Watch All In With Chris Hayes Highlights: Sept.1

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good evening from New York I'm Chris Hayes today a federal judge sentenced one of the most infamous figures in the January 6th attack on the capitol to 10 years in prison proud boy Dominic pizzola was convicted of six felonies for his actions that day along with several other members at the far right quasi militia group on January 6 pazola was the first person to breach the Capitol building smashing open a window with a riot shield he'd stolen from an officer [Applause] inside the building perzola had a group of rioters through the Halls where they came within sight of Senator Chuck Grassley then third in line to the presidency as he was evacuated from the Senate chamber Zola also filmed himself in the capital smoking what he called a Victory Cigar though that didn't really turn out now pizzolo was actually the third proud boy to be sentenced this week yesterday judge Timothy Kelly handed down a 15-year sentence to Zachary Rel LED 200 people to the Capitol on January 6th in 17 years for Joseph Biggs whose prosecutors described as the tip of the spear throughout the attack this afternoon he also sentenced Ethan Nordeen former president of The Proud boys Seattle chapter to 18 years those men received longer sentences because they were convicted of the rare and quite serious charge of seditious conspiracy Dominic pizzolo was the only one of his co-defendants to be acquitted on that charge today in front of Judge Kelly pazola expressed remorse calling his actions close the worst most regrettable decision in his life he was also seen wiping white tears while his wife and mother spoke to the court pleading for mercy on his behalf but after the judge announced a 10-year sentence as he's being led out of the courtroom pazola turned to the gallery raised a fist and shouted quote Trump won so far all of these sentences for members of The Proud boys have represented significant downward departures from the federal sentencing guidelines and the government's request prosecutors asked for 33 years for Joseph Biggs 30 for Zachary reel 27 for Ethan Nordeen and 20 for Dominic pizzola they each received a lot less than that and as I've said before I'm generally in favor of lower sentences I think this is something we get wrong in this country prison sentences in the U.S are much more severe than our peers averaging twice as long as the next country which is Hungary but I also got to say is these January 6 cases pile up it's become even clearer that we live in a country with a two-tier system of justice and it's enraging on January 6 2021 thousands of people descended on the capitol and a violent attack broadcast live on television there were just a handful of arrests that day nearly all those people left freely they went home now to their credit the doj then launched a massive investigation charging more than a thousand Riders the vast majority of them have not been in jail while they await trial and that itself is not the norm let's be clear studies show that 75 percent of people charged in federal court are detained pre-trial many because they cannot afford bail yet there are some that were detained pre-prial and some of those jail January 6 defendants and their allies like Marjorie teller green and Donald Trump have loudly complained about the conditions of their detention well the conditions in American jails are awful that's true it's true for everyone who goes there most of the time Marjorie teller green and Donald Trump and all the rest don't really care much about it take the Fulton County jail for example well Donald Trump briefly stopped in last week pulled up in a giant motorgate a pre-negotiated bond agreement spent a grand total of about 20 minutes inside ever since the ex-president has been whining about how humiliating he was to have his mug shot taken of course much worse things happened in that jail to people who go there for things that are to my mind much less serious than trying to overthrow American democracy 23 people have died while in custody at the Fulton County Jail in a little over three years just last week listen to this a 34 year old inmate was found dead days after he sent a desperate letter to Federal Court about his treatment at the jail this week this week one day Tami was killed two others injured in multiple stabbings there's an ongoing doj civil rights investigation into the Jail's conditions the places of Human Rights disaster that's the context you remember when people like Donald Trump and his co-defendants complain about being persecuted or treating unfairly 18 to the 19 co-defendants in the Fulton County election RICO case have not set foot in a cell I should note the one person who did the only black man charged Harrison Floyd he was detained for five days after turning himself in without a lawyer and without negotiating a bond agreement ahead of time Floyd also had a recent arrest on his record for allegedly charging at an FBI agent who served him with a grand jury subpoena earlier this year so as we all watch the legal maneuvering of these defendants as we analyze it and dissect it and they're exercising the due process they are entitled to by the U.S Constitution we just have to remember their experience this experience for watching play out is completely and totally removed from the actual day-to-day reality of how the American criminal justice system works the vast majority of defendants in this country are not running around filing motions and selling T-shirts with their mug shirts on mugshots on it they are sitting in jail jails that are often dangerous where they may get a few visits from their public defender before they go and plead guilty that's how the system normally works what Donald Trump and his co-defendants including the proud boys have experienced can only be described as the white glove bespoke five-star top-tier version of the American justice system and they still say they're being unfairly persecuted and they are still largely under deterred I mean that's clear as Donald Trump continues flying around in his private jet his former lawyer John Eastman keeps making TV appearances it's clear from the behavior of proud boy Donna pizzelle in court today when he stood up called himself a changing Hubble man received a 10-year sentence again significantly less than prosecutors asked for and when the judge left the room Dominic pizola turned to the gallery to yell Trump one I'm not sure if the lesson is really getting through we continue to cover the rise in anti-democratic efforts by Republican officials in States across the country we did so yesterday with that absolutely crazy story out of North Carolina where it appears Republicans or someone uh has launched a judicial commission investigation which may call for the removal of the sole black female Justice on the state supreme court because she was caught speaking about the lack of diversity in the court system in an interview when she was asked about it well tonight we got another one of those stories and this one is out of Wisconsin about Republicans stopping at nothing to just get rid of state judges they don't like in April Wisconsin held a high-stakes election for an open state supreme court seat a seat that would determine if conservatives maintain control of that Ultra important High Court we covered it on the show it got a lot of national attention justices in Wisconsin don't actually run on partisan lines not DNR but back in April there was a clear liberal and a Conservative candidate so Democrats and Republicans too right saw it as a race with the fate of the Court up in for our grass Democrats saw an opportunity to flip the court for the first time in 15 years and it wasn't even close NBC News has projected a result in the very important Wisconsin Supreme Court election tonight uh Janet proteowitz is the more liberal of the two candidates Dan Kelly the more conservative of the two candidates this is considered broadly to be the most important election in the country the most consequential election in the country in the year 2023 as you see with these elections here the projected winner is Janet produce so the more liberal Justice Janet perticeyowitz won by a whopping 11 points the conservative got absolutely crushed and he was not very happy about it I wish that in a circumstance like this I would be able to concede to a worthy opponent but I do not have a worthy opponent to which I can concede my opponent is a Serial liar she's disregarded judicial ethics she's demeaned the Judiciary with her behavior really one of the nastiest concession speeches I've ever seen hard to imagine that guy didn't win over the voters of Wisconsin but apart from the utter lack of decorum Republicans were sulking because here's the thing Wisconsin its state legislature is one of the most gerrymandered states in the country it's it's a 50 50 state right we know that right down the middle Statewide elections have been won by democrats Governor right now the Attorney General but the state legislature because of the maps they themselves have drawn has super majorities in both houses under Republican control because of those Maps their entire power in the state rests on that rests on those Maps now the existential threat to that power would be if these state supreme court in Wisconsin found those Jerry maps to be unconstitutional under state law now that is a real possibility with the new four to three majority and new lawsuits challenging the gerrymandered maps and so before she's even heard a single case in the state supreme court Republican lawmakers the ones who gerrymander those Maps right are now talking about impeaching Janet Purdue sandwich and removing her from office and here's the thing that might very well have the votes do it Ruth conniff is editor of chief of the Wisconsin examiner and has been reporting on this and she joins me now um Ruth this is really something so first just tell us what is the status my understanding is these Maps were challenged uh and the and the old 4-3 court with the conservative majority said they're fine is that right well the yes the old majority I mean it it goes back further than that when when Republicans controlled not just both houses of the legislature but also the governor's mansion under Scott Walker they gerrymandered the maps in 2010 after that census and they made this incredibly Republican favoring setup in a back room you know in a in a map that was challenged repeatedly in court hidden from the public you know very much all Republicans rigging it for themselves and then in the next census there was a new round of maps and our state supreme court then conservative majority of our state supreme court made a rule that that it had to be the least change possible from the gerrymandered map so they threw out the prospective Maps made by a non-partisan commission that could have been you know Fair maps and they insisted on this lease change standard and so we have maps that are once again pretty much the same same gerrymandering and that there is going there is a lawsuit now right this is going to come back to the state supreme court where there's a colorable claim and in the past other justices have found that it violates the the the the state constitution I mean it's it's you know it's been an issue for years that we don't have Fair maps I mean the clearest illustration of how unfair they are was in the 2018 election when Governor Evers a Democrat was elected and Democrats won every single Statewide race that year and yet in the assembly Democrats were only able to win 36 out of 99 seats so you can the skew is overwhelming people voted by many more points for Democrats and yet they couldn't pick up you know more than a third of seats so so yeah it's very gerrymandered there's no question about that and the fact that they're accusing protests of somehow being corrupt for having said what everyone knows which is that the maps are rigged a federal judge has said it it's you know a standard line in AP news stories uh Robin vossey the head of our assembly who's now threatening to impeach her has admitted it himself you know it's this is a fact it's just factually you know demonstrable that the maps are rich yeah yeah if you have an election like 2018 where you you win a bunch of Statewide races and in that same election with that state voter base who votes for a bunch of Democrats Statewide turns into a two to one majority in one house like you know so this is the thing though this is existential for them right because this is how they have their power so they are now talking about publicly impeaching her before she even does anything or rules right am I right about that right yes you're right you're right about that Robin Voss who is the speaker of the assembly has said that they're going to seriously consider impeaching her um and the issue that they want to impeach her on is that it was unfair for her during her campaign to say plainly that she thought the maps were rigged that she described that that was somehow prejudging a case course there was no case at that time so even that is is kind of silly but the thing is it's a constitutional crisis in Wisconsin because there are recusal rules in the state supreme court and the recusal rules are weak because the then conservative majority made them that way in 2017 they rejected an effort to say that judges should be forced to recuse if they had their own donors in front of them they said no we're not going that far in fact we're going to let judges decide whether or not to recuse in every case including the Supreme Court Justices so there's no basis for this and it's you know it's really a lot of talking points and a lot of drama but there's just no there's no actual law behind it I mean the only I think I mean they may go ahead with this the only sort of Hope again here is that like there's actual public opinion backlash they do which I think there will be I mean uh so we're gonna we're gonna keep our eyes on this one it's not gonna like go under the radar if they actually try to pull this off we're kind of well thanks so much for joining us then go oh say your last words go ahead well it's just that they could procedurally delay her if they impeach but don't convict she can't act and so then that sets up this dilemma where she's kind of sidelined for the before the 2024 election on this issue and so the issue there is Evers could reappoint he could you know she could quit somebody else could step in and so that is going to unfold and that's going to be very interesting the writers and actors strike has basically Frozen all TV and movie production there have been some talks uh between the uh production companies and the two unions as of now there still appears to be no end in sight and it's not just the entertainment industry Auto Workers flight attendants New Jersey Transit Engineers all have voted to authorize their unions to strike now part of the reason we're seeing this huge uptake in labor militancy and Strikes right now is that the economy is booming labor market is today we got the latest example of that we got the August jobs report the US added 187 000 new jobs exceeding expectations once again bring the labor participation rate up to its highest level since February 2020. and joining me now is acting labor secretary Julie Sue so Jerry the jobs number today came in above expectations though does show deceleration in in the in the job growth over Trend do you are you concerned about that or do you think this is coming in for the kind of much vaunted soft Landing people are really really hoping for exactly Chris this is what you'd want to see if you wanted to see a soft Landing this is what is we you know what we know is strong and steady growth after the very hot and rapid recovery under President Biden 13.5 million jobs created record levels of unemployment this is the transition to the kind of strong stable economy that we want so there's a lot of Labor activity and labor militancy going on this summer of course as I mentioned before you've got the writers and the actors on strike you've got the strike authorization uh vote for the the Auto Workers I think that deadlines in two weeks do you see a role for the Department of Labor the White House the president in those negotiations well the president has said that he is the most pro-union pro-labor president that we've had and part of that is economic policies that have created a tight labor market which give workers more power part of that is our recognition of the collective bargaining process why it's important how it works and respecting the parties so we get involved if we think we can be helpful but we also respect the parties and their need and willingness to Grapple through some heart issues and find win-win Solutions themselves well I want to come back to a one of the more high-profile labor battles it's happened under the Biden Administration uh for which the president took some some criticism and that was uh the the railroad unions uh and the railroad companies a number of unions um because of the way that railroad labor disputes are sort of statutorily governed um it's possible to basically unilaterally uh uh sort of foist in agreement on the parties um in order to avoid a Railroad Strike that was done and at the end of that process the big ask from the railroad labor unions was for sick paid sick days which they didn't have my understanding is it's subsequent to that there actually have been additional um rounds of bargaining that have led to a number of those companies and unions actually securing paid sick days now is that right that's exactly right so that demonstrates too that the collective bargaining process sort of you know it's not it's not like a one-and-done situation and that's exactly what happened is workers wanted paid sick days and one thing that we saw certainly through the pan endemic is just how untenable it is to have a you know workers not having any kind of paid days where they can just take off when they need to because they're sick because a family members sick and so the rail workers have gotten that and that's just one example of many in which uh unions and employers have come together to the bargaining table and reached really historic wins we see that in the west coast ports right 29 ports ILWU made historic demands and they just ratified that contract obviously the teamsters and UPS same thing yep yeah and that was another one that looked like it I think there was also a strike authorization of the vote there they did not have to go to strike they came to a deal you you've been around labor your whole life and career um you you worked representing uh folks that were uh workers government workers um you're now you've been a policy person you're now the acting Secretary of Labor what do you what is your belief about why we're seeing the level of labor activism militancy organizing uh that we're seeing this year in the last two years I think it's a few things one is that we are coming off a global pandemic and the pandemic-induced economic catastrophe that has given a lot of people some room to take stock and workers are realizing that for a long time workers have not gotten their fair share that there has been growing inequality that there's been declining unionization for the last about four decades stagnant wages and workers are realizing that in this moment they want better and they deserve better another part of it is that you know a strong labor movement and a worker-centered economy is very much part of bidenomics it's the president's entire vision for how we build a strong Workforce you know profitable employers and a strong Nation final question for you is about a regulation the Department of Labor just promulgated if I'm not mistaken on overtime pay this is one of those things where again these things can happen sort of deep in the administrative State they sort of wind through they get announced but they have incredibly important tangible consequences for people explain to me the new rule which my understanding would make several million more workers eligible for overtime pay that's right so all of our rulemaking is extremely transparent because you know it goes through a process it was publicly announced and now uh there's a comment period before it gets finalized but the overtime rule is really about that American promise that if you put in a fair Days A Hard Day's work you should get a just days pay right a fair day's pay for A Hard Day's Work and it will it when finalized if at the standard it would get about 3.6 million workers who are currently not eligible for overtime over time and that's just to protect people if you work over 40 hours in a week you should be paid for it acting Secretary of Labor Julie Sue on this Labor Day weekend thank you so much for making some time for us thank you so much Chris happy Labor Day to you [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: MSNBC
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Keywords: msnbc, MSNBC, Specials
Id: URIp2JOXrdg
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Length: 22min 1sec (1321 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2023
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