Catastrophic DAMAGE! Just Replaced Timing Belt! Toyota 3.3 V6

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howdy folks good day to you welcome back looks like we got a toyota highlander limited uh customer stage check engine lights on it runs very rough installs and it does several other things and they think it's all related let's go ahead and power this thing on and see what's going on with it starting engine now whoa yeah this isn't cool i'm just gonna go straight to the shop we're not driving this car anywhere it sounds like it is running on half of an engine very very rough okay power brake assist is almost non-existent here maybe there's a huge vacuum leak oh i forgot 230 01 miles on the odometer how about that shut you down now there's some parts on the seat over here i wonder what we have a couple things import direct looks like some sensors and uh what is this a solenoid all right okay this looks like a variable valve timing solenoid it's a used part this was in the box so i'm assuming they changed this already next i'm going to assume these are camshaft position sensors see what we have here sure are okay is this a new one nope it's got oil on it all right well we've already loaded the parts cannon and that didn't seem to fix the problem let us pop an easy hood see what's going on down there okay i see a new solenoid right there and i see a new sensor there so something tells me this is our affected area but what i'm wondering about is that uh lack of a brake assist and i can see here that the vacuum line is not broken or detached i wonder if it's got a cam that's like locked in the full advanced position or something like that let's restart it and see what's going on and when i pulled this in i thought i heard a vacuum leak from somewhere so i'm gonna go and restart this since we know it has oil in it and uh we're gonna see if i can't hear it from over here it may just be a huge vacuum leak we'll see i don't know man i think they blew it up something is very unhappy over here yeah i definitely hear something odd going on here this is not right i can't tell if it's metallic or if it's some kind of exhaust leak this is a very odd sound to me so what are we doing all right let us check the ecm for some trouble codes that's at least maybe tell us what cylinder is affected here and it can help to start to narrow things down scan tool power oh that's a problem right there whoa tracking device gravity yeah maybe it's a one of those bluetooth things that sends your codes to your car or to your phone oh it's hot in here winter's down you know i feel like i know this toyota for some reason like i have been here before toyota highlander id thank you it's attempting to identify the ecu 2005 highlander 3.3 liter identification successful engine it's going on 400 different codes watch this come on maybe i don't know this highlander i tend to remember things like that talking to myself multiple misfires cam sensor a circuit ignition coil d primary circuit this doesn't help it doesn't help at all okay okay so we had that cam sensor a circuit code or sensor 2 circuit code stored in the ecm had something to do with bank 2. so i'm going to just pop these plugs out and i think i'll just toss a compression gauge on this [Applause] i'm a little curious to see if it's lost compression on this one bank because it feels and sounds like it's half of an engine oh you know what actually i can i can prove that some watch this [Applause] okay engine running we're all good right my disconnect coils you see it does not care come here i don't hear that one firing either and i think i can also demonstrate that these coils will fire and probably hear the spark listen here these are trying to fire shutting down let's pull these spark plugs out whoa those are super fuel soaked you see the gloss on them that's not good that's covered in fuel it tells me the injectors are firing another one there's actually liquid fuel here hot yeah same on this one there's fuel not as much but there is fuel on it regardless alrighty it is compression checking time let's see what we got so we're gonna need one adapter and a gauge we're looking for a minimum of 90 psi needed for combustion let's see so we're just going to thread this into the spark plug holes go inside and crank the engine for three seconds and then we'll come back out and check the gauge but not you guys here you guys are gonna stay here and uh watch this gauge like i said we're looking for a minimum of 90 psi just for combustion to even be able to occur but ideally we want to see like 150 to 180 now i need to disable the fuel injectors and the remaining ignition coils out back because i don't want this thing to start while i'm trying to check it so we're going to pull the ecm fuses out or the fuel injector relay what do we got here efi number one and ecub we can pull those out 20 amp and 7.5 amp i think we're looking for here's our 20 and seven and a half that should keep the engine from starting okay you guys hang out right here watch that gauge for me oh not good where are we at 60 pounds okay try the next one i wonder what happened here you got all right 10 pounds is that the cylinder that was most fired all three of the whole banks the whole bank is shot the whole bank is out yep it's got a code in there for cam position b bank two or something like that it it lost the belt oh i could have lost a belt i bet it lost the belt or did one of these i know i don't know a couple days ago um either lost the belt or i mean i don't know yeah i don't know well the timing went off yep a little better 25 yeah well i had 60 on this one so i guess 60 10 and 20. something like that junk i think it died yeah i usually just pull the relay which i think was uh this one okay backing up um i think next and mostly just because it's very easy to get to i think i want to pop this cover off and just just take a look at the valve train under here and make sure we didn't lose like a cam phaser or something like that we're going to get through this rather quickly because there's not much that's uh gonna happen under here other than an inspection oh my pin flew out of my wobbly gotta go fix that yeah i know i know if you didn't use your wobble extensions on an impact they wouldn't do that well ten years later it's still good but thanks for the advice man you know guys i'm sorry i'm a little i was a little defensive and kind of salty with that comment see over the weekend [Applause] and over the videos that i posted this weekend i caught a like truckload of angered rage and hate from uh who i would assume to be a new audience because most of you guys don't talk like that but man people uh people are cruel like i lost some faith in humanity over this weekend and not that i had much to begin with but you know you so many people really showed me just just how ugly an individual can be i mean you guys think it's okay to come on the internet and say things personal things to people knowing that you would never have the stones to say stuff like that to someone to their face and you parade around on on the internet like this is acceptable behavior it was it's just disgusting and bottom line is shame on you you're one of those people that didn't work now don't get me wrong i'm all for like criticism and especially constructive criticism that's how we grow but some of you folks are just nasty in like the worst ways like this bolt right here i think that's all no no no no i'm way off okay last one [Music] hey what do we got here you know uh this operation right here is gonna be a perfect example of that yeah i can probably figure out what to do without taking this part and there's gonna be some jack wagon that shows up and it rips me a new one because i took it apart when i should have pulled the uh timing cover off first and looked at the chain i should have done that first but instead i pulled the valve cover off and that's not the procedure and blah blah blah and you really have no idea what you're talking about because you're not in the situation you're watching on tv and on your phone this is a highly edited production made out of real-life footage and commentary and most of you you just y'all can't understand that and it's it's ugly like i said kind of like what i just found right here this is everything you know normally i would edit out stuff like this my unrelated commentary or uh something that might be considered uh slightly controversial tad divisive normally i would just take that away but i think i'm gonna leave that in this time you guys earned it i guess what i'm saying is bottom line it's a free country and if you don't like what happens around here you know go watch scotty kilmore or something i mean i don't care what you do just don't come around here acting like that you know we're not here for that we're here for this broken camshaft you guys see it yet look at that it broke a cam i knew it it was running on half of an engine so what was going on here is the injectors were still injecting fuel that's why these spark plug holes here and pistons are loaded up with gasoline that's why they're soaked it was still spraying fuel but it couldn't ignite the fuel because there was no compression and there was no compression because the valves were not running so i don't i have no idea how this camshaft broke like this is new to me but um this is not good this is not good at all i see a lot of a lot of torn up metal right here under this cap i'm going to pull this off next again i'm going farther than i probably have to but that's what i do and you know don't get me wrong about my little monologue don't i understand you know haters gonna hate if you're doing something good there's always gonna be somebody that wants to come along and crap on it and that's fine you know that's that's just the way of things and that doesn't bother me at all but what does bother me is just how brutal some people can be with their words take a look at that see all the metal on this face right here that is all camshaft material this thing tried to weld itself together what gets me though is what broke the cam you know i'm wondering see there's a valve right come here there's a valve right underneath of this lobe here and it is pushing that cam lobe upwards i'm wondering if this thing jumped time and piston came up and smacked that valve sent it up into the camshaft and snap the camshaft off let's pull off one more cap that's kind of tight no here we'll just do a non-wobbly socket oh yeah even that one's a little torn up well gone this far might as well keep going that one's looking good okay i think that's all the carnage we're gonna find inside of here has anyone ever seen this happen before i've never i've never seen one of these engines break a can i'm gonna recommend we at least hold a cylinder head replace the head we need cam shafts we need a new timing set i know i'm going to find something else that's destroyed on this somewhere somehow some way that being said i do believe my recommendation is going to exceed the value of the vehicle so i i speculate we're not going to be fixing this thing we might be i'd be surprised to learn sometimes that happens but this thing's pretty far gone at this point i think other option is going to be to just replace the engine with a salvage unit also doable we don't need this off anymore pick okay things have taken a turn so to speak in a direction i did not foresee the uh the owner of this truck again phone the owner of this truck would like to know why this happened what we're gonna do is pull these covers off and inspect the uh the timing belt which are my fellow says was replaced not long ago but if that sticker is accurate that's uh nine years ago anyway we want to see the condition of the belt so i'm gonna go ahead and keep pulling this thing down until we find uh what actually caused this camshaft to break off it could be something it could just be that the camshaft broke and that's that's just is what it is odd noises all right that's what i'm gonna find out okay the motor mount has to go i'm gonna go ahead and pull this power steering bracket off power steering fluid reservoir bracket off then we'll pull the mount out and that should give me enough access to pull the covers off the cams [Music] that didn't help much did it oh maybe enough to get this bolt out yeah that's what i really needed there i can go right there for now this mount system is a little goofy it's a series of little brackets brackets on top of brackets held together with brackets [Music] and bolts that's a big one there that was down in those hard to reach places okay bracket under the brackets come out come on got it that little pin is what was hanging this up you know i recognize this engine now i mentioned it before but i recall having put valve covers and spark plugs in this for valve cover gaskets and spark plugs [Applause] this is very familiar to me okay there's i know there's more bolt than that where's the other ones and there's not one yeah there's one all right there's one more nasty bolt like way down under i think i got it there we go that's the last one now our cover should come out of there let's see oh something happened in here okay well the belt's in really poor shape it's running off of the pulley because this pulley is actually running at an angle it's pointed uh kind of downward and so the tension on the belt is trying to make it walk off and come off of the uh of that actual pulley there oh there it goes yeah it fell out i ruined it okay i kind of didn't want to do that but this is what it is question is can i put it back nope yeah maybe with two hands oh hey look i found something there's a bolt sticking out down there see that right there that looks to just be for like a power steering pump or something but still the bolt sticking out nonetheless so uh cosmetically this belt looks like it's in really good shape i can get behind these uh components only being six months old that either looks good so i'd like to get way down so you guys can see where the tensioner is it's super far i'm gonna try to do this it might work it might not can you see it that metal stuff right there to the right of my finger that's a mounted tensioner and i did feel tension on it just before that pulley popped out of there so i i have to conclude that there's nothing under the timing cover that uh they caused this failure again i'm not really sure what caused it to happen but something did but i don't believe it was the belt or or a belt failure now it could have been something that happened during the installation it's really tough to say maybe it developed a crack right here while that was uh being torqued at some point but i don't even know why this would have been removed come here you come out uh it's a negative it's not gonna come out now this uh this pulley was removed i see witness marks on the bolt yeah it looks like perhaps somebody put a fresh seal in it or something like that yeah it could have been over torqued very very tough to say you know what since uh since the cylinder head is camshaft as junk as it is let's try to pull it out and maybe i can gain some visual access to the top of the valve over there we can at least check to see if the valve fell out of it or if the retainer broke couldn't hurt it's already jumped come out please okay it's pretty clean break all right what we're interested in is the top of the valve here there's the cup and it looks like the valve is still there so it didn't fall out it it may have had an impact with the piston it's super hard to tell all right that's about as far as we can go we determined that it was not the fault of the installer who put this belt in so um i've really got no conclusive evidence on what actually caused it but either way there's none of this is going to happen today so i'm going to go ahead and close this video out right about now as always like thank you guys for watching i hope you enjoyed this video if you did enjoy this video please let me know about that by tapping that like button down below and drop me a comment or two while you're down there if you didn't like this video or if you just don't like me i don't care i don't like you either so again as always thank you guys for watching and most importantly have yourself a great day see you guys later
Channel: Rainman Ray's Repairs
Views: 1,351,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Y5Mh6Ota6z8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 14sec (1634 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 14 2022
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