2017 World Weightlifting 85 kg A

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from France Romain i'ma do Xin [Applause] from Chile Arlie Mendez patters [Applause] [Music] from Poland shoe stop pirates from Uzbekistan Oh Lebec Alomar [Applause] from Italy Antonino be gelato from the Republic of Korea you dumb Jew [Applause] from Japan Toshi key yamamoto from Germany Tom charts club from the Islamic Republic of Iran Ali Miri from the Islamic Republic of Iran Kunis loose Tommy [Applause] from Columbia Gorge morena [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] these are the athletes in the 85 kilo a session congratulations and welcome to the world championships thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] here is these toys are really really an excellent excellent litter and just continuing the great tradition of good technique in good weight lifting for Japan three out for his first but now Yamamoto most recently defeated in Japan and October of this year [Music] rated 150 to 190 so he is working around his best or near his best he's done looks like he's done one 5858 yeah that was his best that he did back on actually earlier this year yep pretty huh mister just took a little bit of hesitancy hesitancy on the bottom position but stabilized and set up with this so maybe that was why maybe the overhead position is feeling a hundred percent so maybe drop it down a couple kilos make sure you get one yeah you know it looks like he hasn't been at a Senior World Championships since Poland 2013 if again if our records are correct so maybe just getting opening attempt jitters out yeah absolutely it's a smart move yeah so that would bring up with with the automatic increase of course we'd be Yamamoto but I'm sure he's gonna go into the low 150 range and he just posted one 1503 so that changes the lifter to Germany's Tom Schwartz Bach coming out for his opening attempt at 151 kilos he's done 158 in the past but it was back in 2002 14 it looks like but he like a number of his teammates is astonishingly consistent in she's got a lot of competition curry goes 3 4 3 3 4 3 is a few here 2 4 3 very rare that he doesn't make more than one batch [Music] a little bit of walking around but it make the list you know he is collar to collar just about yeah yeah and not a terribly tall athlete but he's telling the the loaders something about the barbell as if it wasn't tight or things left around but he looks like he had something to say yes yeah he looks right down it's something the Germans like precision so I anything is out of place on that platform they're gonna know about it there's to let you know yeah he's on quality control absolutely he's good get bored with that 150 1 kilo snatch that brings up Colombia's door mode hey no opening attempt 152 again we still have not surpassed the best snatch done previously which was out of the C group and it looks like his last international exceeding world championships was back in 250 2015 in Poland also he did 145 in the snatch oh that looks great pretty nicely done there yeah and that actually beats his international best which was 147 so training must be gonna go for him yeah he seems happy about that he's taking another look at this very nice yeah and the colombians really bring a full team of almost all a session lifters so really really high-quality lifting out of that country right now France is a Madhu Shi is opening again [Applause] it's done 150 buy in the past did that earlier this year at the European Championships ad split croatia [Applause] okay that's a good lift we've got an update with some bad news the uzbeki lifter blue leg back-alley moth has pulled out of the snatch for now so that's a that's a really significant updates yeah it's sort of a disappointing one you know changes the field quite a bit though cuz I don't know that he was a favorite for opt finish on the podium but strong clean and Dirk and I believe had 2016 Olympic champion Nardi knob in his corner back there so yeah he is gone he is out we were down to 11 athletes and if Bruce tommy's in shape you should take this but for a second and third I think things are a bit more wide open yeah absolutely so the next lifter would be a lenity of Iran which you can start to hear the Iranian can see really shouting but no he's moving up so we don't be seen quite yet and that would bring out - she Kia Yamamoto once again for the five kilo increase to 153 there you see yeah they're the Olympic champion yeah that color a bright white and black shirt there yes yes and quite a character from what I understand yeah here is doechigi Yamamoto coming out second attempt one five three dr. Westbrook what do you think [Music] this in this session well the who is I think pretty obvious Rustam me but I'll tell you what I think the number is in just one moment [Applause] [Music] yeah if something's just a little off at that overhead position otherwise the the bar is moving very well so the winning snatch I'm gonna anticipate Kia Lucas Tommy snatching a 178 Wow 178 today you heard it here in the clean-and-jerk I expect again I'm considering that that knee may not be in perfect condition so I'm expecting probably a 215 Wow 215 in the Kalina jerk and a 178 okay yeah how about yourself that well I'm gonna lowball a little bit oh I think it's gonna be again I think we're both in agreement most ami is the clear favorite but I think it's going to be in 170 in this match Wow he's not gonna have to push himself I think you that 172 is listed I don't know that he's actually gonna stay there do you think that's an intimidation factor that they're kind of giving to these other competitors I think Rustavi walks in a room and I'm intimidated yeah 172 10 172 10 Wow here what some of you out there think if you want to get involved check out IWF social media at IWF net on Facebook Instagram Twitter let us know what you think totals or snatch and clean a jerk I'm saying 7210 dr. Westbrook thinks it's an Olympic year and is saying 7815 rusted and rusty Neal Erikson you were stopping likes to lift big weights he does right now Toshiki yamamoto of japan third and final attempt same way 153 kilos on the bar yeah like you've said just a little shaky overhead it's moving exceptionally well maybe a few too many benches or something like that you know that's got a great physique you know I was a little yeah not so much you've been tight just shaky overhead and I wonder we don't see body weights unfortunately here I wonder if it was a difficult cut or or just to travel right now Germany's Tom Schwartz puck coming out for his second attempt made 151 on his opener [Music] and I thought it looked pretty good again what was going on with the platform yeah or the bar we don't know but a German would know now he is very wide and again he is almost always good for two or three snatches boy misses that one he's looking at one more so the very famous host lifts look down at the hands now so Emma do she is the lifter but of course that is not going to be the case it just is listed with his automatic increase so thrush spot babies days is gonna lose his two-minute clock yeah what do you think he could be concerned about with the bar yeah I mean it's it's it's got a lot of chalk on there I mean everybody else seems to be doing just fine with it but nobody else is lifting out of the collars that's true yeah that's true the different world out there oh boy wouldn't it be amazing just to push out on the bar with those columns that that's an advantage although it becomes a disadvantage when you're talking about guys like Selim II of Iran who who probably could really utilize a bar that's about 12 feet long rather than what it is for the Bulgarian kholokov yeah sadly passed away not long ago so here comes Tom Schwartz Bach again he he does not get the luxury of the two-minute clock due to a change so he's got to jump in right away he knows there's chalk up there right I think so Wow so unfortunately doesn't make the lift looks at the hands yeah I mean some bars are certainly there's different grips different kind of feels to barbell different neural so yeah yeah that's a not a common sort of comment about the bar I've never heard it a competition Simmons saying if the bar snow yeah I've heard the platform slippery quite often yeah that but never the point judges who'll slippery with their their calls it has but yeah with the bar now unfortunately that's looks like only one other time in this international competition history has that happened for him right now Antonio pizzolatto coming out for his opening attempt 155 kilos in the bar and Tony no excuse me Wow very yeah very nice and he's done as much as 161 which was done back in the United States in Houston and to hit the 2015 world so he could be he could be good for a PR day got his teammate Mirko Scott on Tino with him in the bathroom Mirko competed this competition in the 56 kilo class unfortunately did not post a total right now Islamic Republic of Iran Ali Nitti and the Iranian I'd must say I think they just flew in last night because is astonishing it is it's a packed house yeah really it really is impressive how many of them will come out great to see them supporting their team Holly Mary is has done as much as 160 in the past actually just a few months ago and Turkmenistan no no they looked at he jumped back a little bit it looks a little heavy to me to be honest with you you're interesting like to accuse on a slight angle yeah very slight but unmistakable and on a slight angle there which maybe he does with somewhere to look for changes his focus but he is gonna be the lifter unless he wants to move up his well what I know is we sit at 156 but it's unclear if that's real yeah obviously Pizza Otto who's listed 56 that's only the 1 kilo automatic increase and I think they're both not moving that for just in case he moves up to really kind of not gave him the rest at this time that he really needs he's got a minute and a half remaining plenty of time nobody likes to be in the situation of missing that that first attempt [Applause] so the Iranians are going to do everything they can to help him make this lift they've always come fully equipped with horns a large group of people and flags no shortage of support for this little girl Halle Berry [Music] that's it neither of those attempts were convincing at all yeah so he's got one more and not have an extensive international showing he's lifted according to our records in four international events best total being 361 which he did in Turkmenistan just a few months ago he really had a good day 160 201 so not having a day like that today yeah so he's staying at the 155 currently I would prefer to sit in a chair rather than that position myself but yet to reach their own yeah here he is he's looks like he's about to come out [Applause] so hopefully he can make a correction coach telling him to extend I can kind of sneak under he he needs to leave me to come behind and they given us math and on the bath or something wake up the traps wake up the posterior chain yeah [Applause] third and final attempt yeah the whole crowd wants me to make this still well over a minute remaining wah-wah-wah Wow his prayers were answered there that they were you know he did what he had to do on that last one he so to finish you got to extend and he really PJ it through in a clutch moment the first two were not convincing but that last one he looks like a guy who could do 160 yeah yeah really baby but not not today I mean maybe if he had a few more attempts but that lift really looked a heck of a lot better yeah making the Iranian crowd sweat just a little bit just making it exciting now his teammate the Olympic champion Uche horse Tommy still listed at 172 has not adjusted yet but there's a lot of time left in Tennessee I think he's gonna wait and see what - oddly Mendes of Jillian does and then open based on that right now but Reyna Torres of Colombia 156 so just a four kilo jump from his opener 152 that wasn't even close I'm tremendously heavy yeah and he jumped back about four feet you know it's possible he was waiting far longer than anticipated to get of the to miss well we had a number of misses he opened at 152 with him were two misses at 53 two at 54 to a 55 so he thought it's possible he thought he had three four minutes and that turned into more like eight to ten yeah because that's six attempts of course all of those attempts they were following each other between them between the second five of the six were privates on right so so you're talking about some serious times probably gonna that's really there's Pete Salado of Italy Derby and junior champion in 2015 believe he is from like many of the Italian athletes sicily long history of great rivers coming out of Sicily and Italy nice place to coaches nice place to live I imagine also beautiful place beautiful ice to visit I don't know about living there right now Colombia's for Marino hopefully had a chance to wake up the muscles of it it looks like you can say this yes indeed he was so he's wound up now chooses to use the belt in the snatch here you know he's also collar to collar I think he might be just inside of the collar just barely yeah so it doesn't have the luxury of of pushing out yeah not even almost so so even though it was only a four kilo increase boy that was like 20 kilos yeah you know he motioned toward his back a little bit or something I wonder if he tweets something in between or and he really he wasn't committed no I don't remember if he wore a belt during that first attempt or not on the Subang that he did but but I can't remember for surgery right now he minutiae of France 157 also an athlete who presumably has been waiting longer than he anticipated and this is two kilos above his international best which was done late last year in Israel and he had a great day then going three for three finishing with 155 oh boy that was close hold it high just not not quite enough let's let's take a look at that replay there looks like he's a little winded or something very fast at the bar there and needed maybe just a touch more height on the bar to give himself a little bit more leeway to get under it so he's not actually know he is the only lifter list of it that wait there's two other lifters asking for 158 so he would have to bump at least the qo to buy anymore time so right now the two-minute clock is moving and I think he should stick there and you can see the Korean lifter dongju you waiting for that 158 on the increase and again this is this is a personal best for the Frenchman so he has been sitting for a while that 153 after he made it he probably has been waiting maybe 10 12 minutes or so it's warm now and again after he finished that lift you saw him just kind of like even see that light headed or something like that yeah when you go from kind of sitting complacently to lifting 157 kilos as fast as you can sometimes that can happen yep here he comes again imma do she know France 1:57 oh another miss and that at this point now the majority of these lifts aren't misses yeah so we're not seeing very much blue on the board meaning that there is very little mix unfortunately in the 85 this is sometimes a thief this isn't why aim and you know I don't know if it's that Dimas is in the house but it's not for its a greatest 85 of all time perhaps yeah uh-oh so we've got the old second holding his elbow which is not a good indication for the second phase of addition right now we have berestov of poland coming out 158 like that little nod to each judge yeah give him each sent a moment of respect helps to have them on your side and this is a lifter who's lifted in quite quite a lot of international competitions as you could see portrayed right there 165 is his best that right there was 158 so we could see near his best today yeah looks good there hopefully he has turned the tide for the competition this might be what the other competitors to start putting some more make up on the board yeah actually I think we saw him at the Arnold maybe a couple years back doing some big weights and we've so have one time he certainly looks ready for more today in the meantime Korea's you dongju going out 158 Korean athletes great athletes out of South Korea in the past few years like the Japanese athletes technically very precise [Music] personal bests at 161 so this is only three kilos from that mark beautiful beautiful lifts oh yes and every way to do it on there so he may be waiting a while cuz there's a lot of lifts between that weight and maybe 160 or so so if you know if he elects to do a 5 kilo so jump which I think he's more than capable of he's gonna be doing a lot of waiting yeah and 160 in that 160 enough of range people are gonna get it's gonna get aggressive because that could very well be a podium lift yeah absolutely I mean obviously the the runaway Russ Tommy's likely to get gold if he he makes a lift but everybody else is gonna be fighting for that silver and bronze I'm Toni no pizza lot oh what a left rave work by Pete Sulaco and Pete salado's best at 161 in that I tell you what that was convincing that he could be a personal best day let's see that again very dynamic just steadies himself in the bottom beautiful left really nice work hopefully he's got some Italian fans watching in Italy and like you mentioned I really hope that that's a nice turn of the tides so to speak with a lot more makes than missus like we've been seeing prior to those last two lifts so the Georgian revised devadatta say coming out the only junior competitor in this session coming out to open with a high 60 kilo that's impressive for a junior the guy saw us and he'd say in his corner back there 2004 Olympic champion yeah he's always good for a good ear squeeze and a trap for a right the freak Mountain lift we talked about the different builds in this sport and not only are their weight classes but there are such vast differences within the weight classes he is an 85 and it could be a water polo player looks very different from someone like the lifter on deck are they Mendes it was very dynamic yeah a little bit out of position there little opposition especially that right side never able to quite recover with that it's got two more attempts I think he'll come back and make that no problem I said he'd say looking at him like WTF acid eats a hero's dimas feeding athletes Georgian team has seen some great success in recent years most notably with super heavyweight Russia - say snatching 220 kilos rainy earlier this year interesting development our Lee Mendes Perez has moved up to 163 which originated the two-minute clock for David odde say so now he's only got twenty seven twenty yeah 27 seconds no that should restart that should restart anything's I think the clock was running on early so they should bring it back yeah I don't know there's no movement of the referees and I don't see any movement of zebedee David I'd say out here is he coming out now he is coming out now is seven second oh he's not coming out oh no I think gonna let this go okay so now we see some movement of the the technical staff here we're not sure if they're just gonna let that attempt go and then and then get the 160 on the 3rd or they're gonna fight to try to get that second attempt that there is a side you'd say in the blue sweatshirt they'd gotten 12,000 floor Olympic champion in this weight class yeah [Music] yes so just just as we we talked about since Mendes Perez of Chile made that change that eliminated the two-minute clock and so he lost that attempt let's see what's happening there's some discussion over by the table there so his clock has not started for his 30 yet acid eats a holding him back so now you can see the georgian lifter has a little bit of attitude now he's now he's frustrated so that's rough because her the herds aboard he lost that second attempt and now he just was getting his psyche ready for that lifting uh he's not even the lifter since this third attempt now it goes back to he's a lot though of Italy yeah but I don't think yeah Pizza lattos coach putting a change in 162 okay third yeah so so that actually four peas Ola Pizza lotto would be a personal record now it comes back to whe what a what an emotional rollercoaster throughout levy er he went from you know just missing his opener which isn't the end of the world to do or die to a die situation gotta make this [Applause] so Autzen itza and the coaching staff are real frustrated talking into some of the technical people over there you should just show him this gold medal and say give me what I want David Adjaye third and final exam to 160 this Wow so running around with a little bit of attitude makes the lift and I was huge hard to say he was good for much more so maybe it wasn't so bad the important thing is he gets the lift gets on the board and what is a difficult situation yeah so right now the Polish lifter and actually I think one of the coaches back there is that punk the 105 lifter in the back there helping out I didn't see him was it bonk I have to look again or is it one of the lingo brother is there's one of the doing the brothers but I think apart Allah mule Blanc is also over there sports coming out for 162 kilos for his second attempt in the snatch oh yeah he looks good [Applause] he's having a good day so far Joe and I go a little bit of a press it was very small that's a very strict call Wow let's let's watch that replay take a close look at the elbows boy that was hard to sit that was elbow or shoulder and if the body was still descending or not heights right that's unfortunate again beautiful lift yeah really was dynamics smooth that's too bad so d'Anjou you is gonna come out here of Korea for that same wait once - Joe - so you know what we're talking about potentially metal lifts here so right now it's it's he who makes his lifts so this is a four kilo increase oh and the the 30-second clock is we had this issue yesterday I want to point to the butter is still going [Music] oh boy you know what a distraction to for the lifter but now and again it's twice we've seen this happen but as you mentioned very distracting for the athlete yeah that's that's okay we've got it all flat yesterday lasted for about ten minutes so that's fortunate that they could fix the problem within less than a minute this time but unfortunate for Korea he had to deal with a little bit of an extra extra progress sir yes yes sir I'm Tony no Pete Solano of Italy coming out for 162 kilos he looked pretty good on 55 and 59 as first and second attempts let's see if he can improve on those numbers and this would be an international best for him with his best being in 161 done in Houston just two years ago I think he's good for it so interestingly I don't think they fix the 30 second buzzer just turns up volume because we did not hear a 30 second buzzer Wow and I tell you what doctor thought that that could be a medal if it was great Tonti oh Rudy I'm Tony no pizza lotto three for three with it what people leave is international competition PR 162 and that's gonna be it's not guaranteed a medal but it puts them in good position dr. pop I love when you talk Italian to me so 162 is the is the same weight so this will not move the Polish man up but just put him in better position for the total currently in third place in the snatch and this would move him into second watch third and final attempt no question there yeah Gustavo : that gets it on his final attempt 162 yeah he's got to be frustrated that because he was probably good for 65 or even 60s I think so and I think 65 yeah well within his capabilities today but it still stays alive with that 62 this calls up regularly Mendez okay first time seeing him on the international stage in a long many many years and doesn't have much of a competition history on the international stage but has a lot of training videos on social media that are quite employer exactly it now here is where the rubber meets the road can you perform when it counts yep training very different competition and again look at this physique compared to some of the other half especially large origin lots of different ways to be a weightlifter very valid and of course we just saw him in the training session hit 170 and 205 maybe what three four days ago so he is in shape and that exemplifies that look easy yeah so if you are loose Tommy's coaching staff in the back you're seeing that and thinking I gotta do more than one left today how you start warming up we turned up his guys serious so maybe that 178 that I said earlier may hold I think if our late Mendez does 170 that'd be huge and it put a lot of pressure on that Bruce Tommy even though he's listed at 212 down to you third final attempt decided to increase from 162 163 for this five currently in fifth place in the snatch if successful this will move him into second place no the velcro on the belt gave out during that lift now that's a distraction no lift for Korea's you don't do unfortunately but he is credited with his opener at 158 kilos so this is very very interesting so now we've got two lifters remain a total of five attempts to for the Chilean and three for the Iraq so he's calling for one so both lifters are asking for 172 so we'll already home eating doctor buff is anticipated we'll see we'll see if ruse Tommy sticks it 172 or if they put a change in so I wonder if they're dropping down [Applause] going up to 170 right no no no excuse me down to 170 okay alright so you're still in the running here so the the Prince of Persia key Anoosh Rustavi Olympic champion coming out for his opening attempt as his fans waved their flags and scream and shout now this guy walks from the platform with 100% belief and Cloudant himself you can see he's got the weight extensively wrapped up I also got some rock tape on other it looks like he is in shape he is a threat to help earthquake victims anytime pretty good I wonder if they need Wow the red herring so it is not affecting him on Oh snatch at least so 170 is now the gold medal lifts now interestingly beats alot oh it has the bronze locked in he's a bronze medalist okay and this is someone who in Houston was in the B session yeah what progress he's made and of course just a good performance - he's the only lifter thus far who's gone three for three in the snatch yeah Charlie Mendes kilo more Wow this is the battle that we were hoping yes again we've seen a lot of interesting stuff from Mendes on social media very strong lifts look that they were taken on the motorola startac in the gym somewhere but that opening snatch suggested the videos let's see what he can do here 171 to move into first place in this match he's got more the tonight okay so Bruce Tommy is gonna have to work for it now he's stronger in the Queen and jerk on his opener it looks like but again with Mendes we just don't know what we don't know yeah we've never seen him in these kind of situations you know I mean his best international company has it looks like two Junior World Championships in 2013 and Pan Am championships in 2013 as well and their I mean if this is really not even fair to prepare but he did you know 51 in the stash we can't those are muscle snatch waits for him there yeah so we're in uncharted territory so now we're gonna I think we're gonna see a little bit of jockeying a little hug this is a debauchee on present and it f comes out gives you a hooking the kiss I don't know if that's quite a blessing man on petition that's amazing so 174 on the bar Yeah right in comes out again he's done weights that are that are that are even greater what you're seeing here a best snatch with 179 I've ever done at the Olympics just last year as he went onto okay the plot thickens an essay so now we have two lifters only third temps remaining here so I would assume is favored in that name yeah I'm gonna assume that that Mendez Perez is gonna take this same weight I think he's gonna go to up 75 put the pressure on yeah there they are right now they're at the table he's gonna go to 75 put the pressure on loose Tommy yeah and either way so you know it's gonna force or something to come out again and I think Chris Tommy will also make that increase I really do we'll see what happens for conversing that decision over there so we also have to consider Rustam is a very strong crema jerker yeah the current world record holder at 220 kilos so even if he passed on this lift the likelihood of him being out clean and jerk his competitor his closest competitor Mendez Perez is pretty high but a big butt here is of course that need that name exactly its extent although Atlas timing is battle tested yeah he has lifted in the high pressure situations and come through 20 seconds remain on the clock look at that he's holding it loving it unbelievable now we've got a competition now the won 7-4 for Rustavi limping off a bit the nenes it's not great for walking but it's good for snatching yeah and again that's pure will you know your body isn't in shape your knee is hurting and it's just the willpower that allows him to get that weight overhead him huddled that overhead - no problem no problem yeah a really nice low overhead position there and he's a guy when he walks in a room his chest sort of walks in first he's now he's confident now here is our lay men des 175 so this this is for the gold medal in the stache and for a nice just a single kilo Lima going into that clean intricate he needs every kilo he can get again stress Tommy [Applause] very dynamic lifter here this is exactly what we were looking for so that puts the Chilean Mendez pres in the gold plays position Rustam e in silver in the snatch again not his strong suit of the two lifts and of course in third place beats alot though of Italy at 162 yeah this was a competition in this match it's shaping up to be an incredibly exciting food enduring portion and we were hoping that you know we didn't know what's expected of Mendes some people post big training lifts and then fall apart in the competition Mendes is obviously not the case he is ready to lift err dismiss Tommy are several silver medalist in the snatch he stayed competitive in his natural 174th final attempt and like you said a jerk specialist there is Italy's Pizza lotto bronze and just it's just really great for the Italian because I would have not anticipated him to be on the podium in the snatch no well you know we had a few a number of misses a lot about these missing weights the Uzbek lifter Ali mom pulled out so this is why you got to show up you make your lifts you might end up taking home some hardware be session lifter just a couple years ago in Houston is now bronze medalist and there's a silver medalist kyushu Bruce tummy of Iran and we had a lot of red a lot of misses going on throughout the competition but yeah but really made a nice turn towards the end with a lot of makes and uh some really really exciting lifting and yeah the session ended in spectacular fashion look at that warm-up room and competitors getting ready for the clean-and-jerk portion so looking at the results one more time 175 by Mendez and the gold medal position gross Tommy at 174 in the silver medal position in beat salato at third place 162 the Polish lifter Schwartz at 162 also oh so that's gonna be sick hello and welcome back to the 2017 IWF world witnessing championships where we are watching the men's 85 kilogram group a this is the group for all the medals and we just saw the snatch portion very exciting snatch portion starting to clean intersection now Georgia's reviser Dhabi - a kicking us off with 182 kilos had sort of a rough day and the snatch as a result of some coaching mistakes but still did manage to get 160 on his final attempt dad was in a very tough spot in the competition with that nice clean line he's a junior competitor 1 in 1998 having a better day in the clean-and-jerk it looks like he's done as much as 188 in the past so I think he's good for that at least again he's a junior so sometimes these junior competitors can really make large strides from competition to competition so we hope to see that here maybe even as much as it 190 above exist at the European juniors is where he had that 188 earlier this year in Albania a great day there six four six sixty five eighty eight that 182 does move him into first place above the best in the paint group which is regalia of India 341 came into total in the total yes match yeah or excuse me in the community up we still have 192 as the best yeah so it looks like he's jumping all the way up to 191 which will bring out Tom Schwartz Bach for his opening attempt at 190 kilos so in the snatch only successful with his opening attempt at 1:51 hoping to have a better run here in the clean-and-jerk was complaining a little bit about a slippery bar on the snatches hopefully won't be as significant here for him clean a jerk very consistent lifter in general so it's a little shaky yeah the whole thing I'm he almost lost it backwards look on the clean and out reposition himself before standing up with it and really great that front squat and it looks heavy I gotta say it is heavy but it looked heavier than you want an opener to look absolutely just on the board though so watch here he almost comes back a little bit there has to move the feet in readjust [Music] and a beautiful jerk position in terms of the split especially but a little shaky you know never quite stopped a hundred percent now it over headed over control in control right and again we're sort of looking at a side view there which is the portion Utley judges don't see that know right now Columbia's cooler more they know coming out opening it talent he apparently just took a warm-ups I wonder if they were caught a little off guard [Music] 180 not long ago apparently in the water so uh what he should do is really utilize the that fold of the three seconds that he has left here make sure he's recovered because 180 is in a light weight Islander [Music] yeah so that really that really messed with the island so and again that's more of a more of a coaching mistake than an athlete mistake because you got to have your athlete ready yeah you know hopefully within more than a minute of when the split button left for the equator yeah you know I wonder again we saw him coming off his finalist snatch kind of indicating something Oh wonder if something's bothering him yeah I think he was kind of pointing to or grabbing at his back a little bit revives David Adjaye of Georgia coming out 190 kilos so a big jump eight kilos and a big improvement over what he did just a few months ago European Juniors won in 88 so still has one more year left in the Junior so this would be the best ever for him if successful in the planet jerk oh boy the clean looks really good - yeah and the jerk didn't even look too bad I think he just rushed the drive a little bit had a sneak under and him quite didn't quite have the acceleration on the bar yeah and you will have another crack at that and you could see him sort of catching his breath after the lift so makes you wonder if that bar was resting just on either his windpipe or the carotid artery that was cutting off the blood supply to the brain couple years ago in the 77th and Houston and leaving the B group there was a Georgian athlete he passed out not once but twice twice live with the bar across the chest never a good feeling never a good feeling and again he's that Georgian lifter is not a guy with a lot of muscle mass to kind of keep that bar from crush you under house away there's a t5 yeah so the colombians gonna come out again for the same weight 190 kilos for Moreno Toya's didn't do much more than I pull it on his first attempt it looks heavy we'll assume the wide neck rib oh no no so that puts him in the do-or-die and I tell you that he was not light no and you'll see maybe a replay here but collapsed quite a big enough so that he almost look like he was in danger of an elbow touch there it happened so fast quick yeah that you couldn't really tell but yeah he look like he committed to that no really he hoisted the bar high enough but didn't have that last little bit of commitment to really get under but again even there you saw him sort of grabbing at his lower back and if there's any any lift throughout the snatch clean it and clean and jerk that you feel at most I would say it's the jerk holding that weight overhead cuz that's you're talking about the heaviest weights that are above your head of course supported by the legs the back hips there's the Georgian athlete waiting on his third attempt in the meanwhile Columbia's sure Moreno needs this final clean and jerk if he wants to post a total next to him Germany's Tom Schwartz Bach waiting for the increase as well keeping warm now dr. boffin what was your anticipated highest clean-and-jerk was a 205 if I said - I don't run conference at 205 or 210 probably should written these things that I know you said 280 okay so you eat that facial expression does not look promising else final attempt so I'll be really surprised if even this could be another high pole or so he's only made one snatch mr. both clean and jerks he needs to make this to post a total dr. Westbrook is someone who's been in the situation yourself only times any advice for him just turn around [Music] [Music] I'm impressed already [Applause] that's unfortunate every bit of the lift besides getting the feet aligned wow that was a lot more than I expected already effort on Torremolinos part gave it a really everything he had a better clean kept the elbows high out of the ways the knees got set up and it looked there look you had it job boy just recovered too fast yeah and you know when you trained athletes and you teach them about the importance of recovering front foot first it's for a reason like that exactly a step forward and the bar is gonna move backward now I mean his case might have been off balance I think he was doing everything he could to hold on but unfortunately no lifts fantastic effort by him no and I mean France is a magician Wow and with that lift that beats his international past at 190 so which was done in Israel last year so training must be going well for him and that actually hoists him hoist his total into first place with that lift plenty more lifting to come though we still have not surpassed the B group mark of 192 done by slovakia's Carroll this is the georgian Lavazza wrj third and final attempt to 191 this would be an international competition PR for him just a beautiful clap to study and he done Wow just performance and again look at that upper body there's nothing to it let me talk about you have 10 years a year yeah when you would talk about some lifters having grapefruits for shoulders he's got nothing more than grapes and yet still tremendously strong it's about the power and the speed look at that holls holls holls and that's that's great so so still goes three four six on the day 351 total and currently in first place overall and now the Japanese lifter toshiaki Yamamoto for his opening attempt at 192 this equals to be group's best but would not see a pass it technically it would holes to first attempt the n-word and again technically a very very good lifter very upright in the catch right into the church needs to study say I was looking at media to the lights now yes so again the weights are moving so easily but something about that overhead position yeah not just not there today and we couldn't you know there's nothing wrong with the movement there he got the feet of line and dropped the bar once his feet were aligned but it was during that portion right there we're gonna see that the elbows Bend and then go back into the lockout position so not I think they're gonna move up I think they're assuming you can do more yeah and Yamamoto has done as much as 200 so he's good for a lot more than that especially being just get that I don't lock out here yeah you know I think pretty typically his lockout is like that it could be a little soft he's very muscular up top yeah again a stark contrast to the lifter who was just out devadatta who is coming out of Japan putting in the chainage of the tears yep they're gonna move up so the next increase would be Ali media of Iran at 193 who who was in that do-or-die situation the power of prayer and the fans of Iran is what mate allowed him to make that last attempt at 155 so he's going to come out and there's a there's a large population Oh Iranians here and honestly I don't know that I've seen a bigger group of fans for a particular country no no the tie or a section I'd had a pretty pretty impressive but this is another level yeah [Applause] Alley opening attempt 193 he did all three attempts to make once that hopefully off they better start here is that the deepest international competition is has done 201 in international competition just a few months ago in Turkmenistan very fast [Applause] it's really good in general are just like in the snatch slightly canted yeah which is sort of an odd thing but it's working for him at this point gets one red light I'm not sure what they didn't like about that but fine to me he doesn't have a perfect lock out but I didn't see any movement in the lock out but let's take a look see if those elbows okay yeah jury isn't calling a stop to anything so we have to assume that will stand yeah in the meantime here is Japan's Toshiki Yamamoto coming out second attempt 193 kilos went up one kilo for open which was ruled no lick I imagine a very easy clean and then maybe a little struggle with that overhead position again here beautiful [Applause] again I thought that looked pretty good I'm hoping needs gets as it gets that least the majority of the city we go everybody read wait lights that's fantastic again his lockout is always a bit late I mean there's some athletes think of Bo EV ski bats in the dead was an on or off switch he the weights resting a little more on the muscles of the potion was locked joints yeah that looks a lot better yeah I really did did look better than the opener just start is similar to his first attempt a little bit that helicopter just starting to shift the weight but able to stabilize it feet in line and put the weight down so right now as far as roost off of olan coming out for his opening attempt at 194 [Music] [Applause] whoo stuff in the past has done like 205 is fine and he has a competition history that goes back a dozen years good clean oh wow that's a beautiful open ID I think he's gonna hit around that 205 mark today he looks good he looks strong he probably wants to make up some ground the snatch just missed the podium and really you know a sort of got robbed that yeah he just got turned down in the second attempt of 162 in the snatch and had to come back and repeat with it which he made I think he was good for 165 at least yeah good a bit of metal it would have been a metal yeah you did 62 foot on Tony no pizza lotto who did it before also did 62 bronze medal for him you don't you of Korea coming out for his opening attempt to 194 kilos rough day in the snatch mulch made his opener 158 he's done as much as 198 which is was done in Houston at the 2015 World Championships competed in Rio finished in 14th place last year very nice oh boy so great no not great one other lifter the Frenchman in Badou Xin asking for the same weight in addition to Tom Schwartz bak so let's yeah so he's gonna come out for this so Schwartz bak is gonna come out for 194 which is four kilos up from his open at 119 I have to say one night he was not the easiest little we've seen shaky little shaky he is not quite as consistent in the clean-and-jerk as he is in a snatch but still overwhelmingly he is a to ver three four three four three athletes [Applause] this isn't really uncharacteristic oh not now not only uncharacteristic but uncharacteristic of any German F yeah this is not a great day you don't we don't know if he's injured if what has happened but you know you looked through his competition history split European Championships earlier this year two for three spire Germany and earlier this year two for three Germany two for three shooting 3 4 3 3 4 3 2 4 3 3 4 3 and really a consistent athlete so we just saw the coaching staff of the Frenchman Emma does she move up to 196 which brings back looks like you for one night before yeah has had a little bit of time to recover relax hopefully just enough make the correction on the board with this weight mattress Tommy's asking for 212 still and Mendez Perez is at 200 for their opening attempts if you're wondering Oh even better because yeah I had a better jury yeah during the clean he was basically from Hin Don that first attempt yeah but that when he timed it just perfectly it stood up with it nice and easily so but he looks a little winded I must say so it's a lot of weight every wooden to do from being honest but uh maybe we're only only be looking at a couple key will increase on his final attempt did time that really nicely you see there was a lot of the Korean athletes they're really able to off the floor through the catch use the bar to their advantage so Schwartz Bach of Germany coming out and for his third and final attempt only made one snatches and only made one clean jerk this farm you got to go back to 2011 to find a big meet where he did not make his second attempt in a clean and jerk really gutsy clean there so just not the performance that he was he was hoping for two out of the yelled at six thank you you know it's it's rare to see a German complain but that's that's a portion it's a rough day for him everyone has an off day not happy about that performance but deep competition history should could see him again and he goes home with a total 341 151 190 two out of six meanwhile here is our snatch bronze medalist and tornado Pizza lotto over Italy 195 he's really setting himself up for a good day so if he can really hit this nicely and put some pressure on these other athletes he could have an exceptional day today you know overall it felt like the whole clean was rushed yeah maybe he was just a little overly excited I think it seemed heavier than it actually was the timing just wasn't quite there so I'm gonna assume that that's gonna be taken again but he's unfortunately the only lifter asking for that that weight so the two-minute clock has begun back in Houston at the world championships he did - OH - so he's handled more weight than this I mean that was his best more recently we has been good for 1996 we can see the Italian coaches looks like they're moving up so if they go to 96 buys them a little time that's what they're doing yeah in my view Sheen would be the lifter at 196 he's actually gonna take it so that might have been a nice move if you uh you know at least a minute or so I think it was a good move I really do when one kilo has at this you're talking about a half a percentage of maja you know just barely under a half a percentage so it's that's really not that bad yeah especially for a guy who has done as much as - OH - so Amanda Sheen five kilos up from his opener at 191 nice clean Wow that was better than his opener yeah and in another international vest in the clean-and-jerk prior to this meet 119 was his best in Israel last year so really making some strides leaps a bounce here really [Applause] so Pizza lotto really really needs to come in here and just time this thing better and I know it's gonna be easy Oh do-or-die situation here I'm gonna blame it on the food you know an Italian comes from a great culture of cuisine the food here it's been a little bit certainly not what you're getting in Sicily oh definitely not now it's been several years since he's been in this situation do-or-die you got to go back to 2013 it looks like in the international stage so hopefully he can make the correction come back and get on the board unfortunately no one else is asking to this wave and I don't know if you want to risk going to 97 yeah I don't think so okay so I has done almost the entirety of the lift that tell you what a jerk that's a lot of energy a lot of energy and two minutes of my opinion is is not enough time to completely recover but you know this is the championship and you gotta get there do special things to make special things happen yeah these athletes are just getting to the body weights and the weights lifted where you need a little more time to recover Aires is to make it across guarantee no 56 kilo athlete there use encouragement an Italian good luck is in Bocca al Lupo so in Foca al Lupo to keep salato the response is creepy let's see it Pizza lotto [Music] all right so the crowd really wants him to get this thing done again you're looking at the easies going home with the bronze medal in the standards no doubt about that now he wants to go home with a total and of course this would move him into first place at the moment that will change best clean of the gelato stays alive with 196 358 total not too far off his best I think he wanted to really improve on his best 363 but didn't quite go as planned and all the cleans looked good the jerk was the limiting factor here for every that left sighs yeah favoring it it's hard to say what what was causing that so again ends up with the total nicely done panettone nope it's a logical right now Poland's a varnish shoe stock coming out for his second attempt seven so this one 97 will actually elevate him into first place above beat salato because they actually snatched the same exact weight and this is 1 kilo above what beats a lots of just clean and jerked beautiful time oh my goodness he's good for probably 2:02 2:03 who knows [Applause] what a lift strong counter surprised at that three kilo increase to be honest the first one looked pretty easy the second one looked easy to but I'm sure they've got a strategy I trust them yeah I know I think since they've got that big lead and the snatch under a lot or over a lot of these other competitors I think it's a matter of just making this and if this 85 session as a whole is any indication of what you should do as a coach it's make your lifts yeah because most of these lifts are not made that we're looking at then the snatch probably at best maybe 50% but probably not even that yeah I mean and then I snatch your bronze medalist Pizza lotto made all three snatches you're the guys missed the party on the crew and that changed everything right now we hear the Iranians we do hear those of you watching at home might hear them no matter how far you are shrew stops build a lifter but they're kind of Shane yeah that's going to change you know I almost forgot oh yeah I mean we know they're who stop me is of course coming out but open at 93 about a week ago listed with 201 Silla one okay Wow so he bought the Sheena has gone up to 200 which would bring out since with that move would bring out Mendez Perez for his opener at job which I think we see him going up to yeah their work the changing excuse me the Chilean's him and does go he doesn't go you guys lifting anything anytime soon certainly so he is moving up to something yeah 203 that brings you a few hundred kilos so amazing that I feel like we just went we just made a big jump on the on the platform wait yeah you know it's it's amazing how how fast that happens when you have all these coaches jockeying for position so 200 is a big mark for many many lifters especially in this body weight category 200 kilos 440 pounds on the bar Korea's youth on June 3rd and final attempt this would exceed his best by 2 kilos a little bit of a rough clean there Wow oh my goodness he had the lift just again recovered a little too fast yeah not sure it was ever really under control for him to actually secure it overhead and if you want an example of the correct way to recover the 2015 world champion Artem oh cool off 215 kilos he takes about 10 seconds to recover from his split his fee really holds it but he knew how important that lifts was so he's gonna take a sweet time to make sure he does not drop that and that that's a great great lift in this weight category just two years ago here in the States right now Holley really is the athlete an enormous increase open with 193 now at 201 which this ties is best of all time at international stage [Applause] there is the other contingent [Music] huge extension there for them and you can see the bar the the right side of the bar is just almost like three inches higher than the left side when he goes to jerk that thing a little uneven little uneven but I think that's how it looked on the opening attempt - now that's just the style that he that he does that's how acid eats a was he was pretty uneven yeah he had had those elbow problems on the one side but worked for him and he'll have another attempt he is still the lifter no one else calling for 201 of course are lei Mendez going for 203 we're getting some word from an inside source who may or may not be in Wilson that Mendez has been doing some pretty heavy cleaning drips in training yeah yeah and he could really prove himself in the snatches so if he came to anything near I believe it was around two seven 15 to 17 somewhere in that area that I've heard rumors of him being able to do so that's right near that world wrist arrest on his world record of 220 so we're stopped he's gonna have some work ahead of him I think so all these all these competitors so work I think right now we're seeing the battle for bronze assuming no other big developments because I think silver and gold are going to be fought over by Janusz Roose Tommy and are late and it Mendez has 203 enlisted has best opener right now the crowds going while I thought levia D third and final attempt 201 same wait again this is a huge 8 he'll increase from that opening attempt so clean looked pretty good so he really just needs to put it together for the jerk [Applause] [Music] may may have even had an elbow tongue out there when I say help with touch I mean that the elbow actually touched the knee which is yeah did it go so one ref actually hit the red light button yeah what that happen watch that right elbow and right knee let's see right oh no actually maybe the side yeah we close this close again that's why it's such a subjective call because from this angle you just can't tell if that knee and elbow were inside our house out of each other so and it happened so fast and even from the perfect angle they can be tough to say for certain until you go to the video yeah yeah so Toshiki Yamamoto again another athlete feels like it's been ages since we've seen making a huge 9 kilo jump up to 202 from a second to third at 10 you said that is his best internationally correct yeah let me double check that but yes that's correct yeah - OH - so this would match his personal best in the Kalina jerk and again the big question here is that lockout position yep [Applause] [Music] boy that clean looks so good it is so easy very nice but he doesn't have on/off switch lockout yeah yeah don't know there's flexibility of it just how he's built or what it is makes it can make the jerk that much harder but like I said I'm so upright yeah I mean just just what you want to see really has the proportions for the clean-and-jerk to a long torso shorter arms shorter femurs yeah ends up with 193 and defeated jerk for a 341 total right now Ahmad machine of France coming out for his third and final attempt at 202 currently in second place in the complaint injure in fifth in the overall position [Music] so yeah even if you had stood up with that that was almost surely an elbow touch there yeah apparently ruse Tommy has 205 loaded in the back room right now okay I don't think he's touched it yet but he's got some time so I don't think he has yeah Oh although if Mendez decides to pull a fast one and jump to some bigger number you know that could really throw the house off but before any of that happens the Polish lifter is March coming out here for his third and final attempt - OH - on the bar currently sits in first place overall and that means he's guaranteed at least a bronze in the clincher and a bronze in the overall Wow are they risk Tommy just did his 205 with the man okay first off third attempt - OH - well that's the first time I've seen that so I think he's got a bit of a knee injury but he wanted to kind of play with it a little bit he gives a bonk of a big hug right there a great one do it one of the de-ager brother having a little fun with it yeah yeah so he's he's gonna take home the bronze in both the clean-and-jerk and the overall so good day now we've got two lifters and six lists to decide who takes home though he's currently in gold position we should say yeah he's guaranteed at least a bronze until at least a bronze got to make your lives here so Mendes and Tommy assuming they each make one lift yeah Gustav barrage is our bronze medalist so Rustavi still has 212 listed 203 of course is on the bar for mendes which i think is smart for him to come out here and take this as he fights against the Olympic champ Russ Tommy this is his race look it looks good and he's not limping he is not you know he's not fighting any injuries at right now so that turnover and you defeat turnover and catch just and now he is an athlete we talk about lockouts he's got that solid right to overhead position either it's there or it's not yeah relaxing a little bit unrolling the knee sleeves what I imagine is they'll move him up yeah so she passed no stopping he's got to go all the way up to 212 and actually the sooner he does that then that locks Restonic into that 212 because right now rest on me still has the choice of dropping back down to a lower weight but I would almost jump right up to the 212 because he's already locked in the gold in the snatch and at least the silver in the clean-and-jerk in total so might as well just see what happens so okay they moved up to melting the heavenly got still Vasilisa or there's some movement over there there's the Iranian vote yeah the Chilean coach was kind of putting his hands in the air as if he was confused too frustrated about something so the clock still okay yeah so we're going all the way to to time we are so eating well so the clean-and-jerk specialist the kraut news and record holder the Olympic champ of 2016 Keanu's Rustavi coming out to show the world why he is the Olympic champion and 212 kilos on the bar the Iranians going crazy out here again the in taught one entire weight of the stands filled with Iranian fans [Music] new 12 going on the barbell Rustavi is ready he looks ready first saw him on the international stage back in 2008 it looks like at the Asian Championships [Music] first senior World Championships 2010 and Antalya where he placed fourth 212 key without his opening attempt here and this would propel him into first place both in the clean-and-jerk and the total right away and really give him a pretty sizeable lead maybe clean he took a lot longer in that between the clean and the jerk and I've ever seen him and I wonder if there's a little miscalculation in that opener Wow so we see that he's got both these rafts but no sort of maybe he does have a little extra maybe something underneath on that left knee but again he hit a sticking point on that okay stand up like that I've never seen before it's usually just straight up so now Mendes has bumped up to 213 which puts the pressure so that eliminated the two o'clock Wow very strategic and very well done by the coaching staff of Chi lat Bruce Tommy did most of that lift so he's got to be feeling a little winded at this moment yeah but again at this point - 12 - - 13 is it worth that extra kilo I I don't know I think you're calculating that it doesn't here he comes he doesn't have the same hair of confidence that he had walking out onto the platform to snatch those were not a lot of time [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] so now I heat has to move up he's got to move up in my opinion I I think he needs more than two minutes now again favoring that left knee now Oh nan a sign that looked like he might be withdrawing [Music] their writing something it's unclear if they're drawing the coach has the excitement that just a student anymore but so I think we're stop is just basically saying I will do whatever it takes just let the Toyota stopping with the 214 okay so I think he's gonna say have the Chilean do anything he can and I will do one kilo and I think the Chilean is gonna go up I think man this is gonna go up to put the screws on yeah and you can Tommy and he did to 14 the Chilean is guaranteed a medal at this point yeah yeah it's guaranteed can sit and relax or stop me is guaranteed a silver only in the Spanish and he's only got one attempt abating so mentis is in a great position right now here comes miss Tommy Wow so what do you think I mean I I probably would have gone to up to 2:15 for her to Fort Oh No so they are gonna up yeah so they're going to go up to 214 at least and maybe even more than that [Music] and the Chilean coaches flagons trying to decide what to do you're gonna take this they're gonna take it so he's putting the knee wraps on that's been des prés who was going interestingly Chris Tommy kind of paid to move out but then set back down and he's got a rush again 50 reps on now a little bit so that's part of the strategy yeah absolutely absolutely that said Mendes has to attempt left he's in a much nicer position yeah so again if he makes this in order for Russ Tommy to come to come out here and move himself into first place overall he'd actually have to go to 216 because he would have to exceed 217 now 260 260 and 6214 yeah so 214 kilos on the bar from Mendes Perez at a chilli second attempt [Applause] Oh so he got the down signal but what are the judges say no oh left oh my goodness that changes everything that does now that well they're both on final attempts right now does he retake that or does a good 250 so it looks like Russ Tommy is is coming out for this same weight so he will put the pressure on Mendez oh boy he just needed to hold that for Chester that that right arm just started to give just a little bit so again Rustam ii is a lifter who has made it happen when he has needed it Almaty Kazakhstan he was in this very position yep world's 2014 a 211 on his opener but missed it was and then went to 212 missed it 213 on his final attempt do-or-die time ate it he's often a guy who only makes one or two cleaning jokes but they were typically very very heavy when he makes down does it not it when it's counted that let's see if he could do it here maybe he just wanted a blue plate I mean it looks really it does look great worth noting we are two and a half percent of the world record we are really operating at maximal weights at this point so he's had adequate amount of rest time he's getting a little bit more as a result of the loading of the weights and changing the plates [Music] he needs to put everything here into this cleans it no so no successful unable in clean and jerk so now right now you on the screen you can see it Mendez the world champion he sweeps gold the snatch clean jerk in the total and now if this did we talk about a world record does he want to try a 221 or doe just earned himself a bronze overall Antoni nope it's all a joke bronze overall look at that gotta say though the Iranian team still cheering for their athletes Tommy gave it a hell of a fight and rest on me has no shortage of resume successes in pass so now we're gonna see with the Chilean Yvonne even off of Bulgaria it's off screen right now but blow it out he's here comes this is a huge world record and this is really a a slap in the face to the Iranian because that's his record it is his record not only is gonna is he gonna beat him in the championship but he's gonna try to take the record from him to 221 kilos I told what he looks at shake for [Applause] please he had that little hesitation on the tip where you know oh boy this is not going where it needs to yeah yeah oh would that live with that championship he sends a message to the world of 85 kill lifters beyond guard because he's been gone for years and now he's back and lifting with the best Olympic champion and world champion ganoush Bruce Tommy yeah and even when you start talking about some of the lifters who aren't here the T and Tau's of the world jamoke lulav exactly abdi the the really sends a message to say we've got a new horse in in town exactly so there is Adamski notice Tommy we know he was struggling with a knee injury and he will take home the silver in the snatch but nothing in the clean-and-jerk and of course no total there is our world champion our layman Des Peres of Chile who we haven't seen on the international stage my years I haven't I haven't often interview anyone I'll be there yeah part of the Chile coaching staff and there's no bosses today but I'll be between yesterday even though you're you don't have to be the best it's not just enough to be good you have to be the best well done peeps a lot oh yeah and he seals up the total bronze medal and the snatch medal yeah and finishes in fourth place in the clean-and-jerk and how was only making one of his cleaning jerks yeah so quite a day for for the Italian and of course our champion once again the social media videos the training videos we were all a little hesitant about thinking about what he could actually do at the end it's a very different thing in competition but a competition but he he performed yeah and there's our silver medalist in the total the pull your stuff smarts really really ought to be happy about that yeah I know he had a great day and just like a close 202 also boy what a what a an amazing amazing competition in session here in the archives that we expected this to be exciting and it did not disappoint although I am looking at the board and I got to say the clean-and-jerk started off well and then turned into a bit of a mess it looks like just about everyone only made well there's only 12 mate yeah and there's 12 lifters so that means you're you're at you're at 1/3 of the cleaner jerks were makes and again I am including the fact that the who's Becky lift her out him off did not did not lift at all but but still that's a that's a poor showing you know in the clean nature but still exciting exactly here are the clean-and-jerk results for the men's 85 kilogram class of course our lee mendez of chile 203 with first christoph Suarez in Poland 197 and Amanda Sheen 196 in third place so the Frenchman takes home a bronze medal as well total results coming up next our world champion Arlie Mendez Perez of Chile 378 first off Suarez of Poland second place 359 and Tony no pizza la heartless for the men's 85 a group most notably we have Iran's key nuclear stop me on the list our 2016 Olympic champion other standouts include who leg back other map of Uzbekistan the media also of Iran and Harley Mendes of Chile there is a warm-up room athletes prepare for their opening attempts were just around four minutes until the first athlete Georgia David odde say who's out 2017 European junior champion and he's got one year left as a junior so some more big lifting out of him a mad dishin out of France here I'm gonna be opening with 153 in the snatch I don't think he'll be the first person we see but he'll be early on you're gonna do Singh athletes are Lee Mendes of Chile we haven't seen him on the international stage in many years 2013 Poland's shoe stop right there 2017 European Championship for the Franz and medalists we've seen him on the international stage certainly for many years now we like back-alley mauve bronze medalist for 2013 world's back in Poland and of course teammates of gold medalist again in Rio in the 105 class already you know one to watch out for Louisa Anthony no peeps Alonzo jerking European junior champion in 2015 very strong in the clean-and-jerk a little down on his competitors in the snatch but okay if you can hang with him I think you can do pretty well today absolutely yeah we see something left side of him yeah in the Korean here dongju you who is who competed at the Olympics last year in Rio made at 340 total there 150 190 only two for six but still pretty respectable that was good for 14th place and this of courses is Japan's Toshi ki Yamamoto who's really got beautiful technique as you can see there with that 145 warmup snatch yep he's listed as 150 is the opener so if he sticks with that I imagine that was probably his last warm-up yeah that looks like the German Thomas Schwartz bak will be lifting actually be starting with 151 if that stays if that stage I think we're gonna see a lot of moving around here there is Ali MIDI of a get on there is a sizable you're any in contingent here during their athletes on absolutely yeah we were we're hearing a lot of shouts and real excitement throughout both him and of course our Olympic gold medalist for you're looking at right now ki Anoosh Ross Tommy who will be expected sort of to be a shoo-in for the win here he's starting significantly above all the other competitors in both to snatch me and 172 212 is what he is listed at the moments so feeling ambitious there was rumors of a knee injury as he looks like he's being tended to about that right now and in some of his training with just a few days ago but things must be feeling okay and it looks like he's ready to ready to do some damage today in colombia's 4's nadir Modena Torres and the Penn American silver medalist recently so he's got 140 on the barn starting to get warm and we've got a total of 32 v12 competitors here and a lot of weights to be moved around the opening snatch is going to be 148 it actually moved down four out of hands to Shiki Yamamoto from 150 to 148 so maybe just plain it a little conservative the largest snatch out of the B group actually no was out of the C group it was actually the Canadian who did 153 correct so tomorrow I believe ya athlete junior athlete bellomont that's right second heaviest out of the B group is India's venkata rug Allah also is it junior did 150 so it's gonna be will surpass that mark pretty soon but not quite yet with our first athlete who is seconds away from being called and technically Yamamoto is a really really an excellent excellent lifter and just continuing the great tradition of good technique and good weightlifting for Japan three out for his first but now Yamamoto most recently will be defeated in Japan and October of this year graded 150 to 190 so he is working around his best or near his best and he's done looks like you've done 150 858 yeah that was his best that he did back in actually earlier this year yep pretty huh just that just took a little bit of hesitancy and hesitancy on the bottom position but stabilized and stood up with this so maybe that was why maybe the overhead position is feeling a hundred percent so maybe drop it down a couple kilos make sure you get one in uh you know it looks like he hasn't been at a Senior World Championships since Poland 2013 if again if our records are correct so maybe just getting opening attempt jitters out yeah absolutely that's a smart move yeah so that would bring up with with the automatic increase who of course would be Yamamoto but I'm sure he's gonna go into the low 150 range and he just posted one 1503 so that changes the lifter to Germany's Tom Schwartz Bach coming out for his opening attempt at 151 kilos he's done 158 in the past but it was back in 2002 14 it looks like but he like another of his teammates is astonishingly consistent in she's got a lot of competition curry goes 3 4 3 3 4 3 the few year 2 4 3 very rare that he doesn't make more than one snatch [Music] a little bit of walking around but it has to make the left you know he is taller too taller just about yeah yeah and not a terribly tall athlete but he's telling the the loaders something about the barbell yeah is if there wasn't tight or things tipped around but looks like he had something to say yes yeah yeah he looks right down it's something the Germans like precision so I anything is out of place on that platform they're gonna know about it there let you know yeah he's on quality control absolutely but he's good board with that 150 1 kilo staff that brings up Colombia's door more hey no opening attempt 152 again we still have not surpassed the best snatch done previously which was out of the C group and it looks like his last international actually World Championships was back in 2/5 2015 in Poland also he did 145 in the snatch oh that looks great pretty nicely done there yeah and that actually beats his international best which was 147 so training must be going well for him yeah he seems happy about that he's taking another look at this very nice yeah and the Colombians really bring a full team of almost all a session lifters so really really high-quality lifting out of that country right now France is a Madhu she is opening weekend [Applause] it's done 155 in the past did that earlier this year at the European Championships and split croatia okay that's a good lift we've got an update with some bad news these Becky lifter blue leg back-alley moth has pulled out of the snatch for now so that's a that's a really significant updates yeah it's sort of a disappointing one you know changes the field quite a bit though because I don't know that he was a favorite for opt finish on the podium but strong clean and Dirk and I believe had 2016 Olympic champion Nardi knob in his corner back there so yeah he is gone he is out we're down to 11 athletes and if Bruce Tommy's in shape you should take this but for a second and third I think things are a bit more wide open yeah absolutely so the next lifter would be Ali Nia T of Iran which you can start to hear the Iranian can just see really shouting but no he's moving up so we don't won't be seen quite yet and that would bring out to Shakya Yamamoto once again for the five kilo increased to 150 train there yeah there is the Olympic champion yeah that color a bright white and black shirt there yes yes and quite a character from what I understand yeah here is doechigi Yamamoto coming out second attempt one [Music] Oh dr. Westbrook what do you [Music] lives in this session well the who is I think pretty obvious would stop me but I'll tell you what I think the number is in just one moment [Applause] oh yeah if something's just a little off at that overhead position otherwise the the bar is moving very well so the winning snatch I'm gonna anticipate Kiarostami snatching 178 Wow 178 today you heard it here in the clean-and-jerk I expect again I'm considering that that knee may not be in perfect condition so I'm expecting probably a 215 Wow 215 in the clean a jerk and a 178 okay yeah how about yourself I'm gonna lowball a little bit oh wow I think it's gonna be again I think we're both in agreement most ami is the clear favorite but I think it's going to be in 170 in this match Wow I think he's not gonna have to push himself I think you that 172 is listed I don't know that he's actually gonna stay there do you think that's an intimidation factor that they're kind of giving to these other competitors I think Rustavi walks in a room and I'm intimidated yeah 170 210 170 210 Wow here what some of you out there think if you want to get involved check out IWF social media at IWF net on facebook instagram twitter let us know what you think totals or snatch and clean it terrified I'm saying 7210 dr. Westbrook thinks it's an Olympic year and is saying 7815 rusty rusty Neela her extreme you were stopping likes to lift big weights he does right now Toshiki yamamoto of japan third and final attempt same way 153 kilos on the bar yeah like you said just a little shaky overhead it's moving exceptionally well maybe a few too many benches or something like that you've got a great physique yes a little yeah not so much you've been tight just shaky overhead I wonder we don't see body weights unfortunately here at wonder if it was a difficult cut or or just to travel right now Germany's Tom Schwartz puck coming out for his second attempt made 151 on his opener [Music] and I thought it looked pretty good again what was going on with the platform around or the bar we don't know but a German would know now he is very wide in this match and again he is almost always good for two or three snatches boy misses that one he's looking at one more so [Applause] the very famous host lifts look down at the hands now so i'ma do she is the lifter but of course that is not going to be the case it just is listed with his automatic increase so rush bot babies days is gonna lose his two-minute clock yeah what do you think he could be concerned about with the bar yeah I mean it's it's he's got a lot of chalk on there I mean everybody else seems to be doing just fine with it but nobody else is lifting out of the collars that's true yeah that's true the different world out there oh boy wouldn't it be amazing just to push out on the bar with those collars that although becomes a disadvantage when you're talking about guys like Selim II of Iran who who probably could really utilize a bar that's about 12 feet long rather than what it is for the Bulgarian kholokov yeah sadly passed away not long ago so here comes Tom Schwartz Bach again he he does not get the luxury of the two-minute clock due to a change so he's got to jump in right away he knows there's chalk up there right I think so Wow so unfortunately doesn't make the lift looks at the hands yeah I mean some bars are certainly there's different grips different kind of feels to barbell different nerves so yeah that's a not a common sort of comment about the bar I've never heard at a competition Simmons saying if the bar snow yeah I've heard the platform slippery quite often yeah said but never the point judge's little slippery with their their call sometimes but yeah with the bar now unfortunately that's looks like only one other time in this international competition history has that happened for him right now antonio pizzolatto coming out for his opening attempt 155 kilos in the bar I'm Tony no excuse me Wow very yeah very nice and he's done as much as 161 which was done back in the United States in Houston and to hit the 2015 world so he could be he could be good for a PR day got his teammate Mirko Scott on Tino with him in the bathroom Mirko competed this competition in the 56 kilo class unfortunately did not post a total right now Islamic Republic of Iran the beauty and the I'd must say I think they just flew in last night because is astonishing it is it's a packed house yeah really it really is impressive how many of them have come out great to see them supporting their team Holly Mary is has done as much as 160 in the past actually just a few months ago in Turkmenistan no no they looked at he jumped back a little bit it looks a little heavy than me to be honest with you you're interesting like to accuse on a slight angle yeah very slight but unmistakable and on a slight angle there which maybe he does was somewhere to look for changes his focus but he is gonna be the lifter unless he wants to move up because well what I know is we sit at 156 but it's unclear if that's real yeah either see Peter lotto who's listed in 56 that's only the 1 kilo automatic increase and I think they're both not moving that four just in case he moves up to really kind of not gave him the rest yet that's time that he really needs he's got a minute and a half remaining plenty of time nobody likes to be in the situation of missing that that first attempt [Applause] so the Iranians are going to do everything they can yeah to help him make this lift they've always come fully equipped with horns a large group of people and flags no shortage of support for this lifting how they marry that's neither of those attempts were convincing at all yeah so he's got one more and not even extensive international showing he's lifted according to our records in four international events best total being 361 which he did in Turkmenistan just a few months ago he really had a good day 160 201 so not having a day like that today yeah so he's staying at the 155 currently I would prefer to sit in a chair rather than that position myself but yet to each their own yeah here he is he's looks like he's about to come out [Applause] so hopefully he can make a correction coach telling him to extend I kind of sneak under he needs to leave me to come behind they give a nice Mack I'm on the bath or something wake up the traps wake up the posterior chain yeah third and final attempt yeah the whole crowd wants me to make this still well over a minute remaining wah-wah-wah-wah Wow his prayers were answered there that they were you know he did what he had to do at last the coach show to finish better extend and he threw in a clutch moment the first two were not convincing but that last one he looks like a guy who could do 160 yeah yeah really thank but not not today I mean maybe if he had a few more attempts but that lift really looked a heck of a lot better yeah making the Iranian crowd sweat just a little bit just making it exciting now his teammate the Olympic champion Uche where's Tommy still listed at 172 has not adjusted yet but not a lot of time left in genesee I think he's gonna wait and see what - oddly Mendes of Chilean does and then open based on that right now but Reyna Torres of Colombia 156 so just a four kilo jump from his opener at 152 that wasn't even close I'm tremendously heavy yeah and he jumped back about four feet you know it's possible he was waiting far longer than anticipated to get of the to miss well we had a number of misses you opened at 152 within were two misses at 53 two at 54 to 55 so he thought it's possible he thought he had three four minutes and that turned into more like eight to ten yeah because that's six attempts of course all of those attempts they were following each other at between between the segments five of the six were pilots on right so so you're talking about some serious times and that's really there's Pete salado of Italy Derby and junior champion in 2015 believe he is from like many of the Italian athletes sicily long history of great weather is coming out of Sicily and Italy nice place to Cochise nice place to live I imagine also beautiful place beautiful ways to visit I don't know about living there right now Colombia's for Mourinho hopefully had a chance to wake up the muscles a bit did look like you've been saying little stiff so he's warmed up now chooses to use the belt in the snatch here he's also collar to collar I think it might be just inside of the collar just barely yeah so it doesn't have the luxury of of pushing out yeah not in all those so so even though it was only a four kilo increase boy that looked like a 20 kilo yeah you know he motioned toward his back a little bit or something I wonder if he tweaked something in between or and he really he wasn't committed no and I don't remember if he wore about during that first attempt or not I'm assuming that he did but but I can't remember for certain right now imma do shave of France 157 also an athlete presumably has been waiting longer than he anticipated and this is two kilos above his international best which was done late last year in Israel and he had a great day then going three for three finishing with 155 oh boy that was close hold it high just not not quite enough let's let's take a look at that replay there looks like he's a little winded or something very fast at the bar there and needed maybe just a touch more height on the bar to give himself a little bit more leeway to get under it so he's not actually no he is the only lifter list of it that wait there's two other lifters asking for 158 so he would have to bump at least the kilo to buy anymore time so right now the two-minute clock is moving and I think he should stick there and you can see the Korean lifter dongju you waiting for that 158 on the increase and again this is this is a personal best before the Frenchman so he has been sitting for a while that 153 after he made it he probably has been waiting maybe 10 12 minutes or so it's warm now and again after he finished that lift you saw him just kind of like even see that light headed or something like that yeah when you go from kind of sitting complacently to lifting 157 kilos as fast as you can sometimes that can happen yep here he comes again EEMA do she know France 1:57 Oh another miss and that at this point now the majority of these lifts aren't misses yeah so we're not seeing very much blue on the board meaning that there's very little mix unfortunately in the 85s this is sometimes it be this isn't why and you know I don't know if it's that Dimas is in the house but suffers its a greatest 85 of all time perhaps yeah oh so we've got the older technically his elbow which is not a good indication for the second phase of the audition right now we Varis stava of poland coming out 158 like that little nod to each judge yeah give him each a moment of respect helps to have them on your side and this is a lifter who's lifted in quite quite a lot of international competitions as you could see portrayed right there 165 is his best that right there was 158 so we could see near his best today yeah looks good there hopefully he has turned the tide before the competition this might be what the other competitors need to start putting some more make up on the board yeah actually I think we saw him at the Arnold maybe a couple years back doing some big weights and weight so have one time he certainly looks ready for more today in the meantime Korea's you dong Joo coming out 1:58 Korean athletes great athletes out of South Korea in the past few years like the Japanese athletes technically very precise personal bests at 161 so this is only three kilos from that mark how beautiful beautiful lifts oh yes [Applause] and every way to do it on there so he may be waiting a while because there's a lot of lifts between that weight and maybe 160 or so so if you know if he elects to do a 5 kilo or so jump which I think he's more than capable of he's gonna be doing a lot of waiting yeah and 160 in that 160 enough above range people are gonna get it's gonna get aggressive because that could very well be a podium lift yeah absolutely I mean obviously the runaway rust ami is likely to get gold if he he makes a lift but everybody else is gonna be fighting for that silver and bronze I'm Tony no pizza lot oh what a left rape work by Pete Salado and pizza lattos best at 161 in that I tell you what that was convincing that he could be a personal best day let's see that again very dynamic just steadies himself in the bottom beautiful left really nice work hopefully he's got some Italian fans watching in Italy and like you mentioned I really hope that that's a nice turn of the tides so to speak with a lot more makes than missus like we've been seeing prior to those last two lifts so the Georgian revised devadatta say coming out the only junior competitor in this session coming out to open with a high 60 kilo that's impressive for a junior the guy saw us and he'd say in his corner back there 2004 Olympic champion yeah he's always good for a good ear squeeze and a traffic light before I like a freakin on the Left can we talk about the different builds in this sport and not only are there weight classes but there are such vast differences within the weight classes he is an 85 and it could be a water polo player looks very different from someone like the lifter on deck our late Mendes now it was very dynamic a little bit out of position there little opposition especially that right side never able to quite recover with that it's got two more attempts I think he'll come back and make that no problem I said he'd say looking at him like WTF acid eats a hero's dimas beating athletes Georgian team has seen some great success in recent years most notably with super heavyweight Russia taka say snatching assessing 220 kilos training earlier this year interesting development our Lee Mendes Perez has moved up to 163 which in marinated the two-minute clock for debe that say so now he's only got twenty seven twenty yet 27 seconds no that should restart that should restart I think they think the clock was running on I like so they should bring it back yeah I don't know there's no movement of the referees and I don't see any movement of zebedee that say out here is he coming out now he is coming out now is seven second oh he's not coming out oh no I think gonna let this go okay so now we see some movement of the the technical staff here we're not sure if they're just gonna let that attempt go and then and then get the 160 on the 3rd or they're gonna fight to try to get that second attempt that there is a side you'd say in the blue sweatshirt they got in 2004 Olympic champion in this weight class yeah [Music] yeah so just just as we we talked about since Mendes Perez of Thule made that change that eliminated the two-minute clock and so he lost that attempt let's see what's happening there's some discussion over by the table there so his clock has not started for his 30 yet acid eats a holding him back so now you can see the georgian lifter has a little bit of attitude now he's now he's frustrated that's rough because her the herds aboard he lost that second attempt and now he just was getting his psyche ready for that lifting uh he's not even the lifter since this third attempt now it goes back to he's a lot though of Italy yeah but I don't think yeah Pizza lattos coach putting a change in 162 okay third yeah so so that actually four peas Ola Pizza lotto would be a personal record [Music] and now it coming back to whe what a what an emotional roller coaster throb levee or he went from you know just missing his opener which isn't the end of the world to do or die do it I situation gotta make this so Autzen itza and the coaching staff a real frustrated talking it to some of the technical people over there you should just show him this gold medal and say give me what I want tabby touch a third and final exam to 160 this Wow so running around with a little bit of attitude makes the lift and I was huge hard to say he's good for much more so maybe it wasn't so bad the important thing is it gets the lift gets on the board and what is a difficult situation yeah so right now the polish lifter and actually I think one of the coaches back there is that bonk the 105 lifter in the back there helping out I didn't see him with it bong have to look again or is it one of the brother there's one of the doing before us but I think about Salah mule Blanc is also over there sports coming out for 162 kilos for his second attempt in the snatch oh yeah he looks good he's having a good day so far oh and I get a little bit of a press it was very small that's a very strict call Wow let's let's watch that replay take a close look at the elbows boy that was hard to sit that was elbow or shoulder error and if the body was still descending or not Knights right that's unfortunate beautiful lifts yeah really was dynamic smooth that's too bad so done Zhu Yu is gonna come out here of Korea for that same wait once - Jo - so you know what we're talking about potentially metal lifts here so right now it's it's he who makes his lifts so this is a four kilo increase oh and the the 30-second clock is we had this issue yesterday I want point to the buzzer is still going oh boy you know what a distraction to for the lifter but down and again it's twice we've seen this happen but as you mentioned very distracting for the athlete yeah that's that's okay we've got it off flat yesterday lasted for about ten minutes so that's fortunate that they fix the problem within less than a minute this time but unfortunate for Korea yet to deal with a little bit of an area actually progress sir yes yes sir I'm Tony no pizza lotto of Italy coming out for 162 kilos he looked pretty good on 55 and 59 as first and second attempts let's see if he can improve on those numbers and this would be an international best for him with his best being of 161 done in Houston just two years ago I think he's good for it so interestingly I don't think they fix 30-second buzzer because we did not hear a 30-second buzzer Wow and I tell you what doc I thought that that could be a metal lip and it was great to Tonti ow Rudy and Polly no pizza dough three for three with it what we believe is international competition PR 162 and that's gonna be it's not guaranteed a medal but it puts them in good position dr. Bob I love when you talk Italian to me [Laughter] so 162 is the is the same weight so this will not move the Polish Minh up but just put him in better position for the total currently in third place in the snatch and this would move him into second watch third and final attempt no question there yeah Rustam poland that gets it on his final attempt 162 yeah he's got to be frustrated though because he was probably good for 65 or even 60 saving so and I think 65 yeah well within his capabilities today but it still stays alive with that 62 this calls up regularly Mendes okay first time seeing him on the international stage in a long many many years and doesn't have much of a competition history on the international stage but has a lot of training videos on social media that are quite impressive exactly it now here is where the rubber meets the road can you perform when it counts yep training very different competition and again look at this physique compared to some of the other half especially launch origin lots of different ways to be a weightlifter [Applause] first we just saw him in the training session hit 170 and 205 maybe what three four days ago so he is in shape and that exemplifies that look easy yeah so if you are with zombies coaching staff in the back you're seeing that I'm thinking I got to do more than I left today I have start warming up we turned up this guy serious so maybe that 178 that I said earlier may hold I think if our late Mendes does 170 that'd be huge and it put a lot of pressure on Bruce Tommy even though he's listed at 212 down to you third final attempt decided to increase from 162 163 for thus far currently in fifth place in the snatch if successful this will move him into second place no the velcro on the belt gave out during that lift now that's a distraction so no lift for Korea's you don't do unfortunately but he is credited with his opener at 158 kilos so this is very very interesting so now we've got two lifters remain a total of five attempts to for the Chilean and three for the Irani so he's calling for one so both lifters are asking for 172 so we'll already about eating dr. Bob has anticipated we'll see we'll see if ruse Tommy sticks it once a night to or if they put a change in so I wonder if they're dropping down going up to 170 right no no no excuse me down to 170 okay all right so you're still in the running here so the Prince of Persia key Anoosh rustam a Olympic champion coming out for his opening attempt as his fans waved their flags and screaming shouts now this guy walks from the platform with 100% belief in Canal Vincent himself you can see he's got the weight extensively wrapped up I also got some rock tape on that it looks like he is in shape [Applause] I wonder if they need Wow red herring so he is not affecting him on Oh snatch at least so 170 is now the gold medal lifts now interestingly beats alot oh it has the the bronze lock did he's a bronze medalist okay and this is someone who in Houston was in the B session yeah what progress he's made and of course just a good performance - he's the only lifter thus far who's gone three for three in the snatch yeah so Harley Mendes kilo more Wow this is the battle that we were hoping for yes again we've seen a lot of interesting stuff from Mendes on social media very strong lifts look that they were taken on the motorola startac in the gym somewhere but that opening snatch suggested the videos let's see what he can do here 171 to move into first place in this match he's got more than 800 K so Bruce Tommy is gonna have to work for it now yeah he's stronger than Queen and jerk on his opener it looks like but again with Mendes we just don't know what we don't know yeah we've never seen him in these kind of situations you know I mean his best international company has it looks like two Junior World Championships in 2013 and Pan Am championships in 2013 as well and they're I mean it's this is really not even fair to prepare but he did you know 51 in the stash we can't those are muscle snatch weights for him yeah yeah so we're in uncharted territory so now we're gonna I think we're gonna see a little bit of jockeying a little honking this damash ion brothers and then f comes out gives you a hug and a kiss I don't know if that's quite a blessing we had a competition that's amazing so 174 on the bar [Applause] again confident he's done weights that are that are that even greater what you're seeing here a best snatch with 179 I've ever done at the Olympics just last year as he went on to the gold medal okay the plot thickens it now say so now we have two lifters only third temps remaining here so I would assume is favored in that name yeah I'm gonna assume that that Mendez Perez is gonna take this same weight I think he's gonna go to have 75 Oh put the pressure on yeah there they are right now that's at the table she's gonna go to 75 put the pressure on Luce Tommy yeah and either way so you know it's gonna force or something to come out again and I think Chris Tommy will also make that increase I really do we'll see what happens there conversing decision over there so we also have to consider Rustam is a very strong Kenan jerker yeah the current world record holder at 220 kilos so even if he passed on this lift the likelihood of him being about clean-and-jerk his competitor his closest competitor Mendez Perez is pretty high but a big but here is of course that name that name exactly its extent although have of stopping his battle-tested yeah he has lifted in the high pressure situations and come through 20 seconds remain on the clock look at that he's holding it loving it unbelievable now we've got a competition now the 1 7 4 4 Rustavi limping off a bit the pities it's not great for walking but it's good for snatching yeah and again that's pure will you know your body isn't in shape your knee is hurting it's just the willpower that allows him to get that weight overhead him huddled that overhead - no problem no problem yeah a really nice low overhead position there and he's a guy when he walks in a room his chest sort of walks in first he's now he's confident now here is our lay Mendez 175 so this this is for the gold medal in the stache and for a nice just a single kilo Lima going into that clean-and-jerk it he needs every kilo he can get again stress Tommy [Applause] very dynamic lifter here this is exactly what we were looking for so that puts the Chilean Mendez pres in the gold place position Rustam e in silver in the snatch again not his strong suit of the two lifts and of course in third place feet salato of italy at 162 yeah this was a competition mismatch it's shaping up to be an incredibly exciting clean integer portion and we were hoping that you know we didn't know what to expect and of mendes some people post big training lifts and then fall apart in the competition Mendes is obviously not the case he is ready to lift air to spruce Tommy our civil silver medalist in the snatch he stayed competitive in his name 170 for our final attempt and like you said a jerk specialist there is Italy's Piet Salado bronzed and just it's just really great for the Italian because I would have not anticipated him to be on the podium in the snatch no well you know we had a few a number of misses a lot about these missing weights the Uzbek lifter Ali mom pulled out so this is why you got to show up you make your lifts you might end up taking home some hardware be session lifter just a couple years ago in Houston is now bronze medalist enhancer silver medalist Kyushu Bruce Tommy of Iran and we had a lot of red a lot of misses going on throughout the competition but yeah but really made a nice turn towards the end with a lot of makes and uh some really really exciting lifting and yeah the session ended in spectacular fashion look at that warm-up room and competitors getting ready for the clean-and-jerk portion so looking at the results one more time 175 by Mendez and the gold medal position gross Tommy at 174 in this silver medal position in feat salato at third place 162 the Polish lifter Schwartz at 162 also so that's going to be sick hello and welcome back to the 2017 IWF world weightlifting championships where we are watching the men's 85 kilogram group a this is the group for all the medals and we just saw the snatch portion very exciting snatch portion starting the cleaning for section now George's reviser Dhabi - a kicking us off with 182 kilos had sort of a rough day in the snatch as a result of some coaching mistakes but still did manage to get 160 on his final attempt it was in a very tough spot in the competition with that nice coming - he's a junior competitor 1 in 1998 having a better day in the clean-and-jerk it looks like he's done as much as 188 in the past so I think he's good for that at least again he's a junior so sometimes these junior competitors can really make large strides from competition to competition so we hope to see that here maybe even as much as it 190 above except the European juniors is where he had that 188 earlier this year in Albania a great day there six four six sixty five eighty eight that 182 does move him into first place above the best in the paint group which is Rogalla of India anyone at Japan 341 K in the total and the total yes not a match yeah or excuse me and the Kalina drip we still have 192 as the best yeah so it looks like he's jumping all the way up to 191 which will bring out Tom Schwartz Bach for his opening attempt at 190 kilos so in the snatch only successful with his opening attempt at 1:51 hoping to have a better run here in the clean-and-jerk was complaining a little bit about a slippery bar on the snatches hopefully won't be as significant here for him clean a jerk very consistent lifter so it's a little shaky the whole thing I'm he almost lost it backwards living on the clean and a reposition him stuff before standing up with it really great to do that front squat and it looked heavy I gotta say it is heavy but it looked heavier than you want an opener to look absolutely just on the board though so watch here he almost comes back a little bit there has to move the feet in readjust and a beautiful jerk position in terms of the split especially but a little shaky you know never quite stopped a hundred percent now headed over control in control right and again we're sort of looking at a side view there which the portion of the judges don't see that know right now Columbia's more they know coming out opening it talent he apparently just took a warm-ups I wonder if they were caught a little off guard 180 not long ago apparently in the woman so uh what he should do is really utilize the that fold of the three seconds that he has left here make sure he's recovered because 180 is in a lightweight I [Music] yeah so that really that really messed with them all right so and again that's more of a more of a coaching mistake than an athlete mistake because you got to have your athlete ready yeah you know hopefully within more than a minute of when the split button let their satanic weight under yeah you know I wonder again we saw him coming off his finalist snatch kind of indicating something oh and if something's bothering him yeah I think he was kind of pointing to or grabbing at us back a little bit Rivage David Adjaye of Georgia coming out 190 kilos so a big jump eight kilos and a big improvement over what he did just a few months ago European juniors Hornaday in the 8th zone still has one more year left in the junior so this would be the best ever for him if successful in the planet jerk oh boy the clean looks really good too yeah and the jerk didn't even look too bad I think he just rushed the drive a little bit try to sneak under and him quite didn't quite have the acceleration on the bar yeah and he will have another crack at that and you could see him sort of catching his breath after the lift so makes you wonder if that bar was resting just on either his windpipe or the carotid artery that was cutting off the blood supply to the brain couple years ago in the 77th and Houston had leaving the bee group there was a Georgian athlete who passed out not once but twice twice I wish the bar across the chest never a good feeling never a good feeling and again he's a that Georgian lifter is not a guy with a lot of muscle mass to kind of keep that bar fresh you wonder how he's away than 85 yeah so the colombians gonna come out again for the same way 190 kilos from Moreno toyota's didn't do much more than holy on his first attempt it looks heavy we'll assume they'll widen that grip and he does oh no no so that puts him in the do-or-die and I tell you that he was not light no and we'll see maybe a replay here but collapsed quite a big enough so that he almost a fake he was in danger of an elbow touch there it happened so fast quick yeah that you couldn't really tell but yeah he just look at he committed to that no really he hoisted the bar high enough but didn't have that last little bit of commitment to really get under but again even there you saw him sort of grabbing at his lower back again and if there's any any lift throughout the snatch clean it clean and jerk that you feel at most I would say it's the jerk holding that weight overhead cuz that's you're talking about the heaviest weights that are above your head we're supported by the legs the back hips there's the Georgian athlete waiting on his third attempt in the meanwhile Columbia's sure Moreno needs this final clean and jerk if he wants to post a total next to him Germany's Tom Schwartz Bach waiting for the increase as well keeping warm now doctor boffin what was your anticipated highest clean-and-jerk was a 205 if I said - I don't recall him - 205 or 210 probably should have written these things that I know you said 280 okay so he that facial expression does not look promising else final attempt so I'll be really surprised if even this could be another high pole for so he's only maybe one snatch mr. both clean and jerks he needs to make this to post a total dr. West because someone who's been in this situation yourself on a good times any advice from him just turn around [Music] [Music] I'm impressed already [Applause] that's unfortunate every bit of the lift besides getting the feet aligned wow that was a lot more than I expected already effort on torremolinos part gave it a really everything he had a better clean kept the elbows high out of the way the knees got set up and it looked there like you had it job boy just recovered too fast yeah and you know when you trained athletes and you teach them about the importance of recovering front foot first it's for a reason like that exactly then step forward and the bar is gonna move backward now I mean his case might have been off balance I think he was doing everything he could to hold on but unfortunately no lifts fantastic effort by him no and I mean France is a magician Wow and with that lifts that beats his international fast at 190 so which was done in Israel last year so training must be going well for him and that actually hoists him wastes his total into first place with that lift plenty more lifting to come though we still have not to pass the B group mark of one - done by slovakia's Carol Samko this is the Georgian Lavazza gavage a third and final attempt to 191 this would be an international competition PR for him just a beautiful clap need to study and he done Wow performance and again look at that upper body there's nothing to do it will be talked about you have ten years a year yeah when you talk about some lifters having grapefruits for shoulders he's got nothing more than grapes and yet still tremendously strong it's about the power and the speed look at that holls holls holls and that's that's great so so still goes three four six on the day 351 total and currently in first place overall and now the Japanese lifter toshiaki Gamma motto for his opening attempt at 192 this equals to be group's best who would not surpass it technically it would first attempt yeah word and again technically a very very good lifter very upright and catch right into the church needs to study a little bit I wonder what the judges are gonna say nice looking immediately to the lights no the extra so again the weights are moving so easily but something about that overhead position yeah not just not there today [Music] and we couldn't you know there's nothing wrong with the movement there he got the feet of line and dropped the bar once his feet were lined but it was during that portion right there we're gonna see that the elbows Bend and then go back into the lockout position so not I think they're gonna move up I think they're assuming more yeah and Yamamoto has done as much as 200 so he's good for a lot more than that especially me just get that better lock out here yeah you know I think pretty typically his lockout is like that it could be a little soft he's very muscular up top yeah again a stark contrast to the lifter who was just that devadatta who is coming out of Japan putting in the change it appears yep they're gonna move up so the next increase would be oddly media of Iran at 193 who who was in that to retire situation the power of prayer and the fans of Iran is what mate allowed him to make that last attempt at 155 so he's going to come out and there's a is a large population o Iranians here and honestly I don't know that I've seen a bigger group of fans for a particular country no no that I fire a section I'd had a pretty pretty impressive but this is another level yeah [Applause] Alley opening attempt 193 he didn't all three attempts to make once they often better start here is that the deepest international competition is has done 201 in international competition just a few months ago and Turkmenistan very fast looks really good in general are just like in the snatch slightly canted yeah which is sort of an odd thing but it's working for him at this point gets one red light I'm not sure what they didn't like about that looked fine to me he doesn't have a perfect lock out but I didn't see any movement in the lockout but let's take a look see if those elbows I don't know that's okay yeah jury isn't calling a stop to anything so we have to assume that we'll stand in the meantime here is Japan's Toshiki Yamamoto coming out second attempt 193 kilos went up one kilo from his opener which was ruled no lift I imagine a very easy clean and then maybe a little struggle with that overhead positioning game here beautiful [Applause] again I thought that looked pretty good I'm hoping needs gets as it gets that least the majority of the city I guess everybody reweighing lights that's fantastic again his lockout is always a bit like I mean there's some athletes think of bo EV ski bats in the dad was an on or off switch he the weights resting a little more on the muscles as opposed to has locked joints yeah that was a lot better than I really did did look better than the opener just start is similar to his first attempt a little bit that helicopter just starting to shift the weight but able to stabilize it feet in line and put the weight down so right now as far as roost off of Olin coming out for his opening attempted 194 [Music] [Applause] whoo stuff in the past has done it's like 205 is fine he has a competition history that goes back a dozen years good clean oh wow that's a beautiful open tidy I think he's gonna hit around that 205 mark today he looks good he looks strong he probably wants to make up some ground this match just missed the podium and really you know a sort of got robbed that yeah he just got turned down in the second attempt of 162 in the snatch and had to come back and repeat with it which he made I think he was good for 165 at least yeah could've been a medal it would have been a metal yeah he did 62 but Antonito Pizza lotto who did it before also did 62 bronze medal for him you don't do of Gloria coming out for his opening attempt to 194 kilos rough day in the snatch on skate his opener 158 he's done as much as 198 which is was done in Houston at the 2015 World Championships competed in Rio finished in 14th place last year very nice clean oh boy so great no not great one other lifter the Frenchman Amanda Xin asking for the same weight in addition to Tom Schwartz Bach so let's yeah so he's gonna come out for this so Schwartz Bach is gonna come out for 194 which is four kilos up from his opener 190 and I have to say one night he was not the easiest little what we've seen shaky little shaky he is not quite as consistent in the clean-and-jerk as he is in a snatch but still overwhelmingly he is a two or three four three four three athletes [Applause] this is really uncharacteristic Wow not now not only are our characteristic but uncharacteristic up any German F yeah this is not a great day you don't we don't know if he's injured if what has happened but you know you looked through his competition history split European Championships earlier this year two for three spire Germany and earlier this year two for three Germany two for three shooting 3 4 3 3 4 3 2 / 3 3 / 3 and really a consistent athlete so we just saw the coaching staff of the Frenchman a mother she move up to 196 which brings back looks like you for one night or four yeah he has had a little bit of time to recover relax hopefully just enough make the correction and get on the board with this wait Rustam is asking for 212 still and Mendez Perez is at 200 for their opening attempts if you're wondering Oh even better come down and add a better jury yeah during the cleaning he was basically commend on that first attempt yeah but that when he timed it just perfectly and stood up with it nice and easily so but he looks a little winded I must say so it's a lot of weight I'd be winded to from being honest but maybe we're only only be looking at a couple key will increase on his final attempt did time that really nicely you see there was a lot of the Korean athletes they're really able to off the floor through the catch use the bar to their advantage so Schwartz bak of Germany coming out and for his third and final attempt only made one snatches and only made one clean-and-jerk thus far you got to go back to 2011 to find a big meet where he did not make his second attempt in a clean and jerk really gutsy clean there so just not the performance that he was he was hoping for two out of the yelled at six yeah you know it's it's rare to see a German complain but that's that's unfortunate it's a rough day for him everyone has an off day yes not happy about that performance but again deep competition history should could see him again and he goes home with a total 341 151 191 to etta sakes meanwhile here is our sach bronze medalist and 20 no Pizza lotto over Italy 195 he's really setting himself up for a good day so if he can really hit this nicely and put some pressure on these other athletes he could have an exceptional day today you know overall it felt like the whole clean was rushed yeah maybe he was just a little overly excited I think it seemed heavier than it actually was the timing wasn't quite there so I'm gonna assume that that's gonna be taken again but he's unfortunately the only lifter asking for that that weight so the two-minute clock has begun back in Houston at the World Championships he did - OH - so he's handled more weight than this I mean that was his best more recently he has been good for 1996 we can see the Italian coach it looks like they're moving up so if they go 296 buys them a little time that's what they're doing yeah if I do Sheen would be the lifter yep at 196 he's actually gonna take it so that might have been a nice move get ya yeah at least a minute or so I think it was a good move I really do when one kilo at this you're talking about a half a percentage of Maha you know just barely under a half a percentage so it's that's really not that different especially for a guy who has done as much as - OH - so Amanda Sheen five kilos up from with his opener at 191 nice clean Wow that was better than his opener yeah and in another international vest in the clean-and-jerk prior to this meet 119 was his best in Israel last year so really making some strides leaps and bounds here really so pizza lotto really really needs to come in here and just time this thing better and I know it's gonna be easy [Music] [Applause] better Oh do-or-die situation here I'm gonna blame it on the food you know an Italian comes from a great culture of cuisine the food here it's been a little bit certainly not what you're getting in Sicily oh definitely not now it's been several years since he's been in this situation do-or-die you got to go back to 2013 it looks like in the international stage so hopefully he can make the correction come back and get on the board unfortunately no one else is asking to this wave and I don't know if you want to risk going to 97 yeah I don't think so okay so I unfortunately he has done almost the entirety of the lift I tell you what that ain't a jerk that's a lot of energy a lot of energy and two minutes in my opinion is is not enough time to completely recover but you know this is the championship and you gotta get there do special things to make special things happen yeah and these athletes are just getting to the body weights and the weights lifted where you need a little more time to recover Aires is to make it across guarantee no 56 kilo athlete giving him some encouragement an Italian good luck is in Bocca al Lupo so in Bocca al Lupo to keep salato the response is creepy let's see it beats alot Oh [Music] all right so the crowd really wants him to get this thing done again you're looking at the easies going home with the bronze medal two snaps no doubt about that now he wants to go home with total and of course this would move him into first place at the moment that will change best clean of the town do the new although pizza lot stays alive with 196 358 total not too far off his best I think he wanted to really improve on his best 363 but didn't quite go as planned and all the cleans looked good the jerk was the limiting factor here for every that left side he's yeah favoring it it's hard to say what what was causing that so again ends up with a total nicely done Antonio Foote Sailaja right now Poland's at Sparta Shuswap coming out for his second attempt 197 so this one 97 will actually elevate him into first place above beat salato because they actually snatched the same exact weight and this is 1 kilo above what beats a lots of just clean and jerked beautiful crime oh my goodness he's good for probably 202 203 who knows [Applause] what a lift strong counter surprised at that three kilo increase to be honest was the first one looked pretty easy the second one looked easy to break I'm sure they've got a strategy I trust them yeah no I think since they've got that big lead and the snatch under a lot or over a lot of these other competitors I think it's a matter of just making listen if this 85 session as a whole is any indication of what you should do as a coach it's make your lifts yeah because most of these lifts are not made that we're looking at in the snatch probably at best maybe 50 percent but probably not even that yeah I'm gonna snatch your bronze medalist Pizza opto made all three snatches you're the guys missed a bunch or look through and that changed everything right now we hear the Iranians we do hear those of you watching at home might hear them no matter how far you are shrew stops build a lifter but they're gonna change yeah that's gonna change you know how most forgot I mean we know that who stopped me is of course opened at 93 about a week ago and they stood with 201 Silla 1 okay Wow so if actor Sheena has gone up to 200 which would bring out since with that move would bring out Mendes Perez for his opener at job which I think we sing routine going up to yeah they're worth the changing excuse me the Chilean 10 and does go he doesn't go you guys lifting anything anytime soon certainly so he is moving up to something yeah 203 serve it event previous that brings out early as you go through hundred kilos so amazing that I feel like we just went we just made a big jump on the on the platform wait yeah you know it's it's amazing how how fast that happens when you have all these coaches jockeying for position so 200 is a big mark for many many lifters especially in this body weight category 200 kilos 440 pounds on the bar Korea's used on June 3rd and final attempt this would exceed his best by 2 kilos a little bit of a rough clean there Wow oh my goodness he had the lift just again recovered a little too fast yeah not sure it was ever really under control for him to actually secure it overhead and if you want an example of the correct way to recover the 2015 world champion arts him a cool off 215 kilos he takes about ten seconds to recover from his split the SPLA that holds it but he knew how important that lifts was so he's gonna take a sweet time to make sure he does not drop that and that that's a great great lift in this weight category just two years ago here in the States right now Holly Beauty is the athlete an enormous increase open with 193 now at 201 which this ties is best of all-time international stage [Applause] is the 11th engine [Music] [Applause] huge extension there for them and you can see the bar the the right side of the bar is just almost like three inches higher than the left side when he goes to jerk that thing little uneven little uneven but I think that's how it looked on the opening attempt - now that's just the style that he that he does how Hassan eats a was he was pretty uneven yeah he had have those elbow problems on the one side but worked for him and he'll have another attempt he is still the lifter no one else calling for 201 of course our Lai Mendes going for 203 we're getting some word from an inside source who may or may not be in Wilson that Mendes has been doing some pretty heavy cleaning drips in training yeah yeah and he could've really proved himself in the snatches so if he came to anything near I believe it was about around 2 7 15 to 17 somewhere in that area that I've heard rumors of him being able to do so that's right near that world wrist rest on his world record of 220 silver stop he's gonna have some work ahead of them I think so all these all these competitors have so I think right now we're seeing the battle for bronze assuming no other big developments because I think silver and gold are going to be fought over by Janusz Roose Tommy and are late and it Mendez has 203 enlisted has best opener right now the crowds going wild if I leave me a tea third and final attempt 201 same wait I this is a huge a keel increase from that opening of that so clean looked pretty good so he really just needs to put it together for the jerk [Applause] [Music] may may have even had an elbow tongue out there when I say help with touch I mean that the hell will actually touch the knee which is they did it got so one ref actually hit the red light button yeah what'd that happen watch that right elbow and right knee let's see right oh no actually maybe stuffs inside yeah we close this close again that's why it's such a subjective call because from this angle you just can't tell if that knee and elbow were inside or outside of each other so and it happened so fast and even from the perfect angle they can be tough to say for certain until you go to the video yeah yeah so Toshiki Yamamoto again another athlete feels like it's been ages since we've seen making a huge 9 kilo jump up to 202 from a second to third attack you said that is his best internationally correct yeah let me double-check that but yes that's correct yeah - OH - so this would match his personal best in the clean-and-jerk again the big question here is that lock out position yeah [Applause] [Music] boy that clean looks so good it is so easy very nice but he doesn't have on/off switch lockout yeah don't know there was flexibility of it just now he's built or what it is makes it can make the jerk that much harder but like I said no sew up right yeah I mean just just what you want to see really has the proportions for the clean-and-jerk to a long torso shorter arms shorter femurs yeah ends up with 193 and the clean-and-jerk for a 341 total right now Ahmad machine of France coming out for his third and final attempt at 202 currently in second place and 5th in the overall position so yeah even if you get stood up with that that was almost surely an elbow touch there yeah apparently ruse Tommy has 205 loaded in the back room right now okay I don't think he's touched it yet but he's got some time so I don't think he has yeah Oh although if Mendes decides to pull a fast when it jumped to some bigger number you know that could really throw us off but before any of that happens the Polish lifter arch coming out here for his third and final attempt - OH - on the bar currently sits in first place overall and that means he's guaranteed at least a bronze in the clinic and a brown and the overall Wow Carly risk Tommy just did his 205 in the back okay first off third attempt - OH - well that's the first time I've seen that so I think he's got a bit of a knee injury but he wanted to kind of play with it a little bit he gives a bonk of a big hug right there a great one live do it one of the do a good brother having a little fun with it yeah yes so he's gonna take home the bronze in both the clean-and-jerk and the overall so good day now we've got two lifters and six lists to decide who takes home though he's currently in gold position we should say yeah he's guaranteed at least a bronze until at least a bronze got to make your lives here so Mendes Andres Tommy assuming they each make one lift yeah Mustafa barrage is our bronze medalist so Rustavi still has 212 listed 203 of courses on the bar for mendes which i think is smart for him to come out here and take this as he fights against the Olympic champ Russ Tommy and he's not limping he is not you know he's not fighting any injuries at right now so that turn over and you don't turn over and catch him and now he is an athlete we talked about lockouts he's got that solid right to overhead position either it's there or it's not yeah relaxing a little bit unrolling the knee sleeves what I imagine is they'll move him up yeah so she passed roast on me he's got to go all the way up to 212 and actually the sooner he does that then that locks with responding into that 212 because right now rest on me still has the choice of dropping back down to a lower weight but I would almost jump right up to the 212 because he's already locked in the gold in the snatch and the silver and the clean-and-jerk in total so might as well just see what happens so okay they moved up to note the heavenly got silver silver said war there's some movement over there there's the rally vote yeah the Chilean coach was kind of putting his hands in the air as if he was confused or frustrated about something so the clock still okay yep so we're going all the way the two times we are so he'd say well so the clean-and-jerk specialists accountants and record holder the Olympic champ of 2016 Keanu's Rustavi coming out to show the world why he is the olympic champion two hundred twelve kilos on the bar the Iranians going crazy out here again the entire one entire wing of the stands filled with Iranian fans [Music] new 12 going on the barbell Rustavi is ready he looks ready first saw him on the international stage back in 2008 it looks like at the Asian Championships [Music] first senior World Championships 2010 and Antalya where he placed 4th [Applause] 2012 he was opening attempt tear and this would propel him into first place both in the clean-and-jerk and the total right away and really give him a pretty sizable lead heavy clean he took a lot longer in that between the clean and the jerk than had ever seen him I wonder if there's a little miscalculation in that opener Wow so we see that he's got both these raps but no sort of maybe he does have a little extra maybe something underneath on that left knee but again he hit a sticking point on that stand up like that I've never seen before it's usually just straight up so now Mendez has bumped up to 213 which puts the pressure so that eliminated the two o'clock Wow very strategic and very well done by the coaching staff of Chile ruse Tommy did most of that lift so he's got to be feeling a little winded at this moment yeah but again at this point to 12 2 to 13 is it worth that extra kilo OTT I don't know I think they're calculating that it doesn't here he come he doesn't have the same hair of confidence that he had walking out onto the platform to snatch bail so not a lot of time [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] so now I he has to move up he's gotta move up in my opinion I I think he needs more than two minutes now again favoring that left knee yeah Oh Nate a sign that looked like he might be withdrawing [Music] they're writing something it's unclear if they're drawing the coach has the excitement has just as good as being more but so I think we're stop is just basically saying I will do whatever it takes just let the ballet or Islamic identity okay so I think he's gonna say have the Chilean do anything he can and I will do one kilo and I think the Chilean is gonna go up I think man this is gonna go up to put the screws on yeah any kendama and he did do 14 I mean he's in this Chilean is guaranteed a medal at this point yeah yeah he's guarantee could sit and relax we're stopping is guaranteed a silver only in the Spanish he's only got one attempt abating so Mendes is in a great position right now here comes Restonic Wow so what do you think I mean I I probably would have gone to up to 215 for her to port Oh No so they are gonna up yeah so they're gonna go up to 214 at least and maybe even more than that [Music] and the Chilean coaches was trying to decide what to do they're gonna take this they're gonna take it so he's putting the knee wraps on that's been des Perez who was going interestingly Chris Tommy kind of paid to move out but then sat back down and he's got a rushing at 50 reps on now a little bit so that's part of the strategy yep absolutely absolutely that said Mendes has to attempt left he's in a much nicer position yeah so again if he makes this in order for Russ Tommy to come to come out here and move himself into first place overall he'd actually have to go to 216 because he would have to exceed 217 now - six - six days and six two to four times yeah so 214 kilos on the bar for Mendes Perez out of Chile second attempt [Applause] so he got the down signal but what are the judges say no oh left oh my goodness that changes everything that does now that well they're both on final attempts right now does he retake that or does it go at 250 so it looks like Russ Tommy is is coming out for this same weight so he will put the pressure on Mendez oh boy he just needed to hold that for Chester that that right arm just started to give just a little bit so again Rustam e is a lifter who has made it happen when he has needed it Almaty Kazakhstan he was in this very position yep world's 2014 he 211 on his opener of a miss Davis and then went to 212 missed it to 13 on his final attempt do-or-die time he's often a guy who only makes one or two clean and jumps but they were typically very very heavy when he makes down does it he's not it when it's counted that let's see if he could do it here maybe he just wanted the blue plane I mean it looks really it does look great worth noting we are two and a half percent of the world record we are really operating at maximal weights at this point so he's had adequate amount of rest time he's getting a little bit more as a result of the loading of the weights and changing the plates [Music] he needs to put everything here into this cleans it now so no successful unable acquaintance jerk so now right now you on the screen you can see Mendez the world's champion he sweeps gold the snatch clean jerk in the total and now if this did we talk about a world record does he want to try a 221 or toe just earned himself a bronze overall I'm Tony no pizza lotto bronze overall look at that gonna say though the Iranian team still cheering for their athlete you do have salami gave it a hell of a fight and restaurant me has no shortage of resume successes in a fast so now we're gonna see with the Chilean Yvonne even off of Bulgaria it's off screen right now but blow it out he's here comes this is a huge world record and this is really a a slap in the face to the Iranian because that's his record it is his record not only is gonna is he gonna beat him in the championship but he's gonna try to take the record from him to 221 kilos I tell you what he looks in shape for [Applause] he had that little hesitation on the tip where you know this is going where it needs to you know would that live with that championship he sends a message to the world of 85 kill lifters beyond guard because he's been gone for years and now he's back and lifting with the best Olympic champion and world champion he knows gurus Tommy yeah and even when you start talking about some of the lifters who aren't here the Tien Tau's of the world jamoke lulav exactly apti the the really sends a message to say we've got a new horse in in town exactly so there is Iran's ketosis Tommy we know he was struggling with a knee injury and he will take home the silver in the snatch but nothing in the clean-and-jerk and of course no total there is our world champion our late Mendes Perez of Chile who we haven't seen on the international stage my years I've been I haven't often hear a zero and even I'll be there yeah it part of the Chile coaching staff and there's no bosses today but I'll be between yesterday evening or you know it's not just enough to be good you have to be the best well done Pete so a lot oh yeah and he seals up the total bronze medal and the snatch medal yeah and finishes in fourth place in the clean and jerk and I was only making one of his clean jerks yeah so quite a day for for the Italian and of course our champion once again the social media videos the training videos we were all a little hesitant about thinking about what he could actually do at the end it's a very different thing in competition but a competition but he he performed down and there's our silver medalist in the total the pool just off smarts really really not to be happy about that ya know you had a great day and just a close - OH - also boy what it what a an amazing amazing competition in session here in the archives that we expected this to be exciting and it did not disappoint although I am looking at the board and I gotta say the clean-and-jerk started off well and then turned into a bit of a mess it looks like just about everyone only made well there's only 12 May yeah and there's 12 lifters so that means you're you're at you're at 1/3 of the cleaner jerks were makes and again I am including the fact that the who's Becky left her album off did not did not lift at all but but still that's a that's a poor showing now in the clean nature but it's still exciting exactly here the clean-and-jerk results for the men's 85 kilogram class of course are lee mendes of chile 203 with first first off Suarez in Poland 197 and Amanda Sheen 196 in third place so the Frenchman takes home a bronze medal as well you from France Romain i'ma do Xin [Applause] from Chile Arlie Mendez patters [Applause] [Music] from Poland shoe stop virus from Uzbekistan Oh Lebec Alomar [Applause] from Italy Antonino Pizza lotto from the Republic of Korea you domed you [Applause] from Japan Toshiki Yamamoto from Germany Tom charts club from the Islamic Republic of Iran Ali Miri from the Islamic Republic of Iran Kunis loose Tommy [Applause] from Columbia Gorge my Reina [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah so it looks like we're gonna have a total of just four athletes that believe will receive different metals because actually the French five athletes five athletes yak is in my oisin yep ended up getting the bronze medal and the clean-and-jerk yes you're right five Emmy Awards at this ceremony will be iwf vice president feature Crowell and you can see the big big wraps lights around rest on each left member Adam Pengilly and WWE Superstar Seth Rollins a WWE Superstar there you go first our awards for the snatch receiving the bronze medal for Italy Antonino Pizza lotto Italy's Antonino Pizza lajjo bronze in the snatch very happy about that well earned two three four three one hundred sixty two kilos two lifters with three three three in the snatch the gold medalist the bronze medalist from Italy Islamic Republic of Iran you know Strasse Tommy here is a bronze medalist ganoush loose Tommy from Iran Iranian fans very excited to see him and of course that's 174 just one kilo less than the gold medal and the gold medal to Chile Arlie Mendez pan and there he is the gold medalist Mendez Torres coming coming up there again he's gonna sweep all these he's gonna he's gonna be pretty heavy with all three gold that's leaving today [Music] thank you what was your favorite lift of this session dr. bhathal I would say it's Mendez's 175 for the Queen injure the bronze medal to France remain a magician it looks like he's got a French flag there so that's that's pretty cool doing a little so again I'm at home cleaning all that total of 196 the pole again pointed to his knee right before his Fiat he sort of faked his his last attempt but still enough to earn that silver medal at one seven and the gold medal to Chile Arlie Mendez Hanna's here is our gold medalist in the Queen and jerk Chile's are late Mendes heads 203 only made one but it was good enough for the gold medal yeah yeah I wonder if the French team just assumed that they wouldn't be on the podium so didn't bring a flag they had to go to net to found the awards for the total the bronze medal to Italy Antonino Pizza lotto Antonino Pidgeotto bronze I know for a fact there are some Italians watching and celebrating because they're contacting me ciao Pierluigi so they must be very proud of their countrymen bronze in the total is wonderful and of course a Mickey Mouse to go along with it yeah shoo stop for its shoe stops fathers of Poland silver medal in the total [Applause] quite a contrast in hair yeah you know the whole polish team and coaching staff I don't think we have a single hair on any of their heads and the gold medal world champion chill a Harley Mendes headed here's a world champion Harley Mendes Perez and we've seen some big things from him on social media great to see big things for him in the cup what a day for him and really a solid attempt at 2:21 Fred yeah record Russ Tommy looks from behind knowing that he'll be back next year now here are your total winners please remove your hats and stand if you are able for the national anthem of chilly [Music] congratulations to the mat it's been a long time since the we've had a Chilean world champion so uh and now be even maybe even the first time we'd have to look that up but I don't know top of my head but they they were nowhere on the medal count before today now they've got three goals yeah so here is the metal table tile and of course leading then Vietnam and Egypt Colombia Romania and Chile now again nowhere and now in the top ten with those three gold medals so that concludes the men's 85 category it was a fantastic competition
Channel: Frank Rothwell OLY
Views: 647,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Qce__UICuWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 218min 44sec (13124 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 02 2018
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