Warning! What To Expect with Joe Biden as President

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the biden administration will look very different from the last four years of the trump administration the first few hours and days we'll see many policies revoked executive orders signed and bills pushed through congress i don't entertain a singular political point of view on this channel i try to look at the landscape determine the most significant threats we face and inform you how to prepare for them this apolitical stance earns me the irf sum and the appreciation of others that's okay because our focus is on prepping and to do that we have to know the changes both good and bad we collectively face in the future every administration brings a wish list with it but rarely are the administration in all of congress held by the same political parties this video will look at what the next year and the next four years have in store for america from new lockdowns to firearm regulations increased government spending criminal justice reform and more we will examine how the coming large changes can trickle down and impact your daily life subscribe to our newsletter to be the first to receive updates and membership specific content visit www.cityprepping.com for slash newsletter or click on the link in the description and comment section below to subscribe today enjoy the video new lockdowns and mask mandates there have already been announcements that there will be a mask challenge in the first 100 days of the biden administration to encourage people to wear their mask and to get ahead of the cove 19 pandemic while the federal government cannot regulate how the states enforce mask mandates or lockdowns they can control these with regards to interstate travel any travel between states will require mass and airports and travel depots could be forced to close in areas of high outbreaks while lockdowns cannot be mandated by federal law states will have more generous support for choosing to a vocal lockdown most states provide the governor the power to act in the public's health and safety during a declared emergency many governors will be encouraged to implement lockdowns with the knowledge that the federal government will support their efforts at the current vaccination rate it is possible that kids might return to school sometime after summer teachers and school employees will likely need to present vaccination records to return to work federal and state employees as well will probably need to present vaccination records before being allowed to return to government jobs or offices if the virus is not suitably under control by the summer of 2021 people may need to present vaccination records or a vaccination record card of some sort before being allowed into many public places biden will very likely invoke the defense authorization act and create the avenue for other companies to retool themselves to produce millions and millions of more doses of the vaccines the vaccine's actual effectiveness will begin to be realized assuming the virus does not mutate vaccine escape does not occur and that enough people receive the vaccine with more doses and more vaccines administered the best projection so decreased transmission rates by the late summer of 2021. firearm regulations and restrictions on the joebiting.com website he outlines his position that gun violence is a public health epidemic with the national rifle association filing for bankruptcy and congress controlled by democrats the first year of abiding administration may see significant reforms in gun laws first may be a repeal of the protection of lawful commerce and arms act which biden lobbied against such a repeal would make manufacturers civilly liable for their products second maybe bans on firearms deemed quote unquote assault rifles and high capacity magazines third more stringent background checks for new gun purchases will likely be mandated you may live in a state with strict or lenient gun laws still there is no doubt that a biden administration will seek to implement policy in legislation that will slow the proliferation of high-capacity guns and increase the length of sentences for people who offensively use guns these actions at a federal level will impact every state and every level you can expect pushback from the 2a crowd as they protest new measures any incident of gun violence anywhere for any reason will be viewed as justification by some leading to stricter measures in response by others as to why more people should possess legal firearms this will be a flashpoint topic in the coming years you'll see more armed protests more measures enacted to reduce the number and types of firearms people have available to them in anticipation of these stricter measures expect a surge in gun cells if your prepping supplies includes any new guns or ammo you'd be wise to get the paperwork in motion on those but you may find you have missed a boat usually you can still obtain a personal handgun hunting rifle or shotgun as these are viewed as more personal protection and for hunting age of the president no discussion of what to expect in the next four years of a binding administration would be complete without addressing the president's age biden turned 78 in november of 2020 he will be the oldest president ever ronald reagan was 77 years old and 349 days when he left office the average life expectancy of an average american male is around 78.75 years knowing that the president has the best medical care and staff looking after him he would be 82 years old when he left office if he only served one term if he served two terms he would be 86 years old when he left office what does this mean to americans well if everything runs smoothly and the economy chugs back stronger and people feel a greater sense of being united behind their commonalities it could mean nothing if america remains divided it could mean the political theater from both sides grows even more potent if the president dies in office his successor becomes a vice president and many see the current vp as an extremist i wish that politics weren't so impactful to our community try to stay hard focused for you on today's world threats those are the real threats of today biden's advanced age could be a non-issue or it could throw the country down a wild path of power grabs posturing and standoffs continue to prepare for the possibility of civil unrest coming to your neck of the woods or your block of the neighborhood take a look at some of the other videos on this channel about surviving martial law or surviving an extended lockdown and prepare accordingly again many competent people live lives far beyond the national average it isn't a line in the sand and people we all know live well into their 80s and 90s full of energy and ideas but prepare as if that may not be the case here censorship and cancel culture censorship in the cancel culture will remain big topics as the lines between free speech and big tech continue to be established and refined conservative social media sites like parlor.com have been entirely removed from the internet it cannot be downloaded and lacks the server space to operate it is interesting to note that a hacker legally copied the entire site before it was pulled down effectively recording all user posts and geostamps plus it's being relaunched by a development team that's based out of russia so make sure you're aware of those implications this isn't so much of a problem for anyone not posting things that could be interpreted as bad or anti-establishment however it drives a really bad characters underground it makes it harder for intelligence agencies to catch a few bad apples that might be out there expect to see several court cases around what constitutes free press and the responsibility of platforms to regulate speech expect first amendment rights a rise to prominence in social discourse in court cases this may affect many of the platforms you use to communicate with friends and family or to entertain yourself so make sure you have alternate means tick tock twitter facebook gab instagram even youtube will be scrutinized for either being too aggressive or not aggressive enough and scrubbing their users post as people turn to other platforms that may spring up they are also unknowingly exposing themselves to systems that may not have had the same level of years of hardened security personal information will be a growing commodity amongst hackers over the next several years as a result as you prep yourself and your supplies take the time to strengthen your online security and make sure you can function without technology you may not have those helpful do-it-yourself youtube videos when you need them you certainly wouldn't have them in a grid down situation make sure you're learning what you need to know now make sure you have alternate means of communication with those whom you want to stay connected make sure you have a plan for when systems go down or are canceled out of existence four real threats are coming out of the censorship in cancel culture the security of your personal information the evil actors being driven on the ground with deepening plots your potential loss of access to information and people and your personal loss of access to information terrorism and cyber attacks terrorism and cyber attacks are likely on a scale we cannot yet fathom domestic terrorism incidents are on the rise and the nation remains deeply divided political ideologies have spawned zealots across the spectrum though any domestic zealot can take things too far any acts of violence or intimidation against civilians is considered terrorism by that definition we could be continuing down the current path and see more armed conflicts more bombings like we've seen in oklahoma city or nashville and more wide-scale civil unrest leading to fires looting and vandalism that is all just on the domestic side of the equation from an international standpoint our intelligence collection assets are weakened when countries are closed off to each other state-sponsored terrorism from other countries seeking to strike america when we are already reeling from a grueling 2020 is not unlikely the nation's enemies and enemy regimes will seek to capitalize upon the opportunity they see especially when any strike within our borders can easily be blamed on one of the other domestic factions which would further divide and fan the flames of internal conflict even if all the intelligence agencies charged with stopping terrorist activities are successful and we are thankfully unharmed and unchallenged the largest and most extensive cyber attack in history occurred last year systems will need to be rebuilt in many cases and hundreds if not thousands of company systems were a breach the full extent of the trovo compromise data is not yet known all that data out there once interpreted could lead to further hacks and breaches critical infrastructure typically the last systems to be upgraded or rebuilt is still vulnerable to larger attacks as i've explained in other videos it only takes a slight push and a few systems to have them spin out of control preppers sometimes too easily dismiss the threat of terrorism because it seems too far away from them or cyber attacks because they are just average computer users however these attacks can have dramatic effects that ripple out across many systems from power outages to system failures to the malicious destruction of systems and ransomware any single attack can exponentially grow outside its original area of impact and disrupt travel food supplies and production communication or a host of other systems be prepared for disruptions and systems most people rely upon make sure your preps can sustain you through a prolonged period of a grid down situation make sure your systems are protected and redundant download apps like bridgeify that can work independently of a cellular connection by sending offline messages consider a cb radio and an emergency radio in your supplies make sure you have the means to generate electricity heat and light stimulus and debt deferral or cancellation there are significant differences between how democrats and republicans approach the economy as different as they are however there are some similarities they both have the fed print more money than we have which sells off our debt to china and just prolongs our day of reckoning i've recently discussed on other videos both the weakening of the dollar and the not so rosy outlook for the next few years this alone should encourage you to be a prepper a biden administration will seek to put stimulus money directly into the hands of the taxpaying citizens the stimulus checks by the way are tied to a person's 2019 taxes if you didn't file taxes you probably didn't get a stimulus check this third round of 1400 to 2000 per person checks will be a top priority adding a 1.9 trillion dollar stimulus package to an already exponentially growing debt during a time of anemic gdp well i don't think there's anyone who can't do the math on that it's not good for the long-term economy under the same way the us government has operated since the 80s if the first checks are any indicator many will use those checks to survive people who don't need the money right away will either sit on it in their savings account or use it to pay off debt after the first month stimulus check national credit card indebtedness dropped for the first month in years many people have seen this as an opportunity to realign their finances as an incentive they couldn't go out to restaurants and bars anyway so they suddenly found more money in their pockets even learning to cook at home has resulted in savings whatever people do with the money the stimulus checks will serve as a lifeline for many but will likely not stimulate the economy too significantly small businesses will continue to fill if you can support small businesses this is a great time to do so what you can do is keep the dollar circulating within your community this will make the whole economy stronger as a result finally student loan payments and evictions will probably be postponed until the binding administration feels that the economy is accelerating again in an all-out effort to try to get the country turning again there could be continued debt deferrals and possibly even some loan forgiveness this doesn't put money into working people's pockets but it doesn't translate into a boost in the economy when uncertainties of the future loom a trade war with china and a global recession have created a shortage of imported raw materials and items a trade may increase slightly especially with building and construction materials the economy will move slowly through most of the next year when it is this strain any natural disaster can dramatically impact stability perceived threats can spur massive sell-offs and volatile swings prep your finances like you prep your supplies with cautious attention to detail and what the plan for things to possibly worsen in the future criminal justice and policing reform criminal justice and policing reform is a top priority of the biden administration kamala harris's prior profession was a prosecutor in the state of california expect legislation to be signed that will eliminate the cash bill system expect that first time and non-violent offenders will be released rather than incarcerated pending their court date as we've seen in some states where this policy is already in place sometimes the first time offender continues their crime binge once released and becomes a repeat offender though there is little mention of police reform on the joebine.com website which i will provide a link to their policy page in the comments below it will surely be a topic during the biden administration law enforcement officers can expect training programs to increase sensitivity terminations and suspension of law enforcement officers who have had a prior reputation for heavy-handed tactics and a reduction in funds to purchase military equipment mental health programs will be strengthened in an effort to prevent people who are perceived as unstable from acting upon their impulses and causing harm i know from living in a state where many of these measures have already been enacted some of them work and some of them are met with resistance from the local sheriff's department and citizenry do be prepared for rise in petty crime and drugs as federal state local agencies try various solutions the first few hours and days of abiding administration will see many policies revoked executive orders signed and bills push through congress the first few months and years we'll see the most ambitious plans put forth and debated the years following will see dramatic changes in everything from firearm regulations to lockdowns and criminal justice reform add to this the ever-growing threat of cyber attacks and foreign and domestic terrorism and we may be in store for continued national division it is clear that pushback blowback and conflicts will not be just confined to our countries or state's capital as we saw from 2020 it can spill out into the streets or suddenly appear in our neighborhoods as preppers we need to continue to prepare for civil unrest prepare for the worst but hope for the best remember that you have to strive to bring the same stability to your outside world as you try to bring to your inside world let us know what you think the biden administration will look like in the comments section below feel free to make specific observations instead of broad speculation i read many of the comments and respond to them when i can that's usually within the first hour of releasing the video i can notify you when other videos become available if you subscribe to this channel and subscribing helps build our community if you found this video informative and helpful please feel free to like it and share with your friends and family as always please stay safe out there you
Channel: City Prepping
Views: 239,149
Rating: 4.8485279 out of 5
Keywords: president joe biden, president donald trump, joe biden, democrats in power, prepper, preppers, doomsday preppers
Id: 1BWD6KOGw-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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