WARZONE? WAY TOO EASY! 😅 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare #19

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[Music] [Music] I'll ask boys made a good white that's overly Al Motta cut that off point for your team you'll lead them in you've got gas closing in fast into the say so back of fact you're the leader at all therefore yeah my last game time watch no I yeah I just let all the time those listed all the time sorry yes Hannah said that foods also for you Tyler sorry extra how the heck is this thing something why do they always put them on the roof no roof and my building using this ability we're good maybe we should get that kill contract we actually have enough for our own thingy okay let's drive to the shop get that package I'll try I dropped my money on this I'm gonna fight yes I thought I was alive because it like it was Glee probably here did wait [Laughter] the fight begins you're up next get ready you win this fight then you return to the front line but if you lose Oh [Music] thank you all yeah look like you look like you liked out by the truck okay oh wow that's pretty good right oh that's actually pretty [ __ ] right I did not expect that pick me up the swimmers I picked me I picked me up flamers oh come on you have nothing on any by the line with yes 45 keep thinking six down honestly it probably should be are using the skin that makes them explode that what I'm soon well yeah the light skin yeah I don't know oh they're out there on the Tropic maybe we should look in see anybody and one was in the brook like our back [ __ ] oh yeah I forgot the [ __ ] loadout was there I go grab the guys guns you're killed I just forgot oh good never like [Music] definitely laggy I didn't see ya I don't have armor and I'm sad about it please underground you guys buy some extra ice one shields my ass you buy me another side someone just shot the puck I wanted a shot at us from the building there are these guys or this game it was one guy whatever honey get the copter sure let's see four on it wait what where we going we're taking you where are we going [Music] this it got cancelled for a bus over here they're fighting I'm lagging by Mark Watson man down okay I tried sending my helicopter depression to them it almost worked but it didn't blow up a little weird that's so stupid actually there's so many [Music] wait someone just have a wonderful Walker right under mor bomb it's the [ __ ] helicopter I think going in three two one juicy on me I mean top group we get our helicopter smart that's a spark no good helicopter helicopter look at the rotor look the rotor oh [ __ ] I could see it keep hitting the [ __ ] helicopter up down Wow he's in the top window got a good shot apparently let's go [ __ ] kick his ass down in a helicopter throw at him mm-hmm want to run at him instead I don't doubt me like in Paris today wait you're on the other side okay this is a little risky whoa dude you what wait I can prewriting like free pop it for you that was weird he use like yeah used to sell feel like 70% which JT flow note once I everybody again go ahead Oh God come on I swear I did Ben Akiva three hiding in there but a bunch of [ __ ] don't be nervous Wiener Wiener wiener that's how you lose right there be those guys I don't know you system they didn't even have the ultimate camp robot oh look we got a rudder Roger that he's hiding in this house I think he's hiding in this house tomorrow I'd double flash I'll sacrifice he was proud of his Bush Oh Kara Northeast nice knife on on down floor that was crazy play you just gotta rest he's looking at me looking at me under tarp under tarp we're always down which bones right ones down on the right Porter bosch washing deep I'm getting the rose I don't have any more cells someone else don't think house the same dude a three I'll Drive okay here closer than uh hey pop it off oh it's crazy if you get caught off guard for a second you're done alright you know that have a sit just like prone turn around or else you're dead literally you just running away from somebody so autumn behind us behind us I don't know close they show up my minivan yeah we're on my mark you run behind the tower this is why crossing crossing 14 run in the field for any gas station at the gas station yeah let's go back to the gas station all right I think we're shooting this yeah I'm there I'm right near my mark or something like that way I'm out of plates I don't have to do those guys at fronts front are a bunch of [ __ ] [ __ ] get to this lower like point here I think we'll be okay there's no shield things so you going all right you're running in like with us all right cool call them time oh yeah I see you on the right oh good hit one in the back right hit another one in front you get it anything another one okay all right what the [ __ ] dot they're all one I don't know these guys are what's that what's that white an armor that pops up by the way like when you hit so little flavor you just hit their armor but don't break it oh yeah over here to life life running up yeah no hit in the arm rope rope rope I'm the one in the basket Tyler hit this and uh back thank you guys are looking at Bruce broke right above you on your left like okay Tom it there for sure ones down the red I need you got res but I killed him the remaining ones good and another one's getting therm I did that's really bad timing dude maybe here come to me maybe we just got go to the shop take a little bit of damage and buy armor it's right here hundred having no armors [ __ ] I've I've a stem for those own right back here okay I got mine house team dude I got 15 seconds how do you baby I'm gonna get one - all right let's roll it up on my first I'm not a running pop the bounty so we can have some I'll drop you some - that good I don't level one all right oh my god so far oh my god you're gonna be running up this hill on us keep moving for now yeah there's a there's of two groups on all right like about the high each other this part everybody's left careful tractors armor he's inside this building he's inside this building good that uh yeah our flashes or NEBOSH outside outside on my door baby yeah I'll pop one ready for play out hello got Zoey think any fly or Bernie Bernie Bernie I gotta go I got it we got it hey you kind of hold them from Cuzco room oh this guy in the red one sniping at us on the hotel you miss get that back one head on the roof on one on one okay there's only two so we can probably my exact mark my exact top right in front of us very in front of us I got sale for us I'm shearling I'm chillin two seconds we got a boo-boo the last one awesome we climb this record yeah right under here Plato no-self risk suffer it take I sell for it's right there give me two pick up a buffalo bull crap back out was really scary for me for a second all right yeah dude when I went nice ending on a dub I did nothing that's true that that went for me crushing myself with a crate by the way my chat was like no please play one more that doesn't cow down banana alright not bad last one tonight for real this time just to suggest you ma'am you should do IRL streams more often like we would definitely enjoy a couple extra at some point but if not that's okay too good night Mike and goodnight chat prison [Music] where do we go it's gonna be a house go say go prison but [ __ ] back yeah prisons kind of stuff leather loot it's like you didn't go so far yeah the Lutz very stretched yeah honestly downtown is super fun to fight early game and then a pain in the butt forgetting like ass cuz everyone just summary top boneyard spot Oh did I hate when the game just randomly pulls your chute you have that happen hit yes I have it yeah freaking annoying like I randomly fast no game just randomly pull the chute Oh them ashati to like slowly working a mic yeah mommy one down common war by me Oh Sean Oh - unlucky two teams on me [Music] there's somebody up post recently there's a blue mp7 in that little tunnel did you kill the two teams yeah same drop it on loadout I'll buy some are pretty yeah here hundred like a probably here take a quick buy some armor free take this money thank you thank you thank you I'm gonna buy some extra so you can grab the extra here max use them thank you all right I've yeah there's still some there payment freaking job Mikey after I got the load out Dan kind of runs a little house weird yeah I've been playing a few hours I guess but the thing is yesterday I played all day and actually didn't have that memory leak issue well maybe I have it does happen yeah if it feels like a little like stuttery kind of and I know it's weird you definitely got a reason don't like my refresh rate is yeah yeah that is pretty much it right in front on the drop ah they all have their load I think I just yeah he just hopped out he's one armored hit on one always been the car okay can't shoot guys put them down out of the open he's down get the car one it's like the warehouse here one is down on the cart don't think this huge these guys thought she golden smoke hey you guys can buy a bunch of [ __ ] right here this is a really safe station lad is cozy in here you could drop any extra money I can get a I don't have yeah here take my backpack I'm good but I don't know enough anyway anyone have a little bit of sniper ammo Oh I shot up a bit like a thought behind Oh close behind us guys close behind us Oh behind it all so we gotta get on that take the top right here oh my god supply my lips down on me hard ones down you guys aren't very good we're fine nothing we're good interesting yeah um right here yeah we're golden have a lot of you guys needs to look I need armor that was a weird to take my I was gonna buy it anyway so do you enjoy this more than blackout I think it has a much better start than blackout but there is some things that need to be changed and it did show up on the map kind of close this like over here somewhere yeah really dead center not even see the right might have self rose the top one to the right just [Music] huge plays coming out people fighting at the garage yeah that's just weird this this chopper shot shot all right not happening have you guys shot at anyone else else out from or from a chopper yet no not really think anyway and then what were you saying earlier I'm in dinner uh I have no idea careful there's people here pretty sure [Music] let's go crossing the street here Amy I think they're definitely all right oh they're coming on a TV now oh I got him they're dead another one or just four left haha yeah you're still lefties in storage excusa legit just hiding somewhere so close just one left got one left for sure okay oh no we took a car behind us just saw yeah but maybe I did I just bought it yeah oh he just threw a decoy oh [ __ ] do you see my thing no that's the guy this guy never left but look he's right here I can't tell ya that's a phone that's another it's two solos I'm pretty sure there's a got our laughs - man okay down down oh it was one thing - what and I dude you have to leg okay I got 700 bucks funny money okay so the solo is still around then right I don't know I just - down for sure I'm so confused a bunch of crap on here and a bunch of lead over here which I have five armors you guys need some also saying I don't adhere everything this don't spin yeah that's a downside to this game's audio subtitles yeah sounds like the right next to us but obviously they're not like it just sounds like they're right here not even showing up on the map so someone just laying off your lower line in somebody late on the airport who are left careful okay like actually on tile with their chopper gotta feel like I gotta look everywhere yeah I just want to go in Dido fighting everything okay we protect we attack however the saying goes oh my gosh we're dead oh yeah Oh sniper on the airport mic like you were talking about oh that's you've killed them I don't have an angle on that what what I do actually hold on oh my gosh that is Florida down - whoo up top actually yeah - are down out there but I mean they're shooting at res whatever [ __ ] it oh you're trying to closer I'm trying I can't you my laser that I don't think this I can't work but hey I gotta go to them anyway so I just did 1200 meters it's not working I couldn't see a dude I couldn't see you gotta buy armors I'm going in hot actually zero oh we wounded three of their armors at least so those guys are crippled they might not even have a teammate it might just be to like you know you think so I mean I don't know only two burpee Kings not weird can I get an angle from this oh no oh man so bad I missed that one armor down one down - what what are you what what scope sniper sensitivity are you I can't even see my freaking bullet are using thermal because if you're not you're doing her huh that's nothing we can do about them there's gonna keep getting up the play is definitely not to be on the roof either it's got a super sir hey I had to meet you should I repeat let's just try to fight all these guys in super-stretch yeah yeah let's try to sneak up on the roof is there oh there on the highest move we might be able to get away with it maybe we actually killed the John and choco taco yep yeah we could you were a j TJ lunar in me I see careful careful Hall cover for SEC yeah yeah yeah I think they're really close meaning oh no you just watch it hold on already Bell not worth like get off point down over down Oh two down Oh another one Oh get off if you can yeah yeah yeah I have an air strike coming in right on them okay only one up that for sure see dead that just move to here maybe get some plates if you need to buy up as I do yeah there's there's two on the ground yeah he's speaking lots of speaking he's gonna jump off the right side I think we got more money why plates by please you hate the guy that jumper I'll take it oh shoot I can't afford it Seabrook oh thank you thank solos coming in he's in this party yeah it's freaky cruising you just teleport at this guy lag and tore right down somebody parachuted on the ones down from another team there was a team on top there I'm pushed in a little bit no one ever UAV no you I'll pop it in SA dude yeah the solo dudes right down here stuck inside and the Seas pushing her I'm gonna go I'm gonna kill them cuz also just got a plate I'm gonna go by place since they're not here right now let's they have goes oh yeah just saw booter here yeah two people here two different teams I think like oh my gosh my sound is stop [Music] I'm right above them right above what pika one more don't freaking know that wasn't a collab eigth uh way well I mean it could have been a collapse the reason why he was crouched is because he was rezzing his teammate so there's a chance good job guys woo woo I shot the second his teammate got rezzed and it doubled though I don't know hey that's me yes I know that person solid frickin game two to two contracts you have me we are a team so [Laughter] [Music] your squad looks menacing though you know AHA what some like we look good so I saw the terrible plane route oh my god you know how to go far right like kind of far like cut glider yeah yeah let's let's try to go it's a super store dad I'm down hella down yeah that is so far no thank you it's quiet right now I love people do the pop shots of the air dude I know freak this guy oh my gosh I'm actually getting dome I'm Audi Oh am i dying we could go here you want instead I could make it to the superstore but I can't look it there I think you'd be the only people there I don't see anyone anywhere close I might be able to get here so I'll just run in I'll like go here and then I'll run in supersorrell yes oh I got a and me I'm with you behind them like outside still yeah this place is freaking jacked yeah there's loot everywhere actually insane they definitely want this place to be a hotspot it's crazy just so many armor so much armor so many guns yeah this is the place to be so much money loo look at how much cash I have yes look at me - yeah yeah what I mean I'm like maxed out on armor - basically it's crazy this is the spot I'll spot a load up people will write next room I might need to buy a Hannah back if she will lose this she that's not just land on us tons of yeah there's a lot get the load out and [ __ ] let's try to fight these guys we don't have to go too crazy but just kind of hold them in you know crazy oh oh yeah right armor hey at once armor bros careful the guys that hit one to the chapel the guys in here there's literally ray right on top of me and Anna okay yeah you can you can shield Michael gosh yeah I'm gonna smoke you look the bounce they usually he's so low I'm a bro holy crap there look down one way do I disable the view pool down one careful one your left you might you I need our eye shadow with you that's you see you on the ground right here alright we got to try to get more armor though from this yeah I can buy old are pushing their fishing armor bro one do the left also I got the guideline hold it nice they might be to our right also these guys have arbor you [ __ ] me I have some I can drop you two after this any drop someone to whoever needs it let's go let's go Vic make our way to the shop so we could buy armor girls anyone want anything else we're rolling in money I might buy sell for as maybe I'm gonna do it by UAV - yeah yeah yeah I'm gonna drop use my okay ten family and I would everyone I have a good so far so good gotta look great oh yeah God look how tight this is look at this what oh what a spot that's a rat spot uh-huh and a popular V front I'm literally the best second or you could buy another UAV give you some money yeah for whatever reason when you drop plenty about armor when you drop with the money it doesn't Auto pick up I'm good it doesn't and only especially how to get only Auto pickups like regular stuff but you have to actually physically pick up money that's dropped which is a little weird you also have to be careful I have my money glitch out yesterday it gave me my teammates money in the game even though when I would drop my money I would have like 12 K but it only in register like TJ's money and he has zero or fried powder so I can actually buy like it's a weird glitch I don't know what set it off there's some other stuff like that's - yeah maybe just be safe we had a lot of dudes around this yeah we should definitely get this dude that's just chilling here verse three right it's all - for sure good trick Anna X guy is literally dipping was he like up top on the ridge Michael what the heck was that play careful snipers from top above okay yet our I'll let me grab this knife roofer yeah open it down him I'm gonna demo the Sofres only last one time you down you snipers I press on that building over there i down this dude I'm pushing a little bit to the right yeah the self res then it worked then I killed him again so that means he's down for sure right or oh shoot another teen teen to you armour broke on one folks went down one more day on this rock here there's like three cheese on top of each other pop you hear me in a sec cuz we're gonna go buy another one to move down to them down life being life thing dormer I don't have a smoke once up top and ones that you take the garage would buy [ __ ] sure I can drop you armor if you need a tooth anyone's like super broke up three oh right above us oh no right here right here right here one down right down my eyes armor down here armor down here yeah I have a bunch of Monday's someone needs any like goodbye stuff up top no how about UAVs or whatever you want to do yeah I'll buy you a tease I really love precision strikes but buy any armor on the ground also sell friend us or all right there on the like the little bridge post left close left foot bunch I got I got Hannah actually down one down below push it out anymore I need more armor there's some right here Mike wait I just dig armored me full when I got full armor I don't even do anything I want to come in this place or not we can keep looking left we'll see these guys I think maybe hey maybe not oh they decide of you I think run to a tarkov Masseria yeah it does even that like that shopping area reminds me of interchange a little bit of course not like his big but hey I think that's that's I think that's a definite inspiration both I only saw one another how many nice just a solo yeah all pop one right now let's go they're fighting edge of the zone yeah they're gonna buy another UAV real quick so much right here one minute maybe let's just get to zone okay first I want to kill those guys I really don't want to be the guys keep them now that pool that that pool isn't necessarily from pub G it's a real place you know inspiration is a real place caught for cut for had it where are they fired by Chernobyl drives it men's or no I don't know wherever that real places I know it's a real place actually I've it seemed that gun where'd you break that glass design yeah let hell you not natural spawn I don't think so yes Oh he down somebody up top I'm pretty sure we're gonna get shot in our butt so it gotta be careful armor bro oh that guy's Liddy City yeah I down someone there I think actually you got there he's down on the right one more down broke his armor him again one more all the way in the far back head yeah I just got a kill I don't know which one was the one behind the ambulance oh yeah self red run in here oh nice shot there was another random dude like all the way in the back white armor close Delilah oh and behind a super cool super foes deal with those guys wait dad one more team though for sure Oh elmo's guy popper another on that witness by some [ __ ] if you think I can't but I'm gonna pop in you ready I just popped another one I'm gonna buy precision strike I can't improve your mind just being all right Mike all right for it I shot self residence up presents Alfred hey guys there's a solo in this in this like yeah done to these the vehicle I did you feel I need you I'll kill them off me yeah I'm plastic one flash stunned okay do that Mike yeah studying again I don't know what guys I see white car white car worker way you pick up your mic all self res play for yourself you let what you got to do that was totally my bad they're dead right now Hannah have enough money though I can't even fall my second I shouldn't know one down I literally buy gun didn't reload it was one of those things where I kept sprinting oh yeah I kept cancelling it and I didn't notice cuz I was just in the [ __ ] so if you also hit one or two you know we're trying to swap faster it literally doesn't swap your gun so I don't know if you guys knew that or not that's always like I goofed on that it just won't sake Anya's got here once no oh no we all but a riot shield did is he stuck all of us I'm pretty sure no I didn't get totally those and you called it right yeah I hear stuff this time it's kind of cool but usually I don't but I know that you might even tip no Hanna [Music]
Channel: Virb
Views: 124,893
Rating: 4.7372551 out of 5
Keywords: Shroud, cod, call of duty modern warfare, APEX LEGENDS, APEX, LEGENDS, fortnite, wingman, pathfinder, lifeline, wraith, gibraltar, skadoodle, Call Of Duty Black Ops 4, Call Of Duty Blackout, Blackout, Gameplay, Twitch, battle royale, win, stream, insane, own, epic, new update, legendary, sanhok, miramar, new map, Jujst9n, Chad, anythinG, raygun, chocotako, mrbeast, SEASON 2, overwatch
Id: RFOwlyO_qws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 39sec (4419 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 14 2020
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