WARHAMMER 40K LORE The Fall of Valedor

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[Music] foreign [Music] thought for the day the only thing better than slaying your enemies is to watch them slay each other dear colleagues the following recounts the conflict within craft world iandan and the tyranids of hopefully Kraken although you will have a natural spiritual disgust and the knowledge contained within this it is important to remember that it is your duty to slay and destroy the enemies of mankind in a Servants of the throne you have been selected to be given this disgusting knowledge of these xenos races so that you may annihilate them and so bring the Galaxy into the hands of mankind are they Imperial the emperor protects to begin since the brutal intrusion of the high fleets across the Eastern Fringe even the proudest Eldar mind has quelled and the Tyranny threat so great is the Menace of the Invaders from Beyond the void that the prophets of the Eldar race cried tears of blood at their coming didn't see that coming though did they the auto arcs and farsiers of The Craft worlds know well that the tactic of evasion is of little use against an enemy capable of assailing such great slaves of space waiting for the Invaders to expand themselves is not a viable solution either the Tao Empire is but a single Shield against the tide and to the incredulity of the Elder the Imperium of man is making matters worse by feeding the ravenous heifle its entire generations of warriors in a ham-fisted attempt to stop their Advance according to them the seers and Scholars of the Eldar Craft World had long suspected that the Tyranny race grew stronger with every World it conquered primarily due to the gargantuan bio ships at the hearts of each High Fleet these monstrosities render down the harvested matter of their victims combining it with the liquefied corpses of those turnips killed in the attack and subsequently reclaimed each new race the tyranids encounter is killed consumed and boiled down to biological gruel and used to create ever more deadly weapon beasts from the resultant raw materials and it was this accelerated Evolution that the elders ought to stop in the vallador system for should the high fleets continue on their Rampage the craft worlds of the future would be doomed unbeknownst to them the resultant War would force them to destroy the world of Dorial altogether the rapid evolutionary leaps made by the womb beasts known as norn Queens ensure the tyranid Swarms adapt at shocking speed to overcome their praised technological advances with each piece of knowledge gained and with each grotesque adaption the high Fleet increases The lethality of its Warriors in preparation for the next wave of assaults to the Elder the tyranids represent an aspect of their mythological Dragon concept mindless destruction made manifest and set loose upon the Stars the old are know in their hearts that they must take up the challenge and fight the monster laying waste to their ancient domains for only they have the wisdom enough to defeat it apparently yet they fear to do so of course and for their numbers are few yes and the tyranids are unfortunately many functionally infinite in fact if the Pharisees are to be believed one such Visionary was tayak silveri of yandan a gifted but eccentric Seer whose Prophecies of invasion were proved unerringly accurate during the fall of iandan perhaps had his Spears listened to him they would have avoided disaster perhaps the craft world's near demise was inevitable either way the tragic fate of yandan had become well known for at the ruins of the Eldar civilization a cautionary tale against underestimating the tyranid race a single tendril of high Fleet Kraken had detected hunted down and slaughtered the greater part of Craft World ayandan's populace before being repelled at Great cost in the process the once vibrant world ship was reduced to skeletal ruin and its people were forced to wake their dead and plunge them back into the fires of War so that the living could hope to survive maternity is of an unimaginable scale escaping its grasp is no easy feat this proved truest of high Fleet Kraken the most Insidious of their kind unlike the sledgehammer assault of high Fleet Behemoth the Kraken attacked in a series of questing space-faring tendrils each comprised of hundreds of Bio ships that probe the defenses of the high fleet's foes and before driving home its attack against their weakest point just as all seemed lost for the beleaguered Craft World of ayandan the tendril constricting it had been defeated by the return of Prince yeryl's Corsair Fleet the pirate victory of the Elder in conjunction with the actions of the Imperial forces upon Iker VI shattered the main tendrils of high Fleet Kraken and reduce the bulk of the Hively to little more than a painful memory however the smaller tendrils that yet floated in the void were still enough to deal the death blow should they bring yandon to battle once more in the process of extricating themselves from the devastation of the Eastern Fringe the Sears of a and harnessed the psychic backlash of their craft worlds near Extinction in a long and dangerous meditation ritual they magnified these negative energies until they resonated through iandan's Infinity circuit the psychic Matrix that forms the skeleton if you were of each Titanic World ship all the death and Terror of the craft world was focused to a singular point in time and space the emotional energy pouring out of the morning craft world was so intense that it collapsed the veil between real space and the immaterion and boring a hole in reality and leaving a temporary warp storm in the craft world's wake several of the smaller tendrils questing towards the escaping worldship recoiled from the gnawing Legion in Left Behind fleeing in disarray from the hellish portal the tendril of high Fleet Kraken that was nearest to ayandan however was not fast enough to escape driving like a living thing he was drawn into the sea of unreality Beyond The Vortex The Grieving Elder cared little about what became of the Splinter Fleet they had banished into the warp immediate survival was their first and only priority as is ever the way with the Elder for many it was felt that sending the remainder of the a high Fleet into a demon-invested hell realm had a Macabre Elegance though the act of opening is such a large and potentially permanent wound in reality was strictly forbidden the tactic had made ayandan's Escape bur certainty it was an act that would come back to haunt them the tides of the warp are fickle and the gods that dwell within the immaterium Revel in cruelty the awful scale of the high Fleet threats had been made clear the coming of the tyranids would almost certainly see the Galaxy torn open and the Eldar race dwindled even further towards Extinction a fate that could not be born for the Elder anyway several years after the events that had brought craft world I ended to its knees The Seer tayak silveri are predicted a far-off war whose ultimate consequences would finish yandan once and for all his prophetic abilities had been proven beyond all doubt during the invasion of iandan and so the farseers cryptic words were relayed with all haste to the High Council of The Craft World led by the beautiful spirit Seer Ayana Aryana the seers of yanden cast their runes and sent their minds along the schemes of Fate together the seers had the strength to penetrate the lingering psychic shadow cast by the tyranids to investigate Silver Eyes prophecy firsthand what they saw in the schemes of Fate drove them to the edge of panic the terminated High Fleet that had caught ayandan in its grasp still bore the psychic spawn of the Eldar mines it had tasted during the battle of the andon its creatures carried a faint but traceable stain of angst a thin patner of Soul stuff that only the most gifted Eldar psychers in the Galaxy could detect the spirit seers of yandon excelled above all others in matters Beyond the Veil and their farseer colleagues guided their journey across the void with expert Precision in this way the high fleet's passage could be followed across the trackless wastes of deep space as the hunting ritual reached completion each of the spirit's ears cried out in shock the Splinter Fleet that had been swallowed by the warp storm had not been destroyed as they had hoped nor trapped amongst the immaterial doldrums but instead vomited out of the Legion in real space known as The Vortex of Despair it was heading towards a world already Infested by tyranids those of high Fleet Leviathan the newest of the high fleets to penetrate the Galaxy Leviathan had gluttoned itself on biomass from hundreds of Imperial worlds and before plunging into the orc Empire of aktarius as the Imperium of man had brought itself Time by evacuating or destroying those worlds in leviathan's path and diverted the high Fleet into the orkoid space but in the process it had exceeded its inability to Halt The Hive fleet's inexorable Advance the Elder would shoulder this burden alone the assimilation of two major High fleets could be disastrous for The tyranid's evolutionary process would run Riot producing ever deadliest strains of warrior constructs with the biological Bounty they had reaped now should the armies of Kraken and Leviathan be reclaimed by the same bio ships those tyranids that had tasted The Genius of aandan and those grown strong on the tough genetic stock Of Orcs would combine into a new breed of super Predator within the veiny wombs of The Brood ships an array of physically Mighty and fiercely intelligent beasts would be born an unstoppably potent strain of tyranides that would spread across the Stars to overwhelm the resistance of elder man and orc alike in the galactic South the world of Dario glowed golden in the ferment a luminous world of tropical heat and balmy Seasons it orbited at the ideal distance from its Sun for sentient colonization the planet had always had a favorite existence under the auspices of the Elder and not merely through chance for that ancient race had long ago planetscaped the whole world to their whims Ayanna Ariano believe that silvereye's prophecy pointed to dariel's recent conquest by the tyrannid void spawn the planet's name meant lambent fire in the Eldar tongue and the spirits here claim that the prophecy's references to a dying flame meant that lambent fire was about to be snuffed out The Seer Council was assembled and the ruins of seeing were cast as the Elder scried the paths of the future they were appalled by dariel's Fate since its days as a radiant gemstone in the crown of the Eldar Empire the runes implied that the once glorious world had not only been conquered by mankind but also brought to the brink of Ruin by the tyranids ten thousand years ago the planet of Dorial had been scoured clean of Eldar by the psychic Shockwave of their empire self-destruction all that was left were the cadavers of those whose Souls have been taken by slanesh soulless husks which eventually rotted and crumbled to dust however the works of the Elder are built to endure the passage of time when the crude warships of the imperiums settler fleets made planet for are the eldar's architecture art and land Works endured the Imperium slowly settled the abandoned world with its own people and set about the systematic destruction of every single thing the Elder had made after a decade of hard labor and controlled her demolitions the lands of the world were carpeted by Ivory Hue dust punctuated by fist-sized chunks of psychoplastic and spars of rafe bone the Imperium rebuilt Dorial with grinding predictability covering the once Golden Meadows with thick black ferrocrete and erecting Cathedrals and Hab blocks in which the constant influx of settlers could live and worship their Emperor our emperor over the years agorio was changed completely Millennia of abuse saw the planet's forests wither away to Twisted petrified stumps its warm oceans dried up entirely as the populace coaxed more and more geothermic power from the planet's core War disease and strife raged back and forth across the planet as the Imperium beat its destiny into the world yet the Yoke of mankind was a kind fate in comparison to the coming of the tyranids the warrior swarms of Leviathan overcame the Imperial defenses in a series of bloody victories that took less than a week then the feeding process began in Earnest but still the planet's woes were not over even as Leviathan reigned billions of ferocious feeder organisms onto the planet's surface the Splinter Fleet of high Fleet Kraken drifted towards Dariel to join the feast the runic divinations of iandan's farcius implied that the Splinter Fleet had been cast out of its strange Odyssey in the warp it deliberately ejected if the Rune spoke true and had poured for from The Vortex of Despair to head straight for Dorial even if iandan's armies risked the shattered tunnels of the web way in Mass the chances of them making planetfall in time to stop the tyranid high fleets merging were dangerously small not only craft will bear turn a gliding through the galactic self on its own unfinished business had any hope of reaching the war zone before the high fleets mingled wasting no time the Seer Council of yandon sent a psychic plea for the intervention of their cousins on beltan concerned that this was not their fight to win a bail times war council were divided as to whether they should unleash the sword wind until Ayana Ariel sent them a message consisting of a single word she knew would resonate within their Warrior Hearts extermination within the space of a few hours craft world bailtown was drifting purposely towards Dario to make their Final Approach directly through real space and then stray into the path of the converging High fleets would be pure Folly beltan would likely suffer the same fate as a yandan Instead The Sword wins War hosts made careful use of the web Way's widest passageways to complete the journey to the tyranid infested Planet a steady stream of sleek grav tanks and swooping flyer squadrons flashed out of the ancient webway portals that glittered atop dorial's highest mountains the tirids and The Valleys below were entirely unaware of the skimmers taking position in the Spore choked clouds above the component parts of the swordwind carefully maintained Arrowhead formations at the heart of each Cloud Bank the elite wings of crimson Hunters swooped past the Falcons and wave serpents as they took up pre-arranged positions before the sun had set an invisible Army of Eldar had gathered in this Skies by the next morning they had spread out across the planet and located the tyranids of the Kraken swarms that were to be their prey and reconvened above them or without leaving the cover of the clouds by the time the sun rose the Elder were in position to strike from A muster Point high above the mountain known as God Peak beneath them a crimson sea of tyranny chitin stretched across the valley and Beyond a great swathe of tyranids from the crack and Splinter Fleet swept across the plains bounding towards the distant swarms of higher Fleet Leviathan with the intent of harvesting as much biomass as possible rival tyranides included the eater beasts of Leviathan were oblivious to the approach of kraken's armies they were preoccupied with devouring the biomass of doria's Twisted forests and once their gullets were full hauling themselves into the steaming pools of acid that dotted the planet's ravaged landscape though they knew it not the Swarms were about to combine should the tyranids of the Kraken Splinter Fleet join the feast should their biomass be merged together in the acidic digestion pools all the bioships would have to do to reap the Bounty of both was absorbed the bubbling acidic rule from the capillary Towers sprouting from each pool there was no time to waste in order to keep the two tyranid swarms separate the armies of the Elder had to strike as hard and as fast as they could out of the Skies came the sword wind waves of gravcraft bursting from the clouds as pulsars and Scatter lasers spat bolts of white hot death into the masked tyranids below the shuriken catapults and Cannons of belton's Guardian battle hosts raked great furrows across the Vanguard of the Splinter Fleet swarm clawing up tyranids and cracked Earth alike the fury of the sudden assault follows the tyranids to seek cover amongst the Twisted vegetation as the beasts milled in confusion squads of brightly colored aspect Warriors debarked onto the plateaus that dotted the Valley of the Gods assessing their prey before falling upon the zenos below or dark lox sunspear of bail tan had long studied the tyranites and he knew well that the swarm's cohesion could be broken by the destruction of a few Choice targets as sunspear calmly relayed his commands dark Reapers Strode to the cliff-like edges of the god Peak Massa they miss our salvos detonated amongst the tyranid Warriors that were marshalling the Swarm below sending kiteness Limbs and broken bone swords in all directions heavy weapons flickering squadrons of War Walkers picked off bobra's Zone throw Broods whose psychic Shields overloaded under the Relentless energy beams fire dragons level tight volleys of fusion gunfire at the bulky tour vegans hunkering down in the Rocks the Searing Agony of each kill sending out psychic shock waves that saw termigan Broods surrounding their progenitors drop rising to the ground sunspear himself LED an honor guard of exarchs against the snake-bodied Terrors that were attempting to cut off their Retreat through the orchestrated Slaughter Strode the Avatar of Kane the boundless battle list of beltan made real tyranid leader beasts died by the Dozen at his hands for his blood was fire when he carried Death In His grasp as the dusk turned to Darkness all dark sunspears plan came to fruition without the guidance of their synapse creatures the Kraken swarms found themselves directionless and Confused Milling around like a damned River swirling back on itself the tyrants of high Fleet Kraken had been kept separate from those of Leviathan and the immediate danger averted for a Time the hive mind that controls the tyranid race has a cold and deadly intelligence and it cannot be denied for long after the initial surprise of the invasion the brewed Beasts of the Kraken Splinter Fleet had scurried into a hundred hiding places scattering in all directions to evade the deadly Hunters that are cut swathe through their ranks the Eldar began the systematic destruction of those Warrior beasts they could find striking scorpions spattered the scree with alien icore while swooping Hawks and warp spiders flitted from Boulder to Spire methodically slaughtering the Lesser tyranides with Laz Blaster volleys and monofilament webs yet the tyranides of high Fleet Kraken were not alone upon the Dying World of Dorial what had at first appeared to be storm clouds rising in the distance soon proved to be something far more deadly urgent reports from the Viper outriders of the war host a detailed and Airborne swarm of Staggering proportions that was inbound upon the war host's position the sleeping giant that was high Fleet Leviathan had been awoken The Horizon buzzed with activity as swarms Beyond counting swept across the plains thousands of leather winged gargoyles flocked towards the flat Highlands from which the aspect Warriors had launched their assault and as though the arrow had attack runs of the cloud strike squadrons above sent a great many blazing to the planes below they could not stop them all the kindness Mass broke over the Eldar position like a living hurricane Finn screams filled the air as the Elder were quickly overwhelmed but the sheer number of foes Squad after Squad of aspect Warriors broke and fell back to the waiting grav craft hovering at the lip of each Messer their pursuers press the assault ravening swarms of Flesh bore a beetles filling the skies with vile kindness bodies as the Elder reached the apparent safety of their wave Serpent and Falcon transports shimmering clouds of Turin its living ammunition boarded the transports along with them the grav tanks sped off into the night unaware that in the act of sealing their hatches they had also sealed the fate of those in their holds now little more than abattoirs filled with tyranid eater beasts and Eldar bones on the plateaus below the heavier elements of the Eldar War host were fighting for their lives against the throng of winged tyranids that had descended upon them paradings the size of small spacecraft burst through the Swarm on gigantic Wings snatching up agile War Walkers and dashing the delicate Eldar machines to Pieces against the sheer face of the god Peak Hive tyrants and harpies born on clawed pinions screamed death into those winged Eldar brave enough to weather the Spore clouds that choked the skies Hive crones carved great gouges Into The Wraith bone of those Eldar Titans that moved to intercept the Swarm whilst below them the Avatar's Fierce red glow was hidden from sight by the volume of weapon beasts piling atop it autark sunspear had no option but to send a command pulse of withdrawal to what remained of his War host his worst fears had closed around him like Talons around her throat the entire planet was infested the sword wins only real hope of achieving a swift Victory had been to attack with overwhelming Force Slaughter the Splinter Fleet and Escape before the Swarms of Leviathan could bring their impossible might to bear in this the Elder had failed though a great many of the crack and Splinter Fleet had been slaughtered the deadly threat it represented remained at large as ferocious as the sword wind was the invading swarms were just too numerous to overcome without outside Aid the price of that Aid would prove costly indeed the farseers of beltan are casting their runes in the craft world's Dome of Crystal Sears had long suspected that the sword wins preemptive strike would not be enough to destroy the Splinter Fleet altogether and why did they send them there were simply too many creatures though one swarm might be destroyed by the blades of the swordwind all it would take was a reign of reinforcements from the bio ships and the threat would begin anew to attack the tyranid forces conventionally was as futile as trying to save a harvest from a locust swarm by killing individual insects the farseers greeted the returning autarks of the swordwind with grim expressions and buried heads there were no debates this time no ritual observances or titles simply a declaration that chilled all who heard it craft world yandon was inbound but it was still too far away to help and even should its War host successfully negotiate the web way conventional measures would not be enough even scouring the planet clean with a firestorm a ploy much beloved by the door-witted human strategists of the Imperium was not guaranteed to kill those tyranids that could borrow under Dorial surface and use its skin as a shield as tragic as it was the only certain way to prevent the high fleet uniting was to physically destroy the planet from the inside out and in the process exterminate every living thing upon it this act would have been of little challenge to the Eldar Empire of old but for the craft worlders it was a different matter the power of those Glory Days is Remembered in Legend and little else beltan could still depopulate a world over time but it had long since lost the ability to destroy a planet pathetic amongst the farseers meditating in the dome of Crystal Sears the Runes of yandan and biltan were orbiting the ruins of dying hope and imminent catastrophe however the runic symbol for lithanto clava Loosely translated as the knife that stays the blade was circling the rune for Dawn it was a jagged and unpleasant symbol long associated with the craft world as Sinister cousins the dark Elder yet it implied that Aid could be sword from the Unholy cities of the web way and still arrive in time to stop joriel's fateful assimilation War dark sunspear was the only member of the biltan war council to have visited Kimora and survived he still recalled the pathway to that surreal and twisted realm though many of its portals were metaphysical in nature and had likely shifted over the centuries summoning his peers once more sunspear told the war cancer of biltan that there was no way a delegation of the swordwind could approach Kimora without being delayed or even and hunted unto death even if they were successful in their Journey they might not return in time to stop the tyranid bioharvest for the Dark Eldar were unlikely to reveal their secret paths for the web wake to Outsiders yet there was still a slender path into the future that held hope slowly and with great dignity sunspear made his way across beltan to the great Amphitheater and took down a delicate mask of porcelain half laughing half weeping from the Apex of its Archway as soon as sunspear had made his way onto the crescent-shaped stage The Masks tumbled from the all Talk's fingers and shattered into a hundred shards on the platform below to the war cancels growing Fascination each of the shards threw up a glittering pillar of light that coalesced into an Eldar Warrior dancer sunspear knelts before the shimmering figures relaying yandon's dilemma and covering beltan's recent battle in an archaic form of Eldar language unheard upon the craft world for centuries Aid must be given he said and swiftly lest the Galaxy face a threat magnified to Unstoppable levels the Harlequin Amigos said not a word though the Regal figure at the heart of their great troop bowed elaborately in a flash of multicolored Diamonds the warrior dancer images shattered apart and vanished back into the shards scattered before the kneeling autark sunspear Rose back to his feet and stated flatly to the astonished onlookers that the craft world would prepare for war once more they were returning to Dorial this time we've not won but two Allied armies at their sides what infernal bargain was struck on beltan's behalf in the dark reaches of the web way remained shrouded yet sudden Spears ploy to use the harlequins as ambassadors to the dark city proved extremely effective within the space of a single day the war Fleet of beltan taking a position around the webway portal to Dorial was shadowed by the blade-like attack craft of the dark Elder contact had been made between the craft worlders and their kimurai cousins snide and caustic at first but business like enough when the matter of dorial's Fate came to hand as tense hours slid past a rapport was established between sunspear and the leader of the Dark Eldar warfleet the wizard Lord sarnak whose permanent grin was unsettling in the extreme the archon claimed to be working under the authority of azerbal vect himself a fact that was backed up by the many warships in his Fleet along with a key element of the cabal of the Blackheart sonak had brought fully half of the infamous witch Cults of strife it was a formidable boost to build Tan's chances of Victory yet the real prize of the harlequin's bargain with the komorites was far more exotic Vex cabalites possessed the power which builtan sought a device that could utterly destroy a planet this most potent of weapons took the form of a psychically activated doomsday engine the Fireheart it was called a complex nodal resonator capable of causing a planet's molten core to enter violent Death Rows and send Lakes of lava bubbling to the surface despite its potency it was of little use to the dark Elder for they had outlawed the use of psyche-based Weaponry long ago on the grounds that it attracted the attention of their Nemesis slanesh yet the Fireheart was of Great Value to the craft worlders with sadistic relish Lord synac informed the Eldar High cancel it unfortunately the Fireheart device could not be used remotely a ritual circle of Sears would have to activate it PlanetSide and remain there to ensure the correct psychic rights were observed in order to fully destabilize duriel's core the craft world is had no choice but to comply The Craft World Series would have to ride out the planet's extermination as it unfolded around them their unavoidable death the price of dorial's certain destruction of course there was no way they could complete the fireheart's activation without a full-scale military Invasion to buy them time the archon giggled maniacally as he leered close to the holographic device linking him to sunspear and his kin drinking in the dismay of his Craft World of cousins as a torture of rebels in the breaking of his prey the price of dorial's Destruction would be great indeed costing the lives of The Craft world's greatest psychers still the chorus of the future was set the sword wind had been gathered and the fate of Dorial was set in motion all that remained was to wage war or so the autarks fought down on the planet's surface there was a Twist in Dario's fate that even the farseers had not foreseen hidden in the Valley of the Gods a web way portal the most secret of gateways had been breached in their haste to retreat from darial and formulate a new attack strategy the armies of Bilt iron had failed to properly seal the Blazing portals to the web way that sat atop the highest of the planet's mountains the Eldar War host had fought with the fury of Kane to keep the Swarms apart the skies had been cleared above the valleys and poisonous icor had spattered down like rain in their pride the craft world's armies believed that they had brought themselves enough time to regroup to the dismay of the war council however there remained a leader Beast upon d'orio powerful and prescient enough to direct the disparate Kraken swarmed towards the now defenseless Mountaintop portals after the beltan war host had withdrawn the tyranid Swarms driven by the psychic imperatives of the swarmlord penetrated the shimmering Gateway in the Valley of the gods they leapt and scuttled in their hundreds through the portal to the Labyrinth Dimension even the rapid intervention of the witch Cult of strife its radar have craft scrambling to reach the Swarm in an attempt to Halt the intrusion was not enough to stem the tide of alien bodies despite the blades of the witches and the vicious volleys of dark light and splinterfire leveled at The tyranid Horde the Dark Eldar War host could not hold them back indefinitely a great Cry of Anguish rang out for the webway's tunnels as the Eldar realized that their sacred realm had been infested whilst beltan's farseers held a psychic Council of war in preparation for a second strike the armies of craft world yanden were deployed deep in the reaches of the webway making all haste for the front line in the validor system as they open the last few portals between them and their destination they were met head-on by a ravening swarm of tyranids the Mast Elder of yandon immediately fell back in controlled Retreat unable to fight their way through the wall of crimson carapaced bodies flowing towards them it was then that tayak silveri ordered the advance of the ghost Warriors impervious to the claws and Talons of kraken's beasts the statuesque constructs of iandan's War host formed a wall of wraith bone that plugged the tunnels one by one around the gods Peak web way gate roaring carnifexes that had bullied their way into the webway's tunnels smashed the wraithguard apart before being destroyed in their turn by The Wraith Knights that stooped through the glowing tunnels yet it was the emergence of the heroes of Eldar legend that saw the tired turn led by ayandan's own avatar and bolstered by the High Council of iandan all six of the fabled Phoenix Lords vaulted and sprang from Spa are the shattered Spa every slicing shuriken and pinpoint thrust took a tyranny life Morgan ra mowed down scores of gaunts with his great battle scive the more guitar James R dueled deafly with a pair of Hive tyrants and batter off blinded carnifexes one after another allowing fugan to incinerate the beasts with his burning Lance slowly inevitably the invading tyranids were pushed back the grand War host of ianden trampled their bodies to emerge triumphant unto dorial's Peaks the final battle was just beginning when the Eldar of beltan returned to Dario a bang of pure sorrow fled in their hearts the planet bore as much resemblance to its former Beauty as a flayed skull did to the face of a lovely Maiden it had been systematically stripped bare of all life all life that is saved for the tyranid Invaders themselves bubbling tactile Fringe digestion pools scarred the surface like open source the Mast Spore beasts belched alien foulness into the air eater swarms from both High fleets roam The Valleys seizing the last scraps of biomass from the planet's crust before plunging bodily into the digestion pools left to their own devices the larger War Beasts of the high Fleet fought amongst themselves slaves to their baser instincts now the dorials conquest was complete and in the middle distance a thin Forest of swaying mouth parts quested for Earthbound capillary Towers their ribbed lamps Vanishing into the heavens from afar they looked like the tentacles of some Celestial sea monster hunting for prey War dark sunspear knew that the bioship tendrils were Beyond his reach each mouth part was wide enough to accommodate a grab tank in its Serpentine gullet and the Swarms that surrounded them would fight like raised beasts in their defense the Eldar had hours at Best to stop the red tinge digestion pools that dotted The Valleys from being drained by the probing tendrils high above the absorption process had begun as autark sunspear surveyed the Dismal landscape of what had once been Dorial the disembodied voices of his roaming Viper Pilots whispered in his ear a highly unusual point of conflict had been located several leagues to the north the outriders have found a trail of tyranid corpses that led to a sieving mound of purple chitin the Viper pilot requested son Spears advice on how to proceed wasting no time the autark requisitioned a nearby Falcon and took to the Spore choke Skies as Sun Spears Sleek grab tank LED a formation of Eldar skimmers over the hellish landscape he dimly perceived a burning red glow at the heart of the mound of tyranny dead to the north sunspear gave a shout of elation he could clearly make out the Raging Avatar of beltan amongst The Horde oozing molten metal from a dozen wounds but still fighting with the fury of Cain himself the mighty so on dayala known as The Wailing Doom burst from the chest of a rearing Morlock even as his bloody hand crushed ahead of a tyranid warrior with a wet pop here was the supremacy of the Elder Rick launch here was where they would make their stand at sunspear's command the armies of beltan hurtled down from God Peak towards the Avatar of their Warrior God debarking atop the mound of alien corpses the great host of aspect Warriors raised their voices in a fierce War shout and prepared to buy their Sears the time they needed to activate the fire heart the farseers hurrying from the cavernous holds of the niyad-class cruiser Vols caress Bay der escort carry the Fireheart to the thinnest part of dorial's crust scan minutes later the nodal core of the ancient device began to pulse a deep red subsonics thrummed through the parched Earth under their feet the seers were not the only Warriors to emerge from the caress unfolding themselves from the largest cargo Bays were giants born only for war a phantom Titan reared up to its full height its Noble head reaching the Spore clouds as its ancestral colors shimmered under protective Hollow fields and its flanks Strode a pair of revenant Titans twin engines of Destruction the trio of war machines moved with a fluidity the Glide their size striding into formation with the practiced ease of the aspect Warriors below zooming past the shoulders of The Magnificent Titans came bladed Dark Eldar gravcraft and flocks of murderous scourges appearing to the craft world as much like black-winged vultures whirling in search of their next meal in their wake can a host of brightly patent Venoms their fluttering Penance proclaiming the glory of the Laughing God Atop The God Peak the web way portal burned bright as unit of the unit of Eldar took up formation weapons ready in eyes blazing with the need for vengeance no matter the cost the fire Hearts would be activated and Doria would suffer a fiery and violent end the Precision and speed of the Eldar attack was a military work of art it took several minutes before the alien hordes became truly aware of the scale of the threat assailing them yet as knowledge of the eldar's presence flowed through the synapse creatures of the Swarm the Sea of tyranids recoiled and bunched up readying for an assault of unprecedented size with the fury of a predator that had been cheated of its prey the Swarms screeched as one and plunged towards the Eldar massing in the god Peak Valley hi Fleet leviathan's attack was terrifying in its intensity lumbering packs of carnifexes bulldozed their way across the corpse Fields charging headlong into a storm of shuriken cattlebell fire to crash straight through the aspect Warriors that moved to stop them and then into the ranks of the Eldar Guardians behind in their wake came massive time run effects gun beasts their symbiotic weapons hurling vile salvos into the air as the Dark Eldar carved through the skies above harlequins were the deadly dance with a horde of Jean Steelers that lapped around the Eldar flank the ground below the combatants saturated with blood to the South a trio of Hive tyrants marched with deadly intent towards the Eldar War host the living Shields of their escorts protecting them from the worst punishment meted out by close-knit shining spear squadrons that zoomed as fast as the eye could follow none the slopes a gladiatorial teams of witches eviscerated squad-bodied brood beasts and succubi matched their Peerless agility against the sheer ferocity of the serpentine ravenous that burst from the ground under their feet to the east the ground trembled as a gigantic hierophant stored from The Forest of capillary Towers stabbing its way towards the Eldar Army's position with Menace in every step the Phantom Titan that had debugged from the caress and its Revenant escort leapt from the Rio echelons to engage the Beast with pulsar and Sonic Lance each shot boarding a hole straight through the monstrosity in answer the bio Titan roared and fired a volley of burning biological Gunk coating one of the revenants from head to foot and boiling away its systems until it toppled back into the dirt the battle raged on a stalemate at first though the corpse count Rose high on both sides as yet more tyranids joined The Fray the odds were stacked further against the sword wind and its allies to Sun Spears mounting on ease Broods from both Leviathan and Kraken were boiling out of the foothills of the god Peak and falling upon the guardian War host that sought to protect the farseer council as they awakened the Fireheart device the attack was as sudden as it was unexpected for the devious tendrils of Kraken splinterfly had waited for a gap to emerge in the Eldar battle line and then darted 4th with all the fury they could muster there was simply no time to reinforce the guardian host every one of the Eldar and their allies were fighting at Close Quarters against tyranides of every conceivable kind the situation was Dire indeed but if the Fireheart was disrupted then all would be for naught though the guardian War host was holding back the Vanguard of the swarm with focused shuriken fire it had little hope of stopping the leader Beast that coordinated the assault the giant Hive Tyrant stormed headlong into the Eldar ranks its four glimmering bone swords carving apart any brave enough to Bar its path nerves aflame the far Sears beneath its gaze began to falter in their psychic activation ritual only the strident voice of TX silveri kept their focus intact just as the hive Tyrant loomed too close to stop swirling holes in the fabric of reality open like irises within its body Rippling the creature apart in explosions of icor the ghost Warriors of iandan stalked from the god Peak webway portal towards the beleaguered swordwind they're Rave cannons ripping apart the largest tyranids whilst the Distortion saves of speeding Hemlock rape Fighters snuffed out the Lesser gun beasts by the score Brave Lords Strode confidently into the tyranid Warriors that were coordinating the assault on the valley slashing their ghost glaives left and right the elegant Rafe knights in their wake sniped the remaining synapse creatures with controlled blasts from Sun cannons and heavy Rave cannons screeching gargoyles flapped and clawed at the ghost constructs but to no avail their statuesque physiques were so indomitable and their sense is so far removed from the Mortal plane that the tyranids proved little more hindrance than a cloud of moths to a hunter the arrival of iandan's War host had brought the farsiers time to complete the fire Hearts activation as the psychically charged nodes of the device glowed a fierce red the surface of the planet trembled and began to split open superheated Steam vented from a thousand Fishers as Columns of lava soared Skyward and Dariel screamed in protest the battle in the valley already on the brink of Madness boiled over into pure Mayhem as the ground shattered into shifting cracking plates masked Broods of tyranids were tipped into the red hot molten rock that Rose unstoppably from below the hisses of their demise sounded like rain when a hot steel plate as the fires of dorio consume them whole the air had filled with smoke and screams yet instead of panic withdrawal the tonid Broods redoubled their assault those Eldar still PlanetSide were forced to fight with every ounce of Fury they could muster invoking Kane to give them strength and springing across the gaps that opened wide in the planet's crust not all was successful whole chunks of the surface were breaking up and dissolving in the rising lava that gushed from each new wound pitching aspect Warriors and tyranids alike into the cleansing fires the God Peak itself shook mightily before its cap burst open in a Titanic triple pillar of white hot lava an immense pyroclastic Cloud billowing out in all directions to consume the warriors on its flanks the craft world has Dark Eldar allies hurtled through the skies as the Fireheart device worked its ancient Magics below pausing in their escape only to subdue the larger tyranid beasts in A Storm of blades and heard their recumbent forms into the runic hex cages that hung from their radar transports cries of Despair floated up from the lava as hundreds of embattled Eldar were dissolved in the planet's lifeblood the Macabre mockery of the Tyranny digestion cycle that had been broken open by this forced catastrophe all around was confusion and Terror even the bio ships in orbit above seem to know that destruction was at hand for the ribbed capillary tubes were arriving fast sucking up their gruesome Harvest with desperate Vigor or talks sunspear cried out in dismay as he watched High Fleet leviathan's probing tubes latch on to the digestion pools filled with high Fleet Krakens a ruddy biomass the capillary Towers began to funnel the acidic gruel to the bioships with great peristaltic pulses the Elder had failed at the last hurdle the tentacled monstrosities of the hive fleets needed only a small sample of the mingled biomass to birth a new race of supernaturally advanced bioconstructs despite the eldar's best efforts to stop them the tyranids had snatched their prize from the fires of defeat just as sunspear's heart felt like it was about to turn to Cold Stone The Roaring Thunderclap of supersonic aircraft boomed overhead the autark could just make out the jagged sickle winged shape of Razor Wing Fighter squadrons hurtling through the skies overhead the edges of their wings limbed with the flicker of monomolecular fields his eyes widened as the the razor Wings darted at incredible speed through the storms of magma and shot towards the capillary towers that were draining the planet dry rather than avoiding the great muscle tubes the jet fighters used their aircraft to carve through the capillary Towers one by one placing their wing blades with such expert Precision that the liquid Feast being sucked into the bio ships spurted out like blood from severed arteries the variegated tubes of the capillary Towers toppled downwards their precious Liquid Cargo gushing in all directions from the severed stumps sunspear laughed with disbelief and astonishment the bio ships of high Fleet Leviathan had been cheated of their ugly Feast after all and with Dorial falling apart beneath them they had no hope of reclaiming it his mission complete autark sunspear withdrew his forces as best he could as the thorn patterned grav craft of the swordwind hurdled Skyward towards vol's caress news of The Wider battle reached him Craft World iandan's contribution to the battle for Dorial had not been confined to the battle PlanetSide princeiero the grand Admiral of yandan's Fleet had coordinated his twin Armada of spacecraft on a seemingly suicidal attack run against the Splinter Fleet of high Fleet Kraken after his victories at ayandan he knew well how to slay the tyranid monstrosities and instructed his commanders accordingly though it cost him the better part of his fleetals Eldritch Raiders and the iandan Armada ensured the destruction of each and every one of kraken's Bio ships before escaping as Leviathan began to close in in their Death Rows the Splinter fleet's bio ships expelled yet more organisms towards dariel's surface but their deadly cargos died in a sea of lava as soon as they reached the shattered crust the Splinter Fleet had been slain the doomed planet of Dorial had been led to ruin by the Imperium and brought to the edge of Destruction by the high fleets that followed it yet it had been the sons of Cain who had pushed it over the edge the last of the Eldar left upon the ill-fated world where the far Seas of beltan still channeling their psychic power into the Fireheart whilst the air itself ignited incinerating everything upon its surface as the Eldar Fleet fled into the safety of anonymous space they left behind them a burning World akin to a miniature son a lambent flame fanned briefly into a raging Inferno before being extinguished forever meditating in his Chambers on the Vols caress autark sunspear prayed to the Eldar gods of old that dorial's fate was not a metaphor for that of the entire Eldar race no one answered deep in the bowels of Kimura the succubus Lilith hysterics presented her newest prize to the homunculi of the Eben sting carven her witches brought forth six great hex cages full of spitting hissing tyranid Warrior organisms three sets with crimson carapaces and the other three armored in the Deep Purple of a livid bruise after lengthy examinations the homunculi assured her that the beasts could indeed be fused into a single strain and that the coven's breeding Vats were up to the task the resultant menagerie of weapon beasts would be the talk of kimura's gladiatorial arenas for some time to come the regally dressed Harlequin and hesperex's side chuckled quietly blowing a theatrical kiss towards the succubus before bowing deeply and Vanishing into the Shadows preparations had to be made after all the great game never stop for long well there we have it a little xenos on xenos action for you there I hope you didn't enjoy that makes a change not to have to mention lazgans and Bolter guns in a video I tell you but uh yeah good good uh good tale it's interesting now because like this is pretty the Gathering storm this is pre the sort of Return of Gilman and the indomitus Crusade and all that so like if you don't know obviously yandan then gets basically all of the Soul Stones get eaten in the andon spoiler in order to the last to give the last push the last birth push of the elder god of the dead into uh into the Universe I don't know what's going on with that I think I had like gav4 brought two books and black Library doesn't want to continue with them anymore because no one's reading them apparently so I don't know what's going on there hopefully something gets done in the law I think that's probably the best place to approach it but yeah thank you all for watching more stuff is coming I've got okay I'm not gonna I'm gonna tease you but not too much I've got a three really good videos coming up and I think you're really going to enjoy them one of them is probably only going to be about an hour long but it's it's research intensive all right so I've got to pull off pull off I've got to pull from several different a lot of different sources in fact in order to make this work um I've been working on it for a while I want to get out the way because it's been a burden on me I've meant to do it for probably about three years now to be honest anyway that's coming and also another one which is also quite big but I should be able to do it relatively quickly uh it's gonna probably be about four or five hours long and another one which is probably going to be about 10 hours long and I could split it are these two big ones I could split them up into separate things but I'm not going to I'm just going to release them as one big awesome video for you to enjoy and hopefully you do those things are coming up but because the big ones take longer to make obviously I might have a gap of like a week or two because I'm just going to be working on that one video you get me but it'll be worth it I'll have some other things in between though um as we I mean I'm looking at probably March before these big ones are finished realistically I've got some novel reviews coming up on other everybody's cup of tea but I enjoy doing them and I've been doing them since I started the channel so I'm going to carry on doing them I don't care what you think if you enjoy them thank you you're you're a true supporter of the channel because you watch those book reviews but um that was coming up also probably some little Story Time stuff probably some other little videos there's a couple of things happening in 40K I mean I might do some videos on them just talking about them you know just chatting like a little chat ranty thing I might do some of them but that's all I've got planned for the foreseeable future until we get to March April that's what's coming along uh I've read about three novels I probably only really want to talk about two of them to be honest but uh the other one there's not really much to say it wasn't that good yeah we'll see how things go thank you for supporting the channel thanks to everybody supporting the Channel all the way through and recently joined I appreciate that if you'd like to support the Channel please become a YouTube member a supporter on patreon or unsubscribe star the links are below I really appreciate that and you will get your name added to this list of Glorious Heroes right here and I really really appreciate it Lads um massive difference it makes to to me being able to do all this fantastic but if you can't uh please do you know I understand I don't tell you personal don't worry about it I don't attack it personal it's fine but if you can't please do at least like the video make sure you subscribe so you see new stuff and hit the bell and all and do let me know in the comments what you think of the videos I appreciate that I don't get to respond to everybody because there's a lot of comments and I'm behind on them but I'll have a I'll have a day when I'll just go through comments for like a couple of hours and just try and catch up thank you all again really appreciate it and if you do know those things liking and subscribing and uh commenting on the videos that really helps me as a small channel on um YouTube do well basically it makes a big difference with how YouTube works in the background so I really appreciate that and I'll be back again very very soon with more stuff like I say lots of good Imperium smashing people videos quite intense videos coming up and some yeah I think you'll enjoy the things that are coming up I've been thinking about them for a while I think yeah they're gonna be good they're going to be good don't worry I'll be back again soon thanks again see you later Tara have a good one bye-bye
Views: 69,783
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Id: JP_wtOFidlk
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Length: 56min 27sec (3387 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2023
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