The Modern Side of Bangladesh 🇧🇩

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Good afternoon from Gulshan here in Dhaka, everybody. I'm staying in Gulshan for the next couple of nights at the Crown Grand Plaza, I think. I'll show that hotel shortly. But Gulshan is the most luxurious place here in Dhaka. Everybody wants to live here, and I can understand why the roads are good. The traffic is still bad. There's lots of like restaurants and eateries around. So me and my friend Nadir are heading up to a local coffee shop. We're going to have a nice cup of coffee, get a bite to eat, and we'll be exploring Gulshan for the day. So I've been in Gulshan for about a day so far and it definitely is a very nice place. You can see all the roads are well-kept, but these nice lakes around, people picking up all the trash and all the litter. Nadir is getting recognized. But as I said, we're going to be exploring Gulshan today, do a little bit of shopping, get some nice clothes. And I think most importantly, we're going to try a lot of the the new restaurants that are here. There's Mexican, there's Thai as a steak house that we're going to go to later tonight. And there's just so many options for like really nice and good food. So that's where we're heading to now to get a nice cup of coffee and we'll see where the day takes us. Let's do it. This guy's here selling some socks. Actually do need a new pair. Salaam alaikum. What are these ones? How much is one piece? 100. 100? These ones look good. What else do you have? All right, let's buy. What brand? Levi's. All right, I'll buy this one. This one, some Calvin Klein's. Oh, and of course, we can't get past the Nike. Actually will buy one more, so we make it 500. Oh, yeah. The blues look good. Maybe. Oh, yeah. These ones. Or they have black ones? One of them. Yeah. Very good. It's called Crocodile Rock. Crocodil. No, that's five. Is it bargainable? Or is 100? Yeah, surely. Brother, how much? 500. You can do cheaper for me? We do like three hundred? No, four, 400? 500. All right. He's a tough bargain. All right, there you go. Thank you. Got some socks for my stinky feet. I got distracted buying socks in the cafe that we're actually going to is right next to it. So we kept on walking for a little bit, but I think the shop store is just over there. But we were literally meant to take a left right after we bought the socks to get into the coffee shop. So the coffee shop is called Peyala. And uh- looks pretty good online, has a ton of reviews and good coffee apparently so be nice to get. And I saw the best coffee to start the day. You get some energy. Hello, sir. I'm back. Is it here? Right now, I'm so confused. How will I- Oh, yeah it's further up. Yeah, we will. We will drive past. So we got too distracted. We morning walk. Yeah. Look at this kid. Is the tractor man. Hello? Are you driving? Driving? Ten years old. Have you got your license? I don't think so. I literally just showed that truck before and also the lake. And this is where we went to go, Peyala. So this is a really good coffee shop in Gulshan. What did you say? Peyala meant? Salaam alaikum. I think it's like a saucer. For like in Bangladesh people are going for the chai into like the saucer and then like. Oh right. People used to do that. Yeah. Hello. Professional photoshoots are not allowed on our premises. All right, go upstairs. Yeah. Hello. I think it would be nice up here. All right. So this is the area. Everybody they got like the cooking station down there. All the are the menu they got mejo wrap, boro wrap. For people just enjoy it. So now here's the menu. Well it's like a thick this thick bitter bit of board Coffee. And then middle brother is usually called Mejo this like. So Mejo was like. Like medium like you only you don't use it for coffee ever. Really? When it's Mejo, you're talking about like three brothers, boro ones, mejo ones. So Boro is large, like Big Brother. Yeah. And in Hindi you might know bada like, bada is large and like Boro is large in Bangladesh. With this classic I might get a classic cheeseburger mejo so. Mejo is medium. So would it be like a single or double patty? Is that what it means? Or like it's not meal? It's not a meal. You just. I guess this would be a bigger burger. Okay, I don't know, but I don't know if they do double patty. All right, guys, apart from all the burgers and wraps and balls, you can get a saw this little brunch burger. So it looks like. Oh, it's got like, a hashbrown in the middle. It's like beef egg. Looks like a kind of a croissant bun. It looks good. So boro meal, that would come with chips and a drink. It probably comes with some drinks and chips. Yeah well the fried chicken burger Right, so boro is big me like so it's just like be big and medium Okay yeah that's that's easy to remember We don't have small. I'll get one of them and we'll get a nice boro coffee, a big coffee, cappuccino or maybe nice latte. We'll see. Good. Thank you. Could I have one cheeseburger brunch burger in the boro meal. Can I get a cappuccino for the drink? Cappucino, medium or large? Large please. I'll get a boro coffee and- Large boro shake. All right, guys, we got the food. And they can't be all like. You got a coffee, right? Yeah. All what you got two drinks, right? What is this? That's mine, right? Yeah. We have the coffee. We got the burger as well. It's this like a croissant on top as well. Chicken, bacon, probably. You have a beef patty. Two beef patties, egg, hashbrown. Let's try this out quickly. Wow. Super hot, but look out. Crispy edges. Just a crunch. Oh, yum. All right. So we absolutely slammed those hash browns. They were so good and crunchy, but we're going to try the coffee. It's cooled down a little bit, so let's try this out. That's still super hot. All right, guys, look at this in here. As I showed before, we got the egg, we got the patties, we got the cheese in there. Let's grab this all in one and give it a big bite. Look at the side there. Look at all the meat in there on the kind of croissant bun. It's so interesting. Let's try it out. Oh, my God, Look at all the sauce, coming through. That was delicious. That's so good, it is like a croissant. This is exactly like a croissant. We have to eat upside down, I think. This is good. All right, guys. When you use two hands, it's a lot easier and it tastes a lot better, surprisingly. So we're going through a fair bit of a lot. It's just so, the meat in there is really nice. The sauce that they use, the cheese, of course, it's all really good. Yum. This one breaky burger to start your day. Wow. We're just absolutely slam that burger. That was a delicious brunch burger to start the day. And now we can sit and enjoy, a nice boro coffee. Still got away a little bit for it to go down. All right, guys. So the total is 1534 taka around like $15. So Nadir is kindly gotten us this meal. So shout out to him. But did you get a water? I don't think I did. Oh, we got charge for water. So weird. Well, it's like 13 taka. Yeah, that's too cheap. Can we actually get the water? Because I'll just put it in my mouth. [speaking local language] [speaking local language] Sorry sir. We'll buy it, though. [speaking local language] [speaking local language] We're just having the water. Yeah. What's the Peyala chino? I think that says the cappuccino. Ah yeah. [speaking local language] All right, guys. So, yeah, we figured out the Peyala chino is the cappuccino. We got the ice water, the Nadir's shake, and then we've got the brunch burger. And the water, maybe the water came with my meal, but I just never bought it out. But I will happily take some water for the road. Thank you sir. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you, sir. All right. Coffee and brunch, done. Let's get on with the adventures. Nice to meet you brother. Have a great day. We're just leaving the coffee shop, and we met a few people that have seen the video. See watch them and another guy from the coffee shop come out and say hello. He was really friendly as well. Yes. It's crazy how many people in Bangladesh have seen my videos from Pakistan and India and all those countries like I've I've met a lot of people that have seen my videos and it's still so crazy. But this way, this way? All right. All right. So we're just going for a nice little walk along the lakeside here. It's very green. It's better than like the Old Dhaka River, which is black, but this one must have like a lot of algae or, like, green stuff in the middle. But it doesn't smell too bad, I don't think. Or maybe my nose is blocked. I can't smell good, but it's a nice little walk around here. Look how low the electric lines are here. Like you might not be able to see it well, but it's only like a meter above the water. So I'm guessing no boats are coming through here, but they just go across from this side all the way over about like a dozen of them, maybe two dozen. It's crazy. Look at all these little, like, trucks and busses just sitting here. Wow. That's been there for a while. Wow. It's, like, fully been stripped of, like, everything. I can go in, like no one will get. It might be a hell like a safety valve. Oh, yeah. I don't want to put them. Yeah, I'll stand on the. The secure parts. Well, this is like the engine and everything. You got the handbrake, you've got the manual, you got the wheel still goes around. Wow. This is just crazy. You got to be careful. You don't want to get caught on any of these sharp, rusty bits. What is it like? What? The bus companies just don't use them anymore and then they just leave them here? What happened with this one? I guess. I guess there are tires that would still work. Yeah. This mob [local language], which means Mom and dad's prayers. I like how beautiful. Like they always. It's similar in like Pakistan and India. They had like the really beautiful colors in the artwork. Even the doors falling off. Oh, look at him. He's a cute one. He's got a yeah, he's got a lead and collar. He definitely broke free. Really? The chain is connected, right? Yeah he looks very well. He's taking care of. Hey, little guy. Hello. Come here. Hello. Hello. Hi. Hello. Hello. Oh, you're cute, aren't you? You're cute as well. Yes, you're cute. Little doggies. So happy. Oh, I don't like the mama. Well, she's got, like, fleas or something you can say on the back. Mama might be protective. So we're going to walk. All right, guys. We made it to the next location. So what's this place called, Amari? Amari, yeah. This town is have a nice roof top. Yeah, you can see the water. There are people in boats down there, but nice little gym area for the hotel guest. Got the pool. Look at this guy. He was just literally painting with no, uh, no harness or anything. Oh, maybe is he has a rope. Let's protecting him. But they got a bar down there where you can order drinks and alcohol and stuff. So, like, a lot of these places go in Gulshan, but the rooftops actually do serve alcohol, and I do have, like, the licenses to do so, which is difficult to get in in Bangladesh. You won't be able to get it just on the street. Alcohol, obviously it's a Muslim country, so it is considered haram. But these kind of like luxury places where there's a lot of other nationalities staying here. They have the licenses to do that. But nice little pool area there. And we're just gonna show here for a little bit and enjoy the afternoon. All right. So here are the options, everybody. We got handed a menu. You got food options at the back here, but you can actually buy like Corona, Carlsberg, Heineken. You got like, wines, champagne, vodka, rum. Look at this. Like Corona, 1311. It's like 13 us. So that is very expensive, obviously. It's imported from the international market, but, uh, they've all get a drink for us. Have a quick little drink up here and enjoy the view. Enjoy. The bee's knees. They got cocktails, long beach, mojitos, Bloody Marys, plenty of options to drink from. And of course, couple of food items as well. All right. So we have decided I'm going to get a Hunter, which is kind of like a local beer here comes in a can or a bottle. Can for 99 and a bottle for 599. So just try out the Hunter beer. So is it brewed in Bangladesh? I think so, yeah. So interesting. Like I say, even like in Pakistan, they have like Murree, which is like brewed up in the mountains. It's like meat. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like Murree is like the city and it's like a famous brewery. Like Murree. Murree Brewing Co, whatever. But it's so interesting that like, they still produce it, but they still produce but they export it. Yeah, that might be it, but let's order it. Excuse me. Can we order, please? I'll have one Hunter Can. Hi, can I get one? Hunter? Can? Sir we only have the Royal Dutch. Okay, Royal Dutch. Yes, Yes. And then one. What do you want? Diet Diet Coke. Diet Coke. Diet Coke today? Yeah, that's all. Thank you. Thank you. All right. So I guess they are lacking the supply. Coke zero. Oh, there we go. Expert for right there. Well, of a tall glass. Okay. Thank you very much. Enjoy sir. All right. How big that is? Let's try it out. Bit of a frothy head there. Nothing special just like normal. It's actually a nice bitter it's refreshing in a hot day. Yeah that's not right now. So that's exactly what you need. All right, guys, we finished the beer, and they were kind enough to bring us out a bit of popcorn. Pretty good. Nice little snack to have while you're chillin on the rooftop, which is really peaceful. It's not like there's no one here. So obviously, this is for, like, hotel guests, but if you you can like, enter and come up here and buy food and enjoy the drinks. If you're not staying here. But it's a chill spot. It's nice. A couple of people doing a bit of maintenance over there with the pool. We saw some painters over that way. Cleaning up the building, was a nice spot, just a chill, relax and enjoy the food and drink. All right. So the total is 2325. So. Wow, 464 for the Coke. But it's like these service charges and stuff. That's crazy. That's like more. Thank you. More expensive than the breakfast we had. Just like the the cost of importing alcohol. 0000. Excellent. Thank you very much. Great. Thank you very much. Have a good day. Thank you. Thank you very much. All right, guys. Nice little break up on the top floor there. Let's see what else we get up to. All right, guys. I'll meet with Michael and the crew again for a nice dinner here in Gulshan. This area, as you can see, it gets pretty busy. It is like around like 7 p.m. at the moment and traffic is starting to to pile up. But it does have a really good like infrastructure on the roads and the roads are all like double lane, but we are going to walk around like 10 to 15 minutes. I decided not to get a rickshaw or anything or a CNG, just because it's kind of difficult to explain where we're going. There's no like main landmarks nearby. Oh, almost got run over by car, but I will go into a nice steak house, so I'm going to get a nice steak. Maybe like a T-Bone steak or some of those delicious meals. But as you've seen, like Gulshan just has so many eateries and so many amazing restaurants nearby that are it's like you have you spoiled for choice. Really. I wish I was spending a few more days here in this area because it is a really nice area. There's so many amazing restaurants, so many amazing cafes around. But we're going to get to the restaurant and we'll link up with the crew. Let's do it. All right, guys. So we only got. It's only a kilometer away. I've been walking for a couple hundred meters for 11 minutes to get there. Go down these nice little steps to check for traffic, which there always is, but yeah, this area, it's like really, really nice. I really have enjoyed my time outside of this area in Gulshan. Like, there's just so many. Like, I think the number one thing in any place you travel is the abundance of food options you have. You have literally every cuisine possible. That's a little sweet shop in there as well. But yeah, that's like really nice steak restaurants, Mexican, Thai, obviously you got your like Bengal Indian, you know, Pakistani restaurants in this area as well. And they're all really high quality with their food and stuff like that. So it's a there's an abundance of options with this. But the best thing is that the coffee shops here, they serve really good coffee. So I've been getting into the coffee shop vibe here in Gulshan, but as always in Dhaka, there is just so much traffic everywhere. You got to walk, you got to watch where you're going, make sure you don't get hit by cars like that. Make sure the trucks get out of the way and dodge a couple CNGs while you're at it. So what's this hotel? Oh, the Sheraton. That's a nice hotel as well. So I think we're just walking straight for the next couple hundred meters, and then we'll take a left to cool off. We'll make it. I'm in. I'm in a little bit of a rush because I'm a couple minutes late. But of course, you're afraid on the local time here. So if you're meant to get there at 8 p.m., 9 p.m. is an appropriate time to reach your destination. What is this? Nice little fire, burning on the side of the road. We can get run over by the rickshaw. That's close. But I think and 100 meters or so we'll just do a cheeky right. And then we'll make it to the steak house. There we go. There's the crew. I'm running on Bengali time, everybody. Then we have a steak out and Pizza Hut. Welcome, welcome, welcome again. Yeah. I was shocked how many Western restaurants they like Burger King in Minnesota. Look, it's crazy. There's so many dazzling bargains. Hopefully we don't have to make a reservation. Oh, Pizza Hut? Why? Where's? Where's the Burger King? Is that nearby? What? The Burger King. Oh, it's down there. Oh, I didn't even see it coming in. All right, look. Even bit the Japanese food. It's crazy. The abundance of, like, restaurants they have here, right? We all going to fit it. Does it work for us here? Okay. What's the max? Six. All right, we have a steak out. Hello sir. Look at this. Six, please. Yeah, it's empty. We're going to fit here? It might be a bit tight. All right, sorting this out with the perfect seating arrangements. Look at this customer satisfaction at its finest Texas of the states to look at Yeah yeah we got a Hindu here Do you even have any other options? Oh, man. You can have french fries? Uh, yeah, all right. There are great chicken. Chicken? Yeah. Yeah. Wow. Look at the abundance of options. We're definitely going to go out with it. Look at that tomahawk steak? $26. Great. What? T-Bone. Tenderloin. Ribeye. Well, you get to choose your sides. Okay. But that looks good. That's good for you. All right, here's what we're tossing out between us. We've got the T-Bone here or the Tenderloin. For me, when I have a steak, I like the least fat possible is always like chewy and not as enjoyable. So they literally do say here highs, tenderness and fat loss premium steak or Permian steak. Have you ever have you ever had a not a premium steak, the Permian steak, Michael? I have not. Well, it's also looks good. I think we'll go a tenderloin and I can get get some wedges and garlic rice with sauces any to cheese sauce, roast bacon, maybe a pepper. Mushroom sauce is always good pepper. And yes, we have to get cheese. We get cheese. That's just so not on brand if I do anything else. So get that. Are you guys ready? Oh, yeah, yeah. 500 grand. Okay, you know, I get mashed potatoes. Are we gonna get the tomahawk? I think because I was looking at the graham edge. I don't know what the options are. I want tenderloin but I don't want the fat. Can't be changing my mind like the sauce. I'll get them up, you know, for this. I'm sorry. Thank you very much. Is that alcoholic? No, no. I'll have the tenderloin, please. With wedges and garlic rice. And then for the sauce, cheese and mushroom sauce. Cheese and mushroom sauce? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. How do you like the steak? Medium? Yeah, medium rare, please. What do you drink? Oh, maybe a cool, cool water. Well, okay. Thank you. Tenderloin. Yeah. Yeah, It looks good. Yeah. I was definitely the least fatty of the two three options. You got the brisket right? Yeah. Brisket. Yeah. It's good. You know, it's professional when they come out and let you inspect the meat first. I should have looked at the menu better, because as ordered, probably the greatest masterpiece of all time. Look at this. French fries, cheese. I mean, it's like beef in as well, but that looks incredible. So the starters are starting to come out. What is this? This one? Cheesy. It is made of beef. Beef. I just wanted to try. This is for everybody? Yeah, it's for everybody. I mean, we have to stick to big stuff and share it, A colorful steak What's under this? Wow. Look at that. It was supposed to be a mushroom. All right, let's try this out. So I think it's like barbecue sauce. French fries, cheese, and. Juicy goodness, this smells so good. Let's try it out, look at the cheese everybody. That's so good. That was a good choice. Wow. It was delicious. Could I have some French fries? I think it's just cheese. Yeah. it's like five, five French fries for the whole blop of cheese. This is so good. Sorry. Can I have some French fries? Yes, of course. Thank you. Okay, perfect. Thank you very much. All right. All right. Oh, look at that. We even got the name. All right, Luke. Let's get this. Let's get this to the side. So bring this in front. Wow. Look at that portion size of wedges. It's all seven, but luckily we got more printing, so we're going to go. Wow, that's so good. Let's try this out here. All right. We had the first in here, so I don't know what I messed up the the order for it is very pink so I usually get medium rare. I don't know if like in different countries, medium rare and well-done and all that kind of stuff is actually like a different level. So it is pretty pink, still very delicious. It's dipping into a little bit of sauce. Michael just pointed out they have here rare, medium rare, medium, medium well, well-done. So I probably should have gone for medium or medium well. It's interesting how different like it's supposed to be. What do we have in Australia? Medium, medium rare. But I think it's the same. Let's try some garlic rice. You've got some veggies in there. And then of course, gonna get the wedges. Into the cheese sauce, put it up. It's just like a mac and cheese. Just delicious. Cheese. All right. Oh, we're going to enjoy the rest of the meal. I'm finish shortly. I'm in the bathroom now. Because I'm going to pay the bill so everyone needs to do sneakily. So I said I was going to bathrrom But you know what? I'm done. You're going to sneak out and pay the bill for everybody. It should be like 100 or $150, but I'm sure they'll enjoy that. After this, and then we'll go. Can I pay the bill, please? But don't tell. I'm I'm being sneaky. Like don't, I can't tell them. So I'll just pay now. Give me one minute. Okay thank you. So here it is, 13,000. So how's the food? Delicious. Really good. You're the manager or not? Yeah. Yeah. It's a very, very good establishment. I enjoyed it a lot. Right. So there's a total of 13,000, everybody. Well. Excellent. Thank you very much. Thank you. All right. So let's act as if nothing has happened. Did you guys enjoy it? Delicious. Good. Yeah. Good good. I can't believe it was your first steak's. Very good experience. For the first time. Yeah. Like, well, were going to have, like, this? This all over the country on the back of that? So you use beef in lots of cooking though, right? But it's like. It's like regularly. Yeah. Like every two days we have like not like this big, like we've got it with all of these. [speaking local language] What is it? Free food? Oh it's like a refresher. Yeah. Yeah. If you feel this, then you'll get on free. Wow. That's pretty good deal. Buy ten only get one free. You live in Dhaka, so. Yeah, probably you, Thank you. Let's go? We have to pay. I already paid. Oh, you do? Yeah. It's separate check, right? Yeah. No, no, no, no. Yeah. We'll pay you. No, no. That's fine. I want to surprise them. And surprise you. They're all, like, scrambling over trying to ask why? We'll figure out why we're asking the bill again. Michael. You did that? Let's go, let's go. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. My treat. My treat. Thank you for showing us around today. Thank you so much, Luke. No worries. Okay, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you. Yeah, I just got there. Yeah. All right man, it's been good. Good to see you. And hopefully we'll see everyone in Thailand. Nice to meet you guys. Yeah, let's do it. All right, see you guys. Bye-bye. Have a good day. All right, guys. And we're back on our own roaming the streets here in Dhaka. What a fun dinner. What a fun time exploring Gulshan, what amazing place it is. Just like such an amazing place to live in here in Dhaka. I can honestly say myself, spending a significant of time here in the future, which is very, very nice, feel very safe, just like walking on the streets like I am now. But we are going to finish up the video here, everybody. Thank you so much for watching. As always, chase your dreams. And we'll see you all in the next one. Good bye.
Channel: Travel with Luke Damant
Views: 220,909
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Keywords: luke, luke damant, damant, travel, traveler, traveller, travel with luke damant, travel vlog, travel vlogger, luke damant travel, chase your dreams, travel tips, travel channel, asia, bangladesh, bangla, bangladesh 2023, bangladesh travel, travel in bangladesh, dhaka, dhaka travel vlog, bangla travel vlog, bangladesh travel vlog, coxs bazzar, foreigner in bangladesh, bangladesh tourist, tourist in bangladesh, tourist in dhaka, old dhaka, sylhet, travel bangladesh 2023
Id: Rg3WCHhBdak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 9sec (2589 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2023
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