Warhammer 40k Battle Ad Mech vs Black Templar Championship Finale battle Report.

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this is round four of our season two championship series if you haven't seen the first three rounds please be sure to go back and check those out watch them in order and then come back here to see who takes all the marbles an ancient relic has been found preliminary studies of it indicate a location of immense power on the planet tamara control of both the map and key is necessary to decoding finding and opening the vault imperium faces imperium in a clash of zealotry versus avarice the adeptus mechanicus already have half of the fault code opening sequence the key portion and will stop at nothing to secure archaeotech artifacts for the advancement of the imperium the black templars have the map portion of the vault opening sequence and will not allow the taint of the witch or the xenos to befoul their vision of the imperial troop both forces converge on the vault of unknown power will it prove worth the cost welcome 40k fans to this edition of 40k in 40 minutes championship series tack and steve are about to square off in a battle for all the marbles in round one we saw steve take down nick with some aggressive play and shrewd tactics round two saw tycho attack trade salvo after salvo of withering firepower with the ad mech pulling out the victory in the end the admit can bring the hurt uh especially if i go first so stephen i'm coming after you these two juggernauts of the game now we'll see who will win it all the immovable object or the irresistible force this match in fact our entire championship series this year is brought to you by frontline gaming and their new 40k mat sizes no need to cut your own we'd love having the new size mats to play on for this championship and are super happy to have frontline on board as a sponsor be sure to check them out at frontlinegaming.org and tell them play on senshi [Music] i have made it to the championships and i am so excited i i cannot express how pumped i am to not only win my first 40k game on the channel but have it be in the championships against nick who's historically done very well and i'm now gunning for the trophy uh today against tack i think i'm gonna need to rely on a little bit more fire power and i think the eradicators are gonna be really important ripping the flyer out of the sky if i need to destroying his multi-wound units those meltdowns are gonna come in handy i'm tac i'm playing the ad mech today super stoked because the ad mec were one of my first armies that i ever played and i'm really excited to close this season off with another championship for our fans i think the black templar are good uh foil for my guns they they negate some of my mortal wounding shenanigans so this should be a pretty good match so for this particular map i think the key is going to be my disintegrators they have mortars they have the ability to shoot out a line of sight um so they're going to need to kind of pummel his forward forces as i move up the board kind of hopefully less than a few units so that the counter attack's not as heavy so there's this gate and we've got the key we got the key in our last matchup versus the chaos knights and so we want to go open that door there seems to be some black templar on the way but they're not going to stop us even though they're imperium they're coming against us and that is unacceptable for the name of the emperor this thing is being shut and nobody else is going to have it tack and sieve are both playing the same list as they did in the semi-finals however this mission brings a different set of challenges we are playing priority target from the grand tournament 2020 mission pack five objectives are placed on the table one dead center and four in each quarter players will take it in turn to move these table quarter objectives within six inches of their original placement and then choose one of them to be their priority objective mark i feel like i want to have clear shooting lanes to whatever is on top of that thing we've got a lane of objectives as we head towards that gate so we're saying except then there's this one and then there's that one this one the lost channel the lost job this one's jerry players will score five primary for holding one objective five more for holding two objectives and five more for holding more than their opponent to a maximum of 15 per turn and 45 total for the game for secondaries both players have taken the mission specific secondary scoring three points for holding one priority objective and five if they should hold both steve has also taken codex warfare scoring points based on what doctrine he's in and how units are destroyed and deploy scramblers scoring 10 points all or nothing for deploying scramblers three times once in his own zone once in the opponent's zone and once in no man's land tak has chosen grind them down scoring three points each turn he scores more kills than steve and bring it down scoring points for each vehicle that he kills in steve's lists deployment zones are corner triangles in this one with steve taking the top right corner and tack the bottom left not a lot of cover mid table here so steve will want to be as cagey as possible at deployment and not over commit that worked well in his first game versus nick however attack has way more guns and should steve stretch too far in over commit it could spell real trouble if tack goes first both players will start with 11 command points however steve spends three pre-deployment to put the chaplain the assault intercessors and the eradicators all in strategic reserve taking him to eight he's also put his assault terminators into his land raider kak has not put anything into reserve he's even started his taraxi on board interesting play there i wonder what he's got planned maybe take advantage of their ability to read a point of the sky and come down later let's keep an eye out for that so right along the edge of the table here i'm putting these in cursors i'm going to take my infiltrators um and i'm going to place them it's a race to that uh to that objective sounds good to me i'm going to place my other squad oven cursors and i need them set up just on the other side of the ruins right here bit of a cat and mouse deployment no surprise there as these two players have played each other quite a bit and of course cats spelled backwards is tack [Music] because so all of these infiltrators are on the bottom level of the ruin i just have put them there so that we can see them from over top all right roxy are going to go back there back here oh my they move 12. so they will eventually get up the board i think i'm going to place the blade guard veterans down here [Music] i'm going to put a flyer based that way so that you can't land something there primarist captain alright manipulus is going to go right in the center data losses is going to go right there tac has really limited steve's forward deployment options and there really isn't an advantage either way in how these two have deployed though if i had to i'd give the advantage to tac he's got so many more guns in range of steve than steve has and this game will really come down to weight of dice in the right places steven's got a storied past with uh with 40k and 40m he was our first ever player on the channel um and he's had some bad luck throughout the entire two seasons but now he's turned it around in a sense i'm rooting for him i obviously want to win i'm not going to just throw the game i do want to win but i'm rooting for steve please don't fail me now all right we'll see what happens all right here we go it's bad news that is bad news i am the attacker so i am going to press the attack tack is going first and this could be trouble depending on how aggressive he gets he could either really hamper steve's efforts or overextend himself quickly and be vulnerable to counter-attack let's go to turn one tak goes up to 12 command points at the command phase and chooses his canticles panjirik progression that's gonna make those heavy weapons even more effective i need to get my plane out of the way so he's going to do a 90 90 pivot get in the way get in the way yep i want to pivot this way because this flyer gets two pivots yes it does you move up if i go there so he's gonna go there he's gonna move up there and then he's gonna move there i am choosing not to move the manipulace that's just going to move up there now they're inside of the rune i'm going to place them up top even though they're down below so they're they are able to shoot through the ruin at um those in cursors giving me not a lot of options use my traxxy it's the end of the movement phase so i'm going to put the traxi back into space and there they go the taraxi have left the field to come down next turn the daedalus is going to declare the victory school suit so i'm going to do uh plus one to hit against it so so let's start burning command points it's our burning command points i love it here comes the command point spins we've seen this act before tax spends one command point in banaric override locking down those castellan robots midfield two more on elimination volley giving the robots and the destroyers plus one to hit and shooting and he's gonna spend another one on strafing run that gives that strata raptor plus one to hit ground targets that leaves tack with eight command points but he is about to unleash l i will start with the um the arc rifles here um going into your uh invictus for suit over there here we go here we go we're rolling because of call so now i'm waiting on threes six at eight p two five ups yep one of them five d6 damage i do five d6 that's definitely yeah it's super good boom and victor down go big or go home i'm going to put uh all of the strata raptors weapons ah the captain i think the captain's gonna live it's a brilliant play here from tack moving that strata raptor in position to target c's captain its ability to turn twice in the movement phase really adds to its value in the new 40k smaller table size i don't know if steve saw that coming or not and that captain is in some serious trouble good good phosphor blasters here we go oh captain my captain you can do this uh they all hit so we don't want three so that's all of them all six four i've been vulnerable save from the relic shield yep whoosh fail two of them and then i have a six up fuel no pain for iron resolve okay no so it takes two so i have five wounds remaining now so let's see if the last cannon can do work both hit both uh four up save uh one goes through damage one so do i command point we roll tax spends a command point to reroll damage here and turns a one into a five but the captain lives i don't know how but the captain has managed to tank some serious shooting two wounds remaining so then the plasma the one plasma guy will go here okay on and he will overcharge i will also overcharge into here into theirs attacks really keyed in the most war suit so it's gonna seriously hamper steve's forward push steve does have a lot of firepower still in reserve though so we can get close and beat tack up and tie him up but that's not going to be until turn two and this is just turned one all right we'll do one robot at a time so these will be wounding on threes five ups down goes the second in victor war suit steve is gonna miss those combined 4d6 shots with the flamers that's for sure yeah so they're going to go there and i'm going to spend one command point and i'm going to trans human physiology that unit of encouragers over there steve's spending a command point here to take him to seven in an effort to save that unit they gotta hold out or steve will have lost over half of his deployed units on the first turn good call on the transhuman that's only three four reps uh i lose two dudes and then uh we'll do it again uh two four reps one dies so the incursors over there need to take a morale test yep uh so i've lost uh three and i yes sir you're fine what a turn for tack he scored three for priority target six for bring it down with the amount he's killed this turn it will almost assuredly score three for grind them down let's see what space marine steve can do though we know he's the space marine steve for a reason here we go steve turn one for you hmm you put me in a predicament tack i lost more than i kind of thought i would steve gains a command point to go to eight and onto his movement phase he's spending it right away on the emperor's will stratagem that's gonna allow his black templars to advance and still charge tak has really move blocked him and hemmed him in with his guns really well here so what i didn't think about is you move blocking me with the flyer that's what i didn't think about and it is biting me in the butt because the land raider is not in range of anything is i am going to advance the land raider and re-roll that because i am black of course all right i can do this so at the end of my movement phase um these infiltrators right here uh are going to deploy scramblers into the center into the center of the board i will go to my shooting phase uh both of these units uh so i'll start with the blade guard veterans you're gonna throw a crack grenade at the plane into the plane huh uh no because i'm minus one and then the captain into the plane yup uh no these infiltrators are gonna shoot their pistols because they can only shoot their pistols right now uh all their pistols into the ark uh rifle guys yup push uh a bunch of hits yep fives uh so two wounds at eight nothing hurry up sounds good see what happens i'm okay totally cool finish my shooting phase and i'll go directly into my charge phase where uh these guys here are gonna charge the arc rifle guys and i go then you go that's a six you're in for six yuck steve needed a much higher role than that i mean he's in but he wanted to be able to wrap that unit up so then we'll go into fighting i will spend a command point and i will gene ross might so the stickers are auto i love these types of strats anytime you can remove a die roll to get a positive result from it is always worth it in my opinion one guy takes one wound one guy that's one move uh so they are three attacks each yeah hitting on um fours yep so three three at ep one sounds good uh four ups uh one guy takes one wound and our end of one score is tac 12 to steve's three for priority target this is potentially a big turn though as steve has a lot of threats still off board and tak really needs to hammer steve now as much as possible because if he doesn't steve is gonna get in and he's gonna wreck his day tack goes up to eight command points and scores ten points on primary and rolling for canonicals this turn he gets panjarik progression again and benediction of the all messiah the best possible combo for him as he has units forward that will now be able to reroll once to hit and suffer no penalties for moving and shooting heavy weapons from the pangyrek progression so i'm going to try to fall back then okay i will tenacious warriors yeah and on a two-up you may not do that okay so on a two-out please here we go yeah it's a six okay sweet ah he's stuck there that ties up a little bit of shooting at least nice move yeah not being able to move them out was unfortunate because i don't have a lot of things that can charge them either no your list doesn't have a lot of uh you know this doesn't have a lot of close combat prowess this character is going to go into the shrubbery do you know what i always think of whenever i see these ad mech boats i always think of those like battleships that people have in bathtubs because that's what they kind of look like all i can see now is you in like a hot tub with like both of them floating are you picturing me in a hot tub well you're you've got like shorts on but like just with both shooting phase pack again using elimination volley for two here to take him to six command points it just makes those guns so much better all right so all the guns from the uh bird will go into uh your christmas squad [Music] i can see your blade guard because they're actually in that ruin right uh yes but not everything will be able so these two guys and this plasma you can see your yeah uh one of the robots i cannot see over there is going to go into your uh line raider and the other two robots are going to go into your play guard in response to tack splitting fire here steve has used a command point on smokescreen that makes that land raider minus one to be shot at and another on trans human physiology on his blade guard to make tack have to roll at least a four or higher to wound in this phase even if the weapon strength would normally be higher at least with two command points but steve a bit on the defensive and he needs to hold um so the foster blasters are typically three shots each they become six shots each because i'm doubling their profile threes because of elimination volume as well as um you do not get cover against this weapon yeah are we rolling these ones oh how many sixes is that in total like eight sixes so you add eight more shots 214s here we go uh that's not great it isn't great so i'm i'm hopeful that my guys will live through this and i can hold this objective 13 ap two no cover so you're four up involved and then i do that again into them no that was only one robot that can't be one robot there are 18 shots each all right sure oh they die anyways that sucks so these are going to go into your line raider okay um though i'm only going to be moving on fives against your line raider i'm hitting on fours because you made me minus one so i hit 19 times so when he won fives okay all right p2 uh one goes through has a 15 wounds remaining it's okay i believe the emperor will not will not abandon me here though this captain the emperor is abandoning yeah this captain is for sure dead like that uh so all four of them are gonna go into the land raider uh these were misses oh he dies sweet but he gets three shots off before he does so these are going to be uh strength nine oh they're shaking nine plasma no oh heavy weapons a plus one i roll yeah you wounded on threes yeah oh that was this is not great hey i am he could live through this actually yeah so nine is nine uh so five ups and i go two so two four six eight ten twelve three fourteen i have one moon remaining all the weapons from this guy will go anything that's all the range weapons go there stubbers as well as the missile launcher will go here yeah and then the mortar will go into your captain from this guy the front so we'll just do the mortar first see if i can knock out that captain yep two up save two upstairs good and then the missile launcher how many shots do i get into the two shots on fours nothing thank goodness so now i've got uh oh it's stubborn new fox news yeah so this is not sixes here we go uh two oh if you want something two upstairs good okay what do you even have left to shoot this guy oh the one last one try to naturally pop off the uh captain and then all of my the rest of my shooting will try to take the loss off of that okay so i cannot use the uh stratagem because it needs me to shoot only one target so these are the mortars into the captain that's only four shots love it uh no hits sweet uh well i still get to reroll so let me just have this tack so two hits two hits which can come through because six on threes three sure so because i have a relic shield i go up to my two upstate of which and it's two damage a hit right it is two damage so i'm gonna have to spend one command point going to one command point remaining uh and i'm gonna take this dice and re-roll it up stevie rolling a save with the command point it saves him but only one command point left and no re-roll left in his shooting phase i think that might have been bait right uh mr launcher into the uh tank two shots again so i'm going down to five command points uh using command point reroll and i'm going to reroll this two to get more shots nope there's less shots tack i feel good about it one minus two two so four up safe i make it so my chances of taking out the land raider are gone few now starburst you can kill it with the servers drink four uh they go to five they have so much fives yeah that's five five two uh do i make can i make this oh please let me make it i think you can i think you can i really to make it tax you will oh no you don't i don't oh stubborns stoppers killed the land raider oh for a re-roll on that sweet two-up land raider save really too bad this is not where i want a unit of assault terminators oh why a two-up save i had a two-up save that's gonna max bring it down at nine points for tac he's currently sitting at 28 with three in hand for grind them down and five command points remaining start of his turn and steve gets 10 points for primary and he goes up to two command points to start let's see what he can do with him the terminator assault squad is going to advance okay two and i'm gonna reroll that because i'm black templars [Music] the eradicators are going to come on from strategic reserves here yep they're also within six inches of the captain so they gets a reroll wants to hit the chaplain and my and his buddies [Music] train's a little bit wonky but i'm inside the ruins nine inches away from this robot and kind of on this side of the table so i can go up and around this crater these terminators are going to deploy scramblers in my deployment zone so then we'll go to the shooting phase and these eradicators see what they can do we'll shoot at uh the most forward scorpius destroyer because they're 36 or 24 inches 24 inches of range so i measured them right on that tip every model in the unit is firing its gun at a singular unit all the models in this unit can fire a secondary time yeah so i'm just going to roll it all at once they want threes re-rolling ones they're almost once that's good okay so five hits yep so we want threes whoosh uh so four ap minus fives yep they go right through so damage for 12 30 14 15 16 damage does he explode to my charge phase yup commanding oratory stratagem to give the auto pass to the chaplain and the litany that he has out of normal phase and that's going to extend his charge range i even paused the game here and i turned to jt who's sitting over there in a chair and he's got a bunch of books in front of them and i said jt i need some help through this i didn't know what i was gonna do like what was the math say just 52 overwatch shots we talked about it a little bit and we decided that you know what i'm going for it alrighty so i'm going with the full-on gutsy move and i have consulted with the peanut gallery in the room and we are in agreeance kind of that need charging the plasma calibers or the robots niger them is great but charging the robots i have a much more like it's a much more plausible and almost guaranteed charge so the assault intercessors charge the robots and eat like 52 shots of overwatch so get rolling dice attack all right i'm rolling dice risky risky play here 54 shots in overwatch oh mylanta that's a lot of daca five dead that's actually okay not ideal but okay he's going to seriously neuter tax ability to shoot and that's more important than losing five dudes right now i'll reroll that because i'm black templar come on baby what seven oh i think oh thank goodness for that free re-roll seven is just enough man oh man steve i puckered there for you for sure chaplin reaches combat as well and this is gonna really help steve's cause i'm gonna go right here and drag in uh the um cataphron destroyers yep all into the robots uh he takes one chaplain goes in and connects this is a this is a great place to t7 the robots are t7 yep oh man so on fives so two at a b minus one uh takes one two damage uh all right down to two chaplain and assault intercessions have done a lot of work here but is it enough for steve to start controlling the flow he's gotta held up pretty well but i wouldn't count out the wiley veteran yet so i lost uh i lost five guys so i do need to do a morale but because the chaplain's there i can use his spiritual leader rule and i can use his leadership instead of their own so they have a leadership of nine uh minus five because the last five guys here we go uh two yep they're totally fine and a two scoring has steve at 10 primary sixth priority target and one for codex warfare he also has deployed scramblers twice so far but needs to do it a third time or he will not score that at all it puts him at 17 to 31 for tack mechanical's time for tack and he goes up to five command points to steve's current zero oh he gets remorseless fist and panjari progression again remorseless fist is actually going to help him here rerolling once in the fight face is beneficial attack also gains 5 points for primary uh you have zero command points correct so you can't stop me from disengaging so i will do just that disengage yeah i don't need the range anymore so the manipulation is gonna this way call can not get into the fight kenny no i don't think no he can't hunt he's just gonna shift that way and this guy will go here like so [Music] he's going to elect these guys here as my plus one together this will fire all of its guns into the uh eradicators sounds good i'm going to burn a command point that's going to spin a command point on stereoscopic triangulation for that scorpius shooting all of its weapons at one target and ignoring cover that's one way to get through good armor saves it's gonna leave him with four remaining command points with the robots might as well point to them nine plus six nine plus six fifteen oh wow those robots go call has a vocal buster all right sorry he's got the solar atomizer then the uh two pistols from the uh infiltrators i believe it uh when you're on five step two two two up from cover oh double ones kills the dude oh still hold that objective though oh no double ones oh no so i will burn a command point for strafing run stripping run for a command point that's gonna leave attack with three and those eradicators are gonzo the taraxi are going to uh wrath of mars and rip into the terminators and here's what those taraxi can do wrath of mars for two command points and all the sixes to wound are gonna be mortals good saves do not matter versus mortal wounds okay so four sixes six six two ups i lose huge one guy takes two wounds uh and then i've got four mortals and because i'm black templar i have a five up feel no pain basically a five up ignore uh i shrug one of them so this guy here dies and then uh one guy is down to one charge phase i think i might need to get my characters in there uh i'm going to charge the deadlifts into the um the sounds beautiful [Music] infiltrator your chaplain gets to fight one and eight minus two okay let's go back to the robot yep it does kill a robot so do i just explode wanted to i wanted nope so badly what a massive turn for tack he's dodged steve extremely well here and managed to put a hurt on him too it could not have gone better for him this turn steve really needs to hold on and score here he's got a real outside chance but he needs the kind of turn that tak just had to do so steve's going to score 10 on primary but he's rapidly running out of units he really needs those terminators in and they need to do work [Music] oh at the beginning of my turn uh the chaplain will he'll chant the litany of hate uh so i do uh so everything within six inches of him rerolls to hits in combat shooting phase the captain will grenade the singular character the daedalus no the chaplain shoots a pistol into the robot nope charge phase uh the captain uh charges um the data lost the data losses and the special character dude that you've got five no i will re-roll that yep six four oh no not enough these guys here charge into there yep uh the three uh will attack i will fury of the first um so on twos oh so the whole terminator were the misses and then on threes free rolling because of claws yep eight ap minus threes it's up in bones you killed three robots into the chaplain uh that is five three yeps i'll take one moon and then the chaplain whales away yep on twos you're rolling all of them uh on fives to the robots uh two and a few minus two nice uh big one so two damage so down to four i think the writings on the wall here folks steve sits at nine on priority target one on codex warfare and 20 points primary putting him at 30 end of turn 3 to tax 42 tax got such an overwhelming board presence however i think steve's in real trouble it actually looks like that's what they're discussing as tack is basically going to ripe steve out on midterm four this was to see what was mightier the sword or the plasma gun clearly the plasma cosmic gun was a bit stronger yeah congratulations thanks man this uh this means that you win this doesn't mean you're the champion i feel like i've brought the cruises do you feel do you feel good about it yeah you do but you know what the list is strong you played it well and you deserve the win that's really what it's all about i am i am planning to not lose as much in season three i think i start right now building an army for season three and i i think i'm going i'm going for the trophy season three awesome like no more no more messing around with two free turns for tac to score he will end with 15 on priority target 12 on grind them down and nine on bring it down with a maximum score of 45 on primary objectives and in paint scores and we get a final 40 for steven to 91 for your play on season 2 champion tak kawana congratulations gentlemen on a well-fought match tatkawana congratulations sir we are honored to present you with this the play on championship this uh designed by us but printed for us by our friend chris jones and this is the championship this is going on the wall your name is on there next to rupert campbell from last year and we want to congratulate you on a fantastic tournament well played and in honor of your victory we are going to be donating a thousand dollars to charity of your choosing so thank you all for watching us thank you for winning and we're so proud and so happy congratulations tac well done sir well done [Applause] i'm just hoping everyone had a really good time watching uh a championship or watching forty king freem this year we had a blast making it for you guys i'm super stoked for what season three is going to bring really stoked on the fact that clown's able to be in a spot where we can give back to the community and super stroke to give it to charity well folks that's a wrap on season two of play on tabletops 40k in 40 minutes and what a long strange trip this has been in a year of uncertainty there was always one thing we could count on and that was you our fans your support and kind words mean more to us than you could possibly know and we are truly humbled that you support us in our endeavor to bring our passion for this hobby to the world on behalf of tack nick steve tycho paul and myself this is your host jt mcdowell saying until the next time you see us in the grim dark universe of the far-flung future play on with all the answers [Music] i'll be the last man yeah so there's been a lot of death and destruction heading towards this gate now we're walking through it now we're going to see what's inside you know he he now gets to take the map and the key and he gets to open up that door and see what's behind it and let's just say let's hope it's worth it [Music] [Laughter] [Music] prices you
Channel: Play On Tabletop
Views: 265,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ov0XlRI18-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 49sec (2389 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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