Watch This Tiny Baby Rescue Seal Grow Up and Swim Back to the Wild! | The Dodo Heroes Season 2

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[Music] it's exhausted he spent a lot of time running around on the beach looking for his mom he's sleeping a lot right now the first couple of days are very critical with them need to disturb him when he's sleeping but he needs to have some nourishment [Music] you [Music] and I roll them flat on his belly more of a stick to that way yeah he's definitely a couple of weeks premature oh he's not too happy with that go ahead with the shooting you should still definitely be in his mum's room at this point even as whiskers are reading reading short and tiny he's doing really well I think the monitor I'm still very closely over the next few days give you good signs and then they can just go very suddenly should be okay keep them nice and warm if you keep them [Music] it required feeding him four times a day every four hours between 8 a.m. 8 p.m. and he was sleeping a lot between no speeds as say these two after two days he started to get really bright and vocal and then after a week or so he moved into the kennels which have a bath and they had the heat maps and they're a bit more exposed because they don't have to get used to being out in the wild again eventually he did the tube fed in there for about another month when we're trying to get them to eat we often do a thing called your school which is where we put a fish on a string we get the feel into the bat and kind of swirl it around them try and get them to play with it get them to bite onto the fish and try and activate that natural instinct to hunt that they have but he really wasn't that into it he's more kind of interested in like what we were up to rather than the fish I think he got into the bath one day and just picked up a fish and started it's really really awesome he just cannot be stopped anymore he just kept growing and growing and growing and he'd reached 21 kilos so we decided then to move outdoors can learn to compete with each other and for fish and socialize a little bit start to learn a few life skills basically gained an awful lot of weight compared to the other schools so that meant he was eating most of the fish turning off as a young preemies pup where we were very worried about his condition and whether he would make it to see him just take off and just keep getting stronger and stronger week to week and then to set him loose on the world was a really good feeling we were really pleased I just hope that he's doing really well out there you
Channel: The Dodo
Views: 4,618,443
Rating: 4.9715109 out of 5
Keywords: animal video, animals, the dodo, Animal Rescue, dodo, cute animals, pets, wildlife, pet videos, wildlife videos, animals the dodo, the dodo animals, rescuing animals, dodo heroes, dodo heroes season 2, baby seal, seal, seal rescue, baby seal rescue, baby seal rescue and release, rescue and release, the dodo heroes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 54sec (234 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2019
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