Was Enzo Ferrari a Bad Person? - Past Gas #01

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oh cool Josh just walk around it's not a podcast and once unless there's like at least two people off-mike you know hack yeah we should reference Josh dude Josh knows what I'm talking about right Josh videos are great we love them he'll they pay our rent mm-hmm but we decided we wanted to tell longer stories than were used to what's great about podcasts is that you can pretty much talk for as long as you want and if you know me then you know big bro loves the talk you sure do all right so this week on pass gas we are starting our four part series on Ford versus Ferrari at Lamont one of the most famous stories in all of auto racing to really understand the rivalry and what makes it so great you first have to know the story of Enzo Ferrari so that is what we're gonna do today I just want to make it very clear I do not like Enzo Ferrari I can probably name any Nissan on the road I can I can bore you to death talk to hours about engine codes and chassis codes for Volkswagens and Honda's whatever I couldn't name a Ferrari I don't like the guy he's a dick I'm hoping by the end of this episode you'll least have some respect for the man our source very Voldermort type character in my opinion but how did you get that way basically it really is our source for this episode is Enzo Ferrari power politics and the making of an automotive empire by Luca data Monday this biography right here which I'm holding it's almost a thousand pages long and is considered the definitive biography on Enzo Ferrari fun fact there's only one copy of it in the entire LA County Library System I just want to point out that we told Nolan he could purchase the book on Amazon but he is supporting the library system and I respects right I thought of that thinking on anyway without further ado this is past gasps episode 1 the rise of ferrari enzo and samo giuseppe maria ferrari was born in Modena Italy on February 20th 1898 Wow or was he hardcore Ferrari fans might know his birthday as February 18th as that's what Enzo himself said it was so why does his date contradict the official documentation by two whole days he's already starting out with controversy is he one day old is he - days old we don't know well as Enzo told it on the day of his birth Modena was besieged by a monstrous snowstorm the snowfall was so bad that Enzo's father Alfredo could not make the walk to the city's Register Office and document his son's birth he had to wait until the 20th to make the trip thus the discrepancy but it gets even weirder because because records show that On February 18th 1898 there was no snow at all and Enzo's birth registration was actually done by the family's midwife on February 24th almost a week after Enzo says he was born what what the heck he's a liar actually there is a good reason for this Italy in the late 19th century was not a great place to be born live sure I've been to Modena I went there with Jesse Jesse's in this room it was a great place to live yes but one in five children at the time would not live to see their fifth birthday and infants were especially prone to passing away shortly after birth I think it had something to do with the Mafia it's likely that his parents waited to make sure that their baby boy Enza would survive the first week of being alive before registering with Modena and that they weren't exactly forthright with Enzo about this as kit I mean that makes sense you don't want to say like actually your birthday is two days earlier babies die all the time yeah and we weren't sure that you weren't gonna die what would you do with that information as a baby well no like if they told you when you're like sixteen or whatever I think like my reaction would be like oh okay yeah like his so when when do I get cake yeah when do I get my 15 dollar check from Grandma yeah I got like ten dollar checks you know I mean like as a kid that's like that's a lot for a kid but a check though like when you're like nine years old mm-hmm I mean I think it's kind of fun it turns it into an activity they leave the bank go into the bank eating a lollipop mm-hmm Luca the author of our source believes that Enzo really was born on February 18th and a clerical error or some other mix-up by the city has it listed sure blame the city blame everybody but ends up this guy is an Enzo apologist also who cares you know what I mean like my birthday is March 19th and if like my parents were like if my parents said hey your birthday is March 21st but actually you're born on March 19th I'd be like all right what is easier for everybody as an adult I wouldn't be like whoa actually I came into the world two days earlier the city where Enzo grew up was old as frig Medina's first walls were built 224 years before Jesus was born and a hundred and seventy years before Keith Richards nice Keith's urges is old ends I lived with his parents and older brother in a 2-story house attached to a machine shop Alfredo Ferrari was a metal worker who moved to Medina after marrying his wife Enzo's mom a Degas beam at ELISA Bisbee me adil gisa Bisbee knee he found work at a foundry after saving up some money he opened his own shop Kohn screwsie Oni much she Amy meet chi Alfredo ferati which means construction machine afraid of Ferrari nice after the birth of their first son Dino Dino do you know yep that's a cool name yeah I might name my kid Dena you know it's cool Dino Pumphrey I like it after the birth of their first son Dino Alfredo decided to build a house Alfredo didn't want to be far from work so he built a two-story four room addition on the side of his shop where his family would live the first floor was a storage area an entrance to the shop and the second floor is where the Ferraris would live yeah I think I remember reading in the book that Alfredo also had like a viewing window from his living room so he could like eat lunch or whatever this makes so much sense yeah and then Wat like look into the shop while he was like out of the shop this is Enzo Ferraris dead yeah absolutely yeah it was it just cuz he like loved the machinery or was it he didn't trust his employees I just think she just didn't want to be far or like he loved the work yeah he loved the work probably had to keep there is probably some employees that he's like hey snips Enzo and his brother Dena would share a bedroom for 17 years do you think they would just like stay up at night and be like you know what you want to be when you grow up I want to be a pilot what do you want to be a Enzo I want to be a great race car man I want to build the cars fastest then all of the other cars Enzo wasn't a trouble maker per se but he wasn't a pushover either being Italian it was expected that Enzo would go with his family to church which in Ferraris case was Santa Caterina Enzo didn't like Church one day during confession Enzo confessed to a ton of stuff that a kid would normally do like fighting with his brother you know not cleaning his room whatever kid stuff apparently the priest didn't like this and scolded the little Enzo four minutes Enzo literal minute yes how did he ever abuse it's obvious why this made it into the book yeah weird the get the priest I mean this guy like literally went to Medina and interviewed everyone anyway Enzo said this was the last time he went to church at five years old it's probably probably because of my own ignorance and preconceived notions about Italy but I was actually pretty surprised to learn that Enzo was not a particularly religious man hmm and just saw his first car when he was five years old the automobile in question was a de dion-bouton the dion-bouton was purchased by Alfredo as a family car de dion-bouton was one of the largest auto manufacturers in the world at the time producing over 2,000 cars by 1904 with production numbers that low cars were still somewhat of a novelty in Europe with only 28 of them being registered in Modena alone like any other siblings Enzo and Tina were fierce competitors growing up inspired by the London Olympics in 1908 the ferati brothers used a tape measure from Alfredo shop to mark out a 100-meter course on a dirt road behind the shop Enzo and Dino would race neighborhood kids and more importantly each other down the makeshift course Dino being older and stronger than Enzo always won and Enzo was like aiming at me fun fact about the 1908 Olympics they were opened by King Edward the seventh who apparently had a habit of smoking 20 cigarettes and 12 cigars a day constantly poop that wasn't in the book I found that when Enzo was ten years old he witnessed something that would change his life and by extension the entire automotive world forever his first automobile race now it's important to note that racing in 1908 was not like it is today racers of the early 1900's competed on dirt roads in the countryside usually blasting through a town or two circuits were 20 30 and 40 mile long courses around the Italian countryside there were no seating areas or safety barriers for spectators people would just line up on the side of the road and hope that they didn't get mangled by a crashing automobile standing next to the track and witnessing the cars flyby a top speed awoke something within Enzo he described it as a spark that is when I first felt my spark before going to the races Enzo had very little interest in cars despite the fact that his family now had two of them but that all changed that fateful day at 10 years old Enzo now knew what he wanted he wanted to race but that would have to wait because in april of 1915 Italy entered World War 1 Italy had unified in 1859 and had not had the time to industrialize like some of its allies and adversaries so when it came time to mobilize Italy called on her citizens to do anything they could to help factories were restructured for war materiel manufacturing and Families gave up their automobile days for use on the battlefield the Ferraris were one such family Dino had volunteered to fight and would drive the family D Otto sedan now converted for a meal in studi Enzo was too young to enlist instead serving as a machine instructor and an a munitions factory yeah so even though he was like 16 he had enough experience working in his dad's shop that they were like you know how to use these machines right he's like oh yeah and then he taught adults who couldn't fight how to use these things can you imagine if we went to war and they were like hey Humphrey can we use your Tiguan yeah he's your Tiguan to carry wounded guys off the battlefield no no you could support the troops in Dino's absence Enzo would be helping his dad a lot more around the house unfortunately though Alfredo and his father fell ill with an intense case of pneumonia just three days later alfredo had passed away unfortunately the tragedy didn't end there either Dino had also succumbed to pneumonia on the frontline a fait shared by many World War one combatants he was just 20 years old they said yeah the passing of both Enzo's father and brother in the same year was devastating to keep himself from spiraling into depression Enzo needed a hobby I need to find something to do with my hands to keep my mind off the fact that my butt and my father both died in the same a year before I'll Fredo passed away he replaced the diet Oh Dino had taken to war with another car a Caesar I couldn't find any pictures of it but Enzo had earned his driver's license a few months before Dino died and now he was gonna put that license to use to pass the time and to escape his grim reality Enzo would drive up mountain passes and time himself becoming obsessed with beating his personal bests well in the meantime World War one had ended Ward one-one had ended in Italy on November 4th 1918 it's estimated that around 600,000 Italians had lost their lives and more than a million had been wounded it was a pretty bad situation but through the devastation came at least one positive Italy discovered that cars were really useful you had hundreds of thousands of soldiers who had seen the utility of automobiles firsthand and now they wanted that same practicality in peacetime the demand for cars was real and our boy Enzo wanted in Iowa so Enzo is 20 years old now and needs to leave Modena with encouragement from his mom he leaves for Turin in hopes of getting a job at a little company called Fiat he doesn't get the job instead he lives off his savings in a small apartment until finding work in a shop that converts trucks used in the war into sedans for civilian use so essentially the exact opposite what they what they did for wartime they like took the cars made him war machines and then turn him back into cars Wow and those job was to tune the chassis 's before the bodywork was put on Enzo was finally in the industry but the work was unfulfilled however it did get him thinking about opening up a shop of his own a few months later Enzo was offered a mechanic's job in Milan on an actual racing team called construction the mechanic a Nazzaro or CMN they were a very small outfit and paid Enzo a salary of 400 lire a a month which was good enough for him he just wanted to work on some cars I think what happened is like he probably went third they like offered him a job and he probably went into that interview like super hot yeah it was just like I want to work for you and then they're like this kid really wants to work for us but you believe 400 euro yeah and I tried to find how much money that was but like converting early 1900s Italian money to today's money is a lot harder than it sounds it was enough to save some so after saving up some money actually all of his money following a few months of work Enzo decided it was time to buy his first race car at 21 years old he didn't have enough cash for a new car but he worked for a race team so with his savings and money he pledged from future paychecks Enzo bought a CMN racer at a steep discount so now they're like okay we're fine this kid only 400 leo month yeah and now we're financing a car and we're garnishing this gets crazy the car was a CMN 15 20 15 20 it had a 2.3 liter force cylinder engine making a whopping 36 her Spurs capable of a blistering 50 miles per hour even by 1919 standards Enzo's quote-unquote new car was slow but that didn't matter to Enzo he was on his way to achieving the dream he had had since he first saw those race cars with his dad so many years before Enzo Ferrari would be a race car driver his first race was on October 5th 1919 the Parma Palio let's pray the Parma poggio they burst it though I'm trying my best here 32 Mile Road from the plains of Parma to the rolling hills of Bulls Ile de la Cite though there were 38 racers entered in 500 cars full of spectators showed up to watch parked on the side of the gravel road just like Enzo had done with his pops Enzo enlisted the help of a stranger to be his ride-along mechanic because the rules said you couldn't race without one and I assume he didn't have any friends it's like like in happy gilmore yeah like he's like oh you need a caddy he's like hey you yeah it's just like happy gilmore ends of finished fifth in his class and 12th overall honestly for a 21-year old kid with an old underpowered car and a stranger as his partner that's not half bad and everybody else thought the same here was this dude that came out to the course on his own did all of his own work drove his own car ended pretty good for his first time out Enzo had a natural talent for racing his main disadvantage was his lack of resources racing at the time and let's be frank even racing today was dominated by wealthy gentlemen racers who could afford to buy the fastest cars Enzo was still in debt to his employer CMN to keep his car that's like if if donut didn't pay us like any money and then they were like we have these computers and these cameras you can finance them from us yeah it's so cheap and Joe drove only one more race in the CMN before trading it in for an i freshy me you're so good at pronouncing stuff I'm just why don't you just pronounce all the Italian stuff from here yeah he traded in the CM n 4 and Isotta Fraschini which was also obsolete at that point but it did have 100 more horsepower he was able to secure a second-place finish at his second Parma Depot geo race after two races whereas isotta-fraschini broke down Enzo did what I can only call the most Enzo Ferrari move ever he somehow talked his way onto a factory racing team so ends a ghost to Alfa Romeos headquarters in Portello which was a suburb of Milan he has an appointment with alphas sales managers slash racing manager Giorgio Remini Enzo got the appointment because at this point he's one of the best known and certainly most talented amateur racers in Italy if not all of Europe even though he doesn't have any wins it's pretty obvious that he has skill without any financial backing or connections to bring to the table mr. Remini gives Enzo a spot on the Alfa Romeo works team alongside teammates Giuseppe Campari and legendary driver Antonio a scarring in one year Enzo had gone from driving a clapped-out jalopy from an unknown company to clinching a spot on one of the top teams in the world that's like if you were like racing your golf yes and then you talked your way on to Mercedes it's pretty impressive when you put it like that I sort of understand the scope of what this young man accomplished pretty that's insane in Enzo's first race with Alfa he finished second a result so devastating to Enzo that he apparently sat in his car for the race again over his racing career Enzo earned nine overall victories of the 36 races he entered as well as seven class wins in 1929 Enzo is selling Alfa Romeos and occasionally participating in races manufacturers are slowly pulling their money out of racing so some racers are deciding they themselves would own cars and pay their own team while still driving the cars the term Scuderia meaning stable in Italian is corn by racer Emilio Materazzi to describe this arrangement Materazzi I guess I can say you can say it McDonough's he said he chose it because racers have to deal with horsepower and that he couldn't think of anything better chose it you know because the car the way we tell how much of power got mmm he's a horse and where do you keep the horses bing-bang-boom you keep him in the Scuderia so what what do I call this sort of racing arrangement I call it where you keep the horse in the house the scooter yeah that is 100% that same year yeah Enzo Ferrari is at a party celebrating the flying 10 kilometer speed world record set by L Fieri Maserati hosted at the Casa del fascio or fascist party house in Bologna yikes now before before you get the wrong impression James Enzo Ferrari was not a fashion like his aversion to religion Enzo had little patience for politics the party was held at the fascist headquarters because the Italian fascist party would hold every big party there to one keep it under control and to maybe gain some favour among the attendees but a fascist yeah and like being being like I'm not really into politics isn't not being in the politics it's like there's stuff going on now and if you if you don't have an opinion about it that's the same as having an opinion about it anyway Enzo was talking with his racing buddies like he did and they were complaining about the rising cost of racing a thing that has never stopped things going up the manufacturers they relied on to pay their entry fees and travel costs weren't footing the bill anymore and since rich guys love getting stuff for free it's true we do this was a travesty Ferrari heard their complaints and had an idea he would start his own Scuderia or horse house but his would be a success and so noticed a distinct so what what's gonna make your Scuderia different than all the other scooter is well mine will be successful I like this guy Enzo noticed a distinct lack of long-term planning by existing scooter is who were mostly concerned with making it to the next race FD a lot of scooter is were run by gentlemen racers who had no organizational skills and little insight into the inner workings of the auto industry Enzo being an al romão dealer himself had both of these things he proposed that he start his own scooter RIA using fun some racers alfredo and Augusto Kenyatta who had made their money in hemp oh yah did I'm surprised that all his cars are red and not green baby yeah that just like didn't sticky buds then Enzo's team would buy race cars from Alfa Romeo through n xor's dealership at wholesale prices he sold this idea to alpha by telling them when his team won it would be Alfa Romeos that one but when he lost it would be his Scuderia that lost they like the sound of that I don't know why when the big Joker voice there they like the sound of that Enzo had also made a deal with Pirelli to supplies team with tires and he was set so now when I think about it like you know in the dark night when Joker comes in and he's like you're gonna give me all the money and they're like why would we do that he's like because I'm when I win then you are we in denial lose then I illumines did he invent sponsors were there sponsorships before this I mean yeah I think like as we mentioned earlier like auto manufacturers like oh this is cool like we're still kind of small companies kind of but like we should these racers who are making us look really good we should pay for their entry fees but then like there's during that weird growth spurt they're kind of it was it wasn't really paying off for them and they I mean he was still just dudes driving around in the countryside so yeah they kind of stopped the team met in the offices of attorney Enzo Levi levy I think levy was probably the Italian pronunciation the team met in the offices of attorney Enzo levy and drafted up a contract the express purpose of their group was quote purchasing racing automobiles of the Alfa Romeo brand and participating with them in races that are part of the national racing calendar and of the calendar of the National Association of the automobile clubs all this team needed was a name Enzo wanted it be called Scuderia Moo Tina the old Italian name for Modena the city that he was from but the canny Otto's thought that name was lame and ends a levee pleaded with Enzo Ferrari to consider the name they wanted Scuderia Ferrari the horse was born audio truly is an amazing medium I'm having a blast now to end those partners it looked like Enzo was doing exactly what he promised setting up what was basically an LLC whose business was letting rich guys race but Enzo had a different plan that he kept secret from the rest I knew he was a sneak I knew I was you know what I'm gonna be honest I was getting drawn in he's a very charming man with a great story but I knew from the beginning he was a rat that he kept secret from the rest of Scuderia Ferrari alongside making all those sweet deals with alpha and Pirelli Enzo also made a deal with former champion Giuseppe Campari to come race with him after Kemp Ari's contract with Alfa Romeo was up when the kenny otto brothers learned about this they were a little surprised why did the team need a pro driver if the whole point was to make it easier for weekend warrior rich guys to race well Enzo told them that having Campari on the team would draw a lot of media attention which was a chip Ferrari could use when negotiating new deals with sponsors the Kenyatta is totally bought this and didn't question it but the real reason Enzo hired Campari was much bigger Enzo had a plan to turn Scuderia Ferrari into the premier name in Italian Motorsports using the funds from the Scuderia Ferrari Richie Rich racer board members Enzo bought a new shop space that could triple as his alfa romeo dealership race workshop and apartment space for him and his wife Laura Laura Laura yeah hmm it's kind of bland he also into the bank and got a million lira loan without having any classroom back yeah buddy you were gonna give me the money okay it's just like the time that he talked his way onto the Alpha Team a few years back Enzo just had a gift for getting people to give him stuff that he wanted I mean ask Laura he hired young mechanics to work in his shop and purchased the racecars from Alfa Romeo Scuderia Ferrari was ready to race their first race was at the world-famous Mille Miglia a 1,000 mile road trip across the Italian peninsula they go from the top of the boot to the bottom the Mille Miglia was the biggest race in Italy at the time and the best racers in Europe were behind the wheel three out of the four cars Ferrari entered didn't finish but Enzo didn't think his amateur paid drivers had a very good shot at winning anyway so this loss didn't really discourage him okay guy gets second place in this first race ever he cries in his car and vows to never ever do it again three out of four of his 75% of his cars don't finish this guy's got mental problems it's called growth I think oh yeah he's a little bit much more mature maybe Laura is good for him mm-hmm however Scuderia Ferrari did manage to a 9 out of the 22 races they entered in the 1930 season which made both Alfa Romeo and Pirelli pretty happy Enzo's experiment was looking like a success a so far two years later in 1932 Enzo is 34 years old and prize money from race 34 years old and so it's 34 years old and prize money from racing now accounts for a very small part of his revenue he now had multiple alfa romeo dealerships all over the country and was consulting for Alfa Romeo Pirelli and an oil company called NAFTA the book says he wasn't a wealthy man but with all those jobs I can't imagine that he was yeah uncomfortable either the only thing that might have shaken him a little bit was becoming a dad Enzo's first son Alfredo was born in January of 1932 you might know him better today as Dino Ferrari yeah I named him after my pop up but I called him my burnout others named Scuderia Ferrari proved themselves to be so good that in 1937 Alfa Romeo bought a majority share of the Scuderia in order to beat German rivals Mercedes and Audi and I think we're gonna have to do an episode on them down the line because they just came in Mercedes whooped ass dude yeah out of nowhere anyway those Nazis love just showing up and wrecking handsome mm-hmm Scuderia Ferrari was now alphas official racing division with help from legendary drivers like Cascio Nuvolari scooty no Scuderia Ferrari was renowned throughout Europe with Enzo at the helm but the good times wouldn't last long the 1937 season was a disaster Scuderia Ferrari had their asses handed to them by the Germans and Alfa wasn't happy after an absolute failure of a season Alfa Romeo dissolved Scuderia Ferrari as the book recounts the sunset on Scuderia Ferrari who had participated in 225 races with 715 cars earned one hundred and forty four wins and 171 podiums Enzo left Alfa Romeo in 1939 after 20 years of service to the company and then the thing called war war two happened in the early stages of the war Enzo opened a new shop the terms of his departure from Alfa Romeo included a clause that he couldn't name any new car company after himself so Ferrari could not call his cars Ferraris his new company would be called Auto avio Construction II based in where else but Modena unfortunately the fascist Italian government led by Benito Mussolini decided they needed Enzo shop more than Enzo did so he moved the shop to Maranello where they would build hydraulic grinders racing pretty much stopped in Europe during the duration of World War two but soon after the defeat of the axis powers ENSO got back to work building a new company and more importantly a car for the road at this point Enzo was obsessed with twelve cylinder engines his idol Antonio Ascari owned a v12 powered car from the US and since Enzo worshipped the ground Ascari stood on his car had to have v12 - never mind that most people thought they were obsolete and needlessly complicated Enzo hired engineer and longtime friend I think it's jus Tino Giorgio Chino longtime friend giacchino Colombo to design the engine by the end of construction the new Ferrari motor made a very respectable 118 horsepower the mill went under the hood of Ferraris first car of his design the Ferrari 125 s Nolan and I have actually seen this car and the peterson museum's fault and it doesn't look like any ferrari that we know today it is a thick boy mm-hmm it's basically a brick how many cars have I designed one one yeah mm-hmm the Pumphrey one one five two the Pumphrey 502 502 him I been on the hood of Ferraris new car was his new logo a yellow rectangle topped with a green white and red strip in the centre a black Prancing Horse Joya joined by the letters s and F which stands for Scuderia Ferrari stands for sick and furious the yellow Enzo chose was one of the colors of his nave native Modena their city colors were a that yellow the Ferrari yellow and some sort of blue and the horse well that's a little more complicated horses always are they are a very beautiful but deep animal you can tell when you look in their eyes you can only look in one eye at a time so there is this Earl and his countess wife the bharatas this Earl was not named Earl this is the title mm-hmm thank you thank you for clarifying that Nolan any other wife and they recall the sexes someday their son was a pilot in the first world war and he was killed in action the bharatas were huge fans of Enzo and would invite them or sorry invite him to their house all the time one evening in the early 1920s lady Baraka pulled Enzo aside and gave him a photo of her son with his plane and her son was a horse Enzo she said if you put my son's Prince Enzo if you put Enzo if you put that my son's prancing horse on your car it would bring you luck he didn't use it for years and sporadically painted it on his race cars in the Scuderia Ferrari days but now Enzo was starting a new company one he expected to last for decades he knew this was the time to make it official Ferrari would be the prancing horse Ferrari produced two 125s one was the Afra mentioned s and the other the 125 Competizione a which shared the S chassis and running gear but wore different more aerodynamic body works sculpted for the racetrack in the 125 s his first race the car broke down because of failed fuel pump Enzo called the result a promising failure it was a loss sure but since Wynn had that ever deterred Ferrari except for that one time when he cried in its car right the 125 entered in 13 more races in 1947 and one nine times it sounds like the Ferrari of old was back but Enzo was just getting started baby keep on rolling one of Enzo's former Alfa Romeo teammates was a guy named Luigi Chinetti they had become good friends because like Enzo Luigi was one of those guys who seemed like he could talk you into doing anything anything anything give me that to gum you mean I'm sure you give me the gum mr. Janetti had fled to America during the war to escape the fascists and upon his return seeked to reconnect with his old pal Enzo hey Enzo I know you were hanging out in Italy with those fascists around but I believe yeah I thought those fascists we're gonna kill me so I went over to America bumped around New York for a little bit what have you been up to uh I let the fascist use my factory it was 1949 Luigi had seen the success of Ferraris new cars sweeping small events all across Europe but Luigi thought the Prancing Horse could set its sights on something bigger not just bigger but the biggest race in the entire world the 24 hours of them all earlier we talked about how racing was basically just one driver and a mechanic trying to beat the clock but at this point in time racing was more like we know it today tons of cars on a track all at the same time racing for position there were still the road rallies like the Mille Miglia that Enzo had cut his teeth on but those were falling out of favor for the wheel-to-wheel action available on the track tracks like the mall if you don't know by now l'amour is a 24-hour blast through the French countryside that tests both the Wills of man and machine we'll get more into it on our next episode but what you have to know is that Lamar was and pretty much still is the most epic race in the world if you don't count off-road stuff and Luigi wanted Ferraris help to win yeah to Nolan's point Lamarr is the coolest race on the entire planet like I like drivers so I like route from the drivers but limo is like the Super Bowl yeah Luigi asked Enzo if he could have two cars and eight mechanics for the event and Enzo said no deep down Enzo didn't believe that his cars were ready he was still a small outfit hand building cars in the mall was for names like you know Aston Martin Bentley and dill a Bella hey hmm however if Luigi really wanted to race Ferraris at L'Amour Enzo suggested Luigi could always buy some leasing my cars in our territories it won't be an embarrassment to show up with these small backwards of cars I cannot give you one but you can buy some from me the Ferrari one six 6mm made 140 horsepower from its triple carbureted 2 litre v12 I bet that thing sounds yeah yeah small displacement motors with lots of cylinders that gets mine that gets my blood pumping I'll tell you what brother that gets my goat going the Pistons in that engine must have been the size of quarters some math for you divided 2 liters by 12 cylinders and each cylinder has a displacement of 0.166 litres which that's that's like smaller than a mini can of soda I think that's half a beer what tap a beer half a beer oh so it's like have you Jessie's good at math now ISM Jesse's good at beer now he's always been good at beer we'll talk about that in another episode it's a four-part er right there almost ruined Oh now have you ever had one of those little those tiny Bud Lights the as early test knows little blues no that's that ok sweet for comparison a Chevy 350 v8 has 0.716 per liters or 0.716 litres per cylinder so yeah so just imagine the bore of a 350 like that big mm-hmm this like that yeah it's like tiny 1.6 anyway the press soon began calling the 166 the vachetta which is italian for boat because it kind of looked like a speedboat I mean I looked at pictures of it and it doesn't look like a boat come on did you look at boats of the day oh no oh oh actually the day luigi bought two Ferrari 166 is with the help of gentleman racer and second baron lord Elston Peter Mitchell Thompson and went to LeMond one of the Bartek test driven by a man named Dreyfus had to retire after a crash caused by problems with the steering Luigi and the Baron were teamed up in the remaining car second Baron Lord selsun must have been a little out of shape because he drove for only one of those 24 hours in the race meaning Luigi drove for the other 23 even more amazing Luigi freakin won i'ma gonna wiener and he did on June 26th 1949 a Ferrari had taken the top spot at limo with just a little support from Ferrari it was the push Enzo needed hmm maybe they should do them all I mean we've already won it what was the deal with that second baron only driving for one hour though that's like a guy would like some money like probably like you know our landlords just like oh yeah sounds pretty fun just you know go racing yeah it sounds great we're gonna go Bracy probably bought all the clothes he bought though like polo shirts everyone's matching yeah everyone's matching he's like really enjoying the cocktail hours y'all I'm gonna race you know I'm one of the racers I own the team and I'm gonna race and then he got in it and he's like oh man I do not like this I'm getting sweaty my arms hurt it's hard to breathe in this helmet I'm just gonna I think I'm gonna take more of an administrative role yeah make sure the guys are working hard let me get a council around that same time Enza had greenlit the design and production of Ferraris first Formula One car up to this point all of Ferraris cars even the ones he raced back in the we're at least based somewhat on cars that were available to the public Formula One would be different the Ferrari 125 f1 was conceived in 1949 and featured what else but a 12 cylinder engine on the cars first race out at the 1949 Monza Grand Prix driver Alberto Ascari son of Antonio Ascari won with ease these guys just coming out of the gate and owning people but Ali's first official Formula One was at Monaco in 1950 it was the second race of the season Enzo had chosen not to participate in the first because won the 125 out one sorry let's clarify so this race that they've won just now with Alberto Ascari this wasn't a Formula One race it was just like one of those Road races but they entered a f1 so they entered an f1 car into a road race and won so that's my less impressive ok what's just that's a good clarification Nolan thank you he wasn't racing other f1 cars he was racing dogs I assume ok Ferraris first official Formula One race was at Monaco in 1950 it was the second race of the season Enzo had chosen not to participate in the first one because the 125 f1 wasn't quite ready and two the first race at Silverstone curiously didn't count for points after a crash on the first lap that took half of the cars out of the race Ferrari driver Ascari was able to score a second place finish one lap behind the winner an Alfa Romeo driver Juan Manuel Fangio the rest of the season unfolded in a similar fashion mostly with Alfa Romeo winning a ton of races and Ferrari having a ton of problems with their car however that wouldn't last long Scuderia Ferrari won their first f1 championship in 1952 and 1/3 more before the 50s were over their victories in 1956 and 57 were achieved by none other than the driver who had first defeated Ferrari won Manuel Fangio but not everything at that time looking up Enzo's son Dino had suffered from muscular dystrophy since he was a child Enzo tried to make Dino's life as normal as possible Dino went to school eventually earning an engineering degree to help at the family business and in the summer of 56 Dino's condition was so bad that he was essentially bedridden but he was still eager to help his dad Dino and Enzo regularly discussed plans for a new 1.5 liter engine eventually settling on a 65-degree v6 then early one morning it happened Enzo had been with Dino all night he'd suffered a cerebral hemorrhage a few days before and fell into a coma for several days Dino Ferrari passed away at dawn on June 30th 1956 he was just 24 years old understandably Dino's passing had a profound effect on Enzo in his journal he wrote quote the match is a lost I lost him my son and I have found a nothing but the tears as the book describes Enzo began wearing black ties as a sign of mourning and would so for years unfortunately death seemed to follow Enzo at least in the eyes of the press on July 6 1958 Ferrari driver luigi Moussa was killed in a crash at the French Grand Prix he entered the golf corner to fast flying off track his car bounced three times to her corn field before Luigi was ejected on the fourth bounce killing him mousou was not the first Ferrari driver to lose their life behind the wheel in 1955 the son of Enzo's hero and close friend Alberto Ascari died in a Ferrari at Monza two years later Eugenio castella castellari two years later Eugenio Castaneda lost his life during a Ferrari testing session and the Modena and now Luigi the press attacked ends up for losing three Italian drivers in three years it was such a media uproar that the church got involved and in Italy the church means the Vatican ie where the friggin Pope lives three days after luigi musos crashed the vatican print a story in their official newspaper with the headline industrial Saturn referring to the ancient Roman god quote a modern Saturn become industrial tycoon he continues to devour his sons as in this myth so unfortunately in reality luigi Musso is the latest of his victims around whom once again arises a widespread sentiment of solidarity and that has only one thought of never learning from experience and not realizing how from anyone's consciousness sentient in invocation arise stop that's the newspaper shirt shirt that's like like was that Tom Hanks movies the Dempster post no demons that is the Vatican telling Enzo Ferrari to stop racing and to stop and then to stop building race cars they essentially gave him a moral ultimatum stop racing or you'll kill more people of course the racers who died did so under their own volition and remember seatbelts weren't even a thing at the time these were men who risked their lives every time they got in their cars and they knew that but the church thinks they can just come in and tell Enzo to stop Yeah right this ignited a debate all over Italy about the future of auto racing in the country fans of racing called Musso a hero for dying doing what he loved I hope I die doing what I love someday in this podcast doing this podcast knock on wood so he doesn't organisations like Italian sports authorities the Italian sports authorities didn't get involved because they didn't want to clash with the Pope things didn't get better for Ferrari when Peter Collins another team driver died during a race at the Nurburgring this crash added more fuel to the debate with Jesuit preacher Leonardo ah Cellini stepping in writing quote the statement that motor racing is useful to automobile industry is not a true all the big manufacturers have stopped participating because they have nothing to learn from it he concluded that all motor racing events either on track or on normal Road anyway they are organized should be stopped after the end of the 1958 season Enzo finally stated his rebuttal at a press conference saying quote once upon the time in Italy motor races were glorified then they were accepted then tolerated and today we are under a trial while the Queen of England invites her world champion driver to dinner thus recognizing the value of as a motor racing and so then went on to offer his side of the events he and the Ferrari team had spent weeks analyzing the crashes and came to the conclusion that what caused these deaths were not the cars though I will say personally they should have had seat belts at least but the primitive safety measures at each of the tracks Etha wasn't not the car as it was at the tracks in musso's case putting the work we did this the study turns out not my fault in musso's case enzo blamed the poor track conditions in France in Germany the size of the Nurburgring acted like a springboard and because they were just like like like a bank like a bank and then just nothing on the other side so like if you'd lost it there your car is going over and finally in you'd Eugenia cast a lot ease the organisers had placed a 40 centimeter high wall at the chicane so like the kink right there and then on where if you go off there's just a wall oh jeez apparently Enzo had warned the organisers about this wall but they told him in public that it meant to deter drivers who would dare too much at that particular turn so it just had to stay so like hey this wall looks pretty dangerous and then there's like yeah but if it'll keep you'll keep people from going to that yeah keep people from cutting the corner if we put this wall that will kill them here hmm Enzo finished his press conference with this quote car manufacturers must meet the cost of building new cars organisers should bear the cost of the modernization of the race attracts I mean that's a pretty good point it is a good point and they even met up with that at Cellini guide the Jesuit preacher and convinced him to write a nut you know a Jesuit preacher is a priest okay you backwoods I don't know Enzo even met up with a Cellini the Jesuit priest and convinced him to write another article about racing safety and this time as aleni completely he reversed his stance on the issue writing that he quote I instigated three actions not necessarily Celine an objective and some actually prejudices like for ours is like a turns out you don't think what you thought you thought so Enzo and Ferrari had absolved themselves of this whole debacle but that wasn't the end of trouble for Enzo Ferrari in the early 60s Ferrari was going through some tough times financially but luckily Enzo had a savior in the form of one filmer paradise the president of the Italian branch of the Ford Motor Company and that is where we'll continue in part to Ferrari versus Ford on past gas [Music] that was really fun yeah it was really fun we're gonna start doing this every week I'm you know Nolan and I referenced each other a lot in our videos but we don't really get to hang out too much so this was really a really really fun time it was super fun follow us on instagram at donut media follow me at james pump 3 I am on instagram at Nolan J sites just keep watching listening to what we do or else we wouldn't be able to do it thank you
Channel: Donut Media
Views: 1,840,622
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Keywords: ford v ferrari, ford v ferrari trailer, ford, ferrari, christian bale, matt damon, carroll shelby, past gas, past gas podcast, donut media podcast, podcast, ford vs ferrari, enzo ferrari, ferrari history, le mans, le mans 1966, lemans, lemans 1966, ford gt, ford gt40, gt40, donut media, james pumphrey, nolan sykes, scuderia ferrari, ferrari f1, true story, ferrari 330 p3, racing, ford vs ferrari trailer, ford vs. ferrari trailer, car history, automotive, cars, enzo, bad person
Id: 3BlNhNM1xXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 1sec (3481 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 22 2019
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