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Lucas deep-clean GTI gasoline direct injection cleaner well we performed this service to this engine earlier our GDI engine and you're not gonna believe what happened some of the best results we've ever had but there was just one small problem so let me take you back to earlier and show you guys just what happened Lucas says to go ahead start off and remove your air filter so that's what we'll do first we'll remove the air filter and if you have a mass airflow sensor just like the CRC spray it says to spray beyond the mass airflow sensor go ahead bring your idle up to about 2,000 rpms as Lucas claims to do so and have your engine at operating temperatures the steps that I typically follow instill this happened there was just one variable that I had changed as you've seen these are some of the worst intake valves with all the carbon buildup Lucas says spray in short bursts warning do not spray continuously like I am it does say short bursts but we're trying something to get results we've never got before [Music] make sure you insert your straw as far as you can inside the intake I'm only doing this so you guys can see the spray pattern as you can see I've lost this very small amount so let's go ahead and give it a little spray inside okay so the car just died out so it started stumbling now let's go check and see what's going on with the car so we allowed the car to sit for two hours come back checked it out as you can see the check engine light was on but I did one allow it to heat soak okay and that is precisely why I do not spray the chemicals continuously yes it would be more helpful to rid ourselves from the carbon buildup deposits however your engine cannot compress liquid so that's why they say do it in short bursts now that we have everything reassembled in the reverse order in which we had taken it apart we'll go in look at our intake valves before and I'll go and show you the results that actually came out I can't believe this one here we are at the first observable valve well as you can see there's definitely a lot of carbon buildup so let's go ahead take you to the second valve here we aren't the second valve there's just as much carbon buildup on this valve as well I'm really curious to see can Lucas deep-clean actually work on intake valves on a direct injection engine let's move on to valve three the carbon buildup is definitely adding up I hope this formula actually works in here we are at the fourth valve which is somewhat hard to see because the shadow created by the carbon buildup is so bad well finally time for you guys to see just how well this stuff turned out guys here we are at the first valve and definitely there's been a lot of carbon buildup removed there's no doubt about that let's go ahead and move on to the second observable valve well guys there's a lot of carbon buildup removed on this valve as well so let's go ahead and take it on to the third valve here we are at the third valve guys make sure you let me know what you think you think there's been a lot of carbon buildup removed I don't like to give my opinion too much because I don't promote any of these products but if you'd like to find out more information on this product or where you can find it just check out the description below and I'll provide the information let's go ahead and move on to the fourth valve well guys you saw it here first and I cleared the code and the car was just fine so I want to thank you guys for watching Nate's interactive auto
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Keywords: lucas deep clean, gdi, direct injection, best fuel cleaner, seafoam, royal purple, marvel mystery oil, gumout, stp, amsoil power foam, mannol, 3m, best spray cleaners for direct injection, nates interactive auto, carbon buildup, carbon, how to, intake valves, intake valve cleaning, walnut blasting, how much should i clean valves, does crc work, does seafoam work
Id: 2wxu5Q_qUME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2019
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