*Saving Private Ryan was absolutely INCREDIBLE!* | First Time Watching

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hey guys welcome back to Rach reacts I hope you had a great Canada day and a happy 4th of July I'm not sure when this video is going to be coming out so either way both of those country birthdays hope you guys enjoy all right guys we're watching Saving Private Ryan so I have heard that this one's quite sad and I'm out of tissues so I have some paper towel hopefully that won't scratch up my eyes but at least I'm prepared this time I've been really enjoying watching the movies and I hope you are enjoying the reactions don't forget to like And subscribe and of course for the full reaction videos you can head over to patreon and hit the notification buttons follow me on all the social media and guys let's get on this one I'm excited this one has Tom Hanks there's Matt Damon and Vin Diesel be interesting these films are always so hard to watch with like just reenacting things that have happened in the war and these stories I know it's important to remember things that have happened cannot forget the sacrifices that were made of by a lot of these soldiers I wish there was just peaceful ways to just get along and share resources really yeah I always find it really hard to watch War films okay let's get started oh look at all that emotion there he's remembering isn't he oh too many Gone Too Soon this is always hard oh man well he's making me cry already this is June 6 1944 me day oh man oh oh no and clear those murder holes opportunity one what are they trying to save ammo how are they going to secure this beach like this is impossible they're coming from water oh see I knew it snipers everywhere and that machine automatic gun and swim with the weight what about the weight of all everything the ammo and the yeah oh gosh they're trying to get their belts off they round well at least I found some cover his arm got blown off oh my God he's carrying his arm oh there's so much death the water's like all full of blood oh no oh oh he's gone oh he's totally gone I swear it's like you're just lucky right like there's no way to dodge they're just lucky oh no oh my god oh it's it's blown out oh my God we stop the BL and he's shot the oh give [ __ ] CH you sonck wait come on come on what did this is all that's made it SC is pretty bad so there bound to be more oh I doubt it it's not enough clamp the artery stop the beding Jesus come on oh no no don't take your helmet off oh keep moving oh God got it oh Je expecting morine routine what no priority oh he's gone okay wow have to save their meds and their supplies too who's got the best aim no give you complete defate from that machine gun position get in there and give me some fire discipline wait for my command okay oh wow right oh my god mother saw you do that she'd be very upset you were my mother wow far from me Lorden yeah there he is oh bull [Music] eye oh oh he got him that was it there was just like two guys that was killing all of them fire gun flame flame wa don't shoot let him burn [Music] oh wow trigger Charlie 3 they're surrendering oh look at this a Hitler Youth KN okay now it's a Shabbat holoc right yeah Rance even the ocean couldn't even wash away the blood there's that much blood oh my God [Music] oh oh my Ryan this man was killed last week in New Guinea oh no Daniel Ryan oh the three men are brothers sir I've just learned that this afternoon their mother's going to be getting all three telegrams oh my God that's not all there's a fourth brother the youngest he parachuted in with the 101st Airborne night before The Invasion he's somewhere in Norm we don't know where is he alive we don't know Normandy come with me they don't even know if he's alive huh yeah she [Music] goes all four of them were in the same company in the 29th division but he split them up after the Sullivan Brothers died on the Juno any uh oh a the fourth son James no sir here madam I have been shown in the files of the war department a statement of the agitant general of Massachusetts that you are the mother of five oh sons who have died gloriously on the field of battle but I cannot refrain from tendering to you the consolation that may be found in the thanks of the Republic they died to save I pray that our heavenly father May assuage the anguish of your bereavement and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved the solemn Pride that must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of Freedom so are they willing to spend their resources to find him going to send somebody to find him ah there you go and we are going to get him the hell out of there okay it's just to salvage one son of the family so we can carry on the family Legacy what about our casualties oh I don't want to hear this the figur is for 35 dead times two wounded you just didn't want to give up those 88s I got another one for you yes this one straight from the top No Rest move on what we listen up what what we going to do going home wrapped an American flag with a cheese in your ass Karel you smart ass you like it in the ass I thought you like it in the ass wow as you were didn't they just almost I'm I understand you speak French and German yes sir your accent a slight one in French per clean has a touch of the Bavarian good you've been reassigning me grab your gear he seems shy I need someone who speaks French and German my two guys were killed yes sir I've never I haven't held a weapon since basic training sir did you fire the weapon in basic training yes sir well then get your gear yes sir oh he's really nervous can I bring my typewriter sir I don't think you'll need it uh one thing [Music] you'll need that need this yes whatever you're wearing is what you get if they had step counters then the [ __ ] back in formation time you salute the captain you make him a target for the Germans so do us a favor don't do it especially when I'm standing next to him capish oh my gosh book it's about the supposed to be about the bond of Brotherhood to developed between soldiers during war brother what do you know about Brotherhood get a little of this guy fish why don't you ask the captain where he's from yeah I ask the captain oh don't be mean to him about I mean where's the sense of risking the lives of the eight of us to save one guy oh anybody want to answer that CU they do the same for you mother hey Doc I got a mother all right I mean you got a mother Serge just got a mother I mean [ __ ] I bet even the captain's got a mother that's your reason why there's what to do and die something in Corporal huh we're all supposed to die is that it we all have orders and we have to follow the proceeds everything including your mothers yes there you go even if you think the mission's F bu sirally if you think the mission's foar what's foar I was going to say that never heard of that this entire mission is a serious misallocation of valuable military resources wow go on who must be that God gave me a special gift made me a fine instrument of warfare uh-huh rip attention now this is the way to gripe continue Jackson what I mean by that sir there's up to and including one mile Adolf Hitler with a clear line of sight sir pack your bags fellas War's over okay pumpkin hey so Captain what about you I mean you don't gripe at all feel heartfelt sorrow for the mother of private James Ryan willing to lay down my life lives of my men especially you Ryan I don't really believe him he's good I love him just do your duty okay fine just lighten the mood yes just eight of us we're not your relas sorry we're here for a Private Ryan who Ryan is he here well I don't know maybe with a mixed unit on the other side of town shoo and sco two of yours two of mine this is really getting down and dirty out short runs high low at the corners going to be tight be prepared for close contact go pop them you stay with stting hardack turn my gun to work at oh you holding him an's like an old woman like an old wow so even know where he went to school cam didn't go to school they assembled him at OC had spare body parts and dead G pay attention to deta care you don't step in the [ __ ] are they even making sense they're just playing with them thund we will fire on you oh my what's a family still doing there in this oh he took his helmet off to the captain what's he doing give that back up he reminds me of my nie sir get a decent thing to do is at least take you down the road to the next town we're not here to do the de follow [ __ ] orders oh no oh crap he was on the ground boy we heard the shot oh my God a guy in the tower somewhere venture out there fellas this sniper's Got Talent [Music] okay pleas oh man hold on caparo help me if I can walk I can walk Paro stay still listen don't move where's he shot captain Oh The Medic he wants to go Captain can you from there stay there damn it stay down he's trying to do his job come over here put the head down can't put head down oh my gosh he's going into shock me not be ashamed let not my enemies triumph over me oh look at that that one's dis got disguise on it no cop it and sent it before it's it's to my dad oh blood on it B oh oh my God oh my God there he is oh oh oh we got him stay down okay he dead that's why we can't take children huh let that be a lesson West corner of the square Jackson sirch the tower hustle back here oh no oh my God man you can really feel all their emotions DN H her out of my boot oh my goodness oh wa they accidentally found them oh my [Music] God oh my God clear up they got so lucky the other guys weren't so lucky clear up oh no someone's still alive oh nothing make you old for hope so oh my gosh oh the medic just sees suffering he doesn't see they're on other side second Rangers thank you we're here looking for a private James Ryan he's part of your outfit any chance at all you policed him up all right private I'm afraid I have some bad news for you well there isn't any real easy way to say this so uh just say it it yeah Dad we have uh orders to come get you cuz you're going home oh no oh my God my brothers are dead mixed emotions everywhere can they even sympathize anymore it's too much pain how did they die killed in action I can't be my brother's still in grammar school oh what you're James Ryan yeah James Francis Ryan M James frerick Ryan Minnesota oh oh my God all that for nothing oh no does that mean my brothers are okay yeah I'm sure they're fine are you sure that they're okay though different PR this is just a big fou oh wow sorry for the trouble I just wrote them a letter oh my god oh he's not going home now yeah everyone wants El how the hell did you end up way up here you got me sir c47 took heavy fire going crazy trying to get out of there turning Every Which Way took more fire in the drop got messy I ended up here I haven't seen a single guy for my stick sir got where like a big mouth talk about where the Drop Zone might have been no sir but uh I know Baker company had the same Rally Point at us show me we sure as hell could use you around here but I understand what you're doing you do yeah I got a couple of Brothers myself oh good luck thank you I mean it find them get them home oh yeah they're learning as to go this mission is very very important started in Portsmith when they brought us down for embarcation and comes and goes you may have to get yourself a new line of work this one seem to agree with you anymore when you end up killing one of your men you see you tell yourself it happened so you could save the lives of two or three or 10 others do you know how many men I've lost under my command how many 94 but that means I've saved the lives of 10 times that many doesn't it I hope so right so you rationalize making the choice between the mission and the men the truth is I wouldn't trade 10 Ryan for one Vey or one caparo amen well just sleep like that I mean the guy's lights out the b his head it's the back clear conscience yeah what's it saying oh God's on our side who the hell could be on this if God oh that's where he puts it against us my M she would have come home took me awake chatted me up till dawn that woman was never too tired to talk the only time she could get a word in oh funny thing is sometimes she' come home early pretend to be asleep who your your mom yeah why and I just kid my eyes shut and I knew she just wanted to find out about my day uhhuh that she came home early just to talk to me oh he wishes he would talk to her now I still wouldn't move I still pretended to be asleep I don't know why I did that cuz you miss her more coping mechanism you only got a couple hours shut up go to sleep they have a chance to sleep and they can't War educates the senses of into action the will affects the physical Constitution brings men into such Swift and close Collision moments that man measures man's way finding the bright side you know Emerson sir is that the convincing they did indoctrination before the war the pool up to well when it gets up to 500 I'll give you the answers and we'll split them money wow that we wait until it gets up to a thousand soon wonder if we don't live that long 5 minutes 500 would be good yeah okay oh my gosh pressure on this man's [Music] shoulders wow some [ __ ] genius had the great idea of welding a couple of Steel plates onto our deck to keep the general safe from ground fire Unfortunately they forgot to tell me about it until we were just getting Airborne oh my God that's like trying to fly a freight train I nearly broke both my arms trying to keep her level wow when we released you know I cut as hard as I could we came down like a meteor yeah it was a lost cause 22 guys dead that's all in his conscience for a general one man F on Fubar F Bar yall got that right it's an acronym the German diction is not food bar in there Papa yes sir there's more paratroops out there findun out if one of them is Ryan yes sir where is this son [ __ ] [ __ ] pile how am I supposed to know who we got why don't you just shut up R oh Ry Ryan yeah look at that you know what you're a genius you really are r i e n n e it's Ren and it's French a Full House house looking at my cheating guy who are they hell godamn airb watch oh chips all right all right put them back in there oh I get it don't scare them right before they go to battle under the woods like Hans and gret will call on his name he's bound to hear us sooner or later Ryan oh little maybe locals have seen it hey use proba Ryan James Ryan Ryan oh my God know Ryan is he losing himself James Ryan he's frustrated isn't uhon pal around with Ayan for the company yeah I think so we bring him up here would you oh that was a shot in the dark go the German grenade went right by my head got it wow you know Private Ryan who Private Ryan James Ryan Jimmy Ryan no J James Francis Ryan yeah all right give me a pencil something to write on something to write on James Francis Ryan AA question mark do do you know him does he know him read the message look yeah of course I know him sir getting somewhere yeah we missed our drop by about 20 miles ran into a colonel who was gathering up men to go to uh Ramel oh babysit supped to be here it's the last I seen of him sir great thank thank you you think about this bridge he was talking about cap yep the target has always been sherbo we can't push on Paris until we take a deep water raml knows that across the mered river anywhere he can oh he knows his mov forces to the flank we we make the big right turn to shareboard they're all looking at his hand shaking oh let's go he's kind of their hero right so he's the guy that keeps them going and keeps them feeling like they're going to be alive so if he has any weakness it it'ss [Music] them so I'm thinking we detour this way quick and quiet the crows will never even know we were here so Captain what I'm trying to say is why don't we just go around the thing detour I hear what you're saying I'm with Robin on this one sir we left m88 the air forces are going to spin ordinance on one machine gun Captain skip it and accomplish our mission I mean this isn't our mission right sir oh oh just would to leave it here so they can Ambush the next company that comes along our objective is to win the war I have a good feeling about this one when was the last time you felt good about anything I was just going to say who's going left I'll do it all right H up and switch off with Jackson and you linger in the rear how come they didn't want to go left we advance yeah should go up the middle sir the way you run I don't think so maybe I should go left sir maybe you should shut up oh my God cows are dead too oh he's using the cow's cover oh my god wow oh my God we're seeing from his point of view grab the dear get up here we need water sh go go go who is [Music] that medic medic you're fine you're going on a hospital how's it look going to be okay be okay oh my God that's too many oh then he's bleeding right through that's not good they have no idea what to God my oh my tell us what to do tell us how to fix you could use a little more morphine oh no give jit he knows he's going to die right another one mom I want to go home I want to go home oh m [Music] m I don't think I'm going to make it through this film oh he got blood on that letter again oh let's make a mark and cover Wade's body for grave detail same thing for those paratroopers down there shut up with that filthy pig oh my God he's begging for his life let him kill him this is not right so you can the bodies oh he has to cry otherwise it's going to go insane I say can you see I say can you see [ __ ] Hitler is he sorry about wa Sor about wa they've seen so Much Death could they find it in their hearts to forgive him at that moment to March a thousand Paces in that direction can take off the blindfold will be gone and he turns himself into the first Alli Patrol he comes across he's a p ring can't take him with us our guys will pick him up sooner or later he's letting him go on vermac first then throw him back into circulation oh yeah and you'll kill more C you just let the enemy go coming to take this Nest but the hell we only lost one of our guys going for it oh man Ryan's real [ __ ] happy knowing that little Jimmy's life a little bit more important than two of our guys but then again we haven't found him yet have we oh he's from Brooklyn done with this mission does that make him a deserter K if I have to but I'm done with this no I'm going to shoot I don't like you if he wants to go just let him go Brian's dead I have a sick sense about these things I Know It In My Bones now you're going to shoot B pull on me up to right now what what what's it up to wait wait is it $300 is that it how long how long he stays alive teach English composition this little town called adley Pennsylvania coached the baseball team in the springtime normal life on back home and I tell people what I do for a living they think well that figures but over here it's uh sometimes I wonder if I changed so much my wife is even going to recognize me whenever it is I get back to her oh my all right I won't stop you I'll even put in the paperwork I just know that every man I kill the farther away from home I feel yeah that's why I didn't kill him f with despair there's no one oh wow I guess they forgot what music sounds like I forgot that they could [Music] sing whoa what is that Air Force whoa 101st coming out 101st Charlie Company second Rangers cor Henderson Easy Company 504 Ryan first of 506 you see to me third of 506 Ryan James Francis Ryan yes sir oh how' you guess that wow we're here for him Ryan Ryan whole mission your brothers were killed in combat oh oh all over again you might want to take some time with this there's some place you want to go and what's this all about Ryan lost his brothers which one all of them yeah he came all the way out here to tell me that oh our orders are to bring you back corpal Henderson uh don't mean to leave you leave more short-handed but PR your orders any communication that when you're going to be relieved up here sure there's no way to tell I mean we have no idea what's happening South sir our orders are to hold this bridge at all costs but take it we're going to lose our foothold and have to this place private your outfit wants to stay that's one thing your part's over here sir I can't leave until at least reinforcements you got 3 minutes to gather your gear sir what about them I mean they're hardly two of our guys already died trying to find you all right he called him an aole S Arn Wade and Adrien caparo wait and Karo different different ethnicities it doesn't make any sense why why why do I deserve to go why not any of these guys they all fought just as hard as me but that's not what it's about tell her that when you found me I was here and I was with the only brothers that I have left and there's no way I was going to Desert them wow did he know he was going to come up against this the reluctance of Ryan to leave world is taking a turn for the surreal clearly but the question still stands he wants to stay here fine let's leave him and go home but another part of me thinks what if by some miracle we stay and actually make it out of here someday we might look back on this and decide that Saving Private Ryan was the one decent thing we were able to pull out of this whole God aul shitty mess oh okay that's what I was thinking sir we can draw them up this Main Road here into these buildings where all the rubble makes a bit of a bottleneck hit them hard we can one on one Jackson if we can we can get you up in that Bell Tower give you a little company if you need it yes sir some company couldn't hurt i' say 30 with about 1,000 rounds would be okay Parker W this is the Alamo they push us back this far last man alive blows the bridge that last man you better hurt your ass off for you're not going to be alive long Captain where am I during all this never more than 2 ft away from me not negotiable okay he's not allowed to fight you better stay alive dude yes so you got to be Johnny on the spot with the ammo or we're dead she can tell I got a heart on the size of the statue right she says me Richard calm down and she says no when you're over there if you see anything that upsets you or if you're ever scared I want you to close your eyes and think of these oh my goodness so I said yes ma'am that's what he thinks of he's in battle oh my are you all right sir yeah I'm just keeping the Rhythm booby traps wow an infantry cat I don't know if they took the bait though oh he was bait doesn't matter they're Brothers now oh no they're [Music] coming half of them went the other way oh my gosh he was too late oh crap oh get him get him get him get him oh get get okay this is seriously old [Music] school oh my gosh are you all right get off me yeah yeah I'm fine too K you just killed all their guys oh my god oh got one got another my goodness need Fortress my high tower and my deliverer yeah and he in whom I trust oh Jackson watch out oh no [ __ ] get out oh oh no they didn't get the tank oh ammo godam it oh no they're going to go upstairs what's he going to do damn oh they could potentially have killed their own guy oh this is so gruesome get him hurry up oh my God hurry up hurry Hur oh my God no B help him help him help him stop he didn't get up there in time wow oh no oh [Music] wow he's going to go kill someone else [Music] but I don't think he's ever going to forgive himself I think this is never ending for them o o oh what get off get off get off okay okay oh oh oh my God he's gone he's gone oh uh-oh oh my god oh they're coming that guy is back oh what would you look at that he let you go and you just shot him wow oh my god wow oh my goodness did he all of them he made them all put their G up [Music] him oh he did it let spin that he let them go but killed that guy [Music] I can't believe this the air strike came right in time great medic medic we got a medic oh my gosh earn this oh burn it wow oh no [Music] My Dear Mrs Ryan it's with the most profound sense of joy that I inform you your son private James Ryan well and at this very moment on his way home from European Battlefield reps from the front indicate James did his duty in combat great courage and steadfast dedication even after he was informed of the tragic loss your family has suffered in this great campaign to rid the world of tyranny and oppression I take great pleasure in joining the Secretary of War pray that our heavenly father May assuage the anguish of your bereavement and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost solemn Pride that must be yours laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of Freedom oh that's him wow I think about what you said to me that day on the bridge oh I've tried to live my life the best I could I hope that was enough tell me I have let a good life what tell me I'm a good M oh oh my gosh you are he never told [Music] her oh oh that's so sad so sad but I'm so glad that they saved Private Ryan oh my gosh you guys oh I only made it through that film because I knew we were you guys were going to be watching this I almost stopped that so many times like that is way too painful holy smokes I wonder what that kid would have felt forever like in the aftermath the the kid that did the Translating I mean I don't remember all of their names but man they were all interesting characters and that was just that was filmed so well the story I mean obviously it's just it's heartbreaking a story of a group of men traveling in the middle of war and also fight fighting all these small battles along the way as well and to save Private James Ryan wow everybody was amazing holy and just even going through their mindset and everything about that film made you feel exactly what everyone was feeling like it was totally reliving I'm sure obviously it's that's what it felt like and times 100 for the soldiers that were fighting in that war that is so sad what guys that was amazing film though I can't believe I got through I really all of these years I've just been avoiding this film I just H it's just too much War films are really hard for me it's going to take me a long time to get over this seriously it's going to take me a long time to recover so that's what I'll be doing for the next I don't know few days now it's I'll be having some really sad dreams too I think oh my gosh I think right from where we met Private Ryan you could feel that definitely it was worth it but you know everyone was worth it to go home alive what a message this film sends for sure honor courage even decency like not killing the enemy but then it comes back to bite you in the butt so you kind of have to put everything aside all your morals aside and just play the rules of War when you're in war like holy smokes unbelievable well I hope you guys like that reaction great recommendation thank you guys and we'll see you on the next one take care bye-bye
Channel: Reembok Reacts
Views: 21,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: saving private ryan, saving private ryan reaction, movie reaction, stevensp, Steven Spielberg American filmmaker, first time watching saving private ryan, reembokreacts, first time watching, stefan solari, tom hanks, cinepals, reejrejects, first time watching reaction, saving private ryan movie reaction, reaction to saving private ryan, reacting to saving private ryan, saving private ryan reactions, react, war movie, ww2, ww2 react, ww2 reaction, hitlerww2, USA, 4thofjuly, july 4th
Id: Dp56asgm85U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 3sec (2463 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2024
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