WATCH: Judge denies bond for teen accused of deadly shooting inside Anderson gas station

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thank you folks good morning this is a bond hearing this morning miss miss Hatton is it miss hat good morning you want to come down here mr. Armstrong you want to stand or sit either way miss Hatton if you'd like to sit you can and you are miss message oh I'm sorry oh thank you all this all thank you folks good morning this is a bond hearing this morning a bond hearing is where an arraignment is charges are read and a person is given certain instructions I'm going to give you some instructions I'm going to ask you please to listen everything that I tell you is going to be given to you in writing so you understand what your responsibilities are a warrant for arrest will be issued for any violation of a bail bond order you have the right navigation to be president your trial my trial will proceed in your absence if you fail to attend you know the right to trial by jury you know right to a lawyer you have a right to a court-appointed lawyer if you're financially unable to employ a lawyer and if you don't have your own lawyer and you qualified you are going to be assigned a public a lawyer from the public defender's office if you're incarcerated awaiting trial a public defender a lawyer from the public defender's office will see you within two or three working days mr. I'm going to ask everybody this is not an easy task I understand that so I'm just going to ask everybody we've got go through this formality and just want you to bear with me be glad to answer any questions that you have once we get done with the formal formal part of this mr. mr. Armstrong sir you have two charges you've been charged on the citation number 201 900 for two oh 700 697 for murder you've been charged under under warrant number 201 900 for 207 zero zero six nine eight for possession of a weapon during a violent crime those are the two charges against you I'm going to ask you a few questions I'm going to see if your answer I am going to appoint a lawyer for you unless you have a lawyer do you have a personal lawyer do you want me do you work so you do not work what do you do all day I'm sorry okay have you ever had a job you say what you do all right you're a tall blonde or you're not and what's your status on that have you been to roll call why not well I gave you I remember your being here no no you got did you go into the solicitor's office and check in I gave you a date to check in I don't know if you have or not but using will you go to well you add on a bond and and you were given a date to report to the solicitor's office I don't know when that date was but I'm just saying have you've done that yet okay and you still live at 107 East View Avenue is that correct yes okay I'm the answer that question is that you didn't have a roll call till jewel act well so you didn't have to do it yet I'm going to give you some instructions I am going to appoint a lawyer for you you don't have a personal lawyer do you do you want me to appoint one from public defender's office you do okay and will also tell you mr. Armstrong you have a right to a preliminary hearing preliminary hearing is where you ask the judge to review the evidence against you to see if the case goes forward you only have ten days to sign this it will be my suggestion to you that you choose to sign it today tell your lawyer that you did request it or you can wait till you talk to your lawyer then you can have it but if you don't ask for it within 10 days you cannot have it you don't have to have it if you don't want it at a later date some want to suggest to you to protect your rights that you do choose to sign that today asked this barber thank you good morning for being here officer and detective Anderson thank you and detective Marcis thank you for being here you are the mom is that correct ma'am I'm sorry about this there's nothing I can say that can help the situation would you want to say anything yeah I'm sorry man okay miss Barbara's here to help you and then investigators here to help you so take all the help you need and what you need and miss hat and good morning to you you have any questions or do you want to ask any questions all right thank you for coming I appreciate your being here is support I want to tell you something mr. Armstrong a lot of times we see people here without parents and without backup you're a very fortunate person but I just think you're you need to listen to your mother more baby I'm going to deny your bond a bond on both charges your lawyer can request a bond at a later date through the courts going here in this case is gonna be heard in General Sessions Court your court date for reporting is Bureau is August the 2nd if you if you have not posted bond that's the day you have to report I'm sure they'll make arrangements for you to do that you have any questions all right thank you thank you Miss Barbara thank you
Channel: FOX Carolina News
Views: 2,856,099
Rating: 4.6354113 out of 5
Keywords: publish, crime, arrested, murder, gas-station, anderson
Id: HVA60Ar34JU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 54sec (414 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2019
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