Avoid Trying This in Dhaka! 🇧🇩

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I'm in Dhaka Bangladesh and as you can  see behind me I'm starting this video at   the asan manzil which is a beautiful Pink  Palace here in the middle of old Dhaka and   it was completed in 1872 and it's a beautiful  area just got palm trees green and then just   really unique strong pink color it's actually  a museum now I just thought I'd start the video   off here and we're going to explore around old  Dhaka also near the river so we may be getting   a boat later but let's just see this is a  cool little uh tourist destination 500 uh   taka it cost me five dollars to get in here  not too bad and I think they've got Museum   and art but you guys didn't come here for that  you came here for the the intense and vibrant   city of Dhaka so let's head into the city all  right we are now leaving the palace foreign okay the question is where do we go no I'm  heading to the river oh the river river   yeah okay go down this deep dark alleyway   the dark anyway that leads to the river you want  some painting oh stinks of paint hello hello oh I can see the river awesome we took the  right decision also I don't know if you   noticed there was actually a group of ladies  just having a little sleep oh the fruit man   pineapple man and the dogs look  how many dogs there are wild dogs   well this is it this is what we're  looking for I want to see the river   this isn't just any River  this is a future River hello   look at this guys oh my God you can just  walk down straight you go on a beach   we've got a mixture of the huge boats and the  small boats we're going to be trying to get   on one of these small boats but the question  of how we do it is going to be an interesting   one we'll head on to this little balcony  thing there are some dogs that definitely   may have rabies but I have my rabies shot so  I'm all right wow oh awesome doing some fishing you fishing hello fish nice good  oh look at all those bananas This Is How They transport items from place  to place here in Bangladesh not just by roads   not just by train but also by boats and you  can actually what people don't realize about   Bangladesh is there's a huge amount of rivers  and there's a there's a vast River Network so   you can actually get ferries from place to place  but this is just incredible and it's a really nice   temperature here just a huge River I wonder if  we could swim across I reckon I could swim across   but the issue wouldn't be the swimming it would  be the pollution hello very nice people bye-bye bye-bye oh they're following we have some fans  hello oh looks like they're with me now forever are you playing badminton badminton yeah  yeah I can go okay I play against him instead oh no it already failed  hit the side let's go again very good very good I'm from England yeah   Hello nice to meet you nice  to meet you thank you so much okay let's see you play smoking was  playing badminton that's a sign of   a true athlete oh look at these bananas  whoa oh I come this side okay here we go oh they're measuring out the core foreign I get high all right okay I can I can try all right uh what's up okay okay okay play badminton okay three two one  go here we go whoa whoa here we go whoa okay no no no uh here we go the famous pan it's a beetle this is the the beetle get high okay small small ER Bangladesh England they just come  they don't want to know anything else   country country okay what's this  oh nice okay okay we're gonna be   feeling good after this keeping  the feeling on top of the world oh here we go thank you it's good okay you can rap no they're all staring in the wallet that's  all they have I don't have I don't have 50. okay after well this is stressful we have a  big audience okay try first and then I pay okay yes guys I just feel like energy don't feel anything else what's your name my name is okay thank you okay bye-bye wow I Smash It Out that was disgusting we still  got some guys following hello   wow oh my God look at the rubbish oh  my my saliva has gone red and uh yeah   this area is like kind of intense  to be fair but it's nice hello assalamualaikum how are you I'm good all right  we're back in the food area we got chicken   oh yeah hello assalamualaikum  yeah what are you selling yeah oh chicken rice I already have  I already have beef nice you   know where I can find uh Bako honey look oh yeah okay okay okay thank you all right apparently  we can't find it around here I've Been Told   earlier today I was like they  were like you're not gonna get   it here but apparently you can  get it here assalamualaikum I okay oh is this backho County this one  oh my God assalamualaikum coming at you   oh nice look at this it's like a it looks Savory  but sweet you making here finish oh okay uh 80 80. okay that's 80 cents ish okay foreign this is it the furnace can I you you make or no finish oh okay okay uh uh I'll try one egg this  is filled so he's obviously made them in the   morning and now they're ready in the evening we  have a crowd you want one anyone you want one okay here we go is very good see as soon as I speak Bengali they understand oh yeah delicious oh this is a different  type oh I got the brown one is England England wow London rajdhani his  husband in London Birmingham you're from Dhaka nice DACA  is nice place okay [Music]   it's kind of got like a sweet taste to  it sugar it comes off like very flaky   really really good very good Palo Daniel finish hmm thank you sir no change finish thank you   you haven't been I leave this okay thank  you okay I've just been walking around   for a little bit trying to figure out what  there is to do in this area and it seems like   it's kind of quiet as there because it's the  weekend but um I have spotted something hello we have spotted the desserts and I love  my soft and desserts assalamualaikum good dessert I can try it oh I know what this   one this one's very nice I've had  this before can I try uh mix mix of the best one piece of the best each yes okay you're from Dhaka is a good place okay we got a   little mixture oh yeah one of these  please what's the the name foreign oh this looks delicious sweet very good thank  you England we're also gonna try one of these   which is new to me it's sweet coconut sweet  sweet oh wow this is a mix of everything mucha chicken sandwich oh yeah 250. okay okay I'll try oh chicken samosa oh lovely it's gonna be one of the  best samosas I've ever had   crunchy you just sit inside there's so much  flavor spice oh my God delicious very good 250.   it is oh you want 20 yes okay thank you oh  we have the sweet corn man assalamualaikum no no no 220 30 for one one hole okay nice it looks very charcoal uh spicy and spicy spicy oh very good very  good I don't know if I want spicy yeah   you are messy yes I think it's a good  period yeah yeah yeah [Music] he cooks it it's good yeah oh the smell you can smell  the sweet corn I do actually love sweet   corn I've never actually had this before I've had  similar very similar but not actually on the cob   so he's got a little fan you  want me to do it I give it a go   okay there we go this is good  I take your job yeah you pay me oh it smells good would you like you  want one okay so anything cooked on the   on the charcoal it just tastes so much  better like the barbecue taste of it   okay oh we got a bit of salt oh nice stops a  bit of salt on there uh yes something foreign too spicy for me yeah okay there we go so  you add to the spice and then final it's   just to cook it a little bit more there we  go finished thank you oh it's hot it's hot ladies there we go he has to put it multiple  layers because it's so hot for me okay I wait   and then eat that's how he makes the fresh one so  perfect and then turns into the charcoal version   very nice okay it's cooled down a little bit I'm  gonna come over here to eat it let's give it a go oh it's good very good spicy spicy  yeah the sweet corn is kind of small   there's not much like volume the charcoal  is so so good like honestly really nice it's hard to eat people just stop  whatever they're doing they're like   transporting some of their stuff just to watch me   so you're a very good Chef Gordon Ramsay lovely  little snack actually it's Gonna Fill Me Up   probably won't need the dinner now because I've  got the dessert and this very very delicious okay don't even finish no change okay thank you  no change thank you so it was like 30 cents and   I gave him 50 cents in the end uh because it  was really nice and how are you you're a messy   yeah yeah Argentina gonna win yeah yeah England  I shouldn't say that actually I'm gonna regret   that okay I think I'm gonna go back to the hotel  and try the sweets there because there's nowhere   I can sit and eat them without being hassled so  let's get back to the hotel and try these ladies   and gentlemen we have the long-awaited dessert  taste test we've got a mixture of everything   this looks delicious I'm going to start  with my favorite um I remember having this   in Pakistan it's just like just giving  me a lot of nostalgia let's give it a go oh my God how did I do this it's so good  oh my God syrup sugar bit of nuts taste   um but the texture is just so soft and it's  just like breadcrumbs stuck together basically   okay we can't eat too much because we've got  a lot to go through next I'll go for this one this looks really weird like a donut almost  but it's got something on top like coconut okay well um that is also so so good  it's so literally so soft   as this isn't coconut this is just like flour or  sugar but uh it's almost like wet inside there's   like water inside okay both of those have been  incredible I don't know how we're gonna beat them   okay next we'll go for the very popular I  can't remember the name of this you guys are   gonna have to remember but this also I remember  being very good but I yeah we'll give it a go hmm not as good as I remember hasn't really got  any taste to it but it's okay not this one okay oh wow so it's very similar to a donut very  oily so much sugar but delicious as well   these two the first two I tried still  my favorites now I try the pistachio   um biscuit kind of thing oh my God quite hard  um it tastes weird [Music] okay I don't have to   describe that this I remember being really  good it's got a little bit of silver on it that was good but I'm sorry guys the Kings   these two my favorite by far if anyone can  write down the names that'd be great I've   had an incredible time filming this video I just  like I'm astounded at how friendly the people in   Bangladesh are specifically I'm going to Old Dhaka  because I think that's where the more intense and   more entertaining areas of DACA are and so yeah  I'm just happy that I'm just meeting so many nice   people everyone's so inquisitive they're just  staring and of course I don't mind staring but   um yeah it just shows that you know not many  tourists come here and unfortunately I guess maybe   it's because well I can actually say it's because  of two reasons number one is because of the media   um and obviously we're working on that I like to  think that YouTube is the New Media here and where   I'm showing people the Taurus that Bangladesh is  safe and a great country to come to however one   thing that Bangladesh I'll speak freely about this  and I don't care what people say but Bangladesh   aren't helping themselves with tourism uh because  like the to get into the country is so hard like   as a tourist a visa on arrival is so hard so if  Bangladesh can do one thing it's to help improve   that area like um just when you get to the airport  just some of the logistics of the airport is just   not very well done and the security almost like  really trying to find something wrong with your   papers and they want to have a reason to not  let you in I was at the airport for like three   hours uh between three and four hours getting  interviewed and so many questions they're like   magnify having a magnifying glass up to my  passport checking if I was a spy if I was   you know fake passport so I feel like  I've never had that in any other country   um you know not in Pakistan not in India and  although it is hard in those countries but   not as hard as this country and so I feel like  that's somewhere where they could improve but   apart from that once you actually get into  the country it's an incredible place I'm so   happy to be here okay thank you for watching  and I'll see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Harry Jaggard
Views: 357,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 2sec (1442 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 12 2023
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