Independence Day | First Time Watching! | Movie REACTION!

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hi everybody welcome back to the channel I'm Shandra that's Jordan thanks for joining us for Independence Day yeah we're watching Independence Day to celebrate July 4th Independence Day we're Canadian so we don't celebrate it over here in Canada but we have we have Canada Day like 3 days before July 1st Canada day they got the fireworks yeah yeah I think our Canada Day pretty lowkey compared to what you guys do like we're always kind of like you know we have some drinks or something and eat some food it's not very exciting eat some poutines eat some poutines have some Pierce yeah but it sounds like you guys like know how to party yes that is my impression plus you can buy your own fireworks like we have fireworks here but you generally you know you go to the park and you see the firework display down States you can just buy the fireworks the crazy fireworks really that's my understanding I've not bought them myself but it's news to me yeah man that's cool all right well before we get started uh if you want to check out our patreon page we've got a fun new series okay fun is probably not the word I would use it is a new series to us we're watching Band of Brothers we just started it and then we're also still working on Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad so those are a little more fun yeah everything is great though I love all three of those series they're so amazing yeah totally this is like Peak awesome 9s look at that like 3D text flying at your face I didn't realize it left a plaque on the moon that's awesome it came inace for all man this feels very sci-fi the music and stuff that is really big such a fitting song if this isn't an insanely beautiful woman I'm hanging up I think you should listen to this this better not be another damn Russian SPID it's the real thing a radio signal from another world that a pretty weird sound of noise it's coming from the Moon that's wild that they're only hearing it now who else knows about this seti in New Mexico excuse me I love the way that F comes across the screen radar reception has been impaired but we were able to get these the mass roughly 1/4 the size of our moon yeah you were right when you said it was big yeah meteor no sir it's slowing down sir so it's coming for Earth get me the Secretary of Defense hello hi it's me I'm sleeping next to a beautiful young I am miss you I know oh my God she's so freaking cute are the salad days over for President Whitmore Daddy Let me watch letter [Laughter] Connie you're up awfully early this morning butore seems less like the president and more like the orphan child that's clever he seems like a very hip president he were thought of as young idealistic the message has gotten lost isn't amazing how quickly everyone can turn against you his voice is also like so sultry he's got a real good president voice it's the Secretary of Defense could you say that again so they were like oh there's a giant ship hovering over Earth no big [Music] deal uhoh This Means War my Social Security will expire you still be sitting there it's been what 4 years you're still wearing a wedding band oh you're divorced come on move on check me it seems really fun actually yeah hanging out in the New York Park playing chess i' love that and I'm terrible at chess David David you can't ride your bike in the office bcy started this morning we got static we got snow all kinds of distortions did you uh try to switch transponder Channel we tried that it didn't work was impossible the sign was all screwed up stop I think that's The Day the Earth Stood Still oh was it yeah cool your father's not in the air in 20 minutes I'm getting someone else is that like beet tops or something I don't even know what a happy guy what are you doing I guess never really thought about it but it's crazy that the the people are actual crop dusters flying out there like just what in the hell do you think you're doing wrong field you idiot oh no oh my God drinking and flying that's so dangerous these effect shots is so good mhm Nas is going have my butt all morning they want to know our position we have no official position isn't it possible that this thing may just pass Us by we don't yet know enough about what we're dealing with and make any kind of intelligence judgments we may need to upgrade to Defcon 3 our intelligence tells us the object has settled into a stationary work part of it is broken off into nearly three dozen other pieces three dozen oh my God they should be entering our atmosphere within the next 25 minutes that's so soon oh my God is that like a ship coming in it's an amazing shot that's so terrifying it's better be good we're looking at a total radar blackout over a 13 km area jeez so are they also going into the water no it must still be above water I think this just came in from the Persian Gulf Mr President they're tracking another one off the California coast line we have an awac off the West Coast ETA with contact Point 3 minutes side radar doesn't see it I know it everyone's so good at like staying cool and doing their jobs I would be terrified Captain the president is listening we still have zero visibility we can't get any kind of reading on what's the front of us well they're actually flying into those freaky clouds oh no okay so it's just fire not clouds Line's gone sir one's moving toward New York the other's headed this direction I strongly recommend we move you to a secure location we have to maintain a working government I don't want to add to a public hysteria that's going to cost lives he's an awesome president I got to say and what happens if they do become host and God help us yeah how do you fight off three dozen ships to the size of a city David are you watching this no evidence I got a lock on the pattern of that signal and so we can filter it out it's reducing itself every time it recycles name David haven't you been watching oh he's not even talking about the ships not about the interference with their signal we have to ask you to try to stay calm hey Miguel one is headed towards Los Angeles Jamie says this building has an old bomb shelter everybody head down to the basement oh I better call my mother well look who we have here I love how this movie jumps around from all of these stories in different places I know you're probably still a little confused from your hostage experience years back our boy here was kidnapped by aliens oh he's got history with him did they do any sexual things you recol I don't even know what I do like you can't hide let's get out of here yeah that effect is never going to get old yeah Mommy look it earthquake not even a four-pointer they're so C that's quite the shot daddy should be down in the Shelf such a cool way to show it is just the shadow spreading over everything so scary oh yeah there would be car accidents everywhere aren't you coming David I got to see it oh my God that looks so cool it's so scary like you don't know if they're friendly or not signal my God so he's figured out how they're trying to communicate with everybody now what do we do there's going to be a lot of frightened people out there I'm one of them yeah that's for sure hey hey hey come on neighbors moving out hey baby something on the news about the Quake what you been doing out there shoting G I'm going go grab the paper is he just not going to notice for like the entire movie come on honey let's go oh wow it's like right there everyone's got such good reaction faces in this movie yeah more ships have just arrived over the capitals of India I Know M just try and stay calm tell her to pack up and leave town o what does he know David why did I just send my mother to Atlanta you hear me tell you that the signal hidden in the satellite feed not really countown oh that's freaky then when the timing's right you strike they're position themselves all over the world approximately 6 hours the Signal's going to disappear and the Count's going to be over he figured it out that fast president of the United States good afternoon a historic and unprecedented event has occurred he says he's your husband what do you want uh you got to leave the White House in case you haven't noticed we are having a little bit of a crisis they're going to attack I mean would you be safe anywhere it's probably been overlooked if no one ever listens to the scientist excuse me come on now you can't go you got to call them back but you said you was on leave for the Fort yeah well they canceled it yeah makes sense I really don't think they flew 90 billion like years to come down and start a fight look why don't you just relax it would be very tempting to just stay home having a bicycle would be the best thing ever till someone knocks you over the head and steals it you still have the plth you want to borrow the car you're driving yeah I'm D I'm driving I really want you out of Los Angeles I don't want you in any one of those cities I'll leave as soon as the interviews are done they're going to take you to Nellis munin she's going to meet you there man his voice is so good M can this thing gr any faster well you think they don't know what you know I love them they're going faster than we are look at this we're in the fast lane you think we'll get to Washington and won't be there everybody's leaving some of your time I was kidnapped by space aliens 10 years ago we've got to stop them they're going to kill us all no one's going to listen to him but I bet he's right others however have a more unusual Theory when they took him up in the spaceship abused him sexually oh come on leaving Miguel what about Dad you read my mind let you out you're damn right LAPD is asking Los Angelos not to fire their guns at the visitor spacecraft oh my God they recall everybody oh oo from NASA it says we regret to inform you that despite your excellent Rec service oh he wants to be an astronaut in front of the what's this this is a wedding ring man you know I really like Jasmine you never going to get to fly a space shuttle if you marry a stripper of UF downtown Los Angeles I hope they bring back Elvis I hope the aliens bring back Elvis everyone is invited especially you know who I going over there as soon as I get off promise me you won't I promise Thomas oh her little frown oh my God that would be the worst traffic in the world this is every phone book in America she always keeps her portable phone listed for emergencies I love the '90s operating system you want to ring the bell or should I oh perfect she's using it I can use her signal to triangulate her exact position oh that's a funky little thing that's awesome I don't know what it is but it looks so cool answer is a don't hang up so we can walk to the window how does he do that he's good in light of our apparent inability to communicate with the visitors Skylift helicopter with a type of Visual Communications device bar we know they're just commencing lifttop well they're going to try to communicate with the ships Welcome Wagon is in the air Roger Welcome Wagon oh I got a bad feeling about this if I knew I was going to meet the president I would have won on tie I don't know how happy he's going to be to see you last time I saw we we got into a fight you walked in the room and punched him in the head he punched the president in the head David thought that I was having an affair I'll get him you wait here and don't touch anything nearing point of contact EO one see if you got those pens that they give away dad what this isn't a hotel I don't have time for this 2 Minutes David tell them I know why we have satellite disruption I couldn't send a direct signal you're talking about line of sight yeah that's right diagram is really helping me understand I found a signal hidden inside our own satellite system are you our own satellites against us the clock is ticking it's a good thing he came that's very important information Welcome Wagon Echo one approaching alien ship Welcome Wagon has commenced we evacuate as many people out of the Cities as they can what the hell's going on we're leaving there's something happening here they're responding oh God this may be some type of response Echo one holy I was worried that would happen is my wife in the air she will be shortly the president's order of the evacuation we have to leave now he's so scary to fly after that authorities have called for complete evacuation of Los Angeles V suemac immediately she went everybody reacts in such different ways first lady sec we're on the move oh wa looks so cool wow they're almost in the ship we're ready to take off now right away oh my God the timer is already up holy [ __ ] a shot us wild wonder how they did that [Music] whoa yeah just want hell of a laser whoa that's wild oh wow they're just just going to make it [Music] right oh he's just screaming what else would you do whoa oh my god oh thank God they didn't kill the dog yeah Los Angeles Washington and New York have been left in Ruins and I'm sick I don't feel good we're going to be all right Troy don't wor leave me alone man I got it wow so all the people who left and like RVS we could have evacuated the Cities hours ago a lot of people died today any news on my wife yet the helicopter never made it to Nellis oh [Music] no stay close that would be just insane new men will be the first wave in our Condor attack you scared man no you want to add to this briefing Captain Hiller no sir let's kick the tires and light the fires big daddy oh wow so they're all like jet Pilots you lose yes sir got your victory iory dance got it right here you the man that's a great shot mhm all sett microwave and ground Communications with the cities are down how about our boys where they it's here to Target 4 minutes oh wow there's a lot of them I shouldn't have left her I'm sure she got out of here before it happened the Black Knights will emerge Victorious you seem like a cool team yeah it's hard not to be a cool team when you're fighter pilots holy God Los Angeles tax Squadron has AMR missiles locked on target fire it will fire it will such a big ship though night one oh no they can't even hit the ship cuz it has a shield are they not getting through no sir not one oh they better not fly Too Close they must have some kind of protective shield over there H nice pull ups showing complete failure in the St oh [Music] no what the heck many of them oh wa it's more tiny ships they got Shields too this seems impossible [Music] mhm no they're all die they're all dying two more just went down get them out of there these shots look so epic though yeah let's get him no no the monitor where's the picture Mo the satellite we got two on our Jimmy Roger ain't got n for us let's push it we got to go don't do nothing stupid over there you know me that's what I'm talking about put your man back on oh that's affirmative we have ink coming friendly I don't think so [Music] oh my God this is terrible yeah whoa holy come on again come again that was so tight oo smart yeah I got them oh I want to see what they look like oh God that sounded painful this way this way ship all banged up who's the man I'm letting all your friends up right beside you he's so good ew Earth I can't believe that baby stay right here stay right here we're yes on does everyone store their keys up there is that actually a thing World everybody's packing up they're leaving we better leave too don't you think uh it's Air Force One For Crying Out Loud still he get sick could be bad weather could be good weather it doesn't matter guy we can go side to side he still gets air sick huh yeah I didn't get a chance to thank you to there's still love there I think love was never a problem we moved as many of our forces away from our bases as possible we must launch counter offensive with a full nuclear strike over American soil sir if we don't strike soon there may not be much of an America left I might not do anything though they've taken out NORAD what we must launch no you're not going to launch nuclear weapons it can't be allowed get out of here don't tell him to shut up he's the only reason they're all alive none of you did anything to prevent this there's nothing we could do come on it was what in the 19 what 50s or whatever you you had that uh spaceship that thing that you found in New Mexico they were all locked up in a in a bunk cut Area 51 you know that there have never been any spacecraft there's no Area 51 that's not entirely accurate oh what which [Laughter] part hold on everybody oh she's so badass these sets are so massive too yeah it's her she's hurt pretty badly wow she's lucky that they found her this was supposed to be my weekend all you got me out here dragging your heavy ass oh nasty you got to come down here with an attitude and what the hell is that smell I could have been at a barbecue what the heck hey that's a great shot looks so surreal you need a live Soldier when I flew overhead I saw a base not too far from here it ain't on a map trust me it's there yeah it wouldn't be on a map it's got to be secret right welcome to Area 51 oh please follow me Area 51 okay here's our main research facility oh so they have like an old ship or like an alien down here why the hell wasn't I told about this place plausible deniability been heading up the research department on this project the last 15 years oh my God it's data it is it's so weird seeing him not in data makeup they don't let us out much I can understand that guess you'd like to see the big tamale huh wow so maybe they could have prepared we've been trying to to put her back together since the late' 60s the needed stuff has only happened in the last few days since these guys started showing up all the little gizmos inside turned on you guys are hoping to fly this thing huh can you tell us anything useful about them breathes oxygen probably why they're interested in our planet why are they blowing it up then maybe they just blowing up the people you guys want to see him he's definitely a good scientist just like no fear only curiosity this is the Vault the freak Show whoa those are so freaky they were wearing some sort of biomechanical suits no Lev we're assuming they communicate with each other through some other means they're so scary some kind of extra sensory perception telepathy oh interesting can they be killed no their bodies are just as frail as ours you unlock part of their technology you break the code why don't you show them what you've discovered so far I mean he's their only chance it seems Captain Ste Hill United States Marine Corps so cool just rolling up in a pick truck with an alien this a restricted area I can't let you pass without clearance you want to see my clearance e let him pass get the hell out of the way how long has it been unconscious about 3 hours oh it's not dead as a former head of the CIA you knew about this place you should have told us about this when they first arrived Mr President ATL Chicago and Philadelphia they know exactly where and how and our forces we're down to 15% 15% W we're looking at the worldwide destruction in the next 36 hours that's not a lot of time it's Captain Steven Hiller where is it now we have it isolated down in the containment lab I'm really anxious to get back to El Toro eloro has been completely destroyed oh that would be so devastating that was the base that was his base they both think like each other's probably dead yeah thank God for the metro rail was his father stationed here he wasn't his father but I was kind of hoping he wanted the job though Dylan come here I want you to meet the first lady I didn't know that you'd recognized me I voted for the other guy life support monitors recording put the spreader right here right along the ridge ooh they're dissecting it now spread it very very gently oh this looks so gross right easy wo this is one [Music] smelly okay so that's its armor yeah the arm is [Music] moving oh it's so creepy wa and they're so tall their design is awful yeah it's amazing oh that is not what you'd want to come down to [Music] find oh my God me is it speaking through him I know there is much we can learn from each other can there be a peace between us no die oh God that's so scary is that glass bulletproof No Sir W that was so hardcore he looks super dead I saw what they're planning to do he saw their thoughts they're moving from planet to planet after they've consumed every natural resource they move on and we're next let's Snoop the [Laughter] bastards just my luck noise to the end of the world he didn't come to this decision lightly still believe in him well he's a good man you left me for him it was the biggest opportunity of my life I wasn't um ambitious haven't you ever wanted to be part of something special I was part of something special no I never stopped loving you but that wasn't enough was it yeah into the world is kind of bringing them together again and it was all worth it look I got something I got to handle just tell them I hit [Laughter] you command this is retail up whoa those look really cool mhm stealth bombers they're breaking formation which city will be reached first a Houston Texas civilian casualties should be down to a minimum this is neighborhood watch we are in position love all their code names Welcome Wagon neighborhood watch Alpha Zulu 68 Niner standing by so they're firing a nuke at it yes this president if you wish to deploy the time is now such a big decision deploy that's a go alul approaching May our children forgive us I mean they hit it but it might have just hit the shield again can I confirm that the target was destroyed Alpha 9er 723 can you read we have lost it just can't be that easy we got the bastards command do you have visual oh it's definitely still there negative Target remains is it even like damaged Target remains I think he called it with the shield yeah call The Other Place his back abort or abort mission that would be so disappointing is that going to be her man Jasmine yeah your wife is resting comfortably she doesn't look to good we can't stop the bading oh what there's nothing we can do for her all that and they can't save her you got bigger I think can you uh wait outside for a little bit oh my God it's so heartbreaking I'm so sorry that I didn't come home how do you even tell her mhm is Mommy sleeping now mommy's sleeping oh my God so sad so sad oh my God what the hell are you doing I'm making a mess everyone loses Faith at some point in their life I haven't spoken to God since your mother died we have to remember what we still have get off this freezing concrete floor before you catch cold come on genius major Mitchell you have a pistol see that uh Coke can shoot it oh how did he make the shield go on we know that already what's your point and we got to get around them one more time anytime did he give the ship a virus I gave it a cold how long with the shields be down I don't know matter of minutes that's not a lot of time you want us to coordinate a massive worldwide Counter Strike we don't have the Manpower or the resources the plan is depended on a machine that no one in this world is qualified to operate I've seen these things in action and I'm well aware of their maneuvering capabilities that thing is a wreck it's the only plan they have we don't even know if it's capable of flying remove the clamps oh it's already flying let's do it it's a good plan yeah all right you heard the president let's get this thing pre good luck virus your idea you really think you can fly that thing you really think you can do all that [ __ ] you just said I want to see more of them two together you are obset over the death of your wife Mr Niki you're fired holy he is the best president let's organize every plane we can find and get us some goddamn polace to fly him command has attempted to compile are those bullets yes well we know we've lost the Belgian contingent in the Sinai seems they're getting a signal it's from the Americans they want to organize a counter offensive what do they plan to do just most classic British people ever this is so fun just going around the world like getting everybody together Pilots are coming up short we're asking that anyone with any flight experience come forward I'm fly oh maybe he'll get payback these f18s are very different than the Jets you piled before I'm a Russell caser I was kidnapped by aliens 10 years ago I've been dying for some payback there you go you have one tactical nuclear missile the nuke will not detonate impact you'll have 30 seconds to get your asses out of there whoa why you can't show someone else how to how to plant the virus no something may go wrong how like I'm always trying to save the planet he now he's doing something big important there's my chance it's too tight well I had to B it let me see how do I look rough I should have done this a long time ago do you have the ring oh they're getting married right now dearly beloved we're gathered here in the sight of God will you take this woman to be your wedded wife keep yourself only for her as long as you that's so adorable mhm Young they are tell they God I guess right I need all FL Crews to report that their designated areas in less than an hour you will be launching the largest aial battle speech from the president would be amazing we will be United in our common to know what you're doing I'm a combat pilot will I belong in the air oh my God he's going to fly so cool come on as soon as I get back we're going to light those fireworks find some cigars take these he's got cig cigars on them I love that they're going up in the ship together missile launch oh my God not until the fat lady sings fat [Laughter] lady it looks so real going do this way make sure you see back and tables in your position that that don't do that they're like the opposite of each other look Steve the head is straight for us ta 26 minutes oh so pretty ooh the mothership looks freaky the hell they are bringing us in oh that's handy I love these shots with all of the fighter jets together M what happens if if that thing gets here well man this facility is very deeper than the mountain what about the people outside sale we got incoming good thing she thought of that [Music] mhm hopefully the aliens can't like read their minds I love how huge the ship feels oh yeah like this shot is [Music] great it looks so creepy too oh my God yeah all the alien design stuff is just wonderful like those could be like little alien hotels in the ship like who knows oh it's like an army Millions what the hell are they doing looks like they're preparing an invasion yeah oh wow yeah look at all the rows of [Music] them oh they've got like flight control I like this this this is stupid they can see us oh no no no power windows wow he really knows this ship we're in oh good so he's also a hacker he's uploading the virus Eagle One stand by to engage the virus is in this better work this is it come on baby no why virus in effect get your people out of there disengage re flank follow suit I want another shot at what the heck just leave it to the president Eagle 20 box two yeah all right Mr President here we go oh but they're locked in now oo that's not looking good they got to go oh my God the explosions in this movie he's awesome I'm glad he listened to herem how the hell are they going to get out of there come on in I'm not Jewish nobody's [Laughter] perfect yes so satisfying you're running out of missiles sir we're just not causing enough damage oh no they're preparing to fire their primary weapon my God they're everywhere battle is so complicated too there's so much going on you're out of time you've got to disable it now I'm in range walking onga oh he's trying to fire onto like the inside I'm on it whoa all missiles have been fired you're out of time sorry I'm late Mr [Music] President pilot you armed armed and ready sir all right let's give Mr Case cover let's plow the road the coolest present in ever box two no come on it's Jam you won't fire tell my children I love them very much oh no all right you alien [ __ ] good luck buddy hello boy [Music] oh yeah it worked oh that looks awesome son of a [ __ ] did [Applause] [Music] it [Music] w a such an epic shot I love that I wanted as a painting on my wall and out the wi every s what do you think Checkmate oh no yeah may as well it's funny I always thought the things like these would kill me nope it's going to be aliens apparently or a nuke it's been a pleasure Steve you twoo only one thing left to do look at us oh jeez we loose here they're chasing us oh really you [Laughter] think oh should be so hard to get out of tunnel tunnel exit exit left where the hell do you think I'm going he's just not helpful oh oh my God has left the building oo this better work wa that is a blast I saved the best explosion for last raped by the pyramids how about our two delivery boys any word from them I got something on radar yeah they smoke them cigars good job thank you well done Captain oh so this is healthy oh I could get used to it mean just saved the world come on that would be quite the sight happy 4th of July daddy same to you mkin didn't I promise you fireworks yeah oh are those all like the debris from the mothership yeah cool holy what an Epic movie those explosions and like the ships all on fire was some of the coolest stuff I've ever seen yeah like when you said you wanted to like have it as like a a painting like actually it looked like a piece of artwork mhm that movie it moves too it's over for two hours but it never feels like boring or slow no it's so fast-paced like there's always something important going on like everything like and the president is so captivating like I love listening to him talk it's not like oh he's talking about boring president's stuff and like doing boring orders and things it's like he's just like he's a cool guy so you're so into it all the characters are so wonderful yes and they're so good together too yeah like the two guys at the very end who were like flying the ship I absolutely love them they were so funny like they felt like opposite characters and they almost had opposite senses of humor but it somehow worked together yeah I could watch a whole Road Trip movie with him oh my God that would be so good obviously special effects like you said next level like I wonder how they did a lot of that stuff like it didn't like I guess some of it could have been CG but a lot of it must have been models so they actually like built models and then blew them up and the ships must have been like models that they built cuz they looked so real yeah they looked so good must have like one like close to the most explosions in a movie like ever that's the most I've ever seen like the closest would be I feel like Predator had a lot of explosions yeah but like not on this scale all no everything exploded in this movie yeah the ships exploded the cities exploded people were exploded cars were exploding like did anything not explode who was house a lot of everything exploded if you saw it on screen it would eventually exp it eventually explode which was awesome like that I just like oh my God it was so exciting yeah I'm like sweaty now I was like nonstop oh and that speech oh my God who wrote that speech the presidents yeah whoever wrote that like they need to be a professional speech writer or something right like that was so good I was sitting here and I was like yeah like let's go let's fight these aliens yeah like I said I just want to wake up to that speech every morning oh could you imagine feel like I can do anything oh yeah yeah 100% I would be like kicking but I really want celebrate 4th of July now yeah happy 4th of July yeah what a great movie to watch oh my God that was so fun if you guys have recommendations for other movies that are like End of the World style like epic ships explosions anything like that that's just like people coming together you know like this movie had it all let us know in the comments down below I would love to watch more stuff like this yeah please and if you enjoy what you see remember to like And subscribe it supports this in an awesome awesome way so stay tuned and we'll just catch you guys on the next movie yeah until next time yeah bye stay safe out there
Channel: Maplenuts React
Views: 29,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DY4f25bw9Hg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 13sec (2593 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 02 2024
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