Car owner sued after Jeep kills Mechanic during oil change

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you need to know about this in order to protect yourself financially and physically a car owner was sued after a mechanic was killed during his oil change yes you heard right unfortunately a man was killed lifetime mechanic during the oil change they are suing the car owner which i know sounds a little ridiculous because the car owner wasn't behind the wheel however in many states unfortunately you must consider that once you give permission to use your vehicle now this liability can possibly fall on you and i'll even show you guys what happened and how it all turned out they had almost completely finished with changing the man's oil as a matter of fact there was a young man that was just going to check for leaks he's 19 years old so he was lowering the vehicle down and once he got the vehicle lowered down it was a standard vehicle that's right manual transmission while this was taking place there was an older more experienced mechanic and you can see he was actually wedged in between tool cabinets and the vehicle the next move he made was he reached in the vehicle comes over to push the start button and nothing happened so him not knowing or he says he didn't know anything about using a manual transmission so he reaches over and pushes the clutch pedal then he goes to hit the start button again give another try which he does starts the vehicle up unfortunately you can see here he has the vehicle in first gear obviously not his vehicle but this was the case in that same scenario he removes his foot from the clutch pedal as i said he's outside the vehicle he says he was trying to make sure there was no leaks around the oil filter once you do take that foot off the clutch pedal as he did the vehicle leeches forward and unfortunately results in a man's death they had taken him to the hospital and since the liability does fall back on the owner in this situation in many states you need to check with your local laws and so forth also this man had been a mechanic for basically his whole life that's right so you always need to be aware obviously i'm not saying it's his fault at all but it just goes to show anything could happen at any moment the 19 year old did not face any kind of criminal charges i did see what appeared to be later updates which happened to be saying that yes initially they were suing the family did have several kids and a wife so he received around hundred thousand dollars in compensation or should i say his family did and these people like i said were trying to sue the lawyer said he really didn't even want to do it however something had to be done for the family so the next step was you can't really sue the boss even though guess what the boss approved for this man to work and he didn't have a license okay there's one big problem the man didn't know how to drive a manual transmission he had been working there for about two months so yeah that's pretty big red flag there were no drugs or anything of that nature found in his system however there was something done to be able to try to help his family out later on thank goodness the judge in this case decided to give the car owner indemnity and by giving the car owner indemnity then it took the blame off of him and with another trial they sued the car dealership for a undisclosed amount so hopefully the family was able to do something in order to help them survive these really really tough times and as i said i'm not trying to take anything away from them but also this other man or should i say the car owner he should not be held liable these are extreme situations always remember if someone's driving your vehicle a ballet friend so there can be a lot more implications now yes he wasn't charged with anything criminally whether it be the car owner he wasn't charged criminally and the other gentleman wasn't charged criminally that did all this they couldn't remember who had put the vehicle up first on those ramps to raise it up in the air like i said it was in first gear although even they said experts say you know to put the vehicle in gear says it doesn't roll away but obviously you need to take proper precautions when taking it off now i will say obviously i can't give you any type of legal advice and if you'd like to find out more about the story and a lot of these details get knocked around so if i'm possibly off a little bit on something hey drop down in the comments let us know or if anything's changed so don't take my word for it go check it out yourself i was just trying to give you guys a good idea of what was going on so that being said please guys take every precaution you can to be safe guys i always want to thank you for your kindness thank you for watching nate's interactive auto
Views: 1,920,221
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Keywords: Jiffy lube, Dealership, jeep, car owner sued after Jeep kills Mechanic, Mobil Full synthetic engine oil, Amsoil signature series, quick lube, valvoline instant oil change, oil change shop, oil change, express oil change, oil change fail, oil change scam, oil change shop scam, oil change shop damaged, oil change gone wrong, Walmart oil change, Walmart, automotive center, O'Reilly auto parts, pennzoil, Walmart auto care center, Castrol express lube
Id: KK2r2lk0u7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 54sec (354 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 18 2022
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