around about a thousand 1,200 gallons an hour which is quite a lot of water we offer a no water no charge now some other people do that as well but if they get you five liters an hour they say that's water you're paying for it I don't work like that I'll guarantee you were usable amount of water which in my opinion is at least 15 liters a minute if I don't get water I've done my day you're not happy no one's happy then I'll go on drill another hole somewhere else until I can find water there but with the water divining we get about a 95% success rate and it's quite easy to pull up and say well where do you want the ball put anywhere you want but you could drill over here and have to go 80 metres but if you drill here right on top of where the two streams are crossing you've got all your water at 24 metres so it's going to save you a lot of time and a lot of money and a lot of messing around I've been doing this personally for well over 30 years my father started on the Snowy River scheme when they went through that's where he got his introduction to drilling and it's been a family business ever since just read the literature that I've given you look on the website look on the Facebook page watch this DVD and just study it all cuz you're gonna be spending quite a few dollars it's not you spend a couple hundred dollars gonna be spending thousands so you want to know exactly what's going to happen and what you're going to get and how things are going to work and if you've got any queries or questions or anything after seeing the website the Facebook page the DVD give me a call straight away and I'll talk you through it and I'll address any issues that you've got I want you to be happy because if you're happy I'm happy everyone's happy [Music] Oh
Channel: water bore drillers water bore drillers
Views: 1,129,244
Rating: 4.6199508 out of 5
Keywords: waterboring, water boring, water bores, bore drillers, water bore drilling tutorial, drilling companies, Water Bore, Bore Drilling Companies, Groundwater, water bore drilling process, bore water, groundwater, Water Bore Drilling, Water Bore Drilling Victoria, Sinking a Bore, Dropping a Bore, Yea, Kinglake, Ballarat, Bendigo, Kilmore, Broadford, Castlemaine, Central Victoria, Heathcote, Australia, Bore Pump, Murrays Waterboring, North West Drilling, Seymour Field Days, Elmore Field Days
Id: cKweHAwj9-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2017
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