5 Real Remote Jobs You Can Do At Night (Work From Home)

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so one of my subscribers asked if I could do a video on work from home jobs at night and because I haven't done a video like this before I would just going to go to YouTube and find another YouTuber's video on the same topic and just send that link but when I was watching those videos I'm like oh my gosh this stuff is still just like transcribing and surveys so I decided to make this video for her and you guys to show you some actual diverse real remote jobs that you can do at night and they all pay well and no we're not going to be talking about traditional find a job on indeed route because that route it seems to just not be working and that's probably why some of you are watching this video because that's not working so I'm going to get into this list right now you guys ready let's go okay so I know entrepreneurship is not for everyone but these remote jobs I'm about to share Could Fall In This category because you are working on your own schedule you are your own boss so the first one is definitely not for everyone and I want you guys to take these ideas and if it's not for you just keep listening for the next one because it may be the the one million doll idea that works for you guys all right but this one is called voice acting and you can make really good money doing this so you know how you can listen to books on platforms like audible well most of those books or the people that you're listening to those are hired voice actors they're reading those books and they're making good money so you can earn from $50 to $500 or more per finished hour using platforms like ACX so the per finish hour is based on the total time of the final recorded and edited audiobook so I wrote a whole detailed article on how this all works so I'm going to put it in the description below so you guys can check it out if this is something that interests you I recommend check it out read it if this is for you make a plan execute and most importantly just stick with it cuz it's a great way that you can make money from home at night or whenever you want now another one that I love talking about is upwork so this is where I got my first remote job at night and for those who don't know upwork is a a freelance website where business owners they go to this site and and because they need help in certain areas of their business but they don't know who to actually hire so they go to this site to say I need help in this area Freelancers go to say okay I can help you in these certain areas and what I was trying to find was a virtual assistant position so what business needed a virtual assistant because that was what I thought I could do and just so you guys know anybody can be a virtual assistant and you don't know what to do you just got YouTube and Google that's what I was doing to find out the answer for whatever your client needs help with so anybody can do this stuff anyway I found a job it was perfect for me because I was still working my 9 to5 so I couldn't do this job had to be something at night and what I love about these freelance jobs is that most of it's not a typical 9 to-5 it's just you have to make sure that you can meet your deadlines and this job required me to work 5 to 10 hours a week and it was for $25 hours so this was a nice extra $1,000 that I was getting every single month so I had a 3mon project project and this is how I got my job because I had no references or reviews so why would someone hire me so I was trying to figure out like what's my leg up on this I wanted her just to get a chance to experience me and how that I was able to do the job for her but at no risk to her so what I did is I offered my service for free for one week and then I said if you like if you like me then we can go ahead with the paid services and she liked me so much she even paid me for the first week that I offer for free so this is what I highly recommend to you guys if you are interested in U making money on work go ahead and try this route if you don't have any references or reviews just to get your leg in there and then once you're in there then you're there okay I have a whole list of like my top tips for actually getting a job on upwork so I'm going to put that in the description if you guys are interested now if you don't have a skill and you need to learn one this is where you really need to listen because skillshare is sponsoring this video and they are offering something really big and free to my viewers for those who don't know skillshare is an online learning community without thousands of classes across different categories such as animation marketing design photography and more these classes are run by industry Pros who have had success in multiple Industries and what they do is they come in and teach what they know and they put everything out there you know ask me how I know I'm watching this stuff myself and this is the kind of stuff that equips you with the knowledge to start earning a paycheck so you can learn things like how to build a subscriber base for your email newsletter if you want to go that route and I go that route already and I earn thousands every single month with my email list so I highly recommend looking into that um AI tools to increase productivity or even how to open your first Etsy shop skillshare has it all to help you get there and I have an e-commerce website and I'm working on just kind of trying to improve it and with my skillshare membership I get to take classes like this and this is at a still of aprice from people like Kate sixf figure e-commerce coach this class I'm taking is a a complete full course and guess what y'all the first 500 people that sign up with my link below will get a one month free trial yes a whole month so if you are looking to make money from home and you need to acquire some skills I am literally just giving you the keys right there there is no reason you can't say oh well I don't have the money or resources this is now just up to you so I want you guys to check it out to see if this is right for you and skill share thank you so much for sponsoring this video and offering this to my viewers all right now the next one is becoming a freelance content creator and I'm mentioning this one for two reasons the first one is that you can do this at night and number two is everyone that I recommend this to and takes this course that teaches you how to do it they start making money right out the gate so what this is is a job where you are creating photo packages primarily for food recipes for bloggers and if you don't think this is a real thing you guys need to think again because I interviewed Shan in Livingston and she does this she makes so much money that she was able to retire her husband from his job and she's still a stay-at-home mom so and you don't have to be a mom to do this either so she started with no experience and that's why I love promoting this because you don't have to have experience to do this and if you take her course she shows you how to get started all the steps how to find endless content ideas and exclusive Facebook groups where bloggers are actually going to and are trying to buy these photo packages for their vogs this is how they make money so I interviewed someone who took her course and she made $4,000 the very first month after taking it and now they are about to buy a house so that's why I'm always promoting this because this is a great way to make money from home that a lot of people don't know about and this is where you don't ever have to show your face get on social media you work on your own schedule it just is a great remote job at night that you can do whenever you want but if you need to find a job at night this is definitely something that I highly recommend come in the last one I really want you guys to consider is flipping Furniture like Lily did now she did this out of necessity just getting started because she had this $10,000 Dentist bill that she was trying to figure out a way to actually pay off quickly and she started doing this and listen to this this just happened she was doing this with a 9 to5 she would do this at night she bought a $50 nightstand from Facebook Marketplace and then she like refurbished it and flipped it for $195 a week later so she fixed it up put it back on V Marketplace and sold it for a lot higher and then it grew from that and now a year from then she's now making $15,000 to $30,000 per month it fluctuates per month but that is some excellent money and this just happened just last year this this happened so I'm telling you guys this is now just such a great way to make money and if you say well I don't know how to do this well let me tell you YouTube is out there there are so many free resources out there on like showing you guys how to do this stuff because I'm want to put her Instagram in the um description just so you guys can check it out to see how she was able to do it and how you can too what she also started doing was when she was refurbishing this furniture she just turned her uh her phone on showing the process and people loves to see stuff like that and her Instagram just blew up and so did her income so it was just like a such a brilliant way when I saw this story I'm like I have to share this about this about this video about remote jobs at night because this is something she did at night she's doing it remotely too and you guys can do the same thing so I highly recommend this as a great way that you guys can also make money from home and I understand this is not going to be for everyone so what I do have for you guys is I created a free ebook on different ways that you can make money from home and I'm going to put that in the description below so you guys can check it out to see if any of those ideas work for you but what I recommend you do right now is check out my if you didn't see anything on this list that intrigued you check out my video I did on work from home jobs because that one went crazy viral and it's because people just don't talk about those type of jobs and they all pay really well so I highly recommend you go and check that one out and see what everyone is trying to watch it for because those jobs are things that people just don't talk about but they pay well so I think you're going to enjoy it and if you're still here at this video I love to do this because you like I wanted to see who actually watched my videos until the end so I'm going to give you a secret word to put in the comment section put the word butter like that's really the only thing that I thought of I'm trying to think like what could they say so it's put the word butter like you know the actual butter for cooking and put it in the comment section below so that means that I'll know that you stay until the end of this video all right as always thanks for watching guys and have a great day
Channel: Whitney Bonds
Views: 109,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: work from home jobs, night shift jobs, diverse remote jobs, high paying jobs, real remote jobs, non-traditional farm jobs, freelancing jobs, part-time jobs, remote work, nighttime jobs, online jobs, side hustles, virtual jobs, flexible jobs
Id: z_n-YJEqlKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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