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what's up Servants of the emperor briggo here dropping a spicy psyo build for patch 14 of Warhammer 40K dark died first things first let me be completely transparent with you before we jump into this build that we're going to be taking advantage of a little bug that is currently in the game this bug adds insane damage for your surge staff and does not take a lot of effort to get going but provided that you're okay with that let's jump into this build this build revolves around using four things a sword a staff and a shield and the aformentioned bug Pyers do have access to absolutely broken Blitz abilities such as a sail however we're not going to be using that in this build the bug is to do with the Keystone empowered psionics which detects The Surge staff's charged attack as Smite damage which results in an insane amount of damage output from The Surge staff now the is one downside to using empowered psionics and that is that every time you use your Blitz ability you reduce the amount of empowered psionic Stacks you have which makes me think what if we didn't use our Blitz ability enough of my ramblings though let's go through the talent tree where I'll point out the most important things we need to pick up for this build to work at the top of the tree we have our toughness recovery package which includes soul stealer quietude warp expenditure and metal with these perks it means that we are recovering toughness all the time using our staff toughness quelling Peril toughness getting a crit toughness killing stuff toughness while we're here we also pick up perfect timing which gives us more damage the more crits we get and The Surge staff is an absolute Beast for getting crits we also pick up battle meditation which quells Peril for killing things which really helps us because we build a lot of peril all of the time so much so there is minus 15% Peril generation baked into this build using three modifiers throughout the tree to help us stop stop being such a toasty boy moving on to our Blitz ability we are using brain burst which we almost never use but we do use one of the blitz modifiers kinetic flare kinetic flare lets us use our brain burst ability without actually switching to it and manually pulling the trigger we get a 10% chance to randomly brain burst any enemy using any weapon kinetic flare also doesn't use a stack of empowered psionics when we use it which is pretty nice moving down we have our firstus 5% Peril generation modified then we go to psychotic Sora then to Sea's presence both of which help our combat ability have more uptime but more on that later one with the warp helps with damage reduction and empathic evasion helps us avoid taking range damage by getting credits we also pick up another minus 5% Peril generation modifier along the way to our combat ability which is going to be the shield I take the Dome variant of the shield and pick up Sanctuary to replenish more toughness while inside it I cannot stress how important the shield is in higher level content as it really allows you to take control of the battlefield plus with the sword that we're using it kind of makes you feel like trala from one piece when you use it after that we then complete the modifier Triforce by picking up our last minus 5% paril generation a plus 10% Health boost and a plus 5% critical chance boost then we head down the left tree to pick up poppet Master which isn't too important a plus 5% damage reduction than the main reason we're heading down this tree so solidity solidity is super important because we generate a lot of peril and fast so it makes sense we have something that can help us get rid of peril quickly when we want to but as you'll see with the sword that we're using we don't always want to do that finishing up we take warp Rider which helps us do more damage the more Peril we have a toughness boost and then finally empowered psionics the truly broken bit of this build as mentioned before this helps our surge staff do Insane damage because it counts as the Smite ability my guess is because all lightning damage is coded the same same but what do I know I'm not Game Dev after this we're going to be taking overpowering Souls which means we get empowered psionics on Elite kills and then charged up which means that we can have up to three stacks of empowered psionics with the talent tree out of the way let's have a look at the weapons we're using for this build for our melee weapon of choice we're going to be using the alysi mark 5 Blaze 4 sword this sword combined with unstable power and the slaughterer blessings is an absolute beast and I highly recommend you try it out using this build with this combination of blessings it means we can raise our Peril very high using our surge staff then switch to our swords to get a power buff which helps us kill enemies to start stacking slaughterer which gives us more of a power buff in theory we can give this sword a 60% power buff provided both of our blessings are at tier four and we have 100% Peril a pro tip for this sword is to pull it out when you've got very high Peril and then let it drop a little bit charge it up one more time and you should kind of maintain this 80% to 100% power level that we're looking for this can take some getting used to and result in some accidental suicidal moments but once you master this thing you'll be taking full advantage of one of the most powerful swords in the game in my opinion also if you want to just charge up the sword to Max Peril without using your staff just hit the charge button over and over again and give it a good old rub boy our range weapon of choice of course is going to be the surge staff nothing too special here as we're going to be using a very commonly known good blessing combo of both warp Nexus and warp flurry one is is really good for crits and the other helps us spam this thing faster than I can slap a man for wearing socks and sandals I'm not going to go into curios as you can pick what you like there depending on what you hate that rounds out this guide for this awesome surge pyer build so if you like this video then please do all the good YouTube things of liking the video and subscribing to my channel but from here I'm going to leave you with some gameplay footage just so you can see how this build has all come together remember to stay hydrated while purging Heretics of the emperor and enjoy this build this corre terminate the Gunner repel the hor Shi off take shelter I need sighting him please so bra come to me shall we do engaging critical Target the only answer for [Music] life is I hope this place made more sense to be side dropping off they have us at a disadvantage Amo Rel kill the hle engion ready stay behind me comrades safest place but I'm not in this life to stay clear why is so many do loed look around wouldn't you lock your door as well never it I fear that is true here also battle's going to blow neutralized SC gun this men station is of uity weeping B know the was so angry enemy in he is ConEd gun dead we have finished [Music] the is G us sniper there TRS neutralized coming our way Shield off take shelter bers needed well Ro them out to C that's the ranger J down good malicious mind taking cover ammo outstanding can also be a useful tool [Music] over this protocol engaged enemy SED coming cargo elevator is down look like we clear to proceed theator I re in the right The Inquisitor thinks of the war but theator thinks of get SL in she'll let you know [Applause] is get G getting dizy follow me H incoming a both get going to die like fighting dring sweet [Music] tet K colle this is a good day my fighting can't F your en en P nothing can I am too strong have inen fors of wheel you've been missing into those SES again you spark heads are very wise your many big words I li rer head already got a burst out not laughing now spting end for the Power Ranger I'm trying to help open be a problem now God this place is taking a [ __ ] Bing hasn't it Amo it's AIP is everyone should have an watching his bomber reported in B my down me H flamer dead is my round to fight with you L well here amoc crate isn't it reassuring to know that after death one service may continue so far so good let us hope that these serves have the cyer elimin don't like that it would be best if you stayed is dead attention data streamable 220 engaged kill the fell Prive protocols apply the interrogator refuses to work Rec system our as you are and neutralize an effici termination kill it the interrogator has crashed restart I can only imagine you attemped random inputs until it worked but it is now working weeping basion readying kill shot the interrogator the is dead is nearly process failure reapply this time pay more attention youing hell get back here t another of The Emperor's great works brought to ruin call us so you understand the tragedy rough neck TR Emperor is this this is what your ask is now is not a subject for discussion there is a right answer and an that SH damn it I'm down thanks ammo been empty a while yeah only been ruined at least a century or two but then again a Comm might only have been de too long no coming back [Applause] now dead m m station he creating B fire you are making good progress you losers send him to l Shield bra come to meting this is from behind I shoo shoo for doesn't take a psych to predict your end if [Applause] [Music] you let neutral where the hell did ammo go you only misuse it it's this way P Master P Master destroy it need some of this ammo big man protocol engag Precision fire underway fire is kill dly neutralized a fine you ask me you need to head down to Del 1 reting dead already dead down we'll get you back on your it out now no return if we continue eliminating Alpha Target tra eliminated you're making good time the ex V is not F it's blasting time engaging critical Target 66 to position snipers joh you are at the ex it open ATT switch you not really need to group up get on there I am here to assist do not let look conveyor the are somewhere in these open them out the not where are you going I can barely lift it get it loaded into the pneumatic fire Miss I have heard much the same said about you get clear of that Barrel this done enemy ining 33 coming elimin you vetan nice word Russ good big man break him all aart I deserve a me go big man go outstanding 3 [Applause] bullet just a little more Dr me open didn't say that in danger turn your tactics to remaining upright you've got the now get back first going to no afor this seems a serious injury requesting Aid requesting help aiming wrong moving to Blas
Channel: Briggso
Views: 27,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, Darktide, 40k, Video, Games, Build, Psyker, Patch 14, Empowered, Psionics, Shield
Id: ZUl36z9ia5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 17sec (1997 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2023
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