Diver's Been Playing With Wild Seals For 20 Years | The Dodo Wild Hearts

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every day I'll have contact where they'll approach me and touch me that's quite magical and time just stops it's very very difficult to put into words to be honest you've got in front of you a 450 pound animal it's a wild animal you put your hand up and it comes to you so it's initiating it grabs hold of your hand with its flipper and squeezes your hand and you give it a little squeeze back and it responds you've sort of got a connection with an animal that moment the piece if I could bottle it up and sell it I would be incredibly rich for the last 20 years I've spent a long time actually probably more time than anyone in the world underwater with grey seals I've been able to see things that other people have never seen great seals doing things underwater that have never been seen before I would trust any wild seal underwater more than any domesticated dog any day and they're very very gentle I think what's also quite clever is they know what is me and physically me and what's equipment now peel off my diver or they'll take off my Mars they don't hurt me they seem to know what's physically me and what's equipment and they like to play with they like games they play Kings with each other and really what they're doing is they're just switching some of that play behavior to me my focus is always on never disturbing the seals if they come to me it's because they're choosing to come to me these aren't pets these are wild animals and other sealers you know Sammy the seal and I always see it and that's the one that plays for me now they're all different seals because they've shown me how to dive with over 20 years I've learned from them how to dive in a way that they feel relaxed and that then gives access allows quite unique observations they do this thing where they really beautifully rub their backs along the seabed their courtship underwater how they roll right politic underwater rolling together [Music] I've got an interesting life because I work as a medical doctor full-time in a coastal rural town in Northumberland my job working as the doctor is very very stressful and I think that being underwater with seals so that gives a really good balance that is good for your mental health and your well-being really probably the main reason why I do it to be honest just being with wildlife being with nature mindfulness you're in the moment you're not thinking about the future or the past you're really just there with wow that is a great privilege [Music] like comment and subscribe [Music]
Channel: The Dodo
Views: 1,987,420
Rating: 4.9814243 out of 5
Keywords: animal video, animals, the dodo, Animal Rescue, dodo, cute animals, pets, wildlife, pet videos, wildlife videos, animals the dodo, the dodo animals, rescuing animals, the dodo wild hearts, wild hearts, wild hearts dodo, wild hearts the dodo, wild seals, wild seal, seal, the dodo seal, seals, the dodo seals, diver plays with seal, seal plays with diver, wild animals
Id: 0Xv72Zw6tfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 21sec (201 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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