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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this is your life and it's a plan to upend of the tribe that you know where I am this week Coronation Street right jack it said rise for my dog JJ and I'm in the illustrious company of Jack Duckworth Salomon and philosophers what the person whose name is on this book does not know is that tonight jack has an assistant that assistant is me now here at the Robers return they are filming a little sequence for Canadian viewers telling them that the street is now on three times a week Jack I think your cue is about to come have you told him if his cousin's been on no no yeah well better warm up she said she'll only reason she went over there and flew his bliss but to get away from him so climb over the lumberjack needs your jets cousin yeah just like Jack because so char loans and about that him now Jack you beat limits get yourself in here I know I know I want to eat he's been on from scans to Gonzaga a scarf at God's sake she married a lumberjack Nancy you're jack cousin yeah just like Jack no take us so sure I'll tell him now Jack you big lummox get yourself in here well I'm afraid it's a stand-in big lummox tonight because Pierrot ductless alias Elizabeth Jones this is your life tonight you all right and we're not gonna Rover far from the robust because we're going to do the show in Manchester just a few cloggy steps from here are you came grab your handbag leave the drink and we'll tell your story [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well we got your breath back grab a seat he's got a long way to go yet now Vera promise you won't be too hard on Jack because he's a good lad really and he is right here your screen husband bill Tommy [Applause] [Music] grab a seat bill I didn't manage to get the new bow on so the robust has emptied early just for you and here they are resident of Britain's most famous street Peter Baldwin [Music] Amanda berry better driver [Music] [Music] jail mykola bell [Music] what intern [Music] [Applause] with a girl [Applause] that's all oh yeah my throat that no can she be as dizzy as Vera Sally yeah there was one time in our green room we have them a telephone a communal telephone and one day Liz was walking past a telephone to get herself a cup of coffee and the phone rang and Liz picks it up and one of our security guards said and Lizzy says there's a car in the car park and it's a silver BMW registration number bla bla bla bla bla they've left the lights on so Liz shouts ugly silver BMW left the lights on bla bla bla the registration number and everyone looks at future than well when Liz it's your couch I think even the late poet laureate John Betjeman liked the street bhindi well yes that's right he was one of our biggest fans and he used to say the street was Dickensian about that he meant it was full of rich characters and personalities and every so often we get a personality that really stands out jumps out of the set and Liz is one of those everybody knows that laughs wonderful but there's a side of Liz that people don't know about she's always wanting to learn and improve herself in any last week's came up with a books and I think you ought to see this bill said it you've got to learn to love yourself said you got to look at yourself in the mirror in the morning and say I love you I just like to tell you this Liz everybody loves you yeah thank you I'll try that myself but I've been reading it for three there's nothing depressed we've been building up to tonight now Liz's you know the landlady of the Rovers is taking a sunshine break at the moment but if you look at the screen we'll find out how she's getting on with a few new friends in Cyprus Julie Goodyear Oh fire Liz well here I am at the Grecian bay again surrounded by some of Hera star C champagne and shocking chips have a lovely we'll move it I intend to you know at the end of this is your life how they fly her mates back I'm not coming kid you understand this is their life Yama's Liz god bless bigad Sally well thanks to Judy good deal makes a change from pulling pints I suppose now Elizabeth dawn this is your life and it's 15 years since you created that shoot from the mouth character of Vera Duckworth never mind Vera when I first met her I rang she'd been vaccinated with a gramophone needle yes you thought he was at home tonight but you left the back door off the latch your husband Don [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so she was a bit talkative on because fella again men native man were trying to chant Liz and a girlfriend up but we couldn't get a word in edgeways on January the 21st 1965 you did get a chance to get in two little words at Leeds Register Office was it a very big dude on oh really Liz his mother was the bridesmaid and my mother was the best no no no Elise did you have a lavish reception well Lois says you know really funny really the run is six of us and the waitress said I'd race to the pantomime I said we're being this has been a long-running double act which is expanded through the years and what is more one of your children these days lives a far cry from the banks of the Manchester Ship Canal I see alvaro prestige on oquawka Zamir vicino Canali de valència which is we all know means she lives near the canals of Venice but she is here tonight your daughter Anne and also hear your daughter's Julie and Dawn [Applause] your son Brenner [Applause] [Music] so and how do you come to be living near Venice I met my husband and dryer we met in Venice mmm so romantic fighting is there a better than falling in the canal and gone your mum pinched something from you when you were just a babe right yes that's right she took my name because my phone's not giving evidence [Laughter] [Applause] so your daughter Elizabeth she pinched it James around Juliet we can let viewers in on a secret tonight because you've made almost as many appearances in Coronation Street as your mother like this [Music] now Julie you can explain yes every time they show the picture we momentary isn't actually Terry it's me as the baby but as viewers know Terry is working away at the moment when I've come home for the party tonight ma'am yes the prodigal son returns from York ways appearing in the taste of honey Terry Duckworth alias Nigel Guevara [Applause] [Music] [Applause] as he knocked me off that's my pal it's on him now it looks very nice no Elizabeth dawn this is your life and you were born on the other side of the pen ions from Coronation Street you're actually a Yorkshire type from Leeds home was at number 24 Tory mount and you were christened at Sylvia and Butterfield there you late parents picture with their nine grandchildren father Albert was an engineer and your mother Annie worked in the garment industry and here you are aged nine on the left with your sister Maizy and brother Albert your playground was what you called the Black Hills a romantic name for the local slag heaps do you remember when the boys were all daring one another to go down the Black Hills the fast way the dead meat cigar down a slug - a cramp yes your brother Albert and your sister amazing [Applause] [Music] Albert what was your reaction to this Crestor challenge bill dangers simple as there so amazing what happened well my sister's never been frightened of anything Michael and I'm afraid she ended up in the pram she went down the hill at a great speed hit the bottom somersaulted out and ended up in the barbed wire and they got into a lot of trouble when they got home her mother gave them and slagging off she did thank you baby thank you out it might have suspected you were sisters really now school days Liz are at Corpus Christi high Halton more in Leeds where you were always among the first to volunteer for school concerts your parents had a piano at home and you had a natural gift for it did you play by ear you know just to play without me also is that right that's good enough and your greatest pleasure was going to the pictures with your school pals to see those great Hollywood musicals of the early 50s back home you and those powers would gather round the Oceania Dreaming at stardom and reliving the songs from the movies [Music] together again for the first time in 35 years and Harrison Jacqueline Whitfield and flown in specially [Music] [Applause] sorry sis is this a hint for you all to burst into song together they tried [Music] [Applause] Thank You Ann Harrison Jackley Whitfield Doreen Hudson and I haven't changed a bit now leaving school life is still closer to Huddersfield Town than Tinseltown but your audition successfully for the chance to warble in the working men's clubs during the day you get through a lot of jobs shoe shop assistant sweets counter at Woolworth's and a job in a toffee factory and that one came I think to a sticky end and there was a job that is a portent of the future thank you mum and me you started a real life Mike Baldwin's thus part was to imitate life yes it is your aunt Nellie and with her your uncle Alex [Applause] [Music] [Applause] right laughter so Nellie she knows what she's doing when we see her work in Coronation Street the shoe well not really because when we were all in the tailoring you've got to get your finger in machine three times before you will let me show you list and they've never done that oh yeah uncle Alex arrived in LA when our lives we move back to the family home with baby Graham here when your first marriage at the age of only 17 fails and you take a steadier evening job than clubs singing the girl who dreamed of Hollywood stardom becomes a cinema a Charette enter the hero that's you Don you urged her to go back on the boards didn't you yeah well I come away all our talent go to waste I put a name down was Elizabeth Don Club in ways where she did an audition and she went down the storm and got those a booking a bad well one way or another your career does see a new dawn the early sixties were boom years for the northern clubs and television got its own right here in these studios the wheel tappers and shunters social club opens for business and you are a waitress shut the lid off the box and blow the candle out the bindu were you don't forget you do back in the box before sunrise well he's on duty at his own Club tonight but he graciously talks to you from there mr. Bernard Manning hello kiddo are you okay no no all right hey I bet you're looking glamorous tonight annulus people don't realize what a good-looking bird you are you know have you seen all that scruffy hair on the Coronation Street you're really gorgeous I've seen you on stage you know about singing either enjoy your night tonight list everybody in coupling of G and all that don't you you're the nice lucky she loves God bless you good look from everybody plenty of success Milo [Applause] we'll even forgive him for getting the wrong County there now in the early 70s Liz you start to get small parts in television plays and in Crown Court that's you as their prison warder Vera Duckworth makes her very first appearance in Coronation Street in 1974 like this and they agree to except you know and this place stops they want word tomorrow that out them girl they're just not on this has to be discussed at certain higher levels it's after 8 o'clock now so Julia Sterling's on end of that film and it's these fear so you can't tell them in a different you can get on that phone 8 o'clock and oh it's not quite as simple as their girls think it is I'm sorry later you establish yourself as a regular but in between you attract a lot of attention in a television commercial can I help you we'd like a kitchen table with a nice phone records are in this way and red for added sensor now put this on your head don't let it was just about it so we'll share thank you know this table is our latest styles huh it has floating leaves and it seats six people comfortably and of course it has a beautiful for a night of top oh yeah well somebody's eyes light up when he sees you in that one of Britain's most popular comedians who just happens to be planning a television special and I said to my friend Everard I've just got to have that girl in my show open the door it's Larry Grayson [Applause] [Music] okay I'm sure I don't have to ask you anything Larry what would you like to say well I saw that commercial and it was absolutely mouse and I said to the producer of the show I must have that girl in the show with me search everywhere and they did with their founder and and she came down for an audition to a London Weekend Television oh she was my next-door neighbor for the series where you know I really enjoyed did you and we've never met from that day to this it must have been a great success well no no it wasn't so calmly no you see that's when different ways you see and this happens in show business and then when they ask me to come along tonight I was in Jersey actually on holiday and they said rang up and said you know they're going to do Lizzy's live and I said actually that the next plane I said every us pack the bags leave slack alice asleep on the stands we're going back because we're going to see that Grayson and Dawn double act from 13 years ago here you are being ever so neighborly I can't remember don't talk to me about is suet do you know dear as one love goes down on this another one comes up last week as I passed it into the Muslim bag is so tar destructor [Applause] so she she lived up to your expectations I did more so shoot and I watch her every we hook us watch them all every week you know it's the first time I've seen for such a long time and I'm delighted to see what I suppose it's a scene are you - my angel Thank You Larry Grayson anything but now - battle is fame was beckoning a gram how does your mum cope with Fame these days well normally just to make a disguise in one day she asked me to take her to the local supermarket and I said yeah I'm the one condition that you get yourself dressed up so nobody recognizes I've only got half for now so she says that's okay so where she went gets the scare from the mouse careful in the head some glasses obviously walked out it's not like an Arabian Sheik so eventually we gets there and I thought this is magic we got them down the aisles like nobody's business it's Magritte superb so it gets to the checkout gets all the things in the bags and she turns around just says to him well that 32 apparently she's now much good and everybody turned round obviously realised and it took us about an hour don't have to get off of that he blew the gaff now Liz you continued to entertain millions as there a duck worse but away from these studios there is a lesser-known side of you it all started four years ago when a group of deaf people asked you for your autograph you found it frustrating not to be able to communicate with them you even started to learn sign language and we're going now to hennessy house in Manchester where you've become fundraiser in chief and where father Terry O'Mara tells us more hi Liz welcome welcome to Hennessey house for all your deaf friends are gathered to say a big thank you to you thank you for all your kindness and support over the years you've done so much for us we are really very very grateful there's our deaf buyer would now like to pay a special tribute to you have a lovely evening congratulations [Music] just like a flower just like a candle with just like a bird that no longer fly I'm feeling that way sometime then as I'm falling way down by the load I picture a light at the end of Road closing my eyes I dream that is in my heart little sunshine you blood wash away thank you all the Tennessee House unless lastly I understand tonight isn't the only reason for a family do someone else is ready to push the boat out because it's his birth Chuck with your five-year-old grandson Luke all the way from Italy with his dad is an son Thomas who is two today [Music] [Applause] [Music] Elizabeth dawn this is your life [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you [Music]
Channel: George Lyall
Views: 193,902
Rating: 4.7127662 out of 5
Keywords: Liz Dawn, Elizabeth Dawn, Vera Duckworth, Coronation Street, Jack Duckworth, Thames Tv, This Is Your Life
Id: _ypv7-pfn1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 7sec (1507 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2017
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