HE'S BACK AT IT - WARZONE! 😎 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare #30

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[Music] David are you playing this again know if you can hear me not allowed up here position move to the safe zone I was gonna say the cows are safe this weekend ah the cows are safe this weekend from getting milked where we going yeah brothers very quick there's a lot of people here a lot when back door can I drop down do this gun it's [ __ ] weak hole leading oh no I fell in one ran towards the middle that way always closed oh another one on me it's behind my momentum pretty good he's like right here buying this box red in the right corner maybe yeah down I'm reloading Susie blows the green ones pretty good it's not the green one I was actually terrible what Oh RPG sets it oh I'm getting shot to them where is he by next car I can't believe I have a [ __ ] Uzi for this scenario dude cracked his armor alderman front wall he's in front of the Jeep a little bit farther [Music] oh my god I'm one HP make these plates the foal kill yeah we have enough for a load up charges drop your money over there on the by catch something out I'm just getting anything extra yep should I not use the pistols no you can it's they're gonna boss um probably buy it next week and then [ __ ] everyone's just gonna use it Renetta Oh got two guys they're going backside IV pump holy [ __ ] there's a lot of people here I have zero zero as well sure drop your money so I could buy some I only slept two guys go in here they going a roof roof we'll try this red car dude sound nice that was the other guy there was a lot of people on that UAV which one or the UAV we like guy somewhere to 20s last I don't know exactly where but there's a lot of red dots get me younger more plates yeah gave to a car coming oh there's not even a buy here [ __ ] it oh they got out he's the left side of the house no Armour I don't know how many there were he's one on the roof now oh and of Norfolk he's in the car knock them ones on my island there's a couple careful work together Murray how's that a head shot I'm getting shot at now from the pink building yeah oh there's one on the right side though yeah yeah one guy jumped off the other ones stage I guess come on stand up oh nice just a ladder roof or a staircase it's only stuffs on this you one showerheads other guy yeah yeah did the red dot I like medium range is insane if you like hit them every time all right CQC car 98 here we go there we go there we go you know if Dooley's did you're in no that's minus one okay so confused it's like right in my face well Oh strange car okay you get a lot of [ __ ] what the [ __ ] it's crazy did I actually get to chew people did I can't even see my like what [ __ ] is mine is everyone I want a better rifle look at mine Oh yuck Oh someone someone said it's really good I haven't tried I feel like that's personal preference of that play right-handed yeah I mean bugs well it's weird everyone that Cronyn right now it's like the best one everyone uses in earth oh yeah I'm good you know I'm about to just climb this ladder dude yeah yeah oh so good timing again [Applause] hi a sale this is hard with the red that I hit one dude I knocked one off on the first shot with the C attack I got I came to see them armor guys one HP oh my god yeah the duck can't see oh my God he's a little head it might actually be like that will be you gets pulled back yeah yeah little pixels oh yeah I knocked our Brooklands armor a knock the guy [Music] dr. Sarma or not the story there - sir there was not they have RPGs shout run them down they still went for the car when you opt out yeah good cause I didn't think they would have it but I jumped out they just blew it up you see what I mean by like it aims in super [ __ ] slow but like you literally the dot does it's really stable yeah does not move like it's almost better with especially with HDR to is variable like you don't even hold your breath with it because you know when you like run out of like breath youth you're [ __ ] yeah chicks yeah you don't even need to yeah that was actually hold on I never keep this quit oh yeah I could just pause there anymore lead with it compared to like the yeah I mean more modern snipers I guess yeah you gotta get used to [Music] I try to now I can't see this part your mind is knocked Abu oh the big blue on I can't see him bro for you on how close to you closer you do your watch that's what I was doing every single shot every snow every single shot when I had this thing from the distance I was getting closer and closer he's up here in the second floor is what there's two teams here I'm gonna go get god damn it I literally walked up the stairs to four people all right there's two teams in there so come back have no-armed report two down two down I'm blue hey what they all did there's got to be more yeah there was definitely for us first like a marker in the world does this guy's them for oh my god that riff shot yeah well I'm going back to my guns I guess you're safe get me out of here watch these guys are gonna cross the street I'm gonna be ready for them like they're already ahead of you no they were by the body oh yeah they're right in front of you right guys pups out of the house I think ones behind the house crowd near you wait demon demon leave this look at this there were people like the air-condition mop on this one oh my just pop shot him or did you shoot him maybe of so it seemed behind [Music] so close [Music] should be right right they look like anything else I just don't fan Sam oh he's in between us [Music] [Music] as my camera flipped No anyone here am ia cash your Porter take some cash just in case some weird [ __ ] happens oh I dropped it all oops you're [ __ ] wrong [Music] I'm gonna be running up this hill I have an airstrike there out in the open right there my guns in semi-auto just the one I only survived his teammates I don't know last ones here get his boy huh oh wait I broke his armor dude I got the contract completing an airspace too crowded what does that bug still thing the airspace paint yeah that's a bug yeah I can't use my that's crazy and now really we're getting RPG ah before five don't over here there's no oh we jumped on the gas station in his life from afar careful careful trim more left farlow a great shits closing oh my god oh my god yeah on you do I don't know he's got to be where we gonna snipe there from who's far up this hill right there somewhere what is that by station that is not safe I'm going for it looks pretty safe yeah can I not pick up that was weird happen to be dude I can't trade it out can i oh I can't use one now because I have air strike that doesn't work oh no you know you can't yeah forget I well [Music] how do some good in the hangar one on the one on the back gotta be some rad sign in these bunkers huh yeah wait I think this yeah I think this thing gives it was down there let's go I can't ping it twice was one up the hill markings I've been up here about to write my book on parachuting hit hey you heard that I try to hit the parachuter ikat he's a wine hat I'm gonna go right almost out of bolts in my car oh we're in front we're on the road again doesn't good boys I got no ammo yeah I got no ammo either for the most part we need to get in I'll take this there's a guy other side of this bunker or he's in it with you in the bunker right across from us what thank you the plates are here he's on the other side of the wall broke one's armor oh my others do alright yeah there's two cuz I left yeah I'm at a plate three me too down I can't pull them now what's so far that time I gotta piss severe back can't I can't leave you awesome it was actually it was odd it was smooth there's something special about a smooth game you know like what oh this game is smooth too don't get me wrong like FPS wise it runs pretty pretty solid for how it looks but the beauty of blackout is it was nice and like flat what I don't like is this game is a somewhat of a sim in the sense that when you're sprinting it's shaking if you go back and you watch how blackout was blackout was just butter and literally was butter there was no there was no screen shake there was no there was a bunch there's always a punch but it was just like super crispy the map layout impact planed simple yeah [ __ ] it I miss blackout last loose one oh they're so far there's so many people on the roof they jumped off a message hello yeah at the back door I'm gonna drop to the back high town two guys should be he just broke a door under me I think it's on me yeah oh no what dude I law school y'all by the way there's a glitch up there like one of those LM G's that are really good on the armors that cool it Shep there oh here's another how many where they're in GI for killed one so one Oh badmouth you like right tell me this big LMG good yeah the one of the silence and the thermal right yeah yeah it's really good it's one of the I think that's honestly the best gun you can pick up it said to me that gold mp5 and that gold draw I'm lightheaded now my head my head a bell there's Katie we can get back I'm late it's far do this that gun is [ __ ] ass this one oh don't really have much else greenie wait you got something go bounty yeah we probably can yeah I think I might be the only one who can finish I'm gonna go for it all there's three of them here ever comment memory class ish that's why I did it I wouldn't kill this guy I wouldn't knock too okay that's good stuff on dude yeah I would go it all the way around yeah I'm going right once who's gonna you oh my god the guns ass oh my god yeah oh my god that was dude that was crazy we got more people here yeah on me down nice it was only down you're not gonna try this game oh sure I've got the by covered dude I gotta try this on whoa way oh this [ __ ] guy [ __ ] guy and I knocked let me just it almost killed me square square nice all right on the Buy yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna swap here you guys see there's anyone else you get that kill yeah I finished um there's this rat they're all they're all playing weird I'm not seeing anyone else oh [ __ ] yeah I got a sniper scope in for him there's a mp7 with no grip oh they're here please fly it out and bring it to the bow yeah let's go under nine ΓΆktem all the gas the gas and the gas give me a bunch of [ __ ] near the by uh high price you grab this car huh oh [ __ ] yeah just run out to the field if you can yeah I'm going and I'm just standing there oh my god the guy in this rocks I'm not shooting at him oh I'm barely beating it thank God I switch the pistol see me look my gun did I'd mine something [ __ ] and Mark Wahlberg and lone survivor dude sniper scope people right on alright there's houses below yeah really up here hello in deeper tanam at wait I think he's dead there's one more I downed him then do I know I know dead yo Messi was hitting hard bro yeah [Music] Oh My Luck right now that all right seat swaps knives only letting it a sniper is heat SWAT Dooley [Music] the hell it excites you big ads a minute to get up there [Music] no more oh he said uh their hangers I bought one but I don't got to ride it you know how it works shred playing in the 30 I Oh it's me lost first round [Music] he's on the open road ahead of a operon it up over did he's right at that oh I'm right okay I made a mistake oh [ __ ] healed by the tree yep I knocked him he's got it so I got you there another I know I got em all how FAR's the zone I don't know but I was getting beat out on top of the hill he plates or anything shad I need plates and sniper as those guys they had a bunch of [ __ ] there's someone someone pilot the vehicle I can't let them be why who is this guy it's Pauling you don't know where he is here's the last thing made right oh there to the right except these ones in the parking lot on me right in front right oh look guys like I said real ho in the vehicle yo who do you think wins in a fight he's born or Chris Kyle Jason Bourne i lo all right yeah that's probably good answer yeah you should have said like Jason Bourne or I don't know John wait for something it's your workout and boy joke's on you when in we fight this on the 5 station Oh the people here yeah you got out of the car your meal oh I'm stunning I'm in Sun they're not down here oh he's little left on the vehicle oh wait oh yeah a big ass [ __ ] god the gas dude oh jeez Oh all smashed or something like they have a gas mask girl so probably be dead honestly well right in front of me in I always see one octagon or is he is he in the bush yes on the [ __ ] ceiling good job from someone else Damon yeah I can't see him no that guy just [ __ ] waxed me try to show you I'll buy it up a little late I don't know I think he's on karma simmer down low he's on me Dumbledore okay we're gonna get a bunch of plates yeah we should pick a car left it gas but to move again open shotguns mate right I get self and I'm in and then drop us a bike place de manana Lane here yeah I can get a low down look at me he's a little farther you know there's another one I scratched here right in the ravine phaona Markham we're gonna snipe that yeah we're though pretty far I see them up in the building I think yeah still to your left right yeah I'm if I gotta move in on the roof right there yeah he went closer to his they made the I had no armor no tried absolutely one [Music] [Music] it was a guy into the gas bomb yeah a little I lose I lose that guy okay [Laughter] arrow on the house [Music] all this - I'm okay oh I can't stand oh yeah yeah I don't have an angle I'm gonna finish this kill me did you almost block myself resident rotten I tried to bullets off right before it's almost actually like so [ __ ] elite have you tried this out yeah by a little bit he's in the roof might be one more up there I don't my god that scared the [ __ ] out of it so loud if you guys don't call me in 40 I'm not gonna make the load out so much cash do we need like they're actually last like three onion all right maybe weekend loot something here how long do we have like 10 seconds it's like right on the edge yeah I don't think that what's happened yeah wait check the basement I think Damon is there Basin on that house don't [ __ ] understand farm line at all Oh shroud people yeah air pushing [Music] hey I got the GU leg how did they know I had ghost no that's good I got on the car of the car oh yeah screws not behind you didn't even think about that do you know I think the gras might be way better dude she's just so [ __ ] good because there even a point for me waiting and when it comebacks McGruff that zone is so small it's gonna be so hard oh I won those first might be a gamer really that's my look that that's that that's the one I get look yeah I'm lucky maybe I did I die about him I don't know I'm looking that high well you know it's a cool you know I think I don't know I don't know I don't know this map like this guy oh no okay okay okay shucks yeah just give me something can't go up the ladder again you don't do not jump down here okay I think I go for my loadout you know bridge oh my god this is scary this burning you know I bet you he's it's about across the bridge oh my yo-yo wow wow they're shooting each other I bet you they're still got underneath you that's that's a wrap boys 76 hours one ladder will get chopped off his own [ __ ] arm oh oh no no no I'm so screwed oh my no thank you [ __ ] cliff dude I think you're [ __ ] yeah I don't think I could go back up after this way I need to get I need to catch and he did I think yeah I'm dead no way that's the long card you might be killing you're fast you can do this okay oh my god all right easy dubs your left road there hey it was a solid effort [Music]
Channel: Virb
Views: 140,657
Rating: 4.7790928 out of 5
Keywords: Shroud, cod, call of duty modern warfare, APEX LEGENDS, APEX, LEGENDS, fortnite, wingman, pathfinder, lifeline, wraith, gibraltar, skadoodle, Call Of Duty Black Ops 4, Call Of Duty Blackout, Blackout, Gameplay, Twitch, battle royale, win, stream, insane, own, epic, new update, legendary, sanhok, miramar, new map, Jujst9n, Chad, anythinG, raygun, chocotako, mrbeast, SEASON 2, overwatch, warzone
Id: FuxttMA_2pU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 3sec (3063 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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