SunPumps SDS Install

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welcome to Sun pumps do-it-yourself videos I'm Joe lines and today we will be installing one of our SDS series submersible pumps in this video we'll be showing you from start to finish how to properly size assemble and install an SDS series submersible pump into a well without any special equipment what we're doing here is we're using the sounder to go ahead and check the static water level inside the well you'll notice right there the meters pegged out you'll hear the beeping that's when you hit the water level in which once you have that static water level you're going to go ahead and go clear down to the bottom and determine usually that can tell by feel it until you get on a real deep web like that then you just pick it up and read your measurement the other method is the coke bottle method you want to tie that off real good drop that down you'll hear it splash and hit the water you'll feel the load in your hand kind of go away double-check make sure that you're actually there tie a knot in your string and then go ahead and you'll have to Bob it up and down several times to get it to fill with water and then to go ahead and sink in there again you'll know by touch you you there you see it going right down the well once you hit bottom you pretty much stop and you won't feel anymore pull the slack out of it tie a knot in it the next step will be to go ahead and pull that up and measure your distances so we've just got a 100 foot tape measure going to roll it out and measure it away you so here we have the very bottom of the well the bottom of the well is around 99 feet and in 45-foot was a static stripping the wires you're going to want to get a nice sharp razor or a good sharp knife to go ahead and strip the wire back take care when you're doing this not to Nick the insulation the same process needs to be taken care when you're stripping also once you strip the wires back make sure that you have nice even amounts on each one for the butt connectors to fit properly into the splice kit material make sure that you don't forget to put on the heat shrinks it's one of the number one problems that happens out in the field is you forget to put one of those on there and you've already made the butt connections and then you have to start all over again crimp those with the a lot of force on that you want to make sure that you get a nice even good cramp once you have those crimped onto the wire we're going to go ahead and crimp those on to the pump itself you and you can see how the splice kits slide right down over the butt connections once we have all those in place and take a propane torch and evenly heat all the way around and we want to try and start from the inside and work our way back towards the ends if it does catch on fire or they stick together go ahead and just pull it apart take the heat back a little bit and just evenly take that flame and work yourself all the way around it there's a silicone adhesive inside that going to work itself into all of the little crevices and nooks and crannies that's what actually seals up the spice you you can see in the close-up the silicone adhesive starting to come out you once we have that nice and shrunk down we're going to want to go ahead and take a wet rag and pour water on it and lightly go around these are still very hot and will move lightly cool them off and that's going to cause the to harden up and not slide around after you get that nice and cooled off and slide this secondary splice piece down over the top this one is not really going to waterproof anything it's just going to protect everything so you want to do the same process nice even heat all the way around and cool it with a rag take black tape and go ahead and just lightly wrap that around all the way up across the splice this is just one more added protection to your splice you we're going to install the eye bolt tighten that all the way down hand tight go ahead and take the wrench and tighten the nut back and jam it against that keeps it from ever coming out we install the poly adapter fitting tightening it down with adjustable pliers you and here's kind of the kit that we're going to install take your poly rope and we're going to install that through the safety bolt I tiny bowline knot you and go ahead and use the tape to secure that so that the knot can never come undone you you can see the pieces of the poly adapter we're going to go ahead and slide on the top to lock ring and the locking retainer first and then install the actual barb into the poly pipe it's a little bit on the tight side but you just have to force and work it in there you once you have that on there let's go ahead and finish it up by installing the lock ring on the top side estable pliers to go ahead and finish it off and get it nice and tight you use a 10 mil black tape to go ahead and wrap all that together and secure it go clear above the splice kit is just to protect it once again keep it from dragging on the well casing going down inside the well roll out your poly pipe your safety rope and take care when you're rolling your wire out to make sure that you don't get it tied up into knots you we measured the length of the pipe cut it to length and then now we're going to go ahead and install thee fitting kit through the well sill the poly adaptor the inside of the well the I bolt for the safety rope this is a PVC safety rope so we need it to be inside the well casing to make sure that it doesn't get dry rotted by the Sun use two nuts on topside and then won't Jam nut those together you same process is going to be applied to this poly adapter as was on the other end once we have that securely tightened go ahead and tie the bowline knot once again you and secure it with tape strip the wires back so that you can feed them through the fitting on the top of your well seal you this is where we're going to make the connection going from this into the junction box at the wellhead secure the wire safety rope and polypipe about every 10 feet with the 10 mil tape once you have all that you're ready to install into the well go ahead and drop it down now since slow making sure that nothing drags her hangs up you we are using a flexible conduit going from the wellhead into a junction box go ahead and strip the wires back and install your wire nuts tighten your well seal down and tighten any additional plumbing we're now going to install the control box and the solar panel portion of the pump you can see here that we've already installed the pump wires in the conduit into the box we're showing two different types here this is a parallel connector depending on your type of solar panels if you have the 30 Volt panels then you would need to parallel them you it's always important to make sure that you check your voltages once you have these attached to make sure that you do not have too much voltage if you exceed 45 open circuit voltage will damage the control room here we're showing just a little bit of power so they are a low voltage but it's still enough to her or showing you the voltage coming off anoles you're roughly going to be between 38 and 40 volts we're going back to a series circuit on these solar panels using the interconnect and that's the setup for your Siri circuit important to also take the wires and do your wire management and zip tie those up out of the way or fasten them to the rack we want to go ahead and disconnect the power while we're installing the interconnect solar panels into the control box you you don't have to use any ring terminals sometimes it's easier to do that prior to box will accept either we want to make sure we check our voltages once again so go ahead and attach your wires to the interconnect and check your voltages so we have that we'll go ahead and turn the pump on and you can see get water the green LED light will indicate that there is power going out to the unit and that's what we're measuring you all if you need to you can go ahead and adjust your motor speed control down and that will slow the water pumping rate so you can see the voltage is proportional to the amount of water coming out of the pump it will shut off at about five to six volts we're going to show you the float switch circuit once you have that hooked up what we need to do is show you that there is a pump up and a pump down function you can look at the little LEDs to see which of the settings that you need to set for your float switch if you are the opposite position you can put dipswitch number four in the up position and that will reverse the logic we want to make sure if we've made any adjustments and we want it back to full output go ahead and turn the motor speed control all the way up to get full output out of your Sun pumps
Channel: SunPumps
Views: 4,081,871
Rating: 4.4428487 out of 5
Keywords: Solar-tied pump system
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2016
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