Loyalty Questioned. Inquisition investigates Astral Claws using force. Warhammer 40k Battle

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[Music] i need not remind you that vigilance is the watchword of the inquisition vigilance against the xenos vigilance against the mutant and vigilance against the traitor the heretic these astral claws have arrived with primaris marines in tow they claim to follow the codex astati's yet their relation to the heretical red corsairs cannot be ignored assess and investigate inquisitor you must ascertain if they have fallen to chaos or not do not engage unless absolutely necessary order received vigilance is its own reward engagement are the astral claws loyal well this inquisitorial warband seems to think not they've arrived to punish and purify the so-called astral claws while the astral claws defend mccrag's honor against an overzealous inquisitor who is right who is loyal who will be victorious this is 40k in 40 minutes greetings fans jt mcdowell here with a much requested episode of 40k in 40 minutes long the topic of discussion since their first appearance space marine steve's astral claws will defend their loyalty against an inquisitorial warband commanded by our own taiko immigrant determined to prove their heresy this episode is brought to you by our friends at deadly prince studios makers of cool battle effects you see us use on multiple models like this custod bike dust cloud stand and this cool exploding building fire stand for one month from this air date they are offering a 15 off coupon as well so whether you want pre-supported stl files or pre-printed and ready to paint effects deadly print studios is your go-to i'm tycho and i am here to teach my teammates stephen wilheid a lesson in humility and loyalty sadly he has strayed from the path of the emperor and taking on colors that are not his he needs to be taught a lesson tycho has brought an eclectic inquisitorial war band with a patrol of custodes including a shield captain on don eagle jet bike vexillus prador custodian guard squad and a contemporary killer dreadnought his death corps battalion is led by an inquisitor and two tank commanders three mounted death corps command squads two infantry squads and some dropped scions a chimera and a platoon commander with a valkyrie and a couple of earth shaker carriages in support steve's plasma inceptors are dangerous i have to make sure that they cannot get to where they need to go to destroy my important targets quickly bring it on i love the emperor too sorta and yeah here i'm really into the astral claws and siege studios did such a beautiful job painting them and a few of you may have noticed that they have just like a sprinkling of chaotic inklings yeah i've done nothing wrong quotations steve has countered with a much more straightforward army list led by a primaris chapter master and lieutenant four squads of intercessors formed the heart of his forces backed up by a redemptor dread with macro plasma and two squads of hellblasters a company ancient two invader atvs with meltas six plasma inceptors and an impulser so like we're not traitors guys huh huh steve has some high strength high damage shooting but it's really short range if tycho holds him up steve won't get to shoot those high value tanks and artillery with his big guns i expect of all things the intercessors to provide pressure and volume to chew through whatever tycho throws at them our mission today is retrieval from the gt 2020 handbook players will deploy on the short edges of the table and there are six objectives players will score five primary for holding one objective at the end of their command phase five for holding two or more and five more for holding more than their opponent to a maximum of 15 per turn and 45 for the game for secondary choices tycho has taken grind them down scoring three points each turn that he kills more units than steve does engage in all fronts scoring two or three points for being in three or four table quarters at the end of his turn and both players have chosen deploy scramblers scoring 10 points all or nothing for successfully performing three separate actions in three zones their deployment zone their opponents and the middle no man's land in addition to deploy scramblers steve has also taken assassinate as tycho has a lot of characters scoring three for each one he kills and oaths of moment a space marine specific secondary i'm not entirely sure about steve taking oaths a moment here he needs to kill vehicles and characters for points sure but he also needs to hold the middle for two big points and not fall back for another and that's going to be hard with taiko's amount of guns and the pressure he can mount steve is going to end up giving up victory points for tactical maneuvering and that's just not a good combo i don't think for deployment i gotta make sure that my important targets are protected so they're gonna be a little bit farther back in my deployment zone and that i've got to have enough screening units up front to make sure that steve has things to do and worry about i can't let those thunder fire carriages and those tanks shoot me all day no way so i'm getting up there going to get up in his grill and i'm going to shut that down steve has definitely overloaded one flank here quite a bit it's almost too obvious that he's gonna redeploy which is a super powerful ultramarine successor stratagem tycho is set up fairly wide here he's aware of the redeploy i'm sure but he's also aware of outflanking units so he's definitely got that in mind steve's chosen to combat squad and then reserve his plasma inceptors good call as they are definitely a priority target he's also reserved his reavers with their gravity launchers tycho has two of his three death corps riders in reserve outflanking as well as his tempest's psions will be deep striking onto the table all right man let's do it let's do this for the gods six five start to turn one here steve's gonna be going first it looks like steve is gonna redeploy and put a lot of pressure on those really dead hard custodes units not a bad plan as it will take some serious combined firepower to get rid of them but if he doesn't they will seriously wreck his day that redeploy costs him two command points it takes him down to nine and then we start turn one movement and he goes up to ten command points in his command phase not an aggressive first turn here he doesn't want to give away free movement with being charged so he's being quite tentative on his push forward i think a little aggression here wouldn't be a bad idea but perhaps he's waiting for turn two to really open up and maybe he's trying to bait taiko forward a bit so now that i've gotten my objective game on point things are protected that need to be protected i can move to my psychic phase of which there is none i've kept it simple today gentlemen this is a big face for you it's a big face for me this is a it's a big time shooting now and a command point to auto hit with his melted gun with martial precision takes him to nine remaining on threes with my uh with my multi malta gotcha okay great he's fine oh he's fine yep i'm gonna take uh all the weapons from this impulser and we're just gonna shovel it into the chimera on threes uh two ap minus twos to the chimera uh devastator doctrine uh save one of them and take them wickets down to nine wicked dreadnought is gonna shoot all of its weapons into this front unit of riders yeah and i'm gonna overcharge uh the big gun d6 shots off the big cannon uh four shots those uh whoo i take one mortal wound uh on twos though uh so two ap minus like fives and the three damage i hit all right so the first uh shot hitting the just poncho first uh there's four up armor doesn't mean anything here uh he saves one of them okay so he lives and then he makes uh three five ups yeah any of them fail he's dead he's dead yeah that's fine the gatling cannon so you go to six amps nope and then five ups save one of them and lose another guy and take a look he's managed to deploy scramblers his own zone this turn he's killed nothing but he does score a point for oath a moment for not falling back one nothing for steve at the end of steve's one nine command points left for steve six command points left for taiko and he'll tick up to seven at the start of his next turn all right uh let us move forward and destroy some space marines because they need to deploy some scramblers i don't think the custodies want to do it they said nah i don't feel like it you guys do it pulling scramblers in your own zone [Music] smash your defenses [Music] tycho is not biting on steve's baiting it seems only the valkyries push forward and all else are being very tentative it seems both players are finding their range a bit here save those custodes that dreadnought and the shield captain are heading in first beginning of the shooting phase i'm giving some orders to my tanks my rear tank with the battle cannon he is going to kill on sight i think it is which is re-rollers once to hit and the uh punisher is going to strike and fade meaning he's going to be able to shoot and use his smoke launchers so i will start the shooting with these custodians three of them can see this guy two both of them hit on fours one wound four up and i fail you kill a dude yay steve okay he will open up with his uh hurricane here we go rerolling his ones because he's still old school oh it's not great three ups old end my contempt dreadnought will fire his flamethrower and his storm bolter and i believe that isn't within rapid fire range excellent oh yeah here we go all hit okay two three four ups two go through sorry one damage a piece that's good there's like six wins running b3 one yay hits tape boots so three four five up good oh man so i'm gonna do one more shot with my spear yeah one more shot with this here hits two oops down soon and then uh five up nope so it's dead yep it dies so let's start with the rear tank fires battle cannon twice that's your impulser hits oh my that works nope three damage sounds good battlefield shots here we go so that's 10 shots from the battle cannons wounding on threes okay here we go fives to the impulser i got none of them 10 11 12 38 dies alright so see if it explodes it does not uh there's six guys sitting inside uh and i lose two of them whoa oh down goes the impulser and it takes two hellblasters with it that is some serious bonus i did a quick measure and i'm also out of range of the punisher cannon with these guys up front here only the last cannons got arranged to something that was a good that was a good play for the people at home check your ranges in the shooting phase absolutely and make sure you're working it doesn't hit pre-measuring is great folks it can help you when it can hurt you but definitely here it's helped steve uh and he's gone smoke yep oh and oh i've got a flying guy to shoot stuffed with too mm-hmm all right he will fire his health strike missile into your dreadnought excellent and he will fire his laser gun into your is there any intercessors not in cover that you can see i guess uh these guys aren't in cover you guys are friends okay i'll fire into them uh the laser gun into your front unit of intercessor look at that all hit boom strike six toughness four two balloons no minus three ups i one guy takes one wound tell strike muscle you do a dreadnought hits threes three's a wound oh yeah right through rolls 2d6 picks the best for damage pretty decent first turn shooting for tycho here earth shaker fire at the dreadnought uh 26 shots taking the highest correct six shots oh yeah hitting on fours oh my gosh look at that five five of them yep then on threes oh no only two okay as in the sixes neither uh so d3 damage minus one each uh so two to three damage in total all right if you're in mid bracket and cannot fix them with strategies otherwise yep okay um the other vasculars another six shots cool it's a lot of a lot so then on twos after that two moves sounds good uh so then the fives send in cover uh one i save one goes through damage one yay charging all right uh he's gonna charge your bike lots yeah probably makes it now the other charge will be the dreadnought at your intercessors sounds good i think it's plus one to it's charge ooh taiko suspending a command point on a re-roll to charge for his dreadnought and the dreadnought is in that takes him down to six command points as he fails to farm it back with his warlord trait bike captain all righty here we go five attacks earlier ones [Music] three wounds at minus three on sixes uh one i save one so two of them go through d3 uh two and each two and one uh so three damage in total so i have uh five runes remaining do you mind putting a small five next one because i am an unstoppable destroyer sure so that means my jet bike captain consolidates and piles in 3d three sorry d3 plus three uh doesn't have to end up closer sure so six so you you're still going to be able to fight okay steve's spending a command point to take him to eight and he's transhuman physiology as his intercessors facing that dreadnought making it wound on fours or better only that's huge three wounds turned out to be a solid transhuman very c3 so on threes into the captain all of them fives into the captain uh so two ap nothings one wound tycho's got to re-roll a safe here and doesn't farm that command point either takes him down to five but he makes a save on his captain uh two ap minus threes to the dreadnought uh one gets through he takes it yeah and have won and we have a score of six to one in favor of tycho steve has eight command points remaining and tycho has five turn two when steve goes to nine command points scores ten primary points to take him to eleven currently and he advances into the tactical doctrine hellblaster is gaining the chapter masters re-rolls and he's spending a command point on wisdom of the ancients to give it to his redemptive dreadnought that's gonna take him down to eight command points if i'm gonna pull this off with grace uh i think that it's gonna have to go like this valkyrie dead dreadnought dead shield captain dead and then after that i have to get real excited and drop the infantry too good luck steve godspeed [Music] uh yeah okay so i'm gonna spend two command points to fall back and re-engage with my um with my invader atv falling back and re-engaging for two command points to take him to six that's also costing him an oath of moment point but he really needs that melt a gun right now so end of my movement phase i go to reserves so let's switch mike if you don't mind doing that whoa great steve really hasn't closed the middle yet and it's time for the reserves he's brought down his plasma inceptors and i really think that valkyrie is going to be in trouble there's just no way we can get like the mids the time has come for me to just hammer down i think i'm going to start with these these inceptors that came down uh over here all the ones get rerolled and then they are going to uh over overcharge and head into here uh so it's gonna do it model by model uh so uh 2d3 shots from the first guy so four shots fours you're rolling once on fours we're going once on four's for one one so on threes you're rolling ones because you do ten back here so five is minus fours uh so ten damage and then right through and then uh this unit of hell blasters here i'm not gonna overcharge i'm just gonna roll them all once that's one five three one one five damage rocks right through oh the valkyrie goes boom valkyrie check so uh 10 rolls for the dudes inside actually there's no parachuting from this height uh i lose a dude yeah they forgot their grav shoots they're just leaping from a burning dying plane here whoa uh and then uh this unit of intercessors is gonna shoot the unit that just came out sixes don't save any of them oh boulder fire takes care of the guardsmen that speed under the valkyrie but they're just guardsmen it's just more corpse starch in the end and that's some pressure relief for steve for sure though infantry squad a check so what i'm going to do is i'm going to take the dreadnought it's going to shoot its top rocket its plasma and its and its gatling cannon into these two horsemen and then it's going to shoot the two rockets into these uh forward guardsmen okay so 2d6 shots to the guardsmen four is the real ones because i'm oh baby see ya guardsman six ap minus ones to your riders on threes ruling ones with the multi-melta so two hits uh and then on threes two wounds baby two d six plus two so it's really two d six plus one come on so four five six i'm going to spend a cp and re-roll this one steve's spending a re-roll versus the killest dreadnought taking him to five remaining two wounds to go on that dreadnought the hell blasters will shoot into it hell blasters are over charging into the dread one dies but the dread goes down that's a big kill for sure dreadnought check so then on a four up all right so i'm gonna overcharge the inceptors and they're gonna fire into your uh captain threes re-rolling ones two shots one three four on one wounding on threes captain micros he's okay yeah you make small so my interceptors in the middle are going to shoot over [Applause] um to get through sweet this last unit we can do the same thing we'll just fire through wicket end of his shooting phase and steve is spending two command points to take him to three remaining on a rapid fire to try and ice that shield captain kill it kill it and he does oh yeah shield captain a double check down he goes to mass boulder fire well it took a lot of my command points and a lot of effort but i have chewed you from this side of the table solid turn for steve lot's dead but tycho still has a ton of pressure to put on him steve scores three points for assassinate to take him to 14 victory points to tycho six three command points remaining for steve to taiko's four top of his turn two taiko scores 10 primary to go to 16 to steve's 14 and he ticks up to five command points to seize three [Music] [Music] some pressure forward from tycho but his big guns are in absolutely no threat from steve so taiko's leaving them back just to unleash hell [Music] [Applause] oh the death corps riders have snuck into steve's backfield here that's it for the movement phase on to psychic powers so my inquisitor here we go is less than a foot away from your intercessor unit he's going to try and dominate your sergeant sure that goes off leadership eight leadership eight i got three six to go leadership eight or more sweet huh well that's no good i'm going to try trying strategist for up let's try and get by all means don't do it don't do it don't do it don't do it yeah yeah i say my mind is impenetrable death riders shooting your pistols into your no wounds let's shoot your atv nope and the heavy boulder uh two wounds uh take them both this camaro is doing a lot of work a lot of work with this camaro and it can't shoot any of its other lasers nope because there's nobody inside sweet i am down to tanks and basilisks all right so the laser cannon is going to head into that and then the battle canyon shoots twice at your head so on threes you're going ones hit hits on threes you need a six up oh it makes it yes and then after that the battle cannon goes into the inceptors oh my gosh 12 shots so though so i lose two of them multi meltas and the hunter killer and the laser cannon are all going into the dreadnought and the uh turret is going to chew up your intercessors yes rerolling last cannon damage to wound the dreadnought and it succeeds and he also farms the command point back leaving tycho at five so uh six up nope hunter killer and last cannon fire from the lehman russ command tank now its punisher cannon is pumping 40 shots into that four intercessor squad leaving them with a single marine wow what a roll nine out of ten three plus saves made what are you doing steve who's rolling your dice nice sick yeah i want to ease up your damage dealers because then my tanks can really run wild earth shaker now into the big squad plasma inceptors steve responds by spinning a command point on trans human physiology again here to make tycho only one of fours are better uh oh he kills one and it fires on death into that chimera doing six wounds wow i can't think of anything else to shoot so down to charging i have exactly one charge camera chimera charges the invader smart move here i think is it's going to tie it up and force steve to fall back if he wants to use that melter uh so he's got d3 attacks of this uh this particular bracket one singular attack he doesn't hit me five attacks back oh god uh re-rolling because i'm within the nine inches of the note and then on uh fives oh oh my god you almost did nothing two ap nothings oh it takes a wound too all right so morale i do have some morale that i need to make in particular this guy here these guys here uh so i need to roll a four or less to stick around come on oh yeah i'm good and it turns steve gains an oath of moment point to take him to 15 taiko scores three more engaged to take him to 19 and steve has two command points remaining to taiko's five honesty's turn three so they so my intercessors here are going to move just just here spending two command points down to two to shoot and fall back with his invader tycho's aggression really pushing steve off oaths a moment and costing him victory points at the end of my moon phase i'm going to deploy scramblers in your deployment zone this my center unit of intercessors and they're all going to shoot at the chimera the intercessors are opening up on that chimera now chewing it up real good and down it goes uh so they are going to shoot at the riders of craig of course those hell blasters are going to and i'm going to overcharge one uh one of it uh autobull rifles into them damage us eight did i probably kill one of them no they're super calm death riders are scary town oh wow those death corps riders just absorbed a ton of firepower oh these death riders are so good the math never favors you uh back unit of inceptors uh into your custodian guard your mind just want to hit overcharging so two wounds at eight minus four one goes through two damage and then the next and the next unit does the same thing so two to three shots you're rolling so that guy goes and then you assigned two damage the last guy you're rolling um so he dies that sucks uh these two guys here uh they're gonna shoot oh yeah kill that dude no units killed in the shooting phase for steve can he do work in the fight phase yeah you know what i'm just gonna i'm just gonna leave it alone oh man no fight phase at all rough turn for steve tycho's turn three up to six command points scores 10 on primary to make a midterm score of 29-25 looks like that custode squad has come to play as well as the inquisitor [Music] science have dropped into steve zone to get that final scrambler's point for tycho psychic powers i'm just going to make your sergeant bash's buddies domination goes off that power fist sergeant just pounded his buddies to dust will shoot out the doorway shooting phase and a lehman rust versus five reavers oh you poor poor reavers uh last cannon fits yep takes it multi-melters three wounds shot everything at that guy so tank is going to put a laser cannon uh the battle cannon will uh try and finish this unit here okay okay the receptors hits for three so it kills them uh two go through so the first one three damage kills uh earth shaker all the earth takers have killed that unit off the objective that's big and gonna affect scoring next turn which [Music] okay i'll start over here that's create just gorgeous creek into your hellbostos the inquisitor is going to charge the bike custodies are going to try and charge your intercessor we'll charge your hell blasters here all right big big big fight face for tycho here and steve can't interrupt as he only has one command point left those riders over there so the riders themselves get two attacks apiece exploding lances not very well excellent only one hit cavalry should go first nothing yep you just killed them moving on to the inquisitor rerolling to wound with his thunderhammer on the invader atv down to five command points for tycho but he kills the invader um the custodies what a great turn for tycho 10 for scramblers three more for grinding them down to give him nine there three more for engage to give him nine there and 20 total primary points for a score of 45 points to steve's 26. massive swing here can steve come back steve turned 4 now and he's really hard up against it here he ticks up to two command points and he scores five on primary to go to 31 points total at present to taiko's 45 now he's going to be able to score his final scramblers for 10 but he's got so much work to do here and he's got to pick the right targets steve's lost another oath of moment point because he's had to fall back but he's moved on to an objective and he's trying to stop tycho from scoring 15 points on his turn that's really key here because if you 15 me it's for sure over and so the end of the end of my moon phase this unit here in the middle deploys scramblers for 10 points i am going to go into my shooting phase this unit of intercessors is going to shoot the riders of creek [Applause] you pull this leg off here it takes two more i'm gonna overcharge with the inceptor and shoot into the inquisitor overcharging three four shots three ap minus threes oh he takes two moves darn it okay so my primary lieutenant is going to shoot at the um inquisitor oh yeah it does have a heavy awesome great come on baby come on okay wound sweet ap minus two refractor fields lame okay so i'll go to then my charge phase oh no he has not killed enough of his shooting phase steve needs character kills for his oaths and assassinate which he's not going to get at this point unless tycho gets really careless we're going to start with the captain yep so i so i kill him yeah no i gotta keep that guy there so for them makes it kills him yep he's got two moves left this guy's got two moves oh this is the uh on twos threes so four of them busted through kills them with the second sway over here and a turn for steve and he's got 41 points three for oats three for assassinate 10 for scramblers and 25 for primary taika will score three more for grind to go to nine ten on deploy scramblers and three more on gauge to go to 12 plus 15 on primary to make 35 for a total of 66 and that's what we're gonna call it make your final score 76-51 for the forces of the inquisition sorry steve you've been branded excommunicator tretorous but doesn't taiko usually play chaos oh the plot thickens and thanks again to our episode sponsor deadly prince studios don't forget they've got a 15 coupon off right now just check in the description below and get some cool battle effects for your army whether you want the stl files or have them printed for you deadly print studios has got you covered well that's it for us here folks on behalf of all of us at play on this is jt mcdowell saying until the next time you see us in the grim dark universe of the far-flung future play on wow uh death riders are scary town they are amazing maybe the year of steve doesn't have to be like consecutive maybe it's like little vacations i get to take throughout the year watch out folks if you've got really good defensive stats you can win games surviving a huge thank you to siege studios my army looks absolutely incredible win or [Music] [Applause] lose [Music] you
Channel: Play On Tabletop
Views: 147,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xNt4QMSN4oQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 11sec (2231 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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